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ISA Transactions 71 (2017) 3–9

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Research article

Coordinated tracking of linear multiagent systems with input

saturation and stochastic disturbances$
Qingling Wang a,b, Changyin Sun a,b,n
School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Key Laboratory of Measurement and Control of Complex Systems of Engineering, Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210096, China

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper addresses the coordinated tracking problem for linear multiagent systems with input sa-
Received 21 November 2016 turation and stochastic disturbances. The objective is to construct a class of tracking control laws that
Received in revised form achieve consensus tracking in the absence of disturbances, while guaranteeing a bounded variance of the
27 June 2017
state difference between the follower agent and the leader in the present of disturbances, under the
Accepted 12 July 2017
assumptions that each agent is asymptotically null controllable with bounded controls (ANCBC) and the
Available online 22 July 2017
network is connected. By using the low gain feedback technique, a class of tracking control algorithms
Keywords: are proposed, and the coordinated tracking problem is solved through some routine manipulations. Fi-
Coordinated tracking nally, numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the theoretical results.
Stochastic disturbances
& 2017 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Input saturation
Low gain feedback

1. Introduction Input saturation has been widely considered owing to its uni-
versal existence in control systems. There have been plenty
During the last several decades, coordinated control of mul- methods proposed for the stabilization problem of a single linear
tiagent systems have received considerable attention due to its system with input saturation [35,36,16,48]. Among them, the low
wide applications, see, for instance, [6,3,18,15,2,43,46,9,13,10,47], gain feedback [17,14] is an effective method to design a class of
and the survey papers [27,23] and references therein for more linear control laws in the semi-global stabilization framework. The
details and developments. Many researchers have done much feature of the low gain feedback is that given any bounded set of
effort on coordinated tracking of multiagent systems, and various initial conditions, the closed-loop system can always stay in the
coordinated tracking algorithms have been developed, including linear domain by scheduling the feedback gain parameter small
the consensus tracking algorithm and the swarm tracking algo- enough. Recently, the low gain feedback has been extended to
rithm. The consensus tracking means a group of agents, only treat the coordinated tracking problem of multiagent systems. By
relying on their neighbors' information, precisely reach the mo- using low gain feedback, the semi-global consensus tracking for
tion of the leader, while the swarm tracking means a group of linear multiagent systems with actuator saturation has been in-
agents, only relying on their neighbors' information, reach in a vestigated in [32,38,39]. Meanwhile, there are other works focused
predesigned set of the motion of the leader. Recent efforts of on coordinated tracking problem with saturation constraints from
coordinated tracking are mainly focused on multiagent systems different perspectives. For example, in multi-agent systems, the
with linear and nonlinear systems [21,19,44,12,42,25,40] while coordinated tracking problem with input saturation has been
previous efforts were mainly on first- and second-order dynamics studied for single-integrators [11] and double-integrators
[7,41,34,5]. [26,45,1], respectively. In [20], the global consensus tracking pro-
blem was solved for high-order multiagent systems with input

saturation. By using low and high gain feedback method, the semi-
This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
global coordinated tracking of linear multi-agent systems with
of China (61503079, 61520106009 and 61533008), the Jiangsu Natural Science
Foundation (BK20150625), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Uni- input saturation was studied in [31]. With a modified algebraic
versities, and a project funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Riccati equation, the problem of semi-global leader-following
Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions. This paper was not presented at any IFAC synchronization of discrete-time linear agents with actuator sa-
n turation is considered in [4]. It is worth to mention that dis-
Corresponding author at: School of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing
210096, China turbance uncertainties also universal exist in control systems.
E-mail addresses: (Q. Wang), (C. Sun). Generally, disturbance uncertainties can be divided into two types,
0019-0578/& 2017 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4 Q. Wang, C. Sun / ISA Transactions 71 (2017) 3–9

