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Faculty Name:
Dr. Sunil Kumar


Mr Ashish Kumar



S.No. Topic Page No.

1 Vision of department
2 Mission of department
3 PEO’s
4 PO’s
5 Course objectives and course outcomes(Co)
6 Mapping of CO’s with PO’s
7 Course syllabus and GATE syllabus
8 Time table

9 Student list

10 Lecture plans

11 Assignments

12 Tutorial sheets

13 Seasonal question paper

14 University question paper

15 Question bank

16 Course materials
17 Result

18 Result analysis

19 Quality measurement sheets

20 Course instructor report with comments on continuous

21 Self-report on best practices followed-delivery methods,

assessment methods, alternate assessment tool used

To get recognized as prestigious civil engineering program at national and international level
through continuous education, research and innovation.


• To create the environment for innovative and smart ideas for generation of professionals
to serve the nation and world with latest technologies in Civil Engineering.
• To develop intellectual professionals with skill for work in industry, acedamia, public
sector organizations and entrepreneur with their technical capabilities to succeed in their
• To build up competitiveness, leadership, moral, ethical and managerial skill.


Graduates are expected to attain Program Educational Objectives within three to four years
after the graduation. Following PEOs of Department of Civil Engineering have been laid down
based on the needs of the programs constituencies:

PEO1: Contribute to the development of civil engineering projects being undertaken by Govt.
and private or any other sector companies.
PEO2: Pursue higher education and contribute to teaching, research and development of civil
engineering and related field.
PEO3: Successful career as an entrepreneur in civil engineering industry

PO1 Engineering knowledge: An ability to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to get the solution of the
engineering problems.
PO2 Problem analysis: Ability to Identify, formulates, review research literature, and
analyze complex engineering problems.
PO3 Design/development of solutions: Ability to design solutions for complex engineering
problems by considering social, economical and environmental aspects.
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge to
design, conduct analyse experiments to get valid conclusion.
PO5 Modern tool usage: ability to create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, and to
model complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6 The engineer and society: Ability to apply knowledge by considering social health,
safety, legal and cultural issues.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understanding of the impact of the adopted
engineering solutions in social and environmental contexts.
PO8 Ethics: Understanding of the ethical issues of the civil engineering and applying ethical
principles in engineering practices.
PO9 Individual and teamwork: Ability to work effectively as an individual or in team, as a
member or as a leader.
PO10 Communication: An ability to communicate clearly and effectively through different
modes of communication.
PO11 Project management and finance: Ability to handle project and to manage finance
related issue
PO12 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning.

Institute/college Name MuzaffarpurInsittute of Technology, Muzaffarpur

Program Name B.E. Civil (VIII semester)
Course Code/course credits 01 1827 (3)
Lecture/ Sessional (per week) 3
SEE duration 3 hours

Course Objective:

To provide basic understanding about planning, value analysis and management processes for
execution of construction projects.

Course Outcomes (CO):

CO1: Analysing the importance of safety for choice of construction equipments and
understanding & application of different safety regulations.

CO2: Understanding and application of different terminologies of value analysis and

economics of construction projects.

CO3: Understanding the different stages & methods for planning, scheduling, managing
& controlling of construction projects and application of same for maintenance


CO/PO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12

CO1 3 1 3 - 1 2 2 1 - 1 3 2

CO2 3 1 1 3 1 2 1 - - 1 3 2

CO3 3 2 2 - 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 2

Correlation level: 1- slight (Low) 2- moderate (Medium) 3-substantial (High)


Construction and fabrication methods: Pre- fabrication techniques; choice of equipment safety
features and Regulations.
Value Analysis, Feasibility studies; Economics of project evaluation: Finance, material and
manpower development.
Network analysis, PERT : Leveling of Resources.
Site organization : layout: work study: Decision making processes: CPM and L. P. Project
Maintenance management : Case studies.
Introduction to Project Management Software.

