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Dr.Subba Rao
(Associate professor in Political science)

P.Prashanna guruparan
I year B.A.LL.B (Honrs)
(Reg no.BA0150032)

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At the outset, I take this opportunity to thank my Professor Dr.Subba Rao

from the bottom of my heart who has been of immense help during moments of
anxiety and torpidity while the project was taking its crucial shape.

Secondly, I convey my deepest regards to the Vice Chancellor Arun Roy

and the administrative staff of TNNLS who held the project in high esteem by
providing reliable information in the form of library infrastructure and database
connections in times of need.

Thirdly, the contribution made by my parents and friends by foregoing their

precious time is unforgettable and highly solicited. Their valuable advice and
timely supervision paved the way for the successful completion of this project.

Finally, I thank the Almighty who gave me the courage and stamina to
confront all hurdles during the making of this project. Words aren’t sufficient to
acknowledge the tremendous contributions of various people involved in this
project, as I know ‘Words are Poor Comforters’. I once again wholeheartedly and
earnestly thank all the people who were involved directly or indirectly during this
project making which helped me to come out with flying colours.

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I, P.Prashanna guruparan do hereby declare that the project

entitled “Corruption and underdevelopment in India ” submitted to
Tamil Nadu National law school in partial fulfillment of requirement of
award of degree in undergraduate in law is a record of original work
done by me under the supervision and guidance of Professor Dr.Subba
Rao, department of Political Science, Tamil Nadu National law school
and has not formed basis for award of any degree or diploma or
fellowship or any other title to any other candidate of any university.

P.Prashanna guruparan
B.A., LL.B (Hons)

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Research Methodology

The research methodology used in this project is analytical and

descriptive. Data has been collected from various books, materials,
papers and web sources. This project is based upon non-doctrinal
method of research. This project has been done after a thorough research
based upon intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of the project.

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The simplest definition of corruption is the misuse of public power (by elected politician or

appointed civil servant) for private gain.

Corruption is an age old phenomenon and can be seen everywhere now a days. It is like a cancer

in public life, which has not become to rampant and perpetuated overnight, but is course of time.

The word corruption means destruction, ruining or spoiling a society or nation.

A corrupt society is characterized by immorality and lack of fear or respect for the

law. It is the abuse of public power for private gain. Corruption comes under many different

guises like bribery, extortion, fraud, embezzlement. misappropriations of public goods, nepotism

(favoring family members for jobs and contracts) cronyism and influence pending. Corruption

has been defined in many different ways, each lacking in some aspect. A few years ago, the

question of definition absorbed a large proportion of the time spent on discussion of corruption at

conferences and feelings. However like an elephant, even though it may be difficult to describe,

it is generally not difficult to recognize when observed. Unfortunately, the behavior is often

difficult to observe directly because, typically acts of corruption do no t takes place in broad day


According to Oxford Dictionary – “perversion of destruction of integrity in discharge

of public duties by bribery or favour is called corruption.”

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The most popular and simplest definition of corruption is given by the World Bank.

According to this definition corruption is that it is the “abuse of public power for private

benefit”. From this definition it should not be concluded that corruption cannot exist within

private sector activities. Especially in large private enterprises, this phenomenon clearly exists,

as for example in procurement or even in hiring. It also exists in private activities regulated by

the government.

Corruption In India :-

Corruption is widespread in India. India has been ranked 94th out of 176 countries in

Transparency International's 2012 corruption perception index (CPI). Corruption has taken the

role of a pervasive aspect of Indian Politics and Bureaucracy. The economy of India was under

socialist. Inspired policies for an entire generation from the 1950s until the 1980s. The economy

was shackled by extensive regulation protectionism and public ownership, leading to pervasive

corruption and slow growth. Since 1991, economic liberalization in India has reduced red type

and bureaucracy, supported the transition towards a market economy and transformed the

economy with high growth rate.

