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New flight planning questions

CAP 697: SEP 1

1. Refer to Figure 2.1:

Given: Pressure Altitude FL 75
OAT: +5°C
Average headwind 20 kt
Take-off from MSL with mass 3 650 lbs
Find the still air distance (NAM) and ground distance (NM) using the graph "time, fuel, distance to

a) 16 NAM, 18 NM.
b) 18 NAM, 15 NM.
c) 18 NAM, 13 NM.
d) 14 NAM, 18 NM.

2. Refer to Figure 2.1:

Given: Pressure Altitude FL 75
OAT + 5°C
Average headwind 20 kt
Take-off from MSL with mass 3 650 lbs
Find the time and fuel to climb:

a) 9 min, 3.3 USG

b) 10 min, 3.6 USG
c) 7 min, 2.6 USG
d) 9 min, 2.7 USG

3. Refer to Figure 2.1:

Given: Take-off mass 3 500 lbs
Departure Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 2 500 ft
OAT - 10° C
First Cruising Level FL 140
Find the time, fuel and still air distance to climb:

a) 23 min, 7.7 USG, 50 ANM

b) 24 min, 7.7 USG, 47 ANM
c) 16.5 min, 4.9 USG, 34.5 ANM
d) 22 min, 6.7 USG, 45 ANM

4. Refer to Figure 2.1:

Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 2 000 ft
OAT + 25° C
TOC Pressure Altitude 10 000 ft
OAT - 2° C
Tailwind 20 kts
TOW 3 200 lbs
Calculate the time, fuel required and ground distance covered.

a) 7 mins, 2 USG, 19 gnm

b) 9 mins, 3.2 USG, 22 gnm
c) 11 mins, 5 USG, 25 gnm
d) 15 mins, 6 USG, 30 gnm

New flight planning questions
5. Refer to Figure 2.1:
Given: Pressure Altitude FL 90
OAT + 5°C
Average headwind 20 kt
Take-off from MSL with mass 3 200 lbs
Find the time and fuel to climb:

a) 8 min, 3.2 USG

b) 9 min, 3.5 USG
c) 10 min, 3.8 USG
d) 14min, 2.7 USG

6. SEP Fig 2.1

Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 0 ft
TOC Pressure Altitude 14 000 ft
OAT - 15° C
Tailwind 25 kts
TOW 3 650 lbs
Calculate the time, fuel required and ground distance covered.

a) 20 mins, 6 USG, 50 GNM

b) 22 mins, 6.5 USG, 55 GNM
c) 25.5 mins, 8 USG, 63 GNM
d) 30 mins, 10 USG, 68 GNM

7. Refer to Figure 2.1: What is the time, fuel and distance in the climb?
OAT +20°C
Pressure Altitude MSL
Aircraft mass 3 650 lbs
TOC Pressure Altitude FL 100
OAT -10°C

13 mins, 4.8 usg and 27 anm

8. Refer to Figure 2.1: What is the ground distance covered in the climb?
OAT +30°C
Pressure Altitude 1 000 ft
Aircraft mass 3500 lbs
TOC Pressure Altitude FL 100
OAT -10°C
Tailwind 30 kts

33 gnm

9. Refer to Figure 2.1: What is the time, fuel and distance in the climb?
OAT + 15°C
Pressure Altitude 3 000 ft
Aircraft mass 3 200 lbs
TOC Pressure Altitude FL 120

11 mins, 4 usg and 24 anm

New flight planning questions
10. Refer to Figure 2.1: What is the ground distance covered in the climb?
OAT + 15°C
Pressure Altitude 3 000 ft
Aircraft mass 3 200 lbs
TOC Pressure Altitude FL 120
Headwind 40 kts

17 gnm

11. Refer to Figure 2.2, Table 2.2.3:

Given: OAT 13° C
Pressure Altitude 8 000 ft
RPM 2 300
Determine the manifold pressure and fuel flow (lbs/hr) with full throttle and cruise lean mixture:

a) 22.4 in Hg and 73.8 lbs/hr

b) 23.0 in Hg and 69.0 lbs/hr
c) 22.4 in Hg and 69.3 lbs/hr
d) 22.4 in Hg and 71.1 lbs/hr

12. Refer to Figure 2.2, Table 2.2.3:

Given: Pressure Altitude FL 70
OAT - 19° C
Lean mixture 2300 RPM
Find fuel flow in USG and TAS

a) 12.35 GPH, TAS 151 kt

b) 11.95 GPH, TAS 160 kt
c) 12.35 GPH, TAS 159 kt
d) 73.90 GPH, TAS 159 kt

13. Refer to Figure 2.2, Table 2.2.3:

Given: OAT: 13°C
Pressure altitude: 8000 ft
RPM: 2300 RPM
Determine the cruise TAS and fuel flow (lbs/hr) with full throttle and cruise lean mixture:

a) 158 kt and 74,4 lbs/hr

b) 160 kt and 70 lbs/hr
c) 160 kt and 71,1 lbs/hr
d) 159 kt and 71,7 lbs/hr

14. Refer to Figure 2.2, Table 2.2.3:

Given OAT: 5°C
Pressure altitude: 8 000 ft
Power: Full throttle / 25,0 in/Hg./ 2500 RPM
Determine the cruise TAS and fuel flow (lbs/hr) with full throttle and cruise lean mixture:

a) 169 kt and 79.3 lbs/hr

b) 169 kt and 77.4 lbs/hr
c) 169 kt and 78.5 lbs/hr
d) 169 kt and 76.2 lbs/hr

New flight planning questions
15. Refer to Figure 2.2, Table 2.2.3:
Given: FL 75
OAT +10°C
Lean mixture 2300 RPM
Find: Fuel flow in gallons per hour (GPH) and TAS.