GATE Syllabus of Construction Management:

Construction Management: Project planning and network analysis-PERT and CPM

B.Tech. 8 (Sixth) Semester (2014 Batch) TIME TABLE WITH EFFECT FROM 09.02.2018
DAY Branch I (10-10.50AM) II (10.50-11.40AM) III (11.40-12.30PM) IV (12.30-01.20PM) V (01.50-2.40PM) VI (2.40-3.30PM) VII (3.30-4.20PM)
MON Mech
Civil Cons Pl & Mag
TUE Mech
Civil Cons Pl & Mag
WED Mech
Civil -
THU Mech
FRI Mech

SAT Mech
Civil Cons Pl & Mag

Asst.Prof.-in-charge (TT) Prof.-in-charge (TT) Principal


S. No Roll No AKU Reg. No. Name of Students

1 13C59 13101107059 BRAJESH KUMAR NIRALA

2 14C01 14101107001 ADARSH SIDDHANT RAJ
3 14C03 14101107002 GAURAV KUMAR
4 14C04 14101107003 MD HUSNE MOBARAK
5 14C05 14101107004 JAI PRAKASH
6 14C06 14101107005 VISHAL KUMAR
7 14C07 14101107006 SANGEETA KUMARI
8 14C12 14101107007 ADITYA KUMAR SINGH
9 14C13 14101107008 MANSI
10 14C14 14101107009 KUNDAN KUMAR
11 14C16 14101107010 SERAJ HUSSAIN
12 14C17 14101107011 PAWAN KUMAR
13 14C19 14101107012
14 14C21 14101107013 MANISH VERMA
15 14C23 14101107014 AVINASH KUMAR
16 14C24 14101107015 BHUSHAN KUMAR
17 14C25 14101107016 ANIL KUMAR
18 14C26 14101107017 ABHAY ANAND
19 14C27 14101107018 PRIYANKA BARNWAL
20 14C30 14101107020 SHUBHAM KUMAR
21 14C31 14101107021 SUMAN KUMAR
22 14C32 14101107022 GAUTAM KUMAR
23 14C33 14101107023 MANJEET ARORA
24 14C34 14101107024 AMIT RANJAN
25 14C36 14101107026 BIJENDRA KUMAR
26 14C37 14101107027 GAUTAM KUMAR
27 14C39 14101107029 PRADEEP KUMAR
28 14C40 14101107030 VIKAS KUMAR
29 14C41 14101107031 SUDHIR KUMAR
30 14C42 14101107032 MEGHA RANI
31 14C43 14101107033 ANKIT KUMAR
32 14C44 14101107034 ARCHANA KUMARI
33 14C45 14101107035 GOLDEN KUMAR
34 14C48 14101107038 ABDULLAH ANSARI
35 14C49 14101107039 AVINASH KUMAR MEHRA
36 14C50 14101107040 SUMAN SAURAV
37 14C51 14101107041 ANKITA GUPTA
38 14C52 14101107042 DEEPAK KUMAR
39 14C09 14101107043 HIMANSHU SHEKHAR
40 14C02 14101107044 ALOK RANJAN
41 14C15 14101107045 RAHUL THAKUR
42 14C20 14101107046 SANTOSH KUMAR
43 14C22 14101107047 SUMAN PUJA
44 14C29 14101107048 SHIPRA RAJ
45 14C08 14101107049 MOSADDIQUE JAMIL
46 14C10 14101107050 BINNY KUMARI
47 14C11 14101107051 RIZWAN
48 14C18 14101107052 MAYURESH KUMAR
49 14C58 14101107218 ANSHU LAL
50 14C55 14101107220 MUKUND MURARI
51 14C57 14101107221 PRINCE KUMAR
52 14C59 14101107222 VIKAS KUMAR
53 14C60 14101107223 ASHUTOSH KUMAR RAJAK
54 14C61 14101107225 PRINCE KUMAR PATHAK
55 14C54 14101107226 ABHINAV DAYAL
56 15(LE)C07 14101107279 MD AFTAB ALAM
57 14C56 14101107280 BHARAT BHUSHAN GUPTA
58 14C62 14101107281 ROHIT KESHRI
59 15(LE)C01 14101107282 GAUTAM KUMAR
60 15(LE)C02 14101107283
61 15(LE)C03 14101107284 VIJAY KANT
62 15(LE)C04 14101107285 RITU RAJ
63 15(LE)C05 14101107286 RAJU KUMAR RAJAK
64 15(LE)C09 14101107288 NITIN KUMAR
65 15(LE)C08 14101107319 SUNNY KUMAR
66 15(LE)C10 14101107320
67 14C63 14102107233 SACHIN KUMAR
Text Books:
TB1: Construction planning and Management by U.K. Srivastav
TB2: Project planning and control with PERT and CPM by Dr. B.C. Punamia and K.K. Khandelwal,
Laxmi Publication.
TB3: PERT and CPM Principles and applications, by L S Srinath, Affliated east-west press pvt LTD.


