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STEPPER MOTOR – an electromagnetic actuator. It is an
incremental drive (digital) actuator and is driven in fixed angular

This mean that a digital signal is used to drive the motor and every
time it receives a digital pulse it rotates a specific number of degrees
in rotation.

•Each step of rotation is the response of the motor to an input

pulse (or digital command).
•Step-wise rotation of the rotor can be synchronized with pulses
in a command-pulse train, assuming that no steps are missed,
thereby making the motor respond faithfully to the pulse signal
in an open-loop manner.
•Stepper motors have emerged as cost-effective alternatives for
DC servomotors in high-speed, motion-control applications
(except the high torque-speed range) with the improvements in
permanent magnets and the incorporation of solid-state
circuitry and logic devices in their drive systems.
•Today stepper motors can be found in computer peripherals,
machine tools, medical equipment, automotive devices, and
small business machines, to name a few applications.
Stepper motors are usually operated in open loop mode.


•Stepper motors are operated open loop, while most DC motors
are operated closed loop.
•Stepper motors are easily controlled with microprocessors,
however logic and drive electronics are more complex.
•Stepper motors are brushless and brushes contribute several
problems, e.g., wear, sparks, electrical transients.
•DC motors have a continuous displacement and can be
accurately positioned, whereas stepper motor motion is
incremental and its resolution is limited to the step size.
•Stepper motors can slip if overloaded and the error can go
undetected. (A few stepper motors use closed-loop control.)
•Feedback control with DC motors gives a much faster
response time compared to stepper motors.
•Position error is noncumulative. A high accuracy of motion is
possible, even under open-loop control.
•Large savings in sensor (measurement system) and controller
costs are possible when the open-loop mode is used.
•Because of the incremental nature of command and motion,
stepper motors are easily adaptable to digital control
•No serious stability problems exist, even under open-loop
•Torque capacity and power requirements can be optimized
and the response can be controlled by electronic switching.
•Brushless construction has obvious advantages.


•They have low torque capacity (typically less than 2,000 oz-in)
compared to DC motors.
•They have limited speed (limited by torque capacity and by
pulse-missing problems due to faulty switching systems and
drive circuits).

•They have high vibration levels due to stepwise motion.

•Large errors and oscillations can result when a pulse is missed
under open-loop control.

The above figure is the cross-section

cross section view of a single-stack
single stack variable-
reluctance motor. The stator core is the outer structure and has six
poles or teeth. The inner device is called the rotor and has four poles.
Both the stator and rotor are made of soft steel.
steel. The stator has three
sets of windings as shown in the figure. Each set has two coils
connected in series. A set of windings is called a “phase”. The motor
above, using this designation, is a three-phase
three phase motor. Current is
supplied from the DC power source to the windings via the switches I,
II, and, III.

Starting with state (1) in the upper left diagram, note that in state (1),
the winding of Phase I is supplied with current through switch I. This
is called in technical terms, “phase I is excited”. Arrows on the coil
windings indicate the magnetic flux, which occurs in the air-gap due
to the excitation. In state I, the two stator poles on phase I being
excited are in alignment with two of the four rotor teeth. This is an
equilibrium state.

Next, switch II is closed to excite phase II in addition to phase I.

Magnetic flux is built up at the stator poles of phase II in the manner
shown in state (2), the upper right diagram. A counter-clockwise
torque is created due to the “tension” in the inclined magnetic flux
lines. The rotor will begin to move and achieve state (3), the lower left
diagram. In state (3) the rotor has moved 15°.

When switch I is opened to de-energize phase I, the rotor will travel

another 15° and reach state (4). The angular position of the rotor can
thus be controlled in units of the step angle by a switching process. If
the switching is carried out in sequence, the rotor will rotate with a
stepped motion; the switching process can also control the average
The step angle, the number of degrees a rotor will turn per step, is
calculated as follows:


The above motor is a two-phase motor. This is sometimes called
UNIPOLAR. The two-phase coils are center-tapped and in this case
they the center-taps are connected to ground. The coils are wound so
that current is reversed when the drive signal is applied to either coil
at a time. The north and south poles of the stator phases reverse
depending upon whether the drive signal is applied to coil 1 as
opposed to coil 2.

There are three modes of operation when using a stepper motor. The
mode of operation is determined by the step sequence applied. The
three step sequences are:

Full H = HIGH = +V
Half Stepping L = LOW = 0V

The wave stepping sequence is shown below.

STEP L1 L2 L3 L4

1 H L L L

2 L H L L

3 L L H L

4 L L L H

Wave stepping has less torque then full stepping. It is the least stable
at higher speeds and has low power consumption.

