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Handbook of

Translated by Howard H. Hirschhorn

Edited for the English-language market by

Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod
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© 1989 by T.F.H. Publications, Inc.

Distributed in the UNITED STATES by T.F.H. Publications, Inc., One T.F.H. Plaza, Nep­
tune City, NJ on53; in CANADA to the Pet Trade by H & L Pet Supplies Inc., 27 Kingston
Crescent, Kitchener, Ontario N2B 2T6; Rolf C. Hagen Ltd., 3225 Sartelon Street, Montreal
382 Quebec; in CANADA to the Book Trade by Macmillan of Canada (A Division of Can­ -·
ada Publishing Corporation), 164 Commander Boulevard, Agincourt, Ontario M1S 3C7; in
ENGLAND by T.F.H. Publications Limited, Cliveden House/Priors Way/Bray, Maidenhead,
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T.F.H. Publications, Inc. Manufactured in the United States of America by T.F.H. Publica­
tions, Inc.
Note by Editor of English-Language Edition .........................................................4
Acknowledgments ..................................................................................................5
Measurement Conversion Factors........................................................................ 6
Introduction ............................................................................................................7
Charts 1a and 1b: Behavioral Disorders, 8, 9
Charts 2a and 2b: Locomotor Disorders, 10, 11
Charts 3a, 3b, 3c and 3d: Physical Changes, 12, 13, 14, 15
Charts 4a and 4b: Changes in Coloration, 16, 17
Charts Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd, Se, and Sf: Skin, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Charts Ga and 6b: Fins, 24, 25
Charts 7a, 7b, 7c and 7d: Gills, 26, 27, 28, 29
Charts 8a, 8b, 8c and 8d: Feces, 30, 31, 32, 33
Chart 9: Blood, 34
Chart 1O: Gill Filaments, 35
Charts 11a and 11b: Body Cavity, 36, 37
Chart 12: Liver, 38
Chart 13: Gallbladder, 39
Charts 14a, 14b, 14c and 14d: Intestines, 40, 41, 42, 43
Chart 15: Spleen, Heart and Gonads, 44
Chart 16: Air Bladder or Swim Bladder, 45
Chart 17: Kidneys, 46
Chart 18: Brain and Muscle, 47
Chart 19: Eggs and Broods, 48
Charts 20a, 20b, 20c, and 20d: Cysts, 49, 50, 51, 52
Charts 21a, 21b and 21c: Bacteria, 53, 54, 55
Chapter 2
Recognizing Diseases ................................................................................................57
Chapter 3
Fish Anatomy ..............................................................................................................64
Chapter 4
Viral and Bacterial Diseases .......................................................................................75
Chapter 5
Fungal and Algal Diseases .........................................................................................81
Chapter 6
Pathogenic Protozoa ................................................................................................... 84
Chapter 7
Worm Diseases .......................................................................................................... 99
Chapter 8
Arthropods .................................................................................................................109
Chapter 9
Diseases Not Caused by Specific Pathogenic Organisms ...................................... 112
Chapter 10
Treatment of Diseased Fish .............................................................·........................ 119
Chapter 11
Microscopy in the Diagnosis of Fish Diseases .........................................................135
Pharmacopoeia ...................................................... : ..................................................150
General Index............................................................................................................157
Index to Photos ..........................................................................................................160
This is, without a doubt, the finest book on diseases of aquarium fishes ever of-
fered to aquarists. The excellent photographic skills of the author, Dieter Unter-
gasser, coupled with his organized approach to the subject, make it easily possi-
ble for a major change in the quality of aquarium fishes sold in petshops
worldwide . For once a serious aquarium shop owner can easily evaluate the
quality (health-wise) of the fishes he has purchased, recognize and identify fish
diseases , and properly treat them . This book can also serve the serious hobbyist.
Never before has a step-by-step book in fish pathology ever been attempted .
Because of the high regard I have for this book, I put a lot of effort into it. I also
had some problems. Almost all of the drugs recommended by the author were
of German origin and had German names. I had to find their English, American ,
Australian , etc., equivalents and put them into the book. The same was true of
much of the equipment, techniques, procedures, protocols and measurements.
I left in the metric system. If you don't have a good grasp of the metric system
you can refer to the Measurement Conversion Factors section that I have in-
cluded on page 6.
The decimal system the author uses is simple and easy to understand. A prob-
lem arose with the translation of the word we would use for 'illustration.' We didn't
want a separate numbering system for photos and drawings ... so, there being
so few drawings, we decided to name all the illustrations 'photograph' ... don't
be upset by seeing a drawing called a photograph ... at least it enabled me to
put all the illustrations in sequential order.
I added to the book the PHARMACOPOEIA. This was enhanced with a 'Where
to buy it" reference wherever possible.
If you're looking for a book that puts fish disease recognition, treatment and
prevention onto a truly systematic and understandable basis, I know you will en-
joy this book as much as I do.
Dr. Herbert R. Axelrod


My wife Helga deserves many thanks for

her understanding and moral support during
the writing of this book. I also thank Mr. Bauer,
formerly of Hohenheim University, for the sys­
tematic organization of the gill worms (Dacty­
logyridea) and the nematodes (Oxyurida). In
addition, I would like to thank the many aquar­
ium owners and breeders who often went out
of their way to bring me diseased specimens.

Measurement Conversion Factors
When you know- Multiply by- To find-
Millimeters (mm) 0.04 inches (in)
Centimeters (cm) 0.4 inches (in)
Meters (m) 3.3 feet (ft)
Meters {m) 1.1 yards (yd)
Kilometers (km) 0.6 miles (mi)
Inches (in) 2.54 centimeters (cm) -..
Feet (ft) 30 centimeters (cm)
Yards (yd) 0.9 meters (m)
Miles (mi) 1.6 kilometers (km)
Area: •
Square centimeters (cm2 ) 0.16 square inches (sq in)
Square meters (m2 ) 1.2 square yards (sq yd)
Square kilometers (km2) 0.4 square miles (sq mi)
Hectares (ha) 2.5 acres
Square inches (sq in) 6.5 square centimeters (cm2 )
Square feet (sq ft) 0.09 square meters (m2)
Square yards (sq yd) 0.8 square meters (m2 )
Square miles (sq mi) 1.2 square kilometers (km2)
Acres 0.4 hectares (ha)
Mass (Weight):
Grams (g) 0.035 ounces (oz)
Kilograms (kg) 22 pounds (lb)
Ounces (oz) 28 grams (g)
Pounds (lb) 0.45 kilograms (kg)
Milliliters (ml) 0.03 fluid ounces (fl oz)
Liters (L) 2.1 pints (pt)
Liters (L) 1.06 quarts (qt)
Liters (L) 026 U.S. gallons (gal)
Liters (L) 0.22 Imperial gallons (gal)
Cubic centimeters (cc) 16.387 cubic inches (cu in)
Cubic meters (cm3) 35 cubic feet ( cu ft)
Cubic meters (cm3) 1.3 cubic yards (cu yd)
Teaspoons (tsp) 5 millimeters (ml)
Tablespoons (tbsp) 15 millimeters (ml)
Flui9 ounces (fl oz) 30 millimeters (ml)
Cups (c) 0.24 liters (L)
Pints (pt) 0.47 liters (L)
Quarts (qt) 0.95 liters (L)
U.S. gallons (gal) 3.8 liters (L)
U.S. gallons (gal) 231 cubic inches (cu in)
Imperial gallons (gal) 4.5 liters (L)
Imperial gallons (gal) 277.42 cubic inches (cu in)
Cubic inches (cu in) 0.061 cubic centimeters (cc)
Cubic feet ( cu ft) 0.028 cubic meters (m3 )
Cubic yards (cu yd) 0.76 cubic meters (ml >_
Celsius (0C) multiply by 1.8, add 32 °
Fahrenheit ( F)
subtract 32, multiply by 0.555
Fahrenheit ( F) Celsius (0C)


To offer your fish a healthy "environment en­ ter can be significantly lowered by use of an
cased in glass" presupposes a certain under­ ultraviolet lamp in the filter reflux.
standing of their behavior and of the biological Just as in waters in the wild, the aquarium
and chemical factors that affect them both in also has a biological self-cleansing cycle. You
their natural habitat and in the aquarium. The must recognize and foster this process in or­
home aquarium is a "piece of portable nature" der to effectively care for the water in an
-· only to a limited extent; it should rather be
considered as an artificial-and even also art­
aquarium, for, as indicated above, it has a di­
rect relationship with the health of the fish.
fully arranged-garden. There are many books on water chemistry and
Most aquarium fish come from the tropics, aquarium hygiene. The better this process of
where they live in extremely clean waters with self-cleansing is achieved-keeping the water
low conductivity and hardness, high oxygen quality high for longer periods- the rarer will
content, and often with many dissolved or­ be diseases in the aquarium.
ganic substances. Today, while it is quite pos­ Books on the subject allow the interested
sible to chemically adjust aquarium water to hobbyist to independently yet effectively in­
match the fish's natural waters, it is hardly crease his knowledge of aquariums, biology,
possible to approach their degree of cleanli­ fish pathology, parasitology, and microscopy.
ness. That is simply because of the very small
volume of aquarium water. In nature a fish has
huge quantities of water in which to feed and
leave its droppings. In the aquarium, however,
fecal dilution is quite limited. The more the fish
swims in the aquarium, the more burdened or
polluted the water becomes. Polluted water, in
turn, harbors microorganisms that are harmful
to the fish. Many of these organisms are bac­
teria and fungi that normally live on the bottom
of the tank or in the water, but they also can
cause disease. In the wild, where the fish lives
in large quantities of water, it is not often con­
fronted with such organisms. The fish can eas­
ily ward off an infection. In the closed system
of an aquarium, however, the disease-causing
organisms multiply. The fish is constantly pick­
ing them up, and its body, to a certain extent,
is continually attempting to stop these organ­
isms from multiplying in and on it. The fish
easily succeeds in resisting them if it is fed
well and if it feels at hO!'fle in its aquarium­
and that involves proper water quality and
With good hygiene, you can make it tough
for the disease-causing organisms to survive.
Immediately remove any dead or sick fish.
Regularly vacuum out any accumulations of
debris from the bottom crevices and from the
nooks and crannies of any decorative items in
the landscaping. The bacterial counf in the wa-

Chart 1a

A. Fish swim normally, but

breathe heavily.
Is the temperature too high? See
Chapter 9.7.
Slowly lower water temperature
by gradually replacing it with

cooler water. See Chapter 9.7.
0 ..

02 deficiency or excess C02 •
Check dosage when using Co2
as fertilizer. See Chapter 9.5.
Aerate water without stirring up
debris, or add hydrogen peroxide.
See Chapter 10, C29 and
Chapter 9.5.

Your fish are affected with a gill
disease. See also Chart 7.

B. Fish hang Just under the

surface of the water and breathe -
Are the gills lilac in color?
Ammonia poisoning! See
Reduce pH to below 7. Measure
the quantity of ammonia.
rapidly. They move around less Chapter 9.5.2.
and less, become apathetic, and
finally die in full color. NO

Nitrite poisoning. See Chapter
Change water several limes.
Measure the amount of n�ritel


c. All the fish, or just closely

related species, dart about, jump
and hit against the walls of the
A toxin is in the water. Has any
medication been given recently?
See Chapter 9.5.3
Change large quantities several
times in succession, and filter
over fresh charcoal. Test the tank

aquarium and the landscaping and the landscaping objects for
objects. The colors can fade. toxic substances.

I Dissect a recently dead fish. See

0 also Chart 9.

Continued on Chart 1 b

Chart 1b
Behavioral Disorders (continued)

D. Some fish remain apart from -+ They possibly are affected with Prepare a skin smear. See Chart
others and darken in color. YES skin parasites. -+ 5.

Intestinal parasites can also be Examine the droppings. See

the cause. Are the fish getting Chart 8.

Have the fish darkened and -+
YES Test the blood for blood
become apathetic? flagellates. See Chart 9.


Are there other changes (e.g., Your fish are affected with some
losing weight, popeyes, swollen YES condition of the internal organs.
body)? See Charts 9 and 11.

E. Are the fish losing weight -+ Your fish have intestinal

without fading, and do many have flagellates. See Chart 8.
swollen bellies? Are their
droppings white and mucoid?


Go to Chart 2

tor Disorders Chart 2a

Chart 2a
Locomotor Disorders

A. The fish occasionally -+

Trichodina can be found in the -+
tank. See Chapter 6.4.5. YES
Several skin smears reveal
become shy and jerk their fins. YES
isolated cases of Trichodina.
See Chapter 6.4.5 and Chart 5.

0 0

Treatment with a malachite green
Incipient infections caused by preparation obtainable from a pet
skin parasites. shop, or as per C12, C16 or C17

,--------------�,------- -------.
Make a skin smear. See Chapter
B. The fins stay folded, the fish -+
Parasites have attacked the skin
swims restlessly around, and YES of the fish. 2.5 and Chart 5.
often scrape against objects.

C. Many fish hardly move. They -+

Heavy parasitic infestation of the
rock and their fins stay folded. YES skin. ""-
Many cichlids darken in color. �
'-------,N-----_J ,------------

Verify diagnosis with skin smears.
See Chart 5 and Chapter 2.5.

Columnaris bacteria have
attacked the skin. See Chapter
4.6. and Chart 5.5.

D. The fish swims lethargically The fish are probably affected

and the flee reflex is absent. The -+ with blood flagellates. See See Charts 9 and 11
eye reflex is disturbed or is Chapter 6.1.1. I
absent. They do not dodge a dip

Continue to column 1 on Chart Continue to column 2 on Chart

2b 2b

Chart 2b
Locomotor Disorders (continued)

Column 1 Column 2
(continuation from Chart 2a) (continuation from Chart 2a)

. ..
Your fish are affected with a
severe infection of the internal
organs, or a skin condition in its
- Dissect a fish which has just died.
See Charts 5, 9 and 11.

terminal stage.

. sh whir s and wobb es. Whirling disease or complete Dissect a fish which has just died.
.___E_ _R_ _ _ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ 1 ____.J,e's exhaustion in vigorous fish Examine the organs for cysts.
affected by other disease. See Charts 11 and 20.


F. Several fish stagger around. -+ The fish are possibly affected Dissect and examine the organs
with /chthyophonus fungus. -+ for cysts. See Charts 11 and 20.

See Chapter 5.2.1


G. One or more fish cannot

remain motionless in the water. The air bladder is affected. Quarantine the affected fish at 2
Discus fish lie flat on the bottom Undercooling can be the cause. to 4°C. and .observe them for two
Discus fish are affected with an days (see Chapter 10, B1). If the
or float head down ("head
infection of the oval opening of

standers1 condition does not clear up, treat

the air bladder. See Chapter according to C26 at normal
I 3.11 temperature.

Go to Chart 3

Chart 3a

A. Do young fish exhibit Considerable damage may be F"ish with hereditary diseases
should not be bred. See Chapter
crippling or deformation? YES involved. -+

Developmental anomalies. The

fish exhibit shortened, spread out Not hereditary. Usually due to
or curted up opercula. Fin

-+ deficiencies during development.

anomalies, too, often appear. See Chapter 9.3.


1. Deformed operculum. Photograph No. 1

B. Is the body of one or more The fish are affected by sporozoa Dissect the fish and examine the
fish distorted by a curvature of dorsal musculature for cysts. See

;�=:::::n: ™I 1-·
YES or by tuberculosis. -+
the spinal column? Chart 20.

. Even large swellings subside tt

the operculum? Does the

Thj,ooru... iodine is added to the water for
several weeks. See Chapter 9.1.
operculum stay open? Does a
reddish growth show?
+ Treat as in C10.

The fish is affected with a

l malignant tumor. It is most likely

that no treatment is possible. See
Chapter 9.1.
Continued in Chart 3b

Chart 3b

Continuation of Chart 3a

+ The fish is affected by a bacterial

D. Do the eyes slowly begin to infection of the internal organs. Dissect the fish and examine the
Tuberculosis and abdominal fluid of the body cavity and the

dropsy are usually expressed in organs for bacteria See Chart
this manner. 11.

Any of a diversity of diseases can
E. One or more fish have
be involved. See Chart 11.
swollen bodies.

Your fish probably are affected Examine a fecal smear under the
F. Many fish lose weight and show a
with intestinal flagellates or microscope. See Chart 8.
sharp edge to the ridge of the YES -+ I
dorsum. The body sinks in, the worms.

fish darkens in color. The eyes

can also sink in. NO

Tuberculosis or abdominal dropsy Dissect the dead fish. See

can also be the cause. Clwts 9 and 11.

2. Starved discus
(Symphysodon discus)
infected with Intestinal

Continued in Chart 3c
Photograph No. 2

C:Ontlnuallon from Chart 3b PltY9ICAL = (continued)

l .I
i The oomea is somewhat
abraded. It will regenerate within
Were the fish just shipped or two days. To encourage healing
G. The eyes d one or more fish
become cloudy.
. __,I v"ts
v11...._canied_"_in_an_plastic -· _buck_et?__ some methylene blue can be
-:-- added to the water. See
Chapters 10, C17d and C1A
Wonn larvae ate fomd in the eye
(wo,m catarad). Examine with a
magnifying glass.
- The disease cannot spread in the
aquarium. With preventive
measures, the fish can live a long

Bacterial Infection of the eye.

Quarantine the fish and treat
ac:cording to methods C17b and
C1b. Examination can be
contlnued <by Sfl'IB8lS: 'Seefilt; rt
l.then� .. 1

H. The eye does not become

cloudy, but is destroyed from Trea1mentaccording 1o CYIS

within. and caves in. kiUing the possible, but usually not
A fungal infection is present
successful. Immediately
'---fish�·��---.:--���---v"its����������---'-+ quarantine affected fish.

� �No.3


3. An eye destroyed by a fungal infection.

Continued in Chait 3d

Chart 4a

A. The fish's colors fade. They

appear light.
YES Is the lighting too bright? -
Provide shady spots in the


Is the chemical composition of

the water su�able for the fish?
Change the water. See Chart 1.

Could the pH be wrong?


Was any medication, fertilizer or Observe the fish. Change the
other susbtance added to the
YES water if their condition
water? deteriorates. See Chart 1.


Have the fish been fed Stale and monotonous food leads
monotonously with the same feed -+
YES to deficiency symptoms. See
for long periods? Chapter 9.3.


The coloration of a fish often

reflects � state of health. Pay
attention to hygiene and provide
for optimal values in water
... quality.

B. The mouth parts of one or These harmless hemorrhages Normally no treatment is

more fish take on a color ranging -+ often occur following intensive necessary. In severe cases,
from reddish to deep red. YES cleaning of the spawning site or however, isolate the fish in a
after mouth fights.

quarantine tank and treat
according to C1b and C17a.

Continued in Chart 4b.

1.-,_� --., -- � �7-

•• . ' :"'4 � - :r�

Chart 3d
Continuation from Chart 3c PHYSICAL CHANGES (continued)

I. Your fish received a wound by Immediately Isolate the fish by

fighting with others of its own transferring It to a quarantine
-+ tank. Prevent bacterial or fungal
species, or injured itself on the YES
landscaping objects in the tank! infection of the wound by treating
See Chapter 9.4. according to C17 d and C23.


The fish has open tuberculosis.

K. The fish loob like tiny Take smears from the wounds
Take caret Do not reach into the
chunks have been b'n out of its and prepare mia'Oscope mounts.
water If your hands have cuts or -+
body. The wound edges are YES See Charts 20 and 21.
other breaks in the skin! See
CNpllr 4.7.


Go to Chart 4a

iiit-:-,,-,,-c,:·-: � · r· . ·· · .. -
•• ��..._--......., ._ ___ :..�
·.. · · --- -- - - _.__ -- " - -- -....,__:"•'1....._·_:,�_J

Chart 4b


N '\.

5. Right side of head

discolored black because the
. The skil of the fish tums The fish Is affected wi1h color-controlling nerve was
D black in closely adjacent
deep melanosarcoma. a malignant pinched by the thyroid tumor_
areas. These areas thicken and YES growth. See Chaptlr 9.1.
the scales stand out Sacr1flce the fish humanely. See

\ 6. Melanosarooma.

.. Photograph No- 6
One or more fish are continuaDy
dark, ranging to black. They The fish probably 818 affected

stand apart rom the others and y� with I flagellate i1fection of the

f D Examine droppings. See Cl1llt l
·--� no �
- �- A_sl_ig_h_
t __, :-=1r:==...___.J _,. I
- - - NO
Go to Chart 51

Chart Sa

A. With a magnifying glass, you

can see red dots on the fish --+
YES You have brought home a carp

Examine the fish carefully until
N louse along with your fish's live you find the louse. Pick up the
0 food from the fish pond. See --+
fish and remove the louse with
Chapter 8.4. forceps. In more extensive
B. Transparent discshaped YES infestations, treat according to
C11 or C18.
crustaceans, several millimeters
in length, are on the skin.


c. Elongated oval objects,

measuring up to 10mm, stick up
out of the skin.
This involves the egg pouches of
copepods, e.g. Lernaea. The
anterior portion of the parasite is
- Treat fish in the aquarium
according to method C18.

burrowed deeper into the skin.

See Chapters 8.1 and 8.3.


D. Round, reddish inflamed

areas, 38mm diameter, are
visible on the skin.
These are sucking marks made
by leeches, which often attack
Attached leeches can be
removed by applying an alcohol-
soaked pledge! (C2). Treat the
the fish only at night, then hide
during the day in the landscaping tank according to C12.
items on the bottom of the
aquarium. See Chapter 7.7.

E. Small, dark, knotlike Encapsulated metacercariae Fish can live to a ripe old age
thickened areas, up to 1 mm in --+ �arvae) are frequently found in --+ despite the condition. No
size, appear on the skin. YES fish captured in the wild. See treatment is needed.
Chapter 7.3.


Continued in Chart Sb

Chart Sb
Continued from Chart Sa. SKIN (continued) Take smears and begin treatment
at once. A delay can be fatal for
In the case of freshwater fish, many fiah. Treat according to
they are affected by the -+ C16.
F. The fish appear to be -+ protozoan lchthyophthirius.
sprinkled with sand or grit. The YES
See Chapter 6.4.1.
Jumps are white and have a

diameter of 0.5 to 1.5mm. In the
tenninal stage, the skin comes off NO
in shreds.
Marine fish are affected by -+ Choose melhod C14 or C15.
Cryptocaryon irritans. See
Verify diagnosis by taking a
Chapter 6.4.2. size 1-2mm. smear.

7. lchthyopllthirius
muftlfiliis in a firemouth
cichlld, Cichlasoma

G. Isolated white dots, 0.3 to

1mm in size, appear on the skin.

Photograph No. 7
You have discovered an incipient
lchthyophthirius infection on Treatment can be either
H. Clearly delineated, whitish, your freshwater fish. See according to 81 or 82. The C16
translucent areas measuring 1 to Chapter 6.4.1. -+ method is the most rapid.
3mm appear on the skin, often

visible only from a' head-on view.
8. Symphysodon discus infected with Chilodone/fs.

l Yf
Your fish are affected by the
protozoan ciliate Chilodonella.
See Chapter U.3.

A smear often reveals more of

the pathogens. Treatment is
according to method C12, C17,
C16 or C1b.
Continued in Chart 5c
Photograph No. 8

Chart 5c
Continued from Chart 5b SKIN (continued)
At the slightest suspicion,
Your fish is affected with immediately take skin and gill
Brooklynella hostilis. See smears in order to definttely verify
-+ Chapter 6.4.4. presence of the parasite.
I. In marine fish, heavy slime
YES Immediately treat according to
produdion, along with loss of
C16b or C7.
appetite, lethargy and labored
braathing. In the terminal stage,
skin slabs come off. The fish are affected with
Oodinium, whic:h can occur in Take a skin smear and examine
_ _
i-----N o _________
l -+
_________ ...J
u r the m
I __
_.�_ nde _icroscope· ___ ....1
_ ___

It llny dirty•whitish to

yellowish dots up to 0.3mm in

size appear on the skin and scale
edges. (Use a magnifying glass) . -+


9. Heavy Oodinium plUularis infection. with

L The skin clouds up in some Your fish are affected by an extra partial mucosa! involvement in r,w,,,,.,..,,..,
heavy Costia infection. pecto,a/is.
areas, then comes off, leaving
Bacteria, too, are probably
bloody patches.
present See Chapter -+
If possible, increase the
temperature to over 30 C, then
treat immediately according to
C12, C13 or C1c. Examine
0 smears at 400 to 800 X to see
Costia organisms.

10. Symphysodon discus with COStia

Infection. Heavy infection of Costia spp,
destroying large areas of skin.

Photograph No. 10
M. Whitish, translucent areas
used slime o on the Prepare a squash mount from
V.. The fish are probably affected by
k� '� � _ _
� r � _ I sporozoa. See Chapter 6.3. I -+ muscle. Many spores will be
.___ - - - _ _ _ _ _...J
pressed out from any cysts found
NO ... there. Method C22 helps in rare
cases. See Chart 20.
Continued In Chart 5d

Chart 5d
Continued from Chart Sc. SKIN (continued)

N. In neons, the color band is The fish are affected by the Treatment is not possible, and
intemJpted, and the musculature, -+ sporozoan Plislophora. See -+ the fish should be sacrificed. See
cloudy and white, shows through. Chapter Chart 20.


0. The skin becomes cloudy. In

neons, the color band at this spot
looks pale. �1 Is the pH too hql?

1... Determine cause. Lower pH by
changing the water. See Chapter

I The skin is attacked by parasites

or bacteria. Take a smear.

P. The skin, cloudy and

inftamed in places, produces a
great deal of slime. .�[
Does the pH satisfy 1he needs of
the fish?

1.� The skin is heavily infected with
either parasites or bacteria.

Extreme fludualions in pH, too,

0 lead to stime production in the
skin. Adjust pH by changing the Rapid countermeasures are
watef. See ChlpC8r 9.5.2. required. Quarantine the fish and
treat according to C12, C176,
C13, C9 or C23.
Q. White threads grow out of -+
-+ Fungus is infecting the wound.
white-and-reHdged wounds,
and form cottony puffs.
YES See Chapter 5.1.

11. Skin sites attacked by fungus following injury.

• Photograph No. 11


Continued In Chart Se


'"' � • 1i·�

• -•
j .. f I.. I
I _......_.._ • _,... • ,Ao • ��..... ......_t�-,W.;•1.__.s.M. �l.._�

Chart 5e
Continued from Chart 5d
SKIN (conttnued)

R. A whitish film forms around

the mouth on one or more fish.
This is a bacterial infection
pn3SUITl8bly Columnaris of the
skin. See °"'*'9 4A and 4.6.
- Oefimive diagnosis can orty be
made by microscopic
examination of a smear. See
Chart 21.

Photograph No. 12

N 12. White spots on skin and

0 scale margins In a Columnaris

S. The scales in many places

are outlined in wMe. The skin
easily becomes slimy. The fish
folds its fins and ':Ni&ys. The skin is heavily i1vaded by Verify diagnosis by smear. See
YES Columnarls bil:teria. See Chart 21.
I Ctl8pllr 4.6.


i Bacteria cause the lesions.

The lesions �. releasing a Mount a specimen of the purulent
purulent liquid. liquid and examine under the
T. Aedbofdered lesions in the microscope. See Chapter 4.3.


skin. They often clear up
spo ntaneously.
+ See also Charts 20 and 21.

Lesions �. but nothing is

The fish is affected with open
N bi>eroulosis. See Chapter 4.7.
0 No treatment is possible, and the
fish should be sacrificed.

Photograph 13

13. Rainbow fish wWI U>efaJlo&is. Extract some of the lesion's

contents and stain with Ziehl­
Neelsen. See Chapter 11.8.7.
Continued in Chart Sf See also Charts 20 and 21.

-,--, ... . .
•� '- - --- . - -· . -�=

Chart Sf
Continued from Chart Se SKIN {concluded)

U. A swelling fonns in the

A sporozoan cyst « lesion forms
in the rooscualln. See
Chapin l3 and 9.1.
- Open the lesion and prepare a
mount to examine for diagnosis.
See Chart 20.
muscle under the skin dumg the
course of several weeks, and

�I 7
may protrude aw y out from the
surface of the body. The scales We are dealing with a case of
can be lifted, roo,
at the site. bloat hefe.

The fish is affected with

abdomil3l mopsy. See also Verify the diagnosis by
.-���+--�������._�Chart -3-(plrts D-and��� ---� <issection�-·�·See�-Cha�rt-1_.1 -­
� �� � I �� �
V. Blisters foon along the lateral ves
line. Often associated with bloat,
spread scales and popeyes.

l 14. Symphysodon

Photograph No. discus with dropsy.
Swollen body, popeyes
and blisters along the
lateral line.

w. Light oolored spherical

prominences hw ich look like
eggs but cannot be wiped �

form on the skin and ms. 0.5 to �
2mm in size. Your fish are affected with Immediately isolate the fish. See
YES Lymphocystis, an incurable viral Chapter 4.1
NO! <frsease. See Chapter 4.1

X. Variously sized bristers which

form on the skin pop when 15. Lymphocystis at the base of the tail and on the dorsum of a Trichogaster trlchopterus.
stroked, producing a craddD;J

Y. You found motile organisms

on the skin which do not look like
any pathogen. See Chapters
6.4.6., 3.9 and 11.4, and Charts
8 and 14.
Photograph No. 15
The fish are affected by air
bladder diseases. See Chapter
to YES 9 e water ew
- ����
���Go� -Chart�& l L.---·� � �������-- I �� �-
Aerat�- � -_ _ · �---
1 _, �

Chart 6a

A. The fish spread their fins,
jump, dart about and breathe -+ The pH may be too low. See Act quickly and change the water
rapidly. YES
Chapter 9.5.2 several times.


0 Poisoning. See Chapter 9.5.3. -+ Change water several times and
filter over fresh charcoal.

B. The fins fray and the skin -+ The pH can be too high. See
Chapter 9.5.2 and Chart 5d -+ Lower the pH by several water
fades until it is whitish. YES
(part 0)

c. Black or brown nodules

appear on and between the fin
rays and at their bases.
Have the fish been captured in
the wild? -+
Encapsulated worm larvae,
usually metacercariae. See
Chapter 7.3.See also Chart 20.
NO i

This might involve small lesions.
Wait for further developments.
See Chart Se (part T).
- Treatment is neither possible nor

D. Red worms appear at the

bases of the fins.
Bloodworms (Philometra
sanguinea) in the blood are
involved. See Chapter 7.5.4.
- No treatment is possible.
Sacrifice and dissect heavily
infested fish. Examine the organs
for other worms as well. The
aquarium is in no danger of any

0 spread of the parasite. See
Chart 11.

E. The fish compress their fins

and scrape themselves. Worms.
YES Skin infection. See Chart 2. -+
Take a smear and examine it
under the microscope. See also
Chart 5.

F. White dots, up to 1 mm in Your fish is affected with an Take a skin smear. See also
size, form on the fin edges and -+ incipient lchthyophthirius -+ Chart Sb (part F).
surfaces. YES
infection. In saltwater,
NO i

Continued in Chart 6b

FINS llide

Continued from Chart 6a

l Chart 6b


G. A velvety coating fonns on Your fish are affected with Take a smear. See Chart 5c
the fin edges and the sides. With
YES Oodinium. (part K).

a hand lens, the individual dots
are visible.

Improve water quality. Take a

+ Bacterial fin rot (see Chapter 4.4) smear. See Chart 5.

• or too high a pH. See Chart 6a
(p art B). 16. Bacterial fin rot on the
H. The fins, edged in white, tail (i.e., tall rot).
grow shorter and shorter .


Photograph No. 16

I. Spherical prominences of 1
2 mm form at the fin margins.
Your fish is affected by
Lymphocystis virus. See Chapter - Snip off a piece of the affected fin
and prepare a mount. See Chart
4.1. 5.

K. Wormlike cysts measuring

Probably Dermocystidium
cysts. See Chapter 5.4.
- Make a mount of a cyst and
press on the cover glass until the
up to 1 cm are found in the fins. cyst bursts. Tiny spores (3 to 6
microns) come out. See Chart


Go on to Chart 71

Chart 7a
You should first read Chapters 2 GILLS
and 3 to be able to carry out the
following examinations.

A. The gill filaments are light,

having lost color.
Has the pH changed? Is chlorine
in the water? Is ammonia in the
water? See Chapter 9.5. See
also Chart 6a (parts A and B)
YES Establish optimal water values!

and Chart 1


The fish can be affected by a
kidney disease. See further below
under M.
With pointed forceps or tweezers,

pick off a few specimens and

B. Small, white objects (1 to examine them under the
1.5mm) are attached to the gill Gill crustaceans. See Chapter microscope. Treat aocording to
filaments. They hold very tightly. YES 8.2 C18, C11 or C7.


Blood-red worms are visible The fish are affected with
on the inside surface of the bloodworms (Philometra spp) No treatment possible. Dissect
operculum, but usually only in See also Chart 6a (part 0) and the fish and examine the organs.
pond fish. Chapter 7.5.4. See Charts 9 and 11.


D. Light flecks appear on the
gills. The gill filaments are
necrotic at these spots.
With finely pointed forceps,
remove some of these dead
filaments and examine at 1 OOX.
Eggs of the blood fluke
Sanguinicola spp are
involved. See Chapter 7.3
Does the mount contain
extremely flattened
dropletshaped eggs?


0 N

If fungal hyphae are seen in the
Continued in Chart 7b mount, then gill rot is involved.

GILLS nued)

�hart ,b
Continued from Chart 7a GILLS (continued) Confinn the diagnosis by
preparing a mount. Treat
�----...:..__-----, -+
Branchiomyces fungal gill rot
according to C12, C17b, C9 or
C3. See also Chart 1 O (past C).
See Chapter 5.2.3.
E. Are the gills flecked with YESL__:___.:..._______.....,
gray-wh�e? Do the filaments
keep on falling out?


18. Gill rot caused by Branchiomyces.

F. Cotton-like threads grow on -+ Saprolegnia fungal infection.

the operculum or gill filaments. Confinn diagnosis by microscopic
YES See Chapter 7.2.1 -+

examination. Treat accordng to
methods C12, C17b, C9, C11 or
C23. See also Chart 10 (part C).

G. Breathing is rapid, one or
both opercula are spread open,

and the fish rubs itself around the Confirm diagnosis by taking a
-+ The fish is affected with gill
gills. In the tenninal stage, the YES
smear from behind the gills. See
fish hangs Just below the surface
worms. See Chapter 7.2.1. Chart 10 (part A).
of the water and gulps for air.


Continued in Chart 7c

Chart 7c
Continued from Chart 7b
GILLS (continued)

H. The gill filaments appear Protozoans, flukes or Take a smear from the inside
slightly cloudy, even wMish, on -+ Oodinium infection. See -+
surface of the operculum. See
Charts 5 and 1 o.
the surfaces. Chapters 6, 7.2.1., and


I. White dots appear on the gill An lchthyophthirius or Take a smear from the inside of
filaments. The dots measure 0.5 Cryptocarion (in marine -+ the operculum, or try to wipe off a
to 1 mm in freshwater fish, and up YES species) infection is beginning to dot and mount tt. See Chart 10.
to 2mm in marine species. spread. See Chapters 6.4.1 and


K. Small, whtte modules appear Most likely sporozoan cysts. See Dissect a fish which has just died
on the gill filaments and cannot -+
YES Chapter 6.3. -+ and examine the organs for other
be removed. cysts. See Charts 11 and 20.


Continued in Chart 7d

Chart 7d
Continued from Chart 7c GILLS (concluded)

L. The gill filaments swell up,

become slimey and stick
together. Breathing is
Chemical factors may be
involved. See Chapter 9.5 -+
Change the water and filter over
charcoal. See also Chart 7a (part


Are the fish affected with gill Take smears from behind the
wonns? See Chapter 7.2. -+
YES gills. See also Chart 7a (part A)
an9 �hart 10.

The gill filaments break up from
the tip on. The cartilage remains Bacterial gill rot, caused by
0 -+
Co/umnaris bacteria, among
a little longer. See Chapter 4.
others. Also occurs secondary to
worm infestation of the gills. See
Chapter 4.6. See also Charts 10
and 21.

M. The gill filaments are very Dissect fish and examine kidneys
-+ The fish is anemic, which often
pale pink. YES -+
and blood. See Chart 17.
occurs following severe kidney
damage or infection by blood


Go to Chart 88.

- - --
- - - ,-- .- -- -· �- - -
�-- �·� --!:.�=-=--- - ·-.:...=.-.;.J.�",Ja.o. --
- '- ' --
Chart Sa
A. The vent or anal area is Carefully take a smear of material

vEsl I-
inflamed, and faces are often at the anus. Try to express a tiny
slimey. amount of feces by gently
applying some pressure. Prepare

The rectum is inflamed. a smear. See Part E in Chart lb.


B. The vent does not appear to
be inflamed, but no fecal matter The Intestines are affected. Prepare a fresh fecal rnotlll See
can be expressed completely, -+ Bacteria, flageuates and/or part E in Chart lb.
and is dragged around a while as YES worms can be the cause.
a long, often sUmey thread.

Confirm the diagnosis by
C. . Fecal droppings are white or Your fish is probably affected with microscopic examination of a
yellow, and slimey. The fish YES
intestinal flagellates. Nematodes -+ fecal sample not older than 5
becomes skinnier. can be a secondary cause. minutes. See part E in Chart 8b.

N Do not yank the worms out of the
anus with the forceps, or the
The rectum is infected by instestlne will be damaged. Treat
Camal/anus worms, which according to B3, CS, C6 and 18a.
-+ bear live larvae. See also part D in Chart 14a.
D. When the fish remain
stationary, red or brown worms
hang about 5 to 1 o mm out of the 19. Camalfanus cotli hanging out of the vent of a fish.
anus, which is dilated.
,...____________ -+
• 'I •I••
'I • • l!I.•• .. •"'. •
• •

• «.•
. ' ..
• •1 • e •
• ••• ,

..• .I . ".
Photograph No. 19 ,. • • .... -I

..._ • (I ••

I • •• •

Continued In Chart 8b

Chart Sb
You have prepared a fecal mount
Continued from Chart Sa. FECES (continued) and are now examining it under

the microscope at 50 to 100 X.
The procedure is described in
Chapter 4.

E. The feces contain small, thin

wonns, ranging in size from 1
mm to much smaller.
This involves the larvae of
livebearing nematodes. See
Chapter 7.5.3.
- Treatment is according to 83, CS,
C6 or C1 ea. See part D of Chart
Sa and part D of Chart 14a.
F. The mounted specimen Control is possible only by

- -
contains whitish, elongated, flat feeding medicated food (C24)
Your fish has a tapeworm. This
segments with almost squared-off Treatment is not absolutely
usually happens only in fish
comers and an intricate inner necessary if the fish are healthy
YES captured in the wild or from fish
structure. Several segments often and act normally. See part B
farms. See Chapter 7.4 and
hang together in a chain. Photograph No. 96.
Chart 14.

The eggs are from thorny-headed Start treatment soon, for the


i wonns, usually only in fish from worms damage the intestines.

open air sources. The fish are Treatment is according to C24.
G. The feces contain numerous infected via isopods or water Deep-freeze water fleas (which
spindle-shaped eggs with pointed fleas, which carry the larvae of you plan to use as food) for three
ends. Many species have long YES the thorny-headed worms. See days before feeding fish with
white threads at the ends. Chapter 7.6. them. See part A in Chart 14a.


H. The feces contain elongated

eggs with champagne-cork-like
covers. 200 to 400 X.
The fish harbors one or more
Capillaria wonns. See Chapter
The worms reproduce slowly.
Treatment is according to C6 or
C5 in feed 85. See part G in
Chart 14b.

��- ... �. . ...

20. Cepillatia eggs in droppings,size 50-60u.

. . ..

0 Photograph No. 20 ; :.)t •• •r • ,

"' ,. . '\

.. >

• .,. · · ·· ' ,
;i. •

..'.... •

.. .

Continued In Chart 8c

Chart 8c
Continued from Chart 8b. FECES (continued)

Treatment Is successful with

You have bnt Oxyruida eggs,
which have hilhem been found mecicated feed B5 according t>

I. The feoes contain elongated

only in discus fish. See Chlpllr - method ce or CS. SIi lllo part
YES 7.5.2. G In Chart 4b.
oval eggs which measure 120u. 1
� 200 b 600 X. 1l'8'f
often have long ttveads at their 21. Oxyurida egg with long filaments for allachment. Size: 100u.



PhoCograph No. 21

K. Small, very motile The intestiles of 1he fish are
protozoans can be observed at a -+ infected wilh ftagelates, See
magnification of 100 to 400 X. 1
__ s. _.2.______. Feed lhe fish a great deal of fresh
YES,!. live food or deepfrozen fly larvae.

Are the flagellates 8 to 12u In

size, elongated, and swimniug
rapidly. jel1ciy and in straight
lines? Do they possess six
flagella in frm and two in 1he
Spironucleus spp.or
YES Hexamita spp.is involved.
rear? See Photo{Japhs Nos. 67,
Treatment is successtuJ with
68 and 69.
Hexa-Ex or C19 and C8.


Do 1he ftagellates-hav a round,

shapeless or pudgy body
measuring 10 m 1&J? 0o they
swim slowly cm staggeringly These flagellates are
aroood? Do fie)' haYe 1tne -+ Trichomonads. The fish can be
flagela in fnri. ., LIWlafing
treated acooniug C19 Cl am
membrane and a trailng
flagellllll? See PhoCograph No.

Continued In column 1 of Chart Continued In cohlnn 2 of Chart

8d. 8d.

" . . •,.:
.. ,._ •


- ..

.. - -·

- • •• -·· ·-
� ... -
·· ..

• J A- • •• ,_._:·i�:�

Continued from column 1 Chart 8d

Continued from column 2
in Chart 8c. in Chart Sc. FECES (concluded)

Do you observe flagellates about
Can you see two anterior flagella
of which one lays closely against •
the body and forms a trailing
12 to 18u in size which undulate --+ flagellum at the rear? See
rapidly along? Photographs No. 70 and No. 71. •


These are flagellates of the
genus Bodomonas. Treat
according to method C8.
Are the flagellates 16-24u in size
and have two flagella? Is one
flagellum in front and the other
kept trailing rearwards alongside
the cell body? Is tt connected by
an undulating membrane with the These flagellates belong to the
surface of the cell? See --+ genus Cryptobia. They can be
Photograph No. 66. YES
treated by method C8.

L. 1 OOu protozoans are in the
mounted specimen. They are These fish are affected by the
round anteriorly and possess a This flagellate damages fish only
discus parasite Protoopalina
spiny tip posteriorly. They are when the infection is massive.
--+ symphysodonis, an organism --+
spirally ciliated and spin while YES Treat according to method C19.
hitherto found only in discus fish. See part H in Chart 14b.
swimming, which resembles the See Chapter 6.1.4.
way Paramecium swim. See
Photograph No. 77.


i Microorganisms appear within a

few minutes of defecation, and
M. In the feces of your fish you begin to decompose the feces.
found microorganisms which you --+ They live in the filter, the water
cannot identify. and in the bottom of the
I aquarium, but are completely
N harmless. See photographs in

i Chapters 6.4.6, 3.9 and 11.4.