Topic No. Topic No. of Text book

lecture no.
1. Construction and fabrication 8 TB1
Pre –fabrication techniques 2
Design principles of 2
prefabrication system
Choice of equipment safety 2
features and regulation
2. Value Analysis, 8 TB1
Feasibility studies 2
Economics of project evaluation 3
Finance, material and manpower 3
3. Network analysis, 8 TB1, TB2, TB3
CPM technology 3
PERT technology 3
Levelling of resources 2
4. Site organization 10 TB1
Constructional planning and stages 2
Preparation of construction 2
schedules and preparatory work
Job layout work study 2
Decision making processes 2
Project monitoring, inspection and 2
quality control
5. Maintenance management 6 TB1, TB2, TB3
Function of management 2
Different management technique 2
Introduction to project management 2
Total Number of Lecture 40

S.No. Assignment Topic No.

1 Assignment 1 1
2 Assignment 2 2
3 Assignment 3 3
4 Assignment 4 4
5 Assignment 5 5
Construction planning and management (011X27)

Assignment 1

1. What is the prefabrication? What is the scope of prefabricated system of building

construction in India?

2. Explain the design principles of the prefabricated system of building construction.

3. Mention the IS requirements of modular planning of building.

4. Suggest two cheapest prefabricated roofing elements for low cost housing.

5. Briefly different type of construction equipments being used in India alongwith safety

features associated with it.

6. Explain and analyse different safety regulations for the construction projects.
Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology, Muzaffarpur
Construction planning and management (011X27)

Assignment 2
1. Define cash flow diagram, capitalized cost and salvage value.
2. Maintenance costs for new bridge with an expcted 50 year life was estimated to be Rs
10,000 each year for the first five years followed by aRs 100,000 expenditure in the 15th
year and Rs 100,000 expenditure in 30th year. If I = 10% per year, what is the equivalent
uniform annual cost over the entire 50 year period?
3. A building has been rented on an annual rent of Rs 4800. The life of the building in the
present position is expected to be 12 years. If the major repairs to the building are done
now, its life shall be increased by another 15 years. The major repairs will cost Rs
25,000. Determine whether it would be economical to do the major repair of the building
or not, i = 6%.
4. A steel bridge of 740 m length is required across a river. The super structural steel’s
weight per span is expressed as 4L2 + 70L, where L is length of one span in m and weight
in kg. Cost of single abutment/ pier = Rs 1,20,000. Find the best length of span for the
cost of bridge to be minimum (assume fabrication of superstructure steel = Rs 12/kg).
5. The fixed cost or the year is Rs. 30,000. The extimated sales for the period are valued at
Rs. 1,00,000. The variable cost per unit or the single product made is Rs 3. If each unit
sells arRs 10, construct the breakeven chart and determine;
a. The breakeven point
b. Above how many units the company should produce in order to seek profit
6. When his son was born a man deposited a sum of money in a saving bank at 10% interest
compounded quarterly. On his twentieth birthday the son received Rs. 1,00,000 that had
accumulated. how
Construction planning and management (011X27)
Assignment 3

1. Draw the network and no. the events for the following relationship
Activity A B C D E F G H
Predessor - - A,B - C C D,E,F
Relation - - concurrent - concurrent

2. PERT calculation yields the project length of 50 weeks with the variance of 16 within
how many weeks would you expect that project to be complete with probability of 75%.
Also compute the probability of completion of this project in 35 weeks.
3. Following is the activity relationship within three times estimater. Draw the PERT
nertwork. Find the critical path variance and time to be al located fot the completion of
project with probability of 90%.
Activity to tl tp te
1-2 2 4 6 4
2-3 8 11 20 12
2-4 4 7 16 8
2-5 3 7 17 8
3-7 3 5 13 6
3-4 0 0 0 0
4-6 2 3 10 4
5-6 4 9 20 10
6-7 7 10 13 10
7-8 2 5 8 5
Construction planning and management (011X27)
Assignment 4
1. A network is formed by following activity. Draw the network. Calculate the project

duration and the activity time along with the critical path of the network.