However, although the Indian economy has become the 4th largest in the world, the

growth has been uneven across social and economic groups and poverty is still on issue.

Endemic and deep rooted corruption is a major factor for most social and political ills. It is a

serious threat not just to sustainable economic growth, but also to the sociopolitical fabric of the

country. In Indian civilization, corruption have caused maximum suffering to the humankind.

In ancient Indian history the great Indian philosopher Kautilya says “just as it is not

possible, not to taste honey or poison put on the surface of the tongue, so it is not possible for the

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government servant dealing with money not to taste it in however small a quantity.” On the

difficulties of corruption detection Kautilya says “just as a fish moving under water cannot

possibly be found out either as drinking or not drinking water, so government servant employed

in the government works cannot be found out taking money.”

After the independence corruption is widespread in Indian bureaucratic and political system

fill lust small point to apex. According to an international report, the much amount of Indian

black money deposited in Tax Heaven Foreign banks, if which is come out in India. Then the

annual budget of India can be made without tax lies to next 30 years. It is surprise that the

corruption is how much widespread in present India after independence; probably that high

profile scandal was the jeep scam in 1948, when jeeps were required for the army operation in

Kashmir. Other notable scandals include the Mudgal case (1951), Mundra case (1957 – 58),

Malviya – Sirajuddin Scandal (1963). The governing climate in those days can be gauged from

the many observations . A.D. Gorwala committee, set up to suggest ways to improve the system

of governance.

The Santhanam committee (1962) examine the problem of corruption observed in 1964

that “there is widespread impression that failure of integrity is not uncommon among ministers

and that some ministers, who have held office during the last sixteen years have enriched

themselves illegitimately, obtained good jobs for their sons and relations through nepotism and

have reaped other advantages inconsistent with any notion of purity in public life.” In later years

corruption will be gradually widespread in Indian society and no effective measures have yet

been installed that curb the menace. The Lokpal bill could not be passed in last decades; it speaks

for the utter lack of political will in the country. In recent years so many major scandals

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involving high level public officials have shaken the Indian public services. These scandals

suggest corruption has become a pervasive aspect of Indian political and bureaucratic system.

Some of them major scams are following –

1 Coal Allotment Scam (Cost – 186000 Crores) 2

2 G Spectrum Scam (Cost – 176000 Crores) 3

Commonwealth Games (CWG) Scam (Cost – 70000 Crores)

4 Mega black money laundering Scam (Cost – 70000 Crores)

5 Adarsh Housing Scam (Cost – 18978 Crores)

6 Stamp Paper Scam (Cost – 20000 Crores)

7 Boforce Scam (Cost – 400 Million)

8 Fodder Scam (Cost – 950 Crores)

9 Hawala Scam (Cost – 8000 Crores)

10 Satyam Scam (Cost – 14000 Crores)

11 Stock Market Scam (Cost – 3500 Crores)

12 Madhu Koda Scam (Cost – 4000 Crores)

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Nature of Corruption:-

Under the Indian constitution, the government consists of three branches : the legislative,

the executive and the judiciary with clear mandate for independent functioning of each branch.

For the good governance it is compulsory that each of these units must function with integrity

and efficiency. The legislators are elected representatives of the peoples and responsible for

making laws. The executive branch consisting of ministers, bureaucrats and whole government

machinery, which is responsible for the implementation of laws made up by legislative


The judiciary, acts as an impartial watchdog to see if the people are governed as per the

law. It lakes the power to frame any law, it can only interpret the laws passed by the law makers

under the constitutional framework and give its verdicts. But when corruption invades,

governance begins to degrade implying loss of integrity and efficiency both. Now – a – days

corruption is widespread in every segment of Indian government system and politics. The

behaviour of India legislators both at the union and in the state leaves a lot to be desired. Every

time they act motivated by personal gain.

