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Iron-Deficiency Anemia: Reexamining the Nature and

Magnitude of the Public Health Problem

Biological Mechanisms That Might Underlie Iron’s Effects on Fetal Growth

and Preterm Birth1,2
Lindsay H. Allen
Program in International Nutrition, Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis, CA

ABSTRACT A negative association between anemia and duration of gestation and low birth weight has been
reported in the majority of studies, although a causal link remains to be proven. This paper explores potential
biological mechanisms that might explain how anemia, iron deficiency or both could cause low birth weight and
preterm delivery. The risk factors for preterm delivery and intrauterine growth retardation are quite similar, although
relatively little is understood about the influence of maternal nutritional status on risk of preterm delivery. Several
potential biological mechanisms were identified through which anemia or iron deficiency could affect pregnancy
outcome. Anemia (by causing hypoxia) and iron deficiency (by increasing serum norepinephrine concentrations)

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can induce maternal and fetal stress, which stimulates the synthesis of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH).
Elevated CRH concentrations are a major risk factor for preterm labor, pregnancy-induced hypertension and
eclampsia, and premature rupture of the membranes. CRH also increases fetal cortisol production, and cortisol
may inhibit longitudinal growth of the fetus. An alternative mechanism could be that iron deficiency increases
oxidative damage to erythrocytes and the fetoplacental unit. Iron deficiency may also increase the risk of maternal
infections, which can stimulate the production of CRH and are a major risk factor for preterm delivery. It would be
useful to explore these potential biological mechanisms in randomized, controlled iron supplementation trials in
anemic and iron-deficient pregnant women. J. Nutr. 131: 581S–589S, 2001.

KEY WORDS: ● iron deficiency ● anemia ● preterm ● low birth weight ● pregnancy
● corticotropin-releasing hormone

The article by Rasmussen (2001) in this supplement re- information about the biological mechanisms involved in pre-
views the strength and plausibility of the evidence that iron- term delivery and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)3
deficiency anemia or anemia is the cause of adverse birth and suggests ways in which these may be affected by anemia or
outcomes. Although there are numerous reports of an associ- iron deficiency. It is intended to provide information that will
ation between maternal hemoglobin and both lower birth be useful for planning which hormones and metabolites should
weight and preterm delivery, Rasmussen concludes that evi- be measured in future studies of the role of iron deficiency and
dence is insufficient to prove that iron deficiency plays a causal iron-deficiency anemia in pregnancy outcome.
role in poor pregnancy outcome. To some extent, this lack of The review starts with a summary, based on the Rasmussen
evidence is due to the inadequate design of published studies. review, of what is known about the possible effects of iron
The purpose of this paper is to explore the biological deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia on infant size at birth
mechanisms through which anemia or iron deficiency might and duration of gestation. The prevalence of IUGR and pre-
cause poor fetal growth and preterm delivery, regardless of term delivery is described, with a comparison of the risk factors
whether a causal link has been proven. Because of the complex for these conditions. This is followed by a description of the
hormonal and physiological factors that affect pregnancy out- biological mechanisms involved in the normal delivery pro-
come and the virtual lack of any studies of the effects of iron cess, including the central role of corticotropin-releasing hor-
deficiency on these factors, the biological mechanisms pro- mone (CRH) in determining the duration of gestation and the
posed below are hypothetical. This article summarizes current association of other hormones with fetal growth. Finally,
mechanisms are proposed that might underline iron’s effects
on these processes, increasing the risk of preterm delivery and
Presented at the Belmont Meeting on Iron Deficiency Anemia: Reexamining
the Nature and Magnitude of the Public Health Problem, held May 21–24, 2000 in low birth weight.
Belmont, MD. The proceedings of this conference are published as a supplement
to The Journal of Nutrition. Supplement guest editors were John Beard, The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA and Rebecca Stoltzfus, Johns
Hopkins School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD. Abbreviations used: ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone; CRH, cortico-
This article was commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO). tropin-releasing hormone; CRH-BP, CRH-binding protein; IGF, insulin-like growth
The views expressed are those of the author alone and do not necessarily reflect factor; IUGR, intrauterine growth retardation; LC, locus ceruleus; NE, norepineph-
those of WHO. rine;

0022-3166/01 $3.00 © 2001 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.


Associations between iron-deficiency anemia and and morbidity in industrialized countries, in which the prev-
pregnancy outcome alence has not fallen in the last few decades. In fact, in a large,
carefully conducted Canadian study, the rate of preterm births
Nonintervention studies. In her review, Rasmussen sum- over the past 20 years increased from 6.6 to 9.8% for ⬍37 wk,
marizes the results of 54 nonintervention studies that exam- 1.7 to 2.3% for ⬍34 wk and 1.0 to 1.2% for ⬍32 wk (Kramer
ined associations between hemoglobin or hematocrit and preg- et al. 1998). Although half of the apparent increase in prev-
nancy outcome. Of these, 44 analyzed associations among alence was due to earlier use of ultrasound dating, other factors
hemoglobin or hematocrit, birth weight and percentage of low such as preterm induction of labor, use of cocaine and an
birth weight (ⱕ2500 g) deliveries. In 26 of the 44, anemia, increase in the number of pregnant unmarried women have
lower hemoglobin or hematocrit, or low ferritin concentra- tended to increase the prevalence.
tions were significantly associated with a higher prevalence of
low birth weight, whereas in the other reports, this was not the
case. It is not known to what extent preterm delivery could Risk factors for low birth weight and preterm delivery:
explain these observed associations between lower birth similarities and differences
weight and anemia because gestational age was assessed in only Nonnutritional causes of fetal growth retardation include
10 of the 44 studies. In 5 of these 10 (2 in Papua New Guinea, hemorrhage, multiple births, uterine and placental abnormal-
1 in India, 1 in Hong Kong and 1 in the United States), ities, parental size and genetics, and major congenital malfor-
anemia was associated with a shorter gestation period. In the mations. These explain up to 50% of the variance in birth
U.S. study on adolescents of low socioeconomic status, pre- weight in both developed and developing countries (Villar and
term delivery explained all of the lower birth weight associated Belizan 1982). In developing countries, more IUGR is due to
with iron-deficiency anemia when other potential confounders low maternal weight and height (undernutrition during the
were controlled for by regression analysis (Scholl et al. 1992). mother’s development), low pregnancy weight gain (which is
In 21 of the 54 nonintervention studies summarized by

