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Answer Scheme:
1 B 11 A
2 C 12 C
3 B 13 B
4 D 14 C
5 A 15 A
6 C 16 C
7 D 17 A
8 D 18 C
9 B 19 B
10 B 20 D

No Of Suggested Answers
Question 21 a. May I know the price of the mangoes ?
b. I am sorry, she is not in.
c.He is going to the school.
Question 22 a.Sea
b.sea turtles
c.It is because their habitats are polluted. /(Accept any relevant answers ) ii. prawn/(Accept any relevant answers )
e.Yes, I do. It Is because I want to save the marine lifes./(Accept any relevant
answers )
Question 23 a.Dancing Club
b.Mr. Mowgen
c.i.During the meeting with Mr Mowgen, the members will draw
ii. Members of the Dancing Club pay the least membership fee.
iii. The members should bring some ingredients to the Baking Club.
d.As the member of the Baking Club, I would learn baking cakes.
e.It means pay / payment for the club. /(Accept any relevant answers )
Question 24 a.monthly
Question 25 a.It is because he can spend money wisely./ (Accept any relevant answers )
b.i. books ii. stationeries/ (Accept any relevant answers )
c.Yes he is. It is because he has a budget./(Accept any relevant answers )

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