I Go to Chart 9.
Chart 9
The following examinations are
done on a fish which has just
died. You should already have
read Chapters 2, 3 and 11.
Proceed as indicated by the
dissection guidelines in Chapter
3. To do a blood examination by
itself, proceed as in Chapter 3.3.
To proceed most thoroughly,
review Charts 5 and 6 first. Use
a sharp scalpel to scrape off skin
and snip off fin fragments to
prepare mounts.

A. In the blood smear, among

the blood cells, you will observe
rapidly motile protozoans which
measure 14 to 24u.
The fish are affected with "fish
sleeping sickness," caused by the
flagellate Cryptob;a. See
Chapter 6.1.1.
Treatment can be attempted, but
success is uncertain. Treatment
is according to method C17b.

B. Encapsulated inclusion
bodies are seen in the red blood
Sporozoans which attack blood
cells. Very rare. See Chapter
- Treatment is not possible.


c. Bacteria are among and on
the blood cells.
This can occur in various
bacterial diseases. See Chapter
- Close examination of the organs
is necessary. See Chart 21.



You made an error in your
histological technique! Use
D. The blood cells are defonned physiological saline for preparing
or have burst. YES the slide. See Chapter 10 and
I method C12.


Go to Chart 10

Chart 10
Mount dissected gill filaments.
The blood from them can be GUI Filaments Quick treatment is needed for
examined as per Chart 9. young fish. They can be treated
with Gyrotox or according to

methods C6, C18, C11 or C7. In
A. Worms with posterior <f!SCUs fish, only treatment C18 or
hooking OfQ8llS use them to hang The gHls are attacked by flukes.
C6 helps.
on tightly to the gill filaments YES See Chapter 7.2.
while probing about with the
anterior end of the body. Photograph No. 22

B. On the gill filaments are
round cysts which release large

_ __· - I -Chart--�-·------�
Treatment is not possible. See
- areu
numbel's of when
- cysts_ _m_vowed
_ �-
__squashed �


Treatment is possible only if the
The fish is affected by gill rot fungal infection has not yet
c. White, intenneshing fungal caused by Saprolegnia advanced too far. Treatment is
filaments grow on the giU YES fungus. See Chapter 5.1. acoordl� to methods C9, C11 or
filaments. Round structures are C17b. See also parts E and F of
visible inside. Chart 7b.

- -
Slime formation can be caused

by the gill worms, chemicals or If you do not find gill worms, then
D. The slightest pressure on the YES bacteria. look for bacteria. See 21.
cover glass ea.uses the release of
large quantities of cells from the Photograph No. 23
gill filaments.


23. Gill filaments

covered with mucus
E. Large numbers of wriggfi� and S1Uck toge1her.
flagellates, 14 to 21u in size,
hang on the gm filaments.

The flagellate species
C,yptobia branchialis is Treatment is accordi� to method
Go to Chart 11. involved. See Chapter C19 or ea. See part K in Chart a.

Chart 11a
Prepare a mount of the fluid
Body cavtty
and examine for blood and
A. The body cavity is filled bacteria Treatment can be
with fluid, which often simply
runs out when the abdominal
The fish is affected with
abdominal dropsy. See
.... according to method C25, AS,
A& or .A1. See Chart 21.
wall is art open. Chapter 4 .2.

Abdominal dropsy is the
problem here, too. See

a. The fluid in the body

Chapter 4.2.

cavity Is viscous, the organs

are atrophied and the
intestine is glassy.
2-4. Abdominal dropsy. The organs are
extensively aboptiied and are bathed In a
vi9oous liquid. The abdonlil181 wall Is thin
and transparent.


Photograph No. 24

Various wonns can penetrate

C. Wonns have penetrated
into the body cavity. jm the intestinal wan.
however, only Carnal/anus
and acanthocephalans are -+ Prepare mounts of the worms
seen. and identify them with a.t
N 14.


Phenol and ammonia toxicity With toxic conditions-

D. The blood in the body poisonif19-dlan98 the water
cavity is not due to any error
in dissection. Hemorrhages
can cause hemonhages.
Bacterial diseases fike -+
several times. Prepare
mounts from the
furuncuJosis and fibtiosis also
are apparent in the organs. can lead to hemonhages. hemonhaging parts of the
See Cllaptlrl 9.5 and 4. organs. See Chart 21.


E. Light or dark cysts
appear on the organs.
Encapsulated worm larvae or
sporozoan and tli>erttJlar -+
Mount the cysts and examine
under the microscope. See
cysts can be inYolved. Chart20.

Continued on Chart 11b.

Chart 11b
Continued from Chart 11L Body Clvlty (concluded)

! Do oCher fish have swollen

bodes? Raise the temperature

F. After the side " the body is The fish had an i1testinal b>/ 3 '> 5°C. and feed with varied
lifted up, you can see how the obslructlon. You can recognize ballast-rich and vifamin.fi:h food.
the IRlgesaed b)cj in the And, aboYe all, do not giYe alf'f
turgid ar4s(ior gut has dsplaced
the liver ID the side. Intestine. See Ctllpllr 9.3. cold food.

Photograph No. 25

25. lnr.dnll oblfndon due to Inflammation. The SIDmach Is distended with undigested
food. Death followed ,upcure d the abdominal wa! and toxic symptons. Confusion with
abdominal dnJply ii V9f)' possible.

G. Do cysts filed with dear ffw Cystoma n lnwlfved. They

with abdoriIll «opsy. See

form on the liver, spleen or other occw on old ftat1, among others.

_a_tt811 m
Treatment is not possible
- :_:ns_ a..,1.1.
_ _ _ __
rable __
___J�.__Large __
Go to Chart 12.

Chart 12

The liver, gallbladder, intestines

and spleen are usually removed
together. Organs which are not
immediately processed should be
kept in a small dish filled with
physiological saline. Photographs
45 to 47 show what a healthy
liver should look like.

A. The liver is discolored brown The cause can be abdominal Provide the best water quality
or yellow. The mounted specimen dropsy or fatty degeneration of you can and a varied diet.
reveals numerous light-colored -+ the liver due to faulty nutrition or Prepare the specimens and
YES -+
fat droplets with dark borders. to bacterial infection. See examine for bacteria according to
See Photograph No. 48. Chapter 9.3 and 4. Chart 21.


i The bile duct is inflamed or

obstructed. The bile is trapped in
the liver and gives It the green
This is probably an isolated case.
The other fish do not need any
B. The liver is greenish. -+
YES color. treatment.


c. Small cysts (1 to 1.5mm)
appear on and in the liver.
Probably metacercarial cysts.
See Chapter 7.3. - Prepare specimen and confirm
the diagnosis by microscopic

I examination.

D. Small white nodules appear

on the liver.
These can be sporozoan,
tubercular or /chthyophonus
- Prepare a mount of the cysts and
examine at 50 X. See Charts 20
and 21.


E. Small eggs are seen in the

squash mount of liver tissue (very
Blood flukes may be affecting
your fish. See Chapter 7.3.
- Prepare a mount. See part D in
Chart 7a.


Go to Chart 13.

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:'�- -1� '',•',i;_..�°J, ' r�•ii;��

Chart 13
Carefully remove the gallbladder Gallbladder
and position it on the slide before
you puncture it.

For identification, a new mount

A. Protozoans are swimming � Flagellates of various genera can has to be prepared. See part K in
YES -+
rapidly around in the bile. be involved. See Chapter 6.1.2. Chart Sc.


Severe bacterial infections can

B. Large numbers of bacteria occur in abdominal dropsy and in
occur in the bile and on the wall -+ other diseases as well. See Prepare mounts from other
of the gallbladder. Chapter 4. organs, too. See Chart 21.


C. Large immobile objects and

small crystalline structures are
found In the gallbladder.
These are the precursors to
- Examine the other organs. The
crystals are not the cause of the


Go to Chart 14.

--------- -

After you have prepared mounts

Chart 14a

of the intestines and their
contents, interpret them Do not feed with live water fleas.
according to this chart The fish is affected by Deep-frozen ones are all right
re a r ing to me C
See Chapter T d
1:7 _See_t a part
_ cco_Gin, _ Chart
- _ Sb.
thod 2_4.___,
. ._ _

A. T he intestines oontain
opaque wonns possessing a
retractible proboscis or trunk
completely covered with hooking
structures. See Pholograph No.


B. Hanging on the intestinal wall
26. AcanthooBphaJa in trout Intestines.

If the fish have not been�

are worms with anterior sucking
in the wild, the larvae were
parts and well defined

-its._l__ I-+
introduced with live food rrom fish
segmentation. They can attain
ponds. Treat according to C2' or
several centimeters length.
in rt and
fish e See F in No. 95.
The_ ar _ _ also. Photograph
_ . aff 7A .....
_with_· __ .__CS _ pa __
_ _ _ _Chlrt 8b_ _ __.
tapeworms See_ected
. . . -


C. latworms with an anterior Oigenea are trematodes or flukes Control can be atlel11)l8d with
and Fa posterior sucker are with alternating hosts, so they medicated food B5 accordng to
attached to the irtestinal wall (but camot reproooce in an aquarium. method C24.
almost only in fish captured in the See�7.J.

wil ).

-+ Nematodes of the genus

N 27. CamaJ1anus colt/ In the nldll'n.

+ Carnal/anus are involved. See


Chapter 75.3
D. Reddish worms, 10 to 20

mm long, with "milling or cutter
head"-!ike mouth parts.
Photograph No. 7

Continued in Chart 14b.
worms e very resistant,
thus difficult to combat
Tmatment according to method
ce is definitely successful. C1a
usually helps. See also part D of·
Chart 81 and pa,t E of Chart lb.

'I· ,:,• ,, ' ,.

Chart 14b
Continued from Chart 14a Intestines {continued)

E. Long, very thin worms (up to
20mm long) move slowly in the
Capillarians are involved. See
Chapters 7.5 and 7.5.1. -+
Examine the feces of the other
fish to determine whether
nematode eggs are present.
Treat according to methods C6
intestines. Many eggs appear, and CS. See also part H in Chart
too, with female specimens. 8b.


-+I I
F. In cysts (250-350 u) You have found encapsulated
embedded in the intestinal wall, -+ nematode larvae. See Chapter
curled-up worms move very YES 7.5 and Photograph No. 34 in Treatment is not necessary.
slowly. Chart 20.


G. Large, thick worms (1 to Look for eggs in the feces of the

These oxyurids have not been other fish. Treatment is by means
4mm) wriggle in the intestine. -+
YES precisely identified. See Chapter of medicated food according to
Only discus fish are known to -+
7.5.2 and Photograph No. 98. method C6 or CS. See also part
have these.
I in Chart Sc.


H. Relatively large protozoans

The discus parasite
(100 u), which swim around in the
-+ Protoopalina Treatment according to method
intestinal contents, have slightly
YES symphysodonis has been -+ C19 quickly kills the flagellates.
angled-off round anterior ends
found only in discus fish. See See also part L in Chart 8d.
and a posterior end drawn out to
Chapter 6.U.
a point.

Continued In Chart 14c.

- . - .
.., . . .
- • �- > O!...___.. • •• A ' I° • >) ' - .... ). • .- 0 • • • •

Chart 14C
Intestines (continued)
Continued from Chart 14b

I. Tiny protozoans (8 to 24u) The fish's intestines are infected You can identify the flagellates
move around very fast in the with flagellates. See Chapter -+ with part K in Chart Sc.
intestinal contents. 6.1.2.

These are foreign bodies which
have penetrated into the
K. Elongated cysts with clearly intestinal wall and been Do not feed Cyclops to fish
visible nucleus are seen in the -+ encapsulated there (e.g .• which are not accustomed to
intestinal wall. YES
Cyclops bristles). See Chapter them.

Photograph No. 28



i;,. - ..
28. A feed animal's bristle encapsulated in a cyst in the abdomen of a young discus.
Size 400u.

In most cases, these are

L. Round or branched cysts are -+ tubercular cysts. More rarely,
found in the intestinal wall. YES they are lchthyophonus cysts. Precise identification requires
See Chapters 4.7 and 5.2.1. squash mounts and staining by
E6, Chap ter 11.8.4. Treatment is
not possible. Provide the best
water quality you can. See
Charts 20 and 21.
Continued In Chart 14d.

Chart 14d
Continued from Chart 14c Intestines (concluded)

M. Reddish spo ts appear in the

intestinal wall. At high
This involves enteritis or viral
Infection. See Chapters 13 and
- Prepare a mount and examine tt
for bacteria. See Chart 21.

magnification, blood cells can be

Photograph No. 29



29. �enlMldl.

N .The intestine contains yellow fluid

and yellow crystalline structures.
The o,yttaJt ar, called enlefolith
c,yltalt, wtlfdl tlA)ear When the
fish has not Md for a long time. -
Try to have the other fish start
feeding again by offering them
live food. Examine dissected fish
� They are often secondary to for other diseases, too.

+ many diseases.

0. Hanging from the intestinal

wall area are non-motile yellow·
brown um-shaped protozoans
with a granular rontent (very
The fish are affected with
Oodlnlum, which has gained a
foothold In the intestine.
Examine the skin and gills of the
fish for Oodinium. Treatment is
long. Repeat at intervals of five
days until no more pathogens are
rare). found in the feces. Treat
according to methods C4 and
Did you find many non-motile
P. You found notting bacteria in the intestines?

,y� I That is the normal intestinal flora

0 y�1

The cause of the disease is
associated with another Ol'g8!l, If
you have not carried out the
preceding examinations, then go
Are the bacteria motile and
present in large numbers? YES
Spirochetes, especially, can
cause disease, but so can many
back to Charts 111 and 11b. other motile bacteria. See Chart
Otherwise, go on to Clwt 15. 21.

Chart 15
Spleen, Heart and Gonads

A. White nodules appear on the ""

surface and inside of the spleen. YES

Jchthyophonus or tuberculosis
cysts may be involved. See -+
Prepare mounts of the cysts and
identify with Charts 20 and 21.

i Chapters 4.7 and 5.2.1 Treatment is not possible.

B. Small nodules appear on the ;es
heart wall.

C. At 400 X magnification, During infections, the pathogens Prepare mounts and examine
bacteria can be seen in a squash YES are often found first in the spleen.
according to Chart 21.
mount of splenic tissue.


i Test the water for nitrite and

D. Hemorrhages occur in the -+ A toxic substance is possibly in ammonia. Examine the other
YES -+
gonads. the water. See Chapter 9.5. organs, too. See Charts 1, 5, 6

and 7.


E. The eggs are clumped -+ The fish is affected with •egg The fish cannot spawn. Either the
together. YES binding." biotope is unsuitable, or it did not
find a suitable mate.


F. The gonads contain cysts The fish are affected with a
with an average diameter of 10 -+ Microspors infection. See -+
Treatment is not possible. See
mm. YES
Chapter 6.3.3. Chart 20.

Go to Chart 16.

Chart 16
Air Bladder or Swim Bladder

A. The air bladder cootains
purulent fluid. large numbers of This involves a bacterial infection,
usually as a result of an Examine the other organs, too.
bacteria are found in the fh.id and YES
inflammation. See Chart 21.
the wall.


B. The wall of the air bladder is Raise the water temperature by 3
Y�S1 The air bladdef is inflamed. to 5°C for five days.

c. Round cysts of various sizes

(usually smalet' than 1 nvn)
occur in the wall of the air
The fish are affected by the
sporozoan Eimeria. See
Chapter 6.3.1.
Examine the other organs, too,
for cysts. Treatmen� according to
method C22, is only rarely
bladder. successful. See Chart 20.

D. large inclusions (up to
10mm) occur in the wan of the air
The fish is affected with
Microspora. See Chapter
Treatment is not possible.
Examine the other organs, too.
See Chart 20.


E. The anterior part of the air

bladder, the part towards the
abdomen, is inflamed. These fish
mJ A bacterial infection is the cause.
See Chaple, 3.11.
Treatment, by method C26,
usually works, but is not
successful in all cases.

were "standing on 1heir heads," or

else lying on the bottom.


Photograph No. 30

Go to Chat 17.
Chart 17
Kldneya Since you have already examined
the intestine and gallbladder, you
are now familiar with the
flagellates. The other fish are

A. Srnafl, motile protozoanS are
found in a squash mount of most certainly infected as well, so
-+ This involves flagellates which rapid treatment is necessary. See
kidney tissue. YES
were transported IJ'I the blood to Chapter 6.1. Ute methods C8
the kidneys. and C19.


Examine.the spleen and.Jive(,

B. Large nurnbefs of bacteria When ba&teria;gpil!fltryito .the too_Seea.ta-21 and r,asweM
are found in the tissues. Also, -+ kidneys. tt1e restotthe :body is> aamethods C2t, � 022, A5,
YES certainly also aflseted. -+
hemon'hages often oa:ur. MandA1.


Tubercular and

Refer to Charts 20 and 21 for
c. Cysts of various sizes occur lchthyophonus cysts are often -+ definite identifica1ion. Treatment
in the kidney tmue. found in the kidney. is not possible.

Organic substances often ooat There are several causes of
the aystals, so that multilayered kidney stones in fish, i.e.,
structures are kidney stones. -+ medications and calcium
D. The kidney tubules rontaln -+ See Photograph No. 31 in this aystamze or settle out in the
aystals and inclusion bodies. YES chart kidneys.

31. Sediment Jn the kidney tubules. {Ptlas6 contrast photograph.)


Photograph No. 31

Go to Chart 18.

Chart 18
A. Cysts of various sizes and Brain and Muscle
dark contents are foun dIn
squash mounts of brain

Prepare double squash mounts
v� -
1'\. �

and examine according to Chart
B. Often only thicker, contras1y ,...•..._ .lar . -+ 21.
areas are found in a squash
-+ -..- 47
• · cysts See
ves Probably tuberaJ �----------
mount of brain tissues.

FISh captured in the wild are

often infected with these. If larvae

appear in offspring bred in the
aquarium, then they were brought
in with their intennediate hosts.

The h is the intermediate host Do not feed live foods obtained
fis -+
C h ds . e
cysts s · See fis
_ _ _po_n _ _Se _c_hart
20 .
--�-· -�-sc1e-� _·
_ contain
1arvae_ · _ _ _ ·_ __
vt __�_J_� ___ _ h_apt_er ___,
worms _ .____ 1rom
_ __ ____,


D. The musculature is soft and Treatment may be attempted With

white in places, and contains Sporozoan cysts of the genus method C22, but is only rarely
cysts which release many spores I -+ successful. For precise
Pleistophora are inwlved.
when pressed in a squash mount. idenlilication, see hart 20.

32. P//ltophOra cysts In a squashed muscle mount from a Macropodus chinensJs.


Photograph No.

Go to Chart 19.

. I• -.
. • •1./
- --"

Chart 19
A. The eggs of a brood first Eggs and Broods
become cloudy, then whtte. The
whtte eggs finally succumb to
External factors caused the eggs
to die. Usually protozoans and
bacteria in the water attack the
First, disinfect the egg substrate
(methods 02, D3 and DS) and
-+ add a disinfectant to the water
eggs. Saprolegnia fungus later
coats the dead eggs. (method C17e). If this is not
successful, then the whole tank
must be thoroughly disinfected.


B. In the young, the yolk sac is
enlarged and hemorrhages often
occur. The larvae die in a short
The brood is affected with yolk
sac dropsy, which usually occurs
only in pond fish.
-+ No treatment is possible.



Go to Chart 20a.

Chart 20a
Now that )'Q(J have isolated cysts Cysts
from organs, skin and fins, )'Q(J
can further define the dsew
from this series of Chlrtl (20I, You should not do anything, for
2Gb, 20c, and 20d). Prepare
fflOtl1ts of the cysts without
squashing them.
The fish is affected by
metacen:ariae. Transmission to
the other fish is not possible.
- smaD numbers of larvae do not
impede the fish very much.

Photograph No. 33

A. A motile larva can be seen "'i'1

nside the cyst.


33. Metacercarls cyst containing larvae. Size: 0.5mm.

B. Long, thin worms move In an

oval or round cyst
Encapsulated nematodes. which
cannot sp,ead in the aquarium ,
are involved here.
I Here, too, no treatment is
.__ -------------

Photograph No. 34

34. Encapsulated nematode larvae in the abdominal wall. Size: 350u.

C. The cyst is roood or

elongated; no ITIO'Y8ffl8l1t inside
can be seen.
The cyst was taken from the skin
or the fins and is elong ated and
narrow like a worm. At low
- Pressure on the cover slip bursts
the cysts, releasing a stream of
tiny particles.
magnffication, the content looks

unstructured and gray. See
Photograph No. 17 in Chart 6b.
Are the bodies about 3 to 5u in
size, and, at 800 X, can )'Q(J

Continued In Chat 20b.

Dermocystidium is involved,
which is not treatable. See
a..., 5.4.
- recognize a large round body and
several small ones inside? See
Photograph No. 65.

Chart 20b
Continued from Chart 20a. Cysts (continued)

D. The cysts come from organs
or musculature.


Several round 30u cysts often

hang together. See Photograph
No. 32.
When squashed, the
approximately 4u long oval
spores come out. See
- Microspordia, perhaps
Plistophora, are
involved. See Chapter
Photographs No. 80 and No. 81. 6.3.3.

The cysts lie individually in the

tissue and can be very large.
Upon squashing, they release
The spores contain four small
bodies. See Photograph No. 78. - The fish are affected with
coccidians, probably
Eimeria spp. See

spores of uniform size and Chapter 6.3.1.

The spores are spindle-shaped

and have a polar body at each
- The organisms are
myxosporidians. See
Chapter 6.3.2.
0 N

The spores are round or pointed

on one side, with two adjacent
polar bodies. See Photograph
No. 79.
- Myxosporidians are
involved here, too. See
Chapter 6.3.2.

When squashed, no spores are
They are not sporozoan cysts.
See Chart 21.

Continued in Chart 20c

Chart 20c
Continued from Chart 20b. Cysts (continued)

i The cysts are encapsulated in

light-colored tissues. No
E. The cysts come from a lesion ... ... Tuberculosis is probably involved
or a th""' -
ened area of .:-,A.
I YES structures are visi>le ·-
:....:.L.. They YesI · - -.. 1___
"'...' •
. range in color from light to dark __,
__· _

See Photograph No. s1 ---J

L_-�-�- - -�

_ __ _ _ _

The tissue is firm, and squashing

expresses only a few cells.
Extensively covered with black
pigment cells.
Probably a malignant tumor, a
melanosarcoma, which is
common in livebearing
Observe the other fish closely.
- See Chapter 9.1, Charts 3
and 4b (part D).
cyprinodonts but rare in other
fish. See also Photograph No.


The inside tissue is deoomposed

and viscous. The lesion can be
open or closed.
The lesion is purulent. Prepare a
mount and examine � for
bacteria. See Chart 21.

F. Over the course of several

weeks, a domed swelling has
- After the skin is cut open, a firm,
spheroid structure can be
removed which does not adhere
- Such benign tumors can also
form on organs. They are not
dangerous to the other fish. See
Chapter 9.1.
formed under the skin. to the musculature.

i Photograph No. 35.

The domed swelling grows larger

and larger until it bursts open to
the outside.

A sporozoan disease is involved.
Prepare a mount of the contents
and identify from part D of Chart

35. Bulge on the left flank of a

Continued In Chart 20d.

�------ - -----�-�-

Chart 20d
Continued from Chart 20c. Cysts (concluded)

Isolated or many irregularly
Sharp fragments of food have
penetrated into the intestinal wall,
where they have been
elongated cysts are found in the
intestinal wall. A clearly visible
encapsulated by the surrounding
tissue. Cyclops bristles are
Do not feed your fish that food
any more.
usually involved, rarely mosquito
foreign body is visible inside.
larvae. See Photograph No. 28.


H. Cysts measuring 50 to SOOu Tuberculosis or

are found in the organs. Dark, YES /chthyophonus is involved.
nonmotile contents. The cysts are �
surrounded by light tissue. See
Photograph No. 61. Prepare double squash mounts
and examine for bacteria. See
N Chart 21.
.... /
Tiny foreign bodies may have
I. The cysts are irregular and been encapsulated, or tubercular
branched, or very small. YES cysts may be involved.


K. Small, round cysts Squashing does not express any Chlamydia are the cause. These
(measuring 0.8mm at most) are YES spores, just small (0.3 to 1 u) tiny spheroid bacteria can be
found on the gill filaments. coccus-shaped pathogens. seen only in well-prepared
mounts under a good
microscope. See Chart 21.


Go on to Chart 21.

Chart 21a
You have found bacteria in a smear or squash mount. Now, with water, prepare an extremely dilute mount and examine
at 400 to 800 X magnification. Dark field or phase contrast is very helpful. In contrast to other organisms, bacteria are
not identified merely by size and appearance. Costly methods are necessary to identify them. Cultures must be seeded
and the growth of colonies observed on various kinds of culture media. Then the cultured bacteria can be classified
according to their metabolic characteristics. The culture of bacteria is not harmless, so for this reason it should be carried
out only by trained specialists in specially equipped laboratories. In that respect, then, this chart is not an actual
diagnostic chart, but rather an aid in deciding on the best selection of medication. (That is, precise diagnosis is not
always necessary before treatment can be started.)

The bacteria move on lh�r awn.

Are they Gram neg ative? .
_ _ __ _
_ _ _ _ _
_ __.
Did you remove the
Do they move fast in a living bacteria from rotting fins or
mount? -+ � from the skin?
.______________, YES Do they come from an organ that
has hemorrhages, or from the

Are they 1.2 to 2u long and 0.4 to -+

Probably bacteria of the
0.6u wide? YES--------------- Y7s
genus Vibrio are
N involved. See Chapter 4.5.
0 Treat according to
t methods AS, A6 and A1.

Do they move moderately fast?


Are they 1 to 2u long and 0.5 to -+ Did the fish have any symptoms The fish is probably
1u wide? YES of abdominal dropsy? YES infected with bacteria of
the genus Aeromonas.
No.I• See Chapter 4.4. Treat
...-- --------- � -+ according to method A3.
Were they taken from rotting fins YES ...._________.

0 or from the skin?

Was the bacterial material taken The cause is presumably

from lesions or bleeding organs, -+ bacteria of the genus
Are they 0.8 to 2.Su long and 0.3 -+ YES Pseudomonas. Treat
YES or rotting fins?
to 0.8 u wide? according to methods AS,
A6 or A1.
Continued In column 1 of Chart Continued in column 2 of Chart
21b. 21b.

�:.� �,1 7u�. ·��o,� ' . �
o, --: � . � .-i� .·-··:-;r�·>: ... :�-·:·�..--���·f::�:t· ..-_:-',t.;rr-��lr��y;. t·�:�--���iLJJ
�•�..:.i�\;i.c..�-��-:... .....
, L�� ..,.t..:"�-->:i.�!....i-� �1 r'Q.�""c.l"
• __ • • "',c::.;. __.,., -�- --�· ,...i•.., ;-.,.••-#_..!

Chart 21b
Continued from Column 1 Continued from column 2 Bacteria (continued)

of Chart 21a. of Chart 21 a.

Do the bacteria glide slowly along

or do they tt "inch" along like a
caterpillar, attach one end of Flexibacteria are involved,
themselves to the cover glass
and then swing back and forth -+
Was the specimen taken from ..... which cause Columnaris
disease. See Chapter 4.6
YES skin, gills or fins? YES
wtth the other, free end? Do they Treat according to methods
measure 4 to Su long by 0.3 to C1c, C25, A1 or A2.
o.au wide?


The bacteria are spiral-shaped.

long, thin, measuring 5 to 30u
long and 0.5 to 1 u wide.
Were they taken from the
intestine or the blood?
Spirochetes are involved.
Treatment according to
methods AS, A6 or A1 is
not always successful.

Are they 1 to 2u, almost round or -+
Did the fish exhibit bloody
Are the bacteria immotile and -+ spheroid? Do they occur in pairs YES lesions, boils or hemorrhaging in
Gram-negative? YES or in chains? their organs?


0 These bacteria also belong to the

Are the bacteria 1 to 2u long and genus Aeromonas. The fish
0.5 to 1u wide? Do they form can be treated according to
pairs and short chains? methods AS, A6 or A1.

+ Bacteria of the genus Bruce/la
are probably involved. The fish
Were the bacteria taken from skin -+
YES are treated according to methods
C26 and A6 (doxycycline).


Are the bacteria Gram-positive -+ Are they about 1u long and 0.5u Is the mount of a kidney
YES -+
wide, and do they occur as pairs specimen?

and immotile? YES
in V or Y form?

/ They are probably bacteria of the

genus Corynebacterium.

Treatment, according to method
C21 or C22, is not always
Continued in Chart 21.

Chart 21c
Bacteria (concluded)
Continued from Chart 21d.

Do the bacteria form long,
Are they acid-fast after only
Were the bacteria obtained from

branched threads which greatly reduced differentiation in YES purulent lesions of the skin or
sometimes break into long HCI alcohol? from the organs?

Bacteria of the family
N Actinomycetaceae, probably of
the genus Nocardia, are
involved. Treat according to
methods C25, C26, AS or A6.

Are the bacteria acid-fast,

staining deeply red with Ziehl­ -+ Are they 1 to 6u long and 0.2 to -+ Were the bacteria obtained from
Neelsen? 0.6u wide? substances containing cysts?


Bacteria of the genus

Mycobacterium are most
likely involved. Your fish have
tuberculosis! There is no
treatment. Read Chapter 4.7.
See Photographs Nos. 61 and

You prepared squash mounts of Your fish may be affected with

tuberculosis-suspected cysts and -+ the lchthyophonus fungus.
stained them, but you did not find YES There is no treatment. See
any bacteria. Chapter 5.2.1.

The general public widely believes that antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents kill pathogens in the diseased
organism. This is an erroneous idea. Only very few medications, at the strength used, act bactericidally, that is, kill the
bacteria. Most act bacteriostatically, that is, merely inhibit the growth of the bacteria. That means, in practical terms, that
the bacteria attacking the organism will be impeded in their multiplication, thereby allowing the body's own resistance
to recuperate and then destroy the bacteria. A fish whose resistance is completely exhausted will not be returned to
health even with antibiotics, but will continue to sicken and finally die.

The basic task of good aquarium management is to see to it that fishes
are not subjected to stressful conditions. Under conditions of prolonged
stress, even the healthiest of fishes will eventually succumb. Fortu­
nately, the most important causes of stress in the aquarium are entirely
controllable by the aquarist, who can rely on a combination of good
equipment and good aquarium management practices to reduce stress.

Chapter 2

2.1. Fish Under Stress Good results have been obtained with the
Not only human beings, but also fish suffer following figures, with which population limits
from stress. Aquarium fish, especially, can be are set according to the quantity of water per
exposed to many kinds of stress. The cause fish length:
usually is environmental.
Stress factors for fish in an aquarium are: Amount of Water
frequent fluctuations in water temperature; wa­ per 1 cm of Fish
ter chemistry alien to the species placed in it; Fish Size Length
chemical substances (fertilizer, medication); under 2 cm 1 liter
polluted water; crowding; water saturated with 2 to 5 cm 1.5 liters
excrement; improper diet; transfers; moving, 6 to 9 cm 2 liters
overly strong water circulation; and quarantine 10 to 13 cm 3 liters
in unsuitable tanks. A fish's fear also is a 14 cm and over 4 liters
stress factor that should not be underesti­
mated. Frequent handling, netting, or even When setting up a tank with young fish, the
your own rapid movement by the tank can trig­ calculation should be based upon the antici�
ger anxiety. lntraspecific fighting for a place in pated adult length, of course. With these
the pecking order means intense stress for the guidelines, a good filtering system, and regular
inferior fish if the tank is too small and hiding changes of water, metabolic wastes will not
refuges too few. Extreme stress can lead to seriously burden the water, unless you sys­
shock and death of the fish. tematically overfeed. Beware of those aquar­
Fish are often exposed to stress from sub­ ium fish foods that claim "doesn't cloud the
stances in the water. For a certain period of water." All foods cloud the water if uneaten ...
time a fish can maintain its homeostasis (body and most foods cloud the water after they've
equilibrium) by adapting to the changing fac­ been eaten if the fish don't digest them. If your
tors. When this is no longer possible, a state tank gets cloudy, change the fish food and
of exhaustion sets in, ending in death. Wede­ feed less.
meyer (1970, 1974) was able to demonstrate
that stress directly weakens resistance to in­ 2.2. Prevention of Diseases
fections. The result is often an outbreak of dis­ To keep fish in an aquarium healthy and to
ease caused by latent stages of parasites or provide for their long life, the guidelines in this
by organisms in the aquarium (Chapter 6). chapter must be taken to heart so as to pre­
Overpopulation severely stresses the inhabi­ vent disease and, by the appropriate means,
tants of the aquarium. Even with good filtra­ avoid introduction of diseases. Therefore, new
tion, the water is increasingly polluted with the arrivals should be quarantined before introduc­
accumulation of wastes. The fish get in each tion into the aquarium (Chapter 2.4}. Use sev­
other's way and lack sufficient hiding places. A eral catch-nets, ideally a separate one for
guideline for the optimal population of a tank is each tank. A bucketful of concentrated disin­
often quoted as five liters of water per fish (1 fectant solution serves for the sterilization of
liter = 1.06 quart). Therefore, a 100-liter used nets and other items that come into con­
aquarium can house 20 fish. Large or small tact with aquarium water (Chapter 10, sub­
fish? This kind of calculation leaves something stances D, to D6). These items should be kept
to be desired. from the bucketful of disinfectant except when
being used, but they must be rinsed off in recognition· and control, as far as is possible,
clean water before use. Neither these items of these causes are described in Chapter 9.
nor your hands should be taken out of one Diseases caused by pathogens, however, are
tank and dipped into another tank without first more frequent. Pathogens are all living organ­
disinfecting them and then rinsing them. This isms that can cause disease.
cuts down on the transmission of disease or­ If the fish act abnormally, the first step is to
ganisms from one tank to another. Nor should find out if all fish or only one species of fish or
water itself be transferred from one tank to an­ only a few fish act this way. If the symptoms
• other. Besides regular daily observation when appear within a brief period in all the fish, or if
raising young fish, sanitary check-ups should at least the more sensitive species exhibit the
be carried out at least every two weeks. This same abnormal behavior, poisoning is highly
includes primarily microscopic examination (at probable. This can be expressed in the most
50 to 200X) of fresh feces. varied ways. During and after the poisoning,
Plants that were not grown or kept in fish­ you may observe disrupted equilibrium, paral­
free tanks can bring parasites into the aquar­ ysis, twitching, cramps, darting about the tank
ium. As a rule, plants from nurseries can be at the slightest stimulus and then bumping into
considered free of disease-causing organisms. things because of a decreased sense of per­
Plants that were in contact with fish can be ception, rapid breathing, gasping for air just
disinfected in an alum solution (Chapter 1 O, under the surface of the water, fading of color­
method 04). ation, discoloration of the gills and fins, red
In summary, it should be noted that the suc­ spots on the body, whitish cloudiness of the
cessful prevention of disease depends to a skin, or increased secretion of mucus.
large extent upon how religiously the mainte­ Depending upon the kind of toxin involved,
nance is carried out and the precautionary removal of the cause may bring improvement.
measures adhered to. If a powerful toxin has affected the fish, they
Regular water changes are obligatory. It is can still succumb later, even in toxin-free wa­
better to do it often with a little water than in­ ter, from the delayed effects of the toxin.
frequently with a lot of water. Support the bio­ Recognition of poisoning is very difficult
logical self-cleansing processes in the water when only slight traces of the toxin remain in
by providing active biological filtration. The fish the water. Damage then occurs only over the
that lives under healthy conditions is in a bet­ course of time. It has been observed, for ex­
ter position to resist even the more aggressive ample, that fish died of organ damage only at
parasites. Since the aquarium represents a a mature age, while young fish were not af­
limited cosmos, adult parasites as well as their fected. At times poisoning is expressed only
larvae and free-swimming forms have a much by the sharp increase in the number of various
better chance of finding a fish than they would ectoparasites.
in the wild. Diseases caused primarily by pathogens
rarely spread quickly to the whole population
in well maintained aquariums. It is always just
a few fish that are affected first, unless the
whole tank has been newly filled with fish that
2.3. Poisoning and Disease are already diseased. The observant aquarium
Recognition of the cause of a fish disease is hobbyist soon recognizes the change in be­
the prerequisite for successful treatment. Basi­ havior of a few fish, so there is still enough
• cally, we have to differentiate between dis­ time to take countermeasures.
eases caused by pathogens and diseases In order to recognize any change in the
whose causes reside in the fish itself or in its fish's behavior as pathological, the aquarium
environment. The latter-fish and environ­ keeper must be very familiar with the lifestyle
ment-include hereditary diseases, deformi­ of his charges in a healthy state. This familiar­
ties, toxicity, injuries, and improper diet. The ity, of course, comes .only with frequent obser-
vation. Behavioral changes that reveal dis­ rangement and water quality should match, if
eases are not expressed in the same way in possible, that of the future home of the fish in
all species. Likewise, we cannot conclude the permanent aquarium. Make sure, how­
from a change in behavior that the fish has a ever, that all of the decorative items can be re­
specific disease, for a certain change in be­ moved for a short time when fish must be
havior may have one or more of many differ­ treated or caught.
ent causes. Thus, staggering along, paler or As a rule, all new additions should be kept in
darkened coloration, and clamped together quarantine for three to six weeks and their
fins are symptoms of exhaustion and extreme well-being checked daily. Three weeks is the
malaise possibly associated with internal dam­ minimum time to quarantin e fish that were
age. Likewise, extremely high or low pH val­ raised in aquaria, for the development of many
ues, heat, cold, and lack of oxygen could be parasites can take two weeks before reaching
the causes. Swimming on the side, disequilib­ a stage at which the signs of a disease be­
rium, "standing on the head," and turning over come apparent. Five to six weeks are appro­
suggest severe damage caused by an infec­ priate for fish captured in the wild and fish
tion of the brain, air bladder, or labyrinth (or­ raised in ponds, which often harbor unrecog­
gan of balance), or they can indicate the termi­ nized parasites. During this time, transfer
nal stage of a disease. some water from the aquarium into the quar­
Refusal of food, associated with standing antine tank to start adapting the new fish to
apart from the other fish, timidity, darkening, the microflora and microfauna of their future
and holes in the fins suggest intestinal endo­ home. The second function of the quarantine
parasites. If a fish does not react and is ex­ tank is that of a hospital tank for fish sus­
tremely lethargic, it may be affected with blood pected of being diseased. They can be ob­
flagellates. served for quite some time there without jeop­
Bacterial infections of various internal or­ ardizing the other fish in the aquarium.
gans lead to lethargy, fading of colors, staying Diseases that are recognized late are diffi­
apart from the others, darkening, refusal to cult to treat. If the whole fish population should
feed, inflamed anus, slimy feces, often breath­ perish due to an epidemic, it is advisable to
ing rapidly, and pale gills. thoroughly disinfect both the aquarium and the
If the fish rub against decorations and plants quarantine tank. Destroy the plants. With pa­
and twitch their fins vigorously or fold them to­ thogens higher on the evolutionary scale than
gether, then ectoparasites are affecting them. bacteria and viruses, disinfection of plants with
Spreading of the opercula, associated with alum (Chapter 10, method 04) can be consid­
rubbing and frequent, rapid protrusion of the ered. Decorative items, roots, rocks, gravel,
mouth, indicates gill worms. Rapid breathing, and filter contents should be boiled one hour,
however, is not a definite symptom of gill without counting the warm-up time. Sterilize
worms. The cause can also be a toxin in the the empty aquarium and the non-bailable ob­
water, lack of oxygen, improper pH, or another jects with a strong potassium permanganate
stressful factor. (See diagnostic charts in solution as per o,. K, 0• Let the fitter run without
Chapter 1.) substrate so the container, pump, and tubing
are disinfected at the same time. Set up the
aquarium again after all the parts, including
the tank, are thoroughly rinsed. Fill the filter
with new substrate or the old, boiled substrate.
2.4. Quarantine and Disinfection After starting up, the filter again needs a run­
A quarantine tank should be part of every ning-in time of six weeks until adequate num­
serious aquarium keeper's equipment. It does bers of bacteria have built up.
not have to be very large, as long as it is ade­
quate for the size and number of the fish to be
observed in it (see under 2.2). The interior ar-
2.5. Examination of Living Fish
When a fish falls sick and poisoning of the
1. Protocol number:------ -
water can be eliminated as a possible cause, 2. Date:-----------
immediately transfer the fish to the quarantine 3. Species:----------
tank. Examination begins with observation 4. Sex:------------
(Charts 1 to 4); a definite time every day must 5. Origin/Owner:--------
be devoted to it. Any irregularities observed
must be recorded so that later on the whole 6. How Long Kept:-------
course of the disease can be documented. 7. Water volume:--------
Protocols such as the one presented below 8. Population density:------