a) 71.1 GPH TAS: 143 kt

b) 11.6 GPH TAS: 143 kt
c) 11.6 GPH TAS: 160 kt
d) 68.5 GPH TAS: 160 kt

16. Refer to Figure 2.2, Table 2.2.3:

A flight has to be made with the single engine sample aeroplane. For the fuel calculation allow 10
lbs fuel for start-up and taxi, 3 minutes and 10 lbs of additional fuel to allow for the climb, 10
minutes and no fuel correction for the descent.
Planned flight time (overhead to overhead) is 03 hours and 12 minutes.
Reserve fuel 30% of the trip fuel.
Power setting is 23 in.HG (or full throttle), 2300 RPM, 20°C lean.
Flight level is 70 and OAT is ISA + 20°C.
The minimum block fuel is:
a) 306 lbs
b) 349 lbs
c) 289 lbs
d) 325 lbs

17. Refer to Figure 2.2, Table 2.2.3:

A flight has to be made with the single engine sample aeroplane. For the fuel calculation allow 10
lbs fuel for start-up and taxi, 3 minutes and 6 lbs of additional fuel to allow for the climb, 10 minutes
and no fuel correction for the descent.
Planned flight time (overhead to overhead) is 02 hours and 37 minutes.
Reserve fuel 30% of the trip fuel.
Power setting is 23 in.HG (or full throttle), 2300 RPM, 20°C lean.
Flight level is 50 and Standard Day (ISA).
The minimum block fuel is:
a) 276 lbs
b) 256 lbs
c) 260 lbs
d) 281 lbs

18. Refer to Figure 2.3, Table 2.3.1:

Given: Pressure Altitude 6 000 ft
OAT 3° C
Power Full throttle / 21 in Hg / 2 100 RPM
Determine the cruise TAS and fuel flow (lbs/hr) with full throttle and cruise lean mixture in the
following conditions:

a) 125 kt and 557 lbs/hr

b) 131 kt and 56.9 lbs/hr
c) 136 kts and 56.9 lbs/hr
d) 134 kts and 55.7 lbs/hr

New flight planning questions
19. SEP Fig. 2.3:
Cruise power setting 21.0 hg @ 2 100 rpm
Cruise level 9 000 ft
ISA dev - 7° C
Leg distance 231 nm
Tailwind 15 kts
Calculate the fuel used in lbs and the time taken

FF = 58.46 lbs/hr, Fuel used = 85.44 lbs, TAS = 141.8 kts, Time =1h 28m

20. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: Pressure Altitude 4 000 ft
OAT ISA + 16° C
Power Full throttle / 25 in Hg / 2 100 RPM
Determine the range, with 45 minute reserves in the following conditions:

a) 865 nm
b) 739 nm
c) 911 nm
d) 851 nm

21. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Aircraft mass at start-up 3663 lbs.
Aviation gasoline (density 6 lbs/gal)-fuel load 74 gal,
Take-off altitude sea level,
Headwind 40 kt,
Cruising altitude 8000 ft,
Power setting full throttle 2300 RPM 20°C lean of peak EGT.
Calculate the ground range.
a) 844 NM
b) 730 NM
c) 547.5 NM
d) 633 NM

22. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Mass at start-up 3663 lbs,
Aviation gasoline (density 6 lbs/gal)-fuel load 74 gal,
Take-off altitude sea level,
Headwind 40 kt,
Cruising altitude 8000 ft,
Power setting full throttle 2500 RPM 20°C lean of peak EGT.
Calculate the ground range.
a) 844 NM
b) 730 NM
c) 988 NM
d) 644 NM

23. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: Pressure Altitude 8 500 ft
OAT ISA - 15° C
Power Full throttle / 25 in Hg / 2 500 RPM
Determine the range, with 45 minute reserves in the following conditions:

New flight planning questions

a) 803 nm
b) 808 nm
c) 812 nm
d) 758 nm

24. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: Pressure Altitude 9 000 ft
Power Full throttle / 25 in Hg / 2 500 RPM
Determine the range, with 45 minute reserves in the following conditions:

a) 723 nm
b) 820 nm
c) 727 nm
d) 719 nm

25. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: Pressure Altitude 4 500 ft
Power Full throttle / 23 in Hg / 2 300 RPM
Determine the range, with 45 minute reserves in the following conditions:

a) 735 nm
b) 743 nm
c) 848 nm
d) 739 nm

26. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: Pressure Altitude 6 500 ft
OAT ISA - 15° C
Power Full throttle / 25 in Hg / 2 500 RPM
HW 20 kts
Determine the ground range, with 45 minute reserves in the following conditions:

a) 672 nm
b) 676 nm
c) 680 nm
d) 766 nm

27. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: Pressure Altitude 8 000 ft
OAT ISA - 15° C
Power Full throttle / 23 in Hg / 2 300 RPM
HW 20 kts
Determine the ground range, with 45 minute reserves in the following conditions:

a) 740 nm
b) 842 nm
c) 736 nm
d) 732 nm

New flight planning questions

28. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: Pressure Altitude 12 000 ft
OAT ISA - 15° C
Power Full throttle / 23 in Hg / 2 300 RPM
Determine the range, with 45 minute reserves in the following conditions:

a) 875 nm
b) 908 nm
c) 860 nm
d) 902 nm

29. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Find the increase in range when flying at an altitude of 8 000 ft, power set to 21 inHg / 2 100 rpm
as opposed to full throttle / 2 100 rpm.
a) 1.9%
b) 2.5%
c) 0.8%
d) 3.1%

30. SEP Fig. 2.4:

Power setting 2 300 rpm
Cruise Altitude 10 000 ft
Headwind 30 kts
ISA dev + 10° C
Determine maximum range

