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by John Ziegler
Technical Consultant
Process Control

Multiple effect evaporation has been portant and four to six effects are The temperature gradient in a given
used in the sugar industry for many used, five being most common in the evaporator is a valuable tool to trace
years to economically increase the United States. Evaporating capacity, trouble in operation. For example,-if
concentration of 12 - 15% thin juice however, for a given total heating sur­ the temperature drop over 4th body
to thick, juice syrup of 60 - 65% sugar. face and given temperature drop from increases and the drop over the other
The basic principle is that each ton of steam to last body, decreases with the heating surfaces decreases, it is a good
steam entering the first body of a number of effects because the boiling sign that No. 4 surface is scaling, or
quintuple effect evaporator evaporates point elevation of juice in each body condensate is not being well drained,
about five tons of water since the is lost from the total temperature drop. or non-condensible gases are not being
vapor from each body boils juice in The rule governing multiple effect effectively removed from N o . 4 calan­
the following body at a lower tempera­ evaporation is that no body will evap­ dria.
ture. This is not exactly so because of orate more than the slowest one. In a
minor gains and losses from liquor and V A P O R WITHDRAWAL
quintuple effect evaporator, if No. 3
condensate flash, boiling point eleva­ ceased to boil due to very low juice Even in the older "low pressure"
tion, variation in latent heat and so level, all the other bodies would soon beet factories where exhaust steam
forth but nearly enough true for an stop boiling because no third vapor pressure is around one atmosphere
understanding of the fundamental op­ would be available to heat number 4 gage, first and second vapors are used
eration. and 5; Number 1 and 2 would also for process heating in place of live or
stop because vapor from No. 2 would exhaust steam because of the increased
not condense in the calandria of No. 3. steam economy that results. In the
HEAT TRANSFER First and second body temperatures more modern "high pressure" plants,
The amount of evaporation pro­ would rise almost to the temperature exhaust steam pressure of 3 atmos­
duced in a given body increases in pro­ of steam in the first body calandria. pheres gage is used and the correspond­
portion to the heating surface area, the The temperatures of 3rd, 4th, and 5th ing increased evaporator vapor temp­
difference in temperature between con­ bodies would fall almost to the tem­ eratures make 3rd, 4th and even 5th
densing vapor in the calandria and juice perature of 5th body produced by the vapor useful for many heating loads,
in the body, and with the coefficient condenser vacuum. Almost but not resulting in further economy. This can
of heat transfer over the heating sur­ quite due to the boiling point elevation best be shown by an example. In a
face. Heat transfer varies with the of juice in each body. straight quintuple effect evaporator,
fluidity of the juice, the average velo­ one ton of steam produces five tons
city of juice across the tubes and tube of evaporation. If, in addition, a vac­
sheets, the cleanliness of the heating TEMPERATURE GRADIENT uum pan or other heating load requires
surface regarding insulating scale, the In a quintuple effect evaporator, one ton of steam, the total usage is
amount of non-condensible gases such the heating surface is not necessarily two tons. But is 1st vapor is at a suf­
as air and ammonia present in the cal­ the same in each body and the coeffi­ ficiently high temperature to do the
andria, and the presence of insulating cient of heat transfer varies from about heating, it can be used instead of ex­
condensate on the vapor side of the
550 BTU/hr/°F/ft. (2700 Kg.Cal/hr./ haust steam. The ton of first vapor re­
heating surface.
° C / m e t e r ) in first body to around quires only an additional 0.8 ton of ex­
half this in the last body due to the in­ haust steam to first body which boils
creasing syrup viscosity. An evaporator 1.8 tons and the other four bodies
ECONOMY AND CAPACITY will establish its own temperature gra­ 0.8 tons each, making the total evapo­
dient from body to body to arrive at ration 5 tons as before. A ton of first
A six effect evaporator will evapo­
equal evaporation in each effect. Of the vapor is obtained from only 4/5 ton
rate twice as much water per ton of
total available temperature drop from of additional exhaust steam. A ton of
steam as a three effect. In raw cane
first calandria to last body, the drop second vapor requires only 3/5 ton
mills where bagasse is used as fuel, eco­
over each body from 1st to 5th might more exhaust; third vapor, 2/5 and so
nomy is not so important and three or
be 1 0 , 1 2 , 1 5 , 25 and 38% of the total. forth and fifth vapor is free if it can do
four effect evaporators are common.
This is only a typical distribution. useful heating of something besides
In beet factories, economy is very im­

The Sugar Journal, March 1973 47

condenser water. Thus, for economy,
vapor at the lowest usable temperature
should be used for heating.