Activity TE (days)
10-20 8
10-30 13
10-40 16
20-60 11
30-50 5
40-50 17
40-60 14
50-60 10
50-70 9
50-80 17
60-80 7
70-80 8

2. What is the importance of a job lay-out and sketch a typical job layout for RCC

framed building construction?

3. State the important points to be observed during inspection of the RCC, Masonry,

sanitary and water supply services, electrical services.

4. How to construct various construction schedules. Show how they facilate the work o

construction planning.
Construction planning and management (011X27)
Assignment 5

1. Explain maintenance management? Write a note on case study regarding maintenance

management of any one construction project?

2. List different project management software. Write the detailed steps for management of

construction project through Primavera ?

B.Tech 8th Semester Mid-Term Examination, 2018


Subject Code: 01 1X27

Time: 2 hours Full Marks: 20


(i) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

(ii) Attempt either question number 2 or 3.
(iii) Attempt either question number 4 or 5.

1. Write short notes on following : 10 Marks

a) CPM v/s PERT
b) Slack
c) What docs a positive slack, a zero slack and a negative slack indicate in a project
d) Bar Chart and Milestone Chart
e) Different Time estimates for PERT Network
f) Earliest Expected Time and Latest allowable Occurrence time
g) Different start and finish times of activity
h) Dummy and its usage
i) Probability distribution curve.
j) Different types of float

2. A construction project consists of 8 major activities. Their interdependency is given

below. Draw the network and determinethetimefor completionof
theproject.Alsomention durationforeach path.
(i) Activities A, B and E can start concurrently. (Starting of the project)
(ii) Activities C and D are concurrent and depend on the completion of A and
(iii)Activities F and G are concurrent and can startaftercompletion of C.
(iv) Activity H depends on the completion of C, E and F.
(v) Project ends with the completion ofG and H.
Time needed for each activity is
A - 4 weeks, B - 3 weeks, C - 5 weeks, D - 2 weeks, E - 4 weeks, F - 3 weeks, G- 4
Weeks and H- 2 Weeks
5 Marks
3. A project has fourteen activities A through M. The relationships which obtain amongst
these activities are given below:
(i) A is the first operation
(ii) B and C can be performed in parallel and are immediate successor to A.
(iii) D, E and F follow B
(iv) G follows E
(v) H follows D, but cannot start until E is complete.
(vi) I and J succeed G.
(vii) F and J precede K.
(viii) H and I precede L.
(ix) M succeeds L and K.
(x) The last operation succeeds M and C.
Construct the network diagram. 5 Marks
4. The network for ascertain project is shown in figure below. Determine the expected time
for each path. Which path is critical? 5 Marks

5. The expected time of completion (in days) for each activity of a network is shown in
figure below. Determine the critical path. It is given that the scheduled completion time
in 21 days. 5 Marks
Question Bank:
Result of the students

S. Roll No AKU Reg. No. Name of Students Marks oF Class Total Total
No attendanc Test end
e Sem
1 13C59 13101107059 BRAJESH KUMAR 4 4 7 15
2 14C01 14101107001 ADARSH SIDDHANT 4 5 14 23
3 14C03 14101107002 GAURAV KUMAR 4 5 19 28