Still air range = 875 ANM

TAS = 156.5 kts
Ground range = 707.3 GNM

31. Refer to Figure 2.4: What is the ground range?

Full throttle @ 2 500 rpm
Pressure altitude FL 80
Tailwind 30 kts

789 anm / 929 gnm TAS = 169 kts

32. Refer to Figure 2.5:

Given: FL 85
Lean mixture
Full throttle 2 500 RPM
Take-off fuel: 444 lbs
Take off from MSL
Find endurance in hours.
a) 4h51
b) 4h59
c) 4h55
d) 4h47

New flight planning questions

33. Refer to Figure 2.5:

Given: FL 75
Lean mixture
Full throttle 2 300 RPM
Take-off fuel: 444 lbs
Take off from MSL
Find endurance in hours.

a) 04:42
b) 05:20
c) 05:12
d) 05:23

34. Refer to Figure 2.5:

Given: FL 65
Lean mixture
Full throttle 2 100 RPM
Take-off fuel: 444 lbs
Take off from MSL
Find endurance in hours.
a) 5h57
b) 5h47
c) 5h56
d) 5h52

35. Refer to Figure 2.5:

Given: FL 45
Lean mixture
Full throttle 2 500 RPM
Take-off fuel: 444 lbs
Take off from MSL
Find endurance in hours.

a) 04:41
b) 04:20
c) 04:16
d) 04:24

New flight planning questions

CAP 697: MEP 1

36. Refer to Figure 3.1:

FL 110
OAT: -25° C
Departure airport 3 000 ft
Temperature 20° C
Take off at MSL with the initial mass of 3 650 lbs
Find: Time and fuel to climb

a) 10 mins, 2.8 USG

b) 11 mins, 3.1 USG
c) 15 mins, 2.7 USG
d) 12 mins, 3.4 USG

37. Refer to Figure 3.1:

A flight is to be made from one airport (elevation 4 000 ft) to another in a MEP aircraft. The cruising
level will be FL 110, temp is ISA -10° C. The temperature at the departure aerodrome is 5° C.
Calculate the fuel to climb with mixture rich.

a) 9 gal
b) 5 gal
c) 12 gal
d) 7 gal

38. Refer to Figure 3.1:

A flight is to be made from one airport (elevation 3 000 ft) to another in a MEP aircraft. The cruising
level will be FL 110, temp is ISA -10° C. The temperature at the departure aerodrome is -1° C.
Calculate the fuel to climb with mixture rich.

a) 6 USG
b) 9 USG
c) 12 USG
d) 3 USG

39. Refer to Figure 3.1:

A flight is to be made from one airport (elevation 2 500 ft) to another in a MEP aircraft. The cruising
level will be 13 500 ft, temp is ISA -10° C. The temperature at the departure aerodrome is 2° C.
Calculate the time to climb with mixture rich.

a) 18 mins
b) 22 mins
c) 17 mins
d) 12 mins

40. Refer to Figure 3.2:

The cruise level will be at 14 000 ft.
The OAT at FL is -13° C.
The usable fuel is 123 USG.
The power is set to 55% power.

New flight planning questions
Find the range in NM with no reserve.

a) 985 nm
b) 992 nm
c) 863 nm
d) 836 nm

41. Refer to Figure 3.2:

The cruise level will be at 10 500 ft.
The OAT at FL is -21° C.
The usable fuel is 123 USG.
The power is set to economic cruise power.
Find the range in NM with reserve, fuel at 45% power.

a) 785 nm
b) 745 nm
c) 863 nm
d) 836 nm

42. Refer to Figure 3.2:

The cruising level will be 11000ft.
The outside air temperature at FL is -15 ° C.
The usable fuel is 123 US gallons.
The power is set to economic cruise.
Find the range in NM with 45 min reserve fuel at 45 % power.

a) 752 NM
b) 852 NM
c) 610 NM
d) 602 NM

43. Refer to Figure 3.3: A flight has to be made with a multi-engine piston aeroplane (MEP 1). For the
fuel calculations take 5 US gallons for the taxi, and an additional 13 minutes at cruise condition to
account for climb and descent. Calculated time from overhead to overhead is 1h47min. Power
setting is 45%, 2600 RPM. Calculated reserve fuel is 30% of the trip fuel. FL 100. Temperature -
5°C. Find the minimum block fuel.

a) 47 US gallons
b) 37 US gallons.
c) 60 US gallons.
d) 470 US gallons.

44. Refer to Figure 3.3: A flight has to be made with a multi-engine piston aeroplane (MEP 1). For the
fuel calculations take 5 US gallons for the taxi, and an additional 13 minutes at cruise condition to
account for climb and descent. Calculated time overhead to overhead is 2h37min. Power setting is
65%, 2500 RPM. Calculated reserve fuel is 30% of the trip fuel. FL 120. Temperature 1°C. Find the
minimum block fuel.

a) 86 US gallons.
b) 76 US gallons.
c) 91 US gallons
d) 118 US gallons.

