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Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

Chapter I

Health is indeed the greatest asset of an individual therefore it is important to take care of
their selves by eating the right food. Different innovations on foods had been introduced brought
by modernization, and people started to embrace it as it is convenient to cook and easy to look
around. Right there, people already taken for granted eating nutritious foods like vegetables
particularly ampalaya and individuals that belong to early stage of their lives are the probable
persons who are not attracted to eat vegetables.

According to "Science Daily last December 1, 2011, one of the reasons why kids do not
eat vegetable is that it could be sensitivity to bitterness that lead them to eat foods that are
basically not fitted on their daily recommended food. It is one of the problems, many parents are
encountering nowadays. Moreover, The Conversation found out in their study that last August,
2011 that:

Ages Right Amount of Vegetables Percentage of Children Eating

per Day Vegetables
2-3 years old 2.5 servings 1%
4-8 years old 4.5 servings 0%
9-13 years old 2 servings 5%

Also, with other individuals who belong on the upper age do not include vegetables as a part of
their meals, their reasons could be lack of time preparing healthy dishes, costly vegetables, and
even being uneducated with the health benefits that they could get from eating vegetables.

Since people are always goes with the flow, they tend to eat everything they see at the
cafeteria or in the market without minding if it would give them a right nutrition. That is why
parents are eager to do everything just to sustain the needed nutrients for their children in order
for them to stay active inside and outside the school and for the individuals to keep their body
healthy and live a longer life. Since cupcake is one of the many foods that are very convenient to
prepare, it is now expanded and upgraded to a wide variety of ingredients, shapes, taste, and
Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

decorations. The Bitter Off Cupcake decided to innovate the typical cupcakes through adding
twists not only when it comes to taste but also with its nutritional value content. The cupcake is
made out of ampalaya as well as its icing. As the main ingredient, people will not mind its taste
instead they will surely enjoy its health benefits. Ampalaya also known as bitter gourd, bitter
melon or bitter cucumber is known for its bitter taste. It is a prominent vegetable here in the
Philippines wherein it is a typical food that you can see in different local dishes like pinakbet and
ampalaya sautéed with egg.

This study is made to help the individuals specially parents to promote healthy eating
habit for their children. Through the innovation of Bitter Off Cupcake, the researchers want to
provide a better and more nutritious food for everyone.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine how will Bitter Off Cupcakes convince their customers to
choose their product and how to survive in business industry.

1. What are the strategies of Bitter Off Cupcakes would initiate to convince the customers to
avail their product?
2. How could Bitter Off Cupcakes satisfy the customers in terms of:
a) Product;
b) Taste, Aroma, and
c) Prices?
3. How possible Bitter Off Cupcakes can grow and survive in the business industry in terms
a) Financial Stability;
b) Competition, and
c) People's favour and loyalty?

Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

Scope and Delimitation

Bitter off cupcakes spread the bitterness of ampalaya in the sweetest way. The business
sells cupcakes in which the main ingredient is ampalaya that is located in Tapuac District,
Dagupan City. This place is chosen as there are schools such as Lyceum Northwestern
University and Dagupan City National High School is located in the area. Moreover, there is also
the Amado Street where a lot of households are in there as well as the Luzon Medical Center are
found. The product is sold in the general public but the study focuses on the students and adults
who want to have a healthy lifestyle. The researchers will collect information from the customers
about whether the Bitter Off Cupcakes will be in demand to the public.

The price of each cupcake will be ranging from 12 pesos to 15 pesos each and about 160-
180 pesos per dozen. Aside from selling, the business will deliver and supply cupcakes to small
cafe and restaurants for additional profit. This will also provide information on determining
cupcakes with the main ingredients of ampalaya for its acceptability to the consumer by its taste,
smell and texture. This study is focusing to the students and adults who want to have a healthy

Significance of the Study

This research aims to find its purpose especially on the prospected customers of Bitter
Off Cupcakes, particularly students near the location, residents of Tapuac District, Dagupan City
and people who are health conscious, to fully inform them about the health benefits that they will
gain as long as they avail our products. Some of the amazing benefits brought by ampalaya are
blood sugar management and help to produce insulin in our body which can help to cure
diabetes, immunity enhancer, better eyesight and cell proliferation (Jessimy, 2019). It will serve
as intermediate tool for them to explore and know on how helpful and beneficial our product was
especially if they demand for having a healthier living.