simplify the work and save time. You can pre­
pare a master typewritten original and then
9. Filtration:----------
make photocopies. These protocols can be 10. Water values:--------
kept for future reference. The form should also 11. Feed/Diet:---------
contain the "patient's" history, behavior, date 12. Number dead:--------
of last water change, chemical quality of the 13. At what intervals did they die?
water, last feeding, etc. The following key
words can be modified according to individual 14. In what species were the deaths?
needs. (The layman should not, under any cir­
cumstances, examine venomous fish!) 15. Behavior of sick fish:-----
Behavioral changes usually appear in an ad­ 16. Preventive measures:-----
vanced stage of disease, so that immediate 17. Any treatment attempted:----
treatment of the fish is called for. For that, trap 18. Examination of the live fish
the fish in a net against the wall of the aquar­
ium and examine its skin closely with a magni­ B. COLOR:__________
fying glass (Charts 5 and 6). The larger para­ C. SKIN SMEAR:------ --
sites, like the carp louse and /chthyophthirius, 0. FIN SMEAR:---------
are easily recognized. Further examination re­ E. GILL SMEAR:---------
quires that the fish be lifted briefly out of the F. FECE$: __________
water. The ocular reflex can now be tested. As 19. Autopsy
shown in Photograph No. 36, the fish at­
A. SKIN SMEAR:---------
tempts, when rotated around the long axis, to B. FIN FRAGMENTS:-------
keep looking horizontally, so rolls its eyes to C. SCALES: __________
D. BLOOD:__________
36. Healthy fish keep their eyes horizontal when the body E. GILLS:___________
is rotated around the long axis.
F. BODY CAVITY: ________
G. LIVER: ___________
1. STOMACH: _ ________
J. INTESTINES:---------
K. SPLEEN:----------
L. HEART: __________
M. GONADS:__________
N. AIR BLADDER:--------
0. KIDNEYS:----------
P. BRAIN:___________
20. Diagnosis:----------
21. Therapy:- ----- ----
22. Therapeutic success:-----
counteract being held on its side. If its eyes re­ of the specimen on the slide (Chapter 11.4),
main in a normal relationship to its body, then and even then, if the microscopic specimen
it is affected with a labyrinth problem. becomes too thick it becomes too dense to
In large fish, the tail reflex can be tested. For see.
that test, hold the front part of the fish out of Further examination is best carried out on
the water but in the normal swimming position. anesthetized fish (see Chapter 1O, C20 for use
A fish that is still vigorous can hold its tail hori­ of anesthesia), especially when lifting the
zontal, but a weaker one lets the tail droop. operculum to take a gill smear; otherwise the
With a dissecting microscope, the skin can fish wriggles so much that you can easily in­
.... be carefully examined at 1OX, 20X, and 30X, jure the gills. A fish can die from gill hemor­
rhages. Besides, the fish should be spared
but take care that the fish are not kept out of
water too tong-three minutes maximum, if any unnecessary torment. As a rule, gill
possible. To keep the fish from flopping off the smears should be taken during every exami­
table during any other examinations, wrap the nation because many parasites can be found
fish in wet cotton cloth, but even then the time in this protected area.
out of water should not exceed three minutes. Once the fish is wrapped in a wet cqtton
Various parts of the body can be uncovered cloth, the gill area can be uncovered. Hold the
for examination and the taking of biopsy mate­ fish's head firmly with the palm of the left
rial. For that, run a scraper or knife lightly from hand, with the thumb and little finger hold the
the anterior to the posterior end of the area posterior area, and with the right palm hold the
being tested to accumulate some slime. Take tail. With the fingernail of the ring finger or
smears from the caudal peduncle, the angles forefinger of the left hand, lift the opercutum
formed at the bases of the pectoral fins, and while leaving the thumb and forefinger of the
the opercuta (Photograph No. 37). Mix the right hand free to hold a small magnifying
glass, forceps, or a pipette. Such a procedure,
of course, is only possible with fish that are at
least 10 cm (4 in) long. Use a magnifying
glass to check the gill filaments for color and
large parasites (Chart 7).
Any parasites found can be picked off with
finely pointed forceps and prepared for micro­
scopic examination (Chapter 11.6). Then ob­
tain a smear from the gills. Be very careful be­
37. Smears are taken from flanks, opercula and angles cause they can be more easily damaged than
between pectorals and body. skin.
Another way of obtaining gill parasites is to
slime obtained from every smear separately hold a glass pipette (with its sharp tip melted
with a drop.of water on a separate microscope a bit to make it blunt) on the gill arches and
slide and cover with a cover slip (Chapter aspirate; all insecurely anchored parasites will
11.4). Wipe the scraper (spatula) clean each be loosened and sucked up into the pipette,
time you scrape it over the fish. Now examine from which they can be transferred to a micro­
the mounts at 25X to SOX magnification. Large scope slide and then looked for at 1OOX.
parasites will be easy to see. If higher magnifi­ Even if the preceding methods were suc­
• cation is necessary, press the cover slip lightly cessful, the feces should also be examined
with the point of a dissecting needle and blot (Chart 8). A fecal fragment may be obtained
up (with blotter or filter paper) the water that is by repeatedly applying short, light squeezes to
squeezed out at the sides of the cover slip. the abdomen. Transfer the feces to a micro­
This is necessary because at high magnifica­ scope slide, swirl in a drop of water, and ex­
tion a thick mount would require refocusing at amine at 1OOX. Protoopalina and worms can
many levels to get from the top to the bottom now be seen. To see small objects such as
worm eggs and flagellates, switch to 200-400X high or -low, overburdening of certain organs
magnification. Keep the cover slip very close (such as goose liver pate), and keeping in­
to the slide (by removing water with a blotter) compatible animals together.
to prevent overlayering of microscopic objects, The killing of vertebrates is prohibited, ex­
which makes the slide too opaque to see cept for food and to put incurably damaged
through (Chapter 11.4). animals out of their misery. You must possess
Parasites that are· not discovered by the the required knowledge and skill before being
methods described above are not numerous allowed to kill an animal. The killing must be
.. enough to present any danger to the fish. That painfree and, when applicable, should be per­
could quickly change, however, if environmen­ formed with the animal under anesthesia.
tal and stress factors change. It is advisable to As a rule, young animals may not be killed.
examine the feces of aquarium fish periodi­ An exception is allowed when breeding fish­
cally, even if there is no disease suspected. deformed fry or those exhibiting degenerative
Wait until a fish defecates, then pipette the fe­ signs must be eliminated. These defective fry
ces up with a long pipette before it reaches the can be caught, sacrificed, and dissected for
bottom of the tank. If the fecal thread hangs examination, thus lending some measure of
from the anus longer than ten minutes, it is control over the health of the fish and protect­
limited in usefulness as a specimen, for many ing the aquarium hobbyist from bad surprises
living parasites have already abandoned it. In such as sudden epidemics. Fish being raised
addition, scavenger organisms (which the lay­ in captivity and living in large schools are es­
man may think are parasites) soon begin to pecially prone to massive parasitic attacks.
decompose the feces (Chapters 6.4.6 and
A head or neck incision is the most rapid
11.4, as well as Photographs Nos. 87, 88, 89, way to dispatch a fish. Use scissors or a
.and 111 to 115). Many fish cannot defecate pointed scalpel to cut quickly and deeply be­
completely and for hours drag around a fecal
hind the eyes and down to the upper edge of
thread-often whitish and slimy-that grows the operculum. This immediately destroys the
longer and longer. This indicates a serious in­
brain. If the brain is needed for study, cut
testinal disease, often a flagellate infection or
somewhat further behind and sever the verte­
enteritis (Chapter 6 and 9).
bral column. After cutting into the neck, wait a
2.6. Humane Sacrificing of Fish few minutes until the brain has died and the
Occasionally fish become so seriously ill that head does not perceive any more stimuli. If
recuperation seems impossible. In such a you are not yet skilled or do not trust yourself
case it is more humane to quickly and pain­ in cutting quickly and deeply enough, then the
le�sly sacrifice (a euphemism for "kill") the fish fish can be heavily anesthetized beforehand.
than to let it slowly die. It is unworthy of an ani­ Once breathing is no longer apparent and the
mal lover to flush living fish down the toilet or fish floats belly up, the anesthesia is deep
to douse them with boiling water, both meth­ enough so it will not feel the incision. As a
ods condemning the fish to a horrible death. rule, the humane procedure is to administer an
A brief consideration of animal protection overdose of anesthesia (Chapter 10, C20) and
laws on the Continent is appropriate here. then make certain with a neck incision.
Most laws require that animals be maintained Dissection is appropriate when a fish is visi­
(that is, those that are allowed to be main­ bly diseased but nothing is revealed from
tained in captivity) as befits their species, with smears and fecal examination and no cure
appropriate care and diet. No suffering, inju­ can be expected. Fish that die on their own
ries, or pain may be inflicted upon the captive are suitable for dissection only if they have not
animal. Injury means physical and non-physi­ remained in the aquarium for more than 20
cal abuse, including starvation and overfeed­ minutes, otherwise many parasites will have
ing. Suffering means all lessening of well-be­ escaped. Skin flagellates and gill worms, es­
ing, such as overexcitement, overly restricted pecially, soon abandon the cadaver. Freshly
movement, hunger, temperatures that are too dead fish can be refrigerated without water in
a plastic bag for several hours if immediate
dissection is not feasible. In this case, even
the little water which collects in the plastic bag
should be examined for parasites.

2.7. Shipment of Diseased Fish

For many aquarium keepers, the expense of
examining fish is too high or they have not as
yet mastered this book. There are federal and
local government laboratories, however, that
might help. Telephone first to ask for packing
and shipping instructions. In general, place the
fish alone in a plastic bag filled half with air
and half with water, then pack that in a well­
insulated cardboard box. Ship by air express
or by another means if faster in your area.
Shipment in formalin (formaldehyde solution)
or in alcohol is irrational, for the internal or­
gans are often already decomposed by the
time the fixative has penetrated into them. It is
more rational to remove gill arches, spleen,
gallbladder, and fragments of the fins, kidney,
liver, intestines, and musculature, then pack
each separately in a small vial containing the
fixative solution described in Chapter 11.8
(E1 ). The vials are then packed so they are
breakproof and leakproof and shipped. Even
like this, many protozoan parasites will hardly
still be demonstrable. Send with the specimen
all the paperwork that goes with it, including
changes in behavior, coloration, and way of
swimming, and the last food ingested and
quantity. Also describe if any fish died re­
cently, and, if so, how many and at what inter­
vals. Send a water sample when toxicity is
Chapter 3

3.1. Dissection Instruments moved about in the cell plasma upon neural
To professionally dissect and examine fish, stimulus. When a stimulus occurs, the gran­
a basic set of instruments is needed: ules concentrate themselves at one point in
Scissors the cell and the color appears diluted. If no
Dissecting needles other stimuli occur, the granules distribute
Forceps or "tweezers" themselves uniformly throughout the cell
Scalpel plasma and the color reappears (Photograph
Spatulas No. 39). If the color-controlling nerve to one
Dissection tray part of the body is crushed or clamped off, col­
Strong magnifying glass oration becomes very intense in that part of
A strong pair of scissors with both a pointed the body (Photograph No. 5, Chart 4).
and a blunt tip is needed to kill moderate sized The epidermis, which covers the scales and
fish and to dissect larger fish. Small straight pigment cells, consists of two or more cell lay­
scissors and also a small curved pair with ers in which are found many slime-producing
pointed tips for dissecting the smaller fish and secretory cells. The skin of the fish can be at­
internal organs are also suggested. Two to tacked by many kinds of parasites and other
three dissecting needles are needed, one with pathogens, so skin smears should be taken
a lancet tip for teasing apart organ parts and once more even before dissecting a dead fish
transferring smaller fragments. Three forceps (Chart 5).
are needed during dissection, one straight and With the dead fish, you can proceed some­
pointed at the tips, one angled at the tips, and what more roughly. Scrape the mucosa with a
the third hooked at the end. The scalpel vertically held scalpel back and transfer the
should have changeable blades. There should smear to a water drop on a microscope slide.
be two or three spatulas of different sizes. Likewise, large fragments of the fins can be
The dissection tray is a 2-cm-high pan or snipped off and scales can be plucked out.
photographic darkroom tray about 20 x 15 cm. Healthy skin does not yield much for smears,
It is filled with wax into which pins can be exhibits clearly recognizable edges when ex­
stuck to hold the fish during autopsy. The wax amined under low power, and breaks up only
can be prepared by melting down old candles after more than ten minutes (Photograph No.
and adding 1o to 15% bee's wax. After the 38). With diseased skin, large numbers of cells
mixture is poured and cools, it forms a very break loose even during dissection (Photo­
smooth surface upon which the specimen can graph No. 23, Chart 10).
be pinned (such as when pinning back a flap
of skin). Flat sardine cans 1 to 3 cm high also 3.3. Blood
can be used as dissecting trays. A fish that becomes lethargic, fails to show
any flight reflex, grows skinny, and whirls
3.2. Skin around continually raises the suspicion that it
Fish skin consists of three layers: the epider­ is affected with blood flagelattes (Chapter
mis on the outside, the dermis next, then the 6.1.1). When blood is to be examined, do not
hypodermis or underskin. The dermis contains kill the fish by the neck incision method or the
the scales, which grow out of it and are at­ artery may be severed, making it impossible to
tached more or less firmly. Large numbers of drain any more blood for study. Instead, snip
pigment cells (chromatophores) are present in off the tail fin at the root (heavily anesthetize
the dermis. These cells often are provided with the fish) and collect the blood droplets on a
long branches or processes and contain large microscope slide. If possible, do not use the
numbers of tiny pigment granules that can be first drops as a specimen. In smaller fish, how-
-- • - - • r,_- - -· ...,


38. A mucosa! specimen, from a young Discus, prepared

as a smear. The border of the healthy mucosa is clearly

ever, only a single drop may be available. Kill ahead of the blood sample, so that the cover
the fish with a neck incision immediately after slip leans over the blood (that is, the blood is
collection of the blood sample. between the two legs of the 60° angle}. Now
Mix the blood sample with some physiologi­ move the cover slip back just slightly so it con­
cal saline (0.64%), not water (Chapter 10.2, tacts the blood drop. Then push the cover slip
method C12}. Hold one edge of the cover slip (still at 60 °) along the slide, pulling the blood
at approximately 60° to the slide and touch the with it. This spreads the blood in a thin film
lower edge down on the slide just at the edge (but some practice helps!). Lower the cover
of the blood sample. Hold (at about a 60° an­ slip slowly and the blood sample spreads out
gle) one edge of the cover slip to the slide, just bubble-free. Be sure the blood sample is small

39. Two pigment cells of the mucosa: the right is ex­

panded, the left is contracted.
40. Stain E10 makes the nuclei of the blood cells stand

enough, otherwise the film will be too thick dition of the gills and look for parasitic
(Chart 9). The rapidly motile flagellates can be crustaceans. Small, 1-mm-long, white elon­
observed at 200 to 400X. Any blood obtained gated structures that easily come off can be
from the excised gill arches can also be exam­ Ergasilus sieboldi copepods (Chapter 8.2).
ined for flagellates. Yellowish white modules on the gill filaments
To examine the blood cells more closely, are caused by sporozoans (Chapter 6.3). The
add one part methylene blue (Loeffler) to four surface of the gill filaments is enlarged by
parts by volume of physiological saline. You sickle-shaped gill lamellae in which gaseous
can proceed with staining of the slide exactly exchange occurs. The lamellae are parallel to
as described (E,0). The cell nucleus of the the gill arches. Their development depends
blood cell slowly stains blue, which can be upon the size and kind of fish. Dissect out two
nicely observed under the microscope (Photo­ gill arches, place one in water on a micro­
graph No. 40). Most of the cells found in the scope slide, then dissect several filaments
blood are red blood corpuscles (erythrocytes), from the other arch, and do the same with
and only a very few are white blood corpus­ them (Chart 10). The first mount is thicker and
cles (leukocytes). Fish erythrocytes contain opaque because the gill arches cannot be
nuclei, but mammalian erythrocytes do not. squashed flat, but this procedure is still useful
Unstained mounts do not show the nuclei of because gill worms, which attach themselves
the fish erythrocytes or show them only faintly. only to the bases of the gill filaments, do not
A successful slide mount shows the erythro­ show up with the second procedure. The sec­
cytes lying flat next to one another. Cells ond mount, which is thin enough to look at un­
standing on edge look like dumbells. der high power, can be examined for gill
worms, Oodinium, lchthyophthirius, and fungal
3.4. Gills hyphae.
The gills will now be thoroughly examined.
Cut off the operculum with an opercular inci­
sion to lay the gill arches open. The bony gil_l
arches (holobranchia) from which the gill fila­
ments branch off (Photograph No. 4) are ex­
posed (Chart 7). First check the color and con-

41. Healthy gills are recognized by their bright red color

and by their not sticking together.

3.5. Dissection The next cut, the lateral incision, begins at

For dissection or autopsy lay the dead fish in the same place the first (abdominal) incision
the wax-bottomed tray and stabilize it by push­ began, but goes in an arc over the side of the
ing a pin through the base of the tail and down fish and ends at the upper corner of the oper­
into the wax. Do the same through the dorsal culum. Again, be careful not to cut too deeply
musculature. A small pair of sharp-tipped scis­ beyond the body wall, or the air bladder could
sors is used to cut open fish that measure less be torn. The body wall can now be lifted like a
than 10 centimeters (4 in) long. Insert one flap and laid back over the head, exposing the
point of the scissors into the belly just before internal organs (Photograph No. 43).
me anus and cut the belly open, going along Adhesions that interfere with lifting the flap
::>etween the ventral or the pectoral fins and to­ of body wall can be teased away carefully with
,;ard the head (Photograph No. 42). Be care­ a spatula. If the abdominal wall is too tough to
'"J to cut only along the abdominal wall, not pierce before the anus, then a tip of the scis­
:x>ing any damage to the organs and intes­ sors can be inserted directly into the anus to
�':8S within the body cavity. This abdominal or begin the incision. In that case, however, be
entral incision continues to the gills. aware that the rectum or colon will be cut, let­
ting intestinal bacteria gain access to the body
With these incisions, bleeding is normally
�z. �utopsy, showing 1. Ventral incision. 2. Lateral lnci­ minimal. The two incisions are connected by a
'SCr 3. Opercular incision. 4. Cranial incision.
• third incision-the opercular incision-running
across the operculum to connect the end of
the first two incisions, allowing the skin flap to
be completely detached. Now the internal or­
gans can be examined for color and condition
(Chart 11).
Photographs Nos. 43 and 44 show the ap­
proximate positions of the organs. Keep in
mind, however, that the size and position of
organs may vary from species to species.
- - - ..__ ------- - -- � - -

43. Body cavity with organs. Air bladder and liver have
been removed.

Cleanliness is rule number one during the pharmacy or made at home (Chapter 10.2,
autopsy of fish. To eliminate the chance of method 050). Many prefer to wear thin latex
transmitting pathogens while working with dis­ gloves during an autopsy.
eased fish, there must be no eating, drinking, Removal of the left body wall flap exposes
or smoking. Furthermore, take care not to the liver in most fish species (Photographs
wound yourself with any contaminated instru­ Nos. 45 and 46). Observe first whether any
ments. In 1976, Lauer demonstrated that fish fluid has collected in the body cavity. Check
tuberculosis bacteria can cause skin lesions in the gross (i.e., overall) appearance and condi­
man (but they cannot cause systemic tubercu­ tion of the visible organs and whether any are
losis). Wash your hands thoroughly with soap bleeding. Prepare a slide of any fluid found in
and scrub your fingernails with a nailbrush af­ the body cavity, cover with a cover slip, and
ter the autopsy. Some workers even disinfect examine at 200, 400, and 600X, at which mag­
their hands with solutions obtained from a nifications flagellates and blood cells can be
easily seen.

44. Position of the organs. Position and shape of the or­

gans can vary from species to species.

3.6. Liver
A normal liver is usually dark red (Photo­
graph No. 45). The livers of herbivorous fish
may appear brownish (Photograph No. 46). A
teased specimen of a healthy liver shows a
uniformly yellow mass often containing blood
vessels (Photograph No. 47). A whitish or
milky specimen indicates a pathological fatty
condition. Under the microscope, the fat ap­
pears as small fluid spheres with dark edges
.- ·:.
•. .. .. ....... ·�,..i,r
- .. ·-=- • . -• � -

45. The color of a healthy liver is

intensely dark red.

46. The liver of complete vegetarians

can be brownish.

47. Healthy liver of a young discus
Squash mount.
3.7. The Gallbladder
The gallbladder is transparent and filled with
green fluid (Photograph No. 50). It is attached
to the liver, and its bile duct joins it to the ante­
rior segment of the intestine. Take care in dis­
secting it out, for its thin wall tears easily,
pouring the bile into the body cavity. To pre­
vent that, when removing the gallbladder take
it out along with the adjacent pieces of liver
and intestine. Once it is on a slide, the gall­
bladder can be separated from the other or­
gans. If it is damaged there, no great harm is
done. Remove the other organ parts and
cover with a cover slip. Examine at 100 to
300X for flagellates and worm larvae, and at
600X for bacteria (Chart 13).

48. Fat droplets expressed by squeezing a fatty liver. 3.8. Spleen

The spleen can be seen after pulling apart
the intestinal coils. The spleen of many fish is
very small, with a color range from dark red to
reddish black. The teased specimen under the
(Photograph No. 48). Examine the slide for microscope looks light red, interspersed with
flagellates and cysts (such as tuberculosis, lighter circular areas (Photograph No. 51).
lchthyophonus, sporozoans) (Chart 12). A yel­ The scattered yellow brownish clumps of cells
low or yellowish brown liver (Photograph No. are masses of macrophages that remove
49) is not capable of functioning much longer. aging red blood cells from the blood. The
The cells die off slowly, leading predictably to spleen is intensely perfused with blood and
the fish's death. thus usually is involved first when pathogens
enter the bloodstream. Check the tissue for
pathologic changes (Chart 15). The surface of
the spleen exhibits white nodules when the
49. Severe fatty liver and body cavity. fish is affected with tuberculosis or lchthyo­

3.9. Intestines and Stomach·

Particular care is needed whenever dissect­
ing the intestines. The stomach in many spe­
cies is somewhat thicker than the rest of the
intestinal tract and is located anteriorly behind
a short esophagus. The stomach is not as dis­
tinct in fish as in mammals, and in many fish it
is not visibly distinct from the anterior intes­
tines. As an examination specirnen, three 1-
centimeter lengths are cut, one from the ante­
rior end, one from the middle, and one from
the posterior end. The contents of each length
are pressed out separately, each in a drop of

50. The gall bladder is transparent and filled with green­

ish viscous fluid. In this case, it is pathologically en­

0.64% physiological saline on each of three apart with two dissecting needles to expose
separate slides (Photograph No. 52). Watch the content. Examine at various magnifications
'or lesions and cysts in the intestinal wall to find worms, worm eggs, flagellates, and
Chart 14). Red, bloody areas are inflamm­ cysts. Bacteria that are part of the normal in­
ations that can be due to improper diet (Photo­ testinal flora usually do not exhibit any move­
graph No. 29), but can also be due to bacterial ment of their own. Even motile bacteria are
nfections. rather harmless as long as they do not appear
The thin, transparent intestines of smaller in large numbers.
•· sh are placed whole on the slide and teased

51. Squash mount of a healthy spleen.

52. Healthy intestines. Folds in the intestinal wall are

3.1o. Gonads In discus (Symphysodon) a new form of air

Diseases rarely involve the sexual organs. bladder disease has recently been observed.
Examine them for fat accumulation and sperm The fish loses some of the gases in the air
retention. Sporozoan or tubercular cysts are bladder, so it can no longer stay afloat (that is,
occasionally found in the tissues {Chart 15). in mid-water), but sinks to the bottom and just
The sexual organs are very rarely attacked by lies there. The cause is an inflammation of the
nematodes. Injury of the organ tissue during oval organ or orifice in the anterior ventral
autopsy of male specimens causes release of area of the air bladder (Photograph No. 30).
sperm into the body cavity, finally showing up Passage of gaseous matter through the oval
in slides or other organ tissues and fluids from organ into the bloodstream is controlled by a
the body cavity. An inexperienced microsco­ circular muscle (a sphincter). In cases of in­
pist can easily mistake the rapidly motile flammation this orifice may not close, thus let­
sperm cells for flagellates. ting the contents of the air bladder escape. In
the opposite case, the oval orifice may not
open, thus keeping the fish hanging head
3.11. Air Bladder down Just under the surface of the water,
In most fish, the air (or gas or swim) bladder where it has to constantly fan with its fins so
is whitish in color and elastic. Check the walls as not to tip over. Gases are introduced into
for point hemorrhages and thickened areas the air bladder at another place by means of a
(Chart 16). Small, round inclusion bodies in gas gland called a rete mirabile, which is not
the air bladder wall suggest the presence of affected in this disease. Method C26 has
Eimeria (Chapter 6.3.1), but flagellates and yielded good therapeutic results.
worms can also attack there. In cases of se­
vere inflammation of the air bladder, examina­ 3.12. Heart
tion may reveal purulent, bloody fluid. That Is The heart, which often continues to beat
often caused by transfer of fish into colder wa­ long after a fish's death, is examined when
ter; even an abrupt drop of 3 to 5°C in temper­ there is suspicion of metacercariae, lchthyo­
ature is sufficient to cause it. Shifting of ab­ phonus, or tuberculosis (Chart 15). In such
dominal organs in fish that are kept too cold is cases, pale nodules are found in the heart
often caused by an inflammation of the air wall. In a teased or macerated specimen,
bladder. small cysts are easily recognized.

53. In many aquarium fish, the posterior kidney is a nar­

row strip between the vertebral column and air bladder.

3.13. Kidneys that thickens anteriorly behind the head,

In bony fish, blood is formed primarily in the where it forms the head kidney. In many spe­
kidneys. Therefore, a large number of all types cies the head and posterior kidneys are clearly
of blood cells are seen in kidney specimens. separated from one another. The kidney is
Generally, the kidney can be reached only af­ blood-red in health, but grayish white when
ter the air bladder is removed (Photograph No. diseased.
53). The kidney is differentiated into an ante­ Examine the posterior kidney for swellings
rior or head kidney and a posterior kidney. In and cysts of tuberculosis and lchthyophonus
smaller fish the posterior kidney often is only a (Chart 17). A well-made teased preparation
narrow red strip under the vertebral column shows, amid the interstitial tissue, the renal tu-

54. Squash mount of posterior kidney.

bules (Photograph No. 54), which originate as
a thickening containing blood vessels. This
thickening is called a Malpighian body (or cor­
puscle) or a glomerulus. Urine collects there
and passes via the uriniferous tubules to the
ureter. The constantly beating cilia of the cili­
ated cells in the Malpighian body flush-really
sweep-the urine on its way. These cilia can
be seen only in well-made slides and should
not be confused with bacteria. The interstitial
.. tissue looks yellow to yellow-brown and con­
tains many blood capillaries and lymphocytes.
3.14. Brain
The brain rarely becomes diseased, but tu­
berculosis and lchthyophonus cysts are often
found in it. It is exposed by a skull or cranial
incision (Chart 18). Take a small sample of the
white mass and tease it apart in the usual
manner on a glass slide. Under the micro­
scope, the specimen is a uniformly white mass
interspersed with small, irregular blood vessel
(Photograph No. 55).

55. Squash mount of brain substance.

56. Squash mount of muscle.

3.1.5. Musculature
Muscles consist of adjacent but not con­
nected muscle fibers and connective tissue.
Samples are cut from the flank of the dorsal
musculature and teased out to prepare a slide
(Photograph No. 56). Examine the slide for
cestode (tapeworm) and nematode (round­
worm) larvae, as well as for sporozoa, myco­
bacteria, and lchthyophonus (Chart 18). Cysts
of many kinds of bacteria destroy the 'tissue,
causing large lesions in the muscles. Dissect
away the lesion so it is not confused with a
sporozoan cyst. Then tease apart a sample of
it for mounting on a slide. Prepare fresh
mounts of the fluid contents in order to see
whether motile or immotile bacteria are pres­
ent. Stain thin smears or squash mounts ac­
cording to methods E1 and Ea,
Chapter 4
Viral and Bacterial Diseases

4.1. Purely Viral Diseases firmed only in instiMions with the proper facili­
The word virus-Latin for slime, juice, or poi­ ties. Viruses are usually recognized along with
son-was for a long time the general name for the symptomatology of each disease they
any kind of pathogen. Today the name virus is cause. Lymphocystis is certainly the best
restricted to pathogenic particles that are so known viral fish disease (Photograph No. 15,
small that they pass through filters that hold Chart 5). This dis�ase often appears first on
bacteria. Viruses live on borrowed life, for they the fins, but then spreads over the whole
are too small to maintain any metabolism of body, eventually killing the fish. Lymphocystis
their own. They consist only of a chemical infections can easily be seen with the naked
shell that contains a genetic molecule (ANA). eye, since the virus causes the skin cells to
If the virus touches a cell, it attaches itself grow abnormally large (Photograph No. 57).
firmly to the wall and injects its ANA into the The often whitish clumps of cells commonly
cell. The viral ANA then takes over the cellular resemble small clutches of eggs adhering to
metabolism, forcing it to produce new viruses, the skin, but sometimes only a few cells may
which often destroy the cell. appear over the whole area of the body. The
Viruses are too small to see with an optical skin feels rough when stroked. Internal organs
microscope, so their presence can be con- are rarely affected. Lymphocystls is transmit­
ted predominantty via the contents of burst
cells. The behavior of any fish affected by it
57. Squash mounted cells affected with Lymphocystis. does not reveal any adverse effects. Treat­
Size: 120-250u. ment can be successful when the disease is
• recognized early enough. Upon early recogni­
tion, cut the affected part out of the fin and iso­
late the victim under optimal conditions. Con­
tinue to treat any open wounds like injuries
(Chapter 10, method Pv. or C1). It is more hu­
mane to painlessly put severely affected fish
out of their misery and destroy them. Fish
which appear to be otherwise healthy must be
observed 60 days in quarantine. When fre­
quent outbreaks occur, quarantine the remain­
ing healthy fish and disinfect the aquarium ac­
cording to method 01 i 03, or 05 (Chapter
The throat swellings often observed in black
mollies have also been ascribed to the effect
of viruses (Schaeperclaus, 1954). They are
difficult to differentiate from thryoid swellings
(Chapter 9.1 ). Other diseases, too, are possi­
bly caused by viruses. Viral diseases that oc­
cur in economically useful fish possibly also
occur in similar or somewhat different forms in
aquarium fish. Since this is still a little-explored
area, it is possible that diseases of unknown
origin may be caused by viruses.
Once a fish is infected, it releases large
numbers of bacteria, exposing its tankmates to
the disease, which is often characterized by
the discharge of large amounts of fluid into the
body cavity. In many cases, the belly of the
fish looks as if it were bloated to the bursting
point. Skin lesions, too, can appear, as well as
small vesicles along the lateral line (Photo­
graph No. 14, Chart 5). The fish often rock
back and forth just under the surface of the
water and lack their flight reflex or else exhibit
it only to a very limited extent. The ocular re­
flex also is weaker. The anus is often inflamed
and sometimes puffed out. Fins clamp to­
gether. If an affected kidney reaches the ad­
vanced stage, then anemia causes the gills to
become pale. Usually pop-eye (exophthalmos)
also occurs. Intestinal mucosa sloughs off and
is eliminated, so dissection reveals a transpar­
ent, glassy intestinal wall. The fluid in the body
cavity is clear, but often yellowish or bloody. It
can be fully liquid or viscous in consistency
(Photograph No. 24, Chart 11). The kidney is
inflamed, the liver yellow to light brown, and
the cells slough off. Sometimes many fat drop­
lets are seen in a squash preparation. The
58. Scales lifted up and popeyes in abdominal dropsy.
gallbladder is often very swollen, its contents
dark green. Many motile and immotile bacteria
are found in the liver, gallbladder, kidney, and
4.2. Abdominal Dropsy body cavity. Skeletal deformations often cause
Infectious abdominal dropsy has been ex­ spinal curvature. Treatment is possible during
tensively studied in carp. Obviously, not all the early stage. Affected fish and those sus­
experience from economic fish can be applied pected of the disease immediately should be
to aquarium fish, but there are parallels when isolated and observed.
aquarium fish are affected (Photograph
No.58). Viruses indeed infect the fish, but bac­ Abdominal dropsy of aquarium fish does not
teria are always involved, so thsit at times they involve any specific symptomatology. The
are seen as the primary cause. In aquarium above-described symptoms can appear simul­
fish, it still has not been established whether taneously or separately. It is also possible that
the signs are caused primarily by viruses or the fish become emaciated or die without any
whether a purely bacterial infection is involved. outward signs. Any bacteria found usually be­
Almost all fish species can be affected. Even long to just a few genera. As a rule, however,
without a specific host, the bacteria can re­ motile and immotile Gram-negative rods
main viable and reproduce for months in the measuring 1 to 3 microns are found in the fluid
water and mud. Since they belong to the nor­ from the body cavity, as well as in the liver,
mal bacterial flora of the tank, healthy fish can spleen, and kidney. Diagnosis requires stain­
resist them, The fish are endangered only ing with the Ziehl/Neelsen stain (Chapter 11,
when starvation, improper diet, cold, or trans­ method Ea) to eliminate the possibility of tuber­
portation stresses them, or when unsanitary culosis. Then a specimen is prepared with
conditions in the tank burden them. Gram's stain (Chapter 11, method E1).
--- - ----
- ------

For treatment, methods C2s, As, A6, and A1 finally turn white. The tissue between the fin
are suitable. Method C21 may be useful in the rays breaks apart so that the fins fray and rot
initial stage of the disease. Method C 21 is the away (Photograph No. 16, Chart 6). The
treatment of choice for prophylactic treatment bases of the fins become inflamed and red.
of the other fish from the same tank. Following The inner organs are not affected. After re­
an epidemic of abdominal dropsy, the aquar­ moval of the cause and drug treatment, re­
ium and its contents must be thoroughly disin­ growth of the fins is possible.
fected according to methods D,. Da, or Ds Smears of fin remnants show large quanti­
(Chapter 10.2). The most appropriate hygienic ties of motile, Gram-negative, rod-shaped bac­
conditions must be instituted as prophylaxis. teria. In rare cases, fungus covers the dam­
Fish whose livers or kidneys are too badly aged areas. The pathogens belong to the
damaged will die after a while despite any genera Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, and Vib­
treatment. rio. Aeromonas bacteria measure between 1
and 2.2 microns, Pseudomonas between 1
4.3. Furunculosis and 2.5 microns, and Vibrio about 1.5 microns.
Furunculosis infections have been recog­ Treatment consists of method C,, C21 , or C3•
nized in the Salmonidae (trouts and salmons) Methods Aa and A, also are very effective.
since the turn of the century. They are caused Bacterial fin rot occurs because of poor
by bacteria of the genus Aeromonas, particu­ maintenance or as a result of another disease.
larly Aeromonas salmonicida. It forms purulent Good water quality is a preventive. Oxygen
boils and lesions measuring 2 to 20 mm. The depletion, water contaminated with fecal mat­
fins become inflamed and frayed. Sometimes ter, too high a pH value, and dissolved heavy
only turbidity-either slight or severe-shows metals can encourage the disease. Treatment
on the fins. Fungal overgrowth often occurs as is successful only when the source is found
a secondary infection. and removed. In the early stage, transfer of
A second type of symptomatology involves the fish to clean water is often enough, and
small hemorrhages in the internal organs, the fins regrow.
skin, gills, fins, and musculature. The patho­
gens are transmitted when the fish ingest fecal 4.5. Vibrio Infections
matter on the cadavers of infected fish and The symptomatology of Vibrio infections has
also via skin parasites. Transmission is also been recognized for 200 years. It was from
possible when purulent matter from ruptured North Sea eels at the beginning of this century
lesions enters the water. Poor water quality that bacteria of the species Vibrio anguil/arum
fosters spread of the disease. Thorough disin­ were first isolated and identified. Since then it
fection of the aquarium is required. If relapse has become known that Vibrio infections occur
occurs several weeks after successful treat­ worldwide, predominantly in marine and brack­
ment, poor hygienic conditions in the tank may ish water fish as well as shrimps. In isolated
be the cause. The pathogens are short, Gram­ instances this pathogen has been found in
negative, immotile rod-shaped bacteria meas­ freshwater fish. In marine fish the disease of­
uring 1.7 to 2 microns. The rods often occur in ten follows only a latent course. In sensitive
pairs and chains. Treatment can be started fish whose power of resistance has been
with method C25. If no improvement occurs, re­ weakened, the disease is expressed through
sort to method As or A,. Fish that do not ex­ convulsive twitching and death. The fish may
hibit any symptoms can be treated prophylacti­ not even show any other outward signs.
cally with method C21 · Spleenic and renal swelling as well as severe
hemorrhaging in the body cavity and skin often
occur. Resistant fish, however, often show
4.4. Fin Rot only minor hemorrhages and intestinal inflam­
Bacterial fin rot is a widely occurring disease mations. Fish in all temperature zones are
that mainly affects younger fish. The disease susceptible. The pathogens can be found in
begins with turbidity of the fin margins, which any affected organs.
on the snout, on the edges of the scales, and
on the fins, which when larger give the impres­
sions of mold (Photograph No. 12, Chart 5).
The fin edges begin to disintegrate, leaving
the fin rays bare. The affected areas of skin of­
ten become covered with fungus. The gills
also can be affected, the gill filaments disinte­
grating from the tip to the gill arch. In young
fish the filaments stick together because of ex­
treme swelling of the gill epithelium and con­
siderable mucus or slime secretion. The sup­
ply of oxygen is blocked and rapid breathing is
the result. This condition often is called bacte­
rial gill disease or bacterial gill rot.
A smear of material from the affected side of
the body is taken for diagnosis or a tiny speci­
men can be cut from the fin margins. At higher
power can be seen bacteria up to 8 microns
long and 0.7 microns wide that glide along
slowly but do not possess any flagella (Photo­
graph No. 60). After a short while, some break
away and collect under the cover slip, where
many of the columnaris bacteria oscillate with
their free ends. They also clump together as
columns or piles at the margin of the inflamed
59. Columnaris bacteria form small heaps (30-35 u) at tissue areas (Photograph No. 59).
the edges of scales and fins. Bright-field photgraph.
(400X). There are two distinct forms of columnaris
disease. During the chronic course, the white
areas very gradually enlarge and the fish die
Vibrio anguillarum is a Gram-negative, very many days later. In the acute form, the white
motile flagellated bacterium. These slightly spots spread out visibly within several hours.
curved cells measure between 0.4 to 0.6 mi­ A population of more than 1 00 fish may all die
crons x 1.2 to 2 microns. The flagellum is 4 to within three days, so treatment must be insti­
6 microns long. The cells often form chains, tuted quickly. Higher water temperatures ac­
which makes them seem longer. Aquarium celerate the course of the disease. Points of
fish seldom exhibit a pure Vibrio infection, es­ attack for columnaris infections are skin
pecially in long-lasting courses, when large wounds as well as epithelial damage occa­
amounts of Pseudomonas, Aeromonas, and sioned by vitamin deficiency. Poor water qual­
cocci can be found in the various organs. ity, high ammonia concentration, and low oxy­
The disease is favored by high tempera­ gen content all contribute.
tures, overcrowded tanks, stress, noxious sub­ Treatment is possible but is only successful
stances in the water, and poor water quality. over a long period when optimal maintenance
Treatment by methods As, Ae, and A1 is usu­ conditions have been established. Various
ally, but not always, successful. methods have been used for the chronic and
acute forms. The chronic form can be treated
4.6. Columnarls Disease with method C,c, C,d, or A,. Since there is no
The cause of this relatively frequent disease time for a test in the acute form, method A2 is
in the aquarium is the bacterium Flexibacter applied at once. With methods E7 and E9, the
columnaris. At first it forms small whitish spots bacteria can be stained to differentiate them.
tion in the body cavity; emaciation along the
narrow dorsal ridge (razorback) and sunken
belly; scale loss and lifted scales; open skin le­
sions (Photograph No. 4, Chart 3); pop-eye to
the point of the eyes actually popping out; spi­
nal curvature; pale coloration; jerky swimming;
abdominal organ displacement; greatly re­
duced reactions and reflexes; loss of appetite;
and remaining apart from other fish ("standing
in the corner"). These symptoms can appear
alone or in various combinations.
After autopsy, specimens are teased apart

'' to prepare a slide mount. In severe infections,

examination with a hand lens reveals whitish
gray nodules on the liver and spleen as a de­
fensive reaction of the organism, which is at­
' tempting to surround the bacterial foci of infec­
tion with connective tissue to isolate them from
healthy tissue. Examination under the micro­
scope reveals a uniformly yellowish to light
brown content of the cysts because the con-

61. Tubercular cysts in squash mount Cyst diameter be­

tween 180 and 300u.
60. Single cclumnaris bacterium. Phase contrast photo-
graph. Bacterial length: 5-Bu.