that is, input-additive disturbances and non-input-additive dis-  = ⎡⎣ aij ⎤⎦ ∈  N × N is the weighted adjacency matrix, where aij is the
turbances. For the input-additive disturbances, the disturbances coupling strength of the directed edge ( j, i) satisfying aij > 0 if ( j, i)
can be shown in form of δ ( u + ω), while the form of δ ( u) + ω
represents the non-input-additive disturbances, where δ( ·) is the
is an edge of  and aij = 0 otherwise. Let Ni = { j ∈  : ( j, i) ∈ } be
saturation function, u is the control input, and ω is the dis-
the set of neighbors of node i in  . Let di = ∑ j = 1 aij the in-degree of
turbances. It is known [28] that the general ANCBC systems with vertex i, and D = diag{ d1, … , dN } the in-degree matrix of  . The
input saturation can achieve stability with a linear control law
Laplacian matrix L = ⎡⎣ lij ⎤⎦ of weighted digraph  is defined by
when the disturbance is input-additive, while in general [30], it is
impossible to achieve stability via a linear control law in the L = D −  . For any pair of vertices ( i, j ), if aij = aji , the graph is called
presence of the non-input-additive disturbance. This implies that an undirected graph. In this case,  is connected if there is a directed
the picture is complicated when considering the non-input-ad- path between any pair of distinct nodes; otherwise, it is termed a
ditive disturbance. As for the multiagent systems, some previous directed graph. A directed tree is a directed graph, where every
works have considered both input saturation and input-additive node, except the root, has exactly one parent. A spanning tree of a
disturbances. For example, the global coordinated tracking for directed graph is a directed tree formed by graph edges that connect
linear multiagent systems with input saturation and input-ad- all the nodes of the graph. We say that a graph has (or contains) a
ditive disturbances was shown to be achievable in [33,37]. Al- spanning tree if a subset of the edges forms a spanning tree.
though much effort has been made to solve the coordinated Given a graph  , endow each of its N agents with a state vector
tracking problem for linear multiagent systems with both input x i ∈ n and a control input ui ∈ m , and we consider each agent,
saturation and input-additive disturbances, to the best of our labeled from 1 to N, is described by a stochastic differential equation
knowledge, stochastic disturbances, the non-input-additive dis- dxi(t ) = Axi (t )dt + Bδ( ui (t ))dt + Edωi(t ), i = 1, 2, …, N , (1)
turbances, has not been considered in the existent results.
With the above observations, in this paper, we deal with the where A ∈ n × n , B ∈ n × m , E ∈ n × l , the disturbance ωi ∈ l is a
coordinated tracking for a group of agents with input saturation Wiener process (a Brownian motion) with mean 0 and rate Qi, the
and stochastic disturbances. By using the scheduled low gain de- initial condition x i(0) is a Gaussian random vector which is in-
sign technique, we propose a class of tracking control algorithms dependent of ωi, and δ( ·) is a standard saturation function given as
that can always achieve consensus tracking in the absence of ⎧ u, if u ≤ 1
disturbances and guarantee a bounded variance of the state dif- δ( u) = ⎨ .
ference between the follower agent and the leader in the present ⎩ sign(u), if u > 1
of disturbances, under the assumptions that each agent is ANCBC The dynamics of the leader agent, indexed by 0, is described by
and the network is connected. The major contributions of this
paper are twofold. Firstly, compared with the results in [33,37] dx 0(t ) = Ax 0 (t )dt. (2)
with input-additive disturbances, the disturbances discussed in
Let  be a graph generated by graph  and the leader agent. If agent
this paper are non-input-additive, which implies that the scenario i is a neighbor of the leader at time t, then denote it by bi0 > 0,
of the stability analysis of multiagent systems is more complex. otherwise bi0 = 0. We also assume that bi0 > 0 for at least one i, for
Secondly, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to all i = 1, 2, … , N . Let L be the Laplacian of an undirected graph 
take the stochastic disturbances into account for coordinated consisting of N agents, and denote B0 = diag{ b10 , b20 , … , bN 0},
tracking control of multiagent systems. Consequently, one of the
b0 = col{ b10 , b20 , … , bN 0} and 0 < λ1 ≤ λ2 ≤ ⋯ ≤ λN the N eigenvalues
main challenges is how to properly deal with stochastic and non-
of matrix L + B0 , which can be easily obtained according to [7].
input-additive disturbances for achieving bounded variance in the It is known from [35] that a linear system with input saturation
controlled multiagent system. It is appropriate to emphasize that it can be stabilized if and only if ( A , B) is stabilizable, and all eigen-
is not clear that such coordinated tracking algorithms will exist, values of A are in the closed left-half plane. Without loss of gen-
and we provide an explicit coordinated tracking design method erality, we assume that the pair ( A , B) is given in the following form:
based on the low gain feedback and a scheduling parameter.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 for- ⎡ 0 ⎤ ⎡ 0⎤
A = ⎢ A 0− ⎥, B = ⎢ B− ⎥
mulates the coordinated tracking problem. Section 3 presents the ⎣0 A ⎦ ⎣B ⎦
main results on the coordinated tracking. Section 4 provides si-
mulation examples for verifying the theoretical results. Finally, where A− contains all eigenvalues of A that have negative real parts,
some conclusion remarks are given in Section 5. and A0 contains all eigenvalues of A that are on the imaginary axis.
Before closing this section, some notations will be stated here. The ( )
The stabilizability of ( A , B) then implies that A0 , B 0 is controllable.
notation diag{ω1, ω2, … , ωn} denotes a diagonal matrix whose diag- Clearly, ( A− , B−) does not affect the stabilizability property of the
onal entries are ωi , i = 1, 2, … , n. col { x1, x2, … , x n} and 1N denote a system. In what follows, without loss of generality, we will further
column vector and an N-dimensional column vector with all elements give an assumption:
of 1, respectively. Matrices, if their dimensions are not explicitly sta-
ted, are assumed to be compatible for algebraic operations. The no- Assumption 1. The pair ( A , B) is controllable and all the eigen-
tation P > 0 ( ≥ 0) means that P is a real symmetric positive (semi- values of A are on the imaginary axis.
positive) definite matrix. In ∈ n × n and 0 represent, respectively, the
Remark 1. According to Assumption 1, no exponentially unstable
identity matrix and zero matrix. The set of real numbers is denoted by
mode exists in A . It is known that Assumption 1 is actually a ne-
 . The set of real-valued vectors of length m is given by m . The set of
real-valued m  n matrices is given by m × n . cessary condition for stabilizing linear systems with input sa-
turation by low gain feedback [16].