Corruption in the assemblies as seen from this perspective implies floor crossing, case for

vote taking money or other benefits to ask questions, framing rules under the influence of big

corporate houses at the cost of common people. Criminalization of politics is yet another fact of

corruption in the current parliament. These are over a quarter MPs with criminal records. Many

with serious charges against them. It also highlights an area where electoral reforms is urgently

needed so that criminals don't enter in the parliament or state assemblies. In the executive

branch, ministers are placed at top of the hierarchy. They are responsible for the making policies

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for the public because the public trust on them and elected by votes to making government. In

recent analysis we seen that the level of corruption in ministers is highest. 2 G spectrum scam,

coal allotment scam, commonwealth games scam, fodder scam etc. are the best examples of it. In

Indian parliamentary system, the responsibility of execution of the policies making by

government at ground level is taking hand over to the bureaucracy. But the report card of the

Indian bureaucracy is also not very flattering.

Bureaucratic corruption in India thrives on red tape, complicated procedures and discretionary

power. Governance in India is characterized by the lack of transparency in rules. Complicated

procedures and a bureaucracy that enjoys broad discretionary power. According to a recent

analysis of reports of bribery demands Corruption In India: Nature, Causes, Consequences And

Cure 22 | Page in India conducted by trace international was published in

January 2009, 90% demand for bribe came from government officials of which over 65% for

avoiding harassment, 50% bribery was for timely delivery of services to which the individuals

were already entitled, about 10% were meant to provide any advantage. Bureaucratic corruption

pervades the Indian administration system with widespread practices of bribery, nepotism and

misuse of official positions and resources. Independence of the judiciary is guaranteed by

constitution of India. But corruption is also rampant in Indian courts. According to Transparency

International, judicial corruption in India is attributable to factors such as “delays in the disposal

of cases, shortage of judges, and complex procedure, all of which exacerbated by a

preponderance of new laws.” Almost 3% respondents in India consider the judiciary to be


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Causes Of Corruption In India :-

Corruption is a global phenomenon and it is omnipotent. It has progressively increased

and is now rampant in our society. Corruption in India has wings, not wheels. As the nation

grows, the corrupt also grow to invent new methods of cheating the government and public. The

cause of corruption are many and complex. The following are some other causes of corruption:

Emergence of a political elite which believes in interest oriented rather than nation

oriented programs and policies. Artificial scarcity created by people with malevolent intention

wrecks the fabrics of the economy. Corruption is caused as well as increased because of the

change in the value system and ethical qualities of men who administer. The old ideals of

morality, services and honesty are regarded as anachronistic. Tolerance of people towards

corruption, complete lack of intense public outcry against corruption and the absence of a strong

public forum to oppose corruption allow corruption to reign our people. Vast size of population

coupled with widespread illiteracy and the poor economic infrastructure led to endemic

corruption in public life.

In a highly inflationary economy, low salaries of government officials compel them to

resort to corruption. Graduates from Indian institutes of management with no experience draw a

far handsome salary than what government secretaries draw. Complex laws and procedures

deter common people from seeking help from the government. Elution time is a time when

corruption is at its peak. Big industrialists fund politicians to meet high cost of election and

ultimately to seek personal favour. Bribery to politicians buys influences and bribery by

politicians buys votes. In order to get elected, politicians bribe poor, illiterate people.

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Consequence Of Corruption:-

Corruption is as much a moral as a development issues. It can distort entire decision

making processes on investment project and other commercial transactions, and the very social

and political fabric of societies. In India corruption is like a cancer for society. It is destroying

Indian economic, democratic and political system. Corruption reduces public revenue and

increases public spending. It thus, contributes to larger fiscal deficits, making it more difficult for

the government to run a sound fiscal policy. Corruption is likely to increase income inequality

because it allows well positioned individuals to take advantage of the government activity at the

cost of the rest of the population. Corruption distorts markets and the allocation of resources

because it reduces the ability of the government to impose necessary regulatory controls and

inspection to correct for market failures. It acts as an arbitrary tax and reduces the fundamental

role of the government, legitimacy of the market economy and increase poverty. India is the

largest democratic country of the world.