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influenced by energy intake during pregnancy) and maternal
Rasmussen, gestation duration was not measured, and in two of infection. Low maternal weight at conception and low weight
the studies, the sample was restricted to full-term births. Of the gain during pregnancy are independent predictors of poor fetal
remaining 31 studies that examined an association between growth and IUGR. Low maternal height also plays a role
either hemoglobin or hematocrit and duration of gestation, 7 independently of low body mass index.
found no association, 22 found a positive association, 1 found In a large sample of Canadian women with gestational time
a negative association and 1 reported a positive association confirmed by ultrasound, significant predictors of preterm birth
between duration and the intake and serum concentrations of (before 37 wk) included low maternal stature, noncompletion
folate. Ferritin concentrations were assessed in only six of of high school, unmarried status, smoking, diabetes, urinary
these reports and were positively associated with gestation tract infection within 2 wk of delivery, prepregnancy hyper-
duration in four of them. We conclude that it is plausible that tension, severe pregnancy-induced hypertension, previous his-
the frequently observed association between maternal hemo- tory of a preterm birth, low birth weight or infant death at
globin and birth weight might be caused by a shorter gestation. birth (Kramer et al. 1992). Anemia was not mentioned in the
Intervention studies. Rasmussen identified 17 iron, folate, analysis.
or iron and folate intervention studies in which the effect of The statement was made that “the degree of overlap be-
the supplements on size at birth, duration of gestation or both tween the sets of risk factors for preterm delivery and growth
was assessed. The design of these studies was remarkably poor retardation (IUGR) is so great that it is easiest to list the
in that false negatives (primarily from treatment of nonanemic discrepancies” (Yu and Wood 1987). Of the many risk factors
women), bias or potential confounders were present in nearly for preterm delivery, a few (including cervical trauma, dieth-
all of them. Duration of gestation was assessed in only six of ylstilbestrol exposure, maternal infections and febrile states)
the studies, and none were conducted in developing countries are associated with preterm delivery, but not with IUGR
or with anemic women. (Bakketeig 1991, Institute of Medicine et al. 1985). The
relative risks of preterm delivery and IUGR for each risk factor
Prevalence of preterm delivery and low birth weight are usually different, however.
The relationship between maternal nutrition and risk of
The most widely used definition of preterm birth is that of preterm delivery has not been studied adequately. Most inves-
the WHO, that is, birth before 37 completed weeks of gesta- tigators reported no relationship between maternal nutritional
tion or ⬍295 d since d 1 of the last menstrual period. In a few status or interventions and duration of gestation. However, as
studies, preterm was defined as birth before 36 or 38 wk of observed by Kramer et al. (1992), most studies had major
gestation. design problems, including the following: assessment of total
The relative contribution of preterm delivery and fetal pregnancy gain, which is affected by duration, rather than rate
growth retardation to low birth weight has been compared by of gain or net gain; use of average rate of gain, which is also
using birth weight and gestational age data from 25 developing affected by length of gestation because rate is slower in the last
regions and 11 developed regions of the world (Villar and trimester; the confounding effect of fetal size later in gestation;
Belizan 1982). The prevalence of low birth weight, IUGR-low the inclusion of induced deliveries; and poor assessment of
birth weight and preterm low birth weight was 23.6, 17.0 and gestational age. Reported date of last menstrual period is prone
6.7%, respectively, for developing countries and 5.9, 2.6 and to significant error especially at the extremes of gestational
3.3%, respectively, for developed countries. These prevalences age. The use of ultrasound rather than reported date of the last
refer only to low-birth-weight infants and therefore underes- menstrual period lowers the estimated prevalence of small for
timate substantially the total prevalences of intrauterine gestational age by ⬃30 –50% in industrialized countries
growth restriction and preterm delivery. In addition, especially (Bakketeig 1991).
in developing countries, preterm delivery is often not diag- Maternal stress, anxiety and other psychological factors
nosed at all or is diagnosed inaccurately. appear to be more strongly associated with risk of preterm
Preterm delivery is the main cause of perinatal mortality delivery rather than with risk of IUGR (Hedegaard et al. 1996,