Assumption 2. The generated graph  consisting of the follower

2. Problem formulation agents and the leader contains a directed spanning tree rooted at
the leader.
In the beginning, the graph theory will be introduced. Let
 = (  ,  ,  ) be a weighted directed graph, where  = { v1, v2, …, vN } Remark 2. Assumption 2 is quite general for multiagent systems
is a finite nonempty set of nodes and edges  ⊆  × . [37,38], and it is reasonable that for the leader-follower
Q. Wang, C. Sun / ISA Transactions 71 (2017) 3–9 5

framework, the follower agents can exchange information in bi- Step 1: Let
directional ways.

The coordinated tracking problem can be defined as follows.

{ ( ) (
ε( x ) = max ε( x ) ∈ ( 0, 1)∣tr IN ⊗ BT Pε( x )B x¯ T IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ ≤ λN−2 , ) } (7)

where x¯ = col{ x¯1, x¯2, … , x¯N }, x¯ i = x i − x0, i = 1, 2, … , N is the dif-

Definition 1. Consider the follower agents (1) and a leader (2), the
ference between the states of agent i and the leader agent.
coordinated tracking problem is to find a control law ui, which
Step 2: Solve the following parametric ARE
only uses local relative information from neighbor agents, such
that, for all possible values for the rate Qi and the stochastic pro- AT Pε( x ) + Pε( x )A − 2γPε( x )BBT Pε( x ) = − ε( x )Pε( x ), (8)
cess ωi, the following properties hold:
where γ ≤ λ1, and the existence of the positive definite Pε( x ) is
(i) In the absence of the disturbance ωi, the consensus tracking is guaranteed by Lemma 1.
achieved, that is, limt →∞ x i(t ) − x0(t ) = 0 , i = 1, 2, … , N . Step 3: Construct a nonlinear feedback control law for agent i as
(ii) In the presence of the disturbance ωi, the variance of the state
⎛ N ⎞
difference between the follower agent and the leader is
ui = − BT Pε( x )⎜⎜ ∑ aij xi − xj + bi0( xi − x 0)⎟⎟,
( )
bounded, that is, limt →∞ x i(t ) − x0(t ) < ∞, i = 1, 2, … , N . ⎝ j=1 ⎠ (9)
It is pointing out that Definition 1 is motivated from the ex-
where −BT Pε( x ) is the coupling gain.
ternal stochastic stabilization problem of [29], and it imposes a
Based on the above design procedure, we have the following
stronger objective than that of [29] where the coordinated track-
ing of the multi-agent system (1) and (2) with input saturation and
stochastic disturbances should be achieved. Lemma 2. Assume that the pair (A,B) satisfies Assumption 1, and
define Fε( x ) = − ( L + B0) ⊗ BT Pε( x ) . We have that