According to the fundamental corrupt of democracy Indian constitution provides

that no taxation can be charged without permission of legislature. The money yield by the

taxation process is the precious wealth of public. But black money is generated through

corruption. It black money is like oxygen for the corruption. According to an international report

the much more amount of black money deposited in the foreign banks. If it money will be taken

reverse in India than all the foreign debt can be removed and after the much will be keep out that

about 20000/- rupees gain by every Indian or if all the black money will be taken reverse than the

budget of India can be make without any tax for next 30 years. This black money are destroying

our democratic system.

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Politically, corruption increase injustice and disregard for rule or law. Basic human right and

freedom comes under threat. As key judicial decisions are based on the extent of corrupt bribes

given to court officials rather than on the innocence or guilt of the parties concerned. Police

investigations and arrests may be based on Corruption In India: Nature, Causes, Consequences

And Cure 23 | Page political victimization or personal vendettas rather

than on solid legal grounds. Commenting on the socio – political consequence of corruption the

Supreme Court of India observed that corruption in a civilized society was a disease like cancer.

If not detected in time it was sure to turn the polity malignant leading to “disastrous


Remedial Measures (Cure) To Combat Corruption :-

Corruption is a cancer, which every Indian must strike to cure. Many new leaders

declare their determination to eradicate corruption but soon they themselves become corrupt and

start amassing huge wealth. Many people become materialistic and money oriented, there is no

importance of ethics and morals in business dealing. This is because these kinds of people have

no moral accountability to anybody or about society or nation. There are many myths about

corruption which have to be exploded if we really want to combat it.

Public awareness is must to combat corruption in India, for this it should be must to improve our

education system because education is the best mean to understand fundamental rights and Right

– Wrong conversation.

Corruption can be remedied if people can understand and start to believe the value of

ethics and morality in their life. People will start to believe that their life is accountable if they

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really start to believe in God, in oneness of God and if they really start to live life on the way

which God has chosen for mankind. Foolproof laws should be made so that there is no room for

discretion for politicians and bureaucrats. The role of the politician should be minimized.

Application of the evolved policies should be left in the hands of an independent commission or

authority in each area of public interest. The decision of the commission or authority should be

challenged only in the courts. Cooperation of the people has to be obtained for successfully

containing corruption. People should have a right to recall the elected representatives if they see

them becoming indifferent to the electorate.

Funding of elections is at the core of political corruption. Electoral reforms are crucial

in this regard. Several reforms like state funding of election expenses for candidates, strict

enforcement of statutory requirements like holding in-party elections, making political parties get

their accounts audited regularly and filing income-tax returns, denying persons with criminal

records a chance to contest elections, should be brought in. Responsiveness, accountability and

transparency are a must for a clean system. Bureaucracy, the backbone of good governance,

should be made more citizen-friendly, accountable, ethical and transparent.

More and more courts should be opened for speedy and inexpensive justice so that cases don’t

linger in courts for years and justice is delivered on time. Local bodies, independent of the

government, like Lok pals, Lok adalats and vigilance commissions should be formed to provide

speedy justice with low expenses.

The Strongest Lokpal is must to remedied corruption in India. With the help of the Right to

Information Act, citizens should be empowered to ask for information related to public services,

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etc. and this information should be made available to general public as and when required. Such

stringent actions against corrupt officials will certainly have a deterrent impact.


India got autonomy in 1947, it is been creating nation since recent years as it has

numerous issues and the issues are stayed as issues as there is no arrangement found till now.

Couple of unlimited issues of India are destitution, debasement, deferred equity, unemployment,

kid work, absence of education, narrow minded polices and numerous more variable constitute to

make India still a creating nation and this issues appears to be no arrangement in further

additionally, as it is continuing expanding as time advances. We should add to the propensity for

addressing keeping in mind the end goal to add to our nation, as we never address the legislature

on the off chance that they accomplish something incorrectly. So we should dependably

approach to scrutinize the legislature to guarantee gripes against the works done. It is an

obligation of the considerable number of subjects. India is being a creating nation for since 1947.