This study will also find out how possible Bitter Off Cupcakes will grow and survives in
business industry specifically in terms of financial stability, competition and people's favor and
loyalty. The findings of this study enabled us to know what will be the strategies that would

Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

initiate to convince the customers and satisfy them with the products, like distributing flyers that
inform people to the benefits of the product as well as offering free taste for the assurance of
appetizing taste.

This study prompted other researchers to conduct similar studies in other schools or
region and will also serve as source for their future researches.

Definition of terms

a. Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) – Often referred to as bitter melon or bitter gourd that
is commonly used in both food preparation and alternative medicines which are thought
to hold medicinal qualities due to the high concentration of vitamins, minerals and
b. Cupcake – is a small cake designed to serve one person, which may be baked in a small
thin paper or aluminium cup. This product will be made by the Bitter Off Cupcakes
wherein it is made out of ampalaya as well as its icing.
c. Bitter Off – is a state of not being bitter or having unpleasant taste. The bitterness of
ampalaya vegetable will be removed and will serve as the ingredients for making Bitter
Off Cupcakes.
d. Health – a persons’ mental, emotional and physical condition or the state of being free
from illness or disease. It is the main target of the Bitter Off Cupcakes, to provide a
nutritious food for the people to have healthier and stronger body.
e. Benefits – It is a positive effect from something. It is the health effect that anyone can get
from eating Bitter Off Cupcakes which they can gain nutrients which is good for the body
to fight diseases.
f. Lyceum Northwestern University – is a university school that offers senior high school
and especially college courses. It serves as the biggest campus in Tapuac District,
Dagupan city, which holds many students that potentially a major customer of Bitter Off

Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

g. Tapuac District, Dagupan City – a community located at the west part and near in the city
proper or downtown of the Dagupan City, Pangasinan. It is where the Bitter Off cupcakes
will be located and the main focus area of the business.
h. Financial Stability – It is a state of being financially stable and being profitable in the
long run. It serves as one of the fundamentals for the business to operate and to be able to
earn positively to cover its operational activities.

Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies from several sources such as
citations from the internet. This was conducted by the researchers to serve as guide for the
purpose of assessing, clarifying concepts and strengthening assumptions in the conceptualization
and formulation of the study.

Related Literature

A. Foreign Literature

Ampalaya, also known as bitter gourd or bitter melon, having sour taste, has lot of uses
particularly in medicinal and culinary purposes in Asia, and parts of South America and the
Caribbean. Chen (2010) stated that this tropical vegetable is helpful to modulate blood
homeostasis. It lowers serum glucose in diabetic rodents and in obese rodents that comes from a
high fat diet or genetic defect. Furthermore, Jessimy (2019) stated that ampalaya is essential in
enhancing body immunity, sharpening vision, relieving asthma, treat skin conditions and
preventing cancer.

Nowadays, some children and adults seldom eat vegetables, specifically the ampalaya
vegetable. The State of the World's Children states that poor nutrition is either due to financial
problem or being picky to the food. There are several junk foods which attracts the taste of many
not knowing its bad effects to the health such as tonsillitis, diabetes and kidney failure. That is
why researcher found ways on how to encourage children and adults to eat vegetables. They
planned and create new techniques that will make fruits and vegetables, especially ampalaya,
that is abundant in nutrients be attractive in taste.

B. Local Literature

Ampalaya is considered as fruit, vegetable or herb. The fruit contains vitamins and minerals,
notably iron and calcium. In the Philippines it is served by stir-frying with both oyster sauce and
ground beef or egg, and the Ilocano dish which is called pinakbet.
Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

Ampalaya is one of the remedy for type 1 and 2 diabetes. This could also help treat
sterility of women and alleviate liver problems. The extract from the leaves and roots of it helps
shrink haemorrhoids. Ampalaya can also be used as disinfectant for it has an antimicrobial
property which helps eliminate bacteria’s.