3. Main results Fε( x ) x ≤ 1.

Proof. It is clear from (7) that,

In this section, the defined coordinated tracking problem will
be investigated, and we firstly introduce the following parametric Fε( x ) x
= −( L + B0) ⊗ BT Pε( x ) x
algebraic Riccati equation (ARE),
⎡ 2 ⎤
= x T ⎣ ( L + B0) ⊗ Pε( x )BBT Pε( x )⎦x
AT P (ε) + P (ε)A − γP (ε)BBT P (ε) = − εP (ε), (3)

where ε > 0 and γ > 0 are scalars. This parametric ARE was first (
≤ λN2x T IN ⊗ Pε( x )BBT Pε( x ) x )
introduced in [48] for a linear system, and then was extended in
[38] for a multiagent system. The properties of (3) can be sum-
≤ λN2tr (I N ⊗ B P ( )B)x¯ ( I
ε x
N )
⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ ,
marized as follows.
which is less than or equal to 1. □
Lemma 1. Assume that (A,B) satisfies Assumption 1. Then, for an
arbitrary ε > 0 and γ > 0, the ARE (3) has a unique positive solution
Lemma 3 ([24]). Let Vn ≥ 0 be random variables and { n} be a fil-
P (ε ) = W −1(ε ), where W (ε ) satisfies the parametric Lyapunov equation tration to which { Vn} is adapted and suppose that there exist con-
stants a > 0, J and M < ∞ and p > 2 such that V0s is bounded for
⎛ ε ⎞T ⎛ ε ⎞
W ⎜ A + In⎟ + ⎜ A + In⎟W = γBBT ,
⎝ s ∈ ⎣⎡ 1, p⎤⎦ and for all n
2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠ (4)
 ( Vn + 1 − Vn∣n) < − a, on the event that { Vn > J}, (10)
dP (ε) and
> 0, ∀ ε > 0, limP (ε) = 0.
dε (5) p
ε→ 0
 Vn + 1 − Vn ∣n ≤ M. ) (11)
Furthermore, P (ε ) is a polynomial function in ε for a scalar input. In
general, P (ε ) is a rational function in ε. Then for any r ∈ ( 0, p − 1), there is a c = c( a, J , M , p, r ) such
that  Vnr < c for all n.
Remark 3. It is observed that P (ε ) is positive definite, and note
from (3) that The following is the main result on the coordinated tracking
AT + P (ε)AP −1(ε) − γP (ε)BBT = − εIn.
Theorem 1. Consider N follower agents described by the stochastic
By taking trace on both sides, we have
differential Eq. (1), with a leader described by (2). Let Assumptions
( ) ( ) ( )
tr AT + tr P (ε)AP −1(ε) − tr γP (ε)BBT = − tr( εIn), 1 and 2 hold. Then, under the feedback control law (9), all the agents
(1) can coordinated track to the leader (2).
which indicates
Proof. Regarding x¯ i = x i − x0, i = 1, 2, … , N , the state difference

tr BT P (ε)B =) γ
between agent i and the leader. By using (1), (2) and (9), we obtain
dx i = Ax¯ i dt + Bδ ( ui )dt + Edωi
where we have used tr(Y X ) = tr(Y X ) and tr(A) = tr(A ) = 0. ⎛ ⎛ N ⎞⎞
= Ax¯ i dt + Bδ ⎜ −BT Pε( x )⎜⎜ ∑ a ij x i − x j + bi0 ( x i − x 0 )⎟⎟⎟
( )
In what follows, we propose a class of scheduled control laws to ⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ j =1 ⎠⎠
solve the coordinated tracking problem, which can be carried out
dt + Edωi , (12)
in three steps.
6 Q. Wang, C. Sun / ISA Transactions 71 (2017) 3–9

which can be written in a compact form ∂V

dV =
dt + 2x T (IN ⊗ Pε( x ))dx + tr IN ⊗ ET Pε( x )E dt , ( ) (20)
dx = ( IN ⊗ A)xdt
¯ + ( IN ⊗ B)δ − ( ( ( L + B ) ⊗ B P ( ))x¯)dt
ε x
and substituting (19), we obtain
+ ( IN ⊗ E )dω, (13)
1 T
where x¯ = col{ x¯1, x¯2, … , x¯N } and ω = col{ ω1, ω2, … , ωN }. Recalling
dV = −
ε( x )
( )
x¯ IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ + 2x T (IN ⊗ Pε( x ))dx

from Lemma 2 that Fε( x )x ≤ 1, we can continue (13) as follows

+ tr IN ⊗ ET Pε( x )E dt )
dx = ⎡⎣ IN ⊗ A − ( L + B0) ⊗ BBT Pε( x )⎤⎦xdt
¯ + ( IN ⊗ E )dω. (14)
⎛ 1 ⎞
≤ −⎜⎜
⎝ ε( x )
+ ε( x )⎟⎟x¯ T IN ⊗ Pε( x ) xdt

