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Construction and Building Materials 29 (2012) 82–87

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Properties of concrete containing fungal treated waste foundry sand

Gurdeep Kaur a,⇑, Rafat Siddique b, Anita Rajor a
Department of Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab 147 004, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab 147 004, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Waste foundry sands represent the highest amount of solid wastes generated by foundries. The high cost
Received 20 July 2011 of land-filling and the potential uses of waste foundry sand in construction purposes have prompted
Received in revised form 16 August 2011 research into their beneficial reuse. For high-performance construction materials microbial (bacteria/
Accepted 16 August 2011
fungi) modified concrete has become an important area of research. This study investigates the effects
Available online 24 November 2011
of incorporating fungal treated waste foundry sand (WFS) on concrete. Results present the effect of Asper-
gillus spp. on compressive strength, water absorption and porosity of concrete containing waste foundry
sand. The study shows that 15.6% increase in compressive strength of concrete after 28 days was
Compressive strength
achieved with the addition of fungal (Aspergillus spp.) treated 20% WFS containing concrete and also
Microbial concrete shows decrease in water absorption (68.8%) and porosity (45.9%). X-ray diffraction (XRD) results suggest
Porosity that fungal culture (Aspergillus spp.) is capable to form good C–S–H gel than untreated concrete contain-
Waste foundry sand ing WFS, which shows that Aspergillus spp. increase the ability of cement to react properly with foundry
Water absorption sand and hence due to which C–S–H gel formation increases. Silica present in WFS is consumed to form
X-ray diffraction C–S–H gel, which in turn hardened the fungal treated waste foundry sand containing concrete.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction as phenol, formaldehyde, and furfuryl alcohol [2]. According to the

American Foundry Society (AFS), a metal casting industry group, the
Waste foundry sand (WFS) is a discarded material coming from metal-casting process generates 9.4 million tons of foundry sand
ferrous and nonferrous metal-casting industry. Foundry sand is annually [3].
high quality silica sand with uniform physical characteristics which Indian Foundry Industry is the 4th largest casting producer in
is used by the foundry industry to create metal casting molds. the world. There are more than 5000 foundry units in India, having
Molten metal at a high temperature is poured into these molds an installed capacity of approximately 7.5 million tons per annum.
and, once cool, the molds are broken apart to yield the metal cast- The majority (nearly 95%) of the foundry units in India falls under
ing. Classification of foundry sands depends upon the type of binder the category of small-scale industry. These foundry units generate
systems used in metal casting. Two types of binder systems are gen- approximately 1.71 metric tons waste foundry sand per year [4]. At
erally used, and on the basis of that foundry sands are categorized present, only 32% of foundry sand is beneficially reused in con-
as: clay-bonded sand (green sand) and chemically bonded sand. struction. This is mainly due to lack of information on its possible
The majority of foundry sands are made up of uniform, high quality beneficial uses or due to regulatory requirements today in force
quartz sand (85–95%) in the fine to medium particle size range. The across some countries that classify foundry sands among hazard-
physical and chemical characteristics of foundry sand will depend ous wastes [5]. Unless alternative uses of this excess sand are
in great part on the type of casting process and the industry sector introduced, an increase in landfilling costs is inevitable under pres-
from which it originates. The main differences in foundry sands lie ent circumstances.
in how the sands are bonded to each other; either with clay or Significant efforts have been made in recent years to use foun-
organic resins. Clay bonded sands are commonly called ‘green dry sand in civil engineering construction. Some of the application
sands’ and contain bentonite clay (4–10%) [1]. Organic resins are areas included highway bases and retaining structures, landfill lin-
used either to form the entire mold or cores, which create an inter- ers, asphalt concrete and pavement bases [6–8].
nal cavity in the metal casting. The core sands are bound together The mechanical properties of concrete mixtures in which fine
using resins that may contain a variety of organic components, such aggregate (regular sand) was partially replaced with used-foundry
sand [9]. Fine aggregate was replaced with three percentages (10%,
20%, and 30%) of UFS by weight. Compressive strength of concrete
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 950 1985582; fax: +91 175 2364498/2393005. mixtures made with and without used-foundry sand (UFS) was
E-mail address: (G. Kaur). determined at 7, 28, 56, 91, and 365 days of curing. At 28-day,

