Planning and Design Standards For A Residential Subdivision Project Under PD 957 Parameters Open Market Housing Medium Cost Housing

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Planning and Design Standards for a Residential Subdivision Project Under PD 957


1. Project Location Within suitable sites for Within suitable sites for housing
housing and outside and outside potential hazard
potential hazard prone and prone and protection areas.
protection areas.

2. Land Allocation for projects 1

hectare and above.
a. Saleable area a. 70% (maximum)
b. Non-saleable area b. 30% (minimum)
Mandatory allocation for parks and playgrounds per tabulation below:
b.1 Area allocated for parks DensityPercentage of Percentage of
and playgrounds for projects 1 (No. of Lots or Dwelling Unit Gross area allocated for parks and
has. & above. Gross Area Allocated for playground.
Per Hectare)

20 & below 3.50%

21 - 25 4.00%
26 -35 5.00%
36 -50 6.00%
51 -65 7.00%
Above 65 9.00%
In no case shall an area allocated for parks and playgrounds be less
than 100 sqm and the same shall be strategically located within the

b.2 Area allocated for Mandatory provision of areas for community facilities such as
community facilities neighbourhood multi-purpose center for housing projects with area 1
hectare and above. These areas are non-saleable. However,
the developer may provide areas for community facilities
such as schools and commercial centers in excess of the
mandatory requirement set forth in this rule which shall
be deemed saleable.

b.3 Circulation System Observe hierarchy of roads

3. Minimum Lot Areas
a. Single Detached 120 sqm 100 sqm
b. Duplex/Single Attached 96 sqm 80 sqm
c. Rowhouses 60 sqm 50 sqm
Saleable lots designated as duplex and/or rowhouse lots shall
be provided with housing components.
Price of saleable lots intended for single-detached units shall
not exceed 40% of the maximum selling price of house
and lot packages.

4. Minimum Lot Frontage

4.1 Single Detached
a. corner lot 12 m
b. regular lot 10 m
c. irregular lot 6m
d. interior lot 3m
4.2 Single Attached/Duplex 8m
4.3 Rowhouses 4m
5. Length of Block Maximum length of block is 400 meters, however,
blocks exceeding 250 meters shall be provided
with an alley approximately at mid-length.

6. Roads Right of Way

Project size range Major road Collector Minor Road Major road Collector Minor Road
2.5 has, & below 10 m - 8m 10 m - 8m
Above 2.5 - 5 has 12 m 10m 8m 10 m - 8m
Above 5 - 10 has. 12 m 10m 8m 12 m 10m 8m
Above 10 - 15 has. 12 m 10m 8m 12 m 10m 8m
Above 15 - 30 has. 15 m 12m 10m 12 m 10m 8m
Above 30 has. 15 m 12m 10m 15 m 12m 10m

A 6.0 meter service road,

both ends connecting to a
minor road, shall be allowed
for blocks not exceeding 60
6 5 6 5
2 2 2 2
Alley is a 2-meter wide walkway which shall be used to break
a block and to serve both pedestrians and for emergency
purposes. It shall not be used as access to property.
Right-of-Way (ROW) of major roads shall be increased as
project size increases.
Major roads shall maintain a uniform width of road right-ofway. Tapering of
road width shall not be allowed, where the road
right-of-way is wider than the prescribed standard for the
interconnecting road of the proposed subdivision.
1. Interior subdivision project must secure right-of-way to the nearest public
road and the right-of-way shall be designated as interconnecting road with
a minimum width of 10 meters. This fact shall be annotated on the title of
said road lot and must be donated and deemed turned over to the LGU
upon completion of the said interconnecting road.
2. Subdivision projects abutting main public road must provide a
setback of 3-Meter deep by 5-meter in length at both sides of the
subdivision entrance to accommodate loading and unloading of
3. Subdivision projects shall have provision for future expansion where
applicable, by designating a minimum interconnecting road right-ofway of
10 meters.

8. Hierarchy of Roads per

Project Size Range
2.5 has. & below major,minor,motor court, alley major,minor,motor court, alley
Above 2.5 - 5 has. major, collector, minor, -do-
motor court, alley
Above 5 - 10 -do- major, collector, service road,
minor, motor court, alley
Above 10 - 15 has. -do- -do-
Above 15 - 30 has. -do- -do-
Above 30 has. -do- -do-
9. Roads Specification
a. Planting Strip (PS)

15m 1.3 1.2
12m 0.8 1.2
10m 0.8 1.2
8m 0.4 0.6
6m (Service Road) Optional Optional
b. Road Pavement

Major Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt

Minor Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt
Motor Court Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt
Sidewalk Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt
Alley Concrete/Asphalt Concrete/Asphalt

Concrete road pavement shall have a minimum thickness of

150 millimeters and a minimum compressive strength of
20.7 MPa while roads may either be concrete of same
thickness and compressive strength or asphalt with
minimum thickness of 50 millimeters.
Sidewalk pavement shall have a minimum compressive strength
of 1 7 . 2 M P a .
10. Water Supply Mandatory connection to appropriate public water system,
centralized water supply system.
Each subdivision shall have at least an operational deepwell
and pump sets with sufficient capacity to provide Average
Daily Demand (ADD) to all homeowners

a. Minimum Water Supply 150 liters per capita per day for household connection
b. Fire Protection Demand Provision for fire protection shall comply with the requirements
of the Fire Code of the Philippines.
11. Electrical Power Supply Mandatory individual household connection to primary
and alternate sources of power if services are available in the locality.
Mandatory provision of street lighting per pole if 50-meter
in distance; at every other pole, if less than 50- meter in distance.
Electric bills shall be proportionately shouldered by the
users thereof, prior to issuance of COC and turnover of open space to LGU.
Installation practices, materials and fixtures used shall be in
accordance with the provision of the Philippine Electrical Code
and local utility company.

12. Drainage System

The drainage system must conform to the natural drainage pattern of the
subdivision site, and shall drain into appropriate water bodies, public
drainage system or natural outfalls.
For both open market and medium cost subdivision projects, underground
drainage system shall be properly engineered and environmentally sound,
and shall be provided with adequate Reinforced Concrete Pipes (RCP),
catch-basins, manholes/inlets and cross drain for efficient maintenance.
Minimum drainage pipe diameter shall be 30 centimeters.

13. Sewage Disposal System

a. Septic Tank Individual septic tank shall conform to the standards and design
of the Sanitation Code of the Philippines (PD 856) and
its Implementing Rules and Regulations.

b. Connection Community Whenever applicable, connection shall be made to an approved

public or community sewer system subject to the requirements and
provisions of the Sanitation code of the Philippines and other
applicable rules and regulations.
Whenever applicable, connection shall be made to an approved
Sewer System public or community sewer system subject to the requirements and
provisions of the Sanitation code of the Philippines and other
applicable rules and regulations.

14. Garbage Disposal System Provide sanitary and efficient refuse collection and disposal
system whether independently or in conjunction with the local
government garbage collection and disposal services.

15. Shelter Component

a. Minimum Floor Area
a.1 Single Detached 42 sqm 30sqm
a.2 Duplex 42 sqm 30sqm
a.3 Row house 42 sqm 30sqm
In no case shall the number of row houses exceed 20 units per
block/cluster and/or be beyond 100 meters in length.
b. Minimum Level of
b.1 Single Detached complete house (Based on the submitted specifications)
b.2 Duplex/Semi-Attached same
Mandatory provision of firewall for duplexes/semi-attached units
and for every unit of row houses.
16. Setbacks/Easements
a. Front
b. Side Shall conform to the provisions of the
National Building Code of the Philippines
c. Rear

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