Using Comic Strip Stories To Improve Stu

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A. Background of the Study

English is an important means of communication, which is used by many people in
the world. It plays an important role in international language. That is why the
international government chooses English as the first foreign language to be taught in
schools (Ramelan. 1992:2). We always use language to express ideas or wishes and to
need their help.
Everyone has his or her own manner in communication. It depends on how
language is usually used in his or her daily life, social and cultural background where he
or she lives. In the speaking class, the students and the teachers should be able to use
their English in teaching-learning process with the purpose is to improve the students
ability to communicate each other.
English is an international language. It is used by many people in the world for their
communication with one another. Although it is not the language with the largest
number of native or first language speakers, it becomes a lingua franca. A lingua franca
can be defined as a language widely adopted for communication between two speakers
whose native language are different from each others and where one or both speakers are
using it as a second language or the target of language in a study (Harmer. 2001:1).
Based on the result in a speaking term of English of the writer’s observation, in the
classroom of the first grade of SMA N 2 Grabag, the students have little motivation and
they are not interested in studying English speaking. They are afraid of expressing their
ideas in English as communication on their own word speaking. When the teacher asks
them to express their own ideas, they just keep silent.
Based on the explanation above, the researcher tried to apply a media of teaching to
improve the students’ speaking in English speaking class by using Comic Strips Stories
to make the students interested in teaching-learning process. By using this method the
student can understand and more easily to express their ideas based on the media that
given. That is the reason why the researcher has chosen the title of this paper “Using
Comic Strip Stories to improve English Speaking Skill to the 1st Grade Students of SMA
N 2 Grabag in School year 2013/2014”.

B. Identification of the Problem

There are many problems that can be analyzed in teaching speaking in SMA, such
1. The students have low motivation.
2. It is hard for students to express their ideas.
3. The students have low confident to speak up in expressing their ideas.
4. The lack of equipment or media that support the teaching-learning process.
5. The lack support of the environment.
6. Limited time to practice their speaking.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The researcher realizes that it is impossible to conduct a research based on all
problems that have been identified, because of limited knowledge and time. Therefore,
the researcher makes a limitation of the problems to discuss improving students’
speaking skill to the tenth grade students of SMA 2 Grabag in the academic year
D. Formulation of the Problem
Based on the above background, the writer formulates the following research
1. Can Comic Strip Stories improve students’ English speaking skill to the tenth
grade of SMA N 2 Grabag in the Academic Year 2013/2014?
2. How great is Comic Strip Stories improve students’ speaking skill to the tenth
grade of SMA N 2 Grabag in the Academic Year 2013/2014?

E. The Research Objectives

Based on the formulation of the problem above, the writer wants:
1. Comic Strip stories can improve students’ speaking skill of the tenth grade
students Of SMA N 2 Grabag In The Academic Year of 2013/2014?
2. To know how great is the improvement of students’ speaking skill of the tenth
grade students Of SMA N 2 Grabag In The Academic Year of 2013/2014?

F. Significance of the Researcher

The researcher hopes that the research of using comic strip stories in speaking class
will be useful for:
1. The teacher
The positive result of this research will improve the teacher strategy in teaching
English speaking. The teacher will know that Comic Strip Stories is one of good
media as a strategy to improve students’ English speaking skill.
2. The students
The game will increase students’ ideas in English speaking and it can improve
their confident to speak up. The students’ are expected to have more attention
and to be more active in the class.
3. The researcher
The positive result of this research hopefully can give benefits to the researcher
herself, so that she can practice her research in her own class to improve her
students’ speaking skill.


A. Theoretical Background
1) Speaking
a. The definition of Speaking
As a productive skill, speaking has a very important role in the oral communication
activities. Speaking is definitely the main way people communicate. They use it to
express their feelings and ideas and also to convey their message to each other. Speaking
is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving
and processing information (Brown, 1994:98)
Brumfit and Johnson (1997:76) also stated that “speaking is not only the oral
production of written language, but invades the mastery of a wide range of sub skills is
added to constitute the overall, competence in the spoken language.”
Regarding to the above statement, the writer tries to conclude that speaking is an
important component in language because speaking is primarily speech. Unlike reading,
writing, and listening activities, speaking requires some degree of real time exposure to
an audience. English speaking ability is an ability or skill that the learners have to
communicate, to convey meaning, and to have a meaningful conversation in English.

