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25 Years in Skokie! 152 Years Serving Chicagoland!


JULY / AUGUST / 2019
Stay Updated on Facebook @KesserMaariv Twitter @Kesser Maariv Shiurim at áñØã
Tisha B’Av
The fast to commemorate the destruction of the first and
High Holidays 5780 & Membership Information
second Bait Hamikdash begins on Saturday evening We recite Selichot on Saturday evening, September 21st.
August 10th. Because Erev Tisha B’Av is Shabbat, not Please join us for refreshments at 10:00 pm, a shiur at
all of the usual laws apply; for example, the meal before 10:40 pm, and Selichot at 11:00 pm.
the fast may be meat, since the meal is on Shabbat. To Rosh Hashana begins Sunday night,
allow people to eat the final meal as late in the day as September 29th.
possible, we will daven Mincha on Shabbat, August 10th Membership Information
at 5:00 pm (please note we will not serve seudat shlishit Lulav Order Form
in Shul). You should finish your pre-fast meal no later KM New Year Greeting
than 7:50 pm. We will daven Maariv and read Eicha at Form are all inside!!!
9:10 pm after Shabbat is over so families may drive.
However, we do not make a regular Havdala; we cannot
drink so we say “Baruch hamavdil bein kodesh lechol.” We do not get up to sit on regular chairs until after mid-
On Tisha B’Av we observe the chameshet day, which is at 12:56.
inuyim, which are the same five prohibitions that are Mincha will begin at 7:30 pm. We put on the Tallit and
observed on Yom Kippur for the entire Tisha B’av. The Tefillin and recite those sections of the davening that were
prohibitions include: no eating or drinking, no omitted in the morning. We also take out the Torah and
annointing, no wearing leather shoes, no bathing or read a Haftarah.
washing even part of your body, or past the knucles, and Maariv will begin at 8:15 pm and will be followed by
no marital relations. As an additional sign of mourning, Kiddush Levanah, the sanctification of the moon.
we do not exchange greetings, engage in levity or The fast will end at 8:40 pm.
On the merit of our sincere prayers and mourning
transact business. We also are not permitted to learn
for Jerusalem and for the destruction of the Bait
joyous passages of Torah. Instead we learn those
Hamikdash, may the Almighty hear our prayers. May He
passages from the Talmud in Gittin or Moed Kattan that have mercy on us and send the Mashiach to redeem us from
deal with the destruction of the Temple or laws of the four corners of the earth to a rebuilt Eretz Yisrael and
mourning. We may also learn those sections from the Bait Hamikdash.
Nach dealing with the destruction of the Temple Annual Meeting
provided that we skip those sections that speak of Our Annual Meeting to discuss the past year and to
redemption. vote on the new slate of officers and directors will take
place on Tuesday August 27 at 6:45 pm.
SHABBAT AUGUST 10, 2019 Mincha at 5:00 pm. As the summer continues we daven Mincha every Friday at
Finish your pre-fast meal by 7:50 pm. 7:00 pm. If you will be starting Shabbat early with us, light
After Shabbat, do not make havdala. Say “Baruch candles at about 7:25 pm, and repeat Kriat Sh'ma after
Hamavdil Bein Kodesh L’Chol” and you may drive to shul nightfall.
for Maariv & Eicha at 9:10 pm. At this time we will
remove the parochet from the Ark, dim the lights and sit on Rabbi Juzint’s Nechamas Meyer & Chain of Miracles
the ground or low stools or benches. Eicha and the evening Get authentic Slabodka Mussar explanations on the weekly
Kinot will be read. Parsha (Breishis & Shemos) by Rabbi Meyer Juzint z”l, a
SUNDAY August 11, 2019 teacher of Rabbi Louis Lazovsky and a friend of Kesser
Shacharit will begin at 8:00 am. There is Torah reading Maariv! Purchase from the office and on our website for
and a Haftarah. As a sign of mourning, we do not don the $25. The introduction is a special companion to The Chain
Tallit or Tefillin until the afternoon. At the conclusion of of Miracles, also available from the office for $20, which
davening, we recite the entire Kinot service. Rabbis Louis describes how Rabbi Juzint was saved by Divine
& Ben Zion Lazovsky will give commentary on the Kinnot.
Providence many times during the Holocaust. name included.
Partners in Torah Lulav and Etrog Sets
Kesser Maariv is proud to host “Partners” on Mondays The shul will once again sell top quality Lulav sets
from 8-9:00pm. Men and women are invited to come learn from Israel. Please order your set from the office
Torah with a partner, and hear short inspirational remarks by October 4th. Cost per set is $50 for members or
