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Programme at a Glance
Monday, 8 July, 2019 Tuesday, 9 July, 2019 Wednesday, 10 July, 2019 Thursday, 11 July, 2019
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

08:15-08:45|PEC 08:45-09:15|PEC 08:45-09:15|PEC 08:30-09:00|YIA

Registration Registration & Bag Drop Registration Check out Student Hostel
09:00 - 09:45| 09:30 - 10:30| 09:30 - 10:30| (Bag Drop at YIA, LT1)
Shaw Auditorium Shaw Auditorium Shaw Auditorium
Opening Session Lecture Lecture 09:00-10:30|CUHK Campus
Campus Tour
Group (A-F) 10:30 - 11:30| 10:30 - 11:30|
09:45-10:45|PEC Shaw Auditorium Shaw Auditorium 10:30-12:00|BMSB
Ice-breaking Session Lecture Lecture Exhibition of Dissecting
Specimen (Conducted in
11:00-12:30|PWH 11:45 - 13:00| 11:45 - 13:00| Cantonese and English)
Infection Control Workshop Shaw Auditorium Shaw Auditorium
Workshop Flipped Classroom Session 12:00-13:00|LT2, YIA
Group (G-L) MED Talk by medical
10:00-13:00|PWH students
Visit to Teaching Facilities

13:00 – 14:00 13:00 – 14:00 13:00 – 14:00 13:00-15:00|G/F, YIA

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Buffet

Group (G-L)
Ice-breaking Session

15:15-16:45|PWH 14:00 – 18:00|PWH 14:00 – 18:00|PWH

Infection Control Workshop Doctor Shadowing Session Doctor Shadowing Session - End of Programme -
(Conducted in Cantonese) (Conducted in Cantonese)
Group (A-F)
Visit to Teaching Facilities

18:00 – 19:00|SHHO College 18:00 – 19:30|BMSB

Student Hostel, CUHK Dinner Buffet@Medcan
Check-in student hostel

19:00 – 20:30|CUHK 19:30 – 20:30|CUHK

Individual Team Dinner and Evening Sharing Sessions
Sharing Sessions (Led by Dean and Professors)
(Led by Medical Alumni)

# Night accommodation at # Night accommodation at

SHHO College Student Hostel SHHO College Student Hostel

PEC = Postgraduate Education Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital

Shaw Auditorium = 2/F, Postgraduate Education Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital
PWH = Prince of Wales Hospital
YIA = Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
BMSB = Choh-Ming Li Basic Medical Science Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CUHK = Campus, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

#For pre-registered students only. Walk-in students without registration will not be entertained.
Registration on Day 1
Date and Time: 8:15 – 8:45am on 8 July 2019 (Monday)
Venue: Foyer, G/F, Postgraduate Education Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin

1. Please bring along your HKID card every day for identification and checking.
2. Faculty tee and name badge will be provided upon registration.
3. You will not be allowed to enter the hospital area and the venues if you don’t wear a name badge.
4. Please return the badge holder and lanyard to the group leaders on Day 4 after the programme.
5. Faculty tee is a souvenir for your retention.

Registration on Day 2 – Day 4

Please report attendance to your respective group leaders every morning (see Page 2 - Programme) and
whenever necessary.

1. You are required to wear the tee throughout the first three days of the programme, i.e. 8 – 10 July 2019 and
wear the name badge all the times throughout the programme.
2. You are also advised to wear pants/trousers or a knee-length-or-longer skirt throughout the programme.
3. Please DO NOT wear vests, sleeveless shirts, shorts, mini-skirts, slippers or sandals or else. Otherwise, you
will be prohibited from visiting premises within the Prince of Wales Hospital or in other venues.

1. All students are required to attend ALL scheduled lectures, activities and evening programme (except night
accommodation) (see the Programme - Page 2).
2. Certificate will ONLY be issued to those students who have achieved FULL attendance and submitted the
online questionnaire by 12 July (Web link of online questionnaire will be announced on 11 July).
3. In case you need to apply leave for any school reasons, you are required to produce to us a valid school
authorization letter, stating the specific time, on or before 28 June 2019 (Friday) by email. Your attendance
rate will be taken into consideration for the issuance of certificate. If your leave of application is approved
by the Faculty, the hard copy of the letter should be submitted to Ms Carmen Tsang during registration on 8
July 2019 (Monday).
4. Once programme starts, no leave application will be considered unless for medical reasons with the
submission of medical certificate and/or proof of leave in command of school or authority.