SMITHFIELD SUGAR If no vapor (other than 5th to the

condenser) is withdrawn from a 5 ef­
fect evaporator, the steam used is equal
COOPERATIVE, Inc. to 5th vapor and the evaporation is
equal to 5th vapor and the evaporation
is equal to 5 times the amount of 5th
vapor. If other vapors are withdrawn,
Route 1 Box 350 steam used is equal to 1st + 2nd + 3rd

Port Allen, La. 7 0 7 6 7 + 4th + 5th vapor and the evaporation

produced is equal to 1st vapor + 2 x
2nd vapor + 3 x 3rd vapor + 4 x 4th
vapor + 5 x 5th vapor.
A given set of evaporators with fixed
Operating for 1973 Crop maximum exhaust steam temperature
and fixed minimum last body tempera­
ture, can evaporate only so many tons
of water per hour. But if not operated
properly, the maximum evaporation
obtainable can fall far below that a-
POPLAR GROVE mount. One of the most important
variables affecting capacity is the juice
level carried in each body. As already
AND noted, heat transfer increases with
juice velocity on a heating surface and

SMITHFIELD FACTORIES there is one best level in an evaporator

body that gives the highest average vel­
ocity on all the available surface. If
level is carried too low, boiling juice
does not reach the top part of the
tubes and some heating surface is lost.
If carried too high, the lower part of
the tubes is contacted only by juice
moving very slowly or not at all.

CAIRE & GRAUGNARD For highest evaporating capacity,

each level should be held as low as
possible and still keep the tops of all
tubes and tube sheet covered with boil­
ing juice and foam. Under this condi­
P. O. Box 7 tion, the level of foam pouring into
the center well will be only an inch or
two above the top tube sheet at that
Edgard, Louisiana 70049 point. The best operating level for each
body should be determined when the
evaporator is boiling at maximum rate,
the gage glasses marked and level con­
trols, if any, set to hold those levels.
Telephone: (504) 497-3351 Typical juice level is successive bodies
from first to fifth are 25%, 25%, 30%,
(504) 721-5725 35% and 45% of tube height.

When an evaporator is operating at

less than maximum rate, the foam level
in each body can fall somewhat and the
top tube sheet become visible. This
Plantation Granulated Sugar does no particular harm since it is not
necessary to use all the surface at low
Louisiana High Grade Edible Molasses rate. There is no substantial evidence
that juice on "dry tubes" causes loss
or color formation since the juice in
immediate contact with a tube wall is
at the wall temperature whether boil-

48 The Sugar Journal, March 1973

ing or not. It is a mistake to raise juice
levels when an evaporator is operating
at lower rate just to keep the top tube
sheet covered because when juice sup­
ply increases, it requires considerable
time to evaporate juice in each body
down to the optimum level for best
heat transfer. Sudden changes in de­
mand for evaporation can be best ac­
cepted if juice levels are held near op­
timum at all times.
Occasionally "hard boiling" juices
are encountered due to poor process­ Vacuum Pans
ing or from deteriorated beets. Opti­
mum body levels may of necessity be Mechanical Circulators
somewhat higher than normal but the
levels should be returned to the pre­ Condensers
viously determined values when normal
juice is again being evaporated. If ex­ Juice Heaters
cessively foamy juice is encountered
due to faulty beet end operation, body Crystallizers
levels should not be lowered because
heat transfer will suffer. Instead, foam
breaking oil should be added until the DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED BY
bad juice purification is corrected.
Heat transfer from condensing steam
or vapors is drastically reduced by the BIRMINGHAM, ALA.
presence of even small amounts of air
or other gases in the steam. Heat
transfer rates from pure vapors are
P. 0 . Box 397 Phone: (205) 322-8521
very high but even a thin film of air on
a heating surface forms an insulating
layer and, since heat transfer thru gas
films is very low, it is necessary to
eliminate as much gas as possible from
all heating surfaces. Normally exhaust
steam carries very little gas so the
problem is not great in first body. But COOPERATIVE, INC.
ammonia and other gases from the
juice itself being evaporated must be ST. JAMES, LOUISIANA
continuously removed as well as air
Capacity: 4 0 0 0 Tons cane per 2 4 hours
leakage into bodies operating under
vacuum if good heat transfer is to be EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL
Pres.-Manager—F. A . Graugnard, Jr.
Consider a heating surface con­ Vice-Pres.—J. F . Falgoust
sisting of a single tube with steam in­ Sec.-Treas.—Theodore Gravois
side the tube and boiling juice outside. Board of Directors:
At the inlet end, steam containing a Cyril Waguespack, Felicien Schexnayder, Harry Brazan, Stan Rodrigue, Clarence
small amount of non-condensible gas, Waguespack, Albert Waguespack, Edgar Schexnayder, J . F. Falgoust, F . A .
call it air, enters at high velocity. Any Graugnard, Jr.
air left on the tube wall by the
condensing steam is swept away by the STAFF PERSONNEL
rapidly moving steam. Further down Chief Engineer—Max Rodriguez, Jr.
the tube, the velocity decreases and Fab. Supt.—Charles Pressburg
the percentage of air increases so the Asst. F a b . Supt.—Mark Kliebert—Leo Folse
air film begins to impede heat transfer. Chief Chemist—Thomas Quick
Condensed water in the tube covers a Office Manager—Theodore Gravois
small area but does not have much Chief Electrician & Instrumentation Eng.—Nelson Schexnayder
Asst. Manager—Neal Bolton
effect on heat transfer since liquid
Asst. Engineer—John Tregre
films are quite good conductors com­
pared to gases. Toward the final end Producers of Raw Sugar
of the tube, the last steam is con­
densed, the velocity in the tube be­
and Blackstrap Molasses
comes zero and there the residual air