b. Components of Speaking
According to Pye (1998:1) there are some components of the micro-skills involved in
speaking. The speaker has to have:
1. Pronunciation ability to pronounce the distinctive sounds of a language clearly
enough, so that people can distinguish them. This includes making tonal distinction.
2. Stress and rhythmic patterns, and intonation patterns of the language clearly enough,
so that people can understand what is she/he said.
3. The correct forms of words. This may mean, for example, changes in the tense, case,
or gender.
4. The ability to put words together in correct word order.
5. The ability to use the vocabulary appropriately.
6. The ability to use the register or language variety that is appropriate to the situation
and the relationship to the conversation partner.
7. The ability to make clear to the listener the main sentence constituents, such as
subject, verb, object, by whatever means the language uses.
8. The ability to make the main ideas stand out from supporting ideas or information.
9. The ability to make the discourse hang together, so that people can follow what you
are saying.

Sari Luoma (2004:1) there are some components of speaking, they are the
pronunciation (both segmental and supra segmental) element, spoken grammar, spoken
vocabulary, and even sociolinguistic applications of speech all fall into the construct of
speaking but largely require discrete test designs and measures.

c. The objectives of Speaking

There are some purposes of speaking, they informing, entertaining and persuading
others. (NCEE, 2001, p:23).
Kline (1996:3) speaking generally has one of three basic purposes to inform, to
persuade, or to entertain. The informative speaking is a narration concerning a specific
topic but does not involve a sustained effort to teach. Speaking to civic clubs, orientation
talks, and presentation at commanders’ calls are examples of speaking to inform.
The persuasive speaking is designed to move an audience to belief or action on some
topic, product, or other matter. Recruiting speaking to high school graduating classes,
budget defenses, and courts-martial summations are all primarily speaking to persuade.
The entertaining speaking gives enjoyment to the audience. The speaker often relies
on humor and vivid language as a primary means of entertaining the listeners. A
speaking at a dining-out may be a speaking to entertain.

d. The types of Speaking

Based on Kline (1996:1) there are several types of speaking, those are:
1. Briefing
The speaking in briefings is concise and factual. Their major purpose is to inform
– tell about a mission, operation, or concept. At times they also direct – enable
listeners to perform a procedure or carry out instructions. At other times they
advocate or persuade – support a certain solution and lead listeners to accept that
solution. For example, a staff officer might want officers at a higher echelon to accept
a certain solution. Every good briefing has the virtues of accuracy, brevity, and
clarify. These are the ABCs of the briefing. Accuracy and clarity characterize all
good speaking, but brevity distinguishes the briefing from other types of speaking. By
definition, a briefing is brief, concise, and direct.
2. Teaching Lecture
The lecture is the method of instruction most often used. As the name implies, the
primary purpose of a teaching lecture is to teach or to inform students about a given
subject. For convenience, teaching lectures can be divided into the following types:
(1) formal lectures, where the communication is generally one-sided with no verbal
participation by the students, and (2) informal lectures, usually presented to smaller
audiences and following for verbal interaction between the instructor and students.
3. Speech
A speech generally has one of three basic purposes: to inform, to persuade, or to
Based on Bailey (2011:1) there are three types of speaking namely:
1. 1st – Low level – Telling other all about yourself without thinking, even about
your intimacy thinking or action. For example, everyday. A will tell what he has
done, where did he go, what happening, how his girlfriend or parent, everything
to his best friend, B. In this sense, A is considered a innocent person. He told
everything to B and lay his trust in B. In the good way of thinking, A would have
plenty of friends, he could so easily make friends around. His friends would also
like to find him. In other hand, if B is a type of person like A, they would become
best friend. The croon of A type is easily to be read/ understand by other people.
This caused A would fall into trouble as other has known his secret and his bad
or good actions. All of the fresh graduates or young kids will do so as they
believe other and not protects them well. They are still lack of social experience
and easily to be cheated and used.
2. 2nd – Medium level – He would only tell generic stuffs to his friends but not his
close action like “low level”. This type of people, he/she is mostly work for few
years and full of social experiences. He knew what type of you after you open
your mouth. However, this people are not dangerous as they won’t attack you
and be fake of you. The problem is, you will not know deeply into them although
you have them for long time.
3. 3rd – High level – He would tell you the wrong information as you will think he
is same groups with you. In the same that he is playing tricks on you. For
example, A tells B he likes Doraemon. B would tell A he likes Pokemon. In fact,
B disliked all cartoons and he was leading A to wrong way. A is being cheated
and, yet believes he has found a good friend, actually it was not.
Thus, speaking skills reflected how a person thought and behavior to the
partner. Hence, be aware of talking to other, should know what should tell, what
should not tell, who should tell, who should not tell.