4. 7. Pisclne Tuberculosis
As in man, tuberculosis in fish is also caused
':JY mycobacteria. It breaks out mainly during
... eakened states of health, poor living condi­
:ons, and vitamin deficiencies. Fish in heavily
:>opulated aquariums are particularly at risk.
'.�ycobacteria occur everywhere, but mostly in
·.,e bottom soil, debris, food remnants, and
:::ead fish. The disease often runs a lingering
::ourse, with some fish dying now and then
:,er several months. At other times it strikes
3S an epidemic and within a few weeks kills
·-e whole population.
The external indications of a tubercular in­
;ection vary from species to species and from
=.,e individual to another, depending upon
·-eir varying degrees of resistance. Addition­
a1y, the symptoms also show up in other dis­
sases, so they are a danger signal only when
-erified at autopsy. Symptoms could include:
: ioating of the body caused by fluid accumula-
nective tissue capsule is translucent and color­
less. The cysts easily can be confused with
lchthyophonus {see the next chapter). In con­
trast to these, the tubercular cysts are not al­
ways round. In a pronounced Mycobacterium
infection, you can usually find round, elon­
gated, and branched cysts in a squash prepa­
ration {Photograph No. 61). Confusion with
lchthyophonus is not a great problem because
neither condition can be treated. Differentia­
tion, however, is possible by staining the
squashed cysts according to method Es,
Chapter 11, revealing red-stained 1 to 5 mi­
crons x 0.2 to 0.6 micron rod-shaped bacteria
{Photograph No. 119, Chapter 11.8.7). These
organisms are immotile when alive.
Tubercular cysts often also are found in the
organs of fish that were autopsied due to
death from other diseases. Tubercular cysts
can rupture when environmental conditions
deteriorate or the fish are overstressed. Then
the mycobacteria spread out in the fish and at­
tack other organs. As countermeasures, the
best quality conditions {diet, water, tempera­
ture, etc.) possible are recommended. Quar­
antine any visibly ill fish and also those sus­
pected of being diseased. Once tuberculosis is
verified, the diseased fish must be sacrificed
and destroyed. When a whole tank is struck
with an epidemic, sacrifice all the fish and then
thoroughly disinfect the tank and all equipment
according to method D1 , 03, or Ds (Chapter
Chapter 5

5.1. External Mycoses

Fungi are present in every aquarium. They
normally are among the invisible helpers that
break down food remnants and fecal matter in
the filter and in inaccessible spots in the tank.
Fungal spores float around in the water until
they land upon suitable material upon which to
germinate. They do not care for healthy skin of
the fish. Only if the integrity of the skin is dam­
aged by bites or other wounds can the spores
penetrate it and germinate. Bacterial infections
and skin parasites also can be the precipitat­
ing factors in fungal diseases. Prophylactic
62. Saprofegnia spp. hyphae with spore capsules.
measures can be effective against fungal in­ Length of meshed spore capsules in the middle of the
fections. Once a mycotic disease becomes so picture: 440u.
established, however, that the filaments (hy­
phae) show up clearly at the injured site, any Fungi can be controlled by bathing the fish
help usually comes too late (Photograph No. in various medicated solutions. The choice of
11, Chart 5). The pathogens are fungi of the the medication depends upon the severity of
genera Sapro/egnia, Ach/ya, and Dictyuchus. the infestation. Methods C12 and C 11 can be
They normally live on dead organic matter used for prophylaxis and for mild infestation.
such as food remnants and the remains of As prophylaxis against fungal attack on eggs,
dead food animals. Fungus also attacks dead method C 11e for three days is effective. Meth­
eggs. The eggs tum white because the egg­ ods C23 and Ge can be used for fungal involve­
white coagulates, not because of the fungus. ment of wounds and also large areas.
Only in a later stage do the fungal filaments
visibly grow on the white eggs. If there are too 5.2. Internal Mycoses
many dead eggs in one clutch, then the grow­
ing fungus also may spread to and attack the 5.2.1. lchthyophonus hoferl (lchthy­
healthy eggs. osporidlum)
Fungal infections caused by the above gen­ lchthyophonus hoferi (formerly called lchthy­
era show up as thin white threads (the hy­ osporidium) was some years ago one of the
phae) at the infected spots, building up their most dreaded organisms in the aquarium. To­
mass until they look like puffs of raw cotton day the thought is that tuberculosis bacteria
that are visible to the naked eye. For micro­ are the culprit in most cases, since it is very
scopic examination, snip off a cottony puff of difficult to distinguish them from lchthyopho­
filaments and prepare a slide mount. Even at nus. The disease occurs in both marine and
low power the fungal filaments and the spore­ freshwater fish. The whole population of the
filled sporangia at their tips are visible (Photo­ tank can be at risk if the fish are weakened
graph No. 62). Heavily infected fish usually and kept in unhygienic aquariums. The opinion
cannot be saved, because the fungal filaments that lchthyophonus cannot occur in tropical
also grow into the fish and do severe damage aquarium fish because of the high temperature
to the organs. Besides, they usually release has been refuted. Or.H. Herkner demonstrated
toxic metabolic products that adversely affect in 1961 that feeding diseased marine fish to
the fish. The cause of the infection should be tropical fish elicited the disease in 20% of the
found and cleared up before treatment starts. latter.
look brown with black particles inside, and are
enveloped in pale connective tissue. Squash
preparations stained according to method Ee
(Chapter 11.8) do not show any bacteria.
The fish become infected by ingesting infec­
tive plasmodia with their food. The effect of the
digestive juices breaks these plasmodia up
into amoeboid embryos, most of which are
eliminated. The few remaining ones are capa­
ble of penetrating the intestinal wall and letting
themselves be carried by the bloodstream to
" the organs. That is more apt to happen in a
weakened fish because the intestines of
healthy fish are more resistant. A varied,
healthy diet is an important preventive mea­
sure. The parasite grows in the infected organ
by repeated nuclear divisions then encapsu­
lates itself for a resting phase of several days.
Since the fish, too, encapsulates the parasite,
63. lchthyophonus hoferi. The Development Cycle. confusion with tuberculosis is easily possible
Drawn after Dorier and Degrange. Taken from Reichen­ at this stage (Photograph No. 63). Multinuclear
bach-Klinke's Krankheiten und Schadignun der Fische.
plasmodia hatch from the cysts and divide into
1. The white cysts are roundish to elliptical. The fish be-
come infected by eating infective plasmodia with their daughter cells, which then infiltrate the organs.
food. 2. The digestive juice "hatches" the plasmodia into The fish dies if the affected organs can no
amoeboid embryos which are mostly excreted. 3. The longer function. After the death of the host
ones which are not excreted enter the bloodstream and
are distributed in organs throughout the fish's body. fish, hyphae grow out of the cysts and give
rise to the infective plasmodia at their tips.
Transmission occurs when the dead fish are
The name of the pathogen is /chthyophonus
eaten. All freshwater and marine fish appear
hoferi, classified under the Phycomycetes. Up
to be susceptible to the disease (Reichen­
to recently it was called lchthyosporidium hof­
back-Klinke). No treatment is known. Dead
eri, but based on recent studies the name was
fish must be removed from the aquarium and
changed (Reichenbach-Klinke, 1980). The dis­
coverer of the disease, B. Hofer, called it the
tumbling disease (Taumelkrankheit in Ger­
man) because affected fish rocked or swayed 5.2.2. Aphanomyces
as they swam. Otherwise, there is usually Besides lchthyophonus, other fungi have
nothing external to see, except sometimes been discovered that penetrate fish organs by
skin lesions in the Anabantidae and holes in means of their mycelia. External signs are of­
the heads of cichlids (false hole disease). The ten lacking, except that the reactions and
organs preferentially affected are liver, spleen, movements of the affected animals are inhib­
heart, kidney, and brain. The gonads, gills, ited. Tropical freshwater fish are said to occa­
and musculature are not affected as often. sionally exhibit an epidemic-like response to
Fish thought to harbor lchthyophonus are infection with Aphanomyces species. This fun­
sacrificed and autopsied. The white cysts on gus grows in the dorsal musculature. Death
the organs are generally visible without any ensues in several days when the skin is bro­
special preparation. For diagnosis, prepare ken through from inside. Teased specimens of
teased specimens of liver, heart, spleen, and the organ tissues can be stained to better de­
kidney, and examine them at 50 to 100X. The fine the fungal hyphae. Since these mycoses
0.04 to 2 mm cysts are easy to find in the slide seldom occur in the aquarium, no more need
mount. They are roundish to elliptical in shape, be said of them.
5.2.3. Branchiomyces, Gill Rot
� -
This gill mycosis occurs most frequently in 0
fish that live in water severely burdened with Q
organic pollution. The pathogen can be intro­
duced into the aquarium via live food. Gill rot
(o g
is not a danger in clean aquariums in which
the water is changed regularly. It is a danger,
however, in garden ponds with heavy algal
growth during the warm season. The causes
are fungi of the genus Branchiomyces. They
grow in gill epithelium, infiltrate the tissue, and
obstruct circulation. The affected gill filaments
die, decompose, and fall off (Photograph No.
18, Chart 7). The fish become lethargic, gasp
for air, breathe with difficulty, and finally suffo­
cate. For examination, tease off several of the
dead gill filaments and prepare a mount. The
fungal hyphae can be recognized at 1 OOX
(Photgraph No. 64). Treatment by methods
C,2, Ca, and Cg is possible.
65. Dermocystidium spores from cysts shown in Table 6,
picture 17. Spore size Su.

64. Branchiomyces spp.infection of gills 5.3. Algal Diseases

In general, algae do not threaten aquarium
fish. There are, however, algae that secrete
toxic substances that may endanger the fish.
For that, however, intensive reproduction and
heavy growth are required. Additionally, the
probability of introducing a toxic algal species
is very slight. Many green algal species grow
on opercula and fins but do not cause any
damage as long as their growth is controlled.
A quick bath, such as in C11c, helps.

5.4. Dermocystidium
It is still undecided how to classify Dermo­
cystidium. Many authors assign it to the fungi,
but others put it with the Haplospora. Dermo­
cystidium forms cysts in the skin and gills
(Photograph No. 17, Chart 6). The cysts can
be either round or elongated and almost
worm-like, measuring 1 to 1 O mm or more.
The cyst is filled with a hundred thousand tiny
spores, each measuring 3 to 6 microns. The
spores are round and reveal several round
structures of various sizes inside (Photograph
No. 65). There is no known treatment.
Chapter 6

6.1. Flagellates longitudinal division (fission). Flagellates occur

Protozoa are all one-celled organisms that on the skin, in the intestine, in the internal or­
consist of a cell nucleus enclosed by a cell gans, and in the blood of fish. It is possible
membrane. They include a whole array of spe­ that a specific flagellate genus that is highly
cies that parasitize fish. Many of them cause pathogenic for one fish species will not affect
fatal diseases if the fish are not treated in time. another fish species.
Flagellates are very small but can be recog­
nized at lOOX and up because of their motility. 6.1.1. Blood Flagellates
To identify them, however, requires 600X and The most widely known blood flagellates are
keen observation of their mode of swimming species of the genera Cryptobia and Trypano­
or fixation by staining (Chapter 11.8.4, method soma (Photograph No. 66). They measure 1 o
E6). They move by means of one or more to 25 microns in length and thus are some­
whip-like organs (flagella). They reproduce by what larger than blood cells. Their rapid move­
ment makes them easy to recognize in a blood
smear (Chapter 3.3). Freshwater and marine
fish can be affected.
66. Trypanosoma spp. and Cryptobia spp. with red blood
cells. Scale 10u. Size: 10-25u. From Amiacher, Doflein Cryptobia is a flagellate with two flagella. In
and Timofeev, as well as my own observations. a severe infection the fish become lethargic,
with greatly reduced reactions and reflexes. In

advanced cases the fish can be caught by
hand, which is why the term "fish sleeping
sickness" is sometimes used. The mode of
swimming is unnatural: many fish rotate about
their horizontal axis or swim head down. They
become emaciated and their gills turn pale.

Transmission to other fish occurs via blood­
sucking parasites such as, for example, flukes
and leeches. Since these normally are not in
an aquarium, transmission to healthy fish is
hardly a danger. Blood parasites are not rare
in pond fish, so care must be taken not to in­
troduce into the aquarium any flukes or
leeches along with live foods. Fish captured in
the wild as well as goldfish are often affected
with blood flagellates. The pathogens are ide­
ntified either directly in the blood (Chapter 3.3)
or in a teased specimen from the kidney.
Treatment with methylene blue can be tried for
a week {Chapter 10, method C 17 or C 17b),
Trypanosoma is hardly distinguishable from
Cryptobia {Photograph No. 66). At high power
with a good microscope or with phase contrast
illumination, Trypanosoma can be seen to
have only one flagellum. Infestation with them
is harmless, since these single-flagellum flag­
ellates do not damage the fish.
f, . .. . .. ' .
' . ' . . - -t

6.1.2. Intestinal Flagellates comotion (Photographs Nos. 67, 68 and 71).

Intestinal flagellates can be found in many Both flagellates swim jerkily in a straight line,
fish to which they do no harm. The pathoge­ with Hexamita somewhat slower than Spiro­
nicity of the organisms varies from fish to fish; nucleus. Hexamita salmonis measures 8 to 12
thus angelfish may not be affected at all by the microns in length by 6 to 8 microns across.
same flagellates that damage discus. The best Spironuc/eus elegans is slightly shorter-a to
known genera of intestinal flagellates are Hex­ 11 microns long by 4 to 6 microns thick. Spiro­
amita, Spironucleus, Trichomonas, and Bo­ nucleus nuclei are larger than those of
domonas. HexamitR.
•i Hexamita and Bodomonas are difficult to
identify (Photographs Nos. 67 and 70). Hexa­
mita, which used to be called Octomitus, at­
tacks the intestines, gallbladder, and also is
sometimes found in the blood. Fish affected by
intestinal flagellates isolate themselves from
the others, become emaciated, excrete white
and slimy feces, darken their coloration, and
often swim backward (Photograph No. 2,
Chart 3). Many fish exhibit a swollen body. We
do not yet know the extent to which these flag­
ellates damage marine fish in aquariums. Ma­
rine fish in the wild do not seem to be affected
by them. Hexamita infections are rare in orna­
mental fish; any similar infection usually is due
to Spironucleus. Neither is the "hole disease"
in cichlids, especially the discus, caused by
Hexamita. According to Dr. Schubert, Hexa­
mita has never been found in discus. Even the
Spironucleus flagellate is only one of the possi­
ble causes of "hole disease" in cichlids (Chap­
ter 9.3). The intestines are most affected can
contain millions of these flagellates. Spread to
the gallbladder and blood is possible, in which
case the infection usually runs a fatal course. 67. Hexamita spp. Size: 7-12u. From Kulda and Lorn, as
Fresh fecal matter excreted from the living well as my own observations.
fish is prepared for examination. Specimens
from fish that just died or were just sacrificed
should include fragments of the rectum, colon,
and gallbladder. Examination is according to Trichomonids have sack-shaped cells with
guidelines in Chapter 3.9. Identification of the an average length of 12 microns (Photograph
genus can only be made from fixed specimens No. 72). From the upper pole originate four fla­
(described in Chapter 11.8.4, method Es). The gella, three of which beat up and down in the
flagellates can be seen at 120X up; identifica­ water. The fourth flagellum undulates from top
tion requires 300 to 400X to bottom along the cell surface, with which it
Hexamita and Spironuc/eus possess an is connected by a thin membrane (the undulat­
elongated, oval cell. Of the eight anterior fla­ ing membrane). Trichomonids swim very
gella, two trail rearward along a groove on the slowly, rolling lethargically along. The tech­
surface of the cell. Posteriorly they trail well niques of fixing specimens to render the fla­
beyond the end of the cell. The six remaining gella recognizable are given in Chapter 11.8.4,
anterior flagella are very motile and provide lo- method Es.
Illa.:....... L < ..

: ., - -- - - - - -

69. Bodomonas spp. Scale: 16u.

Heavy losses among mainly Malawi cichlids

have been caused in recent years by a Cryp­
tobia species that parasitizes exclusively the
intestine. The affected fish discharge white fa­
ces and die within a few days, their bellies
68. Spironucleus spp. Size 10-14u. From Kulda and bloated. The parasite's mode of locomotion is
Lorn, as well as my own observations.
not distinguishable from Bodomonas spp., but
it attains 16 to 24 microns in size. The trailing
Flagellates of the genus Bodomonas pos­ flagellum is connected to the surface of the
sess a spindle-shaped, streamlined cell with cell body by means of a narrow undulating
two flagella at the anterior end. One is directed membrane.
rearward and lies against the cell body but is Method C 19 or Hex-Ex can be used to treat
not connected with the cell membrane (Photo­ for Hexamita, Spironucleus, and Trichomonas.
graphs Nos. 69 and 70). The second flagellum These methods, however, don't work for Bo­
is freely motile. At the anterior end, that is, the domonas and Cryptobia; only method Ca can
pole facing the direction of flagellation, a large be used against these two genera.
bright spot, not the nucleus, can be recog­
nized at 800 to 1OOOX. It appears to be an or­ 6.1.3. Skin Flagellates
ganelle of attachment because in well-made The flagellates that parasitize fish skin can
mounts of the intestinal wall innumerable flag­ severely damage their host, since skin is a vi-
ellates can be observed as they attach them­
selves with this organelle to the cell wall and 70. Bodomonas spp. Scale: 10u.
beat their flagella around in the intestinal lu­
men. Since the flagellates hang in large num­
bers and in the same direction, the intestinal
mucosa at these places looks, under about
200X, like a wind-blown meadow. These still
unidentified flagellates measure 1O to 14 mi­
crons. Their movement is rapid, undulating,
and gyrating.
cation of at least 300X. They often somersault
or spring over short distances, sometimes
suddenly disappearing from the field then re­
appearing in a fraction of a second quite some
distance away.
Costia necatrix can survive only on fish.
Without a host it perishes in an hour, contract­
ing into a sphere. Costia cannot tolerate tem­
peratures over 300C, so there is the possibility
of controlling it by raising the temperature to
32°C (Chapter 10, method 81 ). As a preventive
against infections, add methylene blue to the
water (Chapter 10, method C11). Effective
chemical treatments include methods C3, C,3,
and C1c- Method �. however, can be used
only on unbroken skin in the early stage. For
prevention and with incipient infections, treat­
-. Spironuc/eus spp. Size: 12u. (Phase contrast pho­ ment can be according to methods C,2 and
:ograph). C11.

� organ (Chapter 3.2). Aquarium hobbyists

are very familiar with Costia necatrix (formerly 72. Trichomonas spp. Size: 10-1 Su.
'chthyobodo), a small bean-shaped (reniform)
organism, and also with various species of the
dinoflagellate genus Oodinium. Cost/a necatrlx

Costia necatrix is a small flagellate measur­
ing 8 to 12 microns. Two flagella originate at
the anterior pole of the cell. In a smear Costia
looks bean-shaped, but when attached to the
skin it takes on a pear shape (Photograph No.
73). With its thin end it attaches itself tightly to
the skin and destroys it. In a moderately se­
vere infection the mucosa appears turbid; se­
vere infection can lead to disintegration of the
skin and bleeding (Photograph No. 1 o, Chart
5). There usually are other flagellates and cili­
ates also at the affected skin sites, but these
are not real parasites (Chapters 6.4.5 and
6.4.6). Fungal overgrowth can occur as a re­
sult. Costia is a parasite upon weakness, for
healthy adult fish can resist infection. Young
fish, however, are more susceptible.
Marine fish can be somewhat affected if
Costia is introduced along with food fish into
saltwater aquariums, but the parasites then
generally are not pathogenic.
Skin and gill smears are used in diagnosis.
The tumbling Costia can be seen at a magnifi-

74. Two specimens of Costia spp. In a skin smear. Size:


and often intestines are affected. Seen from

the front longitudinally against the light, the
surface appears dull. In severe infections the
fish takes on a velvety texture, the coating
73. Costia necatrix. Size: 10-15u. Scale 3 u. From Jojon
looking yellow to yellowish brown. The skin
and Lorn, as well as my own observations. may come off in pieces (Photograph No. 9,
Chart 5). Inflammations and fungal over­
growths rarely occur. Severe infection of the
gills causes the fish to breathe hard, even GIii Flagellates though the rest of the skin may be free of par­
In recent years fish of different species, es­ asites. Microscopic examination under at least
pecially cichlids, have been repeatedly exam­ 1 OOX reveals roundish to elongated cells of a
ined to study the massive infestation of their yellowish brown color resting with their narrow
gills with flagellates of the genus Cryptobia, end on the mucosa. Clusters of large and
presumably Cryptobia branchialls. In severe small cells often occur like grapes (Photo­
infections of the gills, the pathogens also can graph No. 75). An elliptical cell nucleus appar­
be found in skin smears from the flanks of the ently made of many small bodies often can be
fish. They cannot be distinguished from the recognized against the brownish protoplasma.
Cryptobia that occur In the Intestines. They The rootlet-like protoplasmal filaments (rhi­
have possibly developed from Cryptobia zoids) that anchor in the skin of the fish are
branchialis (see Chapter 6.1.2). Treatment is difficult to recognize unless stained (Photo­
according to method C8 or C1c, graph No. 76). With these the parasite de­
stroys the skin cells of the fish, taking their Oodlnlum content as food. This sessile parasitic phase
Oodinium pillularis, the cause of velvet dis­ of Oodinium lacks flagella, thus depriving the
ease, is a dinoflagellate that In Its parasitic parasite of any resemblance to flagellates.
phase on the fish can attain a size of more When the Oodinium cell has taken enough
than 100 microns, making It just visible as a nutrient it drops off, falling to the bottom of the
light spot with the naked eye. The skJn, gllls, aquarium, where it contracts and begins to di-
. ., - -
J .. - .. -� ·- ·- - - -· • .�"t'..!.l\-......_:,..... ... . • . . ...�•.,_........._
....�J - - -• • - ..; •• '

75. Oodinlum p/l/u/ar/1 In oroufJ§ on ttle skin.

vide. The daughter cells formed In thlt WiY Oi• Ood/noldes vastator forms a large, bright,
vtde several times shortly afterward, formi119 bllsfer•llke parasitic phase that occurs on in­
30 to 200 flagellated cells. They aro almost flAmsd tkin in tropical fish. Its dinospores are
round and have a longitudinal u Wtill U IJ QffltJM. ihe coral fish disease, Oodinium ocel­
transverse groove, at the intereectlon of whlefi /sttlm, has been known for 50 years. It occurs
originate two flagella. Only one project, ff@ffi lri msr1he aquariums, where newly Imported
the surface of the cell and provides loootrW1- fish are often affected. Its appearance and de­
tion. A red eyespot is easier to dlacorn than velopment are similar to those of Oodinlum pi!-
the longitudinal groove. The average dlamttor
is 15 microns, with a 300/o variation.
These flagellated "dinospores" can llvo froo
for only 24 hours at most, dying If they do not 1fJ. Oadlnlum pillularis. Isolated specimens. Size: 74u.
find a host within this time. Once they do ffnd
a host fish, they attach themselves to It and
drop the flagella. The parasite harms the fllh
with its root-like filaments, the rhlzolcla, which
penetrate into the epithelial cells and looaon
fragments for nutrients. The cellular Integrity of
the skin is destroyed and the tissue dlea. Even
hemorrhages can occur in the gill fllamtnta.
An Oodinium infection runs for many wooki
until the skin is massively covered with fM
parasites and disintegrates, slowly kllllng 1M
fish. Treatment is according to method Dfl e,,
or C1s,
Oodinium limneticum is simllar to OodiniYffl
pillularis, but there is no red eyespot In ffl@ di:
nospores. It has been found only In Nmffi
Jularis. The parasitic phases contain starch 6:0.9. The difference is due to the organisms
granules that can be identified by the addition being thinner following division. The discus
of iodine. Treatment is according to method parasites reproduce vegetatively by longitudi­
81 , C4, or C1 a. When treatment of seawater is nal division. There probably is sexual repro­
with copper sulfate, it must usually be re­ duction, but it has not yet been demonstrated.
peated on the third or fourth day. Observe the The anterior pole is round and often angled to
fish so as to be able to take countermeasures the major axis of the body. The posterior pole
in case of an overdose. Also refer to the in­ forms a spine-like point. The flagella are ar­
structions in Chapter 10, method C1a- ranged in rows that spiral around the cell. The
cell protoplasm contains many tiny vacuoles
and two equally large nuclei, one behind the
other (Photograph No. 77). The movements of
discus parasites are rapid and gliding, turning
around the long axis. Sudden stops and back­
ward swimming are just as possible. Since in­
gestion of nutrients occurs over the whole cell
surface, there is no gullet.
A moderate infection causes only minimal
damage to discus. A more precise prognosis
on the effect of the parasite is impossible be­
cause a mixed infection with Spironucleus or
parasitic worms is generally present. Only on
one occasion was it observed that a discus
population perished from a severe infection of
only Protoopalina symphysodonis (Zoo/. Anz.,
Jena, 202, 1979). Large discus, even when
heavily infested, usually do not show any
n. Protoopalina symphysodonls. Size: 118u. Carbol
signs or symptoms of disease. Smaller juve­
fuchsin stain. niles may have their growth stunted. Trans­
mission to other fish is only slight, since para­
sites in water suitable for breeding discus die
of plasmolysis in two hours at the most. Trans­
6.1.4. Opalinids, Discus Parasite Protoo­ mission is possible only if the freshly dropped
palina faces of an infected fish are ingested. Diagno­
Opalinids are real giants among the flagel­ sis is made by microscopic (200X) examina­
lates. Because of their average size of 0.1 mm tion of very fresh feces. Treatment with Me­
and the innumerable flagella distributed over tronidazol according to method C19 definitely
all of the cell surface, they are easily confused kills discus parasites.
with ciliates. They were first discovered in the
gut of amphibians, then later in the intestine of
fish from the upper Nile, and in discus (Sym­ 6.2. Amoebae
physodon). Opalinids in fish have not yet been In recent years parasitic amoebae have
definitely shown to be real parasites. been found in marine fish, trout, salmon, and
It has been more than ten years now since other fish of cold waters. Gills, intestines, and
Dr. Schubert reported ciliate-like protozoa in other organs were affected, many fish dying of
the gut of discus. The scientific name of the gi­ the infections. To what extent amoebae can
ant parasites that were at first called "discus be dangerous to warm-water fish is still not
parasites" is Protoopalina symphysodonis. known. An emaciated discus slightly affected
They often attain a length of 0.12 mm, with a with flagellates was found to contain a large
ratio of length to width of between 6:1.5 and quantity of amoebae in its gut, but this was an
isolated case. Treatment according to Ca can

....... .
be successful.

6.3. Sporozoa
Sporozoan infections do not occur very often
in aquariums. A disease caused by one of ".
f:""'If ,:.;'' .
these protozoans is often known as "neon
tetra disease"; the pathogen is Pleistophora
hyphessobryconis. All sporozoans are para­
sites, occurring in the internal organs as well
as on the skin and in muscle tissue. Adapta­
.. .· .
tion to a parasitic life has deprived most of the
species of their motility. Sporozoans infect
freshwater as well as marine fish.
Many sporozoan species cause small nod­
ules in the skin, gills, or internal organs, rang­
ing In size from a few microns to 2 millimeters.
The spores are released by squashing the

nodules on a microscope slide. Inside the

spores, seen at very high power, are up to four
strongly refractive bodies, the polar capsules.
Nodules in skin and fins can be confused with • J
78. Eimeria spp. spore capsules from chocolate gourami
,.. .J.ft,
(Sphaerichthys osphromenoides). Size: 12-14o.
79. Spores of a Myxosporan stained with �. Length: 12u.

lymphocystis (Chapter 4.1 ). To confirm the di­

agnosis, sporozoan spores (which do not oc­
cur in lymphocystis) must be found. Sporo­
zoan infections can affect all exotic or
ornamental fish but do not occur very often.
The pathogens are often introduced into the
aquarium along with fish captured in the wild.
Cold-water fish caught in streams and ponds
also can be affected. The following sections
deal briefly with several sporozoan diseases
that can be introduced along with cold-water

6.3.1. Coccldla
Coccidian diseases normally occur only in
carp but were found in sticklebacks by G.
Schmidt. Various genera occur in the gut, air
bladder, liver, and blood. Eimeria spp. form
spore-containing cysts (oocysts) up to 40 mi­
crons in size (Photograph No. 78). The ones
that parasitize blood attack the blood corpus­
cles and, once inside them, can be seen as
elongated structures beside the cell nucleus. 6.3.3. Microspora
Treatment according to method C22 can be Various genera of microsporidians cause
tried. disease in cold-water fish. The species Glugea
anomala, for example, occurs in sticklebacks,
6.3.2. Myxospora forming white 10-mm cysts in intestines, tes­
Myxospora are widely distributed in cold-wa­ tes, air bladder wall, and connective tissue.
ter fish, causing whirling disease. The fish are Boils formed just under the skin appear to be
affected by disequilibrium. Cysts are found in attached. The parasites are �in these cysts.
many organs and contain myxosporidia spores The spores are oval, often egg-shaped, meas­
averaging 1O microns in size. They are visible
.. at both spindle-shaped polar capsules (Photo­
uring 3 x 2 microns (Photograph No. 80). No
method of treatment is known.
graph No. 79). The disease runs a very slow
course, taking months. As it continues it Plelstophora
causes deformation, nodules, boils, and a dark Pleistophora (also spelled Plistophora) also
cotoration of the posterior third of the fish. Pre­ is a microsporldian genus. These pathogens
pare mounts of skin, gills, and internal organs pa,asitize the muscle strands, forming spheri­
and examine them for nodules, which can cal cysts (pansporobtasts) gathered closely to­
range in size from 50 to several hundred mi­ gether within small areas. They occur in ma­
crons. Large numbers of spores are re­ rine and freshwater fish. In the aquarium,
leased-and are visible at the polar cap­ Pleistophora hyphessobryconis occurs as the
sules-when the cysts are squashed. Since cause of neon tetra disease. Besides neons
no treatment is known, affected fish are sacri­ (Paracheirodon innesi), other characid species
ficed and the aquarium disinfected. and various cold-water fish are affected, ex­
cept for the cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon ax­
80. Spores of a Mlcrospora genus, probably G/ugea, elrodi).
from an African climbing perch ("bush" fish). Size: Su. The disease is manifested by pate cotoration
and white areas. In the neon, the cotor band is
broken. The fish swim restlessly around at
night, sometimes also exhibiting vertebral de­
formations as secondary symptoms. Teased
specimens of affected muscle reveal masses
of pansporobtasts, easily recognized by their
dark cotoration (Photograph No. 32, Chart 18).
The 30-micron pansporoblasts contain many
4-micron to 7-micron spores that are liberated
after the cysts rupture (Photograph No. 81). In
the aquarium, the spores are ingested as the
fish feed. The amoebid embryo hatches in the
intestine, penetrates through the intestinal
wall, and forms new pansporobtasts in the
musculature. The affected muscle strands be­
come necrotic and tum white. If diseased and
dead fish are not removed from the aquarium,
an outbreak of epidemic proportions is possi­
ble. No reliable treatment is known.

6.4. CIiiates
Compared with the parasites described up to
now, the ciliates are very large protozoa. Many
species are provided with a thick covering of
thetic. Then white spots appear and large
pieces ot the skin begin to disintegrate, repre­
senting the terminal stage just preceding
death. The parasites hold on, constantly turn­
ing between the epidermis and the dermis,
nourishing themselves from the components
of the destroyed skin cells and the body fluid.
The parasites stimulate the skin lying above
them to proliferate, forming a protective
The size of /. multifiliis ranges between 0.5
and 1.5 millimeters. In a smear mount the par­
asite usually is spherical. The cell surface is
covered with several thousand small cilia that
produce a constant twisting movement. lch
cells are good swimmers in open water. The
large horseshoe-shaped nucleus can be easily
recognized if food particles do not cloud the
protoplasm (Photograph No. 82).
The grown parasite lets go of its host and
actively swims around looking for a quiet area
of water where it can reproduce. It attaches it­
self to an object and then encloses itself in a
viscous capsule, within which it divides into
two cells, then four, etc., until up to a thousand
81. Plistophora spores from Macropodus chinensis. Size: swarmer cells are formed within eight to 24
7u. hours. The time depends upon the water tem­
perature (Photograph No. 83). The swarmer
cells, 30 to 50 microns in size, are good swim­
mers because of their cilia. They leave the
coordinately motile cilia over the whole body
surface, thus giving this group of organisms its
name. The most important characteristic, how­ 82. Isolated specimen of lchthyophthirius multffltiis. Bright
ever, is the presence of two nuclei. The mac­ field photograph. Size 552u.
ronucleus controls cell function and the micro­
nucleus controls sexual functions. Although
the firm cellular membrane lends a character­
istic shape to the cell, it can be radically modi­
fied for short periods.

6.4.1. lchthyophthlrlus multlf/11/s

'White spot disease," "sand grain or gravel
disease," or simply "ich" is what many aquar­
ium hobbyists call this disease. When heavily
infected, the fish is covered with so many
white spots that it looks as if it were sprinkled
with grit, gravel, or coarse sand, (Photograph
No. 7, Chart 5). The fish rapidly rub up against
solid objects as they swim horizontally, at­
tempting to free themselves of the parasites.
Eventually they become lethargic and apa-

I- , - .
• t- . .- .. - -
, • .- -. . - --
cysts and actively swim in search of a new
host fish. If none is found within 48 hours, they
die. Cell division of the swarmer cells is still
possible even after they leave the cysts (Pho­
tograph No. 84). At first round to oval in
shape, they assume an elongated to oval
shape with age.
Once a swarmer cell finds a host fish, it pen­
etrates the skin and stays between the epider­
mis and dermis, where it grows for ten to 20
days and builds up its substance for the next
division. The time the parasite needs to grow
larger in the skin depends upon two factors:
the water temperature and the fish's re­
lchthyophthirius organisms attacking for the
first time have a longer growth phase than
those that affect an already severely infected
life cycle of lchthyophthirius multfflliis. J fish. If the affected fish dies, all the parasites
. \ abandon the skin over the course of the next
few hours. Regardless of what size they may
have attained, they form a cystic capsule and
begin to divide. The smallest specimens go
through a sexual process (conjugation) to form
a permanent or resting stage that is viable for
several weeks.
lch is probably the most widespread and common of all After surviving an infection, the fish are, to a
fish diseases, It is variously referred to as lch, White certain extent, immune to further infection. The
Spot or Salt-and-pepper Disease. It is caused by the par­ parasites then form a latent stage at protected
asite /chthyophthirius multifiliis.
sites such as gills or fin bases. Subsequent
A. The white spot cyst on the fish has matured and left stress, poor conditions, or transfer causes
the host. B.The cell begins to ripen. C. First it divides into these stages to reactivate and attack the same
two parts. It continues dividing by cell division process to or even newly introduced fish. Newly pur­
4, then 8, then 16, etc. D. After about 20 hours the
mother cell is full and will soon rupture, releasing the chased fish thus can suddenly become in­
daughter cells. E. The mother cell ruptures. F. The fected, and the aquarium keeper will erron­
daughter cells, which are free-swimming, have 48 hours eously believe that he has introduced
to find a fish host or they perish. G. They leave fish which
have died. H. Two to three days later mature parasites parasites with the new fish. The truth is, how­
mate (conjugation) for sexual reproduction. I. They pro­ ever, that the new fish-not yet immune to the
duce cysts which can live for several weeks in the aquar­ parasit�were infected by the latent stages of
ium without finding a host. J. Eventually the cysts hatch the parasite already waiting in the tank. In
and start the mother-daughter cell cycle once again. K.
The new parasites start searching for a suitable host and such a case the seller is often unfairly blamed.
the cycle is complete. Treatment of an already started infection can
consist of raising the temperature to 28°-30°C
if the fish can tolerate that increase. This heat
treatment must last at least three weeks
(method 81). The transfer method (82) is time­
consuming and weakens the fish. Chemical
treatment can be with compounds containing
malachite green. Methods C,, C4 , and C 16 also
are effective.
remove it. Just like lchthyophthirius, Crypto­
caryon drops off the host after the growth
phase, falls to the bottom, and forms a cap­
sule around itself. After six to nine days, more
than 200 35-micron swarmer cells leave the
cyst. They have only 24 hours to find a host,
otherwise they die. Treatment is according to
method C14 or C,5.

6.4.3. Chllodonells cyprlnl

This large heart-shaped organism parasit­
izes skin and gills. The fish rub themselves
against objects and become lethargic. When
the gills are involved, they hang just under the
surface and gasp for air. The area from back
of the head to the dorsal fins seems to be a
preferred site. First, 0.5 to 1 mm round or ellip­
84. The swann spores often go on dividing even after
tical spots on the skin become cloudy. The
leaving the cyst. skin thickens at these well-defined areas and
the color fades to white. Finally it begins to
disintegrate. Small, young, and weak fish can
become affected uniformly over the whole
6.4.2. Cryptocaryon lrrltans body, in which case they die. The gills some­
The symptoms of "marine ich" can easily be times are destroyed as far back as the solid
confused with those of lchthyophthirius. The cartilage. In stronger, more resistant fish, only
fish is covered with pale spots ranging in white, slimy areas form on the skin and en­
shade from white to gray that are not easy to large only very little over the course of several
simply brush off. In the beginning stage the days (Photograph No. 8, Chart 5).
fish rubs itself, its coloration fades, and the In the microscopic preparation of the skin
skin clouds over. The course of the disease smear, ciliates can be seen that measure 50
drags on. The white nodules represent epithe­ microns on the average and have a notch on
lial growths in which the parasite lives. In se­ the posterior pole, giving them a heart-shaped
vere infections they can be grouped together appearance. Only the upper side is uniformly
or they can coalesce over the surface. The ciliated, the underside having just a few rows
course is then marked by tissue destruction, of cilia (Photograph No. 85). The parasite can
hemorrhages, inflammations, and skin disinte­ swim and thus can reach other fish. A thickly
gration. Bacterial and fungal infections can populated tank favors the spread of the dis­
add to the problem. ease. The parasites reproduce by division into
Cryptocaryon attacks all species of marine two. Introduction into the aquarium can occur
fish. The fish are blinded when the parasites along with live food from fish ponds. Preven­
attach to the eyes. If not treated on time, the tion consists of clean food and not too many
fish succumb within five days of the appear­ fish in the tank. In mild cases, methods C12
ance of the spots. and C11 suffice; greater effect is provided by
The parasite measures from 0.5 to 2 mm. It methods C1e, C,11, and C1 6.
is round to pear-shaped. The cell membrane is
fully ciliated. The macronucieus consists of 6.4.4. Brook/ynel/s host/1/s
four round parts usually arranged in an arc. Brooklynella hostilis has been recognized
To obtain living specimens for a mount re­ during the last few years as a parasite of tropi­
quires very careful work, since the firmly at­ cal marine fish. The fish most at risk are those
tached parasite in the skin of the host fish can under stress and those living in overpopulated
easily be destroyed by the pressure needed to aquariums and polluted water. Under these
troduced into the aquarium along with infected
fish. It quickly reproduces under the conditions
described above. For prevention, we can only
recommend-just as we do in the case of all
parasites that attack weak hosts-keeping the
aquarium hygienic and not exposing the fish to
any stress. G. Blasiola recommends briefly
dipping newly acquired and suspect fish into
freshwater; the pH must be exactly that of the
seawater. Depending upon species, the bath
should not last longer than one to five minutes.
Treatment with copper is useless. Methods C16
b and Ci are other treatment possibilities.

6.4.5. Trichodlna
When the fish rub and scrape themselves or
jerk violently with their fins, they could be af­
fected with Trichodina spp. There is usually
nothing on the skin to see. A few parasites do
not hurt the fish, but a heavy infestation leads
to the formation of whitish spots on the skin.
Trichodlna no doubt occurs in an aquarium

86. Trichodina spp. Stained with E10. Size 50u.

85. Chi/odonella spp. Stained with E6. Size: 50u.

conditions the disease can assume epidemic

proportions. The pathogen, Brooklynella hos­
tilis, is a holotrichous (completely ciliated) cili­
ate of the family Dysteriidae. It looks and de..
velops very much like the freshwater parasite
Chi/odonella. Brook/ynella lives on the skin
and gills of fish, nourishing itself from skin and
blood cells. The infection begins with small
oale areas that grow larger until the epithelium
comes off in sheets. The fish loses its appe­
�!e. swims slowly, secretes mucus, and
oreat,es heavily. Death occurs in several days
: a'ge sl<in areas are destroyed.
S< - and gill smears, as well as smears from
es J"S are taken for diagnosis. This heart­
s .., a:ec caras te attains an average size of 60
..... -:�:-s o-- :he abdominal or ventral side is a
"'O c "'9 c�;a"' 'or attachment to the fish. Just
as ........ a... :, ot"er c1 ·ates, Brooklynella is heav-
1 c a:eo ano can swim rapidly as well as ma­
-e.J,erao y The parasite is in most cases in-
Control is effected by method C11a, C,s, or C,b,
according to the severity of the infection.

6.4.6. Other CIiiates

Ciliates that are really not parasites are often
found on fish in heavily contaminated water.
Since aquarium water is usually more contam­
inated than the native waters of the fish, these
ciliates belong to the normal population of the
aquarium. They can increase prodigiously in
neglected tanks. Numbers of them can be
found on weakened fish. Fungus-covered
wounds and skin sites damaged by other par­
asites are preferred feeding grounds for them
because of all the bacteria there. Countermea­
sures include hygienic measures and removal
of wounded fish to a quarantine tnak.
87. Tetrahymena pyrlforrnis on the tail fin of a young
Tetrahymena pyriformis is one of these cili­
fish. Size sou. ates (Photograph No. 87). It is pear-shaped
(pyriform), 35 to 90 microns in size, and ap­
pears In large numbers at infected skin sites.
Affected fish fold up their fins and rock their
more often than previously believed, because
their sporadic presence usually is not noted.
When the organism is suspected, take smears 88. Paramecium. Size: 100-150u. Many ciliates live in
aquarium water and feed predominantly on bacteria.
from several places and examine at 100 to
The pathogen is a highhat-shaped ciliate
crowned with a ring of cilia at each pole of the
cylindrical cell. A ring of hooks is on the under­
side. When the parasite lies flat in the mount,
the rings of hooks and cilia are sharply deline­
ated (Photograph No. 86). Trichodina spins
constantly and can quickly change from place
to place on the fish. The average diameter of
the cell is 50 microns.
Recent studies (Hausmann, 1981) have
demonstrated that Trichodina is not a real par­
asite. This ciliate uses the fish merely for
transportation, holding on to the skin with a
holding disc and a ring of hooks. It feeds on
bacteria. The gullet is on the side opposite the
fish. Because increased numbers of bacteria
show up when the skin is injured, the Trichod­
ina, too, can multiply well. Their sucking discs
damage the skin even more. Even in clean
aquariums large numbers of bacteria are avail­
able to Trichodina, which can then multiply
well. They do this by division. Trichodina
swims freely from fish to fish. Here, too, the
source of infection is often food from ponds.
bodies. After control of the primary disease,
Tetrahymena can be controlled with method
Great numbers of Vorticella (Photograph No.
89) often sit with their retractable stalk on
damaged skin, which they can damage even
more by attacking their stalk. Paramecia (Pho­
tograph No. 88) search for their main diet of
bacteria in the filter, in the bottom debris, and
in decomposing fecal matter.

89. Vorlicella form a long stem which can suddenly con­

tract. Size: 50-150u.
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Chapter 7
There are so many species of parasitic worms that an all�ncompassing description is Im·
possible In this context. We wt/I deal mainly with species that are common and can
threaten aquarium fish. Worm di•••• generally take a slow course and often are accom­
panied by other dlseasn, so the c:au• of death usually cannot be ascribed with complete
certainty to worms.

7.1. Turbellarfa Hookworms are usually host-specific, so that

Planarians, common free-living flatworms, only closely related fish species are affected.
are rare as fish parasites, and only few cases In heavily populated breeding tanks, · gill
have been reported up to now of planarians worms can multiply to epidemic proportions,
parasitizing the skin of marine fish or lower an­ killing off the whole population of young fish
imals. They often, however, appear as egg within a few weeks. In suspected cases, pre­
thieves in aquariums. They can multiply well pare skin and gill smears, which will show the
when the bottom is full of debris. When It gets worms well at 50 to 200X. They attach
dark, they attack the eggs. They can be con­
trolled by vacuuming out the debris during the
90. Gyrodactytus spp. with embryo. Moderate size
weekly change of water. According to Re­ (0.6mm).
ichenbach-Klinke, they can be controlled by
adding two tablespoons of vinegar to 25 liters
of water.