Medium of Instruction
Overall programme will be conducted in English while some sessions will be conducted in Cantonese.
(see the Programme – Page 2)

1. Two consecutive night accommodation on 9 and 10 July at the Li Guo Wei Hall of S.H. Ho College(善衡書院)
will be arranged to the pre-registered students. Walk-in students without prior registration will not be
2. Every two students share a room. A common bathroom and communal area with kitchen and fridge are
available in each floor.
3. Bedding items, linens, sheet, blanket and pillow are provided.
4. Please bring your own bath/face/hand towels, toiletries and other personal items (slippers…etc).
5. Air-conditioning is provided for each room.
6. Laundry room is at 1/F of the Student Hostel. Washers and dryers are activated by the Octopus Card. Please
bring your own laundry powder.
7. Neither the consumption nor the presence of alcoholic beverage/illicit drug is allowed nor tolerated in the
student hostel, including beer and wine.
8. The campus is a smoke-free environment. Smoking is not allowed.
9. Students are advised to carry backpack with light personal belongings. However, we advise you not to bring
along large array of personal items, valuable items or suitcase.
10. Room change/swap is not allowed between individuals. Students should not enter the floors of opposite
gender without permission of the Faculty Staff.

**Must Bring Items**

Slippers, HKID card, Clothes, Daily Necessities, toothbrush, bath gel, soap, towels, shampoo…etc

Room Check-in/out
1. Students need to drop their bags/luggage at the assigned area during registration in Day 2’s morning. Each
student will be given a luggage tag for storage.
2. Each room will be issued Room Keys x 2 and Access Card x 1 by the group leaders.
3. All students must return the room keys and access cards to us in Day 4’s morning. If a key or card is
lost/stolen/not returned to us on Day 4, it will incur charges to the responsible student:
-$100 for each key lost or stolen
-$50 for each access card lost or stolen

1. Water dispenser is NOT available in the PEC, PWH, please bring your own bottled water.
2. Simple lunch box will be provided for you on Day 1 – Day 3 while buffet style lunch will be offered on Day 4
3. Dinner with medical alumni in CUHK campus will be arranged on Day 2 while buffet style dinner at CUHK
MedCan will be offered on Day 3. All students must join the dinner and evening programme.
4. The closest eateries to the SHHO College Student Hostel are the Canteen of SHHO Hall and Morningside
College Dining Hall, which serve from 7:30am – 8:00pm and 8:00am – 9:00pm respectively.
5. The location of water dispenser on CUHK campus: Download Here
6. There is a café – Charles at the 2/F, PEC, serving sandwiches, pasta, salad, coffee and dessert while a
canteen – Café de Coral at the 2/F, PWH, serving multinational cuisine from 6:15am.
7. Daily breakfast will not be provided.
Photography Arrangement
1. Students MUST NOT take any pictures and videos during Doctor Shadowing Session, or without the
expressed consent from staff and patients in hospital areas/wards/outpatient clinics.
2. The event may have one or more staff / alumni from the CUHK Faculty of Medicine taking photographs
during the event, which is produced for educational, non-commercial use and its subsequent publicity of
the Summer Clinical Attachment Programme. You are required to fill out the Photo Release Consent Form
at on or before 28 Jun 2019 (Friday).

Bad Weather
When the typhoon signal no.8 or black rainstorm warning is hoisted:

Signal hoisted by To be CANCELLED

6:00 am Morning activities
12:00 noon Afternoon activities

You will receive Whatsapp/SMS notification prior to the abovementioned time.

Contact and Enquiry

Integrated Event Management, Faculty and Planning Office, Faculty of Medicine:

Ø Ms Angel Yu (Tel: 3943-3338)

Ø Ms Carmen Tsang (Tel: 3943-9855)

Student Leaders of your group will open chat group in Whatsapp, you will be invited to join the chat group and
receive more programme information soon.

Location Map

CUHK Campus



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