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Daftar Pustaka/Buku Teks

NO Judul Buku Pengarang Penerbit Tahun

1 Evaluating Health Care Information James G.Anderson Sage Publications 1994
Systems (Methods and Applications)
2 Strategic Analysis For Hospital Roger Kropf, Ph.D., An Aspen 1984
Management James A. Greenberg Publication
3 Health Information Management Edna K. Huffman, RRA Physicians Record 1994
4 Medical Records And The Law William H. Roach,Jr An Aspen 1985
5 Records Management Integrated Patricia E. Wallace, John Wiley & Sons 1983
Information System Ed. D
6 Quality Assurance An Introduction For Christine C. Wright Churchill 1992
Health Care Professionals Livingstone
7 Evaluating The Quality of Medical Record Walter Imborski, Ph. American Medical 1979
Services D. Record Association
8 Management Information Systems Kenneth C. Laudon Prentice- Hall
(Organization And Technology In The
Networked Interprise)
9 Health Information ( Management Of a Mervat Abdelhak Saunders Elsevier 2007
Strategic Resource)
10 Eseentials of Health Information Michelle A. Green Thomson Delmar 2005
Management (Principles and Practices) Learning
11 Health Information Management Kathleen M. Latour AHIMA 2002
(Concepts, Principles, and Practice)
12 Evaluasi Perubahan- Perubahan Mutakhir WHO Diterjemah Progam Pendidikan 1993
Dalam Pembiayaan Pelayanan Kesehatan UGM Magister
13 Handbook Informatics for Nurses Health Toni Hebda Prentice Hall 2001
Care Professionals
14 Quality Assurance In Hospitals: Strategies Nancy O. Graham An Aspen 1982
for Assessment and Implementation Publication
15 Improving The Quality of Patient Care Alan Gillies John Wiley & Sons 1997

16 Health Information Management in Margaret Flettre American Hospital 1994

Hospitals (Principles and Organization for Skurka
Health Record Services)
17 Health Information Management Margaret A. Skurka AHA Press 2003
(Principles and Organization for Health
Information Services)
18 System Analysis and Computer Applications Kathleen A. Waters An Aspen 1983
In Health Information Management Publication
19 Pedoman Penggunaan ICD- 10 Seri I Indonesia DEPKES RI 1999
(Petunjuk Penggunaan dan Latihan)
20 Health Information Management Merida L. Johns AHIMA
Technology : An Applied Approach
21 Medical Terminology: A Student- Centered Marie A. Moisio Delmar Thomson 2002
Approach Learning
22 Certified Coding Specialist (CCS) Jennifer Hornung AHIMA 2012
23 ICD- 10- CM Coder Training Manual Ann Barta AHIMA 2012

24 Essentials of Health Care Finance William O. Cleverley An Aspen 1997

25 Medical Record (Policies & Guidelines) Joan Gratto Liebler An Aspen 1991
26 The Role of Health Information Managers Margret Amatayakul AHIMA 1999
in CPR Projects
27 Systems Analysis & Design Methods Jefferey L. Whitten IRWIN 1989

28 E- Health Care Information Systems : An Joseph Tan Jossey- Bass 2005

Introduction for Students and Proffesionals
29 Information Systems for Helath Services Charles J. Austin AUPHA Press 1998
30 Handbook of Usability Testing Jeffrey Rubin & Dana Wiley Publishing 2008
31 Health Information Management : Marc Berg Routledge 2004
Integrating Information Technology in
Health Care Work
32 Statistical Applications for Health Carol E. Osborn Jones And Barlett 2005
Information Management Publishers
33 Legal Aspects of Health Information Dana C. McWay Delmar Publisher 1996
34 Strengthening Civil Registration and Vital WHO
Statistic for Births, Deaths and Causes of
Death : Resource KIT
35 Calculating and Reporting Healthcare Loretta A. Horton AHIMA 2010
36 Guide to Patient Safely Indicators Department of 2003
Health and Human
37 Petunjuk Teknis Sistem Informasi Rumah Indonesia Kementerian 2011
Sakit Kesehatan RI
38 Design And Implementation of Health Theo Lippeveld WHO 2000
Information Systems
39 Medical Informatics Mohan Bansal Tata McGraw-Hill 2003
40 Health Infoematics Research Methods Elisabeth J.Layman AHIMA 2009
Principles and Practice
41 Electronic Health Records : A Pratical Guide Margret K. AHIMA 2004
for Professionals and Organizations Amatayakul
42 Ethical Challenges in the Management of Laurinda B. Harman An Aspen 2001
Health Information Publication