New flight planning questions

45. Refer to Figure 3.4:

Given: Mixture Full rich above 75% power
Cowl flaps Closed
Aircraft configuration Clean
Mid cruise mass 4450 lbs
Cruise Economy range cruise
Altitude 15 000 ft
Calculate the TAS:

a) 188 kts
b) 182 kts
c) 185 kts
d) 190 kts

46. Refer to Figure 3.5:

Find the endurance of an aircraft at 12 500 ft with power set to economic cruise.
ISA conditions, without 45 min reserve at 45% power

a) 4h58
a) 4h15
b) 5h15
c) 5h58

47. Refer to Figure 3.5:

Given: FL 75
Lean mixture Economy Power setting
Find: Endurance in hours with no reserve

a) 06:12
b) 05:01
c) 06:06
d) 05:11

48. Refer to Figure 3.6:

A flight is to be made to an airport, pressure altitude 3000 ft, in a multi-engine piston aeroplane
(MEP1). The forecast OAT for the airport is -1° C. The cruising level will be FL 110, where OAT is -
10° C. Calculate the still air descent distance for: 145 KIAS, Rate of descent 1000 ft/min, Gears
and flaps up

a) 20 NM
b) 29 NM
c) 36 NM
d) 25 NM

49. Refer to figure 3.6

Given: OAT is +10° C, Aerodrome Pressure Altitude at 4 000 ft
OAT is - 5° C, Cruise Pressure Altitude at 14 000 ft
Tailwind is 25 kts
What is the ground distance?

a) 11 nm
a) 21 nm
b) 31 nm

New flight planning questions
c) 41 nm
CAP 698: SEP 1

50. Refer to Figure 2.1:

Given: OAT -7° C
Pressure Altitude 7 000 ft
Aircraft Mass 1 340 kg
Headwind component 5 kt
Flaps Up
Runway Wet Grass
Slope 1.5% upslope
With regards to take-off performance chart for SEP aircraft determine the take-off distance to a
height of 50 ft.

a) 1 400 ft
b) 2 600 ft
c) 2 800 ft
d) 2 400 ft

51. Refer to Figure 2.1:

Given: OAT +18 C
Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 1500ft
Aeroplane Mass 1270kg
Wind Component 4kt tailwind
Runway Surface Hard, Dry
Runway Slope 0%
The approximate take-off distance to 50ft is:

a) 520 m
a) 395 m
b) 440 m
c) 615 m

52. Refer to Figure 2.1:

TOM 1 591 kg
AD elevation 1 500 ft
OAT +18C
Headwind 16 kts
slope 1% downhill
RWY Paved, dry
What is the TODR for an aircraft in the following conditions( multiply by the factor of balanced field

a) 335 m
b) 744 m
c) 565 m
d) 595 m

New flight planning questions

53. Refer to Figure 2.1:

Given: O.A.T : 30°C
Pressure Altitude: 1000 ft
Aeroplane Mass: 3450 lbs
Tailwind component: 2.5 kt
Flaps: up
Runway: Tarred and Dry
With regard to the take-off performance chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the take-
off distance to a height of 50 ft.

a) approximately : 2470 feet

b) approximately : 1440 feet
c) approximately : 2800 feet
d) approximately : 2200 feet

54. Refer to Figure 2.1:

OAT +30°C
Pressure Altitude 1 000 ft
Aircraft mass 3500 lbs
Tailwind 5 kt
Runway Tarred and Dry
What is the regulated take-off distance to 50 ft if there is no stopway or clearway?(use balanced
fiel factor of 1.25)

a) 2 800 ft
b) 3 220 ft
c) 3 640 ft
d) 3 500 ft

55. Refer to Figure 2.1:

Given: O.A.T : ISA
Pressure Altitude: 4000 ft
Headwind component: 5 kt
Flaps: up
Runway: Tarred and Dry
Factored runway length: 2000 ft
Obstacle height: 50 ft
With regard to the take-off performance chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the
maximum allowable take-off mass.

a) 3000 lbs
b) 2900 lbs
c) 3240 lbs
d) 3650 lbs

56. Refer to Figure 2.1:

Given: O.A.T: +20 C,
Pressure Altitude: 3000 ft,
Aeroplane Mass: 3300 lbs,
Headwind component: 10 kt,
Flaps: 0
Runway: Wet, grass
Runway Slope 1%(uphill)

New flight planning questions
Calculate the TODA (Calculate TOD)

a) 2730 ft
b) 2200 ft
c) 3200 ft
d) 1900 ft

57. Refer to Figure 2.1

Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 3 000 ft
Ambient Temperature + 20° C
TOM 3 300 lbs
Flaps Up
Headwind 10 kts
Runway slope 1% uphill
Runway surface wet grass
Calculate the take-off distance required(use factor of 1.15)

a) 2100
b) 2520
c) 2730
d) 3412

58. Refer to Figure 2.1:

Given: O.A.T : ISA+10°C
Pressure Altitude: 5000 ft
Aeroplane mass: 3400 lbs
Headwind component: 5 kt
Flaps: up
Runway: Tarred and Dry
With regard to the take-off performance chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the take-
off speed for (1) rotation and (2) at a height of 50 ft.

a) 71 and 82 KIAS
b) 73 and 84 KIAS
c) 68 and 78 KIAS
d) 65 and 75 KIAS

59. Refer to Figure 2.1

Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 3 000 ft
Ambient Temperature + 10° C
TOM 3 400 lbs
Headwind 20 kts
Runway slope 1% downhill
Runway surface Short, dry grass
Calculate the take-off distance for a flaps up take-off

a) 2160
b) 2268
c) 2835
d) 3071

New flight planning questions

60. Refer to Figure 2.1

Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 6 000 ft
Ambient Temperature + 15° C
Flaps Up
Headwind 10 kts
Runway slope 1% uphill
Runway surface short, dry grass
TORA 3 800 ft
TODA & ASDA 4 000 ft
Calculate the field length limited TOM

a) 3834
b) 3260
c) 3578
d) 2442

61. Refer to Figure 2.2:

Given: OAT -7°C
Pressure Altitude 7 000 ft
Aircraft Mass 2 950 lbs
Headwind component 5 kt
Flaps: Approach setting
Runway Tarred and Dry
Slope 1.5% upslope
With regards to the take-off performance chart for SEP aircraft, determine the take-off distance to a
height of 50 ft.

