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Marlins” English for Seafarers : Study Pack 2 Catherine Logie Erika Vivers Allister Nisbet listening pairwork Ma WS Published by Marlins writing 16 Forth Street, Edinburgh EH1 3LH, UK ISBN 0 9531748 16 © Copyright 1998 All rights reserved, No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written consent of the publisher and copyright owners, | except for quotation of brief passages in reviews. study skills ‘S y’ Authors’ acknowledgements We are gratefil to many people and organisations for their invaluable assistance in producing this Study Pack. (Our thanks to: ‘+ Videotel Marine International Ltd, London, UK, for support and assistance and for the photograph in Unit 13 + Captain David McFarlane for technical and regulatory advice + Captain S, Bondarenko for technical advice * Bryan Cruden for editorial advice + Mary Rigby for proof-reading + Anna Whitcher Kutz for final editing + North of England P & I Association Limited for kind permission to reproduce the safety illustrations in Unit 4 * P&O Cruises for kind permission to use the photograph of the Oriana in Unit 6 ‘+ Maurizio Eliseo Collection, Genoa, Italy, for the photograph of the Giulio Cesare in Unit 6 ‘* Rick Hogben for the photograph of the Daplight in Unit 6 + Captain A.M. Fraser for historical detail and the photographs in Unit 12 + Mediafine Ltd., Liverpool, UK, for kind permission to reproxluce the map of the Port of Leith in Unit 12 + G.E.T. Waugh for the photograph of Old Leith in Unie 12 + Captain F. Esma and the crew of the Tarquin Brae ‘© Companies whose produets are used for illustration purposes z Noble; Joe Maclay; Ranald Mactnnes; Shawn Plumm Captain S.Messerle; Captain A.Panov; C: Captain W.kenda; C/Engr Sergey Zakharov; Natasha Osmakova; Julia Yakovleva; C/Engr Edwin C. Solidum and Innes Svalba Design & Layout: Jenni Doggett, Chris Hoffland - Editions, Edinburgh, UK Printing: Sykes Europe Ltd., Galashiels, UK Binding: Hunter & Foulis, Edinburgh, UK luscrations: Paul Mudie, Steve Earl, lain Campbell, Lars Stenberg Audio: John Green - TEFL Tapes, London, UK Seatee Safety Systems Limited is the sole licensee, on a world-wide basis, of - the Marlins trademark. ‘The writers and publishers have used their best efforts to ensure accuracy in preparing, Marlins Study Pack 2. They do not assume, and hereby disclaim, any lia lity for ar ions taken by any person as a result of systems or procedures depicted in this Study Pack. Purchasers and users of Marlins Study Pack 2 are advised to make themselves aware of systems, procedures and facilities on their ‘own vessels as they may vary from those depicted herein, All stituations, persons and dialogues depicted in Marlins Study Pack 2 are, to the best of the writers’ knowledge, entirely fictional. Any such situation, person or dialogue that bears resemblence to any actual situation, person or dialogue is purely coincidental. OK Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Review 1 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Review 2 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Review 3 Foreword Introduction Glossary Overview English At Sea At the Crewing Office In Transit A Safety Culture Weather Report Describing A Process Changes And Trends Reporting Back Aptitude And Appraisal Who's Calling? What's Been Happening? It Used To Be Different Marine Protection What Would You Do If... Mysteries Of The Sea Pairwork Section Answer Key and tapescripts Verb Tables =A V-VI Vil- XI fi 21 3.1 41 5.1 R11 6.1 TA 8.1 9:1 10.1 R2.1 11.1 12.1 13.1 14.1 15.1 R3.1 Td 1.18 2.14 3.18 4.20 5.14 R1.6 6.16 7.16 8.20 9.14 10.14 R2.6 11.16 12.12 13.16 14.16 15.14 R3.6 76 80 Marlins” English for Seafarers 2

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