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(GRIGAFSIGE) inspiration creatviy wonder « The Ultimate Swimming Guide That Will Save Your Life Iyeuve aay farciod basking in te soa's waves and yet den have much candor inthe 1Zinagpensabie Vacation tm You veto hes handy guide wit help you ray ato sm he 2 eh. Sa sure you can ‘Shaul Newor Fests Take oitf yours te eo! A GUIDE TO SWIMMING Simple skills that will help you feel confident in the water OVERCOMING FEAR + Breathe in sufficient air, Ae That Seve burton Deng and adopt different poses in the water. + You'll feel how the water itself _ lifts you to the surface. ‘ x v Usloss Exercicos That Wort Hop Yeu Depth no more than 1-15 meters ‘Tinsane Ges Tal Prove We Ae Liang inthe Mat eed ees LEARNING TO BREATHE ‘StHlarus Ceebrty Phobos Thet WHILE SWIMMING Sea 12 Exercises to Titan Your Bus and Legs in Week Tee Fin) x 16 Hlacue Comics Abou hoes Who alec azaet Once * Breathe in through your mouth when above the water; breathe out through your nose or your mouth. Try to breathe in a rhythm. * It's also important to learn how to hold your breath. MAKING FRIENDS WITH THE WATER Lie back on the water's surface. Spread out your arms to your sides and relax. + Try lying on your front and on your back. Get a feel for how the water supports you. PPrcHrse LEARNING TO USE YOUR LEGS THE CRAWL Stretch out your arms, and grab hold of the side of the pool or a swimming board. Move one leg up and down, then repeat with the other. ee Only slightly bend your legs, trying to stretch out your feet. Move only your hips. ! BREASTSTROKE Hold on to a swimming board with your hands. Spread your legs outward and back in different directions, bending your knees, and push forward. This is similar to the movement of frags. oe \ - y LEARNING TO USE YOUR ARMS If you can confidently and rhythmically use your legs, you're now ready to use your arms. THE CRAWL * On your back: start working your legs using the crawl method. * Place your arms alongside your torso, and begin to lift them over the water, making half-circles in the air and stretching back your head as much as possible. + As they go under the water, your arms should draw half-circles at the level of your body and return to the starting position. + Your hands should be stretched out, and you should paddle in sequence. + On your front: with your arms in front, paddle using one after the other. + Pass your arms under the water in half-circular motions, returning to the starting position. Then paddle with the other arm. * Breathe in when your arm rises into the air, turning your head in its direction. BREASTSTROKE + When pushing forward with your legs, stretch your arms forward like an arrow. + Now spread your arms out simultaneously in a symmetrical half-circular motion, bringing them together at your breastbone and then moving them back to the starting position. assis TREADING WATER « If you're swimming confidently, you can now learn to tread water vertically. For this, you need to move your legs as with breaststroke, dragging the water under you. + Spread your arms out to your sides, and make circular motions with them. aN + You can also tuck in your outstretched legs and imitate riding a bike, with your arms bent at the elbows and moving in circular motions away from your body. \ LEARNING TO SWIM UNDERWATER A, Push off the floor, and dive under the water from where you're standing. Place your arms in front of you, forming an arrow shape. Pull your chin down. toward your chest without touching it. Push forward slightly toward a point in front of you. ngs When in the water, you can use the arm movements from the breaststroke, pushing forward every time you stretch them out. Move one leg at a time in sequence, as with breaststroke and crawl, or move like a dolphin in waves. fot Wave-like movements are easy to do using flippers. algae SAFETY COMES FIRST! If you experience pain, dizziness, ‘or cramping, get out of the water immediately. Don't swim if you've consumed alcohol. Diving from a pier is dangerous. a ainsi Bonus SM FLOAT © DRIF Oe = = % Cos ‘van you ar smi ne aa canbe easy gat cau nade akg you aay Rem ‘he cose Ina sition ike tis, oo notloe your head Donitoyto ore tet de eter youl on belet wit no powers to get youself out hat sian lstead, nyt cntl your breath donot pat, anayto approach ne coast at smng pert, tense by ceoming ceserin a mation eagle ide. IMustated by Zhanna Bulankova fr Brightside,me 5 Facebook * We'd love to hear your views on this

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