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Kaur et al. / Construction and Building Materials 29 (2012) 82–87 83

control mixture M-1 (0% UFS) achieved a compressive strength of values, were less than 750 coulombs at 90 days and 500 coulombs
28.5 MPa, whereas mixtures M-2 (10% UFS), M-3 (20% UFS), M-4 at 365 days which comes under very low category. Thereby,
(30% UFS) achieved a compressive strength of 29.7, 30.0, and indicating effective use of foundry sand as an alternate material,
31.3 MPa, respectively; an increase of 4.2%, 5.2% and 9.8% in as partial replacement of fine aggregates in concrete.
comparison with the strength of control mixture M-1 (0% UFS). In- Siddique and Kadri [15] investigated the effect of foundry sand
crease in the compressive strength of concrete mixes incorporating (FS) and metakaolin (MK) on the near surface characteristics of
used-foundry sand indicated that foundry sand could be success- concrete. Cement was replaced with three percentages (5%, 10%,
fully used in making concrete as partial replacement of fine and 15%) of metakaolin weight, and fine aggregates were replaced
aggregate. with 20% foundry sand. Test results indicated that with the
Siddique et al. [10] investigated the potential re-use of waste increase in MK content from 5% to 15%, there was a decrease in
foundry sand in high-strength concrete production. The natural the initial surface absorption, decrease in the sorptivity till 10%
fine sand is replaced with waste foundry sand (0%, 5%, 10%, and metakaolin replacement.
15%). It is also observed that the concrete with 10% waste foundry Bakis et al. [16] investigated the use of waste foundry sand in
sand replacement exhibits highest compressive strength at the age asphalt concrete. Results showed that the strength of asphalt con-
of 56 days. The compressive strength decreases with an increase in crete mixtures indicated a linear decrease as the percentage of WFS
the amount of foundry sand. The concrete with 10% waste foundry was decreased, yielding values from 1.39 MPa with 0% WFS to
sand shows almost the same strength as that in the control con- 0.94 MPa with 20% WFS. Use of spent foundry sand in concrete re-
crete mixture whereas all the other waste foundry-added mixtures lated products like bricks, blocks and paving stones has been re-
exhibit lower values than that of the control. ported by Khatib and Ellis [13], Naik et al. [17], Fiore and Zanetti
Guney et al. [11] compared the controlled low-strength materi- [18], and Siddique et al. [19].
als mixtures containing clay-bonded and chemically bonded sand Leidel and Novaskowski [9] studied the thermal or biological
were compared in the plastic and hardened states to CLSM mix- remediation of the foundry sands provides an opportunity for their
tures containing uniformly graded crushed limestone sand. Results land applications. Biological remediation suggest the inclusion of
showed that foundry sand can be successfully used in CLSM, and it microbes i.e. bacteria and fungi as biological tool to remediate
provides similar or better properties to that of CLSM containing the waste by-products or waste material for the possible use in
crushed limestone sand. The spent foundry sand assisted in keep- construction purposes and land applications. Fungi is heterotro-
ing the strength from exceeding the desired upper limit of phic organism with multi-cellular filaments called as mycelium,
0.70 MPa. He also determined the water absorption and void ratio which can able to produce secondary metabolites like organic
of concrete containing WFS as partial replacement of fine aggre- acids, also participate in the process of biomineralization.
gates. It was observed that (i) water absorption of the concrete Biomineralization is a widespread complex phenomenon by
with 5% waste foundry sand are higher than that of the concrete which organisms form minerals, occurring in various systems.