e. Teaching Speaking in Senior High School

According to Jono’s statements (1998), techniques are actual classroom activities and
procedures are used to achieve immediate objective. Since the objectives of teaching
oral communication skill is to teach the learners how to use the English to communicate,
so the actual communicative classroom activities are essential to achieve the teaching
In preparing the main components of communication of communicative activities, the
teacher should be sure that those activities are learning rich, varied interesting, since a
teacher needs a quick warm up for the beginning to get the learners into the right mood
or topics and game or amusing items to round off the learning activities with smile. On
the other hand, the learners should be kept profitably busy in speaking English (Ur and
Wright, 1994:1).
In English, there are some skills that students have to master. Those skills are
speaking, listening, reading and writing. In mastering English, speaking is one of the
important parts of second-language learning. The ability to communicate in a second
language clearly and efficiently contributes to success of the learner in school and
success later in every phase of life. One of the language skills that must be mastered by
any foreign language learner is ability to speak or communicate target language fluently.
In teaching speaking in senior high school, the class’ atmosphere must be interesting.
The teacher must have a good media to teach speaking. The interesting media will make
the students feel enjoy when they are learning. The effective media for teaching
speaking will give much more opportunities to explore their ability in speaking. The
students take part actively in teaching and learning process, it will be easy for them to
acquire the lessons. It also builds their creativity.

2. The Use of Teaching Media to Improve Speaking Skill

Learning a foreign language is not a simple work. It needs strong effort and discipline
to find out new words, memorize them, understand the meaning, pronounce it correctly,
and use them in the daily activities. Those activities are easy to make the learners feel
tired and bored, even not understand enough about the materials. So, what is expected by
most of the language teacher is to find a simple way to transfer their knowledge which
makes the teaching-learning process become easier and enjoyable. It’s why that the
teacher have to use an appropriate media in teaching English speaking skill, to help the
students get the understanding easily and confidently to speak up.

3. Comic Strip Stories

a. Definition of Comic Strip Stories
Comic strips stories is a sequence of drawing that tell a story or a joke. In
“”, comic strip story is a sequence of drawings, either in color or black
and white, relating a comic incident, an adventure or mystery story, etc., often serialized
typically having dialogue printed in balloons, and usually printed as horizontal strip in
daily newspapers and in strips Sunday newspaper and in comic book. According Bill
Zimmerman (2007), comic strip story are a prefect vehicle for learning and practicing
According to Collin (2009) Comic strip story also called strip cartoon a sequence a
drawings in newspaper, magazine, etc. relating a humorous story or adventure. In
addition, comic strip stories is a series or serialization of such narrative sequences,
usually featuring a regular cast of character. Comic strip also a sequence of drawings
arranged in interrelated panels to display brief humor of form a narrative, often
serialized with in balloon and caption.
b. The component of Comic Strip Stories
Foley, Margaret M (2000: 506-511) defines Comic Strip Stories component as
1. Choose a book to model the comic strip planning and speaking process. The example
used in this lesson is Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak; however, any
book that your students are familiar with will work for this activity.
2. Copy the example from Story Elements of Comic Strip Stories Sheet for students.
3. Draw the picture from the Story Elements Comic Strip Stories Sheet on chart paper,
an overhead, or the board, so that you can fill in the expression orally as they discuss
the story.
4. The student who has their comic strip stories tell to their friends orally of her/his
story in front of the class with the picture on the board.

c. The Teaching Speaking by Using Comic Strip Stories

According David Nunan (1991:279) there are five basic characteristic

communication languages learning. First, an emphasis on learning to communication
through interaction in target language. Second, the interaction of authentic text in to the
learning situation. Third, the provision of opportunities for learner to focus, not only on
the language, but also in learning process itself. Fourth, an enhancement on the learner’s
own personal experiences as important contributing elements to classroom learning.
Fifth, an attempt to link classroom language learning with language activation outside
the classroom.
A comic strip stories is one media for effective communication provides
meaningful language. The humorous characteristic provide relaxed the atmosphere and
moreover, it is familiar to the students. With comic strip stories the students are
challenged to practice speaking.
There are the steps of teaching speaking for senior high school by using comic
strip stories:

1. Before the speaking class started, the teacher makes brain storming to the
2. The teacher shows the students some of comic strips stories. It is aim to make the
students more interesting.
3. The teacher asks to the students about their knowledge before on comic strips
4. The teacher must tell the main purpose of teaching speaking, the basic
competence must be mastered by students, and the minimum score must be
achieved after the activity, and then provides some interesting materials.
5. The teacher asks to the students to work in pair.
6. The students choose the friend to work in pair.
7. The teacher shares the materials to the students.
8. The teacher asks to the students to provide the drawing paper, color pencils, glue,
and cutters.
9. After read the material and understand they are assigned to draw the picture
without the text and based on the material they have read.
10. After finish draws the pictures, they put on the board and then they present their
work in front of the class.
11. The other may give any responses such as comments, questions, and critics.
12. After there is no response from other pairs, the teacher gives any critics or
suggestion to make better at the future.
13. After the pair has finished their presentation, they continue the other pair until all
the members of the class has turn.
14. To give the students motivation. The best from each class will be contested with
the other ones.

d. The Advantages of Comic Strip Stories

There are some advantages of teaching speaking English using the comic strip
stories. First, the students will be more active in learning process. They are given much
more opportunities to explore all of their ability. Before they make comic strip they must
read the materials so automatically they increase their reading ability. After reading they
restate in their own sentences about the story so they increase their writing ability. And
then they present their work orally, in this case they can improve their speaking ability
and there will be any comments or questions from their friends directly so they increase
their listening ability. Second, the materials are more interesting because the students
can choose the materials freely, they can choose them based on their needs, their hobby
and may be the materials are more up to date. Third, teaching and learning process is
more interesting, enjoyable and relaxed and all of the students will take part actively in
teaching and learning process.

e. The Disadvantages of Comic Strip Stories

On the other hand there is also some disadvantages teaching speaking English by
using comic strip approach. There is no single best way to teach. This mean
that every teaching method has any problems will happen in teaching and learning
process. Pile of materials to be taught, limited time, and large number of students. Like,
the students that are divided into groups in pair, it will take much time to discuss, and
then present it.

B. The Conceptual Framework

It is important for the students to master speaking. The success or failure of teaching
much depends on the teachers, the learners and the teaching-learning process media. In
other words, the classroom activities and procedures should encourage the learners to
One of the factors can cause the lack mastery of speaking is the unsuitable speaking
technique used by English teachers. The English teachers are not varieties enough using
a media, they only explain without give the students an opportunity to express their
ideas, feeling and most of students are not interested in the teachers’ way in teaching
speaking. One characteristic of a good media is that a media that can be interesting to the
Comic Strip Stories is a good media to teach English speaking. The students may use
the target language in a fun way. The Comic Strip Stories is given by the teacher, then
the students’ have to make their own word orally to make a story based on the comic
animation that shown from the first student, come next, and until the last students. It will
make the students’ ideas grow up and confident in speaking. So, as a result they can
improve their English speaking. This makes learning always a most effective experience.
The researcher is very sure that the students will improve their speaking ability after
being taught using comic strip stories.

C. Research Hypothesis
The researcher determines the hypothesis as follow:

1. Comic Strip Stories can improve students’ speaking skill of the tenth grade
students Of SMA 2 Grabag In The academic year of 2013/2014

2. The improvement of the speaking skill of the students who are taught using
Comic Strip Stories is great.


A. Type of Research
The type of this research is classroom action research. The writer carried out this
research to know whether using information gap technique has positive influence on
students’ speaking skill.
The research was divided into two cycles, Cycle I and Cycle II. Each cycle consisted
of two times 90 minutes. First, the writer held speaking test in Pre-cycle test to know
students’ basic speaking skill. Then, the writer gave treatment using comic strip stories
in cycle I. it was continued to cycle II because the result of speaking test in cycle I had
not fulfilled the minimum requirement standard that is 70. Cycle I and II consist of four
phases: planning, action, observation, and reflection.

B. Subject of the Research

The subject of the study is the tenth graders of SMA 2 Grabag Magelang in the
academic year 2013/2014. This classroom action research involved 30 students of the
first grade students in X A class of SMA 2 Grabag Magelang that consist of 18 girls and
13 boys. This research was done in from January 17th to January 25th 2013. The writer
chooses this class because most of students had low ability in English speaking skill.