at the end. Refreshments are served. Questions? Contact $55 for non-members Upgraded sets available.
Jeff Greenspan or Dovid Sukenik at Please call Rabbi Benzie at (847) 679-9800 or email . Sets will be
Skokie First Responders Kiddush available for pick-up after Yom Kippur. Order
Members of the Fire and Form is later in this newsletter.
Police Departments will Shabbat Shuva Shiur
join us on August 3rd at a On Shabbat October 5th Rabbi Louis Lazovsky will deliver
Kiddush honoring our his annual special Shabbat Shuva shiur in lieu of the
First Responders. Last Shabbat afternoon class at 4:25 pm.
year about 15 Hakafot on Simchat Torah
firefigh t e r s , police Hakafot will be held on Monday evening and Tuesday
officers and detectives morning, October 21st and 22nd.
joined us! If you would like to sponsor, Yizkor
please contact the office or Barbara We recite Yizkor on Yom Kippur, Wednesday, October 9th
Pomper at (847) 256-1198, or the office. at about 11:30 am, and on Shmini Atzeret, Monday October
New Year Greetings 21st at about 10:30 am.
Be part of the Kesser Maariv Family's For information about ordering Yahrzeit plaques, please
New Year greeting card. For only $26, call the office at (847) 679-9800.
your name will be included on a poster Stop By the Shul to...
in the Shul's front lobby. It's a great way •Pick up a Kesser Maariv Pushke (Tzedaka Box). Pushkes
to extend your good wishes! Call Sheryl are available from the office during the week.
Greenstein at (847) 967-7408 or email •Borrow books from our Lending Library, located on the by Sunday, September 22nd to have your south side of the Social Hall (for members only).
•Borrow Shiurim from the Tape Lending Library
•Study from books in the Malamud Reference Library and
Congregation B.H.H. Kesser Maariv A.L. the Max Katz Memorial Library.
4341 W. Golf E-mail List
To receive our emails, please send an e-mail to
Skokie, IL 60076 indicating that you wish to be placed
(847) 679-9800 on the e-mail list. We are happy to have more than one e-
fax (847) 679-5041 mail address per family.
e-mail: Parsha Podcasts / Social Media Rabbi Louis Lazovsky's morning Vorts on the Parsha are
available as podcasts at (a
Rabbi Louis A. Lazovsky link is on our homepage,
Steven D. Goldrich, President
Facebook: Maariv Twitter: @KesserMaariv
Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky,
Associate Rabbi & Executive Director Misheberach List
Sandy Miretzky, Nasrin Kheradyar & Saretta Lazovsky, If you have names for a misheberach, please send them to
Co-Presidents, Adele Goldblum Women’s Council the shul office or e-mail to
Committee Contact Information: Happy Day Cards & Standings
Beautiful All-Occasion Cards (designed by Wendy Hartz
Happy Day Cards Saretta Lazovsky
z“l) are available for purchase from the office for $1.50
(847) 676-0556 or each or 13 cards for $18. If you would like us to send a
Chesed Fund Anne Elovic (847) 673-2904 card for you for $2, or join the standings, please contact the
office at (847) 679-9800.
Donate Books & Siddurim Office PAST EVENTS
(847) 679-9800 or Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik’s Hagaddah Shiur.
Endowment Rabbi Louis Lazovsky Hagalas Keilim (and Tzitzit tying) before Pesach. Thanks
to Alan Herbach & Rabbi Benzie for this helpful service.
Kiddush & Seudat Shlisheet Judy Whisler Pesach Project - thanks to all who bought food for families
Membership 8/677-2281 in need.
Sensory Walk at Emily Oaks Nature Center for children Mazal Tov to: Susan Schreck Greer on the marriage of her
during Chol Hamoed Pesach. daughter Rochel...Rabbi Arthur & Pearl
Graduation & Yom Haatzmaut Cohen on the marriage of their grandson and
Luncheon - a lovely Kiddush Luncheon engagement of their granddaughter...Ann
took place on June 1 honoring this year’s Lavon, and Aron & Rachel Lavon on the Bat
graduates. Mitzvah of their granddaughter Yehudis
Shavuot Mishmar and Women's Lavon...Sanford & Shelley Schwartz on their
Mishmar. Dr. Steve Steinberg spoke on 60th wedding anniversary...Lora & Larry
"The Transition of Brit Sinai to Brit Shlosh Frazin on the birth of a grandson, Eitan
Esray." Rabbi Louis taught the Book of Chaim Frazin...Cookie Goldrich on the birth
Ruth; Rabbi Benzie spoke on “Vegetarianism and of a great-granddaughter, Nava Bella Orloff....Dr. Ed &
Halacha;" and Rabbi Eli discussed The Return of Zachary Lisa Kaplan on their marriage.... Barbara & Howard
Baumel’ Remains: New Perspectives on Redeeming Pomper on the birth of a great-grandson, Yehoshua Aryeh
Captives.” Thank you to Marty and Sandy Miretzky for the Pomper...Dan & Faith Harris and Rabbi Moshe & Debora