without waste foundry sand at the age of 56 days; (ii) water The process creates heterogeneous materials composed of biologic
absorption ratio decreased for the specimens having waste foundry (or organic) and inorganic compounds like carbonate, phosphate,
sand of 10%, and 15%. This may be explained as the usage of waste oxalate, silica, iron, or sulfur-containing minerals, with in homoge-
foundry sand decreases the voids in the concrete, therefore water neous distributions that reflect the environment in which they
absorption values have tendency to decrease in the specimens with form [20]. Biologically induced mineralization is also an important
greater waste foundry sand than 5%; and (iii) void ratio of the sam- geological process that helps in the formation of microfossil, hot
ples with and without waste foundry sand are similar to the water spring deposition and transfer of chemical elements [21,22]. The
absorption test results. The replacement of waste foundry sand unique properties and functions of biomineralization have inspired
with fine sand in ratios greater than 5% decreases void ratios for innovative high-performance composites for construction applica-
all ages. Deng and Tikalsky [12] determined the physical properties tions, as well as other new materials. Use of microorganisms with-
including density, particle gradation, absorption, grain shape and in mortar/concrete leading to the process of biomineralization is
fine content. now a potential field of research in concrete technology [23].
Khatib and Ellis [13] investigated the compressive strength (up The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of
to the age of 90 days) of concrete made with three types of foundry microbially treated waste foundry sand on concrete properties.
sand as a partial replacement of fine aggregate. The standard sand To achieve this objective isolated fungus Aspergillus spp. was
(Class M) was partially replaced by (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) used to grow in waste foundry sand and then utilized in con-
these types of sand. Based on the results they concluded that (i) crete to study its compressive strength, waster absorption and
with the increase in the replacement level of standard sand with porosity. X-ray diffraction technique was applied to achieve this
foundry sand, the strength of concrete decreased; (ii) presence of aim.
high percentage of blended sand in the concrete mixture caused
a reduction in strength as compared with concrete incorporating 2. Experimental programme
white sand or spent sand; and (iii) increase in strength was not ob-
served at low replacement levels (less than 50%). 2.1. Material used
Siddique et al. [14] presented the design of concrete mixes
made with used-foundry (UFS) sand as partial replacement of fine 2.1.1. Cement
aggregates. Various mechanical properties are evaluated (compres- Cement is a fine, grey powder. It is mixed with water and mate-
sive strength, and splittensile strength). Test results indicated that rials such as sand, gravel, and crushed stone to make concrete. The
industrial by-products can produce concrete with sufficient cement and water form a paste that binds the other materials to-
strength and durability to replace normal concrete. Compressive gether as the concrete hardens. The cement contains two basic
strength, and split-tensile strength, was determined at 28, 90 and ingredients namely argillaceous and calcareous. IS mark 43 grade
365 days along with carbonation and rapid chloride penetration cement (Brand – Ambuja cement) was used for all mixes. The ce-
resistance at 90 and 365 days. The maximum carbonation depth ment used was fresh and without any lumps. Testing of cement
in natural environment, for mixes containing foundry sand never was done as per IS: 8112-1989 [24]. The various tests results con-
exceeded 2.5 mm at 90 days and 5 mm at 365 days. The RCPT ducted on the cement are reported in Table 1.
84 G. Kaur et al. / Construction and Building Materials 29 (2012) 82–87