Lobel et al. 1992, Nordentoft et al. 1996). One of the more produce dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, which is converted to
certain risk factors for preterm delivery, maternal infection, estrogen by the placenta. Changes occur as a result of the
has been implicated in up to 40% of cases (Kurki et al. 1992). increase in estrogen concentrations. The cells of the myome-
Thus, there is substantial overlap between the risk factors trium synthesize connexin molecules, which move to the cell
for preterm delivery and IUGR. Moreover, as will be discussed membrane and connect the cells electrically so that they will
below, there are strong links in the underlying biological contract synchronously during labor; muscle cells in the uterus
mechanisms associated with these two outcomes. produce large numbers of oxytocin receptors, necessary for this
hormone to cause contraction of the cells during labor; in
Biological mechanisms involved in the normal delivery addition, the synthesis of prostaglandins by placental tissues
process overlying the cervix is increased, which induces the produc-
tion of enzymes in the cervix that digest collagen and make
Our understanding of the biological mechanisms that con- the cervix flexible during delivery of the fetus.
trol the timing of delivery is relatively recent, with major Despite the high concentrations of CRH in maternal
advances occurring in the mid-1990s (Smith 1998). As a plasma, maternal plasma concentrations of ACTH and corti-
result, there is relatively little information on factors that sol remain relatively normal during pregnancy. This is proba-
affect these mechanisms and virtually none on nutritional bly due to CRH-binding protein (CRH-BP), which neutralizes
factors. To some extent, the lack of information is due to the CRH earlier in pregnancy. The mRNA for CRH-BP is ex-
ethical difficulties of doing intervention trials that could in- pressed in the placenta, decidua, myometrium and fetal mem-
fluence delivery in humans. Animal models have been useful, branes during pregnancy and reduces the amount of active
and the basic mechanism underlying parturition in sheep had CRH in the maternal circulation (Linton et al. 1988). How-
been identified by the mid-1980s. However, the ovine mech- ever, during the third trimester, the concentration of CRH-BP
anisms and those in some primates are different from those in declines to about one third the peak concentration, falling by

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humans. about 60% during wk 34 and 35 (Chrousos 1999). This results
Early in pregnancy, the hormone progesterone, secreted by in an increased amount of free CRH and explains the substan-
the placenta, keeps the smooth muscle cells of the uterus tial increase in CRH and cortisol in late pregnancy. CRH and
relaxed and the cervix tightly closed as a result of its influence CRH-BP form a dimer complex that may interact with recep-
on the relatively inflexible collagen fibers. Later in pregnancy, tors to produce the final biological effect (Behan et al. 1993).
the secretion of estrogen by the placenta increases dramati- CHR-BP has also been shown to reduce the CRH-induced
cally and parturition begins when the influence of estrogen is contractile activity of myometrial strips (Petraglia et al. 1995).
greater than that of progesterone. The binding of CRH to CRH-BP likely also causes the com-
plex to be cleared from the circulation, explaining the fall in
The importance of corticotropin-releasing hormone CRH-BP concentrations in late pregnancy (Woods et al.
To a great extent the process of delivery is regulated by The role of CRH in preterm labor. The cause of preterm
CRH, which is produced in the maternal and fetal compart- labor can be physiological, in which a factor required for
ments of the placenta. CRH mRNA has been detected in normal initiation of labor appears too early in gestation, or
placental trophoblast cells at 8 wk of gestation and does not pathological, in which the initiating factor is abnormal but
appear until the placental syncitioblasts are formed (Riley et may induce the normal physiologic mechanisms.
al. 1991). Although increases in plasma concentrations are Physiological preterm labor. Abnormal maternal CRH con-
seen in some women as early as the second trimester (Goland centrations are highly associated with risk of preterm or post-
et al. 1986), in most women, levels are low until the third term labor, as would be expected from the preceding discus-
trimester and then rise rapidly (Emanuel et al. 1994, Goland et sion. More than 10 years ago, women in preterm labor were
al. 1986). The mRNA for placental CRH and the release of reported to have high plasma concentrations of CRH com-
the hormone into maternal plasma increase as much as 50-fold pared with control women at the same stage of gestation
during the third trimester. CRH concentrations in maternal (Wolfe et al. 1988). Subsequently, a large prospective cohort
plasma vary up to 50-fold in late pregnancy. study showed that women who had an abnormally high CRH
The CRH produced by the placenta is secreted into the concentration early in pregnancy were highly likely to have a
fetal circulation in amounts high enough to stimulate the preterm delivery (McLean et al. 1995). In fact, higher risk of
production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH, cortico- either pre- or post-term delivery could be predicted even at
tropin) by the anterior pituitary of the fetus. This may occur 16 –20 wk of gestation on the basis of higher or lower concen-
through the binding of CRH with fetal adrenal CRH recep- trations of CRH in maternal serum, respectively. Regardless of
tors. Some CRH secreted by the fetal hypothalamus may also the final concentrations, CRH concentrations increase expo-
stimulate fetal ACTH production. The result is an increased nentially during pregnancy. This sequence of events has been
production of cortisol by the fetal adrenal. Fetal cortisol blocks likened to a biological clock in the fetoplacental unit and
the inhibitory effect of progesterone on placental CRH pro- determines the duration of pregnancy from an early stage
duction. Earlier in pregnancy, the high levels of progesterone (Smith 1999). Higher concentrations of CRH during labor
acted as a brake on the secretion of placental CRH and fetal also predict a shorter labor duration (McLean et al. 1995).
cortisol by competing with cortisol for the glucocorticoid Pathological causes of preterm labor. Documented causes of
receptors (Karalis et al. 1996, Majzoub and Karalis 1999). As increased placental CRH secretion in humans include hyp-
cortisol concentrations rise, the hormone binds to these pla- oxia, inflammatory cytokines, glucocorticoids, stress (includ-
cental glucorticoid receptors, for which it has a 2– 4 times ing noninflammatory and inflammatory stress), preeclampsia
greater affinity than does progesterone (Ojasoo et al. 1988). and eclampsia.
This positive feedback loop causes additional production of Concentrations of CRH in maternal plasma were measured
placental CRH and fetal cortisol. in one study of abnormal pregnancies (Wolfe et al. 1988).
The increasing concentrations of placental CRH and of Levels were not elevated in maternal diabetes but were signif-
ACTH from the fetal pituitary stimulate the fetal adrenal to icantly higher in pregnancies with antepartum hemorrhage at