The Sugar Journal, March 1973 49

accumulates and heat transfer is very adequately vented. A more common
low. If the air were not removed, it method is to vent calandrias which will
would fill more and more of the tube always work above atmospheric pres­
until eventually the tube would be full sure to atmosphere and those calandrias
of air and heat transfer would cease. below atmospheric to the vapor space
To prevent this, the air must be of the same body.
AIR POLLUTION ENGINEERING continuously bled from the "cold" end Good judgement in setting vent
COMBUSTION & HEAT EXCHANGE of the tube. If a small amount of air valves will result in adequate venting
(saturated with vapor) is bled off, the without undue waste of vapor. Aver­
concentration of air in the final end of age sized bodies will have 1-1/2 inch
the tube will be high enough to reduce glove valves which should be opened
414 Tidewater Marine Bldg.
heat transfer in that area. If too much 1/2 to one turn. There is no surer way
3308 Tulane Avenue is bled off, the air concentration will to shut down evaporation in a body
New Orleans, La. 7 0 1 1 9 be low and steam will be wasted with­ than to close the vent valve. Gradually
Telephone (504) 821-8999 out much increase in heat transfer. the calandria will fill with gas and
Ideally, the bleed should be sufficient evaporation will cease. Unless vapors
to keep the air concentration down to are withdrawn from previous bodies,
2 to 4 percent in the mixture. Precise the entire evaporator will come to a
measurement is not justified since the standstill.
steam loss is small but in the interest CONDENSATE REMOVAL
& ASSOCIATES, INC. of good evaporator operation it is Good drainage of all calandrias is
better to bleed somewhat more than essential for proper operation of an
Consulting Engineers the minimum to keep air concentration evaporator. If condensate accumulates
well below the amount that interferes it acts as an insulator, not as bad as
. ' m p r o v e m e n t s of Exist 1
ng with heat transfer. gas, but it reduces heat transfer thru
and Designs of N e w S u g a r Removal of non-condensible gas all surfaces that it covers. Inadequate
Factories from evaporator calandrias is not as drainage soon causes water hammer in
simple as in the above example because the vapor piping and calandrias and
Post Office Box 0 vapor enters the relatively open space serves as a warming that traps and
Vero B e a c h , Florida 3 2 9 6 0 outside the tubes and between tube flash tanks are not performing prop­
sheets. It would appear that if vapor erly.
Tel. 305/562-5646, 464-1900
entered on one side of the calandria, Normally c o n d e n s a t e from each
the coldest region would be on the calandria flows to a flash tank at the
FOR SALE opposite side and it is there that air body pressure and the flashed vapor
would accumulate and be withdrawn. resulting from the drop in pressure is
15 Semi-Automatic Broadbent Cen­ But the vapor velocity around the two added to the vapor where it condenses
trifugals: Still Operational, but avail­ in the following calandria. Condensate
sides of the center well might not be the
able in March, 1973. collected from early bodies is used for
same due to tube arrangement or inlet
Size: 48" x 30" x 1500 r.p.m. piping configuration and the air pocket boiler feed water and the rest, flashed
Complete with Driving Motors, Fan in succeeding flash tanks is pumped
might well move to one side or thei
Drive Motors and Sequencing Units. from the final calandria and used for
other of the withdrawal point. Good
Installed New in 1965, in excellent calandrias are designed with internal press wash water, etc.
condition. For economical operation, a level
baffles between tube sheets that direct
the steam flow toward a final corner should be carried in all flash tanks and
between baffles and center well where only liquid allowed to flow and flash
AMATIKULU, air can be efficiently removed. into the following tank. Any vapor
SOUTH AFRICA. One often hears the opinion that, that by-passes from one calandria or
Telex. 6-7185 Tel. Ging. 23, 62 air will settle to the bottom side of the body to the next is wasted because it
calandria because air is heavier than does no evaporation.
water vapor but they remain mixed One sometimes sees liquid lines
Eagle and air may migrate to both top and from one flash tank to the next
bottom. Venting is best done thru one dropped down to form a seal between
A S B E S T O S k P A C K I N G CO., I N C . tanks but it is impossible to seal water
or more dummy tubes closed at one
INSULATION — CALTEMP — end and manifolded to a common pipe at the upstream boiling point; the
F O A M G L A S —SNAP-ON, etc. carried out thru the side of the body. flash in the piping immediately blows
Boiler Gaskets, Special E f f e c t & V a c u u m These tubes are perforated from top to the seal and the only restriction be­
Pan Gaskets, R u b b e r F o o t Valves, Juice bottom to collect gases wherever they tween the two tanks is that of the
Heater Packing, Flexitallic and Ring accumulate. piping and much wasteful by-passing
Gaskets, Mechanical, Sheet & Rod and Non-condensible vents from each of vapor results. When such a system
body may be manifolded and carried without level control valves is used,
A l l p a x Packings, Gasket Cutters.
in a common line to the condenser. valves in the lines between flash tanks
Unless the header is of ample size, should be closed until they will just
ADHESIVES & WATER PROOFING there is danger that flow from the first barely handle the maximum flow of
Telephone 522-7781 bodies can create so much friction condensate without flooding the up­
2431 Clio St. N e w Orleans, La. 70150 drop that final bodies will not be stream tank. At lower condensate flow,

