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Single Wing

The System begins with the 10 GAP numbering system. The snapper is assigned 2 numbers, 1
and 0. One is the left foot, and Zero is the right foot. The right side of the line is assigned
even numbers, and the left side assigned odd. The aiming point is the outside leg of the player.
(except snapper because both of his legs are tagged). Notice there is no #6 to the right side.
This is reserved for tackle over alignment in which case the #7 will align where the #5 is and
the left tackle becomes the #6 on the right side.

Unbalanced GOOD/GOD hole numbering

10 gaps-odd to the left, even to the right

All assignments and rules remain the same whether balanced or unbalanced. Only the tackle
obtains a new number in unbalanced formations. This gives us better ability to get a bigger
body on a defensive end.

Balanced GOOD/GOD hole numbering

The defenders will align and will be labeled using standard technique.

Defensive Front “Techniques”

When identifying the location of players in the defensive front, we describe them in terms of the
“technique” they’re playing. Understanding these different locations, or “techniques” is critical to
us for a number of reasons:
*It provides a very strong clue as to what gap a man is responsible for, as well as the defenders around him
*It determines for linemen, in many cases, what their first two steps will be and how they’ll go about doing their job
*Often, it determines which way we’ll “check” a play to insure the best chances of success!

“6” “4” “2” “0” “2” “4”“6”

*Special note: Defenders aligned in a
linebacker position have a “0” added as
“8” “8”
a second digit to their technique. For
example, a linebacker aligned 4-5 yds
deep over a guard would be called a
“20” technique, or a “Deep 2” “7” “4i” “1” “1” “4i” “7”

“9” “5” “3” “Shade

” “5” “9”
“0” Technique - Head up on the Center “4” Technique - Head up on a Tackle
“0 Cheat” or “Shade” - Aligned on one of C’s shoulders “5” Technique - Outside shoulder of tackle
“1” Technique - Inside shoulder of Guard “7” Technique - Inside shoulder of Tight End
“2” Technique - Head up on a Guard “6” Technique - Head up on a Tight End
“3” Technique - Outside shoulder of a Guard “9” Technique - Outside shoulder of a Tight End
“4i” Technique - Inside shoulder of Tackle “8” Technique - Head up on a Wing player
The Defensive gaps are labeled A-E beginning from the snapper and working out.

Gap Identification
Most all defenses base their schemes around the idea that they will defend “gaps,” or potential
holes between offensive linemen. Those “gaps” are labeled using letters, beginning with “A” and
working out in the following fashion:



“A” GAP - Between Center and Guard

“B” GAP - Between Guard and Tackle
“C” GAP - Between Tackle and Tight End
“D” GAP - Between Tight End and Wing
“E” GAP - Outside the Wing

The GOOD/GOD system applies to all Power, Counter and Traps. The hole tagged, reveals what
defender will be kicked out or trapped.

0/1 holes- kick out first defender past the A gap

2/3 holes- kick out the first defender past the B gap

4/5 holes- kick out the first defender past the C gap

8/7 holes- kick out the first defender past the D gap

The player who will be kicking out the defender depends on the blocking tag.

Power- Blocking back- #3 will kick out to the right side

Trap- Backside guard #3 lineman (even trap), #2 guard odd trap

Counter-Blocking back kicks out left side defender beyond gap called.

The play call will be built using a five column model.

An example would be Double 27 sweep thunder. Double is the formation, and the snapper
will snap to the 2 back who will carry to the 7 gap. The play will be blocked using sweep
scheme but the #2 guard will pull and execute the Thunder call. With this system the
playcaller can pinpoint which defender he wishes to attack and how he wishes to attack,
double team, trap or even sucker trap.

Applying the rules of the Calande GOOD/GOD system to the single wing.

RULE 1. If we run at you, YOU must be GOOD.

The playcall will indicate by the last number which lineman’s leg we will be
running at. 14 Power, 12 power. Each example the 1 back will receive the snap
and run to the outside leg of the appropriate lineman’s leg.