7.2. Monogenetfc Trematodes or Flukes

7.2.1. Hookworms
Hookworms live on the skin and gills of
freshwater and marine fish. The grasping
hooks on the posterior end serve to hold on to
the skin of the host. A general Identification
can be made from the number and shape of
grasping hooks, and that is often necessary
for an aquarium hobbyist because control of
the various species is not always attainable
with the same methods. Fish tolerate a mild in­
festation well, though sometimes they rub or
scrape themselves and jerk their fins. In heavy
infestations, the opercula are spread out.
Slime formation on the gills hinders breathing,
causing rapid breathing (Photograph No. 23,
Chart 10). The fish hang just under the surface
of the water and breathe heavily. Sometimes
one operculum is open, the other laid back,
and the mouth puckered. In extreme cases the
oxygen uptake is so reduced that the fish die.
provided with hooks usually is visible inside
the middle section of the worm. This embryo
i1selt contains a young embryo with still an­
other embryo, thus four generations are joined
in one parent. Although Gyrodactylus species
give birth to only one worm at one time, the re­
production rate is very high. A sexually mature
worm could, under favorable conditions, pro­
duce about one million young within one
month (Schaperctaus, 1979).
The worms nourish themselves by scraping
and sucking for blood and skin fragments. A
few individuals will not damage the fish. Only
when unfavorable conditions weaken the fish
does a massive multiplication of the parasite
become possible. Large skin lesions with
cloudiness result, opening the way for bacte­
rial and fungal infections. Gyrodactylus spe­
cies, because of their host-specificity, do not
represent any danger to fish in well-managed
aquariums. If, however, massive reproduction
does occur, look for the reason for the weak­
ness in the fish (another disease, stress, etc.;
see Chapter 2). Worms that drop off can live
for five to ten days without any fish host. In
91. Gill worm of the Oactilogyridea family with four cen­
practice, it is not necessary to differentiate
tral hooks. Size: 0.3mm among the various Gyrodactylus species. It is
important, however, to recognize them as
such. Treatment is simple and can be accord­
ing to methods C1e, C11 , and C,. Since there
strongly to the fish skin by their grasping
are no eggs, a one-time treatment suffices.
hooks and move their anterior ends to and fro.
Whole gill arches can be removed from fish
that have just died and examined at SOX to re­ Dactylogyrldea
veal large numbers of worms. Hookworms are Monogenetic flukes or trematodes of the or­
introduced along with new fish that are added der Dactylogyridea live mainly on gills. They
to the aquarium and also are transmitted by measure between 0.1 and 2 mm and possess
parents even to their smallest fry. a doubly forked anterior end with a sucker and
four or more black eyespots. The holding or­ Gyrodactylldea gan at the posterior end contains, depending
Gyrodactylus spp. parasitize the skin and on the species, two or four central hooks, plus
more rarely the gills. Transmission to other 12, 14, or 16 peripheral hooks (Photograph
fish is favored by overpopulation. Mlcrosoopi­ No. 91 ). Their lifespan ranges from 12 days to
cally, 50 to 200X immediately reveals the hook several months. Without a host, they can sur­
organs on the posterior end of the 0.3 to 0.9 vive only two to eight days.
mm worms (Photograph No. 90). The posterior Diagnosis requires noting whether, in the
disc contains two central hooks surrounded by four-hook worms, the hooks are connected by
16 smaller hooks. The anterior end is forked one or two strips or bands. If two are present,
and contains the outlet of the glue glands. A then we are dealing with gill worms of a still
sucker is located posteriorly and ventrally. not completely known genus that mainly para­
There are no eyespots. An embryo already sitizes discus fish (Photograph No. 92). To
In the smear, larvae can be seen microscop­
ically at 200 and 400X. In another four to frve
days the larvae develop into adult worms with
: ,. a life expectancy of still another eight days.
Larvae can survive one day without a fish
host, the adults up to six days. Many Dacty/o­
gyrus eggs are sensitive to dryness. As dan­
gerous as a Dactylogyrus infection can be to
young fish, it is harmless to vigorous, healthy
adult fish. The fish evidently develops resis­
tance to gill worms when half-grown. Since,
however, a certain number of worms remain
latent on the gills, they can multiply if the host
fish weakens and loses resistance, which then
also threatens its tankmates.
If you find gill worms in a school of discus
that you bred yourself, then it can be assumed
they were infected from the parent fish. Even
later broods will infect themselves during the
time they feed on the parents' skin mucus. Gill
worms multiply so rapidly that they can de­
show the hook organ well, mounts have to be stroy a whole brood within six weeks. That has
thin so the worms lie still (Chapter 11.4 to become a problem in discus breeding. The
11.6). To gather enough worms for mounting, Dactyfogyridea of discus are 0.2 to 0.3 mm
remove the gill arches and place them In a long (Photograph No. 91). Their four central
small dish filled with aquarium water. In one to hooks measure 33 microns (Photograph No.
two hours, lift the arches out with forceps and 92). Since the worms can also survive on
pipette up all the worms that dropped off the other species of fish, transmission is possible
gills and fell to the bottom of the dish. via newly introduced fish in the aquarium.
The Dactylogyridea are hermaphroditic. Af­
ter mutual fertilization, a relatlvely large egg
forms in each worm. A smear reveals an oval 93. Dactylogyrus spp. egg with thornlike outgrowth. Size
egg with a small thorn-like projection on the 40u.
shell. An egg measures about 50 microns
(Photograph No. 93). Most of the egga be·
come detached from the gills, but a few hang
on. Development takes a few hours to four
days, then a ciliated larva emerges and ac­
tively swims off in search of a fish host.
The four eyespots allow the larva to discern
light and shadow. It perceives the fish as
shadow, swims to it, and attaches Itself to the
body of the fish. Over the next two days it
climbs slowly forward over the skin toward the
gills. When it reaches the gills It takes three to
six days until it attains sexual maturity. Be­
cause of this behavior it is not neceHary to
take a smear directly from the gllls. A smear
from about 0.5 to 1 cm behind the operculum
on the side of the body is sufficient.
7.3. Digenetic Trematodes or Flukes
They have already been found on characins,
Digenetic flatworms are parasites of the in­
catfish, and even on livebearers. Even if these
ternal organs of freshwater and marine fish.
other species were kept some time ago with
They need one or two intermediate hosts to
the discus, even for a short period, worms
complete their life cycles. The fish can be the
were still found. The worms are not resistant
definitive or the intermediate host. If the fish is
to Masoten (methiphonate, trichlorphone), as
an end host, the parasites are mainly in the in­
is often assumed; only their eggs are resistant.
testine or stomach. Their powerful suction
Since some of these remain on the bottom
discs can damage the intestinal wall. Many di­
and develop later, even three applications of
genetic trematodes can grow large enough to
treatment according to method C1 ea do not
obstruct the intestines in smaller fish hosts.
give more than briefly successful results. The
Further damage is inflicted when the worms
eggs perish quickly under dry conditions, so
feed. The worms deposit their eggs in the in­
they can be eliminated by drying out the tank
testines, from where they are eliminated with
for three days. Treatment according to C 1ac
the feces into open water. Then the ciliated
frees one aquarium population of the parasite.
larvae (the miracida) hatch and begin search­
Treatment with method Cs is more reliable.
ing for their first intermediate host, usually a
The fish should be observed regularly to catch
snail or other invertebrate. After growth they
any developing problems.
leave the intermediate host and are now cer­
When discus parents are known to harbor
cariae, recognizable by their forked tail. The
gill worms, the young must receive preventive
fish ingest the cercariae along with the food.
treatment after the parents are removed. Even
In the fish's intestines they cast off their tail
if the breeding couple do not show any signs
and develop into the parasitic worm stage or
of infestation, many gill worms may be living
encapsulate as metacercariae (Photograph
on them. Treatment according to methods C1
No. 94). In the latter case the fish is the sec­
and c1 1 are effective only when the treated
ond intermediate host and fish-eating birds or
fish are not returned to the aquarium. An
mammals become the definitive hosts.
aquarium free of gill worms can be obtained
Other trematodes go through an asexual di­
by regular application of method C,ec or Cs.
vision, forming sporocysts, some of which then
form rediae, which finally produce great num­
bers of cercariae that abandon their snail
7.2.2. Other Skin and Gill Worms hosts and seek out a fish host. On the fish
There is another whole series of gill and skin host they penetrate the skin and spread to all
worms of various forms and sizes that infest possible organs (Photograph No. 33, Chart
freshwater and marine fish. They are usually 20). Many encapsulate right under the scales,
introduced with live foods or specimens cap­ appearing as large (0.5 to 1 mm) black dots
tured in the wild but do not multiply very much (black spot disease). Encapsulated metacer­
in 1he aquarium because they are specialized cariae cause blindness when they occur in the
for one species of fish. Many of these worms fish's eye.
lay eggs that anchor to the gills by means of a In the aquarium, digenetic trematode infest­
filament. Since usually only a few eggs are ations are rare. Fish captured in the wild often
laid, there is no danger of any serious multi­ bring encapsulated metacercariae along with
plication. Sometimes diplozoons or twin­ them. Introduction of the disease is only by
worms appear on the gills of freshwater fish. means of snails, therefore they should not be
They can be recognized by their characteristic brought in from open-air ponds. Since water
"Siamese-twin" form, two individuals having birds feed from even the smallest bodies of
grown together at midbody for life. Their repro­ water, snails from fish-free ponds also repre­
ductive rate is extremely slow because they sent a danger. If you insist on having snails,
lay only one egg at a time. Gill irritation can let some deposit their eggs in a glass jar, then
occur. Treatment is according to method C 1a, transfer those to the aquarium. Infected fish
C11, or C1 . cannot be cured.
Dl-11 103

7.4. Cestodes or Tapeworms

The tapeworms also reach sexual maturity
by passing through intermediate hosts. The
first stage occurs in copepods or tubificid
worms. The fish can be either an intermediate
or a definitive host. Their life cycle is similar to
that of Digenea, therefore there is no need to
go into it again. Tapeworms occur in freshwa­
ter and marine fish (Photograph No. 95) but
are rare in aquariums. Their occurrence is lim­
ited to specimens captured in the wild, in
which worms and larvae (procercoids) can be
found. They may show up in the intestine as
worm-like larvae or in any organs as encapsu­
lated cysts. Despite the danger that tapeworm
larvae could be introduced along with tubifex
worms and cyclops, which I have regularly fed
to my fish for years, I have never found any
cestodes in my tanks. Larva cannot be de·
tected in the living fish, but the presence of
sexually mature adults can be recognized by
their eggs and detached segments, which ap­
pear in the fish faces (Photograph No. 96).
Treatment is possible only with oral medica­
tion according to method �... which has to be
94. Open metacercarial cyst with worm larva cytt. Size:
repeated until the head (scolex) of the tape­
740u. worm is eliminated with the faces.

95. Tapeworm from the gut of a discus fish. Length:

Trematodes of the genus Ssngulnlcols 5cm.
(bloodworms) live in the fish's circulatory 1y1•
tern. Their eggs are carried by the blood·
stream into the gill capillaries, where they 1tick
tight, often blocking the capillary. The emerg•
ing larva (miracidium) penetrates through the
gill tissue to gain access to open water, Where
it then seeks an intermediate host (snails of
the family Lymnaeidae). The cercariae, which
abandon the snail after a whlle, penetrate Into
a fish and develop to sexual maturity within
the vascular system. Bloodworm& and their
eggs are demonstrable in the gills. Enoapsu·
lated eggs can be found In the kldneya. Af•
fected fish are lethargic and have pale ;Ills.
Treatment can be attempted with method CM,
but success is uncertain. If there are no enalle
in the aquarium, the parasite cannot spread.
As a rule, other infections (various patho­
gens such as flagellates and bacteria) join in,
so the cause of death is often uncertain.
Tropical freshwater nematodes without alter­
nating hosts stand a good chance of spread­
ing in an aquarium. The unsegmented body
has a round, spindle-shaped, or thread-like
cross-section. Great length in a nematode
may be associated with thinness (Capillaria).

7.5.1. Cap/Ilaria (Filarlal worms)

Capillaria is an intestinal parasite of freshwa­
ter fish (Photograph No. 97), which can toler­
ate a mild infestation. When the worms have
multiplied heavily, however, the fish begin to
stand off alone, become emaciated, and
sometimes stop eating. Diagnosis can be
made from a fecal smear, in which Capillaria
eggs can be seen at 300 to 400X (Photograph
No. 20, Chart 8). They differ from species to
species but often resemble a cylinder with
rounded ends or are oval. The ends look like
they are stoppered, which is characteristic; the
"stoppers" may look like champagne corks or
only small protuberances. A very mild infection
96. Tapeworm segments found In the droppings of I ray, is defined by finding not more than three to
Potamotrygon Jaticeps. Mounted and stained with E-4. five eggs in each of several centimeter-long
Length of each segment 2.8-3mm.
fecal strands. The worms themselves can only
be found by dissecting the fresh intestine.
They move constantly; immobile specimens
7.5. Nematodes or Roundworm• are dead. These nematodes are often longer
Roundworms are frequent parasites of freth· than a centimeter, but they are thinner than a
water fish in the aquarium. In marine tanks human hair (that is why the German word for
they may be introduced along with new fish, them means "hairworm;. To examine them
but they cannot reproduce because their de­ better, dissect out the intestines, cut them
velopment requires an intermediate host. At open longitudinally under water (physiological
autopsy the larvae are found encapsulated In saline), and with a dissecting needle transfer
the tissues. Newly captured freshwater fish the worms to a microscope slide. Inside the fe­
also can sometimes harbor nematode cysts male the consecutively aligned eggs can be
(Photograph No. 34, Chart 20). There Is dan­ recognized at 1SOX (Photograph No. 97). The
ger only if both the intermediate and the defini­ eggs gain access to the water by dropping out
tive hosts are kept in the same aquarium. Vari• with the faces and lying on the bottom, where
ous organs can be infected with the they develop partially. Only when they are in­
nematodes of their larvae. Isolated parultee gested by a fish do they complete their devel­
inconvenience the host very little. Heavy lnfta­ opment and hatch in the intestine. The dis­
tation emaciates the host, produofng a 11knlft­ ease spreads very slowly. Outbreaks of
back" or "razorback" condition showing a epidemic proportions and losses occur only
sharp ridge under the emaciated doreal ekln, rarely. The fish, in that case, are most cer­
The fish dies when an organ ceuo1 to tainly also infected with other diseases as well.
function. Capil/aria is rarely introduced with live foods.
six months in the same aquarium were not in­
fected. The worms live freely in the intestine
and constantly wriggle. They have never been
observed to hold fast by biting, hooking, or
sucking onto the intestinal wall. The worms
nourish themselves from the intestinal content
and damage the host by removing nourish­
ment from it. As with other nematodes, a mild
infestation is well tolerated. If large numbers of
• worms appear, the fish become timid, darken,
and eventually become emaciated. The fe­
male worms can attain a length of 4 millime­
ters, the males about 2 millimeters (Photo­
graph No. 98). Adult females contain large
numbers of eggs. Discharged eggs remain
hanging together from the mother by long
sticky threads. In massive infestations the
threads gnarl together and form a sticky felt
plug of eggs and worms that sticks in the in­
testine and may cause intestinal occlusion.
The eggs develop rapidly, and the larvae
hatch after only a few hours (Photograph No.
21, Chart 8). Transmission occurs through the
eggs and larvae, which are eliminated in the
feces and stay at the bottom until they are in­
97. Gapillaria spp. In a mount of gut contents. Length: 1· gested by other fish feeding there.

More often it gets into the aquarium vfa In·

fected new arrivals. Prevention conelsta of
quarantining new fish and carrying out eeveral
98. Female threadwonn of the order Oxyurida Bright­
microscopic examinations of feces during thlt field photograph. Size: 0.54mm.
time. Treatment according to method Bo pro­
vides control for quite some time. Treatment 0
with method Cs has been used sucoeetfully.
The only definitive treatment to annlhllata tho
intestinal nematodes is with flubenol 5%
(method C6), since this also destroys the
worms eggs.

7.5.2. Oxyurlda (Plnworm, or

Several years ago a new nematode specie,
spread to the discus breeding facllftln In the
Rhein/Main region. The worms live mainly In
the anterior area of the intestine. Up to now
they have been demonstrated only In discus.
Characids, gouramis, and clchllde that came
into contact with infected discus for more than
108 Worm

99. Holding organ of thomvn,tdld woon. Echlnomyn­

chus truttae, from the gut ofI trout Sit• Hmm.

Diagnosis based upon fecal matter le unoor• lathe or milling bit used for boring. The pinch­
tain because eggs and larvae are not 1lway1 lf•lhaped (or caliper-like) mouth is sur­
in it Dissection permits an exact dlagnotll, A rounded by a brown, ribbed, horny covering.
specimen is dissected out of the anterior lntn­ Thie structure allows the worm to hold on so
tine and prepared as described In Chapter tightly to the Intestinal wall that it cannot be re­
11.8 to demonstrate worms. A magnttloatlon of moved. Any forceful wrenching with the for­
so to 1oox is well suited to examination and ceps will rip away tissue from the intestinal
diagnosis. Treatment is possible with method wall, which can lead to fatal infections. The
D3, Cs, or Cs. piece of intestinal wall the worm holds in Its
mouth is clamped off from the blood circulation
7.5.3. Cama/lsnus and eventually becomes necrotic. The worm
Worms of the genus Camsllsnua paruftfz, then releases Its bite and moves to another
the rectum of fish. The species C1m1JJ1nu1 llte 80 that it does not fall off the host This
cotti has spread very widely In recent Yllfl, oventually perforates the intestine enough for
Even marine fish are susceptible, but In frolh­ other pathogens to gain entry.
water tanks characins and llvebearer1 art tho Most Camsllanus species reproduce by
prime hosts. If the fish remains quiet, thon the means of an intermediate host, which can be
ends of these red worms hang out of tho anu, cyclops, various water fleas, or insect larvae.
(Photograph No. 19, Chart 8). At the flth'e These bring the larval worms into the aquar­
• slightest movement, the worms retreat lmmo­ ium, but the probability of infection even with
diately into the intestine. The anue 11 otton llve food from ponds is extremely small. The
greatly enlarged. Female specimen, attaJn a species Camallanus lacustris and C. cotti,
length of up to 1 o miIiimeters, whlle main probably from Asia, can multiply in an aQuar­
grow to only somewhat over 3 mllllmeter1 lo� lum because they produce live larvae. They do
(Photograph No. 27, Chart 14). not need any Intermediate host for at least
The curious German name for thll worm teVeral generations. Motile larvae are easily
means "milling head" or "cutter bloolf' worm r,cognlzed in the bodies of live female worm
and alludes to the mouthparts of the worm, Ml= 1poclmens. Methods Bs, Ca, Cs, and C,1a are
croscopically they give the lmpreeelon of I control measures.
Worm DIIN1e1 107
7.5.4. Dracunculoldea (Bloodworm•) (Chapter 7.5.4), with which the leeches them­
Bloodworms are blood-red worms, u1ually selves may have become infected from pond
parasitic on blood, ranging in size from several fish. Lesions caused by blood-sucking often
millimeters to a centimeter. Aquarium fish har· lead to further infections.
bor the species Philometra ssngulnss. Au• Leeches can remain hidden for a long time
topsy reveals them on the inner surface of the among the aquarium plants until they are acci­
opercula, in the body cavity, In the air bllddor, dentally discovered. Attached leeches can be
at the bases of the fins, and In the artorlff, loosened with treatment according to method
These worms, which typically parultlze COid· Ca, or by bathing the fish briefly in a salt bath
water fish, reproduce by alternating holtl and (method C128). As prevention, the only recom­
thus can be introduced into the aquarium via mendation Is not to catch any food in fish
their intermediate hosts (cyclops, water floa), ponds, or at least to screen it through a coarse
The life cycle of all species, however, 18 not 1leve to catch any leeches and then to visually
known. There is no treatment for the dlHIH, lnipect the food.
7.6. Acanthocephala (Thorny-htldld
Thorny-headed worms are up to 2-oentlmot­
er-long intestinal parasites that can CIU§O
great damage with their hooked head (probof,,
cis armed with hooks or spines) (Photogrtph
No. 99). Despite their massive pre,onco In
pond and stream fish, they do not reprnont
very much danger to aquarium fish. ThlN
100. Acanthocepha/a eggs in mount prepared from drop­
worms need an intermediate host. ThUI the cf. plnga. 11ou.
gar- or spindle-shaped eggs found In the feeet
of affected fish may not develop Into the para•
sitic stage (Photograph No. 100). A larva, the
acanthella, hatches and enters alderfllll

(Sia/is) and various other Insect larvae untll
these are ingested by fish. In the fish lnttl1fno
they develop into the adult thorny•htldod
worms. Because the intermediate hO§t§
(Sia/is) are virtually unknown In the aqulrluffl, .
the adult thorny-heads cannot multlply, 1§§:
lated larvae, however, can be lntrodlffl§§
along with food animals. Many thorny-hesdetl
worms specialize in one species of fish, M
any further development in the aquarium flsh
is improbable. If eggs of the thomy·headed
worm are found in fish faces, treatment can bo
carried out according to method c�.
7.7. Hlrudinea or Leeches
Leeches certainly are uncommon In 1tf8;
aquarium. They can be Introduced only wfftt1
unchecked live foods. They damage tho ff§h
by sucking the blood. Larger leechoa CM
transmit parasites such as Cryptobla1 Ttypll•
nosoma (Chapter 6.1.1 ), and Phllometffl
101: The family Ergasilidae; after Schaperclaus' Fischk­
a. Ergasilus sieboldii (about 1.7 mm); b. Ergasilus briani
(Size: 0.7 - 1 mm); c. Ergasilus auritus. d. Paraergasilus
medius. e. Thersitina gasterostei; f. Sinergasilus major
(Size: 2.2 - 3.0 mm); g. Neoergasilus longispinosus (Size
about 0.8 mm); h. Paraergasilus longidigitus (Size: 0.4 -
0.5 mm); i. Paraergasilus brevidigitus.
Chapter 8
Arthropods parasitic on fish are rarely a prob­ Secondary infections often occur, particularly
lem in the aquarium. They are mainly crusta­ with fungus, which easily attacks the damaged
ceans that live as parasites. Mites have not tissues. Heavily infected fish suffer from ane­
yet been definitely identified as parasites, al­ mia, become emaciated, and are susceptible
though damage they have caused has been to many other diseases. For that reason, no
observed in aquarium fish. live food from fish ponds should be used.
Treatment can be according to method C1ea,
8.1. Copepods
C,,. or C1 .
Copepods are dangerous to our fish for two
Besides the Ergasilidae, there are other co­
reasons: there are several species that directly
pepods that parasitize freshwater and marine
parasitize fish, and even harmless species can
fish. Some attack the gill and buccal cavities
transmit dangerous worm diseases (Chapter as welt as th#;l skin of fish. Others cause boil­
7.4 and 7.5.4). It is usually only the females like growths on the head, in which the worm­
that parasitize fish. They possess special like crustacean lives.
clamping hooks to hold on to the fish, and their
mouthparts are designed to suck the blood of 8.1.2. Lernaeide or Anchorworms
the host. Many species have adapted so radi­ These very elongated copepods have lost
cally to this kind of life during the course of their articulated appearance and thus resem­
their evolution that they are difficult to recog­ ble a worm more than they do a crustacean.
nize as crustaceans. A heavy infestation se­ On the head are amorphously shaped growths
verely interferes with the fish's normal behav­ of chitin that serve to attach the parasite to the
ior. Methods C1, C11, and C1 8 can be applied to tissue of a fish (Photograph No. 102). Anten­
control the parasites. nae and mouthparts are atrophied. The long,
tube-like egg sacs are often rolled and twisted,
8.1.1. Ergasilidae not straight. Lernaea species and their rela­
In Ergasilus species, only the female is para­ tives, the Lernaeopodidae, attack marine and
sitic. They can be recognized by their elon­ freshwater fish. Depending upon the species,
gated egg sacs and clasping hooks (Photo­ they live on the gills, in the gill and buccal cav­
graph No. 101). They are about 1.5 mm long. ities, on the skin and eyes, or in the muscula­
The egg sacs are scarcely a millimeter long ture of the fish. The presence of these para­
and together can contain 50 to 200 eggs. sites in an aquarium is extremely rare. The
There is only slight risk of introducing this par­ control of parasites introduced along with fish
asite into the aquarium because only males can be carried out with method C12, C1sa , C,,,
are among the plankton in the water. It is, or C1.
however, not impossible that females might be
introduced as nauplii into the aquarium along 8.2. Argulidae or Fish Lice
with live foods. They will only reproduce, how­ Fish lice are shield-shaped crustaceans that
ever, if sexually mature adults of both sexes measure between 4 and 12 millimeters (Pho­
are in the aquarium simultaneously or if fertil­ tograph No. 103). On the ventral surface are
ized females are introduced along with new the eyes, sucking discs, two antennae with
fish. clasping hooks, and a spicule or sting with
Gill infestation is apparent to the naked eye. which the animal punctures the skin and sucks
Crustacean parasites of the gills look like whit­ blood. The toxic substance injected by the
ish, elongated objects on the gill filaments. louse when puncturing the skin can kill small
They damage the fish by digesting its epithe­ fish, and in large fish the site of injection often
lial cells. Since they often change position on becomes inflamed and swollen. The puncture
the fish, the gills suffer widespread damage. wound can be secondarily infected by fungus;
110 Arthropods

Achtheres percarum

Sphyrion lumpi


Achtheres strigatus.

102 The Order Lernaeoidea, after Schap­

erclaus' Fischkrankheiten.
a. Sphyrion lumpi; b. Achtheres percarum; c. Achtheres
coregonorum; d. Achtheres strigatus.

1�4. Trlmslaconothrus spp. M tes -o ... -·e: .,. ·- ��

§It@; 680u.

A species of mrte rece"':. "'"as :::- s:·;:.:·

I g� mostly among Ge,
n ------ - --- - -
- .-- --:: ... ·-�-
-- ::: .... ·.::.,:.- -- ·;;.
cillties. Professo .. Be:<:· a· s-_ -; -:.s :�--.
fied as a s:e: es _ :: __ __
Tnma,aco�c·,. • ..'- s ::,-...
_.., ,, ..... · ....,.-
U8U8lly is ria-m ess 'ee: "'9 O '"' a gae :e:-s
and fungal hypnae. but \tvrien food s ex:·e ..... e •
1carce for several weeks these mites c ..,, : _:
1�. Argulus spp. carp louse. Bright fltld pt,otogrnph,
Size: 5-12mm.
on fish and feed on their skin (Photograp'"' �:
106). Massive infestations can endange• :-e
flth, but only those which remain on tne ::x::­
it can also allow entry of the causative agtJnt tom at night. Infections of discus have "'e, e·
of abdominal dropsy and of blood paratltoa been observed. The mites are very resista": ·:
(see Chapters 4.2 and 6.1.1.). chemical agents and high temperatures a-:
After taking its meal, the parasite abandoru, the only sure method to eliminate ther, s :: .
the fish and swims freely around to find a new drying out the tank. Since they eat deb.. s a-:
victim. If none is found, the parasite can tur• algae, however, they can be tolerateo ,.. :-e
vive three weeks without food. aquarium if kept under control.
Fish lice attack all fish species. Thoy gain
entry to the aquarium along with llvo fOOd§ 10G, Trlmalaconothrus mites on the skin of a .fish
from fish ponds or other bodies of wator con­
taining fish. Control of the parasites Is pouiblo
with methods C12, C1aa, C11 , and c.,.
8.3. Acarlna or Fish Mites
Mites are not really fish parasites. Freshwa­
ter mites and their larval stages are predatory
and can endanger the smallest fry. Slnot they
occur in great numbers in ponds uaed for ot,.
taining live foods, they are easily oapturod
along with the live food and Introduced wHh It
into an aquarium. They do not reproduoo If
suitable food is laciong.
:� ' ._-- . .._ - - -• - , •· • • ·- -� , I_ __' -�..-� • ' ••._ -- - ·-· • . .�

Chapter 9

The diseases discussed up to now wtro Ill

caused by pathogens. There are also pitho"
logic changes due to environmental feetof§
(such as toxicity) or heredity. When environ=
mental factors are the cause, normallty II r,=
established when the cause Is removed, If tt,e
period of imbalance was not extended, It U§U,,
ally is too difficult to locate the cause, aapo­
cially if it involves malnutrition and vitamin d•
ficiencies, in which case the effects ehow up
only after a long period. Sometime• the only
evidence of deficiencies is the muttlplloatlon of
certain parasites because they are taking Ad,,
vantage of the weakened resl11anoo of 1M
fish. Correct.ion of the deficiency leadt to iffl=
provement, but usually only after a long whil@,
1 ff!, Fin deformation caused by deficiency during early
arawtfi phase.

1.1. Tumors and Growths

Tumors arise by uncontrolled division of so­
matic cells. These growths are neoplastic (i.e.,
106. Melanosarcoma behind the pectoral nn of I.I fflMk now, abnormal, separate tissues taking nouri­
Tetra. ihment from the body). There are various
eauses for them, usually chemicals (carcino­
Qens) that stimulate individual cells to grow
and proliferate uncontrollably. Moreover, pre­
disposition to tumors may be inherited or
caused by hormonal disorders. Tumors are
classified as benign or malignant. The benign
ones grow slowly, only push aside the adja­
cent tissues, and do not give rise to any
daughter growths. Malignant tumors, however,
grow fast and destroy adjacent tissues; they
und cells through the bloodstream to other
parta of the body and give rise to daughter
growths or metastases at other locations.
Many tumors are caused by the effect of vi­
ru111 or by aflatoxins (Chapter 9.3). Tumors
g@nerally do not occur very often in aquarium


Obvious misshaping of aquarium fish can result from a number of different causes, with environmental and
genetic factors both playing a part. In most cases it is not easy to pinpoint the exact cause of a deformation
without having a good knowledge of the history of the affected specimen.
s Not Cauijd. JIY · c,patffi>'geriiC.: Organisms
Thyroid tumors may be benign or malignant. check to see whether all chemical factors in
They can be recognized at an early stage by the environment are proper and that no vita­
a lifted operculum even while the fish is min deficiency is present. Fin deformations
breathing calmly (Photograph No. 5, Chart 4). (Photograph No. 107) can be due to oxygen
If the tumor is caused by iodine deficiency depletion, wrong pH, or vitamin deficiency.
(gaiter), then the addition of iodine to the Shortened opercula result from vitamin and
aquarium water may cure the disease (method calcium deficiencies during growth (Photo­
C10). Malignant tumors (thyroid carcinomas) graph No. 1, Chart 1). Supplemental vitamins
soon grow back if the diseased tissue is not with Calcipot 03 in the feed are a remedy, ac­
completely excised. Metastases often appear cording to methods 84, 85, and C21 (Chapter
.• in the same organ as well as sometimes in
distant parts of the body. Treatment is im­
Siamese twins, in which one sibling is pres­
possible. ent only as a knob or growth hanging from the
Lesions that arise from pigment cells (mela­ belly of the other, is caused by damage
nocytes or chromatophores) are called mela­ (chemical or physical) to the egg. Other com­
nomas and melanosarcomas (Photograph No. mon anomalies are double organs, color ab­
106). Their occurrence in livebearing species errations, misshapen scales, skeletal deform­
is often genetically determined and also can ations from vitamin deficiencies, eyes of
be purposely produced by hybridization (Pho­ unequal size, and dislocated lateral-lines.
tograph No. 6, Chart 4).
Lipomas are formed from fat cells (lipocytes 9.3. Nutritional Problems
or adipose cells) in the fatty tissue and can at­ The importance of a balanced diet for the
tain considerable size. These benign tumors health of fish is still underestimated, even to­
are firm and can be removed whole from the day. A one-sided diet can lead to signs of defi­
surrounding tissues. A squash mount of a tu­ ciencies, or at least to a reduced resistance to
mor fragment often squeezes out liquid fat in disease. Many dietary vitamins can be ab­
the form of small spheres. sorbed only if essential fats are present at the
Cysts form around foreign bodies and en­ same time; otherwise these vitamins cannot
capsulate them, isolating them from the other
tissues. Parasites can likewise be enclosed in
cysts. The hard bristles of various food ani­
mals, if they penetrate the intestinal wall, are Malformations and deformations usually have a deleteri­
often encapsulated as cysts (Photograph No. ous effect on the appearance of the fish and in most
28, Chart 14). cases affect the fish's manueverability to some extent,
but in some cases such anomalies are considered desir­
Cystomas are cysts that originate from the able and are actively perpetuated in aquarium-bred
organs of the fish without any outside influ­ stock. The tailless cichlids shown here are not in the "de­
ence. The gallbladder, kidney, and air bladder sirable" category.
are the organs usually affected. Cystomas at­
tain considerable size and are filled with a tur­
bid liquid. Externally, there is possible confu­
sion with abdominal dropsy. This tumor is not
• treatable. Affected fish have to be sacrificed.
When frequent tumors occur, check whether
the water contains carcinogenic substances.

9.2. Malformations and Deformations

Malformations sometimes are seen in fish
bred in the aquarium. Since this can be due to
hereditary, such fish should not be bred fur­
ther. If malformations show up often, then
be utilized and are eliminated in the feces. It in discus, Spironucleus. Cichlids have often
is important to know that beef-heart alone can been found with holes in the head area, yet
never be adequate as food, but must be fed their intestines were free of any flagellates.
along with supplemental greens and occasion­ The flagellates found in the holes were often
ally with vitamins. The preparation of vitamin­ of nonparasitic species normally inhabiting
ized feed is described in methods 84 and 85, aquarium water. In many instances, after suc­
Chapter 10.2. Several varied feedings with cessful control of the flagellates found along
fresh or frozen live food daily are necessary. with hole-in-the-head disease, no improve­
Aquarists who believe they have to give high ment occurred in the fish with the disease.
vitamin doses should realize that too much of On the other hand, holes in the head have
a good thing can be harmful. Constant ov­ been cleared up, even in the presence of flag­
erfeeding with vitamins, as well as not enough ellates, by the addition Osspulvit or Calcipot
of them, can lead to disease. Vitaminized feed 03.
prepared according to method 84 should not These results lead to the conclusion that the
be given more than twice a week. occurrence of holes in the head and fins is a
Bear in mind that more than two-thirds of the symptom of calcium, phosphorous, and vita­
diseased fish examined in recent years exhib­ min D deficiencies in the diet. These sub­
ited major fatty degeneration of the liver and stances are lacking in one-sided diets. In an­
body cavity. Fatty degeneration leads to vari­ other case they were depleted in the intestine
ous disorders, including disrupted liver func­ because of heavy (nonparasitic) flagellate in­
tion (Photographs Nos. 48 and 49), often re­ festation. The addition of vitamin powder ac­
sulting in tuberculosis of the liver, spleen, and cording to method 84 (Chapter 1O) prevents
intestine. Also, the multiplication of various hole-in-the-head disease.
bacterial species in the liver, spleen, kidney, Gastroenteritis {also called gastrointestinal
and body cavity can cause the signs of ab­ inflammation) may result from spoiled feed, a
dominal dropsy. Other parasites may multiply vitamin deficiency, or a one-sided diet of meat
heavily because the resistance of the fish is (such as beef-heart). Likewise, a diet of an
reduced. Fatty degeneration of the liver is easily digestible food (such as white worms)
caused by too many carbohydrates and fats in with high nutritive value or a one-sided diet of
the diet, as well as the lack of choline and vita­ carbohydrates, fats, or proteins can lead to the
mins. A one-sided diet with easily digestible condition.
feed, along with vitamin deficiency, leads to In one case, because of a lack of time, beef­
gastrointestinal infla,mmations. Spoiled feed is heart without supplements was fed exclusively
just as dangerous. Dry feed is worthless two for two months· to a tank of discus. That led to
months after the can is opened. Atmospheric enteritis in four of the 16 discus, resulting in in­
humidity decomposes vitamins, giving bacteria testinal occlusion, whereby a 4-cm stretch of
and fungi a foothold. Moldy dry food must not, intestine became 2 cm thick, filled with half-di­
under any circumstances, be fed to the fish; gested food (Photograph No. 25, Chart -11);
the aflatoxins in it are highly toxic-5 mg afla­ the fish died with a severely bloated belly. A
toxin per 1 kg of fish kills within a few days. fourth fish recovered following a temperature
The liver yellows and disintegrates (necrosis). increase to 33°C and administration of Osspul­
Smaller concentrations of the toxin lead to vit and spinach. Here, too, a clearly bloated
liver cancer. It makes more sense to buy flake belly was evident. Incompletely thawed frozen
food in a can of just the right size to last at feed also causes enteritis.
most six weeks.
According to experiences gathered over re­ 9.4. Wounds
cent years, hole-in-the-head disease of the Skin abrasions, puncture wounds, and cuts
cichlids appears to be a deficiency disease sometimes are self-inflicted as frightened
that can have two causes. Up to now it has aquarium fish dart about. In combat with rival
been ascribed to the flagellates Hexamita or, fish, it is not rare for the subordinate fish to
sustain heavy skin damage. Pathogens then 9.5.3. Poisoning
enter and cause infections, inflaming the Ammonia (NH3) is strongly toxic to all fish. At
wound or opening the way to fungal infections. a pH of under 7, it occurs as non-toxic ammo­
Wounded fish must be transferred immediately nium (NH4 +). An increase in pH (such as when
to the quarantine tank. Treatment is with carbon dioxide is taken up by plants under
method C12, C11d, C,. Av,, or C23. strong illumination) causes formation of free
ammonia. Ammonium does not change at
once to ammonia when the neutral pH value is
9.5. Diseases Caused by Chemicals
exceeded, but depends upon the temperature
9.5.1. Oxygen Deficiency at every pH value in a fixed percentage distri­
• There are various causes for oxygen deficie­
ncy in the aquarium, such as heavy feeding,
bution. Thus, for example, at an ammonium
content of 6-8 mg/I, a dangerous level of am­
overpopulation, poor aeration, dirty filters, and monia is reached only above pH 8. However,
mulm-laden bottoms, for all decomposition very small quantities of this substance suffice
processes burn up oxygen. Repeated bouts of to considerably stress the fish. A balanced
oxygen deficiency can cause malformed aquarium with a well run-in filter is hardly in
young fish (Chapter 9.2). In oxygen-deficient danger, since ammonium is metabolized by
water, the fish hang just under the surface of bacteria and very little of it is present.
the water and breathe heavily. Dead fish lie in Ammonia poisoning shows up at a level of
the tank, gills pale, the mouth and opercula more than 0.3 mg/I as skin and nerve damage.
open. If the fish show symptoms of a lack of Hemorrhages next appear first on the gills
oxygen, do not turn up the aeration exces­ then on the epidermis and internal organs.
sively, for that only whips up any bottom mulm Drop the pH to below 7 to achieve rapid im­
and causes even more oxygen loss. There­ provement. Chemical tests for ammonia are
fore, regulate the aeration so it does not dis­ available commercially. From the foregoing, it
turb the bottom matter and add hydrogen per­ is obvious that the use of such tests makes
oxide to the water (method C29). If this does sense only along with pH measurements.
not improve the situation within a few minutes, Nitrite and nitrate are the oxidation products
then the fish are suffering from a gill disease of ammonia. They form as a result of high lev­
(Chapter 3.4). els of ammonium following heavy organic pol­
lution of the water (such as following overfeed­
9.5.2. Acidosis and Alkalosis ing). If nitrites accumulate in the water without
Most fish are adapted to a stable pH value oxidizing into nitrates, the toxicity that occurs
of 7, but it can vary between pH6 and pH8, de­ can be fatal to the fish. They become apa­
pending upon species. As acidic pH values thetic and die suddenly in full color.
drop below 5.3, the fish begin to breathe heav­ Sometimes nitrites occur along with oxygen
ier, dart backward through the aquarium, and depletion. Nitrates are not as toxic as nitrites
gasp for air just under the surface of the water. and are tolerated at much higer levels. To pre­
Many tropical species live in extremely pure vent accumulation, water must be changed
water that contains a large amount of humic regularly or else gradually exchanged out of
acids, and these fish can tolerate distinctly the aquarium. An excessively high nitrite level
lower pH values. At a stable, very slightly low­ can be lowered only by repeated water
ered pH value, a brown gill coating, mucous changes. Nitrite toxicity for fish starts at 1O
secretions on the gills, whitish skin opacities, mg/I. Nitrate toxicity starts at 100 to 300 mg/I.
or turbidity appears. If the filter motor ever fails, an oxygen deficit
Alkalosis occurs when the pH value exceeds occurs rapidly in the closed filter chamber. The
8 by too much. The fish react with whitish skin filter organisms, normally bathed in oxygen­
turbidity and frayed fins, followed later by skin rich water, die. A stinking soup of by-products
and gill corrosion or fraying. Ammonia toxicity of anaerobic reactions forms and produces
also is a possibility. large quantities of nitrites. When the motor
starts up again, this toxin-laden water will be these symptoms appear after administration of
pumped out into the aquarium water, and in a medication, quickly replace a large portion of
short time the fish will show signs of poisoning the water. Since the toleration of a medication
that can be fatal. One hour can be taken as varies from species to species, a new one first
the limit of inactivity if the filter is not too dirty. must be tested. Heed the dosage instructions
If, however, the power outage lasts longer, closely.
then the filter must be throughly cleaned be­ Copper toxicity may occur in treatments with
fore starting it up again. copper sulfate if the water hardness is not at
Carbon dioxide (C02) dissolves more easily least 10° 0H. It may likewise occur if the water
than oxygen in water, thus carbon-dioxide fer­ comes through copper tubing. Let it run awhile
tilized aquariums could accumulate dangerous first. Herbicides for algae also contain copper
levels if the metering dispenser malfunctions. and should not be overused. Rapid changes of
It is completely irrational to give carbon diox­ water are the only countermeasures that can
ide at night, for then the plants do not use it. be recommended. Iron in fertilizer and lead
In the absence of light no oxygen is produced, wires on plants can lead to toxicity. Regular
letting the C02 level rise. The fish react with addition of Fetrilon is said to lead to liver dam­
difficult breathing, greatly increased respira­ age, though this is not experimentally demon­
tory rate, restless swimming around, rolling or strated.
reeling, assuming of diagonal or horizontal po­
sitions on the bottom for short periods, loss of 9.6. Gas Bubble Disease
reflexes, respiratory failure, and death. Strong Just as in divers who ascend too rapidly, gas
aeration drives off the carbon dioxide, but only bubbles form in the fins and skin of fish when
very slowly; it is better to change a large por­ there is a sudden reduction in gas (air) pres­
tion of the water. sure. The bubbles are quite visible to the na­
Hydrogen sulfide is generated (anaerobi­ ked eye and the skin crackles if you run your
cally) by decomposition in the bottom matter. finger over it. In extreme cases, gas bubbles
Hydrogen sulfide consumes the free oxygen in in the blood kill the fish (gas embolus). Gas
the water, leading to symptoms of suffocation pressure can be lowered by changing large
and intoxication. The gills turn violet-red and portions of the water, sudden lowering of the
hemorrhages appear. temperature, and by exposing thickly planted
Chemical substances from outside the landscapes to sunshine. Gas bubbles also can
aquarium can poison fish, too. To avoid fish form when fish are moved without first slowly
mortality, do not let the aquarium air pump exchanging travel water with aquarium water.
suck up any organic solvents, aerosols from Gas bubble disease cannot occur in a well­
spray paints or insecticides, or fumes from oil aerated aquarium.
heaters and furnaces. Some roots, pebbles,
plastics, and colored decorative items can lib­
erate toxic substances into the water.
Chlorine toxicity causes shakiness in move­
9.7. Injury Caused by Temperature
ment and pale fins. Later, the fish turn dull and
Water temperature represents for the fish
stop breathing. Remove the chlorine from tap
one of the most important environmental fac­
water before adding it to the aquarium. Chemi­
tors, so the temperatures reported in the litera­
cals can be used, the water can be allowed to
ture should be adhered to as closely as possi­
sit in an open container, the water can be
ble. Species of fish whose optimal
heated and then cooled, or the water can be
temperatures are more than 4°C apart should
run through a shower-head arrangement to re­
not be in the same aquarium community.
lease the chlorine.
Digestion and the functioning of the internal
Misuse of medications can cause toxicity.
organs depend directly upon the water tem­
The fish turn pale, are timid and hide, and may
perature. For that reason, sudden changes in
also shoot madly through the aquarium. If
temperature are very bad for the whole organ-
ism. An aquarist can make the greatest mis­
take by dumping the fish from the transport
bag into the aquarium without first having
equalized the temperatures. Sudden increases
in temperature have as negative an effect as
drops in temperature.
Adaptation of the fish to temperature should
be slow, not exceeding about 1 °C per hour.
Temperature changes should be utilized only
in the treatment of diseases. Even then, the
fluctuation should not be more than 1 °C per
hour. Many fish live in waters where tempera­
tures fluctuate sharply, such as dropping sev­
eral degrees at night. Whoever cares for such
fish under natural conditions and wants them
to multiply should relaize that they cannot be
fed in the evening under any condition. A drop
in temperature greatly slows down digestion,
thus leaving undigested food in the intestine,
resulting in enteritis, followed later by infec­
tions caused by diseases associated with
Sharp rises or drops in temperature because
of faulty thermostats may be harmless if the
change takes several hours to occur. The fish
die only when the aquarist changes a large
quantity of water, changing the proper temper­
ature too rapidly.
Tteatment Qf .Diseased Fish

