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Application started
01:27:45.338 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : OS version: "Windows 10"
01:27:45.338 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : CPU architecture: "x86_64"
01:27:45.338 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : Build ABI: "i386-little_endian-
01:27:45.338 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : Executable: "C:/Program Files
(x86)/Icecream PDF Editor/icepdfeditor.exe"
01:27:45.338 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : BuildVersion: "1.1.0"
01:27:45.338 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : DisplayVersion: "1.10"
01:27:45.348 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : PID: 8124
01:27:45.348 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : Main thread id: 10232
01:27:45.348 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling:
01:27:45.349 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : Qt::AA_DisableHighDpiScaling:
01:27:45.349 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : Overrided
01:27:45.349 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : Screen 0: primary, scale: 85%,
pixelRatio: 1, logDpi: 96, phyDpi: 112.522, geometry: {x:0, y:0, w: 1366, h: 768},
available: {x:0, y:0, w: 1366, h: 728}
01:27:45.349 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo :
01:27:45.354 (I) 10232: ice.core.translator : IceTranslator::IceTranslator()
: Translations directory: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Icecream PDF Editor/translations"
, file prefix: "icepdfeditor" system locale: "en_IN"
01:27:45.355 (W) 10232: ice.core.translator : IceTranslator::translate()
: Can't translate: LocaleName not found: "en_IN"
01:27:45.355 (W) 10232: ice.core.translator : IceTranslator::translate()
: Can't translate: LocaleName not found: "en_IN"
01:27:45.437 (I) 10232: ice.core.translator : IceTranslator::translate()
: App translation applyed. Locale: "en"
01:27:45.437 (W) 10232: ice.core.translator : IceTranslator::translate()
: Current LocaleName is the same as requested: "en"
01:27:45.442 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : IceApplication::showSplash()
: Previously saved screen number: 0
01:27:45.442 (I) 10232: ice.core.systeminfo : IceApplication::showSplash()
: Working geometry: QRect(0,0 1366x768)
01:27:45.808 (I) 10232: pdf.sdkwrapper : SdkWrapper::SdkWrapper()
: PDFCore file path: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Icecream PDF Editor/pdfcore-x86.dll"
01:27:45.808 (I) 10232: pdf.sdkwrapper : SdkWrapper::SdkWrapper()
: PDFRes file path: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Icecream PDF Editor/pdf-xpansion.pds"
01:27:45.809 (I) 10232: pdf.sdkwrapper : SdkWrapper::SdkWrapper()
: License file path: "C:/Program Files (x86)/Icecream PDF
01:27:45.918 (I) 10232: pdf.sdkwrapper : SdkWrapper::SdkWrapper()
: Sdk library init done. Authorized: true , version: ""
01:27:45.919 (W) 10232: pdf.doc.stamps : StampsModel::readFromFile()
: Cant open "C:/Users/hp/AppData/Local/Icecream/Icecream Pdf Editor/stamps.dat" for
reading. Try to create standard stamps.
01:27:45.919 (W) 10232: pdf.doc.stamps :
StampsModel::Private::createStandardStamps() : Create standard stamps
01:27:46.669 (I) 10232: ice.ui.shadowrenderer :
IceWindow::Private::applyShadowRenderer() : DWM is available: true
01:27:46.702 (I) 10232: ice.ui.shadowrenderer :
IceWindow::Private::applyShadowRenderer() : DWM enable BlurBehind: true
01:27:46.702 (I) 10232: ice.ui.shadowrenderer :
IceWindow::Private::applyShadowRenderer() : DWM extend frame into client
area: QMargins(1, 0, 1, 1)
01:27:46.703 (I) 10232: ice.ui.shadowrenderer :
DwmAdapter::setEnableBlurBehind() : DWM enable BlurBehind cahnged
to: false
01:27:47.728 (I) 10232: ice.ui.windowgeometry : IceWindow::readState()
: No saved geometry. Use centered minimumSize(): QRect(83,0 1200x728)
01:27:47.744 (I) 10232: ice.ui.splash :
IceSplash::Private::onMinDurationReached() : Splash min wait time is reached
and app is ready. Show existing mainWindow or create it
01:27:47.745 (I) 10232: ice.ui.splash :
IceSplash::Private::onMinDurationReached() : Main window already exists.
Finish splash using MainWindow(0x37ddff8, name="MainWindow")
01:27:51.592 (I) 10232: ice.core.application :
IceApplication::~IceApplication() : App is finished normally.
01:27:51.958 (I) 10232: pdf.sdkwrapper : SdkWrapper::~SdkWrapper()
: Sdk library free qInfo

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