¯ ( )
It is observed that the coordinated tracking problem is tantamount
to the external stochastic stabilization problem of system (14). (
+ tr IN ⊗ ET Pε( x )E dt + 2x¯ T IN ⊗ Pε( x )E dω. ) ( ) (21)
That is, the equilibrium point x¯ = 0 of system (14) is globally stable
in the absence of the disturbance ω , while the variance of the state Define
difference x̄ of system (14) is bounded in the presence of the ⎛ 1 ⎞
disturbance ω . f1(x ) = − ⎜⎜
⎝ ε( x )
+ ε( x )⎟⎟x¯ T IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ + tr IN ⊗ ET Pε( x )E ,

) ( ) (22)
Consider a Lyapunov function as
and based on (7), we have
V = x T (IN ⊗ Pε( x ))x.
⎛ 1 ⎞
According to Lemma 1, it is easily verified that V is a global Lya- f1(x ) = −⎜⎜
⎝ ( )
ε x ⎠
+ ε( x )⎟⎟x¯ T IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ + tr IN ⊗ ET Pε( x )E ) ( )
punov function for system (14) in the absence of the disturbance
ω , which establishes global asymptotic stability. It remains to show ⎛ 1 ⎞
that the variance of the state difference x̄ of system (14) is = ⎜⎜
⎝ ε( x )
+ ε( x )⎟⎟x¯ T IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ − tr IN ⊗ ET Pε( x )E

) ( )
bounded in the presence of the disturbance ω . In view of Lemma 3,
we will use Vt = x T (IN ⊗ Pε( x ))x for t ¼n and { t} is the natural fil- γε( x ) + γ
tration generated by the stochastic process x .

λN2Nnε( x )
2 (
+ tr IN ⊗ ET Pε( x )E ),
Firstly, we will prove (11) for arbitrary integers p. Note from (7)
which means that f1(x ) is bounded. Note that
( ) ( )
that tr IN ⊗ BT Pε( x )B x¯ T IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ ≤ λN−2, we have
⎡ ⎤
d⎣ tr( I ⊗ B P ( )B)x¯ ( I ⊗ P ( ))x¯ ⎦ = 0.
ε x
N ε x
f2 (x ) = 2x¯ T IN ⊗ Pε( x )E , ) (23)

and with (7), we have

By using the It o stochastic differential rule, it is obtained that
1/2 1/2

⎢ d IN ⊗ Pε( x ) ( ) ⎡ ⎤⎤
d⎣⎢ tr IN ⊗ BT Pε( x )B ⎦⎥ ⎥ ( )
f2 (x ) ( ) ( I ⊗ P ( )) I ⊗ E
≤ 2 x¯ T IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ N ε x N

( T
⎢ tr IN ⊗ B Pε( x )B x¯ T

) T
x¯ + x¯ IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ (dε
) ⎥dε
⎥ = 2 tr( I ⊗ B P ( )B)x¯ ( I ⊗ P ( ))x¯
tr( I ⊗ B P ( )B)T

⎣ ⎦ N ε x N ε x N ε x

⎡ ⎤
( ) ( )
= − tr IN ⊗ BT Pε( x )B ⎢⎣ 2x¯ T IN ⊗ Pε( x ) dx¯ + tr IN ⊗ ET Pε( x )E dt ⎥⎦ . ( ) (15) × ( I ⊗ P ( )) N I ⊗E ε x

−1/2 1/2
It is noted that
≤ 2λ tr( I ⊗ B P ( )B)
N N ( I ⊗ P ( )) I ⊗ E ,
ε x N ε x N

d IN ⊗ Pε( x ) )
dV = x T

x dε + 2x T (IN ⊗ Pε( x ))dx + tr IN ⊗ ET Pε( x )E dt , ( ) (16)
which means that f2 (x ) is bounded. Thus we have,
t t
and substituting (15), we obtain Vt − Vn ≤ ∫n f1(x )dt + ∫n f2 (x )dω .
⎡ ⎡ ⎤⎤
⎢ −1 d⎣ tr IN ⊗ BT Pε( x )B ⎦ ⎥ ( ) It follows from [8] that all higher order moments of
∫n f2 (x )dω are
( T
dV = − ⎢ tr IN ⊗ B Pε( x )B x¯ IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯

) (

⎥dε .