4 14C04 14101107003 MD HUSNE MOBARAK 5 5 19 29

5 14C05 14101107004 JAI PRAKASH 4 4 7 15

6 14C06 14101107005 VISHAL KUMAR 4 4 9 17

7 14C07 14101107006 SANGEETA KUMARI 4 5 20 29

8 14C12 14101107007 ADITYA KUMAR SINGH 4 5 17 26

9 14C13 14101107008 MANSI 4 5 17 26

10 14C14 14101107009 KUNDAN KUMAR 5 5 20 30

11 14C16 14101107010 SERAJ HUSSAIN 5 5 18 28

12 14C17 14101107011 PAWAN KUMAR 4 5 10 19

13 14C19 14101107012 PRAVEEN KUMAR 4 4 7 15

14 14C21 14101107013 MANISH VERMA 5 5 20 30

15 14C23 14101107014 AVINASH KUMAR 5 5 17 27

16 14C24 14101107015 BHUSHAN KUMAR 4 5 20 29

17 14C25 14101107016 ANIL KUMAR 5 5 19 29

18 14C26 14101107017 ABHAY ANAND 5 5 20 30

19 14C27 14101107018 PRIYANKA BARNWAL 4 5 20 29

20 14C30 14101107020 SHUBHAM KUMAR 5 5 14 24

21 14C31 14101107021 SUMAN KUMAR 4 5 12 21

22 14C32 14101107022 GAUTAM KUMAR 5 5 19 29

23 14C33 14101107023 MANJEET ARORA 4 5 16 25

24 14C34 14101107024 AMIT RANJAN 4 5 11 20

25 14C36 14101107026 BIJENDRA KUMAR 4 4 10 18

26 14C37 14101107027 GAUTAM KUMAR 5 5 13 23

27 14C39 14101107029 PRADEEP KUMAR 5 5 10 20

28 14C40 14101107030 VIKAS KUMAR 4 5 10 19

29 14C41 14101107031 SUDHIR KUMAR 4 5 12 21

30 14C42 14101107032 MEGHA RANI 4 5 20 29

31 14C43 14101107033 ANKIT KUMAR 4 5 20 29

32 14C44 14101107034 ARCHANA KUMARI 4 5 20 29

33 14C45 14101107035 GOLDEN KUMAR 4 5 7 16

34 14C48 14101107038 ABDULLAH ANSARI 5 5 17 27

35 14C49 14101107039 AVINASH KUMAR 4 5 18 27

36 14C50 14101107040 SUMAN SAURAV 4 4 17 25

37 14C51 14101107041 ANKITA GUPTA 5 5 20 30

38 14C52 14101107042 DEEPAK KUMAR 5 5 13 23

39 14C09 14101107043 HIMANSHU SHEKHAR 4 4 19 27

40 14C02 14101107044 ALOK RANJAN 4 4 12 20

41 14C15 14101107045 RAHUL THAKUR 4 5 16 25

42 14C20 14101107046 SANTOSH KUMAR 4 5 18 27

43 14C22 14101107047 SUMAN PUJA 4 5 19 28

44 14C29 14101107048 SHIPRA RAJ 4 5 13 22

45 14C08 14101107049 MOSADDIQUE JAMIL 5 5 19 29

46 14C10 14101107050 BINNY KUMARI 4 5 17 26

47 14C11 14101107051 RIZWAN 5 5 18 28

48 14C18 14101107052 MAYURESH KUMAR 4 5 20 29

49 14C58 14101107218 ANSHU LAL 4 4 16 24

50 14C55 14101107220 MUKUND MURARI 4 5 19 28

51 14C57 14101107221 PRINCE KUMAR 5 5 16 26

52 14C59 14101107222 VIKAS KUMAR 4 4 12 20

53 14C60 14101107223 ASHUTOSH KUMAR 5 5 19 29

54 14C61 14101107225 PRINCE KUMAR 4 5 20 29
55 14C54 14101107226 ABHINAV DAYAL 4 5 19 28

56 15(LE)C 14101107279 MD AFTAB ALAM 4 5 7 16

57 14C56 14101107280 BHARAT BHUSHAN 5 5 16 26
58 14C62 14101107281 ROHIT KESHRI 4 5 20 29

59 15(LE)C 14101107282 GAUTAM KUMAR 4 4 13 21

60 15(LE)C 14101107283 HIMANSHU KRISHN 4 5 17 26
61 15(LE)C 14101107284 VIJAY KANT 4 4 0 8
62 15(LE)C 14101107285 RITU RAJ 4 4 11 19
63 15(LE)C 14101107286 RAJU KUMAR RAJAK 4 5 13 22
64 15(LE)C 14101107288 NITIN KUMAR 4 4 13 21
65 15(LE)C 14101107319 SUNNY KUMAR 4 4 7 15
66 15(LE)C 14101107320 SANTOSH KUMAR 4 4 8 16
67 14C63 14102107233 SACHIN KUMAR 5 5 15 25