Table 1 Table 3
Properties of cement. Physical properties of waste foundry sand.

Characteristics Values obtained Standard values Physical properties Values

Initial setting time (min) 90 min Not less than 30 Specific gravity 2.16
Final setting time (min) 255 min Not greater than 600 Bulk relative density (kg/m3) 2255.9
Fineness (%) 3.5% <10 Absorption (%) 6.4
Specific gravity 3.125 – Fineness modulus 2.07
pH 6.8

Table 2
Properties of coarse and fine aggregates. Table 4
Characteristics Coarse aggregate Fine aggregate Chemical composition of waste foundry sand.

Specific gravity 2.62 2.57 Tests Values (%)

Water absorption (%) 0.80 1.02 Silica (SiO2) 83.8
Fineness modulus 2.0 2.28 Alumina (Al2O3) 0.81
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) 0.21
2.1.2. Coarse and fine aggregate Calcium oxide (CaO) 1.42
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0.86
Locally available coarse aggregates having the size of 12.5 mm Iron oxide (Fe2O3) 5.39
was used in this work. Testing of fine and coarse aggregates was Sodium oxide (Na2O) 0.87
done as per IS: 383-1970 [25]. The sand used for the experimen- Potassium oxide (K2O) 1.14
tal programme was locally procured and conformed to Indian Sulfur trioxide (SO4) 0.21
Manganese (Mn3O4) 0.047
Standard Specifications IS: 383-1970 [25]. The sand was first
Strontium oxide (SrO) Nil
sieved through 4.75 mm sieve to remove any particles greater
than 4.75 mm and remove the dust. Properties of the coarse inoculated in the middle layer having spore count 1.7  107 spores
and fine aggregate used in the experimental work are tabulated per ml. Then the middle layer was covered by another layer of
in Table 2. WFS. These plastic trays then cover placed at temperature of 28 °C
for 30 days. Fungal treated WFS were used for concrete mixture.
2.1.3. Waste foundry sand
Sample of waste foundry sand (WFS) was collected in bags from
2.4. Study of concrete properties
the dumped site of Delux Metal Foundry located at Mandi Gobind-
garh (Punjab). Physical properties of WFS would be determined as
2.4.1. Compressive strength
per BIS (specific gravity, density, and absorption by ASTM C128
Cubes having size 150 mm  150 mm  150 mm were cast in
[26]. Chemical analysis was determined as per Indian standards
duplicates using waste foundry sand (WFS) and fungal treated
by Delhi test house (Tables 3 and 4).
waste foundry sand as partial replacement of fine aggregate.
Concrete mixes (M20) were prepared. After casting, all the test
2.2. Isolation of fungi specimens were stored at a temperature of about 27 ± 2 °C in the
casting room. They were demolded after 24 h, and were put into
Soil sample for isolation of fungi was collected from the areas a water-curing tank for 28 days. Compressive strength of these
surrounding the same foundry. Petri plates, flasks, test tubes, micro concrete cubes added with WFS and fungal treated WFS was deter-
tips and distilled water were dipped in chromic acid for 24 h. These mined at the age of 28 days was tested. Specimens were placed on
were then washed and dried in oven at 95 °C. After drying these the bearing surface of Digital Compression Testing Machine. The
were sterilized in autoclave for 20 min at 121 °C, 15 psi. Potato maximum load was noted and the compressive strength was
dextrose agar (PDA) media was used for the growth of fungal calculated by the equation given below. It was then compared with
cultures. Composition of PDA (Himedia) g/l: Potato extract: 4, the concrete made without WFS.
Dextrose: 20, Agar: 15, pH: 5.6 ± 0.2. It was sterilized at 121 °C,
15 psi. Poured the media in sterilized Petri plates and allowed to
2.4.2. Water absorption and porosity
solidify for 24 h. Once the agar was solidified plates were kept in
After 28 days of curing, cubes were used to determined for the
an inverted position for 24 h at room temperature for sterility test.
waster absorption and porosity by using the ASTM C 642-97 [27].
The soil sample was processed with isolation procedure using the
soil dilution plate method. Petri plates were incubated at 27 ± 2 °C
for 4 days. After incubation distinct colonies were counted and 2.5. XRD analysis
re-cultured for purification. The cultures were maintained on
PDA slants at 4 °C. Concrete samples of each mix (after 28 days curing) were taken
and crushed into fine powder by pestle–mortar. The powder
2.3. Fungal treatment of WFS samples were analyzed in a powder X-ray diffractometer (PAN
alytical X’ Pro). The XRD spectrum were taken from 2h = 10h to
Erlenmeyer flasks containing the PDA were inoculated with 2h = 80h. The peaks in the new positions of the spectrum were
selected fungal culture. The inoculated flasks were continuously marked, compared and identified from the JCPDS data file.
shaken on a rotary shaker operating at 150 rpm and 30 °C for
4–5 days. Spore count was performed using Neubauer Haemocy- 3. Result and discussion
tometer. For fungal treatment, WFS was poured in plastic tray in spe-
cific manner (layers) for proper spread of fungal mycelium. For this, 3.1. Physical and chemical properties of WFS
1 cm thick layer of WFS was made as bottom layer and it was
drenched with water. Middle layer consist of baggage which served Waste foundry sand is sub-angular to round in shape and black
as the source of media for the growth of fungus. Fungus was in color. Table 1 presents the physical properties of waste foundry
G. Kaur et al. / Construction and Building Materials 29 (2012) 82–87 85