Chapter 10


10.1. General Guidelines for Medication In general, when treating with a certain med­
The relatively small amount of water in a ication a species of fish with which you do not
• tank is a considerable disadvantage for the have any experience, you cannot predict any­
health of fish but is an advantage in treating thing about tolerance. It is absolutely essential
them. In the first place, the quantity of water is to carry out a therapeutic trial with a single, se­
precisely measurable, so that the exact dos­ verely affected fish. Select the weakest one. If
age with the best spectrum of action can be it tolerates the treatment, others of the same
given. In the second place, just minute quanti­ species can also be treated. Pay particular at­
ties of very expensive drugs may be involved. tention to catfish and characins in community
Most drugs and other chemicals used in the tanks-these groups of fishes are especially
control of fish diseases are toxic, and they sensitive to many medication side-effects.
must be kept away from children. Some kinds of treatment should be done in
The effect of therapeutic chemicals and pig­ the fully setup aquarium so as to hit the patho­
ments is based upon their being more toxic to gens that are not the fish itself. Other treat­
parasites than to the host. The greater the dif­ ments are carried out in separate containers,
ference in toxicity, the safer the medication. otherwise the bacterial flora of the filter and
Unfortunately, however, the limits of tolerance the bottom of the aquarium will be killed, thus
for fish and parasite toward the best drugs are leading to the formation of toxins in the water.
often quite similar, so dosage instructions Many medications contain vehicles that can
(quantity and dosage schedule) must be cause a huge increase in bacteria and oxygen
strictly adhered to. In addition, the drug's ef­ consumption (e.g., Gabbrocol, method Ca) and
fect and the fish's tolerance to it are closely so cannot be administered to fish in a setup
dependent upon the quality and temperature aquarium.
of the water; the tolerance varies from species The method of administration for every drug
to species. Underdosage is as a rule to be and the length of time to let it act are spelled
avoided, since no parasites will be killed. Pre­ out in the instructions. Yet it is possible that
ventive treatment on a constant or regular ba­ weakened or sensitive fish still may not toler­
sis also is irrational, indeed even dangerous. ate the dosage. Even antibiotic therapy does
Such a procedure leads to the development of not always immediately stop fish from dying,
resistant parasites that then cannot be con­ especially in bacterial infections that damage
trolled even with higher dosages. internal organs; individuals die of the disease
Since parasites also have optimal tempera­ even following successful treatment because
tures at which they can reproduce best, there damaged internal organs cease functioning.
is the possibility of backing up drug therapy As a rule, fish are treated in a long bath in
with temperature adjustment. Outside of their the aquarium for one to several days. You can
optimal temperature. the parasites are often readily understand that drugs that act against
more susceptible to the drug. Whether the bacteria on the fish can also damage other
temperature should be turned up or down de­ bacteria and microorganisms elsewhere in the
pends upon the drug. Sometimes the toxicity tank. Some die and pollute the water.
rises with the temperature (e.g., Masoten, Since the filter also contains bacteria, it is
method C,a). Temperature instructions for better to first wash out the filter media. Acti­
medications, therefore, must be strictly vated charcoal must be removed before treat­
followed. ment begins. Change a good percentage of
the water several times after the treatment. peutic baths, which are made by dissolving a
Replace a portion of the substrate in the filter certain amount of drug in a liter of water. One
with activated charcoal, which will remove the milliliter of this mixture thus contains one-thou­
rest of the drug from the water. Following the sandth part of the whole amount. As a rule,
use of many kinds of drugs, the filter needs one gram of drug is dissolved in one li!�r of
several weeks to rebuild an active bacterial water to make a stock solution, each m1lhllter
flora. Handling of the filter material is briefly of which contains one milligram of drug.
described, when appropriate, in the section on 10.2 Therapeutic Recommendations
methods of treatment. Ultraviolet light can de­ The following therapeutic recommendations
compose many water-soluble medications, so are numbered to correspond with the diseases
• the UV lamps in the filtration system should be described in previous chapters. Quantities
turned off during the course of treatment. stated are tolerated by most fish species;
Short baths can last from a few minutes to treatments for catfishes, characins, and
hours and are carried out in small tanks con­ smaller cichlids, however, should first be
taining an accurately measured volume of wa­ tested as previously described.
ter. These baths are useful when a high dos­ Many drugs mentioned here are powerful
age of the medication is required. The chemicals used also in human medicine. They
temperature and chemistry of the water must also can produce more serious side-effects
match those of the regular aquarium. Watch than the pet shop products and should be
the fish closely during this short bath. If they used only after precise diagnoses and never
turn on their sides, remove them from the bath without good reason. They should be used
at once. Never give short baths in the aquar­ only when pet shop medications fail. Labels on
ium, for that would kill all plants and bacteria; pet shop medications should list contents and
it would be impossible to remove the drug fast intended uses. There are no true "miracle"
enough. A pharmacist or veterinarian can help drugs, so be cautious about so-called cure­
you obtain some of the medications, but a pet alls.
shop should have convenient dosage forms of Two individually safe drugs can be danger­
many especially prepared for home aquarists. ous if used together. Different diseases should
The aquarist should become familiar with the be treated successively, with the more serious
standard weights and measures used in the disease treated first. Allow a recuperation pe­
preparation of solutions of medications and riod of at least three days between treatments
other chemicals. In the metric system, weight and clear the water of all medications by
is given in grams (g) or milligrams (mg); 1 changing water, as described earlier, even if
gram = 1000 milligrams. To measure liquids, the same treatment is being repeated.
the aquarist uses a beaker of known volume, Wrong uses of antibiotics have led to resis­
a graduated cylinder, or measuring pipettes. tant pathogens; the fear is that this resistance
liquids in the metric system are measured by can be transferred to man's bacterial patho­
the liter (I or L) or milliliter (ml), or occasionally, gens. Expert opinion varies widely, but antibi­
cubic centimeter (cc or cm3). One liter = 1 OOO otics should be used in aquariums only in dir­
ml or 1 OOO cc. est emergencies. Sulfonamides and
An accurate balance with a range of 0.5 to nitrofurans should be tried first. Antibiotic ther­
50 grams is needed. Otherwise, a pharmacist apy should be done in bare all-glass tanks; the
might be willing to measure out the minute antibiotic solutions must not be allowed into

quantities you would need to give in a treat­ the sewer system. They should be left in the
ment. The pet shop, however, usually has treatment tank and heated to between 50° and
dosages measured just for fish. At times the 60 ° C.; decomposition should occur within two
expense of buying expensive drugs in bulk days except for chloramphenicol, which can
can justify several aquarists pooling their re­ be destroyed in two hours through the addition
sources. of lye or caustic soda to raise the pH to over
Stock solutions are needed for many thera- 10.
' Treatment 'of Diseased Fish
', ··--.._,.' _. 121
Mixing medications into the food is often rec­ take the fish out and, if need be, transfer them
ommended; the medication goes directly to to freshly mixed solution.
the gut, and treatment can be given in a fully Chloramphenicol can be mixed into the feed
set up aquarium. Putting the medicine into the according to method 85. Since it tolerates
food of course requires that the fish is accus­ temperatures up to 100°C, it can be stirred in
tomed to the food and is not too sick to eat. at a temperature of 80 °C.
{Refer to methods C21 and 85.) Dosage in feed: 500 mg per 100 g feed,
The medications listed below are not in­ given twice daily for three days.
tended for use with food fish.
The following therapeutic recommendations
have been thoroughly tested, but there is no Method A2
guarantee how the medications will react in Combination treatment for Co/umnaris
different waters. Some substances dissolved disease with chloramphenicol + acriflavin
in the water can increase toxicity, while others (trypaflavin)
can act bactericidally and destroy important Carry out treatment as in A 1 .
bacteria, leading to poisoning of the tank and Dosage: 4 ml stock solution of acriflavin
death of fish. Other medications can lead to (see method C,) to a liter of aquarium water,
bacterial overgrowth, which can cause water to which is added 40 mg chloramphenicol per
turbidity and symptoms of oxygen depletion in liter water. Length of treatment is 12 hours.
fish. Problems can often be avoided by chang­
ing the water and filters regularly.
Avoid giving medications to fish at night, be­
Method Aa
cause they should be observed for several
Neomycin sulfate
hours after administering. If the fish show any
Use: External bacterial diseases such as fin
signs of toxicity, change the water or transfer
rot, skin lesions, and the new discus disease.
the fish to fresh water. In cases of oxygen de­
Spectrum of action: Gram-negative bacte­
pletion, install additional aeration.
ria and cocci. Administer as a long bath in a
Because of the above reasons, we cannot
separate container and filter over clean raw
assume responsibility for ·the success or safety
cotton or foam filter material.
of these therapeutic recommendations.
Dosage: 2 g to 100 liters of water for three
10.3. Methods A-D days. In rare cases, sensitive fish can be
Method A, poisoned.
Chloramphenicol (Chloromycetin®) Dosage in feed: 250 mg mixed into 100 g
Use: Abdominal dropsy, furunculosis, bacte­ feed according to method 85. Feed three times
rial fin rot, vibriosis, bacterial gill disease. a day at four-hour intervals for three days.
Spectrum of action: Gram-positive bacte­ Maximal temperature when mixing is 40°C.
ria, cocci, and spore bacilli; Gram-negative This method is useless for infections of most
bacteria and cocci; actinomycetes, flexibact­ internal organs and is used only for intestinal
eria, spirochetes, rickettsias, and large infections.
viruses. Combination with nitrofurantoin (see method
The drug can be stored, cool and dry, for C21) at the above dosage can be effective in
years. Use as a long bath in a separate con­ the new disease of discus. The precondition is

.• tainer.
Dosage: 40 mg per liter of water for 1 O to
that the usually present secondary parasites
be controlled first. Transfer the fish to clean,
20 hours. The drug can be dissolved in a small freshly prepared water before treatment. The
quantity of ethyl alcohol before adding it to the fish remain in the bath for three to five days,
treatment tank. During treatment, run the filter then they are transferred to fresh water. A fol­
over clean absorbent or raw cotton or foam fil­ low-up treatment with nitrofurantoin can be
ter material. Check on the fish and the condi­ carried out for six to ten days, but is usually
tion of the water often. If the water turns turbid, not necessary.

Method At Method B,
Combisonum eye ointment containing Heat treatment
neomycin (see A3) The raising of temperature as therapy has a
Combisonum is the drug of choice when fish long history. It should be raised slowly and not
have injured themselves. It protects against more than 1°c hourly. The rational of this ther­
bacterial infection and fosters healing. Take apy is to create an environment in which the
the fish out of the aquarium (quarantine tank) pathogen is no longer viable or able to repro­
every day and wrap it in a wet towel. Ory the duce. Not all species of fish can tolerate
wound carefully with blotter paper, which also higher temperatures. Chemical treatment is
removes any dead tissue. Then apply Combi­ sometimes easier on the fish. Heat therapy

sonum. When the edges of the wound begin to
close over, apply treatment only every second
can be applied for the following pathogens:
Costia spp.: 33°C for four days
or third day. As prophylaxis, a fungicidal oint­ lchthyophthirius spp.: 33°C for ten days
ment can be applied every third day or a my­ Oodinium spp.: 33°-34°C for 24 to 36 hours.
costatic agent added to the water (method C, 2 Absolutely clean water and good aeration
or C11d). are essential.
If the fish do not seem to feel well and this
Method As is not due to polluted water or chemical
Tetracycline HCI causes, an increase in temperature of 3°C for
Use: Abdominal dropsy, vibriosis. two or three days can have a very positive ef­
Spectrum of actions: Gram-positive cocci fect. Resistance against infections is in­
and bacteria, Gram-negative cocci, bacteria, creased because more antibodies are formed.
actinomycetes, spirochetes, and large viruses. For discus the temperature can be raised even
This drug can be given as a permanent bath as high as 35°C. Greater increases in temper­
at Dosage A (see below) in an already setup ature, however, burden the fish's metabolism
aquarium, with filtration over clean raw cotton too severely, so that stress increases and re­
or foam filter material. The water becomes col­ sistance again drops.
ored and several plant species will be dam­
aged, so the use of a separate container is Method B2
recommended. Transfer method
Dosage A: 1 g to 100 liters of water for four With this method, the life cycle of lchthy­
days. ophthirius can be interrupted, thus preventing
Dosage B: 100 mg per 1 liter of water for 24 spread of the disease. The method takes time
hours (only in a separate container). and effort, requiring five containers. Every 12
In the feed described under method B5, 750 hours the fish are transferred to a new con­
mg tetracyclin HCI is mixed with 100 g feed tainer. The cysts that drop off release their
and then administered two times daily at six­ swarmer cells only after the fish have already
hour intervals for seven days. Stir in at a tem­ been transferred to the next container. When
perature of 40°C. the fish "recycle" on the sixth day to their first
container, the swarmer cells have already
Method A6 died. The temperature in all containers should
Chlortetracyclin, Oxytetracyclin (con- be 25°C. If the treatment lasts 23 days, you
tained in Aureomycin and Terramycin--Hen) can be rather certain that the fish are free of
Use: Usage, effect, and dosage in regard to "ich." The daily handling for transfer, however,
the tetracyclin content are equivalent to As . stresses the fish quite severely.
Because of the other ingredients in it, Terra­
mycin is used only in feedstuffs. Method 83
Doxycycline 100 is likewise a tetracyclin. It is Screening method
known as Vibramycin. This method is appropriate for all parasites
Dosage: The content of one capsule to 20 that do not develop any motile swarmer cells
liters of water for two to four days. or larvae. It is used mainly in the breeding of
schools of fish. In the breeding tanks, a screen food seasoning), not more than needed for a
or grid is installed at a height of 2 to 5 cm cup of soup. Stir with a small fork while heat­
above the bottom. The mesh is too small for ing the can of mix in a water bath until the
the fish, but allows the eggs of the parasites agar dissolves and the solution thickens. At
to fall through along with the fecal matter, thus about 80°C, stir in the 50g beef mash in small
dropping them out of the fish's reach. The portions without letting the temperature drop
emerging larvae die. The problem, however, is significantly. When all the beef mash is stirred ..
vacuuming out the mulm that collects under in, remove the tin can from the water bath and
the screen. let it cool slowly. Depending upon its heat sta­
bility, the medication is stirred into the hot, liq­
Method 84 uid feed or added just before solidification at
Vitaminized feed about 40-50°C (follow the instructions under
You can easily produce your own vitamin­ methods of treatment). Many antibiotics do not
ized feed that contains all the important vita­ tolerate any heat, so the feed must be cooled
mins and trace elements. Scrape some beef­ down quickly (in a refrigerator to 2-5°C) after
heart onto a plate and add half as much of stirring in the active ingredient. Do not let it
finely shredded deep-frozen spinach. Spread it freeze, or the agar again liquifies. The finished
all out into a layer about 3 to 5 mm thick. Then feed has a solid, rubbery consistency and fish
sprinkle enough vitamin powder over it until like to eat it once they become accustomed to
the whole surface is whitish (see also method it. It can be kept three days in a refrigerator at
C27). 2 to 5°C.
The use of liquid vitamins is ineffective be­ For feeding, cut the mass into mouth-sized
cause it does not adhere to the feed. Spread bits that will remain solid in the aquarium at up
the same amount of brewer's yeast powder to a temperature of 28°C Gust 82° F). After 12
(from a health food store) evenly over the feed hours at the most, all uneaten food must be
and leave it there until the beef-heart and spin­ removed from the tank, otherwise it will be­
ach thaw out (about 15 minutes). Then mix it come moldy. Any antibiotics mixed into the
all together, kneading it well, and feed it right feed soon lose their efficacy, therefore do not
to the fish. Finely grated carrots can substitute give more medicated feed than can be eaten
for the spinach. in an hour.
When using Osspulvit-N, Neocalcit tablets,
and Calcipot 03, vitamins missing from these
products can be provided with VMP tablets
(Pfizer) by pounding the tablets and sprinkling Method C1
the powder, as described above, on the sp­ Acriflavin (Trypaflavin)
read-out feed patty. Use: Skin turbidity or clouding, mouth rot, fin
rot, and disinfection of small wounds.
Method Bs Spectrum of action: Costia spp., Chilodo­
Recipe for preparation of medicinal feed nel/a spp., Trichodina spp., Trichodinel/a spp.,
Prepare a mash of two-thirds beef-heart or flexibacteria, fin and skin turbidity or
' lean beef and one-third spinach. Both ingredi­
ents must be minced small enough to be in­
Both names refer to the same drug. It dyes
gested by small fish. After thorough mixing, intensely. Acriflavin can be put into the com­
50-gram portions are frozen in small plastic pletley set up aquarium but severely damages
containers or bags then later thawed as plants. The filter substrate should be cleaned
needed. before addition of the drug. After the treat­
Now, to a small tin can, add 50 ml cold water ment, filter over activated charcoal to remove
and 1 gram powdered agar agar. A tiny the drug.
amount of red food dye makes the feed more Stock Solution: 1 g to 1 liter of water.
appetizing, as does some Maggi (brand name Dosage A: 1 ml stock solution to each liter
of a German herbal or condiment additive for of aquarium water to prevent infections.
Dosage B: 3 ml stock solution to each liter Method C4
of water for four days to help against infections Quinine sulfate, quinine HCI
in the early stage. Use: Freshwater Oodinium.
Dosage C: 5 ml stock solutions to each liter Dosage: 1 g quinine to 100 liters water as a
water in a separate container for two to four continuous bath for three days.
days against Columnaris spp., Costia spp., Quinine poisons fish that are sensitive to it
Trichodina spp., and Chilodone/la spp. and lower animals do not tolerate it very well.
Dosage D: 1 o ml stock solution to each liter Quinine HCI is preferred over quinine sulfate.
water in a separate container for 20 days Although quinine decomposes after some time
(against Jchthyophthirius spp.) or for 1 o days in water, it is better to filter it out over activated
(against Oodinium spp.). Caution: Many fish charcoal after the treatment. Clean the filter
do not tolerate this dosage. substrate before treatment. It is safer to treat
the fish in a separate small tank and then treat
the aquarium by itself. That way no fish will die
Method C2 when the water is poured into the aquarium.
Alcohol Afterward. change all the water. Transfer the
Leeches attached to fish can be removed by fish to separate treatment tanks containing
pressing an alcohol-soaked cotton swab freshly prepared medication if the aquarium
briefly on the leech. The fish must be lifted out water becomes turbid.
of the water for this treatment. Method C5
Concurat L 10%
This is a broad-spectrum vermifuge for cat­
tle, sheep, goats, swine, and poultry. Because
Method C3 of its sweet taste, it must be kept out of the
Basic {or alkaline) brilliant green reach of children.
This dye comes in various fish medication Use: Intestinal nematodes.
preparations available at pet shops, and these Dosage A: Dissolve 2 g Concurat in 1 liter
are more convenient to use than the pure bril­ of water. Soak living bloodworms in this solu­
liant green. tion until the first larvae die, then immediately
Use: Skin turbidity (or cloudiness), fin rot, gill feed the still living ones to the fish.
rot, skin fungus, mouth fungus. Dosage B: Mix 1 g Concurat into 100 g
Spectrum of Action: Gram-positive bacte­ feed. Stir into feed made by method Bs at
ria, skin fungi, and protozoa. S0°C. Give once daily over five days.
Carry out the treatment in a separate tank, Method C6
with the water filtered over clean absorbent Flubendazol & acetone or DMSO, flube­
cotton or foam filter material. This treatment nol 5%
is toxic to many fish. Flubendazol is a solvent used for gill, skin
Stock solution: 1 g to each liter water. and intestinal worms. Since the active ingredi­
Keep in a brown or amber bottle. ent is insoluble in water, it has to be first dis­
Dosage A: 2 ml stock solution to 12.5 liters solved in an organic solvent. Dimethylsulfox­
water for 24 hours, then total change of water, ide (DMSO) was used in recent years. It is
or transfer the fish to another container. This very toxic and should not come in contact with
treatment can be repeated on the third day. unprotected human skin. In no case should
For bacterial infections of the skin. children get hold of it. Fish tolerate it well
Dosage B: 2 ml stock solution to 15 liters of when no other chemicals or drugs are in the
water. Bathe the fish in this solution four hours water. Even water preparation substances can
at a time on three successive days. The work­ become toxic in the presence of DMSO. The
ing solution must be freshly made for every tank or breeding facilities must be in an abso­
treatment (i.e., add stock solution to fresh wa­ lutely clean condition. High levels of nitrite or
ter each time). Used for parasites and fungi. ammonia, in the presence of DMSO, can be-
come lethal to fish. Method C1
Rinsing out the filter material and changing a Formalin (35 to 45% solutions of formal­
large portion of the water beforehand has a dehyde)
good effect. DMSO also cause an unpleasant Formalin is highly toxic and carcinogenic.
tank odor for weeks. Since treatment also kills Use: Ectoparasites on skin and gills. Do not
gill worm eggs, the treatment does not have to use if the fish have large-area skin wounds
be repeated. Because of all of the above risks (Costia and "ich" in advanced stage).
associated with DMSO, it should not be used Spectrum of action: Gill and skin worms,
by aquarists any longer. Chilodonelfa spp., Trichodina spp.
Acetone has been used very successfully Dosage; Short bath with 2 to 4 ml formalin
since 1988 as a well tolerated solvent for flu­ in 1O liters of water for 30 minutes in a sepa­
bendazol. All gill and intestinal worms as well rate tank.
as their eggs are destroyed. Only at 1OOx nor­ Observe the fish well. Stop treatment if the
mal dosage does acetone become toxic to fish lose equilibrium. Many fish tolerate forma­
fish. It does not leave any unpleasant odors in lin very poorly. For egg-laying gill worms, the
the vicinity of the tank. Feeding with flubenol treatment can be repeated in three days. After
5% in feed mix 85 destroys the intestinal treatment, transfer the fish to a parasite-free
worms, but re-infection is possible when fish tank. For Brooklynella hostilis, Blasiola rec­
pick up eggs from the bottom. ommends 2.6 ml formalin to 1O liters of sea­
Dosage A: For each 100 liters tank water, water in a separate tank.
put 200 mg flubenol 5% in a small glass (do
not use plastic) and then add 5 ml acetone or
Method Cs
DMSO. After agitating several minutes, distrib­
ute the milky suspension over the surface of
Use: White, slimy feces.
the water. After five to eight days begin to re­
Spectrum of action: Intestinal flagellates
move the medication by water changes. The
and ciliates.
water can become slightly turbid. Aerate the
Gabbrocol has proven itself against flagel­
water well during treatment. Bacterial over­
lates and ciliates. It can be used as a long
growth may occur in many cases, causing tur­
bath or in the feed made by method Bs.
bidity and oxygen-depletion sysmptoms in the
A Gabbrocal bath is problematical because
fish. An immediate major water change is nec­
the vehicle that carries the active ingredient is
glucose. Treatment must take place only in an
Dosage B: Add 100 mg flubenol 5% to 100g
empty glass tank with vigorous aeration and
feed mix 85. Give it five times every second
filtration oyer clean absorbent cotton or foam
day. On those days feed only once with the
filter material. Glucose causes heavy turbidity
regular diet.
in the water because of bacterial reproduction.
Microscopic monitoring of the treatment will After about 18 hours an oxygen deficiency of­
not reveal any results for ten days, but after ten occurs, causing the fish to have difficulty
this time the worms begin to die. That is ex­ breathing and then suffocating. For that rea­
pected because flubenol 5% blocks the re­ son even robust fish should not, as a rule, re­
sorption of certain nutrients from the intestine, main longer than 18 hours in the solution.
thus starving the worms. That takes about The fish must be transferred to clean water,
eight days for gill worms, for Oxyurida about at the latest when the bath water becomes tur­
ten days, and for Cap1/laria about 15 days. In bid. This amount of time is adequate for the
the female worms, however, damage to the treatment. If you want to be extra certain, then
egg walls can be seen as soon as the second transfer the fish after 12 hours to another
day of treatment. They seem malformed and aquarium containing freshly added Gabbrocol
burst when expelled. Therefore there are no solution. Bacterial proliferation and thus water
worm eggs visible in the feces or on the gills turbidity can be delayed by using distilled wa­
by the third day of treatment. ter or boiled tap water. The treatment tanks
must be thoroughly washed out with hot water. Method C,,
Dosage: Dissolve 5 g Gabbrocol (one bag) Potassium permanganate
in 30 liters of water. Let the fish bathe in this Use: Very heavy infestation with the para­
for 18 hours. In severe cases, the bath can be sites listed below.
repeated in another tank containing freshly Spectrum action: Trichodina spp., Argulus
added solution. spp., gill worms, Saprolegnia spp.
Dosage in feed: Mix 2 g Gabbrocol into 100 Treat the fish with a short (immersion) bath
g feed (see method B5 ) at 40°C and feed for of 30-45 seconds in a separate container. The
three days. In severe cases, feed the mix until dosage that causes toxicity is close to the
the white feces disappear, at which point con­ level needed to kill the parasites, so this treat­
tinue the treatment for another three days. ment should be used only for emergencies.
Treatment according to method C,s is easier
Method C9 on the fish. The effect of medication is signifi­
Griseofulvin, Fulvicin tablets (500 mg) cantly weaker in organically polluted water
Use: Mouth fungus, skin fungus, gill rot, and than it is in clean water.
other mycoses. Dosage: Short (immersion) bath of 100 mg
Spectrum of action: Almost all external potassium permanganate to 10 liters of water.
fungi on fish. Monitor the fish closely during the bath. For gill
Since usually only a few fish are affected, worms, repeat the bath on the third day. Do
prepare the long bath in a separate tank. not return the fish to the contaminated (or in­
Dosage: 1O mg to 1 liter, or a 500 mg tablet fested) tank before it is disinfected (see
in 50 liters of water. method C,a).
Pound the tablets into powder and pre-dis­ Continuous treatment with small amounts of
solve in some warm water. Three days after potassium permanganate for a few hours or
the hyphae disappear, the treatment can be days is irrational, since it is not stable in water.
stopped. If the aquarium is already set up, this
treatment may damage the plants. After treat­
ment, change half of the water and filter out
the rest of the drug over activated charcoal.
Method C,2
NaCl (kitchen, rock, mineral, or sea salt)
Salt is most certainly the oldest medication
used in fish diseases.
Use: Incipient skin and fin cloudiness (or tur­
bidity) and mild infestation with the parasites
Method C,o listed below.
Potassium iodide and iodine Spectrum of action: Costia spp., Chilodo­
Use: Thyroid swelling. nella spp., Trichodina spp., fungi, leeches.
Benign thyroid tumors can be treated with For mild cases, salt is used in long and short
these chemicals, showing improvement only baths.
after two to four weeks, at which time the Dosage A: (short bath): 15-20 g for each li­
swelling or tumor slowly regresses. Carry out ter of water. Bath lasts 1O to 45 minutes.
the treatment in the aquarium. Do not filter Dosage B : (long bath): 1 g to each 12.5 li­
over charcoal. ters of water in the aquarium for soft-water
Stock solution: 0.5 g iodine and 5 g potas­
fish. 3 g to each 1O liters of water for hard-wa­
sium iodide dissolved in 100 ml water. ter fish. Intermediate values have to be esti­
Dosage: With a pipette, add 1 drop of the mated. After five days, the salt content can be
stock solution lo every 5 liters of aquarium wa­ reduced by changing the water.
ter. More precisely, add 1 ml stock solution to Plants can be damaged starting at a salt
50 liters of aquarium water. The appropriate concentration of 2 grams per 1O liters of
dosage is re-added after every water change. aquarium water.
We can prepare our own physiological saline Method C1s
for microscopy by dissolving 6.4 g of salt in 1 Combination treatment for Cryptocaryon
liter of water. Its use is explained in Chapter (according to G.C. Blasiola, Aquarien Maga­
11. zine, 1/81, page 14, Stuttgart, Germany)
Treatment involves two steps. First, the fish
Method C,3 are bathed in a short bath (one hour) contain­
Copper sulfate, CuS04·5 H20 (blue crystals) ing 4 mg copper sulfate + 2.2 ml formalin
Use: Oodinium, algae, fungi, and mixed in­ (37%) to 1O liters seawater in a separate con­
fections with the following listed below. tainer. Then they are transferred to a long bath
Spectrum of action: Costia spp., Sapro/eg­ containing 20 mg copper per 100 liters sea
nia spp., Branchiomyces, Oodinium, algae, water. The treatment must last ten days. The
and Gyrodactylus. short bath can be repeated at a 48-hour in­
Stock solution: 1 g copper sulfate and 0.25 tervals.
g citric acid to 1 liter of distilled water.
Dosage: 12.5 ml to 1O liters of aquarium wa­ Method C 16
ter for ten days. Administer half of this on days Malachite green oxalate
three, five, and seven. Use: lch, other skin protozoans, skin cloudi­
Test reagents for copper have been avail­ ness or turbidity, and skin fungus.
able for some time now among the diagnostic Spectrum of action: /chthyophthirius spp.,
sets for water chemistry. During treatment, the Trichodina spp., Chilodonella spp., Saproleg­
copper content of the water should not drop nia spp.
below 0.12 mg/L and not rise over 0.18 mg/L The solution is stable only as long as it is
(using the Aqua Merck copper test no. 14651, kept cool and away from light. Do not keep
Duplatest CU). Test every other day and add malachite green with edibles in the refrigerator
any missing coopper (1 ml stock solution = 1 because it is highly toxic and carcinogenic. Pet
mg CuS04). Lower animals do not tolerate the shops stock malachite green preparations,
treatment. They must either be removed from and only when these do not work should the
the aquarium until the copper level again pure substance ever be used.
drops below 0.3 mg/L, or else the fish must be Dosage A: 6 ml of stock solution to 100 li­
transferred to a spacious glass tank and ters of aquarium water. Give half the dosage
treated there. Filter over clean cotton or foam on days three, six, and nine. After 12 days,
filter material. For fungi and algae, the affected change a third of the water. Any water
fish can be treated in a short bath of 1 gram of changes needed during treatment must be re­
copper sulfate to 10 liters of water for 10 to 20 dosed at the initial strength.
minutes. Plants may be damaged. Freshwater Aeration should be provided during· treat­
must first be hardened to at least 10°DH be­ ment. Malachite green is an intense pigment,
fore the treatment begins. and stains can be removed only with difficulty.
As a rule, even sensitive fish tolerate this dos­
Method C14 age. In water with a heavy organic burden, or
Combination treatment for Cryptocaryon in the presence of an active biological filter,
Stock solution: 1 g copper sulfate + 2 g the dosage may have to be increased. How­
" methylene blue + 0.25 g citric acid per 1 liter ever, do not exceed a dosage of 15 ml stock
distilled water. solution to 100 liters of aquarium water. If the

... Carry out the treatment in a separate con­

tainer. Lower animals do not tolerate the
bath is prepared in a quarantine tank with
very pure water and without an already bro­
treatment. ken-in filter, sensitive fish may not tolerate
Dosage: 12.5 ml stock solutions to 1O liters Dosage A under some circumstances. That is
water. Half the dosage on days four and eight. because malachite green is broken down
It is better to keep the copper level between slower in hygienic tanks than it is in tanks with
0.15 and 0.2 mg/Liter. During treatment, filter bottom matter and filter. In such tanks the dos­
over cotton or clean foam filter material. age is 4 ml stock solution to 100 liters of
aquarium water and then followed up with 2 ml Method C1a
on days four, eight, and 12. Metriforate, Masoten, Neguvon 100%,
Dosage B: According to G. Blasiola (Aquar­ trichlorphon
ien Magazin, 9/83, page 477, Stuttgart, Ger­ Use: Skin and gill ectoparasites.
many), 13-15 mg/100 liters of sea water is ef­ Spectrum of action: Trichodina spp., Argu­
fective against Brooklynel/a spp. Treatment is lus spp., Ergasilus spp., Lernaea spp., Dacty­
given in a separate tank with filtration over cot­ logyrus spp., Gyrodacty/us spp.
ton and good aeration for three to four days. Masoten is very toxic and acts vigorously on
It is possible that the above dosage in freshly parasitic crustaceans and skin and gill worms.
prepared sea water will not be tolerated. It is significantly more effective as a long bath
than it is as a short one. At higher concentra­
tions, from 28° C up it is toxic to many species
Method C11 of fish. Large species tolerate it better than do
Methylene blue smaller ones. Characins and catfish are partic­
Use: Clouded or turbid skin and mild fungus ularly sensitive. It has been repeatedly
infections. Prophylaxis against fungal attack claimed Masoten makes fish infertile. That is
on eggs and post-travel stress. Blood dis­ wrong. Healthy progeny have repeatedly been
eases (sleeping sickness of fish). bred from fish that were treated with high
Spectrum of action: Costia spp., Chilodo­ doses of Masoten (3 mg/L for three days).
nella spp., Trichodina spp., Sapro/egnia spp., Treatment can be carried out in the aquar­
Cryptobia spp., Trypanosoma spp. ium. Only very dry powder (which looks
Methylene blue in a long bath is well liked slightly bluish) can be used; if it forms clumps,
both as a prophylactic measure and a treat­ then it is unusable. Masoten stored in appar­
ment for disease. It can be administered in the ently tightly sealed screw-top jars loses its ef­
aquarium, though not over activated charcoal, fect over several months and becomes more
but over freshly washed cotton or foam filter toxic. Tests have shown that this loss of effec­
material. tiveness is associated with the ability to ab­
Stock solution: 1 g methylene blue to a liter sorb atmospheric humidity. The greater the
of water. moisture absorbed, the less the effect on gill
Dosage A: 1 ml stock solution to 1 liter wa­ worms and the greater the toxicity to fish.
ter (normal dosage). This dosage can be ad­ Newly purchased Masoten is significantly tol­
mininistered in an already set up aquarium. Af­ erated better by all fish than is the stored prod­
ter five days filter over activated charcoal to uct. This aging process can be delayed by im­
remove the residual medication. mediately repacking freshly purchased
Dosage B: 3 ml stock solution to 1 liter wa­ Masoten into tightly closing vials and then
ter (reinforced dosage). storing these, along with a desiccant, in larger
Treatment at this concentration is carried out glass containers such as jars, or the vials can
for five days in a separate container. be sealed in plastic bags. Blue silica gel is an
Dosage C: Ectoparasites are controlled with ideal desiccant, the blue granules losing their
a short bath of 200 ml stock solution to 1O li­ color when maximum moisture has been ab­
fers water for 30 minutes. Caution: Sensitive sorbed. The gel can be regenerated by
fish will not tolerate it. spreading it on a tin baking sheet and heating
Dosage D: For prophylaxis against infec­ for about 15 minutes at 105° to 110°C. When
tions after travel, 50 ml of stock solution are the moisture is driven off, it turns blue again.
.. added to 100 liters of water in the quarantine This can be done for years.
tank. The quantities given here refer to newly pur­
Dosage E: For prophylaxis against fungus chased Masoten (assuming, of course, the
attack on eggs, 30 ml of stock solution are source's stock is stored properly). For Negu­
added to 100 liters of water in the breeding von, multiply the quantities given by a factor of
tank. 0.8.
Stock Solution: 1 g Masoten to 1 liter This method does not effect a permanent
water. cure because some of the Dactylogyrus eggs
The solution must be used immediately be­ survive weeks or even months at the bottom of
cause it is not stable. Residues must not be the aquarium before they develop further. In
dumped into the sewage line before they are this case, method C6 (flubendazol) is signifi­
neutralized by raising the pH above 12 with cantly simpler and easier on the fish, and it
sodium hydroxide for two hours. provides the absolute assurance that no more
Dosage A: 100 ml stock solution to 100 li­ gill worms will appear after just one treatment.
ters aquarium water. This concentration is tol­ In general, Masoten should not be used
erated well by almost all fish if the temperature without careful consideration; many fatalities
is at 25°C and the pH between 6 and 7. The have indicated that handling this drug is not
treatment lasts three days, after which at least without its problems. Outdated and highly toxic
50% of the water is changed. The residual stocks are often used. Its toxicity varies ac­
medication is filtered out over activated cording to fish species and water characteris­
charcoal. tics; it increases as treatment duration length­
Dosage B: 1 g Masoten to 10 liters water as ens. High doses are usually tolerated well
a short bath at 25°C, pH 6 to 7, for one hour during the first 24 hours. In no case should
in a separate container. fish be put into used solutions or into solutions
The method with Dosage A (above) is better that are several hours old! Masoten must be
for controlling livebearing gill and skin worms. administered fresh each time. The residual
With egg-laying Dactylogyrus species treat­ stock solution must be immediately neutralized
ment is not so simple because the eggs can with sodium hydroxide and discarded.
tolerate high levels of Masoten (Chapter With the treatment recommendations
described here, a whole population of fish can
be freed of gill worms, a method particularly
suited to breeding tanks that are free of bot­
tom landscaping and decorations. Method C19
Dosage C: The fish are treated according to Metronidazole, flagyl (250 mg)
Dosage A for three days in their aquarium. Use: Flagellate infections in the intestine
Then all are caught and transferred to a para­ and organs.
site-free tanks. The original tank can then be Spectrum of action: Hexamita spp., Spiro­
washed out, the tubing and filter rinsed, the fil-. nucleus spp., Trichomonas spp.; Protoopalina
ter material washed and boiled for half an hour spp., it does not help against worms.
or disinfected with a formalin solution. Then Flagyl is used as a long bath in the already
the aquarium is left at least three days to dry setup aquarium. The tablets are crushed and
out. On day eight following the start of treat­ first dissolved in lukewarm water, then distrib­
ment, Dosage A is begun in the second tank uted over the surface of the water in the
and continued for three days. Meanwhile, the aquarium. The temperature can be raised to
first aquarium is refilled with water and the fil­ 30-33°C to support the treatment.
tration system started up. Following the bath in Dosage: 250 mg (one tablet) to 50 liters of
the second tank, the fish can be returned to aquarium water. After three days, change one­
their own tank on day 11. The filter needs a
third of the water and gradually lower the tem­
run-in time of at least three to six weeks. The perature. Filter over activated charcoal to re­
temperature cannot go above 25°C throughout move the drug from the water. Sensitive plants
the whole treatment process. Only at this tem­ may be affected for a while.
perature is there any guarantee that the larvae Dosage in feed: Crush a 250 mg tablet of
that hatched following the first treatment have flagyl into powder and, at 50°C, mix it into the
not developed into sexully mature worms by feed prepared by method Bs. Administer it
the start of the second course of treatment. morning and evening for six days.
Method C20 Method C22
MS-222 (Tricaine), amino-benzoic acid Furazolidone (1 g cachet or envelope con­
ethyl ester methansulfonate taining 300 mg active ingredient and 700 mg
MS-222 is one of the best proven fish anes­ glucose)
thetics. It also acts on many lower animals and This drug is cheap but can only be adminis­
is used in microscopy to tranquilize microorga­ tered in feed. The active ingredient is available
nisms. Its effect on fish attenuates with in­ only in 500 g packages, thus is relatively ex­
creasing water hardness. pensive. Pure furazolidone can be given
Dosage A: (to tranquilize fish for travel): 1O alone, without other substances, as a short
mg per liter of water. bath.
Dosage B: (to anesthetize fish when taking Use: Pseudomonas spp., Aeromonas spp.,
smears): From 50 to 130 mg per liter of water, Vibrio spp., Trichomonas spp., and many
depending upon size of fish (Reichenbach­ coccidia.
Klinke, 1980). Transfer the fish to fresh water Dosage in feed: Add, at 50-55°C, 300 mg
after 15 minutes at the very latest and let it re­ furazolidone to 100 g of feed made according
cuperate there for another 15 minutes. to method Bs and feed morning and evening
Dosage C: (to sacrifice fish): 1 g to 1 liter of for six days.
water kills in 1O minutes. Dosage for long bath: 500 mg pure furazol­
idone to 100 liters water in separate tank. Do
Method c21 not filter over charcoal. Change 40% to 50% of
Nitrofurantoin (gelatin capsules each con­ the water after three days. Residual medica­
taining 100 mg active ingredient) tion can be removed from the water by filtra­
Use: Turbid (or cloudy fins) and fin rot tion over activated charcoal.
(bath), external bacterial infections, prevent
spread of abdominal dropsy, bacterial infection Method C23
of kidney, vibriosis. Nystatin ointment
Spectrum of action: Some Gram-positive The ointment base consists of liquid polyeth­
bacteria, Pseudomonas spp., Aeromonas ylene and liquid parafin, and it adheres partic­
spp., Vibrio spp. ularly well to skin and mucosa.
If bacterially infected fish are transferred out Use: Fungal infections of skin, and prophy­
of the aquarium and into a quarantine tank, laxis for wounds.
then the remaining fish can be treated prophy­ Spectrum of action: Fungi.
lactically with nitrofurantoin. This medication Lift the fish out of the water, carefully use
can be administered in the aquarium if the fil­ blotting or filter paper to dry off the affected
ter material is first cleaned off and the bottom area, and then apply Nystatin ointment.
mulm aspirated out of the tank. Activated char­ Duration of treatment: One to two times
coal must be removed from the filter. daily until the fungal hyphae disappear, the
Dosage: Add the content of one nitrofuran­ wound closes, or new skin forms.
toin capsule to 30-40 liters of aquarium water.
The capsule halves can be easily pulled apart Method C24
to reach the ingredients, which are dissolved Piperazine citrate
in a beaker of warm water and poured along Use: Intestinal worms.
with any undissolved residue into the aquar­ Spectrum of action: Thorny-headed
ium being treated. The long bath lasts 15 worms, tapeworms, trematodes.
• days. Afterward, change a large portion of the Piperazine citrate must be administered with
water and filter it over charcoal. feed so that it can act directly in the gut. Since
Dosage in feed: Add 300 mg pulverized ni­ it is heat-stable, it can be mixed into the hot
trofurantoin (the contents of three capsule) to feed (prepared by method 85) at 80°C.
200 g of the feed made by method 85 and ad­ Dosage: Mix 600 mg piperazine citrate into
minister morning and evening for nine days. 100/g feed (made by method 85 and feed once
morning and evening on days one and eight.
Method C2s Commercially available preparations include:
Sulfonamides, sulfathiazole Drylin, Eusaprim, Borgal solution (7.5%), and
Sulfonamides are available from several Cotrimstada-forte. Drylin and Eusaprim are
manufacturers and under various trade older preparations with low concentrations of
names. active ingredient. Today (in Europe) the most
Use: Internal bacterial infections. commonly used preparations are Borgal and
Spectrum of action: Actinomycetes, cocci, Cotrimstada-forte.
and many Gram-positive and a few Gram-neg­ Dosage: 1 table Cotrimstada-forte to 80 li­
ative bacteria, Pseudomonas spp., flexibact­ ters aquarium water for three to five days. The
eria, corynebacteria. filter cannot contain any charcoal; the filter
Since sulfonamides pass well from the gut to floss has to be washed out thoroughly before
the blood, mixing it into the feed is its most ef­ administration of the drug.
fective application. It is the drug of choice par­ 15 ml Borgal solution to 100 liters water.
ticularly in infections of the internal organs For injection, calculate 2 ml Borgal solution
caused by the above organisms. (7.5%) per 200 g body weight. A second injec­
Dosage: Mix 300 mg sulfathiazole into 100 tion can be given if necessary after 48 hours.
g of the feed prepared by method Bs. The tem­ The injection is given intraperitoneally.
perature should be 60°C. Administer the feed Only veterinarians and other experts should
morning and evening for three days. immunize or vaccinate fish.
The poor solubility of the drug makes its use
difficult in a long bath. It is given in a separate
Method C21
container. First dissolve the weighed amount
Vitamin preparations
of medication in warm (up to 60°C) water in a
Commercially available preparations for
closed vessel by agitating it for a minute. Cau­
aquarists bind the vitamins to water-insoluble
tion: Since the enclosed air sharply expands
powder or oil to prevent their volatilization and
in the closed vessel, it can explode! After the
loss and to facilitate their adherence to the
first shake, let the excess air escape. After
feed particles until the fish ingests them. It is
shaking, distribute it over the surface of the
important that they also include calcium and
water in the treatment tank, which should not
phosphorus to cure hole-in-the-head disease
contain a filter, otherwise it would filter out the
once the cause is removed (Chapter 9.3).
finely suspended sulfa drug. To prevent it from
Many other substances and trace elements
settling out on the bottom, the water has to be
have a positive influence on the health and
kept vigorously circulating with a power head.
color of fish. Preparations that contain vita­
mins dissolved in water (aqueous solutions)
are not very effective since they become dis­
Method c26 persed in the aquarium water and are quickly
Trimethoprim decomposed.
Use: Bacterial and coccal infections of inter­ Mix 500 mg vitamin powder into 100 g feed,
nal organs and blood. which should not be fed to healthy fish more
Spectrum of action: Staphylococci, hemo­ than twice a week. It can be given to sick fish,
lytic streptococci, pneumococci, Escherichia though, four to five times a week. Once these
coli, enterococci, Proteus, Hemophilus influen­ fish recover, the dosage is reduced to the nor­
zae, Salmonella, Shigella. mal one.
Combining trimetoprim with a sulfonamide Excessive feeding of vitamins to fish causes
offers a significant improvement in efficacy. signs and symptoms of disease (Chapter 9.3).
There are ready-made combinations available When using Osspulvit - N or Calcipot in feed
of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in opti­ prepared according to methods 84 and Bs, any
mal proportions. Since pathogens develop re­ missing vitamins or minerals must be replaced
sistance very rapidly, the medication should by other preparations. The use of pulverized
be used only once every six months: VMP tablets (Pfizer) is a possibility.
-- ----

Method C2a Method D2

Volon-A adhesive ointment Table salt
This ointment possesses outstanding char­ Salt can be used for disinfection. Dissolve
acteristics of adherence to skin and mucosa, 350 g salt in 1 liter of water. Disinfection of an
which must be dried off first (as described in aquarium in this way would be expensive and
method C23). It is used for wounds and skin in­ inconvenient, but the method is ideal to steril­
fections by applying it as a layer of ointment ize nets and other small utensils.
over the affected areas. The active ingredient Prepare a bucket containing a salt solution
is anti-inflammatory, which means that even at this concentration and leave the nets stand­
extensive skin wounds can be covered with it. ing in it. A net should be in it 24 hours before
• If necessary, powdered antibiotics, sulfon­ being reused. Since the salt solution never
amides, or antimycotic (antifungal) agents can goes bad or gets weaker, a bucketful lasts a
be mixed into the ointment. long time. Use tap water to replace water from
... Dosage: Work the powdered active ingredi­ the bucket as it evaporates. If you color it
ent (5% by volume) into the ointment (95%). slightly with a little methylene blue, it will not
be confused with other buckets of solutions.
Empty aquariums can be scrubbed out with
a slurry of salt and salt solution. Let the slurry
Method C29 dry on the glas panes of the tank and repeat
Hydrogen peroxide (3%) the whole operation another five times over
In addition to disinfection, hydrogen peroxide the next few days.
can also be used to rapidly increase oxygen in
aquarium water. It decomposes into water by Method 03
liberating pure oxygen.
Hydrogen peroxide (30%)
Add 25 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 100
Caution: Hydrogen peroxide at 30% concen­
liters of aquarium water (Krause, 1985). In no
tration is highly corrosive. Do not let this prod­
case can the dosage be given a second time.
uct come into contact with skin or clothing.
Overdosage with oxygen would corrode the
Hydrogen peroxide can be decomposed into
gills and skin of the fish, resulting in their
oxygen and ordinary water by light, thus it is
death. If the fish do not breathe easier within
stored in brown or amber bottles. To disinfect
several minutes following dosage, then the
an empty aquarium, add 50 ml of 30% hydro­
lack of oxygen has another cause (for exam­ gen peroxide to 100 liters of water. Landscap­
ple, gill parasites)
ing articles and utensils can go into the solu­
tion. Gravel is best disinfected by baking it at
150°C for two hours (not counting warm-up
Method D 1 time), otherwise the hydrogen peroxide will be
Potassium permanganate exhausted too quickly. Let the filter operate,
Potassium permanganate is used to disin­ but without any contents (see D 1 ). Let the so­
fect aquariums and utensils that cannot be lution stand in the tank for three days, with the
boiled (tubing, thermometers, etc.). Fill the lamp turned on during this time. Then empty
aquarium up to the brim with water and put in the tank and rinse it out with tap water. The
it all the items to be disinfected. Then add advantage of this method is that it does not
enough potassium permanganate until the vio­ leave any residual matter that would have to
.· let color of the water is so intense that you
cannot see through the tank anymore. Let the
be meticulously cleaned out later.

