PSG Isro'

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Today is Saturday 2 days before carrying out prakerin, me and my friends gathered at school
to receive cover letter, along with me received the letter I was told will do prakerin at
AHASS NATIONAL MOTOR workshop located at kec ploso. my fellow prakerin and
colleagues immediately set out to search for the workshop, and during the 45 minute trip I
arrived. there I went in and met with the mechanics and other employees. we were asked with
one of those mechanics "mas from where?" And I replied "I am from SMK GLOBAL and
want prakerin here" the mechanic said "please meet the mas sitting there!" I replied "yes mas
thank you" and I meet the man who is mechanized by the mechanics.

Until that person I submitted a cover letter and said "I am from SMK GLOBAL and want
prakerin here". and the person just asked for my phone number and said "wait for information
from us next because the owner of this workshop is sick" and finally I go home and wait for
information from that person.

Until Monday I have not been informed. And finally I decided to go directly to the workshop
at 5 am. Got there the garage is still closed and I long wait finally opened also by the owner
of the workshop. And I was invited to go in for an interview, and at 7:30 am the workshop
was doing a breving at the workshop owner's house and I was told to acquaint myself, finish
it back to the garage. That first day I was very confused what should I do and just sit down.
and come a consumer I was called by one of the mechanics to help repair the motorcycle and
so on but then my next initiative to come help without having to be called until 12:00 hours,
because at that hour is the hour of rest until 1 hour later. I used that time for prayer and lunch.
I came home at 16:30 and got home at 17:15.

The next day I departed at 06:00 because I already know if it opens at 6:30 but it will be 7:30.
I arrived at the workshop at 6:40 am and I immediately clean the net without having to wait
for the order. me and my friend in the call by the owner of the workshop because it will be on
the ground if it will be put in the workshop in sumobito because the workshop is one of its
branches, and told to alternate with friends and take turns for 1 week. I was in mintai friends
for prakerin in sumobito first.

The next day I moved prakerin in sumobito alone and I also do activities as usual that is clean
clean and help mechanics. and that's what I do during prakerin

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