C. The Procedure of the Research

The research was divided into two cycles; Cycle I and Cycle II. Each cycle consisted
of two times 90 minutes.
1. Cycle 1
Cycle I was the early action done to know whether there was improvement of
students’ speaking skill. Cycle I consisted of four stages. They were Planning, Acting,
Observing, and Reflecting. The procedure of Cycle I was as follow;

a. Planning
In planning stage, the writer does some preparation, they are:
1) Making the schedule of the research.
2) Preparing the materials.
3) Making lesson plan.
4) Making a pre-cycle test.
5) Making observation sheet.
6) Making a post-test in Cycle I.

b. Acting
In this stage, the researcher gave explanation about what comic strip stories media.
This action was done to know the improvement of student’s English speaking skill.
Students were asked to do the learning process using comic strip stories. The procedures
of this action are as follows:
1) Pre-activity
a. Greeting
b. Motivating the students by giving questions about the topic.

2) Main-activity
The planning which had been made was applied in this phase. The researcher used
comic strip stories in teaching speaking to know students’ English speaking skill
improvement. The steps were as follows;

a. Before the speaking class started, the researcher makes brain storming to the
b. The researcher shows the students some of comic strips stories. It is aim to make the
students more interesting.
c. The researcher asks to the students to work in pair.
d. The researcher shares the materials to the students.
e. The researcher asks to the students to provide the drawing paper, color pencils, glue,
and cutters.
f. After read the material and understand they are assigned to draw the picture without
the text and based on the material they have read.
g. After finish draws the pictures, they put on the board and then they present their
work in front of the class orally.
h. Observing students’ activities and asking them if they have difficulties.

The steps in this main activity were appropriate with the planning. However, the
time limitation made students unable to practice optimally, so that would be continued in
Cycle II.

3) Post-activity
This phase was done to evaluate the practice of comic strip stories. The researcher
gave correction and suggestion to the students in order to make them better in expressing
some ideas by comic strip stories using English.
a. Analyzing the comic strips stories media.
b. Correcting students’ mistake.
c. Giving conclusion and suggestion about this topic.

c. Observing
The observation was done in the process of teaching and learning by using comic
strips stories media. Through observation sheets, the writer perceived students’ behavior
during learning process. The researcher also observed students’ discussion sheets to
know the result. As a result, most of students had good attitude in expressing their ideas
by using comic strips stories. However, they still made some mistakes on pronunciation,
diction and questions.

d. Reflecting
At this phase, the writer analyzed the result of the documents and post-test. The
results of these analyses were used to know whether the comic strips stories was
successful in improving students’ English speaking skill and could motivate them in
learning English. In fact, the comic strips stories media was effective in improving the
students’ English speaking skill and increasing their motivation. However, the average
scores of students’ post-test in Cycle I had not fulfilled the minimum requirement
standard. Hence, the researcher gave the students different picture of comic by the
teacher, and they had to try give any response at home before the next meeting.

2. Cycle II
Based on reflecting in Cycle I, the writer decided to continue the treatment in Cycle
II in order to improve students’ English speaking skill and make the average scores of
students’ speaking test fulfilled the minimum requirement standard. Cycle II consisted
of four stages. They were explained as follows;
a. Planning
In this stage, the researcher did activities which were different with planning in Cycle I.
the difference was in lesson plan. In Cycle II, the researcher had given picture of comic
in order to make the students had more preparation. The planning was as follows;
1) Making the schedule of the research.
2) Making lesson plan.
3) Making observation sheet.
4) Making the student’s worksheet.
5) Making a post-test in Cycle I.

b. Acting
In this stage, the researcher recalled the material using comic strips stories media.
The procedures of this action are as follow:
1) Pre-activity
c. Greeting
d. Motivating the students by giving questions about the topic.

2) Main-activity
There was a difference between main-activity in Cycle I and II. The students had to
change partner in every ten minutes. In cycle I the students had same partner.
a. Giving worksheet to the students.
b. Asking them to do this activity with her partner.
c. Observing students’ activities and asking them if they have difficulties.

3) Post-activity
In this stage, the researcher gave correction and suggestion about the way they
expressing their ideas. The procedures were as follows;
a. Analyzing the activity.
b. Correcting students’ worksheet.
c. Giving conclusion and suggestion about this topic.
In the end of this activity, students made improvement in some aspects such as in
fluency and comprehension.

c. Observing
The researcher observed the activities of the students in learning activity. Through
observation sheet, the researcher perceived students’ behavior during the learning
process. The researcher also observed the work sheet to know the results. By observing
them, the researcher found that most students showed good attitude when they share
information using comic strips stories media.

d. Reflecting
At this phase, the researcher analyzed the result of students’ worksheet, document, and
post-test in Cycle II. The results of these analyses were used to know whether the comic
strips stories media was successful in improving students’ English speaking skill and
could motivate them in learning English. In fact, the results of students’ post-test in
Cycle II had fulfilled the minimum requirement standard that was 70.