Method 04
external filter run without any filter medium so
the violet solution rinses all parts of it. After
Disinfection of plants is the major use of
three days empty the tank and rinse it with
alum in aquariums. At pet shops, water plants
clean water until all the color is washed away.
that are not kept in separate plant tanks but in
tanks along with fish could transmit pathogens This method is not without its risks in an en­
and their various resting stages to your aquar­ closed area, since formalin (actually formalde­
ium at home. Because these plants do not do hyde) fumes in the air can irritate the respira­
well in quarantine tanks, you have to disinfect tory passages. Working with formalin solutions
them before replanting them in the aquarium. can irritate the skin. In addition, remember that
Dissolve a heaped teaspoon of alum in a liter formalin is carcinogenic.
of water and soak the plants in it for five min­
utes. Then rinse them off thoroughly with fresh
water before planting in the aquarium.

Method Ds
lsopropanol, isopropyl alcohol
Many aquarists may feel the need to disin­
fect their hands in addition to washing them af­
ter autopsy of a fish. That is, as a rule, not
necessary since fish diseases generally are
not transmitted to man. Tuberculosis, how­
ever, is an exception.
Commercially available 100% isopropanol is
diluted to 70% (U.S. drugstores often carry
several strengths, one of which is 70%). To di­
lute, measure off 70 ml of the 100% isopropa­
nol in a graduated cylinder, then simply add
enough water to bring it up to the 100 ml mark.
Then, after washing them with soap and wa­
ter, wet your hands with this alcohol and let
them dry in the air. This 70% working solution
is also good for soaking small utensils and
tubing to disinfect them.
If you fill a spray bottle (such as used for
spraying a water mist on plants) with 70% iso­
propanol, you can disinfect empty tanks and
other large objects with it. Spray all surfaces,
particularly the hard-to-reach-inside corners,
thoroughly and evenly, then let them dry. Re­
peat the spraying in a few hours. The alcohol
evaporates without leaving any residue, so the
aquarium can be filled up again after the alco­
hol dries.

Method Ds
.· Add 30 ml of the normally available 35-40%
formalin to a 10-liter bucket (that can be
closed with a cover) and fill with water to ca­
pacity. To avoid confusion, color the solution
with methylene blue. Nets and other small ob­
jects can be dipped into this solution. A two­
hour bath disinfects with absolute ·certainty.
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108. ·An economical student microscope.

. . . . .
. . , . . . . • - ·. '��.'i . .

Chapter 11


11.1. The Microscope Microscope stands are built two different

The most important tool for diagnosing fish ways. In one, the tube is raised or lowered to
diseases is the microscope (Photograph No. focus; in the other, the stage rises or falls. The
108). It is indispensable for examining smears, stand with the fixed tube and movable stage is
parasites, and organ specimens. A child's mi­ sturdier.
croscope is inexpensive, yet of no use in this Besides normal brightfield illumination, other
work. Most do not have standard parts, and illumination methods are available. The best
the optical systems are inadequate. Children known are the darkfield and phase contrast
and young students lose their interest quickly, methods. While only an experienced practi­
or, if against all expectations this does not tioner with knowledge of instrumentation can
happen, they eventually come into possession whip up a phase contrast setup at home, a
of a first-rate microscope. A good micros­ darkfield arrangement for going up to 400X is
cope's high price can easily scare you, but easy to put together. To do that, cut circular
keep in mind that an instrument like that, with pieces of various diameters from black card­
proper care, does not wear out, so the invest­ board. The diameter of the central aperture for
ment is not too high. A good microscope is an high magnification lenses is larger than for
acquisition for life. those with weak magnification. The apertures
All suppliers of good microscopes make it are set consecutively in the middle of a glass
possible to begin with a basic outfit and then, disc or clear film that fits in the filter holder. A
over time as means allow, expanding and im­ circular field of varying width is created, de­
proving. This chapter does not have the scope pending upon how much the condenser aper­
to develop an introduction to microscopic tech­ ture opens (Photograph No. 109). You test the
nique. The beginner is advised to carefully various apertures for each lens until one pro­
· study the instructions and other literature that duces a uniformly intense black field in which
come with a newly purchased microscope. the object shines brightly. Even the smaller
Technical literature for beginners as well as for bacteria can be seen w·e11 at 400X magnifica­
advanced microscopists abounds. tion. The impressive effect occurs when the
When buying a microscope, make sure that circular light from the condenser forms a con­
all connections are standard. If the tube length cave sphere, the apex of which lies in the ob­
is 160 mm, the products of many manufactur­ ject's field, though upside down. It spreads
ers can be combined with it. Good lens are en­ above so that the direct light is directed past
graved with the length of the matching tube. the object. The field of vision is dark while the
In the beginning, objective lenses of 1OX, object diverts the incident light into the lens
20X, and 40X magnification are sufficient. To and thus seems bright. All darkfield photo­
match those are three oculars or eyepiece graphs in this book were made with such
lenses, with 5X, 1OX, and 1SX magnification. homemade apertures.
The maximum magnification with these lenses
is 600X (i.e., 40 x 15 = 600X), adequate for 11.2. Measurement at the Microscopic
studying fish parasites. As you get deeper into Level
microscopy, you can obtain lenses with up to The power of a lens is often cited in descrip­
1OOX magnification (making 100 x 15 = tions, drawings, and photographs. This is not
1SOOX magnification possible). given as microscopic magnification,
the ocular micrometer, then the calculation is
0.93 mm: 59 divisions = 0.01576 mm =
15.76 microns per each division.
From now on, only the ocular micrometer is
needed, and you know that one division of its
scale = 15.76 microns. So, for example, a
worm 86 divisions long is 1355 microns or
1.35 mm.
For readers who do not have ocular microm­
eters, here is a list of approximate micron val­
ues for one division when working with most
common lenses, with a 1OX measuring ocular
etched with a 10-mm scale divided into 100
& parts:
Lens Micron
4X 23.8
5X . 20
6.3X 15.8
10X 9.8
16X 6.3
20X 5.1
25X 3.8
40X 2.44
109. Dark field setup.
63X 1.68
100X 1
These values vary slightly according to the
manufacturer of the lenses. The tube magnifi­
as specimen size in microns, thus obviating cation has to be 1X for this to work.
any errors in photographs and drawing that
may be photographically enlarged later. The
viewer can calculate the magnification himself
by measuring the size of the image and divid­ 110. Micrometer and graduated ocular with measuring
ing it by the stated size of the object. To mea­ scale.
sure an object's size, one uses an ocular mi­
crometer or eyepiece calibrated with a 10-mm
scale divided into 100 parts. To match the lens
to this scale, a specimen micrometer is
needed, but only once, so it can be borrowed
from a friend. The specimen micrometer is a
stage upon which a 1-mm scale (with 100 divi­
sions) is engraved. For every lens, the value ju.'1+�1tn,1p���*'*'��
for one part of the ocular micrometer must be
calculated. Lay the specimen micrometer on
l111 j111 J1rnl1111Jnnj1rnJm1j,1u!1111jm1J1111�ml111111111!u111r:1!J1mjmrj1m�11J
the stage in such a way that the beginnings of
both scales coincide (Photograph No. 110).
Then look for a spot where two lines exactly
coincide. The further toward the end of the
scale that this happens, the more accurate the
result. If, for example, 93 divisions of the spec­
imen micrometer coincide with 59 divisions of
-� ---------

11.3. Glassware between cover slip and slide must not be

In addition to the microscope and the instru­ thicker than the cover slip itself.
ments mentioned in Chapter 3.1, a few more If a thicker specimen is to be mounted, the
items are needed: space under the cover slip must be filled with
1. Glass slides and cover glasses or cover water. Mounts that are too thick do not let light
slips are the first items to mention. The through too well at higher powers and only the
slides are 76 x 26 mm glass strips. Cover uppermost layer can be focused sharply. That
slips are 0.17 mm thick and usually 18 x 22 is because the depth of the sharply focused
mm square, or round. level becomes shallower as the power of mag­
2. Glass pipettes can be drawn from glass nification increases. This depth of field or
tubing that has been softened in the flame sharpness plane can be represented by a
of a Bunsen or other burner. The appropri­ more or less thin layer that lies parallel to the
ate length is scratched off, slightly filed cover slip and runs through the specimen; ev­
through with a glass file, and then snapped erything that is sharp to the viewer is in this
off. Little suction balls or caps are placed plane. At first, it takes some practice to de­
on the ends of the pipettes. velop a feel for the size of the water drop that
3. Graduated pipettes can measure small vol­ contains the specimen.
umes of liquid up to 0.1 ml. Algal filaments make good practice speci­
4. A 100-ml graduated cylinder measures mens because you can make very thin mounts
large quantities of liquids. from them. Excess water can be blotted away
5. Two to three small glass dishes (watch­ by holding filter paper or a blotter at the edge
glasses, evaporating dishes, or Petri of the cover slip. Take care not to let very
dishes) are needed for observation of small small specimens get sucked out along with the
Sf!)ecimens with a magnifying glass. excess water (due to capillary action). The
6. Five shallow preparation or dissecting con­ same procedure applies when making other
tainers of glass with tightly fitting tops are fresh mounts and smears.
needed for staining, etc. Small Petri dishes Now the mount can be placed on the micro­
(60 mm in diameter) with covers are also scope stage. The manufacturer's instructions
suitable. explain how to obtain the best lighting. Take
care to avoid any contact of the objectives (the
11.4. Live Specimens rotating lenses) with the fingers or with the
The most expensive instrument is worthless mount, since these lenses may become
if you cannot use it properly. To practice mi­ scratched or greasy. For that reason, coarse
croscopy or even to familiarize yourself with it, focusing never proceeds toward the slide
you have to first prepare a simple specimen. mount, but always away from it. Bring your
To do that, put a drop of water on a micro­ eye down to see horizontally across the stage
scope slide and add a few algal filaments to it. as you turn the objective down to the slide so
Then cover with a cover slip, which takes that it almost touches the slide. Then look into
some practice to do without capturing any air the ocular and turn the coarse focusing wheel
bubbles underneath. Hold the cover slip be­ so that the objectives rise until the object just
tween thumb and forefinger or with forceps at begins to appear as an out-of-focus image.
a 45° angle to the glass slide so that the speci­ Now turn the fine focus knob to focus sharply.
men drop is in the angle, then draw it slowly When working with dead fish, it is a good
backwards until it contacts the drop of water. idea to prepare before�and several slides with
The water will now spread under the cover water drops into which to transfer specimens
glass along the edge making contact. Now you are going to dissect out of the fish. The
slowly and uniformly lower the other edge of cover slips, too, should be clean, dry, and free
the cover slip so that the drop of water forces of oily or greasy spots (such as fingerprints).
out the air without leaving any bubbles under­ Pick up slides and cover slips only by the
neath. In a well-made preparation, the space edges, never in the middle, to avoid finger oils.
Many slides and cover slips are cleaned bf,. you can make. If the specimen is still too thick
fore packaging, but that Is not clean enough to allow placement of the cover slip, a clean,
for good mounts. Lay the slides and cover blunt object can be pressed down on the cover
slips in a small vessel of alcohol before they allp Just above the largest fragment (being
are needed, when you can Ifft them out with careful not to crack the cover slip). Now place
forceps and dry them off with an abtorbont the mount on the microscope stage and start
cloth. If that is too inconvenient, flll anothor With the lowest power to study the specimen.
vessel (which can be tightly closed) with chlo­ Chapter 3 describes when specimens should
roform, then take the slide and cover ellp from be teased into fragments and when they
the alcohol, dip them into the chloroform, wavo ahould be squashed whole under glass.
them with the forceps for a few seconds In tho Squash mounts require some force. Place
air, and both slide and cover slip, now fre@ of the bit of organ tissue between two glass
oils and clean, will dry quickly. slides, without any water, and press together
Used slides and cover slips are cleaned for (without sliding or shearing) until the tissue bit
reuse only when they are not too solled, which Is spread out extremely thin. Then add some
occurs only when you used them for 8f)OCI• water to this thinned-out specimen and lay a
mens prepared with water. If specimen, aro cover slip over it.
fixed and stained, however, It really tako• too
much time and effort to attempt to clean off tno 11.8. Isolation of Pathogens
slides. The beginner has a hard time trylr,a to 11 one or more parasites are found in a fresh
clean cover slips, most of which break whml 1pc;olmen, they are often transferred to a new
being wiped. rmunt. There are several reasons for this. The
Whoever wants to work with fish dllOtl§@§ mltJf08COplst may want to get a better look at
must not be satisfied merely to examine I §iak tM J)lfl81te, or perhaps be able to photograph
fish from time to time. A serious study of ml• ff ilt,na so It stands out clearly. Also, if perma­
croorganisms and aquatic biology le gonersfly flttht mounts are going to be prepared, the
required to be able to differentiate harml@§§ parasite must be taken out of the fresh mount
from parasitic organisms and to recogniio Wto and treated further. To do this, lay the glass
cause of disease. This learning proce11 It dof• Alldt on a glass plate or pane that can be
initely not boring, and whoever has onco ob­ lighted from underneath. For a light source,
served the microorganisms In a drop of watM
with a good microscope will certainly aJw1y1
enjoy microscopy. The bottom matter and fllt@r 111, Sfefltor ocour in every aquarium. They live on soil
of an aquarium are true treasure trovet one, mid plahts, Size: 0.1 to 2mm.
you have learned to recognize the harml@!ll
protozoa, worms, and arthropods hidden
there. These organisms can be ldentlflod with
the help of various guides and books avallabl@
in libraries and bookshops. Photograph• NO§,
111 to 115 show some of the harmletl lnhoi=
tants of the aquarium.

11.5. Teased Fragment and Squuh Moufff§

To prepare organs for microscopic eQffliR§:
tions, small bits the size of pinheads aro U§§O
to make thin transparent mounts that can bi
sharply focused. Place a bit In a drop of phy§t::
ological saline (0.64%) on a glass slldl EtflEl
tease It with two sharp needles (dlsllfflfrtg
needles) into the smallest particles or 1hrH§
you can use a bulb (such as from a d8§k thll IOIUtlon, so there is no great rush in com­
lamp) and reflect the light with a mirror up pleting the procedures. Using a finely drawn­
through the glass and the specimen lylng on It nut pipette, you can suck up the parasites in­
(Photograph No. 116). The light can be aoft= dlvidully and transfer them to a small drop of
ened by using a sheet of tracing paper In from pRyaiologlcal saline on clean slides. After cov­
of the mirror as a diffuser. Now use a atrong Elnng with a cover slip, examine at 100 to
hand lens or loupe to look down on the SPOOi" 300X. Larger parasites can easily be crushed
men to see the parasite(s). A magnifier on I under the cover slip, so it is advisable to pre­
stand is a practical way to have both hand§ VGnt too close a contact by using spacers to
free. Raise the cover slip carefully wtth polnkld p,ovont the cover slip from pressing down too
forceps. If the specimen sticks to It, 100101'1 it §U,!�ly, Affix tiny modeling clay or wax pellets
with a dissecting needle. It is easier, howwgr, to ihl oornars of the cover slip so as to form
to transfer the specimen from the elldo llit@ i llffl@ fett turned inward toward the specimen
smaJI circular dish (watchglass, Petri dl§fi) d§ th@ slip Is placed on the slide, then tap
filled with two to three milliliters with phy1lolag• gently with a dissecting needle on the cover
ical saline (see chapter 10, method C12), slip until it settles down low enough to clamp
Now use two dissecting needles to free the the specimen In place. If any water is needed,
parasite from the surrounding tissue. Toue put it in at the edge. Now the living specimen
apart intestinal fragments or cut them length­ can be observed without rushing. Extremely
wise. Many parasites can last several hOUf§ In lrnall parasites such as flagellates in the blood
iftd lfltf:fstihe are not visible under a loupe or
hfltUll8hs. For these, place the uncovered
ffi@ljNt on the microscope stage again and
112. Sty/aria worms wriggle along under th• §1:Jrfaff 131
the water. They measure 1 mm at most In thlol<nt:1§§ 1 tM
§@arch under a low power for a spot contain­
up to 4cm In length. The photograph shows the head. ing many flagellates. Then suck up the fluid
containing these with a very finely drawn pi­
pette. Transfer that to a waiting slide that you
have arleady provided with a tiny drop of phys­
lological slaine. This new mount will be very
thin, thus allowing examination under very
high power.
It I$ sometimes necessary to keep fresh
mounts for several days so we can study the
- course of the pathogen's development. Keep it
In I humid room to prevent the mount's water
from evaporating. In a tightly closing glass jar
or dlth containing water to a height of 2 centi­
meters, lay the slide on a pedestal or stand
that Just rises above the level of the water.
Only the underside of the slide has to be
wiped off before it is placed under the micro­
§COpe for examination.

11.7. Preparation of Specimens In General

In many cases it becomes necessary to
koop parasites for lengthy periods of time, per­
haps as a reference slide against which to
compare new specimens later, or perhaps to
take to an expert for identification. The prob­
lem is to preserve these microorganisms that
• 1 ,.a 1 • - • < • - �
: �a �•,"! ..�_._,�,< ,; l� Jl ,J,;��,!
long. That is achieved either by preserving solutions in tightly closed bottles because al­
them in solvent mixtures or by preparing per­ cohol absorbs atmospheric moisture, thus di­
manent mounts of them. They also can be luting itself.
stained while they are being worked up. The specimens can be transferred directly
Several steps are necessary to make per­ into the same strength of alcohol as the
manent mounts. The first one is fixing or fixa­ strength of the alcohol in the fixative mixture.
tion. The specimen is'put into a fixative or fix­ All steps should be done in a liquid volume
ing solution that kills the cells but leaves the that is 50 to 100 times that of the specimen.
tissues in a life-like condition. They will not de­ The individual steps are carried out in small
compose and the whole organism keeps its watchglasses or shallow dishes covered with a
glass plate.
• shape. Fixation also prepares the specimen
The specimen can be either transferred from
for further processing. It allows the protein to
coagulate so that the cell membranes become step to step, or else the fixative pipetted off
transparent and dyes can penetrate the cells. and then replaced with the next concentration,
Good fixation requires that the fixative be which must be done completely. To prevent
able to penetrate quickly. For that reason, the sucking up any specimen, observe the tip of
specimen should not be thicker than 1 centi­ the pipette with a loupe (magnifying glass)
meter at any spot. The quantity of fluid while pipetting.
amounts to 50 to 100 times the volume of the In this way the specimens progress through
soecimen. The fixative has to act a certain the alcohol series until they reach an alcohol
amount of time and can only be used once. concentration of 70%, in which they can be
Sometimes the fixative solution must be rinsed stored for one to two days. The ves·sel, of
off the specimen after fixation, which is done course, must be airtight. Specimens not in­
by soaking the specimen in distilled water or in tended for staining will continue through the
alcohol for a certain time. In the following remaining steps until they reach the 100% al­
guidelines for preparing mounts, the steps and cohol. For concentrations over 60%, isopropyl
times for soaking the specimens in the solu­ alcohol is best because pharmacies stock this
tions are given. With these guidelines, the be­ in 100% form (at least in some places). Dilute
ginner can prepare usable slides that give him as described earlier into the required concen­
the option of sending them for expert di­ trations. Pure ethyl alcohol is free of water but
agnosis. only available professionally or with a prescrip­
Since fixation must be done fast, larger tion; even if you purchased it from a wholesale
specimens are always soaked in a prepared manufacturer, it is too expensive for this work.
fixative bath. They are then taken out with From the pure isopropyl alcohol, the speci­
finely pointed forceps or pipetted up with a mens are transferred into xylol, which must be
finely drawn out pipette. Keep as much water changed once. After the indicated length of the
out of the fixative as possible. Nematodes can bath, prepare one or several carefully cleaned
be easily caught and transferred with a dis­ microscope slides by placing one drop of im­
secting needle. bedding material in the middle. Now fish the
The specimens to be fixed contain a great specimens out of the xylol and transfer one to
deal of water that must be removed because it three of them to the drop of balsam (e.g., En­
would not mix with the imbedding material tellan), arrange them with the dissecting nee­
(usually plastics). Various strengths of alcohol dle, then seal it over with a clean cover slip,
are needed to dehydrate the specimen. De­ taking care to avoid bubbles. Let the mount
pending upon which fixative is used, start with dry undisturbed and dust-free for several
20 to 40% alcohol, increasing the concentra­ hours to days.
tion stepwise by 1 O to 15% each time until the In thicker mounts, the imbedding balsam
specimen reaches pure alcohol. You can pre­ may shrivel. In that case, add more imbedding
pare the different concentrations yourself ac­ material at the edges of the cover slip several
cording to the following instructions; keep the times over the next few days. Then, if the
shrinkage stops, use a xylol-soaked cloth to If mounts are to be kept longer than a few
wipe off the excess balsam from the edges of weeks, then the opening between cover slip
the cover slip and the slide. and slide must be hermetically sealed. An
Now the mount can be labeled with two ad­ enamel or shellac is available for sealing. It is
hesive labels cut to fit the empty spaces at the painted several times with a small brush
right end and the left end of the slide. The fol­ around the edges of the coverslip, overlapping
lowing information must be given: in such a way that the cover slip seems to
One end Other end merge right into the slide, leaving no gaps.
Fixative Origin (if a parasite, give
The mount is then preserved permanently.
host and organ)
Stain Name of preparer The preparation of microorganisms is an in­
lmbedding substance Date prepared triguing activity for the microscopist, who, as
Latin (binomial) name time goes along, will develop a valuable col­
The dry slide can now be numbered and lection of permanent mounts that is always
stored horizontally in a slide box. The protocol available as a reference for comparison
card that describes the autopsy is given a against new specimens. You should practice
matching number and then filed away. Thus this technique occasionally with readily avail­
the slide and protocol are cross-indexed and able specimens, so that when rare parasites
are always available. come along you will not spoil them.
There can be many reasons to stain a slide 11.8. Preparation of Specimens in Detail
mount. The simplest reason is that it makes (E,-E,0)
the specimen easier to find under the micro­ Whoever wants to work up a microscopic
·scope. Double staining shows the internal or­ collection of parasites from fish and other or­
gans in one color and the surrounding tissues ganisms must always have a basic supply of
in another color. The procedure for staining chemicals and dyes available. The needs
depends upon which fixative was used and the include:
stain. If the fixative contained alcohol, then the 1 liter alcohol (household}
specimen can go right into a stain that is dis­ 1 liter distilled water
solved in alcohol. 1 liter 100% isopropyl alcohol
If, however, a stain is to be used that is dis­ 250 ml 35-40% formalin (formaldehyde)
solved in water, then the specimen has to go 250 ml xylol
backward through the series of alcohol con­ 250 ml lactic acid
centrations until it floats in pure distilled water. 100 ml glycerin
After staining, the specimen must once again 100 ml 100% acetic acid
run up through the alcohol series before it 100 ml 25% hydrochloric acid (HCI)
passes through xylol and then is placed in the 100 ml methylene blue (Loeffler)
imbedding substance on a slide and sealed 100 ml alcoholic borax carmine
with the cover glass. 5-10 g methyl green
If the specimen has remained too long in the Various imbedding substances as com­
staining solution and is overstained to the mercially available (such as glycerin
point of becoming opaque, then the excess gelatin, polyvinyl-lactophenol, Canada
.. L stain can be dissolved out by means of certain
solutions, a process called differentiation.
balsam or Entellan)
Shellac or enamel for sealing the edges
Then the specimen can either be counter­ around cover slips
stained or dehydrated in the alcohol series, Bacterial stains such as carbol fuchsin
soaked in xylol, and imbedded in plastic. (Ziehl-Neelsen); carbol gentian violet
The times given later for how long to leave (Gram) 1 :2: 300; and fuchsin solution
specimens in staining solutions and the alco­ (Gram)
hol series are average values that may be 100 ml graduated cylinder calibrated in
modified according to your experience and the 1 ml graduations for measuring out
size of the specimens. liquids
m1m�, 1� 00IR 11�m ,��� �m
Arthropods such as crustaceans,

fixed in a mixture of 90% spirits and

10% lactic acid (method E2), in which
they can be stored several weeks.
Specimens are sent in screw-top vials
of these fluids, filled up to keep air out,
for expert diagnosis.
11.8.1 Permanent Mounts In Polyvf nyl­
lactophenol (PVL) (�)
The specimen fixed in E2 (see above) must
first be transferred to pure lactic acid before
being imbedded in PVL. That can be done
stepwise by taking the specimen up through,
usually. four stages of lactic acid and alcohol
mixtures as follows:
Step 1 = 25% lactic acid + 75% alcohol
113. Bryozoa are colonial polyps. Size of Individuals
range from 200 to 500u. Colonlee can attain several Step 2 = 50% lactic acid + 50% alcohol
centimeters In size. Step 3 = 80% lactic acid + 20% alcohol
Step 4 = 100% lactic acid.
Since lactic acid decolorizes a specimen, the
specimen is kept in the last step until it is
translucent, then is transferred to PVL. Deli­
cate arthropods can remain at steps 1 and 2
First, here is how to set up an alcohol for several hours. Steps 3 and 4, however,
series. Start with spirits that contain should not last longer than three hours. Check
94% ethyl alcohol. To make 30% alco­ the decolorizing process from time to time with
hol, add 30 ml spirits to the graduated a magnifying glass and interrupt it by imbed­
cylinder and fill it up with dletllled water dlng the specimen in the PVL. The specimens
to the 94 ml mark. To make 60% alco­
hol, add 60 ml spirits and 34 ml dlatllled
water to make 94 ml liquid. With this 114. Chaatogaster spp. become approximately 2mm
procedure, we prepare 30%, 40%, long.
50%, and 60% aJcohol concentrations
from spirits. Keep these concentrations
in tightly stoppered bottles, each la­
beled accordingly.
The higher concentrations are made
with 100% isopropyl alcohol. Take 70
ml alcohol and fill up to the 100 ml mark
with water. With this procedure, we pre­
pare 70%, 80%, 90%, 95%, and 1000/o
Next, here is how to prepare a fbca­
tive solution (method E1) In whl6'1
worms can be kept for years. To 100 ml
spirits (94% alcohol) add 30 ml fc:mr1a­
lin, 5 ml acetic acid, and 200 ml dletJlled
water, then mix well before atortng In tffl
air-tight bottle.
117. Staining rack of stiff wire in a plastic photo develop­
ing tray.

•.: . ·:: ....,:.:. ·...... .·:

.. . '
115. Although most mites look frightful, they are com­
petely harmless.

do not have to be too translucent, for they

lighten even more over the course of time, .
even in the completed permanent mount. The •, .. ·.,
mite illustrated in Photograph No. 104 was
prepared with this method.
Another possibility for transferring organisms
from the fixative mixture to the pure lactic acid
is more suited to non-delicate specimens. Fill
a small cylindrical glass with some lactic acid
and add the specimens along with fixative so­ 118. Gram-stained fish skin smear. Gram-positive: blue­
black. Gram-negative: red. Picture width: 345u.
lution. The fixative solution should not exceed
a quarter of the volume of lactic acid. The or­
ganisms sink slowly in the lactic acid and can
be transferred directly into the PVL 119. Mycobacterium (red with Ziehl-Neelsen stain). Pic­
ture length: 120u.

116. Homemade laboratory bench.

'°"""' .......

. .
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. ,.:.. ·.... :. -
. .,
- '
_ • •' , O • .0 •• O .'!.

Prepare a large drop of PVL on an clean If shrinkage occurs when the specimen is
slide. Transfer the organisms with a dissecting transferred from 100% alcohol into xylol, pro­
needle from the lactic acid to the PVL. Cover ceed as follows:
with a cover slip. When preparing larger speci­ 13. Transfer to a mixture of 75% alcohol +
mens, use spacers (clay or wax pellets) to 25% xylol for 15 minutes.
keep the cover slip from crushing the speci­ 14. Transfer to a mixture of 50% alcohol +
mens. Store the slides horizontally and, if nec­ 50% xylol for 15 minutes.
essary, add more PVL daily under the edges 15. Transfer to a mixture of 25% alcohol +
of the coverslip. On the third day, wait until the 75% xylol for 15 minutes.
last PVL added has dried, scratch off the ex­ 16. Transfer to 100% xylol for 25 minutes.
cess imbedding substance with a pointed 17. lmbed in balsam.
knife, and seal the cover slip. If you wait any Thick worms and large arthropods stay
longer, shrinkage can occur. Water fleas and longer in the xylol stages (up to two hours). If
small insects make good practice specimens the inside of the specimen suddenly goes
with which to develop skill at preparing slides. black in transmitted light or white in incident
(reflected) light while being imbedded in bal­
sam (e.g., Entellan), then more care must be
taken when imbedding. Prepare a mixture of
10% balsam + 90% xylol in a small dish.
11.8.2 Permanent Mounts in Canada Bal­ Leave the specimen in that until the xylol
sam or Entellan (E4 ) evaporates, leaving behind a syrupy medium.
This method of preparation is well suited to Now it can be imbedded. Another way is to
tapeworms and arthropods. Nematodes stab the specimen, while it soaks in the xylol,
(roundworms) are somewhat delicate and three or four times with a very fine needle.
shrink easily, so they must be handled very Now the balsam can penetrate and the speci­
carefully if this method is used for them. men remains clear. If these suggestions do
The parasites dissected out of the fish are not produce translucent or transparent speci­
fixed at least 24 hours in E1 (see under Chap­ mens, then proceed with methods E3 or E5 •
ter 11.8), though they can be kept in it for Practice with small worms, water fleas, and
months. If the specimens are going to be other easily obtainable microorganisms. Tape­
stained, you also need alcohol + HCI, pro­ worm segments (Photograph No. 96) are pre­
duced simply as follows: to 100 ml 70% alco­ pared by this method.
hol (pure ethanol or isopropanol, not metha­
nol), add 2 ml hydrochloric acid (HCI).
The procedure is as follows:
1. Fix in E, at least 24 hours 11.8.3. Permanent Mounts in Glycerin
2. Transfer to 40% alcohol for two hours Gelatin (E5)
3. Transfer to 50% alcohol for ten minutes This is a very gentle method of preparing
4. Transfer to borax carmine for two to five specimens. It is suitable for all specimens that
days according to thickness shrink with methods E3 and E4 or decolorize
5. Transfer to 50% alcohol for 30 minutes. too much. Fix just for 24 hours in E1 and then
6. Transfer to 60% alcohol for ten minutes wash it out for two hours in 50% alcohol. Now
7. Decolorize in alcohol + HCI for one to ten transfer the specimen to 60% alcohol for 15
hours, according to thickness. minutes, and then it can be stained for one to
8. Transfer to 70% alcohol for 20 minutes. three days in alcohol borax carmine (Gren­
9. Transfer to 80% alcohol for ten minutes acher). Afterward, return it to 60% alcohol. If
10. Transfer to 90% alcohol for ten minutes the stain is intensive or too deep, then it can
11. Transfer to 95% alcohol for 15 minutes. be differentiated or cleared out by alcohol +
12. Transfer to 100% alcohol for 15 minutes, HCI, then washed for an hour in 70% isopropyl
and chance once. alcohol. It remains at each of the four stages
Mlcroscopy1n the magnosis of Fish Diseases

for 15 minutes (80%, 90%, 95%, and 100% dye, then add 20 ml formalin (30 to 40%).
isopropyl alcohol). To go further with the prep­ When all the ingredients are mixed, the solu­
aration, you need a mixture of 95 ml isopropyl tion is ready for use.
alcohol (100%) plus 5 mg of glycerin, which For a nuclear stain, carmine-acetic acid is
you store in a tightly closed bottle. Pour about better suited for many flagellates, although it
5 ml of the mixture into a shallow vessel, put destroys the flagella.
the specimen in it, and place it in a warm, We usually start with fresh preparations that
dust-free spot. The isopropyl alcohol will evap­ contain intestinal contents, bile, or skin
orate and, in several hours to several days, smears. First lift the cover slip and remove all
the specimen will be in pure glycerin. The time solid, thick tissue residue. Then add some
can be regulated by the area of the surface physiological saline and replace the cover slip.
that is evaporating or by a partial cover. Ves­ If the preparation is too thick, it can remain a
sels with concave bottoms are very suitable, while until the evaporation of the water in it re­
because the specimens collect at the deepest duces the internal space or gap. Then add a
point. few drops of methyl green formalin along the
The specimens can now be transferred di­ edge of the cover slip and observe at 200 to
rectly from the alcohol-free glycerin right into 300X how the flagellates die. After the fluid
the glycerin gelatin on a glass slide for imbed­ stops swirling in the slide (caused by adding
ding. With a small knife or spatula, take a the fluid above), search out isolated speci­
drop-sized piece of glycerin gelatin and center mens and observe them under maximum
it on the slide. Heat the slide briefly in a flame. power.
When the glycerin gelatin has melted, do not For a uniformly distributed staining solution,
imbed the worms at once, but wait until the place a small drop of liquid containing flagel­
gelatin has cooled down somewhat. Then lates, or else a skin smear with very little wa­
transfer the worms with a dissecting needle ter, on a slide. Next to that drop place a drop
from the glycerin to the slide and place them of methyl green formalin solution or carmine­
in the glycerin gelatin. If the gelatin is already acetic acid about a half to a quarter the size of
too viscous when you drop the cover slip on, the flagellate drop. Mix the two drops together
you can warm the slide briefly again. Let the quickly with a dissecting needle and lay a
mount remain horizontal until the glycerin gel­ cover slip over it. Seek out, under medium
atin solidifies. Scrape away any excess mate­ power, a well-preserved flagellate, then study
rial and seal the edges of the cover slip. The it under maximum power. Since protozoa fixed
sealing operation has to be repeated during by this method will not keep, it is advisable to
the next few days. For practice, try preparing make a drawing or at least a sketch of the
small nematodes from the soil, vinegar worms, . specimen.
or microworms from food animal breeding Methyl green formalin stains the cell nuclei
tanks. of blood and skin cells greenish blue, while the
protoplasm appears pale green (Photograph
No. 85). If the cells stain deep green, too
much staining solution was used.
11.8.4. Stain Fixation of Flagellates and Carmine-acetic acid stains the cell nucleus
Ciliates (E6) red and the protoplasm pink.
Before flagellates and ciliates can even be
tentatively identified, they must be fixed so 11.8.5. Staining of Bacteria
that the cell shape, nucleus, and flagella can Bacterial staining requires an alcohol burner,
be recognized. A methyl green formalin solu­ a Bunsen burner, or a propane torch, as well
tion is a suitable stain. To make a working so­ as a staining stand or rack that can be built of
lution, add 0.1 g methyl green and 80 ml dis­ wire. The stand has to be high enough for the
tilled water to a brown or amber bottle that can flame to be held briefly under it and wide
be closed tightly. Agitate gently to dissolve the enough to hold three or four slides placed side
by side on it. The legs should spread to make may vary according to your own experience.
the base broader than the platform on which As you pour on the stain, use the forceps, not
the slides rest; that gives it stability. It stands your fingers (because the dye stains the skin
in a photographic or similar tray to catch the deeply), to hold the slide until the carbol gen­
staining solution that runs off of the slides tian violet solution completely covers the
(Photograph No. 117). smear. After three minutes tilt the slide to let
Stains are difficult to remove from household the staining solution run off.
items and should not be poured down the As rapidly as possible, drop on potassium io­
drain or the toilet. Put used stains in tightly dide-iodine solution, let it run off, and drop on
closed bottles and give them to the special some more. Let it act a total of 80 seconds.
garbage collectors who come regularly for Let it run off and wash the slide for 60 seconds
non-standard garbage. in a vessel containing spirits (94% alcohol).
A layman cannot do a complete identification Let the slide drip by holding it vertically on ab­
of bacteria, which requires growth on special sorbent blotting or filter paper. Then let it dry
culture media. The colony size, color, and horizontally for a few minutes.
other characteristics must be evaluated by ex­ Now counterstain for 80 seconds with fuch­
perts. An alert microscopist, however, can ide­ sin solution (Gram). After thoroughly rinsing
ntify the pathogens enough to determine under running water, air-dry the smear, add a
which antibiotic can be used to fight them. For small drop of balsam, and lay on a cover slip.
that, you have to note the appropriate size and The space between the smear and the cover
motibility of the bacteria (Chapters 1 and 4, glass must be minimal so that you can use the
Chart 21 ). The exact size can be determined oil immersion lens. If you liquify the balsam
later from the fixed and stained mount. with a third of xylol, the space between cover
Now make smears from the liquid that con­ slip and slide becomes even less.
tains the bacteria. To prepare organs, squash Gram-positive bacteria appear blue violet
small bits of the tissue between two clean and the Gram-negative ones red. This stain
slides. Then take a clean slide and squash it works because of the ability of the Gram-posi­
against one of the first squashed slides; take tive bacteria to keep the violet color in an alco­
a second clean slide and do the same with it hol bath (differentiation), while Gram-negative
on the other of the first squashed slides. You bacteria lose that color (Photograph No. 118),
now have four very thin squash mounts. (Tu­ but stain red with fuchsin. If the differentiation
bercular cysts are also worked up in this way.) is carried out too long, however, even the
The four slides are dried in the air for about Gram-positive bacteria will lose their color,
two hours. Then they have to be fixed by heat. too.
To fix the slides by heat, hold the slide,
specimen side up, between thumb and forefin­
ger and pass it through the flame three times.
The underside of the slide must become hot 11.8.7. Ziehl-Neelsen Stain (E8)
enough to feel it, but not hot enough to burn This stain is used to identify tuberculosis ba­
you if you put it briefly on the back of your cilli. If you are uncertain whether cysts in tis­
hand. (If the specimen side burns, smokes, or sues and organs are due to tuberculosis or to
smells strongly the heat-fixation was too hot.) lchthyophonus, use this stain to render the tu­
The slides are now ready. berculosis bacilli visible.
Old cysts often do not contain any bacteria,
11.8.6. Gram Stain (E1) so several cysts must always be prepared as
Take one or more of the fixed smear slides squash mounts.
and lay them on the staining stand to carry out Place the air-dried and heat-fixed specimens
the Gram staining procedure. The slides must on the staining rack and flood the slide com­
be horizontal so that the stain does not run off. pletely with carbol fuchsin (Ziehl-Neelsen)
The times given in the schematic instructions stain. Now heat the slide (by placing the
burner flame under the slide) until fumes arise specimen. Methylene blue (Loeffler) is suit­
from the staining solution. Under no circum­ able, diluted 1:5 and kept in a tightly closing
stances must the solution boil. The phenolic bottle.
fumes are harmful, so work in the open or at Add a like quantity of the staining solution to
an opened window. Keep the stain solution the water on the smear on the slide or to the
fuming for three minutes by warming it as blood (which is diluted with physiological sa­
needed. Replenish any evaporated staining line) on the slide, then wait a minute before
solution to keep the smear from drying out. covering with a cover slip. Blot up any excess
Then let the slide cool off for one minute and fluid exuding from the edges of the cover slip.
dump off the staining solution. Rinse thor­ The cell nucleus stains deeper than the proto­
oughly under running water and swish the plasm. Less staining solution produces weaker
slide around for 60 to 90 seconds in alcohol+ coloration. To make the stain deeper, add the
HCI (see Chapter 11.8.2). Then rinse off again staining solution to the specimen on the slide
thoroughly under running water. Stain for three without adding any water first. The blood
minutes with methylene blue solution (Loeffler) smear shown in Photograph No. 40 was
that is diluted 1 :5 with distilled water. Rinse off stained in this way. Ciliates, too, stain well with
the staining solution with distilled water and this method.
dry the slide in the air. Add a small drop of di­
luted balsam and cover with a cover slip. 11.9. Photography as a Means of Documen­
Tuberculosis bacilli appear red, while other tation
bacteria and tissue fragments show up blue Any microscopist occasionally comes across
(Photograph No. 119). To make the mount objects under his microscope that so please
permanent, clean off the slide after it dries and him that he wants to preserve them forever.
seal around the cover slip. Thus is born the wish to capture the image
photographically. Another reason is that you
11.8.8. Simple Bacterial Staining (E9) may not be certain that the good specimen
Bacteria can be stained quickly and deeply you are observing will make it undamaged out
with carbol fuchsin (Ziehl-Neelsen) and with of the fresh mount once you start isolating and
methylene blue (Loeffler). The procedure is working with it. It is just those rare specimens
the same for both. Unfortunately, the tissue that get lost easily. Well-made photographs,
fragments in the smear also take up the stain, on the other hand, can even be helpful in iden­
thus obscuring any bacteria in them. The pro­ tification. Many specimens are so difficult to
cedure is as follows: prepare and mount that photography is the
1. Air-dry the smear on the slide for one to only way to document them.
two hours; No special camera is needed to produce
2. Heat fix; good photomicrographs. Any single-lens reflex
3. Drop on carbol fuchsin or methylene blue camera with changeble lenses is suitable. The
and let it act for five minutes; lighting is much more important. A lot of light
4. Rinse under running water; is necessary, and the Koehler system of illumi­
5. Air dry; nation is absolutely necessary for first-class
6. lmbed in diluted balsam. pictures. You can read in the instructions that

Examine the mounts under 300 to 600X come with your microscope just how to set up
power. Koehler lighting.
Good photographs cannot be taken of a
11.8.9 Staining of Mucosa and Skin (E 10) poorly prepared mount. The higher the power,
Skin, blood, and many squash preparations the thinner must be the specimen because the
are not very contrasty specimens. Any para­ depth of field or of sharp focus becomes shal­
sites in them are indeed easily recognizable, lower as the magnification increases.
although the tissue structure, cellular walls, The camera body or housing is connected to
and nuclei do not stand out very much. If you the ocular tube via a microscope adaptor, vari­
want to see more details, you must stain the ous kinds of which are on the market (Photo-
148 Microscopy in the Diagnosis of Fish Diseases

an average value based upon the light and the

dark portions of the subject about to be photo­
graphed. This int�rnal measuring system is
built into many modern cameras. A few very
new models provide spot measurement, which
bases the exposure only on a small spot in the
middle of the scene.
With every shot, check on the size of the
specimen in comparison with the size of the
photographs and whether any heavy contrast
.. predominates. If, in brightfield shots, the speci­
men is darker than the background, then cor­
rections must be made in the positive direc­
tion. In darkfield shots, on the other hand, the
EXTENSIO" - ---- specimen is much lighter than the background,
so correction must be in the negative direction.