) bounded, and given that f1(x ) is bounded, we trivially find that
⎣ ⎦ (17)
 Vt − Vn ∣n is bounded for any p and for any t ∈ ⎡⎣ n, n + 1⎤⎦
( )
According to (6), we have
which implies (11).
nε( x )
tr BT Pε( x )B = ) . Next, we will prove (10). Since the condition is tr IN ⊗ BT (

It follows that
Pε( x )B x¯) (I
N ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ ≤ ) λN−2 , there exists a κ > 0 so that x¯ T ( IN ⊗

Nnε( x )
Pε( x ) x¯ ≥ κ . Consider a J1 such that V > J1 implies that
tr IN ⊗ B Pε( x )B =T
) 2γ
(18) κ⎛ 1 ⎞
tr IN ⊗ ET Pε( x )E ≤ ) ⎜⎜
2 ⎝ ε( x )
+ ε( x )⎟⎟.

Therefore, we can continue (17) as
According to (21), we have
dV 1 T

ε( x )
x¯ IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ .( ) (19) n+ 1 ⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤
 Vn + 1 − Vn ∣n ≤
) ∫ ⎢ −κ ⎜⎜ 1 + ε( x )⎟⎟ + tr IN ⊗ ET Pε x E ⎥dt . ( )
⎢⎣ ⎝ ε( x ) ( ) ⎥⎦
n ⎠
On the other hand, it is noted that
Q. Wang, C. Sun / ISA Transactions 71 (2017) 3–9 7

Assuming Vn > J with J > J1, and using the Doob's martingale in- traces in digital signal process (DSP) systems. Transmission lines(TLs)
equality [22], we have are becoming increasingly important in industrial applications, such
as power lines and telephone lines. In high-speed DSP systems, traces
⎤  ⎡⎣ Vt − Vn ⎤⎦
⎡ become TLs when the signals on those traces have a rise-time less
 ⎢ sup Vt − Vn > J − J1 ⎥ ≤ .
⎢⎣ t ∈ ⎡⎣ n, n + 1⎤⎦ ⎦⎥
2 than twice the propagation delay. There are two types of TLs, lossless
J − J1 ( ) and lossy. Although all TLs are lossy, in practice, the losses on lines or
That is, for any ρ, we can choose J such that traces are negligible compared to losses in the entire signal chain.
Therefore, in this example, we use two-section lossless TLs with four
⎡ ⎤
 ⎢ inf Vt < J1 ∣Vn > J ⎥ < ρ . elements as shown in Fig. 1. Here the inductance L, capacitance C,
⎣ t ∈ ⎡⎣ n, n + 1⎤⎦ ⎦ current I and S are all normalized unit. u is the input of the lossless TL.
r and y are the outputs of the first and second sections, respectively.
However, for Vn > J , we have
Meanwhile, the output of second section usually subject to stochastic
⎡ ⎤ disturbances. Therefore, define the state as x=
 ( Vn + 1 − Vn∣n) ≤ −  ⎢ inf Vt > J1 ∣Vn > J ⎥T1 col{ x1, x2, x3, x4} = col{ I , r , S, y} . Then, the model can be given by
⎣ ⎣
t ∈ ⎡ n, n + 1⎤
⎦ ⎦
⎡ ⎤ dx(t ) = Ax(t )dt + Bδ( u(t ))dt + Edω(t )
+  ⎢ inf Vt < J1 ∣Vn > J ⎥T2,
⎣ t ∈ ⎡⎣ n, n + 1⎤⎦ ⎦
⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎡ ⎤
where −T1 = − κ
2 ( 1
ε( x )
+ ε( x ) ) is an upper bound for −κ ⎜
⎝ ε( x )
+ ε( x )⎟+