Percentage Marks v/s Number Of Students

Number Of Students
<60 % 60 % to 70 % 70 % tO 80 % 80 % to 90% 90% to 100 %
Percentage Marks

Percentage Marks V/s Percentage Of


<60 %

43% 12% 60 % to 70 %
70 % tO 80 %
13% 80 % to 90%
90% to 100 %

Cos CT1 MSE SEE Assignment

CO1 - A1
CO2 - - A2
CO3 Q1 & Q2 Q1, Q2, A3, A4,A5
Quality Measurement Sheets

a. Course End Survey


COURSE: Construction Project CLASS: B-Tech FACULTY: Dr Sunil Kumar, Ashish
Management Kumar
Please evaluate on the following scale:

Excellent(E) Good(G) Average(A) Poor(P) No Comment(NC)

5 4 3 2 1


5 4 3 2 1 %
1 Did the course achieve its stated objectives? 37 24 6 0 0 4.46
2 Have you acquired the stated skills? 38 11 9 8 1 4.15
3 Whether the syllabus content is adequate to achieve the
objectives? 40 10 6 0 40 4.25
4 Whether the instructor has helped you in acquiring the stated
skills? 37 28 0 0 37 4.52
5 Whether the instructor has given real life applications of the
course? 51 12 1 1 51 4.67
6 Whether tests, assignments, projects and grading were fair? 38 17 5 0 38 4.33
7 The instructional approach (es) used was (were) appropriate to
the course. 37 24 0 0 37 4.46
8 The instructor motivated me to do my best work. 53 2 3 0 53 4.58
9 I gave my best effort in this course 35 29 1 0 35 4.46
10 To what extent you feel the course outcomes have been
achieved. 39 24 1 0 39 4.51
Please provide written comments:

a) What was the most effective part of this course

b) What are your suggestions, if any, for changes that would improve this course?

c) Given all that you learned as a result of this course, what do you consider to be most important?

d) Do you have any additional comments or clarifications to make regarding your responses to
any particular survey item?

e) Do you have any additional comments or suggestions that go beyond issues addressed on this


Department of Civil Engineering

Course Assessment

ACADEMIC YEAR: 2017-18 SEM: VIII DATE: 12Th May 2018

COURSE: Construction Project CLASS: B-Tech FACULTY: Dr Sunil Kumar, Ashish

Management Kumar

Assessment Criteria Used Attainment Level Remarks

Direct (d) Theory
External Marks __
Internal Marks (Theory) 2.26 75.44 %
Assignments 2.86 95.22 %
Tutorials __ __
Indirect (id) Course End Survey 4.4 88.80 %
Theory: Course Assessment (0.6 × d+ 0.4 × id)
Course instructor report with comments on continuous improvement

1. The mid semester exam conducted having emphasized for the measure of attainment of
CO3. Therefore, the teaching learning program needs to be improved and measures for
CO’s should be done for all modes of measures of attainment.
2. The CO1 and CO2 have been set at lower levels of Bloom’s taxonomy and it is required
to be improved.
3. The delivery of lectures was not planned properly mostly emphasized on CO3 which
requires modifications.
4. Very less innovative ideas were involved in the course.
Self-report on best practices followed-delivery methods, assessment methods, alternate
assessment tool used

1. In TLP field examples of Highway constructions were used for explaining difeerent
stages of construction.
2. Project Management for the Indian Construction Projects has been explained.
3. However the application of different tools of project management has not been included
in TLP which may be introduced in further courses.

1. Academic Calendar (Institute level + Department level)

2. Syllabus with course Design
3. Lesson Plan
4. Time Table
5. Course outcomes and Assessment tools
6. List of experiments for integrated course
7. Student name list for theory and laboratory
8. Course outcome – program outcome assessment Data
9. Internal question paper
10. Quiz sheets with scheme
11. Best and avg. answer scripts
12. Best and average lab record
13. Best and average lab test paper
14. Home assignment sheets
15. External question paper
16. Question bank if any
17. Course materials
18. SEE (semester end exam) analysis
19. Attendance details (teacher’s diary)
20. Course and survey report
21. CIE sheet-COE copy
22. Course instructor report with comments on continuous improvement
23. Self-report on best practices followed-delivery methods, assessment methods, alternate
assessment tool used

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