sand. Specific gravity was found to be observed as 2.16 and bulk

relative density was found to be as 2255.9 kg/m3. The typical spe-
cific gravity of foundry sand varies between 2.39 and 2.55 and bulk
relative density was 2589 kg/m3 [7]. Percent absorption was found
to be observed as 6.4 and fineness modulus was obtained as 2.07.
The pH was found to be observed as 6.8.
Chemical composition of the waste foundry sand depends on
the type of metal molded at the foundry, type of binder and com-
bustible used. The chemical composition of the foundry sand may
influence its performance. Table 2 presents data regarding the
chemical composition of WFS. Silica was found to be observed as
maximum value (83.3%). Iron oxide was found to be observed as
5.39% and strontium oxide was found to be negligible in waste
foundry sand.

3.2. Effects of Aspergillus spp. on concrete properties

To study potential reuse of WFS after treating with selected fun-

gi in concrete technology, its effect on the compressive strength,
water absorption and porosity. At age of 28 days, the control mix
(0% WFS) achieved a compressive strength of 33.10 N/mm2,
whereas 10%, 15% and 20% WFS (untreated) achieved compressive Fig. 1. Compressive strength of treated and untreated concrete containing WFS.
strength of 33.76, 29.30 and 27.80 N/mm2 respectively. There is a
marginal decrease in compressive strength of concrete mix with
inclusion of WFS as partial replacement of regular sand. In case
of fungal treated WFS which shows compressive strength 36.10,
32.81, 32.40 N/mm2 in concrete with 10%, 15%, and 20% replace-
ment by WFS.
Naik et al. [28] investigated the decrease in compressive
strength with increase in percentage of WFS in concrete may be
due to the high absorption capacity of WFS. High absorption capac-
ity of sand would leave the mix comparatively dry eventually hin-
ders the strength gain. The other possible reason for lower strength
phenomenon would be the presence of high amount of binders
which may stick to sand particles and prevent it from strengthen-
ing the bond with cement paste. It was showed that an increase in
replacement level of conventional fine sand with WFS decreased
compressive strength except for particular substitution of 10%. At
10% and 15% replacement with untreated and fungal treated WFS
there was no significant reduction in compressive strength of con-
crete [10].
Fig. 1 showed the compressive strength of control (0% WFS),
fungal treated and untreated concrete cubes containing waste
foundry sand with various percentages (10%, 15% and 20%). Fig. 2. Percent water absorption of treated and untreated concrete containing WFS.
Compressive strength of concrete decreased with the increase in
sand with different replacement levels of foundry sand but there
was increase in compressive strength of concrete containing fungal
treated waste foundry sand.
There is improvement of 15.6% increase in compressive strength
at 20% replacement of fungal treated waste foundry sand after
28 days as compared to untreated concrete cubes. Little increase
in compressive strength at 10% and 15% replacement of fungal
treated waste foundry sand in concrete cubes is observed. Similar
improvement in compressive strength by inclusion of microorgan-
ism in cement mortar was also studied by Ghosh et al. [29]. They
used bacterial cultures in mortar and found 25% increase in
28 day compressive strength of cement mortar was achieved with
the addition of about 105 cell/ml of mixing water.
This improvement in compressive strength is probably due to
deposition fungal spores within the pores cement sand matrix,
which plugs the pores within the concrete. Results of water
absorption and porosity shows decrease of 45% and 68% respec-
tively in fungal treated concrete as compared to untreated concrete
(Figs. 2 and 3).
XRD analysis of concrete samples with or without fungal trea-
ted waste foundry sand shows some extra peaks of calcium silicate Fig. 3. Percent porosity of treated and untreated concrete containing WFS.
86 G. Kaur et al. / Construction and Building Materials 29 (2012) 82–87