GOOD is an acronym for the “At” mans progression

• Inside Gap= G
• On= O
• Outside= O
• Down= D
Inside Gap Lineman’s inside foot points at the
defender’s face. Is the defender aligned
is such a way to threaten your inside
Man ON Defender who is on the line of
scrimmage (or within 2 yards) AND the
defender’s helmet is between the
lineman’s feet.
Outside Gap Lineman’s outside foot points at the
defender’s face. Is the defender aligned
is such a way to threaten your outside
DOWN When the defender is ON your inside
Covered A man ON or in his outside gap

The AT man or GOOD guy is who we want to be the designated Post Blocker so
the playcaller should take care to call plays to the covered lineman. This will
ensure the AT man can post up his defender with his helmet to the inside.

If a 4 is the AT man his rule will be GOOD. He will scan from inside out looking for his
blocking assignment. If no one is in his inside gap, he looks to see if there is someone on
him, if not, is there someone outside, if not, is there someone down. He must use this
progression and block the player who first meets the rule. If there is a defender in his
inside gap, and a defender outside, he must block the defender on his inside gap.

RULE 2: Anyone GOOD, has GOD INSIDE them.

The playcall indicates who the AT MAN is and everyone on the line who is inside
of the AT man, will have a rule of GOD. (The inside continues to the snapper).
GOD is an acronym for those inside the at man blocking progression.
• Inside GAP= G
• On= O
• Down= D
The definitions and progressions are the same for GOD as they are for GOOD

Inside Gap Lineman’s inside foot points at the

defender’s face. Is the defender aligned
is such a way to threaten your inside
Man ON Defender who is on the line of
scrimmage (or within 2 yards) AND the
defender’s helmet is between the
lineman’s feet.
DOWN When the defender is ON your inside
Covered A man ON or in his outside gap

RULE 3: The snapper will be included on the playside and his rule will always be MOMA
MOMA is an acronym for the snapper’s blocking progression
• Man ON= MO
• Man Away (outside gap) = MA
If the snapper has a defender both ON and Away he will make a Domino call.
(discussed inter)

RULE 4: The Defender directly outside of the AT man is the “KingPIN”

The Kingpin wants to seal the defense inside. If the GOOD buddy has posted his
defender then the kingpin forms the outside of the running double team. His rule
is GAP, Down, Backer. He will stay on the double team until the backer threatens
the hole vertically. If the At man is not covered then the Kingpin will have a
Backer rule and will release directly to the second level linebacker inside the At
RULE 5: THE FBI Always follows the KINGPIN
FBI is an acronym for first backer inside. Inside means inside the FBI blocker. The
AT man and or the Kingpin will be working the fist backer inside the At Man.

1. If we run at you, you must be GOOD. Your job is to post block a man on or in your outside
2. Anyone GOOD has GOD inside them.
3. AT Men always have a KINGPIN (blocks GDB) pinning the defender inside
4. The FBI Always follows the KINGPIN
5. We are kicking out the 1st man past the AT Mans outside gap
6. Backside Guard will always pull on power, counter and trap
7. Backside must cut off penetration on power, counter and trap
8. The backside guard kicks on trap
9. The blocking back kicks on power(right) and counter (left)
10.We only use GOOD/GOD on power, counter and trap.

Here are some examples of the GOOD/GOD system to attack the 3, 6 and 7 technique to
eliminate doubt and frustration. The defense is aligned in a 40 front and the defensive end
changes his alignment and assignment to various shades from D gap to C gap.

To kick him out call your 2 hole

trap and power. The kickout
blocker will kick out the first
defender outside of the AT
man’s outside gap. (Red
player). The AT man ( #2) and
his Gosh Darn Buddy (GDB)
(#4) will double the defender
on the AT man. The AT man
posting up, and the GDB forming the outside of the double team. The #6 will work up to the 1st
backer inside (FBI). We will pull only backside guard but max tag would tag tackle to pull.