delicious food for the Mishmar break.... Soloveichik on the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Ella
Upcoming Events Mazal Tov to our Graduates! Thanks to the following
Summer Bonfire will be on Monday, July 8 at 7:15 pm at families for sponsoring: Pomper, Zartesky, Schiller, Harris,
Emily Oaks Nature Center, 4650 Brummel in Skokie. Busch, Herbach, Cookie Goldrich, Fensterheim,
Musician Miriam Brousseau will entertain. For more Pressburger, Weinger and Gabay families.
details or in case of inclement weather, please contact Thank you to the following families for sponsoring in
Saretta. honor of Yom Yerushalayim: Sally Aaron; Allswang;
The upcoming Women’s Seudot Shlisheet will be held on Goldrich, Greenstein, Kahn, L & S Lazovsky, Miretzky,
Shabbat July 20th and August 3rd. Schur, Schwartz and Whisler families.
Serve Dinner at Café Ark on July 10th and August 7th. Refua Shleima to: Harold Ruben, Floyd Ruben, Lisa
Please contact Cookie Goldrich at (847) 673-8149 to Solomon, Bella Perlman, Alvin J. Goodman, Alan Slodki.
participate. Condolences to: Gene Cherny on the loss of his father,
Past Events Simon...Luba Schwartz on the loss of her sister...Ruben
Megan Bolotin spoke on “The Intersection of Psychology Arciniega on the loss of his sister...Ann Herbach on the loss
and Fashion: Why This Matters and Why You Should be of her mother.
Interested.” Return of Zachary Baumel’s remains -Rabbi Benzie-
April Women's Seudat Shlisheet. Anne Elovic discussed
“Insights from the AIPAC conference.” Rent the Shul for Your Simcha
May Women's Seudat Shlisheet featured speaker Dr. For information
Shira Roth, Chair, English Department at TI, on “The regarding renting the
Jewish Perspective on Racism and Anti-Semitism.” Social Hall for your
June Women's Seudat Shlisheet featured speaker Patti event, please call Ben
Ray, Hillel Director Emirita at Loyola, who discussed “The Zion Lazovsky at the
Changing Landscape of College Campuses for Jewish Shul office at (847)
Students.” 679-9800. Also, book
Shavuot Mitzvah Plants were delivered to residents of the you child’s Bar/Bat
Robineau and Lieberman and to ARK clients. Thanks to Mitzvah in the Shul
coordinators Brenda Kahn and Natalie Meerovich. calendar! Contact Judy Whisler at
Thanks to our Kiddush Sponsors: Lazovsky Family; Dear Ben Zion,
Miretzky Family; Sanford & Shelley Schwartz; Nasrin Last Satuday nite into the AM hours I sat studying and
Kheradyar; Jeff & Mila Zaretsky; Wishner family; Lora & reading your latest Shul bulletin containing pages for Pesach
Larry Frazin; Steve & Susan Goldrich; Howard Goldrich; preparations and Pesach observance. It is so hard to find the
Natalie & Oleg Meerovich; Joel and Gail Scher; Yisrael words to tell you how intelligent, thorough, wonderfully
Ebert; Rabbi Arthur & Pearl Cohen, Lowenstein Family; written your coverage for the work to be done. You covered
every detail to make Yom Tov truly correct in every aspect.
and anonymous sponsors.
Your tips are brilliant and so good and written to be
Thanks to our Seudat Shlisheet Sponsors: Lazovsky
understood, clearly and in plain English. You should be proud
Family; Wishner family; Floyd Ruben; Beth Gottesman;
of yourself. It must have taken many hours to get that job
Pam Steinberg; Sandy Miretzky; Dan & Faith Harris; and composed and down pat and complete. ...Now the BIG
anonymous sponsors. challenge is up to us to be successful to do it all. ... May you
have a long life, good health and happiness. Sincerely.....
DVAR TORAH In the morning we read the Kinot services, which recount
THE THREE WEEKS AND THE NINE DAYS the sorrow and suffering of the Jewish people throughout
“Bain Ha’metzariim - Between the Narrows,” is how our the ages. It is primarily a day of mourning; however, it is
sages refer to the three week period between the fast of a day of reflection; the Jewish people repent their past
“Shiva Asar B’Tamuz - The seventeenth of Tammuz,” and misdeeds to bring themselves closer to the Almighty and
between the fast of “Tisha B’av - The ninth day of Av.” prepare for the Days of Awe. It is also a day of hope;
The period is one of profound sadness and bad luck when tradition teaches us that the Mashiach – Messiah – will be
the Jewish people commemorate the breaching of the walls born or will arrive on this day with Elijah the prophet
of Jerusalem which eventually led to the destruction of the informing us of our redemption.
second Temple. In fact, both Temples were destroyed on Tu B’av - The 15th day of Av corresponding to
Tisha B’av. Friday, August 16 - “Tu” meaning 15 in Gematria - is a
