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Team Sports

The Roles
Players in Teams
Team members should
• Be positive
• Always play fair
• Support team mates
• Co-operate
• Respect the opposition
• Respect the referee/umpire – do not argue
• Know the rules
• Control their own behaviour
• Enjoy the game
• Try hard for the team
• Thank the opposition – shake hands
Key words
• Positive, Helpful, Fair, Respect, Control, Effort
The Role of the Captain
The Captain
• Is a leader
• Sets the example
• Is fair to all players
• Knows the rules
• Discusses the game with the coach
• Has important jobs
– The toss
– Discussion with the referee/umpire
– Thanks the referee, umpire, opposition coach
– After-match speeches
Key Words
• Leadership, Fair Play
• Being on time
• Accepting responsibility
• Trying your best for others
• Being organised
• Setting a good example
• Treating others fairly
Role of the Coach
Good Coaches Will
• Be fair
• Support all team members
• Ensure all team members join in
• Make substitutions
• Listen to team members when making
• Be leaders
• Be organised
• Plan active practice sessions
Key Words
• Positive, Encourage, Share, Leader, Plan, Fun
• Be prepared, know what you are going to say
• Gain attention
• Speak clearly
• Use words that are easily understood
• Volume and speed - to suit situation
• Make sure that you can see everyone and they can
see you
• Face group away from distracting things - E.g. sun,
other groups
• Confirm understanding be questioning
• Give plenty of praise and encouragement
• Provide positive corrections to performance
Warm up
Everybody takes a warm up
• 5 - 10 minutes long
3. running, skipping, jumping activities
4. start slowly, build up gradually
5. stretching – use a variety of activities
6. skill based activities
Warm Down
• Warm down gradually after vigorous activity.
2. speeds recovery
3. reduces muscle soreness
• 3-5 minutes long
• Jog slowly – introduce actions to involve
major muscle groups
• Stretch gently to prevent tightening of
• Concentrate on those muscles used most in
game (probably legs, shoulders, neck)
• Shower (if available)
• Put on warm clothing
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
Planning A Practice
A good practice has
• Time for a warm up
• Time to practice skills by ourselves
and with others
• Time to discuss tactics, all
members participating
• Enough equipment
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
Taking Practices
• Make good use of available time
• Ensure all players are involved
• Use a plan
• Encourage and help others to improve
their skills
• Make practice active
• Concentrate on what is needed for the
Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
Game Tactics
• Have a team plan for the game
• Involve all players in the plan
• Make good use of the team
• Keep game plan within the rules
• Watch how other teams play
• Support all team members during
the game
You Can Be A Referee/Umpire
• Sport requires a referee or umpire
• Referees and umpires make mistakes
• Do your best to: know the rules, be fair, let the
game flow
• Remember to: be on time, work with the duty
team for equipment, score sheets, officials
• Check safety equipment and facilities
• Start game on time
• Make your own decisions, be firm and fair
• Blow whistle crisply and sharply
• Speak loudly and clearly
Safe Sport
Make Sport Safe By
• Having plenty of space
• Having correct equipment
• Wearing suitable clothing and protective gear
• Having adequate warm up/warm down
• Keeping yourself fit
• Considering others
• Removing obstacles from playing area
• Making sure equipment is safe
• Being a fair player

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