50 The Sugar Journal, March 1973

some vapor will by-pass but not nearly
as much as thru a wide-open valve. IF YOU OPERATE A SUGAR MILL...
Gage glasses on flash tanks or their
outlet lines simplify flash valve setting. ONE OF YOUR MANY PROBLEMS COULD BE...
Thin juice to first body is generally
somewhat below the boiling point of
that body so some of the heating sur­ A "SICK FURNACE"
face is used to raise its temperature. In
following bodies, however, large vol­ IF SO... YOU WILL PROBABLY
umes of vapor are created by the juice WANT TO CONSIDER...
flashing to the lower pressure. Effective
use of the flash to create higher
velocity over heating surfaces if very 1. Choice of High Grade Material:
important for good heat transfer. Juice for repairs.
flashing down 10° C on entering a
body around a t m o s p h e r i c pressure
forms over thirty times its own volume '2. Proper Materials in Proper Plac
of vapor and if directed up thru the
tubes gives very valuable increase in
heat transfer. Any flashed vapor that 3. Qualified Craftsmen to install materials expertly.
goes up thru the center well contributes YOU CAN GET ALL THIS BY CALLING
little or nothing to the heat transfer in
the body. All incoming juice should be
directed by means of internal or ex­
ternal distribution so that all flashed WAY REFRACTORIES
vapor goes up thru the tubes. The 1818 W00DDALE BLVD.
capacity of many evaporators has been BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA PHONE 927-7529
markedly improved by attention to

evaporator capacity, improved heat
transfer can allow reduction in the
temperature of first and second bodies
with attendant reduction in sugar de­
gradation and color formation as well
as improvement in steam economy.
The belief persists that exhaust
steam to the first body of an evaporator
should be desuperheated to improve
heat transfer. Theoretically, yes, but P. O. Box 2 6 9 Jeanerette, La.
practically a modest amount of super­
heat seems to make no difference Phone 318-276-6761
whatever. The reason lies in the small
amount of heat given up by cooling
Capacity: 4000 Tons of Cane Per 24 Hours
superheated steam compared to that
from its condensation to water. For EXECUTIVE PERSONNEL
example, 10° C of superheat is less
than 2 percent of the heat available
from condensation so only a small part
of the heating surface near the steam SECTY-TREASURER - R O B E R T L. A L L A I N