28 wk (but not later), during the third trimester of twin plasma IGF-1 in rodents also correlates with fetal growth
pregnancies, and in women with pregnancy-induced hyperten- (Mirlesse et al. 1993). Most newborn IUGR infants have low
sion, premature rupture of the membranes or preterm labor levels of IGF-1. In a comparison of 15 normal newborns and
(with higher concentrations from at least as early as 28 wk). In 30 with IUGR, the IUGR group had significantly lower con-
some of the pregnancies, CRH concentrations were elevated centrations of IGF-1 and higher concentrations of IGF-bind-
11 wk before any other symptoms appeared. ing protein-3 (Cianfarani et al. 1998). In a case-control study
Normal CRH concentrations do not completely guarantee of 76 full-term deliveries, of which 31 were IUGR, cord blood
a normal delivery date because fetal infections and other concentrations of IGF-1, insulin and thyroid-stimulating hor-
problems can cause early delivery regardless of CRH, and there mone were lower in the IUGR group, but higher concentra-
is considerable interindividual variability in normal concen- tions of growth hormone were present (Nieto-Dı́az et al.
trations. However, abnormal CRH concentrations are highly 1996).
predictive of the duration of gestation. Cortisol inhibits longitudinal growth of the sheep fetus in
Other actions of CRH. As will be explained in more late gestation (Fowden et al. 1996) and probably plays a major
detail below, CRH plays a major role in both the maternal and role in regulating growth at this time. In sheep, preventing the
fetal stress systems. It has been estimated that during a stressful cortisol surge by fetal adrenalectomy abolished the normal
event, the amount of CRH released is so high and the avail- slowing of growth at term, and infusing cortisol earlier in
able time for exposure to CRH-BP is so low that maternal gestation lowered the rate of longitudinal growth to that
CRH will not be completely quenched by CRH-BP. This normally seen in late pregnancy (Fowden et al. 1996). Over
means that CRH can still act as a stress hormone during the entire gestation period, mean plasma cortisol concentra-
pregnancy (Linton et al. 1990). Additional actions of CRH tions accounted for 40 –50% of the variation in fetal crown-
include the following: stimulation of prostaglandin F2␣ and rump length increment. Cortisol suppresses the production of
prostaglandin E2 production by fetal membranes; potentiation IGF-2 in fetal sheep (Li et al. 1993). It also appears to switch

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of the action of oxytocin and PGF2␣, which are uterotonics; fetal cells from proliferation to differentiation.
and activation of CRH receptors on the smooth muscle of the Fetal insulin production is also important for normal pro-
myometrium. CRH and oxytocin interact synergistically in the tein synthesis in the fetus. IUGR fetuses have small Islets of
presence of prostaglandins to cause myometrial contractility. Langerhans and lower insulin concentrations. Some members
Elevated CRH concentrations also predicted a significantly of the growth hormone–prolactin gene family are produced
lower fetal heart rate reactivity in response to vibroacoustic only by the placenta. These include placental growth hor-
stimuli at 31–32 wk of gestation independently of the length mone, placental lactogens and prolactin-related proteins. A
of gestation (Sandman et al. 1999). placental growth hormone appears in maternal circulation by
CRH in other species. An understanding of the differ- early in the second trimester and its concentration rises until
ences in CRH metabolism across species is important for the delivery. Plasma from the mothers of IUGR infants have
appropriate interpretation of the literature on experimental reportedly lower concentrations of this hormone (Mirlesse et
animals. In sheep, CRH is secreted from the hypothalamus of al. 1993), although the hormone does not appear in fetal
the fetal brain rather than by the placenta. The CRH induces circulation. Human placental lactogen is detectable in mater-
the fetal pituitary to secrete ACTH and subsequently the fetal nal circulation by ⬃6 wk of pregnancy and increases up to
adrenal to produce cortisol, as in humans. However, there is term. It stimulates nitrogen retention and insulin secretion
no ovine CRH-BP. In primates, as in humans, most of the and is lipolytic. Although it might maintain fetal glucose
CRH comes from the placenta rather than the fetal brain, but during maternal starvation, its importance for fetal growth is
CRH induces placental estrogen secretion through a different not clear. However, human placental lactogen may stimulate
pathway. CRH increases exponentially in the plasma of chim- IGF production by the fetus (Schocknecht et al. 1992).
panzees in the last half of gestation as in humans, but concen-
trations fall during this time in other primates, including Mechanisms that might underlie iron’s effects on preterm
baboons. delivery and fetal growth

