Research Chapter One

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Background of the Study

Oryza sativa (Rice) has been a staple food of Filipinos since then. It is one of the

major crops produced in the country and also one of the primary sources of income for

the people as it comprises almost 5.4 Million hectares. Rice is wildly cultivated in the

Philippines, usually seen in its grass-like form, it takes 100-105 days for the farmers to

harvest the product. The grain of the rice undergoes a milling process in which the skin

will be separated from the rice kernel for easier consumption. Rice differ in many

varieties, the size, color and taste of which depends on it. Usually when ready for

harvesting, the skin turns yellow and will also harden as the kernel inside becomes


Soil, the biologically active, porous medium that has developed in the uppermost

layer of Earth’s crust. Soil is one of the principal substrata of life on Earth, serving as a

reservoir of water and nutrients, as a medium for the filtration and breakdown of

injurious wastes, and as a participant in the cycling of carbon and other elements

through the global ecosystem (Sposito et al., 2019). There are four types of soil; loamy

soil, sandy soil, silty soil and clay soil. Loamy soil is referred as an agricultural soil as it

includes an equilibrium of all three types of soil being sand, clay and silt and it also

contains humus. Sandy soil consists of weathered rock and is the poorest for growing

plants as it has the lowest nutrients. Silty soil is known to have much smaller particles

compared to sandy soil and is made up of rock and other mineral particles which are

smaller and quite fine quality of soil than holds water better than sand. Lastly, Clay soil

has the smallest particles, the particles in this soil are tightly packed together with each

other with very little or no airspace (BYJUS Learning app, 2019).

Water is a substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen

and existing in gaseous liquid and solid state. Water occurs as a liquid on the surface of

Earth under normal conditions, which makes it invaluable for transportation, for

recreation, and as a habitat for myriad of plants and animals (Zumdahl et al., 2019). Salt

water is water that contains high level of salt. Fresh water is any naturally occurring

water except seawater and brackish water. Chlorinated water is a type of water that

contains chlorine compounds.

The world has been changing constantly. Different substances have been mixed

with our natural soil and water and sometimes affects our crops especially rice. It’s a

global pandemic. In order to eliminate this dilemma, the researchers found a way to

solve it and that is, to analyse the response of Oryza sativa (Rice) growth on different

types of soil and conditions of water. Imagine planting Rice on your local backyard! We

chose to use this plant because we know its abundance and importance in our country.

Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to know the response of Oryza sativa (Rice)

growth in accordance with its soil type and water condition.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. How does the type of soil affect the growth of rice?

2. How does the type of water affect the growth of rice?

3. Which of the following treatments yielded the most the rice grown?

Treatment 1 = Loam soil + Freshwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 2 = Loam soil + Saltwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 3 = Loam soil + chlorinated water + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 4 = Clay soil + Freshwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 5 = Clay soil + Saltwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 6 = Clay soil + Chlorinated water + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 7 = Silt soil + Freshwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 8 = Silt soil + Saltwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 9 = Silt soil + Chlorinated water + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 10 = Sandy soil + Freshwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 11 = Sandy soil + Saltwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 12 = Sandy soil + Chlorinated Water + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Hypothesis of the Study

1. Ho1: There is no significant response of rice growth in accordance with soil type

and water condition. The following hypotheses were drawn from the problem:

2. Ha1: There is a significant response of rice growth in accordance with soil type

and water condition.

3. Ho2: There is no significant response in the growth of rice with type of soil.

4. Ha2: There is a significant response in the growth of rice with type of soil

5. Ho3: There is no significant response in the growth of rice with type of water.

6. Ha3: There is significant response in the growth of rice with type of water.
Significance of the Study

This study is conducted to test the response of Oryza sativa (Rice) growth in

accordance with soil type and water condition. The rich source of Oryza sativa (Rice) all

throughout the year in the whole country can be a huge help in the study.

The world has been changing constantly, different materials have been mixed

with ordinary soil to ensure the constant production of vegetables. Water is also a huge

victim of this factor. This study will be a big knowledge contributor for the farmers when

proven that indeed different soil types and water conditions can affect the production of

rice. Moreover, the results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

The Community -- The result of the study will help the community receive high quality

rice with a low cost with the right treatment added. This will also help increase rice yield

in a community.

The Farmers -- The data given will help farmers grow their rice and give them a better

understanding of it. This will help them develop effective techniques to grow their crops

and increase its quality.

The Manufacturers -- The outcome of this study will help manufacturers have lesser

production cost for rice products. Because this will help have less labor and increase

the effectiveness of chemical fertilizers due to healthy soil in the production of rice.

The Environment -- The result of this study will give a healthier environment where rice

is grown, because this will lessen the use of harmful chemicals on rice fields. This will
help create a well – balanced and rich biodiversity that is needed by the crops to be

healthy and prevent pest infestation.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study only focuses on the response of Oryza sativa (Rice) growth in

accordance with different soil type and water. This include the use of ordinary rice seed

as a variable in testing its capacity to produce rice.

This is limited only to determine which of the soil and water types are more

effective in the production of rice. The seeds that were used can be found and bought in

any seed growers. There are four types of soil used: Silt, Clay, Loam and Sand while

there are three types of water applied: Freshwater, Saltwater and Chlorinated water.

This observational study was conducted in a controlled environment, other variables

that are used in the study such as water and seed are of the same amount, same with

the sizes of the container for the containment of soil. This study does not focus on the

temperature and amount of sunlight the treatments will receive. This study presents 12


Treatment 1 = Loam soil + Freshwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 2 = Loam soil + Saltwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 3 = Loam soil + chlorinated water + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 4 = Clay soil + Freshwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 5 = Clay soil + Saltwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 6 = Clay soil + Chlorinated water + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 7 = Silt soil + Freshwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 8 = Silt soil + Saltwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 9 = Silt soil + Chlorinated water + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 10 = Sandy soil + Freshwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 11 = Sandy soil + Saltwater + 5 ordinary rice seeds

Treatment 12 = Sandy soil + Chlorinated Water + 5 ordinary rice seeds

This study had undergone thorough observation and analysis.

Definition of Terms

Substrata – A layer of something that is under another layer.

Pandemic – Occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting an exceptionally high

portion of the population.

Yield – To produce or provide something.

Reservoir – A place where liquid is stored.

Injurious – Causing injury.

Myriad – A very large number of things.

Kernel – A whole seed.

Porous – Having small holes that allow air or liquid to pass through.

Equilibrium – A state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.

Brackish – Somewhat salty.

Silty – Loose sedimentary material w/ rock particles.

Humus – The organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and

other material by soil microorganisms.

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