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No Task Answer

There are two type of work in asset closing, they are legal requirement and technical and
1 True
organizational task
2 The payment program that create the transfer and post it to an outgoing cash account is known as Outgoing Transfer
3 When creating vendor master it is possible for the system to generate vendor number automatically False
When the expense or revenue tht belongs to the current periode is not posted until a letter period, we
4 Accruals
are using the following method
A document that is created in Sales Order Management and printed invoice sent to the konstumer is
5 Billings
known ass
Bank Where Our Company Have Has
6 House Bank Is
An Account
7 At the end of fiscal year, the balanced carry forward program is run False
There are two type of work in asset closing, they are legal requirement and technical and
8 True
organizational task
When company code spesifik settings is maintened for Company code 1000, it also for company code
9 False
The company code in the same corporate /Group with different operating chart, make consolidation
10 Group Chart Of Account
with the following
11 Foreign currency valuation will valuate All Open Items In Foreign Country
12 In Order to determine if a line items is a credit or debit posting , SAP ERP users the following tool: Posting Key
13 Depreciation can only be posted after depretiation posting run has been completed True
14 It is possible to create various financial statement version SAP system True
15 The payment program that creates the transfer and post it to an outgoing cash account is known as Outgoing Transfer
16 Which statement is true about recurring entry program All Of The Above
17 It is possible to Assigned one Business Area to multiple Company code True
18 It is possible to use valuation methods for the following , except None Of Abbove
19 Puchasing activities for the plants is done by Purchasing Organization
Sales Organization, Distribution
20 Sales area is combination of
Channel And Division.

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