Hormones that influence fetal growth There have been no studies of the effect of iron deficiency
or anemia on the biological mechanisms that can affect pre-
The clinical pattern of poor fetal growth depends on the term delivery or fetal growth. In fact, only one study was found
cause of the poor growth, its timing and its duration. Earlier in which any hormonal differences were examined in relation
undernutrition tends to cause symmetric growth retardation, to maternal iron status and hemoglobin concentrations in
whereas later undernutrition causes the proportions of the pregnancy. In population studies, placental size is inversely
fetus to be more asymmetric. Many factors have been associ- related to hemoglobin concentration across a wide range of
ated with increased risk of fetal growth retardation, as re- hemoglobin values (Godfrey et al. 1991). By 18 wk of preg-
viewed elsewhere (Lin and Santolaya-Forgas 1998). nancy, placental volume may already be inversely correlated
The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system is probably the with maternal hemoglobin and serum ferritin concentrations,
most important with respect to fetal growth, and IGF-1 is the even in industrialized countries. On the basis of this observa-
most important hormone (Gluckman and Harding 1997). Fe- tion, associations between maternal hemoglobin and iron sta-
tal IGF-1 is secreted in response to fetal glucose concentra- tus and factors known to affect placental size, i.e., human
tions (Oliver et al. 1993). IGF directs nutrients to insulin- chorionic gonadotropin and human placental lactogen, were
sensitive tissues, promoting glycogen and fat storage in muscle, assessed during the first trimester of pregnancy in 175 women
liver and adipose tissue. Substrate availability is the main who were consulting about pregnancy termination. The aver-
determinant of fetal IGF-1 levels (Gluckman et al. 1983). In age duration of gestation was 68 d. Maternal hemoglobin was
animal models, maternal starvation quickly lowers fetal IGF-1 significantly negatively correlated with the levels of human
concentrations and subsequently fetal growth (Bassett et al. chorionic gonadotropin and human placental lactogen across
1990). Maternal IGF-1, IGF-2 and insulin do not cross the the normal hemoglobin range. Although serum ferritin con-
placenta but they may affect placental function; maternal centrations were low in 21% of the women, there was no

correlation with the hormone concentrations. The authors directly linked to the stress system, and each is profoundly
suggest that the oxygen content of maternal blood may have influenced by the effectors of the stress response.”
had an important influence on the development of the pla- In the nonpregnant individual, the stress system is located
centa and subsequently on human chorionic gonadotropin and in both the central nervous system and the periphery. Its role
human placental lactogen concentrations. There is no reason is to create physiological changes that redirect energy, oxygen
to believe that increased human chorionic gonadotropin or and nutrients to the central nervous system and stressed body
human placental lactogen concentration would have an ad- sites, and behavioral changes such as fight-or-flight responses.
verse effect on pregnancy outcome. The stress system is complex; its description is beyond the
Because virtually nothing is known about the effects of iron scope of this review. More detailed reviews are available
deficiency or anemia on the biological mechanisms that reg- (Chrousos 1998, Chrousos et al. 1992, Stratakis et al. 1995).
ulate the duration of gestation and fetal growth, the discussion Systems of relevance here include the following: the CRH
in this section focuses mainly on other factors and illnesses system, which is found throughout the brain (particularly in
that are known to influence these mechanisms and that could the hypothalamus and the medulla) and works synergistically
plausibly explain any effects of anemia or iron deficiency. The with arginine-vasopressin neurons of the hypothalamus; the
postulated biological mechanisms are as follows. LC/NE system in the medulla and pons of the brain, and their
Iron deficiency or anemia may increase the stress hor- peripheral effectors including the hypothalamic-pituitary-ad-
mones, norepinephrine and cortisol. Iron deficiency in- renal axis; the efferent sympathetic/adrenomedullary system;
creases norepinephrine (NE) concentrations (Dallman 1986), and components of the parasympathetic system, which coor-
as does hypoxia (Gülmezoglu et al. 1996). Norepinephrine is a dinate the stress response.
strong stimulus for the release of CRH (Calogero et al. 1988) CRH is the primary regulator of the hypothalamic-pitu-
and cortisol. The CRH and locus ceruleus/NE (LC/NE) sym- itary-adrenal axis, and administration of CRH can produce
pathetic systems respond similarly to many of the same neu- most of the physiological and behavioral responses to stress,