a) Approx 2 200 ft
b) Approx 1 260 ft
c) Approx 1 150 ft
d) Approx 2 050 ft

62. Refer to Figure 2.2: Given:

Given: OAT 38° C
Pressure Altitude 4 000 ft
Aircraft Mass 1 540 kg
Tailwind component 5 kt
Flaps Approach setting
Runway Wet Grass
Slope 1.5% upslope
With regards to take-off performance chart for SEP aircraft determine the take-off distance to a
height of 50 ft.

a) Approx 3 300 ft
b) Approx 5 040 ft
c) Approx 4 290 ft
d) Approx 4 810 ft

63. Refer to Figure 2.2:

OAT + 38C
Pressure Altitude 4 000 ft
Aircraft Mass 3 400 lbs

New flight planning questions
Tailwind 5 kt
Flaps Approach
Runway Dry Grass
With regard to the take-off performance chart determine the take-off distance to a height of 50 ft:

a) 3 250 ft
b) 4 200 ft
c) 5 040 ft
d) 3 900 ft

64. Refer to Figure 2.2: Given:

Given: OAT 30° C
Pressure Altitude 1 000 ft
Aircraft Mass 3 450 lbs
Tailwind component 2.5 kt
Flaps Up
Runway Wet Grass
With regards to take-off performance chart for SEP aircraft determine the take-off distance to a
height of 50 ft.

a) 671 m
b) 902 m
c) 753 m
d) 978 m

65. Refer to Figure 2.2:

OAT +30°C
Pressure Altitude 1 000 ft
Mass 2950 lbs
Wind component 5 kts Tailwind
Flaps: Approach
Runway Wet grass
Determine the take-off distance:

a) 1 700 ft
b) 2 500 ft
c) 2 200 ft
d) 1 900 ft

66. With regard to the take-off performance chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the take
off distance over a 50 ft obstacle height.
O.A.T: 30°C
Pressure Altitude: 1000 ft
Aeroplane Mass: 2950 lbs
Tailwind component: 5 kt
Flaps: Approach setting
Runway: Short, wet grass, firm subsoil
Correction factor: 1.25 (for runway conditions)

a) 1900 ft
b) 2375 ft
c) 1600 ft
d) 2000 ft

New flight planning questions

67. Refer to Figure 2.2:

O.A.T : 30°C
Pressure Altitude: 1000 ft
Aeroplane Mass: 2950 lbs
Tailwind component: 5 kt
Flaps: Approach setting
Runway: Short, wet grass, firm subsoil
With regard to the take-off performance chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the take-
off distance required over a 50 ft obstacle height.

a) 2750 ft
b) 1900 ft
c) 1600 ft
d) 2000 ft

68. Refer to Figure 2.2: Given:

Given: OAT ISA
Pressure Altitude 4 000 ft
Headwind component 15 kt
Flaps: 10
Runway Tarred and Dry
Runway Length 2 000 ft length
Obstacle height 50 ft
With regards to the take-off performance chart for SEP aircraft, determine the maximum allowed
take-off weight:

a) 1 470 kg
b) 1 588 kg
c) 1 297 kg
d) 1 089 kg

69. Refer to Figure 2.3:

What is the maximum climb gradient at a pressure altitude of 5 500 ft in ISA conditions with an
aircraft weight of 3 400 lbs whilst maintaining the recommended climb speed?

a) 8.6%
b) 6.3%
c) 9.4%
d) 10.8%

70. Refer to Figure 2.3:

Given O.A.T : ISA + 15°C
Pressure Altitude: 0 ft
Aeroplane Mass: 3400 lbs
Flaps: up
Speed: 100 KIAS
With regard to the climb performance chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the climb
speed (ft/min).

a) 1370 ft/min
b) 1290 ft/min
c) 1210 ft/min

New flight planning questions
d) 1150 ft/min

71. Refer to Figure 2.3:

Given: O.A.T at Take-off: ISA
Airport pressure altitude: 5000 ft
Aeroplane mass: 3300 lbs
Speed: 100 KIAS
Wind component: 5 kts Tailwind
Using the climb performance chart, for the single engine aeroplane, determine the ground distance
to reach a height of 1500 ft above the reference zero.

a) 18 909 ft
b) 18 073 ft
c) 20 109 ft
d) 15 640ft

72. Refer to Figure 2.3:

Given: O.A.T at Take-off: ISA
Airport pressure altitude: 5000 ft
Aeroplane mass: 1497 kg
Speed: 100 KIAS
Wind component: 5 kts Tailwind
Using the climb performance chart, for the single engine aeroplane, determine the ground distance
to reach a height of 1500 ft above the reference zero.

a) 5384 m
b) 6068 m
c) 5813 m
d) 6434 m

73. Refer to Figure 2.3:

Given: O.A.T at Take-off: ISA
Airport pressure altitude: 3000 ft
Aeroplane mass: 3450 lbs
Speed: 100 KIAS
Using the climb performance chart, for the single engine aeroplane, determine the rate of climb
and the gradient of climb.

a) 1030 ft/min and 8,4%

b) 1170 ft/min and 9,9%
c) 1130 ft/min and 10.6%
d) 1310 ft/min and 11,3%

74. SEP Figure 2.3

O.A.T. at take-off: 25°C
Airport pressure altitude: 1000 ft
Aeroplane mass: 3600 lbs
Speed: 100 KIAS
Wind component: 15 kts Headwind
Using the climb performance chart, for the single engine aeroplane, determine the ground distance
to reach a height of 2000 ft above the reference zero in the following conditions:

a) 15 290 ft
b) 18 750 ft

New flight planning questions
c) 16 410 ft
d) 16 050 ft

75. SEP Figure 2.3

Pressure Altitude 6 000 ft
Ambient Temperature + 25° C
Aircraft weight 3 500 lbs
Determine the climb gradient and rate of climb

