Vmware Vmotion In-Depth

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Vmotion Background Process

 The Virtual Machine Memory state is copied over the Vmotion Network from the
source Host to the Target Host. users continue to access the virtual machine and
potentially update pages in memory. A list of modified pages in memory is kept in a
memory Bitmap on the source Host.
 After most of the virtual machine memory is copied from the source host to target
host the virtual machine quiesced no additional activity occurs on the virtual machine. In
quiesce period VMOTION transfers the virtual machine device state and memory
Bitmap to the destination Host.
 Immediately after the virtual machine is quiesced on the source host, the virtual
machine initialized and starts running on the target host.
 Users access the virtual machine on the target host instead of the source host.
 The memory pages that the virtual machine was using on the source host are
marked as free.

vSphere vMotion process

vSphere vMotion works by migrating the entire state of a virtual machine from one host
to another, including the memory content and all the information that define the virtual
machine, such as BIOS, devices, MAC addresses, etc. Let’s take a closer look at the
vMotion migration process (image source: VMware):
In the picture above you can see that the VM is being transfered from the source ESXi
host to the destination ESXi host (esx02). Here is a description of each step in the
migration process:
1. An ESXi administrator initiates a vMotion migration.
2. the VM’s memory state is copied from the source to the destination ESXi host over
the vMotion network. Users continue to access the VM and update pages in memory. A
list of modified pages is kept in a memory bitmap on the source host. This process
occurs iteratively.
3. After the VM’s memory is copied to the target host, the VM on the source host is
quiesced. This means that it is still in memory but is no longer servicing client requests
for data. The memory bitmap file and the VM device state is then transferred to the
4. The destination host (esx02) reads the addresses in the memory bitmap file and
requests the contents of those addresses from the source host.
5. After the content of the memory referred to in the memory bitmap file is transferred to
the destination host, the VM starts running on that host. A Reverse Address Resolution
Protocol (RARP) message is sent to notify the subnet that the VM’s MAC address is
now on a new switch port.
6. After the VM is successfully operating on the destination host, the memory the VM
was using on the source host is marked as free.

Understanding svMotion Background Process

svMotion is fair simple process and nothing much complex is involved in that. Here are the step by
step breakdown of what happens in background of svMotion process:

1. The virtual machine working directory is copied by VPXA to the destination datastore.
2. A “shadow” virtual machine is started on the destination datastore using the copied files. The
“shadow” virtual machine idles, waiting for the copying of the virtual machine disk file(s) to
3. Storage vMotion enables the Storage vMotion Mirror driver to mirror writes of already copied
blocks to the destination.
4. In a single pass, a copy of the virtual machine disk file(s) is completed to the target datastore
while mirroring I/O.
5. Storage vMotion invokes a Fast Suspend and Resume of the virtual machine (similar to
vMotion) to transfer the running virtual machine over to the idling shadow virtual machine.
6. After the Fast Suspend and Resume completes, the old home directory and virtual machine
disk files are deleted from the source datastore.

vMotion In-Depth
vMotion, the one feature that excited me a lot when i first heard about it. vMotion is still my favourite
feature of vSphere, it has come a long way. Many new learners still keep asking about the process of
vMotion, so i thought of writing a bit about it.
What is vMotion?
Migration of a powered on VM from one ESXi host to another without any downtime is called as vMotion.
Well that is a technical definition, but what exactly are migrated from one host to another? To answer that
you should basically understand what actually is needed for a VM to run – Memory, CPU, Network, Storage.
Let’s look at the step by step process on how all these components gets migrated from one host to another
without downtime.

To help you understand better, let’s consider an example of a VM named ABC being migrated from host
ESXi-A to ESXi-B.

Step 1 : vMotion is initiated by Administrator.

Step 2 – PreCopy : The memory contents of the vm ABC are obviously located on the ESXi-A’s physical
memory, hence a copy of all the active memory pages of ABC are copied to ESXi-B’s memory. While the
copy is being done, the memory pages gets changed due to the obvious reason that the VM is functional.
ESXi-A keeps track of all the changes to the memory in a log, this log is known as memory bitmap; memory
bitmap doesn’t hold the contents that changed but the adresses of the changes, often referred as dirty
memory. Remember, all the copy is done via a VMkernel interface and happens iteratively untill all the
contents are copied to ESXi-B.
Step 3 : Now that the ABC’s memory contents are copied to destination, the VM is quiesced and the memory
bitmap is transferred to ESXi-B. Quiesce is not suspend, it is just a state where VM is still in memory but
is not available for client requests.
Step 4 : ESXi-B now reads the memory addresses in the memory bitmap and requests the contents in
those addresses from ESXi-A.
Step 5 : VM now resumes on the ESXi-B (not to be confused with reboot) and a RARP message is sent by
ESXi-B to register it’s MAC against the physical switch port.
Step 6 : ESXi-A now free’s up the memory used by ABC. vCenter Server deletes the VM ABC from ESXi-A.
Great! We now know how a vMotion works, but for all this magic to happen,we need to understand the
requirements of vMotion as well. Here are those…

 vCenter Server
 Shared Storage
 VMkernel port enabled with vMotion; vDS or Standard switch can be used.
 Identical Virtual Switches and Port Groups on source and destination. If it is vDS, hosts should share the
same vDS.
 Source and Destination host CPU’s must be compatible – same make, family
 No CD/DVD’s to be connected VM during migration.
 VM must not be connected to internal only switch.
 No affinity configured on VM with host.
Relaxation on requirements
 From vSphere 5.1 vMotion works even without having a shared storage. In this case disk contents are
copied first as changes occurring to disks are less compared to changes to memory.
 vSphere 6 removes the requirement for shared vDS but it is best practice to have them on use same vDS to
avoid consistency issues during DRS calculations.
 vSphere 6 also removes the requirement to have same port group name on the destination host, vMotion
wizard now allows us to select a different port group on the destination host.
Other things to know
 vMotion will only transfer the VM to the destination if it is certain that it can complete the memory copy.
 If vMotion cannot complete the memory copy it will fail with no impact to the running VM.
 vMotion can now operate on routed networks. Supports upto 150ms round trip time and cross vCenter
 Cross vCenter migrations are supported when both vCenters are atleast on version 6 and must share same
 vMotion can now use multiple NICs to transfer memory between hosts.
 The VM’s memory contents are transferred between hosts in clear text and hence it is recommended to
use dedicated network for vMotion.
 High priority migrations do not proceed if sufficent resources are available on destination host. Standard
priority migrations proceed but can fail in case of resource unavailability.
 For RDM connected VM’s, select Same Format as Source during storage vMotion, failing to select this will
convert the virtual RDM’s to vmdk and physical RDM’s are unaffected. vmdk’s cannot be converted back to
 Storage vMotion renames teh under lying files in the datastore to allign with the name of the VM. If only
one disk is being migrated, only the migrated disk is renamed.
 If source and destination hosts see same storage, then storage vMotion is intelligent enough to use storage
network for data transfer instead of VMkernel network.
 During cross vCenter migration, since the Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) is retained, all the settings
like HA, DRS rules, Alarms, Tasks, Events, Shares, Limits and Reservations are also transferred.
 Since VM performance is written to vCenter DB, during the cross VC migrations, this data is not migrated.
 The MAC address of a VM is blacklisted on the source vCenter during cross vCenter migrations to prevent
conflicts with any new builds.

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