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rochemicals (Chrousos and Gold 1992). Iron deficiency and including stimulation of ACTH production by the pituitary
anemia were not mentioned among these, but this has not and glucocorticoid production by the adrenals. The LC/NE
been studied. Norepinephrine infusion into pregnant sheep system produces epinephrine and norepinephrine. There are
caused a reduction in fetal protein synthesis and accretion, numerous interactions among the components of the stress
indicating adverse effects on fetal growth (Milley 1997). system, including a positive feedback loop between the CRH
There is virtually no information concerning the effect of and LC-NE/sympathetic systems so that activation of one
iron deficiency or anemia on cortisol secretion. In one rat system causes activation of the other. As discussed above, iron
study of the effect of an iron-free diet, the iron deficiency deficiency causes an increased production of norepinephrine,
and norepinephrine is a strong stimulus of CRH secretion
caused stress, as evidenced by a higher serum cortisol concen-
(Calogero et al. 1988).
tration (Campos et al. 1998).
The fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is highly re-
Chronic hypoxia activates the stress response. Low he-
sponsive to stress, which leads to the increased release of
moglobin concentrations can cause a state of chronic hypoxia, glucocorticoids as a central adaptive mechanism. The glu-
which is presumably exacerbated in pregnancy when oxygen cocorticoids cause the catabolism of fat, glycogen and protein,
demands are particularly high because of the metabolism of the with a subsequent increase in blood glucose concentrations.
mother and the fetus. Although changes in transplacental Over time, chronically elevated glucocorticoid concentrations
oxygen transfer are relatively small when maternal hemoglo- can, however, lead to impaired tissue growth and muscle
bin concentrations fall, oxygen transfer to the fetus is probably atrophy.
reduced in anemic women (Viteri 1994). Infant birth weight The stress system is closely integrated with other parts of
was directly related to calculated maternal arterial oxygen the central nervous system that regulate reproduction, growth
content in a study of women living at high altitude in the and immunity, as well as behavior and emotion.
United States (Moore et al. 1982b). Moreover, either mater- Hypoxia induces maternal and fetal stress, and the release of
nal or fetal hypoxia could activate the stress response, de- CRH. “Hypoxia stimulates CRH production in cultured (pla-
scribed below. cental) cells . . . which may be associated with the increased
Although there is no information on the effect of low concentration of CRH found in the blood of women with
hemoglobin concentrations, some information is available toxemia of pregnancy and in the umbilical circulation of
concerning the effects of other situations in which chronic subjects with IUGR and reduced umbilical artery blood flow.”
hypoxia affects pregnancy outcome. These include animal This statement was made in a review by Smith (1998), a
models in which hypoxia is caused by reducing blood flow, pioneer in CRH research; unfortunately, no references to the
using a hypobaric chamber, high altitude, smoking and hemo- research supporting this statement were included.
globinopathies. Fetal hypoxia can also be caused by factors Creating a chronic or acute hypoxic state is the classical
that reduce maternal uteroplacental circulation. For example, way in which to study the effects of stress in pregnant animal
preeclampsia with chronic hypertension produces a low partial models. Hypoxia is induced in various ways, including partial
pressure of oxygen in the fetus as well as reduced glucose and ligation of the uterine arteries, hypobaric chambers and partial
fetal glycogen stores. occlusion of the umbilical artery. In pregnant sheep, acute
Hypoxia-induced stress responses. Stress may be defined as short-term hypoxia (hours to 2 wk) causes an increase in
“a state of threatened homeostasis, which is reestablished by a ACTH and cortisol within ⬃3 h. Concentrations stay ele-
complex repertoire of physiologic and behavioral adaptive vated for at least 7 h, falling to normal after 16 h (Challis et
responses of the organism” (Chrousos 1998). CRH plays a al. 1986).
major role in the response to stress as well as being a major When reduced uterine blood flow was used to lower the
player in fetal development and delivery, and although it has fetal arterial oxygen saturation in sheep (Hooper et al. 1990),
never been tested directly, it is plausible that iron deficiency there was a seven- to eightfold increase in fetal plasma epi-
creates a stress response. As stated by Chrousos (1998), “the nephrine after 2 h that normalized by 12 h. Fetal NE, cortisol
systems responsible for reproduction, growth and immunity are and prostaglandin E2 were increased three- to fourfold after 2 h

and remained higher during at least the next 12 h (Ducsay a significant amount of variance in CRH at 28 –30 wk gesta-
1998). Before 126 d of gestation in a similar hypoxic sheep tion, with CRH at 18 –20 wk controlled for. The authors
model (the normal duration of gestation in the sheep is ⬃150 concluded that maternal stress and CRH concentrations may
d), there was no significant effect of hypoxia on fetal plasma be good markers for risk of preterm birth.
noradrenaline concentrations, but after this, concentrations In a prospective study of 8719 Danish women with single-
increased more than sixfold compared with controls, and ton pregnancies, those who reported one or more highly stress-
adrenaline increased fourfold (Coulter et al. 1990). In a sheep ful life events had a 1.76 times greater risk of preterm delivery
model, fetal hypoxia also reduced the transport of amino acids than those without stressful events (Hedegaard et al. 1996).
to the fetus (Milley 1988). The association was strongest for events occurring between 16
Stress is associated with IUGR. CRH is released from the and 30 wk. Sandman et al. (1997) found that higher maternal
hypothalamus in all individuals in response to stress in addi- stress at 28 –30 wk of gestation was a significant predictor of
tion to being produced by the placenta during pregnancy. both gestational age at birth and birth weight. Maternal stress
During pregnancy, the normal stress signal may be amplified by in the third trimester was associated with higher levels of
the placental release of CRH. Placental CRH and hypotha- maternal ACTH and cortisol.
lamic CRH are similar in structure. Plasma concentrations are Pregnancy outcome in other hypoxic situations. Pregnant
nondetectable in nonpregnant adults. women who are used to living at high altitude have a substan-
Is placental CRH also stimulated by chronic fetal stress? To tially higher incidence of IUGR but not of preterm deliveries
investigate this question, CRH was measured in the cord blood (McCullough and Reeves 1977, Moore et al. 1982b, Sabrevilla
of IUGR (at 26 – 40 wk) and normal infants matched by et al. 1968). The same is true in sheep kept in conditions of
gestational age (Goland et al. 1986). The mean umbilical cord chronic high altitude hypoxia (Ducsay 1998). The higher risk
plasma CRH concentration was 206 ⫾ 26 pmol/L in the of IUGR occurs even though there are maternal and fetal
IUGR infants and 49 ⫾ 17 pmol/L in the appropriate-for- adaptations to high altitude, including maternal hyperventi-