43 Documentation for Medical Records Barbara Odom- AHIMA 2009

44 Being A Medical Records Clerk Kathryn McMiller Prentice Hall Health 2000
45 Indikator Kinerja Pelayanan Medis RSCMMangunkusumo 2003

46 Petunjuk Teknis Penyusunan Profil Pusdatin Kementerian 2011

Kesehatan Kabupaten/ Kota Kesehatan RI
47 Hospital Management Refreshing Course Faculty of Public
and Exhibition 2001 Health University of
48 Buku Pedoman Penentuan Kode Penyebab TIM dan WHO DEPKES RI
Kematian Menurut ICD-10
49 Pedoman Penyelenggaraan & Prosedur Indonesia DEPKES RI
Rekam Medis RS
50 Buku Petunjuk: Pengisian, Pengolaan, dan Ditjen Bina Yanmedik DEPKES RI
Penyajian Data RS
51 Dasar -dasar Epidemologi Slamet Riyadi salemba

52 Ilmu kesehatan masyarakat Alexander Lucas Penerbit Andi

Slamet riyadi
53 Ilmu Perilaku Kesehatan Soekidjo Notoatmojo

54 Manajemen Unit Kerja Rumah sakit Savitri citra budi Quantum sinergi
M.PH Media
55 Seri kesehatan lingkungan Boy S salemba

56 Etika Profesi Perekam Medis informasi Ery Rustiyanto Graha Ilmu

57 Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit Ery Rustiyanto Gosyen Publishing
(Ardana Media )
58 Rekam Medis Rano Indradi S Universita Terbuka

59 Stastik Rumah sakit Rano Indradi S Graha Ilmu

60 Medical Terminology System Barbara A. Glys Mary Davis plus

Ellen wedding
(3rd Edition)
67 Terminologi Medis (pengenalan Nuryati M.PH Quantum
istilah medis SInergis Media
68 AT A Glance Anatomi Dan Ian Peate & Penerbit
Fisiologi Muralitharan Erlangga
Sudah dapat
67 Anatomi Dan Fisiologi Sugeng Mashudi Salemba

68 Anatomi dan Fisiologi Kus Iriyanto Alfa Beta

69 At A glance Patofisiologi Ian Peate & Penerbit
Muralitharan Erlangga
Sudah dapat
70 Kajian SDM Kesehatan di Anna Kurniati, Salemba
Indonesia Ferry Efendi
71 Business Plan Rumah Sakit Boy S. Salemba
72 Master Plan Pembangunan Boy S Salemba
Rumah Sakit
73 Pemasaran Kelas Dunia Untuk Boy S Salemba
Rumah Sakit
74 Pengembangan lanjut Rumah Boy S Salemba
75 Peningkatan Kinerja Rumah Boy S Salemba
76 Studi Kelayakan Pembangunan Boy S Salemba
Rumah Sakit
77 Organisasi dan Menejemen M.Fais Satria Salemba
Pelayanan Kesehatan Negara
78 Penyelesaian Sengketa Indra Bastian Salemba
79 Statistik Kesehatan : Aplikasi najmah salemba
stata dan SPSS
80 Statistik Kesehata Suproyadi salemba
81 SPSS Complete : Teknik Sofyan Yamin salemba
Analisis Terlengkap dengan & Heri
Sofware SPSS Kurniawan
82 Biologi Sel (Pendekatan OEKE YUNITA salemba
Aplikatif Untuk Profesi
83 Biologi Reproduksi Ayu Febri salemba

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