entrance is required to remove the

superheat and the velocity is highest OPERATING PERSONNEL
in that area.
Another opinion is that too much GENERAL MANAGER - W. B R A D L E Y K I M B R O U G H , J R .
vacuum on the final body can reduce OFFICE M A N A G E R - R O N A L D J. M A R T I N
heat transfer because of the viscosity CHIEF ENGINEER - ADOLF THIBODAUX
increase at lower temperature. It is ASST. E N G I N E E R - W. T. B R O O M
true that there is a small loss of heat SUPERINTENDENT - ALVIN ROGERS
transfer due to increased viscosity but PURCHASING - A D O L F T H I B O D A U X and W. B R A D L E Y K I M B R O U G H , J R .
it is far over-shadowed by the increased
temperature drop made available by
the increased vacuum. Generally the

The Sugar Journal, March 1973 51

vacuum carried is determined by fac­ duced or diffuser draft lowered at the
tors such as available condenser water expense of greater pulp losses. Or
temperature, condenser design and the thick juice density may be lowered to
economics of keeping condenser leg throw more of the evaporating load to
line temperature at a useful value. the vacuum pans at the expense of
$ COLOR FORMATION increased steam consumption. Lower­
SUGAR Tests have shown that color for­
ing thick juice concentration increases
evaporator capacity more than just
mation in sugar juices increases with
M both the temperature and the time of
that due to the greater amount of
water in thick juice; the decreased
exposure. The time of exposure in an viscosity in last body increases heat
evaporator cannot be reduced except
SOUTHDOWN by maintaining minimum levels in each
transfer considerably.

body. The rate of color formation is REDUCED EVAPORATING RATE

SUGARS, slow at lower temperatures but begins While evaporator variables should
to increase rapidly above 112°C. Tem­ be controlled at values that will pro­
INC. peratures in this range are usually only
encountered in first and second effects
duce maximum water removal when
needed, an evaporator of adequate
Manufacturers of:
so it is desirable to operate these size normally operates at lower loads
bodies at as low a temperature as and it is necessary to match evaporating
possible and still accomplish the re­ rate with the need for evaporation.
quired evaporation and keep sufficient There are many ways to do this but
Plant Locations: pressure on vapors to satisfy their the most direct way is to throttle
Southdown Refinery & Factory heating loads. the flow of steam or some vapor as
Houma, La.
juice supply decreases.
G r e e n w o o d Factory THICK JUICE
The most obvious location for a
Thibodaux, La. Water that is not removed by mul­
"rate" control valve is in the exhaust
Armant Factory tiple effect evaporation must event­
steam line to first body, lowering the
Vacherie, La. ually be removed in the vacuum pans
pressure in the first calandria and the
by single effect evaporation which
overall temperature drop between it
EXECUTIVE OFFICES: greatly increases steam consumption.
and last vapor. Each body will then
8th Floor Odeco Bldg. P. O . B o x 5 2 3 7 8 Thick juice concentration, therefore,
boil more slowly and the pressure of
New Orleans, La. 70152 should be maintained at the highest
all bodies except possibly the last will
practical level at all times. Equipment
fall and establish a new temperature
limitations usually dictate the max­
gradient. Were it not for vapor with­
imum thick juice concentration. White,
drawal and need for adequate heating
or " A " pans without mechanical cir­
vapor pressure, this would be a sat­
culators must be boiled fast enough to
isfactory means of reducing the evap­
maintain adequate circulation after
orating rate.
seeding and the minimum time of
Another way to slow down an
boiling increases with required grain
evaporator would be to raise the tem­
size. But for typical pans and grain,
perature of the last body by throttling
standard liquor should be between
condenser water, causing the tempera­
Sweetening 65 and 70 brix. Remelt sugar flow to
ture of all bodies except possibly the
the melter is not constant and thick
the Sugar Bowl juice concentration cannot be changed
first to increase. The possible reduction
in evaporation is limited since last
rapidly so it is better to hold thick
Sugar, as it follows its route body cannot be raised above atmo­
juice around 65 brix so standard liquor
from the fields to its spheric pressure.
consumers, uses bank financing will not fall below that at times of
The most common and most sat­
to speed its journey. The low remelt sugar flow to the melter.
Whitney has recognized the isfactory method of slowing evapora­
When larger quantities of remelt are
credit needs of the sugar tion is to locate a "rate" valve in the
industry and has been ready being produced the standard liquor
when needed to extend its
vapor line between bodies, putting it
density should be adjusted by the
lending facilities to marketers, after the last important vapor with­
processors, and industrial users.
addition of thin juice or water to the
drawal. In most beet factories, it is put
melter to limit maximum concentra­
between 2nd and 3rd body but in
tion to the value found best for filter
higher pressure operation where 3rd
and pan operation in the particular
vapor pressure is required, it is in the
third vapor line to 4th body. Vapors
MAXIMUM EVAPORATING RATE beyond this point may be used but
It has been pointed out that a set only for non-critical uses such as
of evaporators even when run at the primary juice heaters.
conditions giving maximum heat trans­ In automatic operation, the rate
Established 1883 ' Member F.D.I .C. fer can only evaporate just so much valve is operated as level in the thin
water. If the supply of juice exceeds juice supply tank goes from minimum
this capacity, some compromise must to maximum. The larger the tank, the
be made. Beet slice rate may be re­ slower the changes in evaporating rate,

