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Ahead of the plan

Head count less than plan
To be on the right track
Gathering Requirements
Business case
Pipeline is big
Moving with the agenda
Engagement survey is coming out on 2th of september
Competition among all the business units

Career profile , where you strenght are and preparing to get there
Move to the next step of your carrer , lateral
People manager role, leadership role

KPI with country breakdown to check if you are in line and on track with another client
Payroll data , accuracy and timeliness
Client don't meet our deadline , they need to deliver on time
Continuously improve ; Service improvement space translated to GV
Initiative service tool , how to growth the business with standard processes
Delivery the level of quality and financial that ADP expect
Payroll is the core of ADP, global standard around tool and processes
Couple initiative to drive global standardization
Business process service tool
Outspring in the organization
Production planning , proactive communication to client , global process with global template
Standardization -> Automation -> business result
January , process 1.6M employees , 120 clients ( 700 client-country combination )
Almost 30 %of our workforce are the MS team . We need to get really good at running payroll , to nail it
efficiently .
To bring a context on payroll impact in our NOI
Key initiative that we are working on
To roll-out the project
Client migration to the new platform
Business resiliency program approach
RTA risk threat analysis
step to mitigate the risk, business disruption
RTO , how soon we need that process back again
Enable us to up sell additional product and services
Maintain competitive edge
Reducing overhead on the interface
Partnering with SAP
foster two‐way dialogue with associate

Roll-out activities
Maybe a little more challenging
Should you require urgent assistance please contact your Client/Country contact or your respective
Regional Service Delivery Manager via the normal channels (CRM & UIFN Toll Free Number).

To pull up (remonter) to catch up

To delay the schedule
Those are the two main one
Project technical side in on track
Something that been worked down

To valuate different option

Main issue across the board

Bottom up design
Support you to move it forward

Gap Analysis, Design and Development phases

Release management

Feature and bugfix

. Improving the effectiveness of tools and services

. Improving the technology used
Identifying organisation's technical needs
Provide guidance
Identify gaps


Personal productivity
Key challenge , manag ein people , provide honest feedback on how they are not meeting expectation
Discuss sensitive topic with direct report
Organisational change affecting your work

Operational director

Focus on coordinating the team

Overcome any problem encountered along the way
Develop a plan to meet obecjtive m how to prioritize deliverable
Allocate resource, coordínate , plan for a smooth end off
Much more comfortable on managing task across team

Challenge is keeping up with documentation of the project ,identifying roadblock or barrers , timelines ,
sheer quantity of report, filled with admin task to keep up with ,delegating important task to team.
Delegate work and giving up control . Coaching comes into play here
Competing for scarce ressource , team need to achieve the organization goals
Compeling businesscase with team priorities at the top of the list
Face of the project responsibe for the success of its delivery

How the relationship is shifted , responsable for policies and proveide gudance
Translating Senior management vision and strategy into action
Become responsible for encforcing policies and procedure of the organization ,
Enforce adherence to organizational processes and policies
Model the appropriate behavior and team consistently apply this behavior

Resposible for supporting organisation strategy Trust Perspective and maturity required !,
Highlight the positive aspect and work to make the startegy succeed .
Overcome Team resistance
Expand your contribution , implementing a new strategy . How to achieve organizational roles

Transition plan

Use S.M.A.R.T. Framework to set milestones for each objective that you and your manager set. Ask
yourselves the following:

Is my plan Simple?
Is it Measurable?
Is it Actionable?
Is it Results-oriented?
Is it Time-based?

From your experience, what are “watch-outs” I should be aware of? What would you have wanted to
know prior to your transition as manager?

Building the Foundation

• What do you think are the team’s strengths and

weaknesses? What are yours?
• What are your expectations of me or my role?
• What are your career objectives?

Understanding Personality and Work Style Preferences

• How do you prefer I communicate with you

(e.g., e-mail, phone, in person)?
• How do you like to be approached regarding an issue
or challenge?

Discussing Your Transition-Related Concerns/Issues

• Do you have a sense of how the team might be able to score

a “quick win”?
• What are you looking forward to as I step into this role?
• What are your greatest concerns as I step into this role?

• Be prepared to take different approaches for

various people.
• Always pitch in and offer help.

Overview of Five Common Transition Pitfalls

Focuses too heavily on details

Jumps to hasty conclusions
Easily swayed by others’ opinions
Reacts negatively to criticism
Micromanages direct reports destroy their performance by alienating their teams—they’re dismissive,
they micromanage, and they fail to recognize others’ contributions

Satisfaction on the level of service

Like being the head of the curve
Established and valuable clients
Stepping in my own position , ovehweming for then next few month , team is split . Pass something
along off the record
Pace yourself.Things are tense, somthing to wath out for
Quaterly records are compiled
Provide timely, accurate and insightful assistance in solving issues , solid grasp of the tchnical aspect of
the job
A need some follow trough. I been shuffled form one reps to other . Things need to turn around
Teh bulk of my time
Setting goals , create objective,defien action plan and follow up session
Return to fundamenetal consitenent measeured and time
Do not come off as disimissive
Take the Leadership role
Mitigation plan .

Acronym we go by
High level overview
Reach out me
Business strategy , client - ADP-parnter for data transformation
So far
client - data-ADP(broker)-partner

Client will provide single format file

Partner will consume data in one single format

Ring the data in your format

Everything put together in ne format , simplified data management . Transformation and managing tools
Market product
In the span of 5 days

How you build confidence as a manager

Put yourself in situation not comfortable

Pie in the sky : not realistic / achievable

Jump on the band wagon Following a bad idea , virtual realty

Wave of the future

Light year ahead

Ahead of the pack

To fasttrack

To blaze a trail Do something innovant

Get something off the ground Start something

I will never fly Wont work

Cutting edge idea Innovative


Picking up steam Becoming faster

brain child Interesting idea

Hair brain idea Jumpy , silly idea

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