Yellow Belt - Nana Kyu

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Kihon - Basics (Tsuki, Uraken, Geri, Uke, Hijiate) in Heiko dach, Shiko dachi,

Zenkutsu dachi & Sanchin dachi with combinations.

Kihon – Ido : Moving basics with single movement in Sanchin dachi, Zenkutsu
dachi & Shiko dachi.

Kata : Gekisai Dai Ichi

Yakusoku Kumite : Sandan Uke & Kumite (slow).

Physical training : Push ups, Squats, Sit ups, Jumping Jacks, Burpee, Half Burpee
& Mountain Climbing.

Dachi : (Nekoashi dachi : Cat stance)

The Gi consists of pant called Zibbon and a loose fitting jacket called Uwaei.
The jacket is further held closed by an Obi (belt) wrapped around the waist and tied in
a square knot.
Kenkon (badge) is worn on the upper right side of the jacket.
The front of the workout area is called the Shomen and the rear Shimoza from where
you enter the dojo.
In the front center is the Shinzen (place of honour). This is the direction the karatekas
face when they bow to start the class. Most schools will have a picture of the founder
of their style, a Kamiza (shrine) or the flag of their country in the place of honour.
The student usually acknowledges the teachers instructions by saying Hai or Osu
meaning yes I understand.
Matte which means be quite and pay attention.
Waza is the general term for techniques.
Goju Ryu hard/soft – style of karate.
Ohayo-gozaimasu Good morning.
Konni Chiwa Good day / afternoon
Kon Ban Wa Good evening
Oyasuminasai Good night.
Honbu Dojo Home dojo / H.Q.
Tori attacker
Uke defender.
Seiza Sitting down posture for meditation
Tachi Rei standing bow
Ashi barai foot sweep
Reigi manners
Yakusoku kumite preplanned sparring
Kiroi Yellow
Mawatte / Maremi about turn.
Awase Tsuki Double punch at different level.
Suigetsu Solar Plexus
Ken Fist
Empi Elbow
Haisoku Instep
Chusoku Ball of the foot
Sokuto Edge of the foot
Genka Point below the chest.
Gomenesai I am sorry
Do Itashi Mashite You are welcome
Gakusai student
The main dojo is referred to as the Hombu Dojo.
Styles of karate are called Ryu.
Sempai : is a student of higher rank but who is not a sensei. Senior Student (big
Cohai : are those students with the lower rank.
Black belt ranks are referred to as Dan grade
Ranks below black belts are called Kyu level.

Counting Numbers
1-Ichi (Sho) 2 – Ni 3 – San 4 – Shi / Yon 5 – Go 6 – Roku
7-Shichi/ Nana 8 – Hachi 9 - Ku 10 – Ju 11 – Juichi 12 – Juni
13 – Jusan 14 – Jushi 15 – Jugo 16 – Juroku 17-Jushichi 18 – Juhachi
19 – Juku 20 - Niju

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