52 The Sugar Journal, March 1973

reducing load changes on the boiler
house. The supply tank should have a
minimum capacity of 8 minutes of
juice at maximum rate.
When a valve between bodies is
throttled to reduce evaporation, the The South Coast Corporation
pressures of upstream bodies rise. In­ HOUMA, LA. NEW ORLEANS, LA.
crease in pressure of vapors is usually Producers of
acceptable, but in automatic systems
one or more are controlled by throttl­
ing valves in the vapor supply line to WHITE GOLD
each controlled body.
Throttling the rate valve cuts evap­ IN YOUR
oration in all bodies but vapors with­ SUGAR BOWL
drawn still evaporate water. For ex­
ample, if first and second vapors are The A L L PURPOSE S U G A R
being used, evaporation equals first
vapor plus two times second vapor. If * Sparkling W h i t e
incoming juice required less evapora­
•fa Uniformly G r a n u l a t e d
tion than this, it would be necessary to
feed some water to maintain the va­ •jt; Superior Refined Q u a l i t y
pors. In automatic systems, when sup­
ply tank level falls to the point that
gives minimum rate valve opening, Owners and Operators of:
Georgia Factory and Refinery, Mathews, Louisiana
water is automatically added to the Raceland F a c t o r y , Raceland, Louisiana
supply tank to maintain the level. The Georgia Division A g r i c u l t u r a l Operations, M a t h e w s , Louisiana
Terrebonne Division, consisting of Terrebonne-Factory in Montegut, Louisiana,
water used should be of good quality, a n d A g r i c u l t u r a l O p e r a t i o n s in M o n t e g u t a n d H o u m a , L o u i s i a n a .
condensate or demineralized water, to Oaklawn Division, consisting o f Oaklawn Factory and Agricultural Operations,
Franklin. Louisiana
minimize scaling of evaporator tubes.
If good juice levels are carried in
evaporator bodies, entrainment of juice
with vapors should be negligible if
entrainment separators are adequately
designed and maintained. Vapor rising
from boiling juice always carries a
mist of very fine droplets left by
breaking foam bubbles that are too CALDWELL SUGARS CO-OP., INC.
small to settle against the upward flow
of vapor. Entrainment separators take LAUREL GROVE FACTORY
a variety of forms but all operate on
the same principle; a sudden change in THIBODAUX, LOUISIANA Telephone HI 7-4023
the direction of vapor flow tends to
separate liquid droplets by centrifugal Grinding Capacity 4800 Tons
force and deposit them on the de­
flecting surfaces. But another nec­
essary condition, often overlooked, is
that the collected liquid must be re­
turned to the body. If the only path
is thru a hole leading back into the Manufacturers of
rising vapor, the friction drop of the
separator may create such a high RAW SUGAR AND BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES
velocity that the liquid cannot run
thru and simply accumulates to be V. L. CALDWELL, J r . VICTOR J . BAILLIET
eventually blown over with the vapor President Sec'y-Treas. &c General Manager
to the next body. To prevent this, a
seal must always be provided, deeper JOSEPH L. THIBODAUX JOSEPH BOUDREAUX
than the pressure drop in head of juice; First Vice-President Second Vice-President
usually 40 cm. is more than adequate.
The evaporator station is the heart Ass't S e c ' y . Trees. & Office M a n a g e r : R U B E N B O U D R E A U X
of a beet sugar factory and its proper
operation has an important influence
on capacity and economy of the entire

The Sugar Journal, March 1973

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