Role of Social Media in The Fashion Industry

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Role of Social Media in the Fashion Industry

We live in a highly digitalized world. With the development in the field

of computer science, everything is available online, at our fingertips.
Same goes for the fashion industry. Over the past few years, social
media has drastically changed how people consume fashion content.
They are no longer picking up magazines as they have in the past.
Today, they consume content online, and not only read it but also offer
their feedback through comments. Multiple types of fashion blogs,
managed by individuals are giving consumers an inside look into what
used to be an exclusive fashion experts' industry.

Social media has allowed brands and designers to connect with the
public in an instant. Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest
and every other form of social media have been inundated with live-
streams, tweets, posts, and pins — and not just from the brands or
designers themselves. Both fashion blogs and social media have
recently made an elitist industry more accessible and relatable to
consumers. The fashion industry is revitalizing itself through social
media and fashion blogging. Social media has created an open channel
of communication between organizations and citizens. Organizations
can now communicate directly to citizens and vice versa through social
media outlets.

Fashion blogging has become a popular form of communication

between designers and brands, and bloggers and citizens. People want
to feel connected, and that's what fashion bloggers exactly help to
accomplish. Fashion bloggers aren't just cool guys with cameras
anymore. They are designers, freelance consultants, copyrighters and
sometimes wannabe stars. They are helping the fashion industry in
targeting their consumers better and creating a mutually beneficial
relationship between them. Fashion bloggers have stepped into social
media and used it to further their influence in the fashion industry.
Numerous bloggers have a great following with the ability to influence.
They have massive power to mobilize their audience as tastemakers.

Fashion brands use social media to advertise and to hit their target
market. They also use it to keep the customers updated about the new
announcements, the launch of a new fashion line, events and
promotions and about the customer services. For instance,
organizations can use Facebook or Instagram to share updates
including photos and videos while they can use Twitter for shorter

On the whole, social media has benefitted the fashion industry and
consumers, giving more exposure to individual brands and giving the
consumers a more transparent view of what they possess.

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