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gestational-age infants, a significant difference. Similarly, lation and increased hemoglobin concentrations (Moore et al.
mean plasma ACTH was significantly higher in the IUGR 1982a). At high altitude, placentas have more fetal capillaries
samples (5.7 ⫾ 1.2 vs. 3.3 ⫾ 0.7 pmol/L). Mean cortisol at the periphery of the villi, larger intervillous spaces, a re-
concentrations did not differ, but the mean dehydroepiandro- duced volume of villi, and in some studies, an increase in
sterone sulfate level was significantly lower in the IUGR group placental size (Jackson et al. 1988). In anemia, there is also an
(4.8 ⫾ 0.6 vs. 7.7 ⫾ 0.6 ␮mol/L). CRH concentrations were inverse correlation between maternal hemoglobin concentra-
significantly correlated with both ACTH and cortisol concen- tion with placental volume that is evident by at least 18 wk of
trations and negatively correlated with dehydroepiandros- gestation (Godfrey et al. 1991).
terone sulfate levels. Although cesarean section and maternal Not all infants born at high altitude are small. At an
hypertension both increased CRH in the IUGR group (but not elevation over 3000 m in the United Statues, three maternal
the appropriate-for-gestational-age group), concentrations characteristics were identified as related to birth weight: hy-
were still elevated (to a mean of 131 ␮mol/L) in the IUGR poventilation, no increase in ventilation and arterial oxygen
infants delivered vaginally. The authors concluded that saturation from early to late gestation and a falling hemoglobin
chronic stress stimulated CRH production by the placenta and concentration during pregnancy that leads to a lower arterial
may have affected fetal pituitary-adrenal function in these oxygen content in the last trimester (Moore et al. 1982a). This
high risk pregnancies. The nature of this stress was not iden- study illustrates the limited adaptability to lower maternal
tified, and it is not clear whether it originated from the mother arterial oxygen concentration and suggests a strong influence
or the fetus. The negative association between CRH and fetal of the oxygen concentration on birth weight.
androgen secretion was reported in other studies in which The partial pressure of oxygen is lower in the blood of
there was intrauterine stress, such as pregnancy hypertension smokers. In women who smoke, the placenta is smaller and
(Parker et al. 1986). there is a reduction in the capillary volume of the villi, as well
In a comparison of IUGR and appropriate-for-gestational- as other adverse changes (Jauniaux and Burton 1992). Smok-
age infants in Italy, a strong inverse correlation (r ⫽ ⫺0.54, n ing is the most important predictor of IUGR in developing
⫽ 30) was observed between length gain in the first 3 mo of countries (Kramer 1998), where it explains much of the dis-
life and cortisol concentrations at birth. In the appropriate- parity in IUGR prevalence among women of lower and upper
for-gestational age group, cortisol was inversely correlated with socioeconomic status.
IGF-1 (n ⫽ 15, r ⫽ ⫺0.75, P ⬍ 0.002) and positively associ- In preeclampsia with hypertension, the partial pressure of
ated with IGF binding protein-1 (r ⫽ 0.52, P ⬍ 0.05) but no oxygen in maternal and fetal blood is low. Women with
associations between cortisol and IGF-factors were seen in the preeclampsia have higher concentrations of CRH and lower
IUGR group (Cianfarani et al. 1998). concentrations of CRH-BP (Perkins et al. 1995). CRH con-
Maternal stress is associated with preterm delivery. In a test of centrations are elevated before the development of preeclamp-
the general hypothesis that maternal stress is associated with sia. In a relatively small sample, 18 patients with spontaneous
elevated maternal plasma concentrations of CRH and a sub- preterm delivery and 23 patients who developed pregnancy
sequently higher risk of preterm birth, Hobel et al. (1999b) hypertension were matched to women who delivered at term.
measured CRH at 18 –20, 28 –30 and 35–36 wk in 524 ethni- The preterm delivery cases had significantly higher concen-
cally and socioeconomically diverse pregnant women from trations of CRH and significantly lower CRH-BP–CRH dimer
California. Of this group, 18 women had spontaneous onset of complex concentrations at 18 –20, 28 –30 and 35–36 wk of
preterm labor. Their samples were compared with those of 18 gestation. The hypertension cases also had elevated CRH as
control women who delivered at term, matched by age, pre- early as 18 –20 wk (but not as high as the preterm delivery
vious birth outcome, smoking status and race. The preterm cases) and low CRH-BP (but not as low as the preterm cases)
delivery cases had significantly higher plasma CRH and adre- (Hobel et al. 1999a).
nocorticotropic hormone at all three gestational periods and Iron-deficiency anemia may increase oxidative stress.
higher cortisol concentrations at 18 –20 and 28 –30 wk. Ma- The fetoplacental unit is very susceptible to oxidative damage
ternal stress level at 18 –20 wk, assessed by interview, predicted induced by reactive oxygen species. Oxidative stress is one

