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Mack is 13-year-old boy who is a farm boy in the mid-west. His father is the elder of the
church, who is also beating his mother. That Sunday at church, the elder ask them to go
up to the altar to confess and ask for a prayer. So, he confesses to the elder and said
sorry because he was not able to protect his mother from his father when he is drunk. We
don’t want to see our mother to get hurt because that is the worst for us. out mother is
very precious. Whenever we see our mother crying, it feels like you are so stupid or
useless son/daughter because you made her cry. And if someone is insulting her, you
are always there to defend her from them. You do anything to your mother because we
all love our mothers. Just like Mac, he thought that he did something wrong because his
mother is always crying because of his father. He always feels guilty so he asks their
neighbor what to do. The neighbor asks him to go talk to God to tell him that he done
nothing wrong. Because God is always listening to us. God is always here for us because
he cares for us. he loves his people and he will always listen even though some of his
people are not listening to him and his teachings in church. Later that night his father
beats him during a rainstorm, making him recite the Bible verse.

Mack married to Nan, and they had three children named Kate, Josh, and Missy. They
went to camping, Mack told missy a story of an Indian Princess sacrificing herself to save
many people. And the waterfall they are looking at is the tears of the Indian Princess’s
father. Sometimes, we also need to sacrifice for the sake of other people. We always
think what’s the best of many. The canoe his other two kids are swimming in tips over
and his son is trapped underneath. Mack dives into the lake to save his son as other
campers help him pull him to safety. He survives after CPR is administered. However
Missy is missing. They called the police to report the scene. The Feds tell him they found
a truck in the woods and they have to go, with Mack going with them. They found Missy
her clothes are there with blood. Mack receives a letter and suspects it is from God, asking
him to return to The Shack where Missy may have been murdered. After contemplating
it, he leaves his home to go to The Shack for the first time since Missy's abduction and
an encounter that will change his life forever. He accuses his best friend Willie of sending
the letter. Willie ask Mack if he prayed about it. But Mack thinks it’s a bad idea because
of that Tragedy. Willie says maybe its God and insists on going with him. Mack is blaming
himself but Nan keeps telling him it's not his fault.

Mack and Willie are all ready to go, the car is packed, with a gun included just in case.
On the way he hears the voices of his friends and family and almost gets into an accident
with a semi-trailer after he hears Missy's voice. He’s already arrive the shack he enters,
gun in hand, ready to shoot in case the murderer is there. He starts talking to him, as if
he was there, yelling about how he didn't even have her body to bury, and then starts
running around the shack yelling and slamming things. He is ready to shoot when he
hears a noise, but it is just a deer. He ventures outside and sees a man. The man is very
friendly, even with Mack's gun pointed at him, and invites him inside to warm himself up
by the fire and tells Mack he has someone there that would love to see him. As they walk
the snow disappears and suddenly the path and woods are beautiful, the sun is shining
and the wilderness looks more like summer than winter.
Mack approaches the shack and enters what is a large beautiful home. The woman is
there, looking exactly the same as she did when Mack was a child. She is Papa, the man
Mack followed is her son Jesus and the other woman there, named is the Holy Spirit.
Then Mack leaves and he thinks he is crazy, but Jesus approaches him telling him he
dropped the letter from Papa. She tells Mack that she took on the appearance of a woman
because he couldn't handle a father right now. He asks her why she forsake him, and
where she has been. While they are eating dinner, they were talking about his family.
They talk to him about how much they love him and want to get to know him, even though
they already do. While he sleeps he has visions of his daughter being kidnapped. In the
morning he talks to Papa over breakfast about how she punishes people. But she tells
him she doesn't punish people because their sin is punishment enough and everything
she does works together for good. Jesus doesn’t punish people. He doesn’t do it
physically because their sin is punishment enough, and everything she does works
together for good. He do the things what’s best for us. He always does his way. Because
he is our King. He does his own way of punishing people. Let us trust Jesus on what he
is planning to us. But Mack accuses Papa for lying, due to all the pain and suffering in the
world. Mack said that she says there is nothing that she could say that would justify
Missy's death. She tells him they aren't justifying anything, but are there to help heal it.
Mack doesn’t believe anymore to Papa, he doesn’t want to accept what she’s saying to
him because of what happened to Missy.
As he was suddenly reminiscing the past, his boat starts to sink. He starts to
suddenly felt fear of falling into the water but there is Jesus that is always there watching
everyone and keeps their mind to become stronger because He is at all times there and
their belief will save him as long as he looks at him as he walks on water. Jesus says
nobody can get hurt as long as he believes in him and his mind keeps unto his words.
With that belief, it led to a whole truth and suddenly the boat is back in one piece again
and everything is fine. Mack cannot believe his mind about the past and while Jesus tells
him that they need to go, Mack hesitates and he says he wants to stay and he wants to
sink. It has been a long line that Jesus tries to convince Mack to go with him. Jesus
assures him that he will not sink if he trusts Him. Finally, he was convinced and after they
get back to the land, Jesus keeps on telling Mack to follow the path and will wait for him
there. As he enters he meets Sophia who is introduced as Wisdom. Sophia and Mack
talked about judgment and she tells Mack that nobody judges anyone except HE who
judges anyone based on their clothes or appearances. Sophia tells him he has to judge
people. She asked him who is to blame and he says it is Jesus because as it flashes back
on him he sees visions with his mother being beaten by his father and then sees a vision
of his father as a little boy getting beat.
Sophia says that since that is what he believes God is, that if it is very easy for him to
judge God, it is very easy for him too to choose one of his children to go to Heaven and
one to Hell. He wants to go out because he says it is unfair and he cannot choose but he
keeps on saying that he must choose. Because of his love to his children he tells that he
chooses to go to hell instead of his children for the reason that that is what their Papa
goes through. He reiterates that there is no instance where life even though how easy it
has been, can be free from pain. There cannot be pain free life as long as there is a space
where anything can come in. It cannot just filter what to be in because evil has all the
different ways in order to control anybody. It can disguise as good and operates as evil
once entered into the body of a man. As long as there is free will then evil will be invited.
In his vision he sees Missy playing with him as they are running and then blowing on him
some kisses. Sometimes he felt guilty and he ask Missy if she can forgive him for not
being able to same her but she tells him that she never felt that way.
Mack and Jesus run through the water at the beach. On the top of the hill, Sarayu covers
Mack's eyes, and when he releases his hands he then sees people glowing as the others
see people in color and light. Suddenly one is walking towards them. As it gets nearer it
was recognized as the father of Mack. The father starts to apologize to Mack and says
he couldn't see anyone because of blindness. Mack and his father forgave one another.

In the morning Papa comes to Mack, he says he wants to revenge on Missy’s killer and
he wants God to hurt him also. Papa brings Mack to the woods and wants him to forgive
Missy's killer because God tells him that the killer is also his son, and he wants to make
the killer repent and go back to righteous. Mack remains in anger and wants the killer to
be burned in Hell. His Papa keeps on reminding him that nobody can make judgment
unto his own perceptions for a reason that he is not the judge. Papa keeps telling him that
it is OK to feel very mad and it keeps time to be healed.
Missy's body, which was wrapped was carried back to the shack. Mack asks Jesus to
take her as he can't, and they put her in a coffin and bring it to the garden for burial.
Beautiful flowers grow above the ground. Mack is ready to go home, however Papa, Jesus
and Sarayu tell him that he needs to talk to Kate, as she blames herself for Missy's death.
Mack tells them that he still wants them in his life.

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