If you want to double team

the defender, call 4 hole
power and trap. Now the At
man is his Gosh Darn Buddy
(GDB) form the double team.
In the single wing the wing
back becomes the FBI onto
the linebacker. Alternating
between the #2 and the #4
should frustrate the C/D
To go back to kicking him
out, call the 4 hole again.
Now the double team
works back to the
defensive tackle and the
defensive end remains
confused as he fights
double teams and traps an
entire game

Now the Defensive end is ready to blow through the double team only to find no resistance
and he falls on his face or he gets moved out of the hole by the kickout blocker.

The system allows for

the play caller to pick on
the defensive tackles
just as easy. If you want
to double team him, you
run right AT him. Call
the 2 hole power or
trap and the At am and
his Gosh Darn Buddy
will form a double team and the the tight end works to the linebacker (FBI). After he tires of
being double teamed on
every 2 hole the
playcaller calls a 0 trap.
0 is the right foot of the
snapper. The #2
becomes the Gosh Darn
Buddy and the
tackle will be FBI. 30
and 31 are very good
single wing plays which hit very quick. With backfield action and the direct snap to the
blocking back, defenses have a difficult time finding the ball until several yards have been

SWEEP blocking is to the 8 or the 7. Base way will be to reach one gap up. If uncovered, plan
on reach, ripping and running to the next level. If covered, plan on reaching and overtaking the
defender in the next gap up. A thunder call will tell the #2 guard to pull and lead the play to
the edge.
SEAM blocking will use GOO and GOD. Everyone from the AT man outside will block GOO.
Everyone inside the AT man will block GOD. The # 3 back leads between the GOO and the GOD
onto the linebacker.

The final analysis will be to have the snapper call the CORE defensive stucture at the line of
scrimmage. We will identify the core in the following manner:

The base alignment will be:

1. Snapper over the ball
2. Guards, horizontal split is 6 inches, and vertical split is toe to the snapper heal
3. Tackles, horizontal split is 6 inches and vertical split is even with guard’s feet
4. Right end will align 4 yards off the power tackle and be on the line in WR stance
with inside foot forward.
5. Left end, horizontal split is 6 inches, and vertical split is even with tackle’s feet
6. Tailback will be 4 yards deep aligned in the weak A gap
7. Fullback/QB will be 4.5 yards deep aligned in the strong A gap.
8. Blocking back will be 1 yard deep between the left guard and snapper in a 3 point
9. Wingback, horizontal split will be 1 yard from end man on the line and 1 yard
deep in a 2 point stance.

The numbering system for the players will be:

1. Left end 7
2. Left tackle 5,6
3. Left guard 3
4. Snapper 10
5. Right guard 2
6. Right tackle 4
7. Right end 8
8. Wingback 4
9. Blocking back 3
10.Fullback (QB) 2
11.Tailback 1
1. 14 power. This is a
straight power play in
which we want to
outnumber the defense
at the point of attack.
With 14 power the 4 will
be the AT man and post
up his man allowing the
power tackle to form the
outside of the double
team. The blocking back will anticipate the defender being shallow and taking a flat
angle to dig him out. The wing back will have the first linebacker inside of his alignment.
The backside guard has a very short pull and must get into the funnel quickly looking to
dig out the first player outside the hole. The snapper will stop penetration man on or
man away. The left end must prevent inside penetration. Key to a successful power play
is vertical movement on the double team and a violent kickout by the blocking back. The
tailback must catch without false stepping and explode to the outside leg of the inside
tackle. No cutting until he is through the line of scrimmage.

a. Make an under call for the wing back and he will come under the double team
and lead up through the hole like an isolation play.
b. Make an Edge call and it moves 14 power to 16 power. The wing will crack down
on the Defensive end and the kickout will be outside the C gap. The right end (#8)
will become FBI. The back aims for the outside leg of the power tackle.
c. Make a BULL Call Test to see if 143 counter is open. Run 14 power BULL . The 4
back will now fake taking the 143 reverse and the #2 back will be have LB
d. Make X Call Tells
Backside guard to stay,
Frontside guard to pull,
and the inside tackle to
block MOMA.
2. 14 trap. This is a way to kick out the DE. We will get a double team on the defensive
tackle and the 4 back will
work up to the linebacker
inside. The #3 back has a
good angle leading
through to the 2nd
outside defender. If a
keybreak is needed,
(unlikely), send the #3
back wrong. Also, this can
be run from double
formation to set up a
weakside pin and pull
3. Buck 214 trap. The #2 back
must catch, set, show, snap
and sell. We are not going to
read the play so the #2 back
must “sell” the fact we are.
He must make it appear he
has the ball every time there
is a mesh. The 1 will follow
behind the pulling guard.
Vertical push on the double
team is a must. To slow
down the backside
unblocked defensive end/OLB
the 2 back should put his eyes
on him during the mesh

