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ABS Trading System

Breakout Play / Trend Following (TF)

Trading Plan
Version 1.31

(Note: This trading plan serve as an example and for study purpose only.
Please don’t use this trading plan in your live trades. Choose only what
matters to you and has added value to your own trading plan.)

I want to help you in your trading endeavor with the best

as I can. My only request is to respect me by keeping my
trading plan in private and not distributing it. Thanks and
best regards,

General Trading Rules

1. No Plan, no trade. (Entry)

2. Cut without mercy, no ego (Stop loss)
3. Locked profit (Profit taking)

4. Find a trading style that suits you: “You must focus on being the best on a single
trading setup. Study the markets, study yourself and find a trading edge that
suits you.” - Henri Simoes
5. Trading Plan: "It is necessary to have an organized method to make the
important decisions involved in trading, such as what market to trade, when to
trade, how to enter, how to set stops, how to exit, and what leverage to use." -
Peter Brandt
6. Risk Management: “You have to be in risk management mode all the time.” -
Paul Singer
7. Conditions of your trading setup: “To be a good trader, you need to trade with
your eyes open, recognized real trend and turns, and not waste time of energy
on regrets and wishful thinking.” - Alexander Elder
8. Stop Loss: I believe that whenever you enter a trader, you must know the point
at which you are willing to say, “I was wrong about this trade” and get out. This is
your stop loss point. - Van K. Tharp
9. Target Profit: “Never let a profit run into a loss.” - William D. Gann
10. Execute your trading plan: “A mistake is when don’t follow your rules. If you
don’t have a rules in trading, everything you do is mistake” - Van K. Tharp
11. Execute your trading plan: “I would rather get stopped out of trade five times in
a row, taking a small loss each time, than take a large loss.” - Mark Minervini
12. Records and Review your trades: “Successful traders know that a consistent and
systematic review of their daily trading activity is the direct play to growing and
improving.” - Van K. Tharp
13. Trading Psychology: “It takes effort to create the kind of disciplined approach
that is necessary to become a consistent winner.” - Mark Douglas

Trader Profile

Time Availability: (Part time)

 Monday – Thursday (9:30am to 12nn Ph Time) - home

 Monday – Thursday (1:30pm to 3:30 pm Time) – alt+tab warrior at office
 Friday (9:30am to 3:30pm) - home
Note: need to wake up as early as 4:00am KSA Time

Type of Trader: Trend follower (1 day to a few months)

Trade Preference: Breakout Plays focus on:

 3months consolidation breakout

 52wk high
 Multi-year high
 6months high and 9 months high

Risk Appetite: 1% to 2% VAR per trade


Trading Process

Phase 1: Plan

1. Make Watch List – The process of filtering/screening stocks base on specified

criteria. Ideal is around 10-15 stocks.*
2. Trade Planning – From watch list, identify the possible entry/exit based on
specified criteria. These includes entry, exit: stop loss, TP or trail stops, position
sizing, etc.

 Full planning session will be done during Sunday. Few updates will be done
after market hours on weekdays.
 Use ABS Risk Management Simulator™ for position sizing and allocation

Phase 2: Execute

1. Monitor the Watch List – Monitor the watch list if price move to my favorable
entry point.
2. Monitor the Current Position – Keep the eyes on price. Be physically and mentally
present during market hours.
3. Cut without Mercy – If stop loss point has been triggered cut with mercy
4. Protect the profit – Protect the profit by applying trail stops

Phase 3: Record & Review

1. Make screenshot of the chart (entry/exit) – After trading hours, make screenshot
of the chart for entry/exit.
2. Quick recording and review – Quick update and review trading journal after
trading hours.
3. Full Update and review – Full update and review the trading journal during

Component of Comprehensive Trading System

1. Market – What stock to trade? Blue chips are best buy when cheap, basuras are
best buy on breakout with momentum.

2. Time Frame – (intraday, daily, weekly, monthly)

a. Short term – 20MA
b. Medium term – 50MA
c. Medium-Long term– 100MA
d. Long term– MA200

3. Risk Management
a. Position sizing – how much to buy. Example not risking 1% of total account
b. Stop loss
c. Risk reward ratio – at least 1:2
d. No. of trades – how many positions? How many trades per day.
4. Condition of set-up (Parameters) – tactics, strategy, set-up
a. Downtrend – bottom fishing, reversal, technical bounce, etc
b. Uptrend – trend following, swing, momentum, etc.
c. Sideways – range trading

5. Entry – The trigger point when to buy.

6. Stop Loss – The trigger point when to get out of a losing position. To protect the

7. Profit Taking – The trigger point when to get out of a winning position. To protect
the gain.

Trade Set-up: AOTS (Buy on Breakout)
Trade Objective: Trend Following (Exit on 20SMA Snaps)