820 ft/min / 7.2%

76. SEP Figure 2.3

O.A.T at Take-off: ISA
Airport pressure altitude: 5000 ft
Aeroplane mass: 3 300 lbs
Speed: 100 KIAS
Wind component: 5 kts Tailwind
Using the climb performance chart, for the single engine aeroplane, determine the ground distance
to reach a height of 1500 ft above the reference zero in the following conditions:

a) 16 665 ft
b) 18 909 ft
c) 18 073 ft
d) 20 109 ft

77. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: OAT 0°C
Pressure Altitude 1 000 ft
Aircraft mass 3 500 lbs
Tailwind component 5 kt
Flaps: Landing position (down)
Runway Tarred and Dry
With regard to the Landing chart for SEP aircraft determine the landing distance from a height of
50 ft:

a) Approx. 503 m / 1650 ft

b) Approx. 287 m
c) Approx. 451 m
d) Approx. 351 m

78. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: OAT ISA
Pressure Altitude 1 000 ft
Aircraft Mass 3 500 lbs
Tailwind component 5 kt
Flaps Landing position (down)
Runway Tarred and Dry
With regards to landing performance chart for SEP aircraft determine the landing distance from a
height of 50 ft.

a) Approx 351 m
b) Approx 457 m
c) Approx 280 m
d) Approx 518 m / 1700 ft

New flight planning questions

79. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: OAT - 15°C
Pressure Altitude 0 ft
Aircraft Mass 1334 kg
Headwind component 10 kt
Flaps Landing position (down)
Runway Short & wet grass
Correction factor for wet grass 1.38
With regard to the Landing chart for SEP aircraft determine the landing distance from a height of
50 ft:

a) Approx 547 m
b) Approx 396 m
c) Approx 610 m
d) Approx 442 m

80. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: O.A.T : ISA +15°C
Pressure Altitude: 0 ft
Aeroplane Mass: 2940 lbs
Headwind component: 10 kt
Flaps: Landing position (down)
Runway: short and wet grass- firm soil
Correction factor (wet grass): 1.38
With regard to the landing chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the landing distance
from a height of 50 ft

a) approximately : 1300 feet

b) approximately : 2000 feet
c) approximately : 1450 feet
d) approximately :1800 feet

81. Refer to Figure 2.4

O.A.T: ISA +15°C
Pressure Altitude: 0 ft
Aeroplane Mass: 2940 lbs
Headwind component: 10 kt
Flaps: Landing position (down)
Runway: Tarred and Dry
With regard to the landing chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the landing distance
from a height of 50 ft.

a) approximately : 1900 feet

b) approximately : 950 feet
c) approximately : 1400 feet
d) approximately : 750 feet

82. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: O.A.T : 27 °C
Pressure Altitude: 3000 ft
Aeroplane Mass: 2900 lbs

New flight planning questions
Tailwind component: 5 kt
Flaps: Landing position (down)
Runway: Tarred and Dry
With regard to the landing chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the landing distance
from a height of 50 ft .

a) approximately : 1120 feet

b) approximately : 1700 feet
c) approximately : 1850 feet
d) approximately : 1370 feet

83. Refer to Figure 2.4:

Given: O.A.T : 18 °C
Pressure Altitude: 1 500 ft
Aeroplane Mass: 1270 kg
Tailwind component: 4 kt
Flaps: Landing position (down)
Runway: Grass
With regard to the landing chart for the single engine aeroplane determine the landing distance
from a height of 50 ft.

a) 560 m
b) 685 m
c) 465 m
d) 395 m

84. Refer to Figure 2.4

O.A.T.: 5°C
Pressure altitude: 4000 ft
Aeroplane mass: 3530 lbs
Headwind component: 15 kt
Flaps: Approach setting
Runway: tarred and dry
Landing gear: down
For single engine aeroplane, determine the landing distance (from a screen height of 50 ft)
required, in the following conditions:

a) 1400 ft
b) 880 ft
c) 1550 ft
d) 1020 ft

85. Refer to Figure 2.4

Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 760 ft
Ambient Temperature + 29° C
TOM 3 250 lbs
Flaps Down
Headwind 10 kts
Runway slope 1% down
Runway surface grass
Runway Condition wet
Calculate the landing distance required

a) 1428
b) 1642

New flight planning questions
c) 1888
d) 2700

86. Refer to Figure 2.4

Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 4 000 ft
Ambient Temperature - 20° C
Tailwind 10 kts
Runway slope 2% uphill
Runway surface dry, pave
LDA 2 900 ft(factorize 2900ft by 1.43)
Calculate the field length limited landing weight

a) 2900
b) 3100
c) 3255
d) 3906

87. Refer to Figure 2.4

Runway length: 1300 ft
Runway elevation: MSL
Weather: assume ISA conditions
Mass: 3200 lbs
Obstacle height: 50 ft
With regard to the graph for landing performance, what is the minimum headwind component
required in order to land at Helgoland airport?

a) 10 kt.
b) No wind.
c) 5 kt.
d) 15 kt.

