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Advantages and Disadvantages Peer Assessment of Error Pronunciation in Learning Process

in the Class Room of A2 2015 IKIP Siliwangi Bandung


According to Dunsmuir , Clifford and Williams ,2003: 200 assessment is a complex

process that is essential for extending learning, thinking and communicating with others.
Relate with Robert . M Smith,2002 : assessment is involving member of the team to identify
the weakness and strenghtness which can be used for the decision outcome educational series
required as the basis for constructional a learning design.
Assessments were traditionally used as tools to evaluate or grade
students. Traditional assessment methods are usually controlled by an instructor who sets the
assessment scheme, evaluates learners’ performance and learning outcomes, and provides fee
dback to learners to remediate their learning and improve their skills.

Alternatives in assessment have received much attention in the last decade, in line with
the promotion of student‐centered learning in the university. Self‐ and peer-
assessment have been introduced in higher education as alternatives in assessment as a result
of the increasing demand for lifelong and reflective learners in higher education. Self
assessment involves students in making
judgments and reflection on their learning (Boud & Falchikov, 1989). It encourages active lea
rning among students. Peer-
assessment involves learners judging and evaluating the work or performance of their peers
(Sitthiworachart & Joy, 2004).

1.2 Literature review

a. Peer Assessment

There are many variants of peer assessment, but essentially it involves students
providing feedback to other students on the quality of their work. In some instances, the
practice of peer feedback will include the assigning of a grade, but this is widely recognized
to be a process that is fraught with difficulties. “Peer assessment requires students to provide
either feedback or grades (or both) to their peers on a product or a performance, based on the
criteria of excellence for that product or event which students may have been involved in
determining” (Falchikov, 2007, p.132).

b. Why use peer assessment?

Peer learning draws on the “cognitive apprenticeship model” in (Kvale, 2006), Students
can help each other to make sense of the gaps in their learning and understanding and to get a
more sophisticated grasp of the learning process.The conversation around the assessment
process is enhanced. Research evidence indicates that peer feedback can be used very
effectively in the development of students‟ writing skills. Students receiving feedback from
their peers can get a wider range of ideas about their work to promote development and
improvement. And also The focus of peer feedback can be on process, encouraging students
to clarify, review and edit their ideas.
c. How to implement peer assessment

The evidence suggests that students become better at peer assessment with practice
(Falchikov, 2007). Students need practice to gain confidence in peer assessment and to
become more competent at it. Other classroom practices can also help to prepare students for
peer assessment, such as exchange and discussion of lecture notes. Peers, it can help to build a
collaborative environment and it helps students to improve and enhance their understanding.

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