The full stepping sequence is shown below.

STEP L1 L2 L3 L4

1 H H L L

2 L H H L

3 L L H H

4 H L L H

Full stepping has the lowest resolution and is the strongest at holding
its position. Clock-wise and counter clockwise rotation is
accomplished by reversing the step sequence.



The half-step sequence is shown below.

STEP L1 L2 L3 L4

1 H L L L

2 H H L L

3 L H L L

4 L H H L

5 L L H L

6 L L H H

7 L L L H

8 H L L H
The half-step sequence has the most torque and is the most
stable at higher speeds. It also has the highest resolution of the
main stepping methods. It is a combination of full and wave

The pin outs of DB25 connector is shown in the picture below

The lines in DB25 connector are divided in to three groups, they are

1) Data lines (data bus)

2) Control lines
3) Status lines

As the name refers, data is transferred over data lines , Control lines
are used to control the peripheral and of course , the peripheral
returns status signals back computer through Status lines. These
lines are connected to Data, Control and Status registers internally.
The details of parallel port signal lines are given below.
Pin No Signal Register
Direction Inverted
(DB25) name - bit
1 nStrobe Out Yes
2 Data0 In/Out Data-0 No
3 Data1 In/Out Data-1 No
4 Data2 In/Out Data-2 No
5 Data3 In/Out Data-3 No
6 Data4 In/Out Data-4 No
7 Data5 In/Out Data-5 No
8 Data6 In/Out Data-6 No
9 Data7 In/Out Data-7 No
10 nAck In Status-6 No
11 Busy In Status-7 Yes
12 In Status-5 No
13 Select In Status-4 No
14 Linefeed Out Yes
15 nError In Status-3 No
16 nInitialize Out No
nSelect- Control-
17 Out Yes
Printer 3
18-25 Ground - - -

Parallel port registers

As you know, the Data, Control and status lines are connected
to there corresponding registers inside the computer. So by
manipulating these registers in program , one can easily read or write
to parallel port with programming languages like 'C' and BASIC.
The registers found in standard parallel port are ,

1) data register
2) Status register
3) Control register

As there names specifies, Data register is connected to Data

lines, Control register is connected to control lines and Status register
is connected to Status lines. (Here the word connection does not
mean that there is some physical connection between
data/control/status lines. The registers are virtually connected to the
corresponding lines.). So what ever you write to these registers, will
appear in corresponding lines as voltages, Of course, you can
measure it with a muitimeter. And What ever you give to Parallel port
as voltages can be read from these registers (with some restrictions).
For example, if we write '1' to Data register, the line Data0 will be
driven to +5v. Just like this, we can programmatically turn on and off
any of the data lines and Control lines.

Where these registers are?

In an IBM PC, these registers are IO mapped and will have
unique address. We have to find these addresses to to work with
parallel port. For a typical PC, the base address of LPT1 is 0x378 and
of LPT2 is 0x278. The data register resides at this base address,
status register at base address + 1 and the control register is at base
address + 2. So once we have the base address, we can calculate
the address of each registers in this manner. The table below shows
the register addresses of LPT1 and LPT2

Register LPT1 LPT2

data register(base address + 0) 0x378 0x278
status register (base address + 1) 0x379 0x279
control register (base address + 2) 0x37a 0x27a
Stepper motor drive circuit generates the
required logic to run the stepper motor. The above circuit generates
full step logic with the help of three T flip-flops. T flip flop output
status changes with the rising edge of clock pulse. Q and Q’ of T1
flip-flop is connected to clock terminal of T2 and T3. Let the
output of T2 and T3 be A,C and B,D respectively. When T1
receives first clock pulse from the controller Q gets high and Q’
gets low. Q terminal of T1 is connected to clock of T2, as a result
T2 clock terminal receives clock pulse when Q gets high and the
output of T2, A gets high, C gets low, at T3 output terminal B is
low And D is high. For the second clock pulse output of T1 Q gets
low and Q’ gets high. Q’ of T1 is connected to clock of T3 , output
status of T3 changes from B (low) to B (high) and D (high) to D
(low). This sequence of changing the output status of T2 and T3
continues. T2 changes its output status in every odd clock pulse
and T3 changes its output status in every even clock pulse. In this
way the required logic is generated until T1 receives clock pulses.

To rotate the stepper motor in reverse direction,

reverse logic should be implemented. To implement reverse logic,
1. Coil A of stepper motor is connected to the logic of D.
2. Coil B of stepper motor is connected to the logic of C.
3. Coil C of stepper motor is connected to the logic of B.
4. Coil D of stepper motor is connected to the logic of A.