New flight planning questions

CAP 698: MEP 1

88. Refer to Figure 3.1:
Given: Runway 12R
OAT -15° C
Pressure Altitude 4 000 ft
Aircraft Mass 4 000 lbs
Wind component 080/12
Runway surface Tarred and dry
Other conditions as associated with the header of the chart. What is the take-off distance over a 50
ft obstacle?

a) 1 830 ft
b) 1 220 ft
c) 1 550 ft
d) 1 270 ft

89. Performance Manual MEP 1 Figure 3.1

OAT: -15°C
Pressure Altitude: 4000 ft
RWY: 12R
Wind: 080°/12 kts
Take off Mass: 4000 lbs
Other conditions as associated in the header of the graph.
What is the Ground Roll Distance under the conditions given?

a) 1270 ft
a) 1600 ft
b) 1500 ft
c) 1830 ft

90. Refer to Figure 3.1:

Given: Runway 30R
OAT 24° C
Pressure Altitude 3 000 ft
Aircraft Mass 3 800 lbs
Wind component 060/4
Other conditions as associated with the header of the chart. What is the take-off distance under the
conditions given?

a) 2 000 ft
b) 1 670 ft
c) 1 550 ft
d) 2 150 ft

91. Refer to Figure 3.1

OAT: 24°C
Pressure Altitude: 3000 ft
RWY: 30R
Wind: 060°/4 kts

New flight planning questions
Take off Mass: 3800 lbs
Other conditions as associated in the header of the graph.
What is the Ground Roll Distance under the conditions given?

a) 2000 ft
b) 1670 ft
c) 1780 ft
d) 2150 ft

92. Refer to Figure 3.1

Given: OAT: 24°C
Pressure Altitude: 3000 ft
RWY: 12L
Wind: 080°/12 kts
Take off Mass: 3800 lbs
Other conditions as associated in the header of the graph.
What is the Take-off Distance under the conditions given?

a) 1700 ft
b) 1600 ft
c) 1420 ft
d) 1950 ft

93. Refer to Figure 3.1

OAT: 24°C
Pressure Altitude: 3000 ft
RWY: 12L
Wind: 080°/12 kts
Take off Mass: 3800 lbs
Other conditions as associated in the header of the graph.
What is the Ground Roll Distance under the conditions given?

a) 1750 ft
b) 1050 ft
c) 1150 ft
d) 1350 ft

94. Refer to Figure 3.1:

Given: OAT: 20°C
Pressure Altitude: 3000 ft
Headwind component: 10 kts
Take off Mass: 3500 lbs
Runway Slope: 1%(uphill)
Runway Surface: Wet, grass
Flap setting: 0
What is the Take-off Distance Available?

a) 1550 ft
b) 1815 ft
c) 2115 ft
d) 2515 ft

New flight planning questions

95. Refer to Figure 3.1

Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 3 000 ft
Ambient Temperature + 20° C
TOM 3 500 lbs
Flaps Up
Headwind 10 kts
Runway slope 1% uphill
Runway surface wet grass
Calculate the take-off distance required

a) 2645
b) 1628
c) 2116
d) 1953

96. Performance Manual MEP1 Figure 3.2

With regard to the graph for the light twin aeroplane, if the brakes are released before take-off
power is achieved, the accelerate/stop distance will be:

a) shorter than the graphical distance.

b) the same as the graphical distance because both techniques are accounted.
c) unaffected because all take-off techniques are accounted.
d) longer than the graphical distance

97. Refer to Figure 3.2:

Given: Runway 24L
OAT 25° C
Pressure Altitude 3 000 ft
Aircraft Mass 4 400 lbs
Wind component 310/20
Heavy Duty Brakes installed
Other conditions as associated with the header of the chart. What is the accelerate stop for the
conditions given?

a) 4 300 ft
b) 3 500 ft
c) 3 350 ft
d) 3 750 ft

98. Refer to Figure 3.2

Given: OAT: 25°C
Pressure Altitude: 3000 ft
RWY: 26L
Wind: 310°/20kts
Take off Mass: 4400 lbs
Heavy Duty Brakes installed
Other conditions as associated in the header of the graph.
What is the Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions given?

a) 3500 ft
a) 3800 ft
b) 3350 ft
c) 4300 ft

New flight planning questions

99. Refer to Figure 3.2:

Given: OAT: -10°C,
Pressure Altitude: 4000 ft,
RWY: 30L,
Wind: 180/10 kts.
Take off Mass: 4600 lbs.
Heavy Duty Brakes installed.
What is the Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions given?

a) 3550 ft;
b) 4600 ft;
c) 4250 ft;
d) 3800 ft;

100. Refer to Figure 3.2:

Given: OAT: 20°C
Pressure Altitude: 2000 ft
RWY: 24L
Wind: 120°/ 8 kts
Take off Mass: 4500 lbs
Heavy Duty Brakes: installed.
What is the Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions given?

a) 4500 ft
b) 3600 ft
c) 3400 ft
d) 4200 ft

101. Refer to Figure 3.2:

Given: OAT: 20°C
Pressure Altitude: 2000 ft
RWY: 07R
Wind: 120°/ 15 kts
Take off Mass: 4500 lbs
Heavy Duty Brakes: installed.
What is the Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions given?

a) 3450 ft
b) 3650 ft
c) 3250 ft
d) 3800 ft

102. Refer to Figure 3.2:

Given: OAT: -10°C
Pressure Altitude: 4000 ft
RWY: 12R
Wind: 180°/10 kts
Take off Mass: 4600 lbs
Heavy Duty Brakes: installed.
What is the Accelerate and Stop Distance under the conditions given?

a) 3800 ft
b) 3550 ft
c) 4600 ft

New flight planning questions
d) 4300 ft
103. Refer to Figure 3.2:
Pressure Altitude MSL
Headlwind 5 kt
Flaps 0
Runway Tarred and Dry
Determine the maximum permissible mass that will allow the aircraft to come to full stop given an
accelerate stop distance available of 3 200 ft:

a) 3 550 lbs
b) 4 100 lbs
c) 4 250 lbs
d) 3 000 lbs

104. Refer to Figure 3.4

Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 2 000 ft
Ambient Temperature + 23° C
Headwind 5 kts
Runway slope 1% uphill
Runway surface wet, grass
TOM 3 820 lbs
Calculate the accelerated stop distance required

a) 2000
b) 2100
c) 2600
d) 2730

105. Refer to Figure 3.4:

OAT 27°C
Pressure Altitude MSL ft
Aircraft Mass 3 750 lbs
Tailwind 5 kt
Flaps 25°
Runway Tarred and Dry
Determine the accelerate-stop distance from brake release to a full stop given an abort speed of 64
KIAS and a reaction time of 3 seconds.

