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Nguyen Thoai Huyen Tran


"It is more important to work to live than to live to work.”

The process for each person looking for the job they love and the right work

environment is not short. Besides, each person will choose different ways to enjoy

their achievements. Many people think that it is necessary to strive every day without

ceasing because it is never enough for them to work. Others argue that work is only

a small part of helping them enjoy life. However, this essay will present that work to

live is more important than live to work.

Enjoy life will be the first word for people with the concept of work to live.

When people think that work is only a tool to support them in enjoying life, the first

thing they have is more leisure time than others. Instead of working overtime, to toil

and moil all day and night, these people often spend time doing what they want. For

example, outside of work time, they spend time entertaining, relaxing, enjoying or

spending time with their family.

Moreover, when the problem of work is not focused, people will avoid the

pressure from work. They view work as a game that if they lose, they will play again,

does not matter win or lose. For them, it is important that when playing they have to

play as much as possible with that joy. If people work just for work, then their life is

just a dull chorus of work such as the morning opening their eyes are prepared to go

to work, in the evening to go home to clean, eat, sleep to go to work tomorrow, day

after day, month after month, year after year. Furthermore, if people work only to find
money for fame status, they have to accept the trade-offs of health, time and mind to

get those things. It is true that there are people who are young and try to use health

and time to make a lot of money. When they are old, they spend money for health.

There are things that can be bought in cash, but there are things that even money

cannot buy, such as time, family happiness, even health.

Although enjoying life instead of focusing on work can make people earn less.

However, it is inconceivable that their personal relationship will be more and more

attached. Some people incorrectly contend that the development of professional

relationships and social status is most important. In contract, if people are only

interested in social fame, their personal relationships will be shattered into fragments

that cannot be repaired. Because people not only need to have friends to share but

also need family, relatives to receive care, love. Someone once said that people who

do not know to enjoy will not understand what is working, because without doing

enjoy life is nonsense. Only people who know how to enjoy life can do their job well.

In short, work is an integral part of life. However, people should only view work

as a small part of their life and spend their free time for themselves and their families

instead of being caught up in the cycle of work. If people do not have a balance

between work and life, they will easily lose the priceless things. Everybody's life

cannot be short of work, but work is not everything in life. Because they have to eat

to live, to rest to be healthy, entertainment to the spirit of sound healthy.

Words: 540.

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