4. Spinner 24 power. The

Spinner can be very deceptive
but much care must be taken
to teach the mesh and the #2
back steps. This cannot be
rushed and must be perfect.
The installation is described in the coaching points. The 4 back will go in slow motion at
the motion sound and will accelerate after the snap to a spot directly behind the #2
back. The #1 back will bucket step and raise his left arm and clamp down as he taking
one more step before taking sweep path. The mesh should look like 3 backs in a line. If
the Mesh is not perfect the middle linebacker will read the play and make the tackle.
The base formation for spinner will be with the blocking back in strong formation. The 1
back and the 4 back must carry out the fakes if they are not receiving the ball.

5. Rocket 24 trap. To take

advantage again of
linebackers too anxious to
protect the edge we will run
rocket 14trap. Rocket is run
from the JET formation and
the 1 back will go in rocket
motion and form the mesh
behind the playside guard.
This is a spread to run
formation. Again, the mesh
must be executed perfectly to
make it appear the 1 back has the ball on the Jet Sweep
6. 24 seam This is a fast hitting
isolation play. From the AT
Man to the outside the rule
will be (GOO) inside gap, on
and then outside (GOO).
Everyone inside the AT MAN
will block GOD. The 1 and 4
back will fake 143 counter.
The 2 back will take the snap
and follow the 3 back
between the guard and inside
7. Laser Larry 20 power The Larry
tag tells the #3 back to align
behind the left guard 1 yard
deep. The 2 back must make a
good mesh and not be in a hurry
to get to the hole. After catching
the snap he will execute his
normal laser rules and shuffle
with the motion. Taking care to
set, show, snap and sell. We will
not read this so the 2 back will
be shooting through the wide A
gap hole created by the cross block action of the guard and the #3 back.
8. Laser larry 30 trap. Larry tells
the 3 back to align on the
left cheated closer to the
snapper. He will receive the
snap and count 1 while the
guard pulls shallow to trap
the A gap player. Behind him
the mesh is taking place so
he must take care as not to
stand tall and draw attention
away from the mesh.
9. 18 sweep: The offensive line
will zone block right. The #4
back will perform a slam and
slide on the defensive end on
or outside the power tackle
and work his way to the
linebacker inside. Also, we
will run this as a pin and pull
scheme by adding a Thunder
Call. This tells the playside
guard to pull to the outside
and wrap around the pin
being made by the power
tackle. The #2 back on the
Thunder tag now as A gap
responsibility and will run
through to attact
10.Spinner 18 sweep
Thunder. All blocking
remains the same for the
Thunder tag and the
Spinner steps for the
1,2,3,4 remain identical.
The #1 back needs to trust
his speed to get to the
edge before looking for a
cut up lane.
11.Rocket 18 Sweep Thunder
The Jet Series allows the 1
back to get a full speed
head start to the edge.
The QB is responsible for
selling the mesh and not
slowing down the back.
This play is not being read,
by the 2 back should
eyeball the middle
linebacker during the sell
to keep him from running
with the jet motion
12.31 trap is designed to take
advantage of the
aggressive defensive
tackles and fast flowing
linebackers. The ball will
be snapped to the blocking
back who must wait one count and then follow behind the pulling guard. A variety of
backfield actions will be run with this. Spinner motion is very effective as is the JET
Spread formation. Run the trap to the 3 technique side