It is funny to the point that our incredible fantastic folks have been taught that India is a

creating nation, our grandparents were additionally taught that India is an improvement and our

guardians likewise were taught same thing and we should not got not educate our youngsters the

same thing, so it is our capably that we need to add to the nation and make our nation created

nation as ahead of schedule as would be prudent. To end up create nation we can concentrate on

numerous things and each specific subject ought to contribute for the advancement of nation. We

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should never forget that India is just nation which is to the general population to the general

population, for the general population and by the general population.

Different Issues in India that is making India undeveloped till now:



It is truly pitiable that India stands third place in world neediness list, India is battling with issue

in destitution since the end of Mughals guideline on wards. It is said that wealthier is getting to

be rich and poor is poorer. There are individuals who acquire billions furthermore they are who

can't have cash for bread and spread. Individuals work so hard from morning till night to gain

adapts each some sum, for example, 100 Rs or somewhere in the vicinity. It is very hard to run

their family with that little sum. Indian individuals can be grouped into three sorts that is:

1) Needy individuals

2) White collar class

3) Upper white collar class

4) High class

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High class individuals:

These individuals has property acquired from their fore fathers and this profit as they don't have

the foggiest idea about the estimation of solidify cash and effectively abuse the cash or a few

individuals gain life time signify the right on time to their eras, this thus ruin their youngsters and

they spend the sumptuously and all waste the cash earned by their fore father. The wage of these

individuals is above 2 lakhs a month.

Upper white collar class:

These individuals are very much settled, they have everything that make a family to lead an

agreeable life. They are not very rich or excessively poor too. They procure around 70000-2

lakhs a month. They are encouraged with everything in life, that great instruction, nourishment,

wellbeing and all solaces.

Both upper working class and high class individuals are less in India.

Working class :

Working class individuals are more than 30% in India, this individuals are neither completely

agreeable like above two class nor totally in issues. They can fill their stomach with nourishment

regular and give fundamental instruction and key things to their kids however cant drove an

agreeable life.

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Destitute individuals:

India is nation which comprises of a ton of needy individuals that is surmised more than 60%

individuals as we are exceptionally deplorable to have such a large number of needy individuals.

They gain to meet their craving and many individuals ask for nourishment on street as they can't

work and ask for sustenance.


Debasement is a major underhandedness to society in India. The covetousness of political

pioneers and government officer has brought about word debasement. It is essential to offer pay

off to the officer to complete any little work additionally India. We should embarrassed that the

pay are been paid to them for doing administration to humankind and they expect cash from open

in type of pay off. Everybody thinks to acquire and put something aside for next eras and their

kids life beautiful. This to be sure ruin their life as they don't have the foggiest idea about the

estimation of solidify cash and all, they squander the cash like anything. Taking rewards is

wrong as well as giving fixes is additionally off-base. Them two ought to be rebuffed. So let

every one of us take a pledge that we won't take and give fix for improving India a nation.

Dark cash:

They are rich individuals in India who acquire cash by illicit practices and this cash is not paid

duty and it is called as dark cash. It is genuine that in the event that we can follow out the dark

cash in India and utilized for open welfare each Indian can be given agreeable lives.

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Bad form:

In India is legal improvement is most astounding need. None of us can scrutinize the legal, even

authoritative and selective division likewise can't scrutinize the legal. It is that is it is full

flexibility by Indian constitution. Be that as it may, in India the real issue vest in term of equity,

it takes such a large number of years to give judgment at that point the casualty can change the

confirmation and be demonstrated as pure. "Equity deferred is equity denied." the disciplines are

not extreme as though they give serious disciplines it makes the general population to fear for

discipline and prevent them from submitting botch. Our extraordinary nation has the issue, even

a criminal who carried out 100 sins additionally can pardon by drawing closer president.