⎢0 −L 0 0 ⎥ ⎡ 1⎤ ⎡ 0⎤
⎢1 ⎥ ⎢ L⎥ ⎢ ⎥
tr IN ⊗ ET Pε( x )E ) and T = tr( I 2 N )
⊗ ET Pε( x )E . Since we have given that 1
⎢ C 0 −C 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
B = ⎢ 0 ⎥,
⎢ 0⎥
V > J1, we obtain 1 1
⎥, E = ⎢ 0 ⎥.
⎢0 L 0 −L⎥ ⎢ 0⎥ ⎢ 1⎥
 ( Vn + 1 − Vn∣n) ≤ − T1( 1 − ρ) + T2ρ , ⎢ ⎥ ⎢⎣ 0⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ L ⎥⎦
⎢⎣ 0 0 1 0 ⎥⎦
which is less than −a for a = T1/2 provided ρ is small enough. This
implies that (10) is satisfied. Therefore, we conclude from Lemma It is easy to obtain that Assumption 1 holds.
3 that Vtr is bounded for all positive integers r. The coordinated tracking problem is formulated as follows. Let
In what follows, we will prove that the variance of x is bounded one two-section lossless TL be the leader agent with u ¼0 and
under the condition that Vtr is bounded for all positive integers r. trying to produce a desired signal. Four two-section lossless TLs
are the follower agents, and these agents can get information from
Since Pε−(1x ) is a rational function in ε( x ), there exists η > 0 and an
their neighbors with an graph. That is, the Laplacian matrix L and
integer q such that the matrix B0 are given as follows
Pε−(1x ) ≤ ηε( x ) , ⎡ 2 −1 0 −1⎤ ⎡1 0 0 0⎤
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
−1 2 −1 0⎥ 0 0 0 0⎥
which implies L=⎢ , B0 = ⎢ ,
⎢ 0 −1 2 −1⎥ ⎢0 0 0 0⎥
q ⎢⎣ −1 0 −1 2 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ 0 0 0 0⎥⎦
Pε( x ) ≥ η−1ε( x ) .
which means that Assumption 2 is satisfied, and the eigenvalues of
This yields
L + B0 are { 0.1864, 2, 2.4707, 4.3429}. The objective of coordinated
( )
x¯ T IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ ≥ η−1ε( x ) x¯ T x.
¯ tracking problem is to design a class of control laws ui for the
follower agents, such that the output signals of two-section loss-
It is from tr( I N ) ( )
⊗ BT Pε( x )B x¯ T IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x¯ ≤ λN−2 that less TLs tracking to that of the leader agent.
It is known for control engineers that make the output signals of
−q T 2ηγ
x¯ x¯ ≤ ηε( x ) x¯ ( I ⊗ P ( ))x¯ ≤
N ε x , lossless TLs synchronized tracking is not easy. Under the class of
Nλ nε x
( 2
N ( ) q + 1) control laws (9) with random Gaussian initial conditions and sto-
chastic disturbances, the trajectories of state differences between the
which implies the expectation of the term on the right is bounded.
followers and the leader are shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 3 shows the tra-
Therefore, we have  x¯ T x¯ < ∞, which completes the proof. □
jectories of 2-norm of control inputs of the followers. It is seen that
Remark 4. In view of the proof of Theorem 1, it is clear from (19) the output signals achieve coordinated tracking with a small
that bounded variance of the state difference. We set L = C = 1 in this

d IN ⊗ Pε( x )
) 1 T
x IN ⊗ Pε( x ) x , ( )
dε ε( x )

which implies

d IN ⊗ Pε( x ) ) =− 1
dε ε( x )
IN ⊗ Pε( x ) . )
In fact, the key issue of the proof is that the relationship between
( )
d IN ⊗ Pε( x ) /dε and (I
N )
⊗ Pε( x ) is analytically discovered.

4. Simulations

In this section, to verify the efficiency of findings, the class of

proposed control laws are implemented on an industrial setting, i.e, Fig. 1. Two-section lossless transmission lines.
8 Q. Wang, C. Sun / ISA Transactions 71 (2017) 3–9

Fig. 2. The trajectories of state differences between the followers and the leader.

Fig. 3. The trajectories of 2-norm of control inputs of the followers.

5. Conclusions the network is connected, we proposed a class of tracking control

algorithms that can always achieve consensus tracking in the ab-
In this paper, we investigated the coordinated tracking control of sence of disturbances and guarantee a bounded variance of the
linear multiagent systems with input saturation and stochastic state difference between the follower agent and the leader in the
disturbances. Under the assumption that the system is ANCBC and present of disturbances. Finally, an industrial setting was introduced
Q. Wang, C. Sun / ISA Transactions 71 (2017) 3–9 9

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