Employees Are Intangible Asset

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‘Employees’- The Most Important Intangible Asset

“A company’s employees are its greatest asset and your people are your product”


Before setting up any business or any firm, people generally look for best employee, a person
who is suitable for his business, who can contribute towards his goals and success of the firm.
The success and failure depends upon employees dedication. It goes without saying that human
asset are key intangible asset.

Once Narayan Murthy, Executive Chairman and Mentor of Infosys said that ‘Our asset walks out
of the door each evening, we have to make sure that they come back the next morning’.
Employees are hired, they are given target of work and they are putted in so much of pressure.
Imagine, if all the situations are not taken seriously by employees, there’s no doubt the
company will face failure or loss.

The kind of service the employees provides is intangible as said earlier because they put up
their hard work, determination, time, commitment to that work. Their unseen qualities are
considered as supreme. There is no precious commodity than the relationship of trust and
confidence between employees and company. It’s difficult to build any kind of business where
we are unable to surround us with people and their skills. These was the secret success tip of

Employees can be fired, replaced or hired, but the skills and quality cannot be filled by any
other resources. The most adequate resource is Humans. The valued are respectfully created
employees who will run in race of competition on behalf and will invent and innovate for your

Hence forth, the employees working on behalf of your company should be treated with respect
and dignity. He should be given topmost values, as employees are the first customer to a
business. If they are happy eventually they will keep the customers happy. Apart from these,
employee are the front face of company. Their behavior shows how much motivated or
unhappy they are. Happy employees significantly move toward the target.

Lets not forget the fact, that the happy and valued employees will give their 100% in long or
short run of business, competing from competition keeping business ahead. All these therefore
conclude that employees are the Intangible Asset of the business.

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