The fruit is cultivated in the other countries but the Philippines is not the only country promoting
ampalaya against diseases. China, too, is doing several studies.

Related Studies

A. Foreign Studies

Bitter gourd is widely grown for edible fruit in India, which is among the most bitter of all
vegetables. The fruit has a distinct warty looking exterior and an oblong shape. It is hollow in
cross-section, with a relatively thin layer of flesh surrounding a central seed cavity filled with
large flat seeds and pith. Seeds and pith appear white in unripe fruits, ripening to red. The flesh is
crunchy and watery in texture and the skin is tender and edible (Bagchi, 2015).

In addition, bitter gourd has been used in various Asian traditional medicine systems for a
long time. It can stimulate digestion because of its bitter taste. Although this can be useful for
digestion, dyspepsia, and constipation, but it can sometimes make heartburn and ulcers worse.

Abascal and Yarnell stated that bitter melon has a long history of use as a food and as a
hypoglycaemic agent. They had reviewed scientific evidence of its efficacy for treating diabetes
mellitus and effects on pregnancy and fertility, and use as an abortifacient. They have shown
bitter melon extract to possess both hypoglycaemic and hypotensive properties. Moreover, most
clinicians who utilize botanical medicine likely have some familiarity with Momordica charantia,
or bitter melon. But few of us have ever seen this plant because it is cultivated in the tropics,
especially China, India, East African, Central and South America and the Caribbean. Bitter
melon is a member of the Cucurbitaceous family, and is a perennial climbing elongated fruit that
resembles a gourd or cucumber. Some have called it bitter gourd or bitter cucumber. In specialty
Asian markets, it may be known as karela.

Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

Likewise, the role of bitter melon traditionally, has been as a food and medicine. It appears
that it is not a food staple, but maybe eaten several times a week when in season. It’s historical
medicinal use spans a wide array of conditions, with different parts of the plants being used
(leaves, dried or fresh fruit, vine, whole plant, fresh juice) depending on the condition. Bitter
melon has historically been used to address high blood pressure, diabetes, diarrhea, fevers, skin
fungal infections, gastrointestinal cramps, psoriasis, hyperlipidaemia, haemorrhoids, glaucoma
and infertility. It has also been used as a traditional abortifacient.

In the recent study of Zhang (2013), he stated on one preliminary clinical trial, an enema
form of a bitter melon extract showed some benefits in people infected with HIV. Antiviral and
antineoplastic activities of it have also been reported.

B. Local Studies

Dr William Torres (2015), former director of Bureau of Food and Drugs, concluded that
ampalaya fruits, leaves, seeds and other parts, when used as dry powders, extracts, decoctions,
fresh or cooled, have clearly demonstrated hypoglycaemic activity or reducing someone’s blood
sugar, came up from reviewing several studies done on ampalaya. Dr. Torres claims that by
making ampalaya as a regular part of meal will help to increase glucose tolerance and potentiate

Dr Eduardo G. Gonzalez (2015) from College of Medicine at De La Salle University stated

that even ampalaya leaves have some blood sugar lowering effect than can be useful and suits
for people who are diabetics or for those who want to become healthy from eating its fruit. The
ampalaya leaves and its fruit give a beneficial effects not only for keeping a persons' blood sugar
low but especially to the health.

From the recent study of the first ampalaya tea (2010) in the country – Charantia Ampalaya
Tea – as ideal for diabetics' special dietary needs has been approved by Department of Food and
Drugs. Because of its proven having nutritional benefits and for its affordability than buying
expensive medicines and being accessible in the market, it was naturally made and free from –

Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

The previous study of C. Aspi (2012) – "Ampalaya Candy" – found out that ampalaya candy
is delicious and also became a nutritional source candy that is more valuable than the common
sweet candies which target the health of children and also their teeth. It contains vitamins and
nutrients needed by the body. The product has a positive outcome for being favourable and its
bitter taste turned to more pleasant taste.