This year the fast of the seventeenth day of minor holiday on which we do not fast, say eulogies or say
Tammuz is observed on Sunday, July 21st. Our Sages Tachanun. Several reasons are given for the holiday. One
teach that on that day five calamities befell the Jewish is that by that day, the summer is half over, leaving us more
people: Moshe broke the Luchot (tablets); a Greek general time to learn Torah at night. Another reason has to do with
burned a Torah Scroll and placed an idolatrous image in the drying wood to be used on the Mizbeiach (Altar) in the
Bait Hamikdash; the daily sacrifice ceased; and the walls of Temple. The Maharal says that while the Jews were in the
Jerusalem were breached. desert, they only married members of their own tribe. After
As this is a period of bad luck and mourning, we they entered the Land of Israel, they began to marry
avoid going to civil court or entering into business deals members of other tribes on the 15th of Av. Because these
that are other than routine. We also refrain from marriages strengthen ties between families in different
pleasurable activities such as live performances, plays, tribes, it is a cause for a minor holiday. Contemporarily,
operas, musicals, movies or listening to music. We also do this last reason is the most oft-cited, and therefore it is
not cut our hair or nails. common to celebrate weddings on this day.
The Nine Days begin on Thursday night, August Rosh Chodesh Elul - Shabbat & Sunday August
1st. Ashkenazic Jews do not eat meat, drink wine, launder 31-September 1 - When Moshe Rabbeinu ascended Mt.
clothes, swim or bathe in hot water from then until after Sinai to receive the second set of Luchot (Tablets), he went
Tisha B’av. As we do not have public displays of up on this day. The month of Elul also initiates a 40-day
mourning on Shabbat, we may eat meat and drink wine on period of repentance. Within those forty days are the
Shabbat even during the nine days. Aseret Yemay Teshuva - Ten Days of Repentance that
Tisha B’av begins immediately after Shabbat on begin with Rosh Hashana and conclude with Yom Kippur.
August 10th, and concludes 42 minutes after sundown on The Shofar is blown every morning during Elul to awaken
Sunday evening, August 11th . The Fast of The 9th of Av, or our sleeping hearts to return to Hashem. We also recite the
Tisha B’av, was originally to be the day of greatest joy for penitential Psalm L’Dovid Ohrie (Psalm 27).
the Jewish people. It was on that day that the Jewish Selichot, prayers of forgiveness and atonement, are
people were to enter Israel after their exodus from Egypt. recited at midnight. Ashkenazic Jews recite them for at
However, when the spies that Moses had sent to explore least four days prior to Rosh Hashana – this year, we will
Israel returned on the night of Tisha B’av, they brought begin Selichot on Motzai Shabbat, September 21, 2019. In
back a false report so evil that the people rejected the land our time, because being up at midnight for so many nights
and G-d. As a result of this sin, the Almighty issued a is difficult, many only recite the first Selichot service in the
decree against the Jewish people: they would wander 40 middle of the night. Sephardic Jews say Selichot the entire
years in the desert and all males age 20 and over would die month of Elul.
in the wilderness, never to enter the promised land. The The focal point of Selichot prayers is the recitation
Almighty further decreed that as a result of the false tears of the 13 attributes of G-d. Tradition teaches us that
shed by the Jewish People, the day would permanently be reciting these attributes evokes Divine mercy. G-d Himself
one of travail. Indeed, both Temples were destroyed on the bestowed this tradition to Moshe Rabbenu when he
9th of Av with the subsequent exiles of the Jewish people; ascended to the heavens to receive the Ten
the Spanish Inquisition began on this day in 1492, and Commandments, Torah and Oral traditions.
approximately 425 years later, World War I was declared
on Tisha B’av. 14 years ago, the expulsion of Jews living Rosh Hashana will begin Sunday night September
in Gaza began the day after Tisha B’av. 29, and Yom Kippur will be Tuesday evening and
The solemnity of Tisha B’av requires that a major Wednesday October 8th and 9th.
fast begin the evening before and last approximately 25 We will recite Yizkor on Yom Kippur,
hours. During evening services we read the Book of Eicha Wednesday, October 9th at about 11:30 am, and on Shmini
– Lamentations, which deals with the misery of our people Atzeret, Monday October 21st at about 10:30 am.
during the time of Churban – destruction of the Temples.