Settlement is practice which is offered is to the lady while marriage as property, cash,

decorations and numerous more things. It is exceptionally hurtful practice as the yearnings are

never endings. The kid's guardians continue irritating the young lady to get more from their

family sometimes saying a few reasons or other. It is entirely vital for the young lady's guardians

to fulfill the need of the child in law with a specific end goal to fulfill their little girl. They are

numerous individuals to executes their wife for settlement.

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Slaughtering of female kid:

In India we discover numerous individuals needs one child in any event on the grounds that

just child will see folks and few individuals think child get them cash in type of settlement and

little girl takes cash. A few individuals additionally focus on just instructing children yet not little

girl since it is difficult and they consider security on the off chance that young lady when thought

about child. They are few individuals who slaughters little girl's since it is misuse of cash

spending on them and young ladies has a great deal to confront the world.

Youngster marriage:

Youngster marriage must be banned in light of the fact that they cause a great deal of issue

in India that is the kids need development and get hitched to the young lady in honesty and once

they go into teenagers and when they can begin separating it may bring about separation and the

brilliant existence of two individuals is ruined in absurdity. This is the thing that the guardian

ought to get mindfulness and delays their youngsters marriage till they achieve a right age.

Child labour:

We are in nation were numerous individuals are not taught because of their finical positions

and this eventually they required to chip away at consistently with a specific end goal to address

their issues. Little youngsters must go to class and study and play yet not work under any

condition. This is very pitiably as it is an age to examine not to work and work for little wages

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which impacts their later piece of life. As they have no other decision anticipates that working

will fill their stomach.


This is a noteworthy issue in India that a hefty portion of our researchers are moving to

remote nations because of some locale or other. It is entirely hard to discover employment in

India. Unemployment can be separated into three sections that is totally not working or doing

undesired occupation for your capability and last thing is doing low maintenance work in online

or disconnected from the net.

In western nation understudies work low maintenance for their pocket cash however it not

at all like western nations here we feel so incredible considering it appears. On the off chance

that understudies take up low maintenance employments and help their guardians separated from

concentrating on this include a great deal being developed of the nation. India being so huge

nation each Indian ought to consider working at some spot or other.

Absence of education:

It is terrible, India has half of its populace as unskilled people and it is profoundly

hazardous the same number of don't expertise to sign and read report. This is a major issue since

individuals without examined can be conned effectively and abused to awesome degree. So

government ought to take up obligations to see that every single kid goes to class. On the off

chance that at all it is conceivable instruct the general population by telling the estimation of

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studies and direct night school for individuals of middle age so that if haven't been taught at the

season of their adolescence they will persuade an opportunity to be instructed now. This is the

manner by which we can bring a change for better tomorrow.

Political gatherings:

Political gatherings are a major peril for the improvement of nation. They misuse

debilitates of open and profit. In current times we find that political gatherings don't comprise of

part who has aim to serve individuals however come to profit. This is influencing our nation

economy so seriously. Abraham Lincoln characterized the decision party must have solid

restriction to address in the interest of open.


India is been a creating nation for past such a large number of year, it is difficult to end up a

created nation in overnight. It is truly critical that each Indian ought to contribute for the

improvement of nation and it is fitting to help out the nation without requesting what nation

accomplished for me. Give us a chance to take a vow we won't take pay off never give pay off.

Government ought to assume liability to make kids instructed. We should appreciate essential

right being Indian furthermore be dependable to share basic obligations keeping in mind the end

goal to contribute for better tomorrow and for the advancement of nation.

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I’ve referred the following sites and books which were very useful for the completion of my


Sites referred:

Books referred:

A.Abdulraheem 2009; Corruption in India : An overview (Cause, consequences and remedial

measures); Social Action Vol. 59

U.Myint 2000; Corruption : Cause, consequences and cures; Asia – Pacific Development Journal

Vol. 7, No. 2 December 2000

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