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Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to

a. Unlock difficult words
b. Explain the story
c. Act the important event in the story
d. Appreciate the importance of honesty

II. Subject Matter: “The Crow and the Sparrow”

Reference: Grade 7- Module 4 (A Discriminating and Analytical Learner, Page 434)
Material: Visual Aids, Coloring Materials, Marking Pen, flashcard, laptop, DLP

III. Procedure


A. Learning Activities

“Everybody stand.” Students do as told.

“Ms. ___________please lead the prayer.” Student leads the prayer.

“Good morning class.” “Good morning Ma’am Suday.”

“Kindly arrange your chairs and sit down Students do as told.


“May I request the secretary to list down the “The secretary does as told.”
absent if there is.”

“How's your morning?” “Fine ma’am.”

“It's good to hear that you are all fine. So are you “Yes ma’am.”
ready for our class today?”

B. Lesson Proper


“Who can still remember the last topic we “Last meeting we discussed about fable.”
“Very good! Anyone can tell what a fable is?” “Fable is a literary genre: a succinct fictional story, in
prose or verse.”
“That’s right! Mostly, what are the characters of a “Mostly with animals or inanimate objects as
fable?” characters.”
“Correct! Now, a fable teaches us something “Fable illustrates a lesson.”
important. What do you call it?”
“Exactly! Then, what do you call a person who “A person who writes fables is a fabulist.”
writes fable?”
“That’s it! It’s good that you were able to recall
our previous topic.”
“So, are you ready to our new topic for today?” “Yes ma’am!”

Two Pics One Word

Mechanics of the game:

A. Students will be divided into four
base on the color of their nametags.
B. In every round, each group must have
one representative to stand. He/she is
the one to write the answer on the
flash card given.
C. As the screen shows the pictures, the
timer starts. You only have 20 seconds
to answer.
D. The representative of each group who
answered correctly, the group will be
given one point.
E. The group who got more points will be
the winner.

Image1 Image 2

Image 1 - HEARTS


Image 3 Image 4

Image 3 - CHAET

Image 4 - HONEST

Image 5 Image 6

Image 5 - TRUST

Image 6 - BIRDS


“Looking at these words, what situations can you “There are birds.”
form from it?”
“Yes! What else?” “They are friends.”
“Okay! Another?” “The one is honest while the other one is cheater.”
“Great! It sounds good that you were able to
picture out situations from these words.”
“This afternoon, we will have a story that talks
about two birds. We will see the possible
consequences when you cheat."
“Now, what do you think the title of this story?” “The Crow and the Sparrow”
You got it!

Before we proceed let us first unlock the difficult
words so that we can understand the story easier.
Please read the sentences and notice the
underlined words.

1. She spied a friend in a crowd. to watch secretively

2. I had to cheat in order to solve the puzzle. to take something by lying/ to break a rule
3. The student hid the pocketbook under her to put out of sight
4. The beak of a hawk is black. pointed parts that covers a bird’s mouth
5. Accordingly, ducks eat nasty things. disgustingly unclean
6. He made no effort to conceal his greed for a selfish desire
money and power.
7. The construction worker used a spade in a tool for digging
digging a hole.
8. A forge should always install an antipollution a furnace where metals are heated
device to protect the environment.

Now, based on the sentences, find the meaning of

each underlined words and post them together on
the board. After that, read the word and the


Let’s now have the story entitled, “The Crow and

the Sparrow”.”
“But instead of reading the story, I’ll let you watch
a presentation. This is a puppet show about the
“Maintain silence in watching.” “Yes ma’am!”
Once upon a time a sparrow made friends Students are watching the presentation.
with a crow.
One day when they were hunting for food, they
spied some red peppers that were spread out on
a mat to dry. "Look at those peppers,” said the
crow to the sparrow.
“Let’s see who can eat the most.”
"All right!” the answered the sparrow.
“Then the one who wins will eat the
other,” said the crow.
The sparrow laughed and agreed for he
thought the crow was joking. Friends do not eat
each other. The sparrow ate each pepper fairly,
but the crow cheated. For each pepper that he
ate, he hid three under the mat without the
sparrow's seeing.
"I've won! Now I'm going to eat you!" said
the crow.
Then at last the sparrow realized that the
crow was serious. "All right,” he said. “I'll keep
my promise. But before you eat me you must
wash your beak first for everyone knows that you
eat nasty things."
So the crow went to the river and cried.
"River! River!
Give me water
To wash my beak,
To make myself neat,
The sparrow to eat!”
The river replied: "You want water? Very
well, but everyone says you eat nasty things. If
you want to wash your beak in my water, you
must get a pot to put it in and then you can as
much water as you like."
The crow went to the potter in the village
and cried:
"Potter! Potter!
Make me a pot
To fetch some water.
To wash my beak
To make myself neat,
The sparrow to eat!"
The potter replied, "You want a pot? Very
well, but I have no clay. Bring me some clay and
I'll make you a pot."
The crow went to a field and began
digging up clay with his beak.
The earth said, "The whole world knows
that you eat rubbish and nasty things. I cannot
allow you to dig up my clay unless you use a
The crow went to a village of blacksmith,
who was working on a wheel. The crow said to
"Blacksmith! Blacksmith!
Make me a spade
To dig some clay,
To make me a pot,
To fetch so e water,
To wash my beak,
To make myself neat,
The sparrow to eat!"
The blacksmith replied, "You want a
spade? Very well, but you see I have no fire in the
forge. If you want me to make a spade, you must
bring me some fire."
The crow went to the farmer’s house
nearby. The farmer’s wife was cooking rice in the
courtyard. The crow cried:
"Dear farmer's wife!
Give me a fire
To make a spade
To dig some clay,
To make a pot,
To fetch some water,
To wash my beak,
To make myself neat,
The sparrow to eat!"
The farmer’s wife replied, "You want fire?
Very well, but how will you carry it?
“You can put it on my back."
The farmer’s wife put the fire on the
crow’s back and immediately his feathers burst
into flames. The greedy crow was burnt to ashes.
But the honest sparrow lived to a ripe old age.