 2nd liners
 Basuras (Penny Stock)
 No illiquid stocks
 No blue chips


1. Looking at Big Picture: [Weekly (Parallel Universe Alignment (PUA)]
2. Entry/Exit: Daily


1. Risk Threshold: Not risking more than -1 to -2% of total portfolio per allocation
2. Stop loss – Around -3% to -5% stop loss
3. Risk/Reward Ratio – 1:2 or better
4. Other Rules: Position sizing and allocations
 Minimum of 8K pesos
 Maximum of 3 positions
 Maximum of 2 trades per day
 Max of 33% per allocation*

Price > 20MA > 50MA > 100MA and MAs are pointing higher (2 o’clock*)
Steeper MAs means strong trends, flat MAs means weak trends.
RSI(14) >= 70.

Technical Indicators:
1. Simple Moving Averages (SMA or MA)
 SMA20 (Red)
 SMA50 (Pink)
 SMA100 (Blue)
2. Relative Strength Index (RSI)
 RSI 14 Period
 RSI 70 upper limit; RSI 30 lower limit
3. Darvas Box
 Multi-year
 52wk High
 6months
 3months (consolidation)

Screener/Filter (AOTS+):
 MA (20 Days) = Price is above average
 MA (50 Days) = Moving Average below SMA 20
 MA (100 Days) = Moving Average below SMA 50
 Value Average (10 Days) = Value Average >= 40M

Sample Chart

Note: This is old chart from version 1.0

Entry Point
 1st Tranche:
 Breakout from at least 3 months consolidation (Primary consideration)
 Breakout from the resistance (Secondary consideration)
o Multi-year
o 52wk High
o 6months
 10% range from entry point to nearest resistance or better
 2 tranche:

 Longest candle in past 10 trading days

 Price closed above pivot point of day’s range (50%+)
 Breakout must supported by volume

Entry Execution:
1. 1st tranche: 50% (2-3 ticks above breakout point)
2. 2nd tranche: 50% (End of Day (EOD)) 2:45pm, – 3:15pm


a. -3% to -5% per position
b. When price break the 2-3 ticks from support
c. Execute a or b which ever triggered first

VII. PROFIT TAKING - When Trail stop hitted, sell half (lock profit)
a. Healthy Trend: 20SMA trail (last resort 50SMA trail)
b. Price is in Parabolic: Trailing stop

ABS Trading System (Checklist)
No. Parameters Yes/No
1 AOTS+ Yes
2 Breakout of resistance Yes
3 Surge of Volume No
4 RSI above 70 no
1st Tranche 10% range from entry point to nearest resistance or better Yes
2nd Tranche Longest candle in past 10 trading days Yes
Price closed above pivot point of day’s range (50%+) Yes

 Breakout of resistance
 Surge of Volume
 RSI Above 70

Buying Trigger:
 1st tranche: If all criteria met Then Buy 2-3 ticks above breakout point
 2nd trance: If all criteria met Then Buy on near/EOD

Selling Trigger
 20SMA Snaps: Sell Half
 20SMA breach at EOD: Sell All position

Trade Set-up: AOTS (Buy on Breakout)
Trade Objective: Trend Following (Exit on 20SMA Snaps)

Note: most of the charts were taken from trend following version 1.0. Version 1.2 is fine-
tuned of previous version.


Golden Rules for New Trades

1. Find a trading methodology that fits your personality
2. Never add to losing trade
3. Never lose more than 1% to 2% of your trading capital on any one trade
4. Never trade anything you don’t understand 100%
5. Trade in the direction of the trend in your trading time frame
6. Only look for low risk/high reward trades, or high probability setups. When you
don’t have any signals, don’t trade
7. Trade you plan, your system, your signals, the chart, and price action, and not
your opinions, bias, or predictions.
8. Don’t trade before you have a completed trading plan, including rules entries,
exits, and risk management
9. The size of your wins and losses determines you trading success
10. You risk management rules will determine the success of your technical trading


Zeefreaks, March 2, 2013, Zeus' Strike and the Alignment of the Stars,

North Star, July 10, 2017, Trend Following - Reverse Engineering ZF System,

Kashiwagi A., 2018, Money Grower #Uptrend2018 Challenge General Guidelines

UPTREND Strategy | #Uptrend2018 | Part 1

UPTREND Strategy | #Uptrend2018 | Part 2

Teo R., January 2016, Trend Following Trading Strategy Guide

Kairos C., 2018, Cosmos Kairos’s Trading System

Cam, J., 2015, The Trading Code – The Trading Code Checklist


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