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Dear Friends and Healthy Child Healthy World Family,

We want to welcome you back and thank you for your patience
and support.

For the past 26 years, we have been steadfast in our mission of

helping moms find safer alternatives to protect their children from
chemicals and toxins in the environment.

Our mission has always been driven by moms like you who care
about the choices they make and the steps it takes to ensure a
safer environment at home, in schools and in communities.

Jim and I began Healthy Child's mission many years ago when we
lost our only to child to a non-hereditary cancer that was later
linked to pesticide exposure.

We knew then that the only way we can protect the ones we love the most, our children, who
are much more vulnerable, was to create a platform of prevention through education.

Healthy Child Healthy World has given birth to a crusade of educated moms, many of which are
dedicating their time and energies to change the unsafe practices of many corporations by
expressing their right-to-know and by demanding safer products that don't contain any
egregious chemicals that can be damaging inside the womb environment or after birth and

Moms On A Mission began with Our Story. Won't you take a few minutes to share yours on our
Facebook page. Tell us about your concerns.

We are now establishing The Colette Chuda Legacy Award. Each year we will select a Mom on
a Mission who has changed corporate behavioral practices, or in the science realm, has
introduced new research linking chemical exposure to children's health.

Recently, our founding board member, Dr. Philip Landrigan, published a report in the Guardian
linking climate change to global health affects:

We have always believed that change will come when critical awareness motivates
each human being. That time is now.

As moms we can work together to change the way we live, one family at time.... never
leaving any child behind.
Think of the progress we have made in the last two decades. Thanks to many
supporters we have literally created a huge demand for transparency, through social
media, events, and face to face dialogue we have expressed our concerns, influenced
scientists to share their statistics, advocated for policies that take into consideration the
vulnerability of children and most importantly as moms shared these messages of hope,
mom-to-mom and demanded change.

There is no greater or more powerful voice than a mother's intuition.

If it weren't for you and your support we would not be the only organization that cares
about children's health as if each one was our own.

It takes a village and that village will always be you.

Stay tuned. We will welcome you back very soon.


Nancy and James Chuda


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