Please Note: We will be welcoming Shabbat early and will begin davening Mincha on Friday nights at 7:00 pm.
Therefore, through August 16th, it is important that you remember to: 1) light Shabbat candles early, at about 7:25 pm,
and 2) repeat Kriat Sh'ma of Maariv after nightfall.
Date Candle Lighting Erev Mincha Shacharit Pirkei Avot Shiur Mincha
Korach 7/5-7/6 8:10 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 7:00 pm 8:00 pm
Chukat 7/12-7/13 8:07 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:55 pm 7:55 pm
Balak 7/19-7/20 8:02 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:50 pm 7:50 pm
Pinchas 7/26-7/27 7:56 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:45 pm 7:45 pm
Matot-Masei 8/2-8/3 7:49 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:40 pm 7:40 pm
Devarim - Chazon 8/9-8/10 7:40 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am no shiur 5:00 pm
Va’etchanan - 8/16-8/17 7:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:20 pm 7:20 pm
Eikev 8/23-8/24 7:20 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:10 pm 7:10 pm
Re’eh 8/30-8/31 7:08 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm
Shoftim 9/6-9/7 6:56 pm 7:00 pm 8:45 am 5:45 pm 6:45 pm
Ki Teitzei 9/13-9/14 6:44 pm 6:50 pm 8:45 am 5:35 pm 6:35 pm
Ki Tavo 9/20-9/21 6:32 pm 6:35 pm 8:45 am 5:20 pm 6:20 pm
Nitzavim 9/27-9/28 6:20 pm 6:25 pm 8:45 am 5:10 pm 6:10 pm

