Internet Computing Is A

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Internet computing is a model for enabling

convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool

of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks,
servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be
rapidly provisioned and released with minimal
management effort or service provider interaction.
(, 2018)

According to Top 10 Search Engines in the World by Alex Chris (2018)

Three examples of Search engines are: Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) or Questions and Answers (Q&A), are listed questions and
answers, all supposed to be commonly asked in some context, and pertaining to a particular
topic.(, 2013)

According to Sami Abdel Razeq The types of portals are

. Access portal
2. Horizontal or functional portal:
3. Vertical portal:
Media portal:
5. Geographical portal:
6. Marketplace portal:
7. Search portal:
8. Media type portal:
Mobile Computing is a technology that allows transmission of data, voice
and video via a computer or any other wireless enabled device without
having to be connected to a fixed physical link. The main concept involves

 Mobile communication

 Mobile hardware

 Mobile software,2010

According to Vangie Beal, (2009) Pervasive computing, which is also known as

ubiquitous computing, is defined as the use of computerized technology through
various devices in various settings around the clock. This means that most people
now use different devices, such as smart phones and devices, to access, share,
upload and post information via technology platforms and solutions.

kroenke, David (2015An information system (IS) is an organized sy+


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