13.Spinner 21 Trap can be used to attack the aggressive defensive tackles and linebackers
both edges
and then
the pressure.
The spin of
the 2 back
will give the
needed for
the guard to
get out and
take short angle upfield to dig out the defensive tackle
Spinner 21 Trap nothing changes from our base 1 hole trap play. The 1 is the left leg of
the snapper so that is front side. The guard will be his gosh darn buddy and will have
GDB. The left end is now FBI and we will trap the defensive tackle. The Defensive
end/OLB is unblocked. If the mesh is good he should be coming upfield looking to tackle
the #4. We will run under him. We will also snap directly to the #3 back and run Spinner
31 trap.
14. Rocket 21 trap:
from the Jet
formation send
the 1 in rocket
motion. The 2
back is not
reading the play
but must use the
set, show, snap
and sell to open
the A gap “cutback” lane we are trying to take advantage of.

15.23 counter is a designed to

take advantage of the
reactive MIKE on the 1 back
action. With 23 counter we
will snap to the 2 back and
he is going to let the 1 cross
his face and take two moving
steps getting on his outside
hip, then plant the outside
foot and arrow behind his
guard. To dress it up and
give the defense more to
digest we will run this with a
fake 143 counter being run
under and the 2 back will use
the 4 as a lead blocker. Also,
run from Double formation
aligning the #3 back 1x1 over
the left end in unbalanced,
which should move the
outside linebacker. #3
blocking back must take care
to identify 1st linebacker
inside depending on the formation he is in.

16.Buck 23 Counter Buck 23 is

the same way to double
the defensive tackle and
kick out the defensive
end/OLB. The 1 and 2 back
must make a good and
proper mesh.
17.Double 23 Counter G will
move the 3 back to a 1x1
left wing position. He is
now FBI and the backside
guard will be kicking out
the first player beyond
the B gap.
18.143 counter. This play
requires a handoff from
the 1back. A 5 technique
getting too far upfield
combined with a MLB
chasing the #1 back sets
up for positive yardage.
The #3 back will be the
FBI blocker and the
backside guard will kick
out first defender past
the B gap. IF need too,
cheat the left end out a
few yards and see if the
OLB will move out some
as well. If we need an
additional blocker we will
tag the play “lead” and
the #2 back will shuffle
left with the 1 before
aiming at the outside leg
of the left guard and
looking for outside
19. Flash 143 counter: Flash
is the spin series without
the 4 back going in
motion. He must cheat back 1 yard on the Flash in order to have the correct angle of
attack to the left leg of the left guard. Again, this will be run from Double formation as
20. Double Flash 143 counter
G By placing the 3 back in
double he has a better
angle on the linebacker and
the pulling guard will now
G block and kick out first
man beyond the B gap.
21.Rocket 143 Counter. To
catch linebackers flowing
too quickly to the jet
motion we will run Rocket
143 counter. Here the 1
back will catch, show,
snap, and sell as normal
but now will take step back
to the #4 back who will
take the inside handoff and
follow his guard. Since it is
a counter, the #3 back will
kick the first player beyond
the B gap. #2 guard will
22.Laser Larry 247 Sweep The
4 back must trust his speed
and get to the edge. The 1
back will crack back inside
and the #3 back will lead
out to the corner. covered
lineman must reach and
overtake the defender
above them. Uncovered
must reach rip and run to
the second level.
23.Double 27 sweep
thunder. If the defense
lacks overall team speed
or inside blitzing we can
run short side sweep.
Sweep blocking with the
thunder tag should allow
us to outnumber the
edge. If the tight end
cannot reach the end
player he will call
dynamite to alert the #3
back to slam down and
then slide up to the linebacker. We must get penetration stopped from the edge player
first. Do not allow him to spill the play.
24.Double Buck 247 sweep
Here we are trying to
draw the defense into
the compression, pin
them inside, then let
speed of the 4 back run
to the edge. The 2 back
will take the snap, and
will set, show, snap and
sell to the 2 back. He will
then boot out and make
an outside handoff to the
4 back who will run to
the edge

The single wing passing

game protections.

