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The General Problem of the Students: Addiction to Technological Gadgets and It’s Impact

on Health and Lifestyle.


A Thesis Title Presented to Ms. Aira Liza E. Alcarde, LPT


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Practical Research I



Rejalde, Roxanne L.
Villanueva, Ronnie

March 2019



All these gadgets, the phone and the computer, they expose the inside of your brain in a

way that’s bad by Michel Gondry. Advancement in technology and communication has resulted

in numerous gadgets. Every second a new gadget is being introduced in the consumer market.

People have come to a point where they cannot live without these gadgets. As a result, gadget

addiction has become a serious problem in the world especially among the youth. Gadget

addiction is enjoying a particular activity very much such as laptops, IPods and Play Station and

spending as much time as possible doing it (Oxford English Dictionary, 2012). Today, it is

difficult to imagine a modern teenager without a mobile phone or any other gadgets. The

worrying research found that 97 per cent of 11 to 16-year-olds owns a mobile phone – eight

percent more than the percentage of adults who own one (Dr. Emma Bond, 2009). Gadget

addiction is caused by the desire to get more freedom and the attraction of the gadget

applications. Subsequently, this addiction may cause unhealthy lifestyle among teenagers and

affect their academic performance. The first cause for gadget addiction among youth is the

desire to get more freedom. The reason for this situation is video games provide a window to

another world, where the person playing the games holds all the power and decides the fate of

all the virtual lives. This is in contrast to the real world which is full of stress, failure, bullying

and conflicts. In other words, freedom that comes from the video games helps teens feel more

powerful and confident.

Now we are living in a new millennium where 97 percent of children ages 12 to 18 would

prefer to play videogames on laptop, Play Stations or Gameboy. Research has found that

41percent of people who play online video games admitted that they played computer games as

an escape from the real world (Hussain, 2009). Heard this name before? With changing times

and advancing technologies… Smartphones like Iphone/android phones and tablets / iPads are

surrounding us more and more. No doubt they have made our lives easier and interesting. But,

at times we get too engrossed in them that the rest of the world seems to cease for us. Gadget

addiction is nothing but the use/abuse of gadgets so much that it starts negatively influencing

your health and life as a whole. The worst victims of gadget addiction are children and

teenagers. It’s because both of the age groups are have mind-sets that compel them to explore

things around them. Some see gadgets as a mode of exploration and learning. But, for others

they become sources of entertainment, resulting in addiction.

People know that if the body expose on too much radiation, it can cause deflections such

us: cataracts, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and it also begin to destroy our body cells. Some other

factors that can affects child addicted on gadgets is they didn’t get good attention by their

parents. Also the effects are habit do it as their habit, because they don’t know that they are

getting addicted on the gadgets. The also that affects are they get insecurities by their friends,

classmates. They want that if what others have, they also have those or these things.

Now let me tell you the alarming statistics of gadget addiction: Over the past year, the

number of gadget addicts has increased has grown by 123 percent. In March 2013, the number of

gadget addicts was 79 million and by the same time this year the number has increased to 176

million addicts. So, this is the alarming rate of increase in gadget addiction. No wonder, if we

don’t control it, there would be a gadget addict in every household very soon. The worst victims
of gadget addiction are the children and the youth. Starting from communication modes to

gaming apps, they use anything and everything on a daily basis. Mobile or gadget addicts are the

ones who use such things 24/7/365. When this addiction has gone so viral, it is very necessary to

get rid of it or control it before becoming an epidemic.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study was: How to prevent gadgets addiction of the


Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions:

1. Why are the students get addicted by a gadget in terms of:

1.1 Poor parenting;

1.2 Insecurities; and

1.3 Habit?

2. What are the symptoms of using gadgets?

3. How can teenagers prevent gadget addiction?

4. How is this habit actually built?

5. Using gadgets everyday is bad?

Significance of the Study

The aim of this study is deemed significant to the following:

Community- community will be aware that using on too much gadgets can reduce their

life while they are still young. In addition, it can cause diseases such as digital dementia. These

kind of disease can have a person to vomit, nausea, etc. Furthermore, avoiding their community

to get not being a gadgets addict can a solution for an issue. Having not into a trouble on

community can make resolve an issue. On the other hand, community should the first to

implement or banned gadgets addiction. Community should conduct a seminar on how to prevent

the impact of gadgets addiction.

Parents- parents should maintain and limit the use of gadgets to their children. In

addition, avoiding the children on gadgets can have a solution for having a digital dementia.

Furthermore, parents have also a rights to confiscate their children’s gadgets. Reducing the use

of gadget is most important to a child. Lastly, parents will also implement the banned of having a

gadgets at home.

Students- The students will know that these gadgets are not just gadgets, it can ruin their

health. It is a something that can harm your mind, to not focus on your studies. In addition, it can

help the students to know what is right. Students’ use of gadgets are the reason why the grades

are failing and changes the behaviour. Students should have time to their constituents, because it

is one of the important part on a relationship.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study is focus on how to prevent gadgets addiction of the teenagers. The selected

respondents are the high school students in Blessed Regina Protmann Catholic School in the S.Y


Specifically, the study sought to find the way to prevent teenagers’ addiction in gadget.

Moreover, it gathers information about the reasons students get addicted in gadget in terms of

poor parenting, insecurities and habit. Furthermore, it will identify the symptoms of using

gadgets. In addition, it will find the ways on teenagers prevent gadget addiction. Finally, it will

gather information on how the habit of the students were built.

Notes in Chapter I

Shuttleworth, 2018. Explorable. Retrieved November 21, 2018, from

Kaur, 2016. Continental Hospitals. Retrieved November 19, 2018, from

Ramos, 2018. The Effect of Gadgets Among Student. Retrieved November 19, 2018,



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