Ampalaya was being described and defined by Henrylito Tacio on its written literature as
a wrinkly green vegetable with a distinctive bitter taste known in science world as Momordica
charantia which was mostly cultivated in the tropic countries. Under the local literature,
ampalaya also has its nutritional contents such as minerals, vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus
and Vitamin B. It was stated on the foreign literature that children and adults seldom eat
vegetables specifically ampalaya, which leads to a poor nutrition.

The findings of those related studies and related literature mostly talks about how
beneficial ampalaya is especially for health and medicinal purposes that it may bring. Like what
it has stated on one of its foreign literature whereas according to Chen, this vegetable is helpful
to modulate blood homeostasis. Jessimy further stated that ampalaya is essential in enhancing
body immunity, sharpening vision, relieving asthma, treat skin conditions and preventing cancer.

Books and articles on Philippine Medicinal plants reported that ampalaya is very
beneficial from its extracts from leaves or roots that shrink haemorrhoids, the leaf juice for good
antitussive, for fever and against roundworms. It was also used to treat sterility in women,
alleviate liver problems and it has microbial activity. "Oral administration of fruit juice or seed
powder causes reduction in fasting blood glucose and improves glucose tolerance”, said by Dr
A.Raman and Dr. C.Lau.

From the local studies of Jea Joy Munoz of DOST in Region III, she found out that
ampalaya has its ability to improve numerous infections, cancer, leukaemia and Diabetes
Mellitus. While on the recent study of Zhang, 2013, an enema form of a bitter melon extract
showed some benefits in people infected with HIV.

Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

Through those literature and studies, it contributes to the clarification of how helpful
Ampalaya is, not only as food but also as tool to achieve a healthy body.


Perhaps not too many people know that there are natural weapons against diseases that
can be grown right in the garden or farm. Ampalaya was grown in Asia, people eat it as food as
well as use it for medicinal purposes. It has bitter taste that affects our hormones, including
insulin and leptin that lowers the body fats, specifically the visceral fats.

Health awareness is the prime investment, ingenuity is the investor’s joining effort and
wellness is the net gain. Most people think that they buy a product that is appealing to them and
adapting a healthy and well-conditioned life is expensive and difficult to achieve especially for
those who are having financial problems. The effects of Ampalaya on human health has been a
subject of many studies; however many individuals specifically who belong to upper age are not
basically making Ampalaya as a part of their meals, that’s why researchers find ways to
patronized or to love eating Ampalaya. Through those studies that were gathered, the usual
cupcake is now expanded to a variety of ingredients.

The researchers therefore conclude that these related studies are useful in conducting the
researchers’ present study specifically in determining the Ampalaya’s benefits to individuals.
Which this study aims to showcase the significance of eating Ampalaya, that’s why researchers
chose to used Ampalaya as the main ingredient of Bitter Off Cupcake. With these related studies,
the study could come up to a result that Bitter Off Cupcake would end up to desired result which
to be patronized by customers.

Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance


Research Design

The research design that will be used in this study is survey-documentary and case study method.

Survey-documentary analysis is used to explain and to further discuss about how Bitter Off
Cupcake promote its product. It is certainly managed and has a concrete question that will result
to factual and related information about the research. The survey-documentary is composed of
question with scales that the respondents will rate on it. The rate is needed to show the answers
of the respondent. In validating the result, the researchers used statistical tools in the study which
includes mean, frequency, general weighted mean and percentage.

The researchers used case study method in this study since it is used to generate an in-depth
understanding of a complex issue in its real-life context. The case study method requires the
researchers to analyze and interpret the available data in order to identify if the Bitter Off
Cupcake will become an acceptable product and how it will survive in the business industry.
The purpose of the study is to introduce and showcase the product of Bitter Off Cupcake by
analyzing results that are came from opinion-based questions. This method will provide a more
realistic feedback from the respondents which will give more accurate data to the researchers.