1. The “10” protection

will be a half slide
weak, with BOB to
the strong side. The
#1 back has B gap responsibility
2. Naked is gap protection leaving the strong side defensive end unblocked. The #2 guard
will peal back
picking up end
man on the
3. 20 is also a
weakside slide
protection where
the #3 back and
the #1 back swap
from the 10


1. SNAG . The dynamic of

the route is to strike the
corner while he is peaking
into the backfield. The
middle receiver will run a
“nod” corner route . He
wants to drive hard up
the seam for sevens
strides. He cannot get
collisoned by the
linebacker. At the 7th step
he will drive one step to the inside and plant the inside foot and sprint to the corner.
He should be aiming to
run out of bounds at 20
yards. The outside
receiver will drive hard to
the inside aiming to get
between the 2nd and 3rd
inside players. He wants
to run away from the
middle linebacker once he
has planted. The inside
receiver will look to cross the line about 3 yards outside the tackle and run out of
bounds at 4 yards. In rocket 20 SNAG the 1 back will become the flat receiver and the
#3 back will have B gap responsibility. Buck 10 Snag, Rocket 20 Snag
2. Dragon The dynamic of the
Dragon concept is to fill the
void left by the retreating
corner. The outside receiver
will run a Go fade by
releasing outside and
getting to the numbers. The
middle receiver will run a
whip route at 5 yards. The
inside receiver will run a
“dragon route” under the
1st linebacker and climb
over the next one looking to
get to 15 yards. Will run this
from 10 protection and
naked protection. In the
naked version the 1 back
will look to cross the line 3
yards outside the tackle and
run out of bounds at 4
yards. Regardless of the
formation, the assignments
for the rereeivers receivers
will remain the same. If we
run from jet, then the #1 will
make a smoke screen fake.
Buck 10 Dragon, Naked
Dragon and jet Dragon

3. Vertical. This is an
adjustment off Dragon. If
the safety or linebacker is
coming down on the Dragon
route we can call Vertical.
This has the same set up as
dragon but the outside
receiver will run a hard slant
for seven steps, hesitate,
and then scream up the
seam. If the safety has
rotated to far on the corner
or stayed too flat on the
dragon, then the seam
should be able to run right
past him. If this is run from
the Jet formation, the #1
back will fake the smoke
screen left. Buck 10
Vertical, JET 10 Vertical
4. Curl. This concept is to
attack a safety that is
getting too close to the
line and getting involved in
the spin game. The outside
reviver will run a 10 stride
comeback curl. The inside
is going to run a seam
read. If the safety stays in
the middle he will convert
the route to a dig. The
running back needs to get
width fast to draw the flat
defender and create a
bigger window for the curl
if the seam is capped.

5. DIG The dynamic of the

DIG is to create a high low
stretch on the safety. To
do this we will run the
outside receiver on a post
and the middle receiver
on a dig. The inside
receiver will run a shallow
in front of the linebackers
to keep them from
drifting back into the dig.
If in Jet, the #2 will runs a
smoke screen fake. Jet 10
DIG. Buck 10 Dig.
Screen Game- We will run a smoke screen left, and a bubble screen right. Each will have a
complimentary screen and go complimentary play. Also we will run Naked Dragon and throw
screen pass to the #4 back.

1. Jet Smoke The #2 back will take two steps forward with head down before retreating
back and showing his numbers to the passer. He will catch and get upfield. No juking
allowed. The tight end will come flat down the line and not turn up field until he reaches
the area of the #2 back so as not to whiff on the block.

2. Jet Smoke/GO The identical play as Jet Smoke but the tight end will turn upfield after
he has made fake block on the defender

3. Jet Bubble. The 4 back will use ice-skater technique and get behind the split end to
catch and get outside.
4. Jet Bubble and Go. This is the same play but the split end will hesitate after engaging
the defender then, explode upfield away from the safety.

5. Naked Dragon 4 This is Naked Dragon but after run blocking the center and #3 guard
will sprint to the outside and outflank the defenders to create a wall. The Dragon route
will convert to a stalk block on the safety. The #2 guard and the #3 back will lead up the
alley outside the wall. All other assignments remain the same.
Start without a ball and perfect the Fullback's footwork. The Fullback will want to
keep his elbows out, or try and lift the ball up, it's natural, don't allow. Add the Tailback
to the Fullback once the footwork is perfected. As the Fullback takes his initial step
forward, the Tailback takes a step to his right and rubs just off the hip of the Fullback
trying to gain immediate depth. The Tailback will over fake taking a handoff from the
Fullback and bow to his right in a deep 18 Sweep fake going full speed. Set a pylon as a
marker at 6 yards directly behind the Power Tackle area to give the Tailback an idea of
how deep you want him to run.