D. Technique of Collecting Data

To collect the data needed in this research, the researcher used some technique, they
1. Observation
The observation was done to know the process of teaching and learning speaking by
using comic strips stories based on the observation guide. The guide consists of aspect
observed during the teaching and learning process by using the comic strips stories. The
guide covers:
a. Students give attention to the teacher’s explanation.
b. Students ask about the lesson material.
c. Students answer teacher’s questions.
d. Students make notes.
e. Students’ enthusiasm in the process of delivering ideas by using comic strips stories.
f. Students’ brave in making and delivering questions.

2. Documentation
Documentation is the technique which is used to collect the data and information
about the students, such as, the list of names and their score. It is used to get data of
speaking skill scores from the results of the pre-cycle test. The purpose of using scores
from documentation was to know early condition of the students.

3. Test
to obtain data about student’s English speaking skill, the researcher made an appropriate
speaking test. To evaluate the speaking test, the writer used an assessment scale on
Senior High School Based Curriculum 2006 (KTSP SMA 2006); they are pronunciation,
grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency. The rating are:
5 Students have a few traces of foreign accent.
4 Students are intelligible, though one is conscious of a
definite accent.
3 Pronunciation problems necessity focus on listening and
occasionally lead to misunderstanding.
2 Students are hard to be understood because of pronunciation
1 Pronunciation problems are serve and make the speech

5 Students use vocabulary and idioms as a native like.
4 Students sometimes use in appropriate terms and/or have to
rephrase ideas because of lexical inadequate.
3 Students frequently use inappropriate terms because of
inadequate vocabulary.
2 Students misuse words and make difficult to comprehend.
1 Students have limited vocabulary and make the speech

5 Students make a few noticeable errors of grammar or word
4 Students occasionally make grammatical and word order
errors which do not obscure the meaning.
3 Students make grammatical and word order errors which
occasionally obscure the meaning.
2 Error of grammar and word order make difficult to
1 Grammatical and word order errors are severe and make the
speech unintelligible.
5 Students appear to understand everything without any
4 Students understand nearly everything at normal speech.
3 Students understand most of what is said at slower than
normal aped with repetition.
2 Students understand what is said which slowly spoken with
frequent repetitions.
1 Students can not understand even simple English

5 Students speak fluently and effortlessly as native speakers.
4 Students speak speedily but it seems to be slightly affected
by language problems.
3 Students speak speedily and fluently but still strongly
affected by language problem.
2 Students speak haltingly because of language usage
1 Students speak haltingly and fragmentarily in running

After collecting the test scores, the researcher calculated and analyzed the
average score of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and fluency using
following Analytic Rating Score.
Analytic Rating Score

No. Category Span of Score

1. Very Good 85-100
2. Good 70-84
3. Fair 60-69
4. Poor 50-59
5. Very Poor <50

E. The Technique of Analyzing Data

Technique of analyzing data which were used were quantitative and qualitative.

1. Quantitative Data
After collecting the data, the quantitative data analyzes were done with
summarizing obtained students’ score, calculating class term scores and calculating
percentages. To calculate the percentage of scores, the researcher used formula as
CP = X 100%

CP = Class percentage
CF = Class Frequency
NR = Number of Respondents

The data analyzed descriptively, that is by comparing score test between cycles.
Analysis is done at students’ test score before using comic strips stories media with
students’ test score after using comic strips stories. Then the data which in the form of
score test between the cycles compared to be finite result.
2. Qualitative Data
After collecting the qualitative data by observation, the result of data analysis was
used to know the changing of students’ behavior such as their activeness, motivation,
and confidence in learning process in Cycle I and Cycle II. Furthermore, after collecting
data by observation, the researcher continued to documentation. It was used to get data
of speaking mastery scores from the result of pre-cycle test. The purpose of using scores
from documentation was to know early co0ndition of students.

F. Performance Indicator
1. The students who are active in the teaching learning process when the teacher
uses comic strip stories in teaching speaking is 75%.
2. The students who gets score more than 75 in speaking test reached 75%.

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