Since the measuring system is an average

value based upon light and dark portions of
the scene (or microscopic field), the exposure
time must be lengthened or shortened in order
to properly light the subject. The amount of
correction depends upon two factors: the size
THE MICROSCOPE � of the specimen, and the difference in bright­
ness between specimen and background. On
brightfield shots the exposure time is length­
ened, and in darkfield shots it is shortened.
120. Microscope adapter for 35mm camera. Universal There are only minimal differences in film
adapter with adjustable connector.
quality. Many photographs today are made
with films that produce color slides. The higher
the ASA number or rating the grainier (or more
sandy looking) the enlargements. Films be­
graph No. 120). One kind, for example·, slips tween 50 and 200 ASA (or 18 to 24 DIN) are
over the upper part of the microscope tube the most common. Very fine-grained films
and thus replaces the eye with a camera (ASA 25 or DIN 15} have longer exposure
thro·ugh the finder of which you can see the times. Many professionals work with black­
specimen and focus it by using the micros­ and-white films because these have less grain
cope's normal coarse and fine adjustment fo­ at higher ASA ratings compared to color films.
cusing knobs. A green filter can be used to increase the
There are several considerations in working contrast in black-and-white photographs.
with a camera. Basically, any single-lens reflex The color in a color photograph depends
is suitable for photomicrography. In practice, less upon the film than upon the color filter
however, usually only models with a built-in used in the microscope. This in turn depends
exposure meter are used today. These "inter­ upon the color temperature of the lighting.
nal metering" models automatically determine With non-adjustable microscope lamps, use a
the shutter speed and, in some cameras, even blue filter (B12. With adjustable lamps, use fil­
set it for you; in other cameras you read it from ter 89 at the brightest setting, 812 at a middle
a scale in the finder and manually set the ex­ setting, and 815 with the weakest illumination.
posure with that value. With both systems, it is A powerful source of light is needed for mak­
sometimes necessary to correct the automati­ ing photomicrographs with short exposure
cally derived exposure because it represents times (for motile specimens) or at high magni-
Microscopy in th.e Diagnosis of Fish Diseases • " 149
fications. The built-in low-voltage lamp in the 13. Illumination (brightfield, darkfield, phase-
larger microscopes is adequate enough for contrast)
low-power viewing. 14. Objective lens power
At higher magnifications the specimen 15. Ocular lens power
should not move, so a drop of formalin or fixa­ 16. Coler slide magnification
tive stain (E6) can be touched to the edge of 17. Size of specimen in millimeters
one side of the cover slip and maC:le to flow 18. Drawing or notes on the other side
through the mount by holding a piece of blot­ The same file number thus refers to all infor­
ting or filter paper on the opposite side of the mation on a specific specimen and makes re­
cover slip, where it draws the stain across by trieval easy.
capillary action. When sending anyone color slides or prints
At very high power, the exposure time is of color or black-and-white photographs, give
longer than the automatic mechanism of the the actual size (in micrometers) of the speci­
camera can provide, so you have to take test men and not the microscopic magnification.
shots, doubling the exposure time of each until
you find an approrpriate exposure. Good pho­
tographs depends upon degree of magnifica­
tion, the light intensity, and the filter, among
other factors.
Microscopes provided with a mirror for illumi­
nation can be lighted with a slide projector. If
the field of vision is not uniformly ·lighted, then
place a piece of ground glass between the
projector and the microscope mirror. Tracing
paper also is well suited to diffuse the light.
Hardly anyone can remember the exact de­
tails of exposure once the film is processed
and the pictures are ready, so it is essential to
note the important facts of every exposure
when it is made. This data later can be trans­
ferred to the frame of the color slide. Better
yet, note this information immediately on filing
cards to match each successful color slide and
give both this filing card and the color slide the
same number you give the protocol/autopsy
card and any permanent mounts of the same
specimen. Cards in the photo filing system
should have the following information:
1. File number
2. Specimen name
3. Date photographed
4. Film number (if more than one)
5. Photograph number
6. Film brand
7. Film speed (ASA or DIN)
8. Correction factor
9. Microscopic magnification
10. Lamp setting
11. Filter
12. Condenser aperture setting
�-----------� -- -- --------

ACETONE: (CH3COCH3} is available in drug­ A broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is active

stores and pharmacies, and from various against a wide spectrum of gram-negative
chemical firms. The use of acetone in the and gram-positive organisms, such as Esch­
tank can often lead to extensive bacterial erichia coli, Moraxella lacunata, staphylo­
proliferation, coating the filter with white cocci including S. aureus, streptococci in­
slime and making the water turbid, leading cluding S. pneumoniae and S. hemolyticus,
to serious oxygen depletion and the risk of Proteus, Neisseria and Klebsie/la/Entero­
the fish suffocating if nothing is done to rem­ bacter spp. In vitro, chloramphenicol is ac­
edy the situation. An extensive change of tive against the lymphogranuloma psitta­
water-either by adding it or by transferring cosis group and Vibrio cholerae.
the fish to it-must be done immediately. Susceptible are several anaerobes, such as
ACRIFLAVINE: also known as 3,6-Diamino- Bacteroides fragilis, as well as Rickettsia
10-methylacridinium chloride mixed with 3-6 and Chlamydia spp. Of special note is the
acridinediamine, neutral acriflavine, eufla­ efficacy against many Salmonella including
vine, neutroflavine and gonacrine S. typhi, Hemophilus influenzae and the re­
An antiseptic, protozoacide and dye. Re­ sistance of most strains of Pseudomonas
portedly effective against Babesia bigemina aeruginosa.
and 8. bovis.
Zenith Laboratories, Inc.
ALUM: see Aluminum Potassium Sulfate 140 Legrand Avenue
known as alum, potassium alum and kalinite as chloramphenicol
An astringent, antiseptic and antimycotic. Parke-Davis
Division of Warner-Lambert
AUREOMYCIN: see Chlortetracycline Company
BORGAL: a solution for injection, a mixture of 201 Tabor Road
trimethoprim and sulfadoxine. Dosage is 15 Morris Plains, NJ 07950 USA
ml to 100 liters water. as Chloromycetin
Available CHLOROMYCETIN: see Chloramphenicol
Hoechst Canada, Inc.
Animal Health Dept.
aureomycin, biomycin and vimycin; see also
295 Henderson Drive
Regina, Saskatchewan
A broad-spectrum antibiotic and growth
S4N 6C2, Canada
stimulant. Effective against gram-positive
as Borgal
and gram-negative bacteria, some large
CALCIPOT: Calcium plus phosphorus and at viruses and Rickettsiae.
least vitamins D and E. Works nicely bound
COMBISONUM: an opthalmic ointment
to water-insoluble powder when vitamizing
containing neomycin. If not available,
Available neomycinsulfate can be used as bath (Aa).
Hoechst AG Available
6230 Frankfurt (Main) 80 Hoechst AG
West Germany 6230 Frankfurt (Main) 80
as Calcipot West Germany
as Combisonum
CHLORAMPHENICOL: also known as chloro­
mycetin, enicol, levomycetin, sintomycin, CONCURAT: see Tetramisole
chlorocid, detreomycin, paraxin, chloronitrin, COTRIMSTADA-FORTE: contains
kemicetine, mychel, amphicol, farmecitina, sulfamethoxazol and trimethoprim.
tevocin, intramycetin, animycetin, syntho­ Available
mycin and kamycetin Hoechst AG

6230 Frankfurt (Main) 80 FURAZOLIDONE: also known as furoxone,

West Germany furoxane, furovag, giarlam, giardil, medaron,
as Cotrimstada-forte neftin, nicolen, nifulidone, ortazol, roptazol,
DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE: also known as tikofuran and topazone
A nitrofuran with a broad antimicrobial
DMSO, dolicur, dromisol, SQ 9453, infiltrine
spectrum, including Escherichia coli,
and domoso. Very toxic; to be avoided.
A solvent, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Staphylococcus, Proteus, Salmonella,
Shigella, Clostridium, Streptococcus,
DOXYCYCLINE: also known as 6- Eimeria, Histomonas spp., Aerobacter
Deoxyoxytetracycline and vibramycin; see aerogenes, Vibrio cholerae and Giardia
also Tetracyclines lamblia.
A tetracycline antibiotic active against Available:
"' Rickettsiae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Norwich Eaton Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
agents of psittacosis, ornithosis, agents of A Proctor & Gamble Company
Lymphogranuloma venereum, Granuloma Norwich, NY 13815-0231 USA
inguinale, and Borrelia recurrentis. The as Furoxone
following gram-negative microorganisms are
GABBROCOL: not available in any English­
susceptible: Haemophilus ducreyi,
speaking country
Pasture/la pestis, P. tularensis, Bartone/la
bacilliformis, Bacteroides spp, Vibrio GELATIN: also known as gelfoam and
comma, V. fetus and Bruce/la spp. puragel
For inhibiting crystals in bacteriology, for
DRYLIN: see Sulfamethoxazole
preparing cultures.
DYLOX Available:
An agricultural chemical. The Upjohn Company
Available Kalamazoo, Ml 49001 USA
Mobay as Gelfoam
8400 Hawthrone
Kansas City, MO 64130 USA GRISEOFULVIN: also known as gris-PEG,
grisactin, grifulvin V and fulvicin
EUSAPRIM: see Sulfamethoxazole An antifungal agent effective against
FLAGYL: see Metronidazole common dermatophytes: Microsporum,
Epidermophyton and Trichophyton spp. It
FLUBENDAZOL: also known as flumoxal and has no effect on bacteria, yeasts,
flumoxane Actinomyces and Nocardia spp., or on other
An anthelmintic compound (a genera of fungi.
benzimidazole) for antiparasitic use based Available:
on the prototype parent compound Schering Corporation
thiabendazole. Galloping Hill Road
Kenilworth, NJ 07033 USA
FLUBENOL: contains flubendazol, for as Fulvicin
which dosage is 1O mg to 5 ml acetone or Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation
• DMSO per 1 00 liters Dermatological Division
P.O. Box 300
Route 202
formol Raritan, NJ 08869-0602 USA
A disinfectant, antiseptic, astringent and
as Grifulvin V
embalming fluid. Used for skin infections of
fish. Ayerst Laboratories
Division of American Home Products
FORMALIN: see Formaldehyde Solution Corporation
FULVICIN: see Griseofulvin 685 Third Ave.
152 Pharmacopoeia

New York, NY 10017-4071 USA P.O. Box 296

as Grisactin Danbury, CT 06810 USA
Herbert Laboratories as metronidazole
Dermatology Division of Allergan Leclerle Laboratories
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Division of American Cyanamid Co.
2525 Dupont .Drive One Cyanamid Plaza
Irvine, CA 92715 USA Wayne, NY 07470 USA
as Gris-PEG as metronidazole
Zenith Laboratories, Inc.
INFIL TRINE: see Dimethyl Sulfoxide
140 Legrand Avenue
MASOTEN: discontinued; see Dylox, Northvale, NJ 07647 USA
Trichlorfon as metronidazole
METRIFONATE: see Trichlorfon Lemmon Ethical Division
METRIFORATE: see Trichlorfon Lemmon Company
Sellersville, PA 18960 USA
METRONIDAZOLE: also known as satric, as Metryl
protostat, metryl, metric and flagyl
Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation
An antibacterial and antiprotozoal agent. It
Raritan, NJ 08869 USA
is active against obligate anaerobes, but
as Protostat
apparantly does not possess clinically
relevant activity against facultative Savage Laboratories
anaerobes, obligate aerobes or Division of Altana Inc.
microaerophilic bacteria other than 60 Baylis Road
Campylobacter fetus and Corynebacterium P.O. Box 2006
vagina/is. At some concentrations, it is Melville, NY 11747 USA
active against Bacteroides fragilis, 8. as Satric
melaninogenicus, Fusobacterium and NEGUVON:· see Trichlorfon
Clostridium spp. Generally less active
against non-sporeforming, gram-positive
NEOCALCIT: a vitamin preparation. See
bacilli, such as Actinomyces,
Propionobacterium, Bifidobacterium and
Eubacterium spp. It is somewhat less active
Hoechst AG
against gram-positive cocci, such as
6230 Frankfurt (Main) 80
P(f]ptostreptococcus and Peptococcus spp.
West Germany
Available as Neocalcit
Searle Pharmaceuticals Inc. NEOMYCIN SULFATE
Box 5110
A broad spectrum antibiotic. Bactericidal
Chicago, IL 60680 USA
notably to Stapylococcus aureus and
as Flagyl Proteus spp. Active mainly against gram­
Schein Pharmaceutical Inc. negative organisms, except Bacteroides
5 Harbor Drive spp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are
Port Washington, NY 11050 USA resistant.
as metronidazole
The Fielding Company Available:
2384 Centerline Industrial Drive Leclerle Laboratories
St. Louis, MO 63146 USA Division of American Cyanamid Co.
as Metric One Cyanamid Plaza
Danbury Pharmacal, Inc. Wayne, NJ 07470 USA
131 West Street as neomycin sulfate
', Pharmacopoeia J 153

Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. OSSPULVIT: multivitamin and trace element

92 Route 46 combination bound to a water-insoluble
Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 USA powder.
as neomycin suitate Available
Roxane Laboratories, Inc. Hoechst AG
P.O. 16532 6230 Frankfurt (Main) 80
Columbus, OH 43216 USA West Germany
as neomycin sulfate as Osspulvit
NITROFURANTOIN: also known as OXYTETRACYCLINE: also known as
furadantin, dantatur, furagin, furazidin, terramycin, imperacin, berkmycin, tetran,
furadoine, furachel and N-{5-Nitro-2- oxyterracin, tetrachel, liquamycin, biostat
furfurylidene)-1-aminohydantoin and oxysteclin; see also Tetracyclines
Susceptible organisms include Escherichia Active against infections caused by
coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus Rickettsiae, Mycoplasma pneumoniae,
pyogenes and Aerobacter aerogenes. agents of psittacosis and ornithosis, agents
Proteus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa of Lymphogranuloma venereum and
and Streptococcus faecalis are usually Granuloma inguina/e, and Borrelia
resistant. recurrentis. Use against the gram-negative
Available: microorganisms Haemophilus ducreyi,
Norwich Eaton Pharm?ceuticals, Inc. Pasture/la pestis, P. tularensis, Bartone/la
A Proctor & Gamble Company bacilliformis, Bacteroides spp., Vibrio
Norwich, NY 13815-0231 USA comma, V. fetus and Bruce/la spp.
as Furadantin Available:
Schein Pharmaceutical Inc. Pfipharmecs Division
5 Harbor Park Drive Pfizer Inc.
Port Washington, NY 11050 USA 235 East 42nd Street
as nitrofurantoin New York, NY 10017 USA
as Terramycin
NYSTATIN: also known as nilstat and
mycostatin PIPERAZINE CITRATE: also known as
An antifungal and antibibtic. It is active antepar, tripiperazine dicitrate, multifuge,
against a variety of yeasts and yeast-like oxucide, pipizan citrate, pinrou, exopin,
fungi. It has no appreciable activity against parazine, helmezine and arpezine
bacteria, actinomycetes, viruses or Piperazine, along with its derivative
trichomonads. diethylcarbamazine, is an anthelmintic. The
Available: spectrum of activity is largely against
E. R. Squibb & Sons, Inc. ascarid parasites in all species and also
General Offices Oesophagostomum spp. There is a variable
P.O. Box 4000 activity against hookworms and strongyles,
Princeton, NJ 08540 USA but little effect against whipworms or
as Mycostatin flatworms.
Lederle Laboratories
Division of American Cyanamid Co. Burroughs Wellcome Co.
One Cyanamid Plaza 3030 Cornwallis Road
Wayne, NJ 07470 USA Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
as Nilstat USA
as Antepar
Lemmon Ethical Division
Lemmon Company QUININE SULFATE: also known as quinamm
Sellersville, PA 18960 USA and quindam
as nystatin A neuromuscular agent, more toxic than
quinine hydrochloride. See C4. succinylsulfathiazole and others. The
Available: synergistic action of sulfonamides with
Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc. trimethoprim has broadened sulfonamide
Subsidiary of The Dow Chenical therapy.
Company TERRAMYCIN: see Oxytetracycline
Cincinnati, OH 45242-9553 USA
as Quinamm
TETRACYCLINE: also known as achromycin,
Danbury Pharmacal, Inc.
tetracyn, hostacycline, panmycin,
131 West Stret
bristacycline, polyotic, steclin, solvodin and
P.O. Box 296
criseocycline; see also Tetracylines
Danbury, CT 06810 USA
A broad spectrum antibiotic indicated for

as Quindam
infections caused by the foff owing
Zenith Laboratories, Inc. microorganisms: Rickettsiae, Mycoplasma
140 Legrand Avenue pneumoniae, agents of psittacosis and
Northvale, NJ 07647 USA ornithosis, agents of Lymphogranuloma
as quinine sulfate venereum and Granuloma inguinale, and
Lederle Laboratories Borrelia recurrentis. It is effective against
Division of American Cyanamid Co. the gram-negative microorganisms
One Cyanamid Plaza Haemophilus ducreyi, Pasture/fa pestis, P.
Wayne, NJ 07470 USA tularensis, Bartone/la bacilliformis, Bruce/la
as quinine sulfate and Bacteroides spp., Vibrio comma and V.
Schein Pharmaceutical Inc. fetus.
5 Harbor Park Drive
Port Washington, NY 11050 USA Available:
as quinine sulfate Parke-Davis
Division of Warner-Lambert Co.
SULFAMETHOXAZOLE: also known as 201 Tabor Road
gantanol, gantonol, sulfasomezole, Morris Plains, NJ 07950 USA
sulfamethylisoxazole, sulfamethoxiazole as tetracylcine HCI
and sinomin; see also Sulfonamides
A sulfonamide. TETRACYCLINES Very broad-spectrum
Available: antibiotics with similar antimicrobial
Roche Laboratories features. They differ somewhat from one
Division of Hoffmann-La Roche Inc. another in their spectra and
Nutley, NJ 07110 USA pharmacokinetic fates. There are three
as Gantanol naturally occurring tetracyclines
(oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline and
demethylchlortetracycline). Several are
SULFATHIAZOLE: also known as norsulfazol, derived semisynthetically (tetracycline,
2090 RP, M & B 760, duatok, avisol and 2- rolitetracycline, methacycline, minocycline,
Sulfanylaminothiazole; see also doxycycline, lymecycline and others).
An antimicrobial and sulfonamide. TETRAMISOLE: also known as tetramizole,
SULFONAMIDES: widey used antibacterial nilverm, ripercol, citarin, concurat, galinid,
agents in veterinary medicine. The anthelvet, decaris, R 8299, McN-JR 8299,
sulfonamides include sulfamethazine, Bayer 9051, ICI 50,627 and d1-2,3,5,6-
sulfabromethazine, sulfadimethoxidine, Tetrahydro-6phenylimidazo [2,1-b] thiazole
suitathiazole, sulfamethoxazole, An anthelmintic.
sulfadoxine, sulfamethazine, sulfadiazine, TRIAMCINOLONE ACETONIDE: also known
sulfaquinoxaline, sulfadimethoxine, as kenolog, vetalog and ledercort - D, orion,
sulfaethoxypyridazine, sulfapyridine and volon and cinonide
An adrenocorticosteroid, glucocorticoid and trimopan, trimpex and wellcoprim
anti inflammatory. Used alone, this diaminopyrimidine is not
Available: particularly effective against bacteria. The
Legere Pharmaceuticals, Inc. combination of trimethoprim and
7326 E. Evans Road sulfonamides has expanded sulfonamide
Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA therapy. The synergistic action is effective
as cinonide against gram-negative and gram-positive
organisms, including Actinomyces,
TRICAINE: also known as MS-222, ethyl-m­
aminobenzoate methanesulfonate and Bordetalla, Clostridium, Corynebacterium,
Fusobacterium, Haemophilus, Klebsiella,
An anesthetic and narcotic. It is one of the
Pasteurel/a, Proteus, Salmonella, Shigella
safest anesthetics for fish. Lower dosages and Campylobacter spp, as well as
tranquilize. Following its use, large numbers
Escherichia coli, Streptococci and
of fish can be transported in a limited Staphylococci. Pseudomonas and
amount of water with supplemental oxygen. Mycobacterium spp. are not susceptible.
Solutions are toxic to fish if used in direct Available:
Biocraft Laboratories, Inc.
sunlight or salt water. Do not use within
92 Route 46
three weeks of harvesting fish for human
Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 USA
as trimethoprim
TRICHLORFON: also known as neguvon, Danbury Pharmacal, Inc.
dipterex, ditrifon, dylox, dyrex, dyvon, 131 West Street
chlorphos, chlorofos, metrifonate, P.O. Box 296
trichlorophon(e), Bot-X, hypodix, wotexit, Danbury, CT 06810 USA
delicia, Bayer L 13/59, anthon and 0-0- as trimethoprim
Dimethyl 2,2,2-trichloro-1-hydroxyethyl
phosphonate TRYPAFLAVINE: see Acriflavine
An insecticide. VIBRAMYCIN: see Doxycycline
TRICHLORPHON: see Trichlorfon VOLON: see Triamcinolone Acetonide
TRIMETHOPRIM: also known as monotrim, VMP:not available in any English-speaking
proloprim, syraprim, tiempe, trimanyl, country
General Index ��.>\" ,,- ' ..� 157


Abdominal dropsy, 76-77 Basic (or alkaline) green, 124 Costia spp. (treatment), 122, 123
Abdominal dropsy, 21a Baths, 119-120 Cryptobia, 84, 86
Abdominal dropsy (treatment), 121, Behavioral disorders, chart 1a-1b Cryptobia, chart 9
122, 130 Behavior (sick fish), 58-59, 60 Cryptobia branchialis, 88
Acanthocephala, 107 Bloat, chart Sf Cryptocaryon, chart 6a, 7c
• Acanthocephalans, chart 11a, 14a Blood, 64-65 Cryptocaryon irritans, 95
Acarina, 111 Blood, chart 1b, 9 Cryptocaryon irritans, chart 5b
Achy/a, 81 Blood flagellates, 84 Cryptocaryon (treatment), 127
Acid-fast bacteria, chart 21 c Blood flagellates, chart 1 b, 7d Cyclops (bristles), chart 14c, 20d
Acidosis, 116 Blood flukes, chart 12 Cystomas, 114
Acriflavin, 123 Blood sampling, 65 Cystomas, chart 11b
Aerornonas, 77, 78 Blood worms, 103, 107 Cysts, 114
Aerornonas sa/rnonicida, 77 Bloodworms, chart 6a Cysts, chart 20a-20d
Aerornonas spp. (treatment), 130 Bodornonas, 85, 86 Dactylogyridea, 100-102
Air bladder, 72 Body cavity, chart 11a-11b Dacty/ogyrus, 101
Air bladder, chart 16 Brain, 74 Deformation, chart 3a
Air bladder disease, chart 2b Brain, chart 18 Deformations, 114
Alcohol (treatment}, 124 Branchiornyces, 83 Dermocystidiurn, 83
Alderflies, 107 Branchiornyces, chart 7b Derrnocystidiurn, chart 6b, 20a
Algal diseases, 83 Brooklynella hostilis, 95-96 Dichtyuchus, 81
Alkalosis, 116 Brook/ynella hostilis, chart Sc Digenetic trematodes, 102-103
Alum, 132 Carnal/anus, chart Ba, 11a, 14a Discus fish parasite, chart 8d
Ammonia poisoning, 116 Carnal/anus cotti, 106 Discus parasite 90
Ammonia toxicity, chart 11a Carnal/anus lacustris, 106 Discus parasite, chart 14b
Amoebae, 90-91 Canada balsam mount, 144 Diseases (chemically caused), 116
Anatomy, fish, 64-74 Capillaria, 104-105 Disinfection, 57-58, 59
Anchorworms, 109 Capil/aria, chart 8b, 14b Dissection, 62
Anemia, chart 7d Carbon dioxide (excessive), 117 Dissection instruments, 64
Anesthesia, 62 Carp louse, 60 DMSO, 124-125
Antibiotic therapy, 120-121 Carp louse, chart 5a Documentation by photography,
Aphanornyces, 82 Cercariae, 102 147-148
Approximate micron values, 136 Cestodes, 103 Dracunculoidea, 107
Aquarium water, 7 Chemical composition of water, Ectoparasites (treatment), 125, 128
Argulidae, 109, 111 chart 4a Egg binding, chart 15
Arthropods, 109-111 Chemical factors, chart 7d Eggs and broods, chart 19
Aureomycin, 122 Chilodenella spp. (treatment), 123 Eirneria, chart 15
Autopsy (procedure), 67-68 Chilodonella cyprini, 95, 96 Eirneria spp., 91
Bacteria, chart 8a, 14d, 17, 19, 20c, Chtoramphenicol (Cloromycetin®). Enteritis, chart 14d
21a-21c 121 Enterolith crystals, chart 14d
Bacterial diseases, 75-80 Chlorine toxicity, 117 Ergasilidae, 109
Bacterial diseases, chart 9 Chlortetracyclin, 122 Ergasilus sieboldi, 66
Bacterial fin rot, 77
Ciliates, 92-98 Ergasi/us species, 109
• Bacterial fin rot, chart 6b
Coccidia, 91-92 Examination chart, 60
Bacterial fin rot (treatment), 121,
Coloration changes, chart 4a-4b Examination (living fish) 60-61
Colurnnaris, chart 2a, 5e Excess C<h. chart 1a
Bacterial gill disease (treatment),
Cotumnaris disease, 78 Exophthalmos, 76
Bacterial infection, chart 3d, 13, 16 Combisonum eye ointment, 122 External mycoses, 81
Bacterial infection, kidney Concurat L 10%, 124 False hole disease, 82
(treatment), 130 Copepods, 109-111 Fatty degeneration, 115
Bacterial internal infections Copper sutfate, 127 Fatty degeneration (liver), chart 12
(treatment), 130, 131 Copper toxicity, 117 Feces, chart 8a-Bd
Basic chemicals/dyes for Costia, chart Sc Feces, white and slimy (treatment),
microscopy, 141 Costia necatrix, 87 125
Feeding, chart 4a Gyrodactilidea, 100 Macrophages, 71
Filarial worms, 104 Gyrodactylus spp., 100 Malachite green oxalate, 127-128
Fin rot, chart 21a Hairwonn, 104 Malformations, 114
Fins, chart 6a-6b Heart, 70 Malpighian body, 74
Fish lice, 109 Heart chart,15 Marine ich, 95
Fish mites, 111 Heat treatment, 122 Masoten,128
Fish size to water volume ratio,57 Hemonhages,chart 4a, 21a Medicinal feed (recipe), 123
Fixing specimens, 140 Herbicides, 117 Melanomas,114
Flagellates 84 Hexamfta, 85, 115 Melanosarcoma, chart 4b
Flagellates, chart 4b, 8c,8d, 13, Hirudinea, 107 Melanosarcomas, 114
14c, 17 Hole-in-the-head, 115 Metacercariae, 102
.... Flagellates,chart 17 Homeostasis, 57 Metacercariae, chart 20a
flagellates, intestinal and organs Hookworms,99-100 Metacercariae (larvae), chart 5a
(treatment), 129 Hospl1al tank,59 Metacercarial cysts,chart 12
Flagyl, 129 Hydrogen peroxide, 132 Methylene blue, 128
Flexibacter colimnaris, 78 Hydrogen sulfide, 117 Metriforate, 128
Flexibacteria (treatment), 123 lch, 93 Metronidazole,129
Flight reflex, 64 lchthyophonus, 70, 72, 73,74,80 Microns, 136
Flubendazol, 124-125 lchthyophonus, chart 2b,20d, 21c Microscope,135
Flukes, 99-103 lchthyophonus cysts, chart 12, 15, Microscopic diagnosis, 135-149
Flukes, chart 7c 17 Microscopic examination, 61
Formalin, 125, 133 lchthyophonus hoferi, 81-82 Microscopic measurement, 135-
Four-hook worms, 100 lchthyophthirius, 50, 66 136
Fulvicin, 126 lchthyophthirius, chart 5b, 6a,7c Microspora, 92
Fungal diseases, 81-83 lchthyophthirius multifiliis, 93-94 Microspora,chart 15,16
Fungal hyphae, 66 lchthyophthirius spp. (treatment), Monogenetic trematodes, 99-103
Fungal infection, chart 3c, 3d 122. 127 Muscle, chart 18
Fungal infection (treatment), 124, lmbedding specimens, 140 Musculature, 74
126, 127, 128, 130 Internal mycoses, 81 Mycobacteria, 79
Furunculosis, 77 Intestinal flagellates, 85-86 Mycobacterium infection,80
Furunculosis (treatment),121 Intestinal flagellates, chart 1b,Sa Myxospora, 92
Gabbrocol, 125-126 Intestinal obstruction, chart 11b NaCl (kitchen, rock, mineral or sea
Gallbladder 70 Intestines, 70-71 salt), 126-127
Gallbladder, chart 13 Intestines, chart Sa, 14a-14d Neguvon 100%, 128-129
Gallstones,chart 13 Introduction, 7 Nematodes, 104-107
Gas bubble disease, 117 Iodine, 126 Nematodes, chart 8a,14a, 14b, 20
Gas gland, 72 Isolation of pathogens, 138 Nematodes,intestinal (treatment),
Gastrointeritis, 115 lsopropanol (isopropyl alcohol), 133 124
Gill color, chart 1a Kidneys, 73-74 Neomycin sulfate, 121
Gill filaments, chart 1O Kidneys, chart 17 Neon tetra disease, 91, 92
Gill flagellates,88-90 Kidney stones,chart 17 New discus disease (treatment),
Gill flukes, chart 1O Knifeback, 104 121
Gill rot, 83 Leeches, 107 Nitrite poisoning, chart 1a
Gills,66 Leeches (sucking marks), chart Sa Non-pathogenic diseases, 112-118
Gills, chart 7a-7b Leeches (treatment), 124 Nutritional problems, 114-115
Gill worms, chart 7b, 7d Lemaea(egg pouches), chart 5a 02 deficiency, chart 1 a
Glassware (microscopic Lemaea species, 109 Ocular micrometer, 136
equipment), 137 Lemaeidae, 109 Ocular reflex, 60
Glugea anomala, 92 Lemaeopodidae, 109 Oodinium, 66
Glycerine gelatin mount, 144 Lipomas, 114 Oodinium, chart 6b, 7c, 14d
Gonads,72 Liver, 68-70 Oodinium limneticum, 89
Gonads, chart 15 Liver, chart 12 Oodinium pillularis, 88-89
Gram negative bacteria, chart 21a Live specimens, 137 Oodinium spp. (treatment),122,
Gram stain, 146 Locomotor disorders, chart 2a-2b 124, 127
Grisefulvin, 126 Lymnaeidae, 103 Oodinoides vastator, 89
Growths, 112 Lymphocystis,75 Opalinids, 90
Guidelines (medication), 119-120 Lymphocystis, chart Sf, 6b Overfeeding, 57
Overpopulation, 56 Roundworms, 104-107 Thyroid tumor, chart 3a
Oxytetracyclin, 122 Sacrificing sick fish, 61-62 Thyroid turners, 114
Oxyuridae, 105 Sanguinicofa, 103 Tolerance to drugs, 119
Oxyuridae eggs, chart 8c Sanitary checkups, 58 Toxins in water, chart 15
Oxyurids, chart 14b Saprogfenia, 81 Transfer method (treatment), 122
Pansporoblasts, 92 Saprolegnia, chart 7b Treatment (diseased fish), 119-
Paracheirodon axelrodi, 92 Screening method (treatment), 133, 119-133
Paracheirodon innesi, 92 122-123 Trematodes, chart 14a
Pathogenic protozoa, 84-98 Sealing specimens, 141 Trichodina, 96-97
Permanent mounts, 142-144 Shipment (sick fish), 62 Trichodina, chart 2a
pH, chart 4a, 5d, 6a, 6b Sia/is, 107 Trichodina spp. (treatment), 123
Phenol toxicity, chart 11a Siamese twins, 114 Trichodinelfa spp. (treatment), 123
Philometra, chart 6a Skin, chart 5a-5f, 21 a, 21 b Trichomonas, 85
Phifometra sanguinea, 107 Skin coloration, chart 4b Trichomonas spp. (treatment), 130
Photo filing system, 149 Skin flagellates, 8�7 Trimafaconothrus, 111
Physical changes chart 3a-3d Skin infection, chart 6a Tropical water, 7
Pinworms, 105 Skin parasites, chart 1b, 2a, 2b, 5d Trypaflavin, 123
Plants (disinfection), 58 Skin (structure) 64-65 Trypanosoma, 84
Pleistophora, chart 5d, 18 Smears (microscopic), 61 Tubercular cysts, chart 11 a, 12, 17,
Pleistophora hyphessobryconis, 91, Spironucfeus, 85, 115 Tuberculosis, 70, 72, 73
92 Spleen, 70 Tuberculosis, chart 3a, 3b, 3d, Se,
Poisoning, 117 Spleen, chart 15 20d
Poisoning, chart 6a Sporocyst, 102 Tuberculosis cysts, chart 15
Poisoning (recognition), 58 Sporozoa, 91 Tumors, 112
Polluted water, 7 Sporozoa, chart 3a Turners, chart 3a, 20c
PolyvinyHactophenol {PVL) mount, Sporozoan cysts, chart Sf, 7c, 1O, Turbellaria, 99
142-144 11a Ultraviolet lamp, 7
Pop-eye, 76 Sporozoans, chart 9 Velvet disease, 88
Popeye, chart 1b Squash mounts, 138 Vibrio, 77-78
Potassium iodide, 126 Stain fixation (flagellates/ciliates) Vibrio anguilfarum, 77, 78
Potassium permanganate, 132 145 Vibriosis (treatment), 121, 122, 130
Preparing specimens (general), Staining bacteria, 145 Viral diseases, 75-80
139-141 Staining bacteria (simple), 147 Viral infection, chart 14d
Prevention (diseases) 57-58 Staining mucosa/skin, 147 Virus, 74
Protoopalina symphysodonis, 90 Staining specimens, 141 Vitaminized feed, 123
Protoopafina symphysodonis, chart Stomach, 70 Vitamins, 114
8d, 14b Stress factors, 57 Volon-A, 132
Protozoans, chart 19 Swim bladder, chart 16 Vorticeffa, 98
Pscine tuberculosis, 79 Table salt, 132 Water chnage, 58
Pseudomonas, n, 78 Tapeworms, 103 Weights and measures, 120
Pseudomonas (treatment), 130 Tapeworms, chart 8b, 14a Whirling disease, chart 2b
Quarantine, 57, 59 Teased fragment, 138 White apot disease, 93
Quarantine tank, 59 Temperature, chart 1a Worm cataract, chart 3c
Quinine HCL, 124 Terramycin, 122 Worm diseases, 99-108
Quinine sulfate .. 124 Tetracycline HCL, 122 Worms, chart 8a
Razorback, 104 Tetrahymena pyriformis, 97, 98 Worms, gill, skin, intestinal
Recommendations {therapeutic), Thermal injury, 117-118 (treatment), 124
12CH21 Thorny-headed worms, 107 Worms, intestinal (treatment), 130
Rectum (inflamed), chart 8a Thorny-headed worms, chart 8b Wounds, 115-116
Rediae, 102 Threadworms, 105 Wounds (treatment), 130
Rete mirabife, 72 Thyroid swelling (treatment), 126 Yolk sac dropsy, chart 19
Ziehl-Neelsen stain, 146-147
160 �·� ., � .•..
..- Index To Photos '-

Index to Photos

Abdominal cyst in a young discus, Gill filaments (diseased), chart 10 Paramecium, 97

chart 14c Gills (healthy), 67 Pigment cells (mucosa), 65
Abdominal dropsy, 76 Gills with flukes, chart 1o Plistophora spores, 93
Abdominal dropsy in a fish, chart Gill worm (Dactylogyridea), 100, Position of organs, 68
11a 101 Protoopalina symphysodonis, 90
Acanthocephala eggs, 107 Gouraml with tuberculosis, chart 3d Pseudotropheus with cyst, chart
Achtheres coregonorum, 110 Gyrodactylus spp, 99 20c
Achtheres percarum, 11O Healthy fish, 60 Rainbow fish with tuberculosis,
Achtheres strigatus, 11O Hemorrhagic enteritis, chart 14d chart Se
Argulus spp., 111 Hexamita spp., 85 Red blood cells, 66
Autopsy (incisions), 67 lch life cycle, 94 Saprotegnia spp. hyphae, 81
Bodomonas spp., 86 Jchthyophonus hoferi life cycle, 82 Sinergasilus major, 108
Body cavity with organs, 68 lchthyophthirius multifiliis cell, 93 Skin smear (stained), 143
Brain substance, 74 Intestinal obstruction in a fish, chart Smear sites, 61
Branchiomyces infection (gills), 83 11b Sphyrion lumpi, 11O
Bryozoa, 142 Intestines (healthy), 72 Spironucleus spp., 86
Carnal/anus cotti in rectum, chart Kidney, 73 Spleen (healthy), 7
14a Kidney tubules with sediment, chart Staining rack, 143
Capillaria egg, chart 8b 17 Stentor, 138
Capillaria spp., 105 Laboratory bench, 143 Sty/aria worms, 139
Chaetogaster spp., 142 Lemaeoidea, 110 Swarm spore (ich), 95
Chilodonella spp., 96 Liver (healthy), 69 Symphysodon discus, chart 3b
Cichlasoma meeki with ich, chart Sb Liver (vegetarian fish) 69 Symphysodon discus with
Color change in a fish, chart 4b Lymphocystis, 75 Chilodonella, chart Sb
Columnaris bacteria, 78, 79 Macropodus chinensis with Symphysodon discus with Costia,
Cotumnaris infection on skin and Plistophora cysts, chart 18 chart Sc
scales, chart Se Melanosarcoma in Black Tetra, 112 Symphysodon discus with dropsy,
Costia necatrix, 88 Metacercaria cysts, chart 20a chart St
Cryptobia spp., 84 Metacercarial cyst, 103 Symphysodon discus with inflamed
Dactylogyrus spp. egg, 101 Micrometer and graduated ocular, air bladder, chart 16
Dark field setup, 136 136 Tapeworm from discus fish, 103
Deformations, 112, 113, 114 Microsope, 135 Tapeworm segments from
Deformed operculum, chart 3a Microspora spores, 92 Potamotrygon laticeps, 104
Dermocystidium spores, 83 Mite, 143 Tetrahymena spp., 97
Echinorhynchus truttae, 106 Mucosa! specimen (Discus), 65 Thersitina gasterostei, 108
Eimeria spp., 91 Muscles, 74 Thorny-headed worm, 106
Ergasilidae, 108 Mycobacteria (stained), 143 Threadworm (Oxyurida), 105
Ergasilus auritus, 108 Myxospora spores, 91 Trichogaster pectorafis with
Ergasitus sieboldi, 108 Nematode larva in abdominal wall, Oodinium pillularis, chart Sc
Eye with fungal infection, chart 3c chart 20a Trichogaster trichopterus with
Fatty liver, 70 Neoergasilus longispinosus, 108 Lymphocystis, chart Sf

.. Fish with bacterial fin rot, chart 6b

Fish with Branchiomyces, gill rot,
Oodinium pillularis, 89
Oxyurida eggs, chart 8c
Trichomonas spp, 87
Trimalaconothrus spp., 111
chart 7b Papiliochromis ramerizi with Trout with Acanthocephala, chart
Fish with Camallanus, chart Ba Dermocystidium spores, chart 6b 14a
Fish with melanosarcoma, chart 4b Paraergasi/us brevidigitus, 108 Trypanosoma spp., 84
Fish with skin fungus, chart Sd Paraergasilus /ongidigitus, 108 Tubercular cysts, 79
Gallbladder, 71 Paraergasilus medius, 108 Vortice/la, 98

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