Next add in the Wingback. The wing must go in motion to the left slowly and
come just inside the Tailback, (at the Fullback's right hip) as the Fullback spins towards
the line of scrimmage and completes the spin. The Wingback’s motion is very slow, you
want him at about the Right Tackle when he hears "go", then he sprints to his aiming
point and then to the 7-Hole. The Wingback must over fake the exchange between him
and the Fullback, with the Wing having his left arm down while faking a clamp down on
the imaginary ball. The Wingback carries out his sweep to the left. We walk this, then
jog it, then run it. Once the wingback motion is down we will add a ball without doing a
Center snap. The next step is to add the Center snap. Install Spinner 24 Power first.

Wing: The Cadence is On the line, On the line "Shift, Down, Ready,(pause) Set, Go". The
wing’s slow motion begins on "R" of "Ready", accelerates on the "G" of"Go". He gains
depth and aims to the heel of the Fullback.

FB: He receives the snap and tucks the elbows to his ribs and the belt line and takes a
full left foot stride toward the line of scrimmage landing at 10:00.
The left heal raises and becomes a pivot while the right foot makes a full stride toward
the line of scrimmage aiming to land at 9:00. This will place the fullback with his back to
the line of scrimmage. His right heal will now raise and become a pivot.
The left foot will now swing around his body rotating on the right foot pivot
and land at 2:00. He does no ball fakes, the backs will "over-fake" taking handoffs.
When running spinner 218 the fullback will not plant at 2:00 on his final step but rotate
all the way to 11:00 and run a weakside option fake with the 4 back
TB: He steps to the right at 5:00 throws his left arm in the air and fakes getting a handoff
from the Fullback. He takes a very wide sweep right angle to allow the wing to pass just
inside of him. He dips the inside shoulder and rocks cradle down field 20 yards.

Wing: At "Go" he allows the Tailback to go outside of him and fakes an outside handoff
path to Fullback trying to mesh as close as he can with Tailback and Fullback. On the

Flash tag alerts the wingback to cheat back one yard and not go in motion. All other spin
rules apply. On 143 He will take a path between the fullback and the line of scrimmage
taking the handoff with his left a
arm up.


The quarterback and the tailback must work together to perfect the buck series.
In all Buck plays the #2 back will receive the snap and must execute the proper set,
show, snap and sell technique.
Once the #2 back receives the snap he will:

SET the ball with both hands around the fat of the ball and begin to take a full stride
toward the line of scrimmage with his left foot looking to land at 9:00. As his left foot is
striding he will begin to extend his elbows out to

SHOW the ball to the running back. The QB is aiming for a spot above his belly button.
As the running back begins to clamp down on the ball the right foot of the #2 back is
moving a full stride toward the line of scrimmage looking to land at 1:00. As the
running back passes the #2 back, the #2 back will

SNAP his head in the direction of the running back while his front arm is extended to

SELL the running back has the ball.

On a keep, the #2back will step with his left foot and show the ball. Right before the
running back gets to him, he will remove the belly side hand while holding the ball and
pin it to his hip/groin pocket. His front hand will remain in the runningback ball pocket.
As the running back passes he will snap and sell the run. He then returns his sell hand
back to the fat part of the ball and either boots, sweeps or runs.

On a give, the steps are the same except the belly hand will be removed without the
ball. The #2 back will allow the running back to clamp down on the ball and he will snap
and sell as normal. He will return his now empty hand to the fat part of the imaginary
ball he has pinned to his hip/groin pocket and either boots, sweeps or runs.


The Jet Series.