a) 2 200 ft
b) 1 800 ft
c) 3 300 ft
d) 2 400 ft

106. Refer to Figure 3.7:

Given: OAT - 20° C
Pressure Altitude 14 000 ft
Aircraft Mass 4 000 lbs
Mixture full rich
What is the two engine rate of climb for the following conditions?

a) 1 300 ft/min
b) 970 ft/min
c) 170 ft/min
d) 1 550 ft/min

New flight planning questions

107. Refer to Figure 3.7

Given: OAT: - 20°C
Pressure Altitude: 14000 ft
Gross Mass: 4000 lbs
What is the one engine inoperative rate of climb for the conditions given?

a) 1250 ft/min
b) 175 ft/min
c) 375 ft/min
d) 625 ft/min

108. Refer to Figure 3.7:

Given: OAT 10° C
Pressure Altitude 2 000 ft
Aircraft Mass 3 750 lbs
Mixture full rich
What is the two engine rate of climb for the following conditions?

a) 430 ft/min
b) 1 970 ft/min
c) 1 770 ft/min
d) 1 570 ft/min

109. Refer to Figure 3.7

Given: OAT - 20° C
Pressure Altitude 18 000 ft
Gross Mass 4 000 lbs
Mixture leaned to 25° F rich of peak EGT
What is the two engine rate of climb for the conditions given?

a) 1 050 ft/min
b) 550 ft/min
c) 1 370 ft/min
d) 870 ft/min

110. Refer to Figure 3.7

Given: OAT: 10°C
Pressure Altitude: 2000 ft
Gross Mass: 3750 lbs
What is the one engine inoperative rate of climb for the conditions given?

a) 500 ft/min
b) 890 ft/min
c) 200 ft/min
d) 430 ft/min

111. Refer to Figure 3.9: Given:

Flaps 40
OAT 15° C
Pressure Altitude Sea level
Aircraft Mass 4 000 lbs
Wind component Calm
Runway Paved & dry

New flight planning questions
What is the landing distance?

a) 1 240 ft
b) 2 040 ft
c) 1 400 ft
d) 2 400 ft

112. Refer to Figure 3.9

Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 3 000 ft
Ambient Temperature + 10° C
Tailwind 5 kts
MLW 3 200 lbs
Runway slope 1% down
Runway surface dry, pave
Calculate the landing distance required

a) 2600
b) 3904
c) 3718
d) 2730

113. Refer to Figure 3.9: The landing distance available at an aerodrome is 2 500 ft. What distance
should be used in the landing graph to obtain the maximum permissible landing weight, if the
runway has a paved, wet surface with a 1% downhill slope?

a) 1 665 ft
b) 1 447 ft
c) 1 748 ft
d) 2 500 ft

114. Refer to Figure 3.9:

OAT 30°C
Pressure Altitude 0 ft
Aircraft mass 4500 lbs
Headwind 10 kt
Flaps 40
Runway Tarred and Dry
With regards to the normal chart for the multi-engine aircraft determine the landing distance from a
height of 50 ft.

a) 1 300 ft
b) 2 050 ft
c) 2 395 ft
d) 2 475 ft

115. Refer to Figure 3.9:

Runway length 3 718 ft
Runway elevation 4 000 ft
Runway Paved, dry
Headwind 4 kts
What is the maximum allowable landing mass in order to comply with the landing regulations?

New flight planning questions

a) 4 000 lbs
b) 3 500 lbs
c) 4 500 lbs
d) 3 600 lbs

116. Refer to Figure 3.10

Aerodrome Pressure Altitude 5 000 ft
Ambient Temperature - 10° C
Tailwind 15 kts
MLW 3 900 lbs
Runway slope 2% uphill
Runway surface wet, grass
Calculate the landing distance required for a short landing

a) 1750
b) 2503
c) 3310
d) 2878


117. Following a take-off determined by the 50 ft screen height. a light twin climbs on a 10% ground
gradient. It will clear 900 m high obstacle situated at 10 000 m from the 50 ft clearing point with an
obstacle clearance of:

a) 85 m
b) It will not clear the obstacle
c) 115 m
d) 100 m

118. For an aircraft maintaining 100 kt TAS and a climb gradient of 3.3% with no wind, what would be
the approximate rate of climb?

a) 3.30 m/s
b) 33.0 m/s
c) 330 ft/min
d) 3 300 ft/min

119. Following a take-off to the 50 ft screen height, a light twin climbs on a gradient of 5%. It will clear a
160 m obstacle situated at 5 000 m from the 50 ft point with an obstacle clearance margin of:

a) it will not clear the obstacle

b) 105 m
c) 90 m
d) 75 m

New flight planning questions
120. An aircraft with a gradient of 3.3% flying at an IAS of 85 kts. At a pressure altitude of 8 500 ft with a
temp of +15 C will have a ROC of:

a) 284 ft/min
b) 623 ft/min
c) 1117 ft/min
d) 334 ft/min

121. ROC 1000 ft/min

TAS 198 kts
What is the aircraft’s gradient?

a) 5.08%
b) 3%
c) 4%
d) 4.98%

122. With an obstacle which is 160 m above the airfield elevation and 500 m away from the end of the
take-off distance (screen height 50ft) what would the obstacle clearance be with a gradient of 5%

a) 105 m
b) 90 m
c) 250 m
d) 265 m


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