0 % WFS #
* Calcium Silicate Hydrate (a) 6000 15 % WFS * + Calium Aluminium Silicate Hydrate
- Calcium Hydroxide #+ * Calcium Silicate Hydrate
# Silicon Hydroxide 5000 # Silicon dioxide


2000 *
* #
1000 *- # * # #
- * *-* - * 1000 *+ * +* * #
* - - #- # # #- # + * + * #
* + + # +*
+ # + +
0 + +

0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
2 Theta (Degrees)
2 Theta (Degrees)
Fig. 4. X-ray diffraction shown by concrete without WFS.
(b)10000 15% Treated + + Calcium Aluminium Silicate Hydrate
# * Calcium Silicate Hydrate
8000 # Calcium Silate Hydrate
(a) 10 % WFS # * Calcium Silicate Hydrate
* - Calcium Hydroxide
6000 6000
# Silicon Dioxide

5000 4000

4000 # #
2000 * *
+ * +
+ # #
3000 + * * # +* +#+ + + #+ +
* 0
* # 0 20 40 60 80 100
# * #
1000 - 2 Theta(Degrees)
- - - # #* #
# #-
0 Fig. 6. X-ray diffraction shown by concrete containing 15% WFS; (a) untreated WFS
and (b) fungal treated WFS.
0 20 40 60 80 100
2 Theta(Degrees) elaborate search on peaks (comparing the values of 2h/d/I/I) for
JCPDS data file exclusively shows that these new peaks match with
(b)12000 peaks of calcium aluminum silicate hydrate (CaAl2Si2O8H2O).
10% Treated # * Calcium Silicate Hydrate Peaks of calcium silicate hydrate in fungal treated waste foundry
* # Silicon Hydroxide
10000 sand containing concrete sample shows more intense as compared
- Calcium Hydoxide
to peaks in untreated WFS containing concrete sample. Gosh et al.
[30] investigated the effects of incorporating a facultative anaero-
bic hot spring bacterium on the microstructure of a cement–sand

mortar. X-ray diffraction (XRD) study confirmed the formation of

6000 new phases of silicates (Gehlenite) within the matrix of such mor-
tar material, which causes an improvement in the strength of the
4000 material.
# These results suggest that fungal culture (Aspergillus spp.) is
* * capable to form good C–S–H gel than untreated concrete contain-
2000 # * ing WFS, which shows that Aspergillus spp. increase the ability of
- - -- * # - - # # cement to react properly with foundry sand and hence due to
- # #
0 which C–S–H gel formation increases. Silica present in WFS is
consumed to form C–S–H gel, which in turn hardened the fungal
0 20 40 60 80 100 treated waste foundry sand containing concrete.
2 Theta (Degrees)
4. Conclusions
Fig. 5. X-ray diffraction shown by concrete containing 10% WFS; (a) untreated WFS
and (b) fungal treated WFS.
Treatment of waste foundry sand with Aspergillus sp. has posi-
tive effects on properties of concrete containing waste foundry
hydrate (Gyrolite) and calcium aluminum silicate hydrate (Gis- sand. There is 15.6% increase in compressive strength of concrete
mondine) in fungal treated WFS (20%) containing concrete as com- having 20% WFS after 28 days was achieved with the addition of
pared to untreated WFS (20%) containing concrete (Figs. 4–7). An fungal culture at about 5% (w/v) and also shows decrease in water
G. Kaur et al. / Construction and Building Materials 29 (2012) 82–87 87

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