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Garbages are everywhere, we cannot deny that.

Once in our life, we threw a

piece of garbage to a place wherein it shouldn’t be there. We threw garbages wherein
we are comfortable to throw to; hallways, stairs, and even inside the classroom. During
our comfort, we unconsciously inconvenience our nature. There will come a time
wherein nature will throw back anything that inconvenienced her in the past. Our life will
be miserable and will be full of inconvenience if we do not stop this now.

We are all aware about the loss of the quality of life through the destruction of our
ecology, and yet each one of us, in our own little ways, contributes daily to that
destruction. It's time now to awaken in each one of us the respect and attention our
environment deserves. As of today, our environment is slowly diminishing because of
the destruction of nature which is our fault. As the millennials of this generation, we
should be learning to take care of our nature and to start acting now.

Last few weeks, we are tasked to conducted an apostolate and we decided to

clean the stairs every afternoon that is located at the senior high building .We cleaned
the stairs with a joy in our heart knowing that it can benefit our co- senior high school
students and we can lessen the work of our hardworking janitors and janitress that is
assigned in our building. Even we felt tired at that time because of what we done for the
whole day, we still smile because we believe that in this simple way, we can help a lot in
protecting our environment. Our planet is changing. We need to help it change for the
better and we're asking for the help of everybody. There are a lot of things that affect
our planet in a bad way but the good news is that everyone can help to reduce them
and do their bit for the environment.

We all know that a single piece of trash can affect our environment. During our
apostolate, we observed that there are tiny garbages around the hallway and stairs like
candy wrappers and pieces of paper. In addition, there are many types of garbage
around the trash/garbage bin, which is really ironic. I believe that Senior High School
students are not oblivious about this issue, yet some are being apathetic, that kind of
attitude is reflected even in our own classroom.

The group concluded that dirt, dust, and garbages are all over the stairs every
single day. This may inconvenience other people using the stairs; students, faculty, or
even visitors. If we ought to save our nature right now, then we ought to start it right now.
Mother Nature is slowly dying. A few small actions like picking up garbages, sweeping
the stairs, and throwing in the right place will be a big help for us all. So what are we
waiting for? Start cleaning now and we start saving Mother Nature.

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