mechanism thought to cause preeclampsia, pregnancy-induced vagina. Early bacterial vaginosis (before 16 wk) is associated
hypertension and pregnancy-induced diabetes (Cester et al. with a relative risk of preterm delivery of 5–7.5. If this con-
1994, Poranen et al. 1996). Interest is increasing in the pos- dition occurs after 26 wk, the risk is 1.4 –1.9 (Kurki et al.
sibility that antioxidant nutrients might improve pregnancy 1992). There is potential for CRH to regulate inflammatory
outcome by reducing oxidative stress (Scholl and Stein 2000, responses and vice versa. The cytokine interleukin-1 stimu-
West et al. 2000). lates production of CRH, and CRH in turn regulates cytokine
The lipids of the brush border membrane of the placental production by immune effector cells. Because maternal stress is
syncitioblast are susceptible to peroxidation by being in con- associated with preterm birth, abnormalities in the regulation
tact with oxidants in the maternal blood. Scavengers of highly of CRH and the production of inflammatory cytokines may be
reactive oxygen species, including antioxidant enzymes such as a mechanism that could form the pathophysiological basis for
superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione reductase, pro- this association.
tect against peroxidation. These enzymes inhibit lipid peroxi- Falkenberg et al. (1999) examined the effect of maternal
dation. Placental oxidant-antioxidant imbalance might cause infections on the fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
release of products of lipid peroxidation into the fetal circula- Subjects were 361 women with normal pregnancy (including
tion with subsequent damage to endothelial cell membranes. some with preterm delivery) and 110 with infections. Cord
Iron deficiency may cause increased oxidative stress because blood was analyzed at delivery, which occurred between 24
it causes erythrocytes to be more susceptible to oxidative and 44 wk of gestation. The infants born to women with
damage. Erythrocytes are normally protected from oxidative infections were born 1.5 wk earlier, and cord blood concen-
stress caused by free radicals released from the potentially trations of cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate were
dangerous combination of iron and oxygen. Mechanisms that significantly higher. The authors suggested that products of the
achieve this protection include superoxide dismutase, reduced activated immune system of mothers with infections may have
glutathione and catalase. However, microcytic erythrocytes crossed the placenta and activated the fetal hypothalamic-

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have a shorter survival time partly because of oxidative dam- pituitary-adrenal axis.
age to the erythrocyte membrane (Diez-Ewald and Layrisse Cortisol has been reported to inhibit the activity of natural
1968, Vetore and Tedesco 1975). In addition, in ␤-thalasse- killer cells both in vitro and in vivo. In a study of the effect of
mia, for example, excess globin chains (due to low hemoglo- delivery method on cortisol in cord blood, natural killer cell
bin) autoxidize and release heme and produce superoxide eight activity in the cord blood of the group with the low cortisol
times faster than does normal hemoglobin. In a comparison of concentrations (because of cesarean delivery and general an-
control subjects with those with iron-deficiency anemia and esthesia) was twice that of the two groups with higher cortisol
␤-thalassemia trait, the group with iron-deficiency anemia had concentrations (De Amici et al. 1999).
significantly higher malondialdehyde (by ⬃50%) and super-
oxide dismutase (by 40%) concentrations per unit hemoglo- Implications for future studies
bin. Also, concentrations of erythrocyte pyrimidine 5⬘-nucle-
otidase, the enzyme most sensitive to sulfhydryl group damage Future studies of either associations between maternal iron
in vivo, are lower in iron-deficiency anemia (Vives Corrons et status and pregnancy outcome or of the effect of iron supple-
al. 1995). In 26 Israeli patients with iron-deficiency anemia ments on pregnancy outcome should evaluate changes in the
compared with 10 healthy control subjects, erythrocytes had biological mechanisms that affect preterm delivery and fetal
higher levels of reduced glutathione and normal malondialde- growth. This review has identified several likely candidates,
hyde concentrations (Bartal et al. 1993). Iron-deficient cells including CRH and cortisol, IGF-1, indicators of oxidative
were more sensitive than control cells to high concentrations stress and immune function. These biological factors are likely
of peroxides. to be much more sensitive to changes in maternal iron status
When the effect of iron deficiency on lipid peroxidation than are gross outcome measures such as birth weight and
and antioxidant enzyme activity was examined in rats, the length of gestation. They also support the plausibility of a
iron-deficient group had significantly lower liver production of functional role for iron status in pregnancy outcome and may
malondialdehyde and activity of superoxide dismutase and help to identify risk factors for poor pregnancy outcome as well
higher catalase activity (Rao and Jagadeesan 1996). When as effective intervention strategies.
treated with a carcinogen (dimethyl hydrazine, which pro-
duces active oxygen species), unlike controls, the iron-defi-
cient rats did not respond with an increase in glutathione
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who might be slightly preterm or preterm. They might be born

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nancy. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 352: 127–139. earlier than usual and, therefore, have a slightly lower birth
Vives Corrons, J. L., Miguel-Garcı́a, A., Pujades, M. A., Miguel-Sosa, A., Cambi- weight. You will not pick it up in low-birth-weight statistics.
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susceptibility of microcytic red blood cells to in vitro oxidative stress. Eur. J.
Dr. Rasmussen: No, but if you use decent low birth weights
Haematol. 55: 327–331. and decent statistics on intrauterine growth retardation, low
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A559 (abs.). Dr. Allen: Right, but I am saying that it does not have to
Wolfe, C. D., Patel, S. P., Linton, E. A., Campbell, E. A., Anderson, J., Dornhorst, be preterm by that much. I think we lack really good data,
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Woods, R. J., Grossman, A., Saphier, P., Kennedy, K., Ur, E., Behan, D., Potter, ciency, such as south Asia. So, I just do not think we quite
E., Vale, W. & Lowry, P. J. (1994) Association of human corticotropin- know yet. I agree that it is something that has to be sorted out.

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