With the JET we will split the #1 back out to the left side. The base will be 2 yards off the
line and 5 yards from the end man on the line of scrimmage. We can widen him with a
tag, or squeeze him with a tag as well. The #2 back will align directly behind the snapper
at 4 yards deep in a low 2 point stance. The 3 back will maintain his base position. The
wing back, #4, will flex out 5 yards from the end man, and 2 yards off the line. The right
end will split 7 yards off the wing back and be on the line of scrimmage.

To send the #1 in Jet motion we will call i rocket. His motion will go from the left to the
right. He needs to be at 7/8 speed at the time he takes the handoff. He will go in motion
on the R of Ready. Timing is crucial and we want him nearly taking the snap in the air.
The 2 back cannot slow down the motion. The motion back landmark is to be at the
right end at the time the ball is snapped. If he is getting to the spot too quick, he needs
to adjust his speed. The signal caller is not to slow down or speed his up his cadence.

To send the #4 back in motion we will call laser. He will go from the right to the left in
jet motion. He too will leave at the R of ready and get to 7/8 speed at the time he takes
the snap. The left side motion is going to landmark to be at the right tackle at the time
the ball is snapped. He too needs to adjust, not the signal caller.


BACK 0 2 4 6 8
1 14 power 14 power edge 18 sweep
Double 14 trap 18 sweep thunder
Double Buck 214 trap Spinner 18 sweep thunder
Buck 214 trap Rocket 18 sweep thunder

2 Laser Larry 20 power 22 seam Spinner 24

Rocket 24 Trap
Laser Larry 24 Power
24 Seam

3 Laser Larry 30 trap

BACK 1 3 7

2 Spinner 21 trap 23 counter Laser larry 247 sweep

Rocket 21 trap 23 counter bull Double 27 sweep thunder
Buck 23 counter
Double Buck 23 counter

3 31 trap

4 143 counter
Flash 243 counter
Double flash 243 G
Rocket 243 Counter
Slug Scheme:

The Slug scheme is used when the offensive

tackle is uncovered and the linebacker is
inside the box. We teach our covered player
to take a "SIide Step" which is a lateral step.
The length of the step will depend up on the
alignment of 1he down defender. We tell the
covered player his aiming point is the play
side number, so we need to slide step to get
our eyes on the play side number and fit our
eyebrows on the play side number. 2nd step
again is to the crotch of the defender and
hands inside on the down defender. Again,
we can displace the down defender for width
or work a vertical push to 2nd level. The
uncovered lineman will take a 45'-degree
step with the aiming point 1he backside number. We want this player to assume he will be
overtaking the block, but do not: chase the number. If 1he number disappears we stay on our
track for 2nd level defender

Swap Scheme:

The swap scheme is used when the offensive

tackle is uncovered and the end man has 6 or
7Technique and there is a backer or safety
aligned outside the box. End man will step
with his inside foot and get his eyebrows on
play side number. This is not a traditional
down block. We want the end man to try and
keep his shoulders more square to the line of
scrimmage and work the defender vertical. If
he was to lose the man, it can only be inside.
We do not want the defender to work over
the top of the block and get into pursuit. The
offensive tackle will skip pull, which allows
the tackle to get some depth and stay square to the line of scrimmage and keep his eyes downfield
finding the force player. The skip pull has the tackle stepping with his inside foot first. We drop step
the inside foot back and directly behind the tackle. The 2nd step is a bucket step to gain width and
depth and push off the backside foot to a crossover step for the third step. Eyes must be down field
finding the forte player.



End man and wing will combo block the

defensive end to secure the edge and work to
first linebacker inside. End Man will use the
same technique as If he was going to reach the
defensive end. Wing is going to fit his inside
shoulder into the ribs of the defensive end with
his head up looking for scrape linebacker.


End man and wing will have a gap scheme

using the same technique we have
discussed on all pin

Blocks trying to stay square and fitting

eyebrows on play side number. Tackle will
skip pull for force player.
This is our base set:




On our weak side counter sweep, the FB spins and hands tot he WB (the TB fakes around the strong end). The TE &
QG cross block and log/pin the DE. From the backside the SG, BB< and OT pull around the weak side and lead the

Once we went all SW, it was mostly power and spin series, although we did mess with some unbalanced spread stuff.

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