To reverse the logic 2 sets of AND gate is used. Input A of first set
of 4 AND gates are connected to one common terminal named
Rest 4 input terminals B1, B2, B3, B4, are connected to terminals
(A,B,C,D) respectively, coming out from T flip-flop logic circuit.
When the terminal “clockwise” is low, the output status of all 4
AND gate is low irrespective of input status of A, B, C, D. When
“clockwise” terminal is high the logic is allowed to go to motor.
Same control applies for “counter clockwise” terminal. The 2 sets
of 4 AND gates used to guide the motion of motor has ability to
deliver maximum 20 miliampare, but motor require 180
miliampares at full load. To supply the required current to motor,
array of Darlington transistor is used. Clockwise and Counter
clockwise logic are connected together with the help of OR gate.
To have a visual indication of the status of stepper motor logic
group of 4 LED’s are implemented and one LED for clock. These
LED’s help at the time of debugging the circuit.

Both stepper motor drive circuit requires
three signals, each to operate. It requires 2 signals at a time i.e.
clock and clockwise or counter clockwise signal. Stepper motor
rotates in steps, controller decides the number of steps. That
number of steps is forwarded to stepper motor drive circuit in form
of clock, with the help of interface circuit. Interface circuit is a
array of tri state buffers. It offers very high impedance to input, so
current in input is very low and output conductance is very high.
This circuit also prevents to damage the controller when there is a
short circuit in external circuit. Input of these buffers is connected
to the parallel port of computer through DB 25 connector. They are
connected to data register of parallel port.
1. Do Horizontal motor clock.
2. D1 Horizontal motor clockwise.
3. D2 Horizontal motor counter clockwise.
4. D3 Vertical motor clock.
5. D4 Vertical motor clockwise.
6. D5 Vertical motor counter clockwise.
7. D6 Ignition.
8. D7 alarm
This circuit is made to feed the power to interface circuit and
stepper motor drive circuit. To have good performance, the power
supply should be regulated one. Stepper motor drive and interface
circuit is designed to work on 5 volt DC power supply, step-down
(shell type) transformer is used to convert 220 volt AC into 12 volt
AC. To convert 12 volt AC into DC, a bridge rectifier in parallel
with a capacitor is used. With the help of 5V three terminal
positive voltage regulated, constant 5V is achieved. To have visual
indication of power LED is connected at the output of three
terminal voltage regulator. Circuit diagram is as under,


In this project the barrels of missile
launching station is set to desired angle given by the base station.
To set the barrels in proper direction stepper motor is used.

Specification of stepper motor is 1.8 degrees in full step logic. And

0.9 degrees in half step logic. In our application full step logic is
used to have high torque output. Steeper motor will move 1.8
degrees in one step so in 100 steps motor shaft will rotate 180
degrees and in 200 steps 360 degree movement is there. Now if
you want to rotate the barrels from 0 degree to 5 degrees then
motor will rotate either 3.6 degrees in 2 steps or 5.4 degrees in 3
steps, so the barrels of missile launching station will move in
multiple of 1.8 degrees. To overcome this defect a gear mechanism
is introduced between motor and output shaft. In Gear mechanism
2 gears are there.

1. Worm gear, this gear is attached to the motor shaft

2. Worm wheel, this gear is fitted in barrel shaft. This wheel has

3. Gear ratio of gear assembly is 1:36. it means when motor rotates

36 revolution worm wheel rotates one complete rotation.
SNo. Part No. Part Description Qty. Price
1. CD4081 Quad 2 input AND gate 4 20.0
2. CD4027 Dual JK flip flop 4 36.0
3. ULN2803 Octal Darlington transistor 2 80.0
4. SN74HC244 Tri State Octal Buffer 1 20.0
5. 1N4007 Si Diode 20 6.0
6. LM7805 5V fixed voltage regulator 1 7.0
7. 1000uf/25v Electrolytic capacitor 1 10.0
8. 10k ¼ watt resistance 10 2.5
1k ¼ watt resistance 4 1.0
4.7 ¼ watt resistance 4 1.0
820R ¼ watt resistance 13 3.0
1R ¼ watt resistance 10 2.5
9. 1N514 LED 2V 13 13.0
10. T1 Transformer 0-12V /1A 1 50.0
11. PCB Printed circuit board 100sqin 250.0
12. 12x15 Mounting Board 30.0
13. ST183 Stepper Motor 1.8 degree 2 1400.0
14. G1 Gear Set 2 2000.0
15. Bakelite Sheet 2Kg 200.0

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