Global Migration: Immigrants, and Refuges

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The term “global migration” means that the movements of a person individually or

Immigration is when a person freely chooses to move. It might be temporary or

permanent. Immigrants often move to resettle as a family and to fulfill a job
“There are two basic types of migration”

1. Internal migration- this refers to a change of residence within national boundaries,

such as between states, provinces, cities or municipalities. An internal migrant is
someone who moves to a different administrative territory.

2. International Migration - this refers to change of residence our national

boundaries. An international migrant is someone who moves to a different country.
International migrants are further classified as legal immigrants, illegal
immigrants, and refuges

Legal Immigrants - are those who moved with the legal permission of the
Receiver nation.
Illegal Immigrants - are those who moved without legal permission.

Refuges - are those crossed an international boundary to escape persecution.

Four types of Migration

1. Internal Migration - moving within a state, country or continent.

2. External Migration - moving to a different state, country, or continent.

3. Emigration - leaving one country to move to another

4. Immigration - moving into a new country

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