Subject and Participants

This study will be conducted at Lyceum Northwestern University at Brgy.Tapuac District,

Dagupan City,Pangasinan on the first week of April 2019. Tapuac is one of the 31 barangays in
Dagupan City, Pangasinan. LNU is a private school that opens from elementary to college and it
is located beside the McDo branch in Tapuac Dagupan City, in the province of Pagasinan, and in
the region of I-Ilocos Region. The total population of the Hotel Restaurant and Management
students 356 and Technical Vocational and Livelihood senior high student under cookery in
LNU is 98. The location of the study will help the researcher to gather information about how
Bitter-off cupcakes introduce its product to the market and to determine the strategies to be used
by the business in order to survive the industry.

Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

The respondents are the students who are studying in Lyceum Northwestern University
specifically the Hotel Restaurant and Management students and the Technical Vocational and
Livelihood senior high students under the food and beverage. The researcher will use Probability
sampling since the respondents are randomly selected. Whereas, it shall fall under stratified
random sampling. The respondents are consisting of (30) thirty .The researchers uses the
stratified sampling to come up with the numbers of respondents in HRM students and in TVL
senior high students, the computation is shown below: Total population of HRM students and
TVL senior high students are 454.

Desired sample: 30


Hotel Restaurant Management 356 356
× 30 = 24

Technical Vocational and 98 96

× 30 = 6
Livelihood 454

TOTAL 454 30

Research Instrument

A check-list questionnaire and open-ended questionnaire was used as instrument to

obtain data for the study. Questionnaire is a list of planned, written questions related to a
particular topic, with space provided for an indicating the response to its questions, intended for
submission to a number of people for its reply, commonly use in behavioral research or social
research. (Calderon,, 2005) as cited by (Dela Cruz & Miranda, 2016)

The student-respondents were asked to provide the needed information on the first part of
the questionnaire which includes the name (optional), age, and course.

On the second part of the questionnaire evaluated the frequency used for respondents
with the following response: 5-Strongly Agree 4-Agree 3-Undecided 2-Disagree and 1-Strongly
Disagree. The questionnaire was adapted in a way it requires the interviewee to rate the way on
how to promote the product from 1 to 5 wherein 1 represents strongly disagree and 5 represents

Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance

strongly agree. The questions from the questionnaire was adapted and revised from the research
which is Sensory Characterization of Cupcakes made of Sweet Potato (2017). This research’s
questionnaire is somehow related to our study and was already published that is why the
researchers are sure that the questions are reliable because the questions in the said adapted
questionnaire were already validated by experts, check the Appendix A.

On the third part which is the open-ended questionnaire, the respondents were asked to
give their opinions and suggestions in each of the corresponding questions, check the Appendix

Data Gathering and Procedure

The survey has conducted for about a week. A day before conducting the actual survey
to the people of Tapuac District, the researchers will first be informed them that there will be a
survey conducting with regards to a new business that will be established in the community.

A set of questionnaire were given to the respondents who are willing to answer the
questions without any pressure. Respondents of this survey are the students from Lyceum
Northwestern University specifically the Hotel and Restaurant Managers students.

As the answers are already collected and verified if the respondents answered all the
questions, these are tallied manually through weighted mean to be able to come up with to the
result of the survey and have an accurate data.

Weighted mean is used to interpret the data and examine the result of the survey wherein
the higher the percentage of a certain question will be the one that is used for the betterment of
the business.

Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.
Kingfisher School of Business and Finance


Carreos, Z. C. (2015, March). The Feasibility of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) Seeds as

Coffee Beans Production. Retrieve from

(2012, November 23). Ampalaya Cupcake. Retrieve from

Jessimy, M. (2019, March 15). 11 Amazing Benefits of Bitter Melon or Bitter Gourd. Retrieve

Tacio, (2010).Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd or Ampalaya. Retrieved from:

Bagchi, Indrani (11 April 2015). Food for thought: Green ‘karela’ for Red China. Times of India

Aspi. C (2012).Ampalaya Candy Investigatory Project. Retreive from:

Torres W. (December 2014).Momordica charantia Linn. Retrieved from:

Adriatico, A.J., Paduit, J., Almanza, M., Casta, L., Velasquez, K. M., Ferrer, J., Abache, S. M., Cancino, M., Soriano, R., Zarate, J.M.

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