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PH-108: Electricity and Magnetism

Tutorial Set 6 (Magnetostatic)

1. Two identical circular rings of radius R are placed in the x-y plane at 𝑧 = 𝑑 2 and
𝑧 = − 𝑑 2. Current I is flowing in the anti-clockwise direction through both the
rings. Find the magnetic field B as a function of z. Show that the 1st derivative of
magnetic field with respect to z is zero at the midway between these two rings.
Determine d such that the 2nd derivative of B with respect to z is zero at the
midpoint. Find B at 𝑧 = 0.

2. Consider a straight wire (infinite extent) and a square loop of side 𝑎 carrying steady
currents 𝐼. The square loop is placed close to the straight wire in such a way that
the distance between the straight wire and one of the sides of the square loop is 𝑑.
Find the force on the square loop.

3. A steady current I flows down a long cylindrical wire of radius 𝑎. Find the magnetic
field inside and outside the wire, if a) the current is uniformly distributed over the
outside surface of the wire, b) the current is distributed in such a way that 𝐽 is
proportional to 𝑑 (the distance from the axis of the wire).

4. A large parallel plate capacitor with uniform surface charge 𝜎 on the upper plate
and – 𝜎 on the lower is moving with a constant speed 𝑣. Find the magnetic field
between the plates and also above and below them.

5. Find the vector potential of an infinite solenoid with n turns per unit length, radius
R, and current I.

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