Scanning for details

“Did you like the story?” “Yes ma’am!”
“That’s right!”
“Who are the main characters of the story?” “The crow”
“The sparrow.”
“Very good!”
“Now, what can you say about the attitude of the “The crow is dishonest and greedy ma’am.”
“How about the sparrow?” “The sparrow is honest.”
“Precisely! Do you like to have a friend like “No ma’am!”
“What was the bet?” “The bet was who can eat the most.”
“Correct! Then, who won the bet?” “The crow won the bet ma’am.”
“Exactly! What was the condition given by the “The one who wins will eat the other.”
That’s it! But according to sparrow, everyone
knows that the crow eat nasty things so he must
wash his beak first.”
“Now, whom did the crow approach and for what? “The crow went to river for a water,”
“to potter for a pot,”
“to earth for a clay,”
“to a blacksmith for a spade,”
“and to the farmer’s wife for a fire.”

“Excellent! I’m glad that you were able to tell the

events in the story.”
“At the end, what happened to the crow?” “The crow was burnt to ashes.”
“That’s right!”
“Lesson learned in the story?” “DISHONEST INTENTION WILL NEVER

“This time, let’s have a role play.”

“I will give a situation in each group and it’s your
creativity on how you portrait a picture of it and
act it out.”
“I’ll only give you three minutes to prepare and “Yes ma’am!”
your presentation must cover for only three to four

Situation 1 Draw the significant in the story and Group one posts their drawing and presents their role
act it out. play.
Situation 2 Picture out a situation where you can Group one posts their drawing and presents their
be a good friend and act it out. role play.

“This will be the rubric of your presentation.”

(It is found after the generalization)


“Can anyone summarize the story?” “Once upon a time sparrow made friends with a crow.
They spied red peppers and had a bet. The condition
was the one who wins will eat the other. The sparrow
won the bet by cheating. The sparrow challenged the
crow before allowing himself to be eaten by the crow.
The challenged brought the crow to the river, to the
potter, to the earth, to the blacksmith and to the
farmer’s wife which leads him to death.”

“Very good! Are there questions regarding the “None ma’am!”


4 3 2 1

Participation in Always willing and Usually willing and Sometimes willing Rarely willing and
preparation and focused during focused during and focused during focused during
presentation group work and work group and work group and workgroup and
presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation.

Presentation of Convincing Competent Adequate Limited

character communication of communication of communication of communication of
character’s character’s character’s character’s
feelings, situations feelings, situations feelings, situations feelings, situations
and motives. and motives. and motives. and motives.
Achievement of Purpose is clearly Purpose is clearly Purpose is Purpose is
purpose established and established and established but vaguely
effectively generally may not be established and
sustained. sustained. sustained. may not be

Use of non-verbal Impressive Good varieties of Satisfactory Limited varieties of

cues (voice, varieties of non- non-verbal cues varieties of non- non-verbal cues
gestures, eye verbal cues are are used in a verbal cues are are used in a
contact, props, used in an competent way. used in an developing way.
costumes) exemplary way. acceptable way.

Imagination and Choices Choices Choices Choices

creativity demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate little
insight and thoughtfulness and awareness and awareness and do
powerfully completely developing little to enhance
enhance role play. enhance role play. acceptably role play.
enhance role play.

IV. Evaluation

DIRECTION: ¼ sheet of paper

` Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. What was the bet?

a. who can fly high
b. who can eat the most
c. who can drink the most
d. who can bring fire
2. What kind of friend is the crow?
a. dishonest
b. friendly
c. loyal
d. giver
3. Why can’t the potter give the crow a pot?
a. because he has no was no clay
b. because he has no water
c. because he was tired
d. because he didn’t want to help the crow
4. Whom did the crow approach next after the blacksmith asked him to bring some fire?
a. the landlady
b. the farmer’s wife
c. the fisherman’s wife
d. the potter’s wife
5. How did the sparrow save himself?
a. by asking the crow to wash its beak first
b. by hiding himself under the tree
c. by escaping from the crow
d. by asking the crow to withdraw the agreement

V. Assignment

Advance study about the parts of a short story.

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