If you have a chiyuv (to daven or for an aliya), please inform Rabbis Benzie or Eli Lazovsky before Shabbat.
To sponsor a kiddush or shalashudos, please call Judy Whisler at (847) 677-2281 or

WEEKDAY SCHEDULE - Minyanim meet in the Kaufman Bais Midrash

Tisha B’av -
Minyan Times Classes Shabbat 8/10 Mincha 5:00
Sunday Morning at 9:30am: Parsha Class Finish eating by 7:50 pm
Shacharit Given by Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik Maariv & Eicha 9:10 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am Wednesday evenings before Mincha - Gemara Sunday 8/11 Shacharit 8:00 am
Monday-Friday: 6:00 am Brachos. Given by Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky Mincha 7:30 pm, fast ends at 8:40
Mincha-Maariv Shabbat Afternoon
Sunday-Thursday: 10 2 hours before Mincha - Parsha by Rabbi Eli Selichot - September 21st 11 pm
minutes before sundown 1 hour before Mincha: Pirkei Avot refreshments at 10:00 pm,
Given by Rabbi Louis Lazovsky a shiur at 10:40 pm

Partners in Torah - Every Monday at 8:00 pm. Questions? Dovid at 773-656-4244 or
Malamud Reference Library - Come and Learn from any of the hundreds of titles in our library, located in the Kaufman
Bais Midrash.
Lending Library - Members may borrow books from our Lending Library, located on the south side of the Social Hall.
For hours of operation, more details or to donate books, please call the office.
Tape Lending Library - We have tapes and digital audio files on many topics including Chumash, Talmud and Mussar.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, President Steven Goldrich and Rabbi Louis Lazovsky, we are proud to invite
you to join us for our High Holiday 5780 Services this year, beginning with Selichot on Saturday evening,
September 21st. Rosh Hashana begins Sunday night, September 29th.

Membership & Ticket Rates Family (2 tickets) Single (1 ticket) Additional Seat Dependent Child
Membership $1,100 $550 $200 $75
First Time Good Neighbor Tickets $500 $275 $200 $75
Tickets Only, no membership $550 $200
Friend of Kesser Maariv (no tickets or membership) $200
To serve you better, we accept payments of $500 and above by Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express.

Rabbi Ben Zion Lazovsky at (847) 679-9800 or Judy Whisler at (847) 677-2281 will be happy to help accommodate you and give more information about membership.


G My membership is enclosed.
Number of Men's Seats: ________ Number of Women's Seats: _______

Number of Boys’ Seats: ________ Number of Girls’ Seats: _________

G I would like to order _____ Lulav sets sets at $50/member or $55/non-member

G Please include us on the KM New Year greeting card. $26 per family.

Please sign our name as follows: ________________________________


Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

City, State & Zip Code: _________________________________________ Phone : __________________

E-mail: _______________________________________ and __________________________________________

---------------------------- For Credit Card Payments: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

I authorize Kesser Maariv to charge my __________ card.

Name on Card_______________________ Amount to be charged: ________________

Card # _________-_________-_________-_________ Exp: ____ ____ 3-digit Security Code:__________

Signed _____________________________ Date _________

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