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Lyceum of the Philippines

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The research entitled “The Correlation of the Study Habits and Academic
Performance of Students” discusses the relationship between the study habits and the
academic performances, specifically the major subjects of the Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students in Grade 12 at the Lyceum of the
Philippines University-Laguna (LPU-Laguna). The subjects, Biology and Physics, are
some of the major subjects in STEM, wherein the students’ academic performance
deals a very important place in education and the learning process. Biology, which
came from the Greek words ‘Bios’, which means ‘life’, and ‘Logos’, which means
‘study’, is the study of life, and Physics, from the Greek words ‘Phusis’, meaning
‘nature’, and ‘Phusike’, meaning ‘knowledge’, is the study of matter and its motion
and behavior through space and time, its main goal being the ability to understand how
the universe behaves and explain all seen and unseen. The study converses about how
students, specifically Grade 12-STEM, learn their major subjects Biology and Physics.
The students have various styles or ways on how they study their major subjects. It
also shows how students balance their time for academics and their free time and how
they adjust through the increasing and decreasing difficulty of the said subjects.

Nowadays, when it comes to the major subjects of STEM 12, which are
Biology and Physics, it has the same number of hours usually in studying these
subjects, but based on the academic performances of students, which are seen in their
grades, whether the study habits of the STEM 12 students have a relationship to the
academic performance in the said subjects. Most of the time, STEM 12 students that
tend to study more either gain higher grade, average grades, or even lower grades.
When studying for Biology and Physics, students may have more focus on the other
subject, which means that more time allotted in studying results to good academic
performance in school.

The study’s concept is based on the context that students can explore different
ways on how to study their major subjects to see if they can learn more using another
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method. In a recent analysis, Crede and Kuncel (2008) discovered that non-cognitive
factors such as study habit, skill and study motivation, among other attitudinal
constructs, accounted for incremental variance in academic performance beyond
standardized tests and previous grades. This relates to the study in a way that it takes a
similar context that there are different ways of studying to explore to achieve a good
performance in school.

The research revolves around its dependent and independent variables. The
independent variable will be the study habits and their allotted time, and the dependent
variable will be their results in their academic performances.

The researcher aims to settle the problem of students having a difficult time
with their studying and help improve their learning. Depending on the result that this
study will come up with, the students will be able to know if they should change their
styles on how to make their time more productive or just retain what they usually do.

In order to be able to attain the result of the study, the researchers are guided
by these objectives:

1. To know the relationship the STEM Students’ study habits have to their
academic performances in their major subjects.
2. To know the significance of the relationship of the study habits to the academic
performance of STEM students.
3. To know what kind of study habits and styles the STEM students usually
4. To know the effects the different study habits and styles have to the academic
performance of STEM students in Biology and Physics.
5. To know the most effective study habits and styles the STEM students apply to
boost the academic performance in Biology and Physics.
The scope and limitation of this study is focused on the correlation of
the study habits and the academic performance of STEM Students in LPU-
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Laguna. This study utilized Grade 12 students who are currently enrolled in
LPU-Laguna and are taking up the STEM Strand. The researchers chose the
Grade 12 STEM Students of LPU-Laguna due to them already had a year of
experience in terms of Senior High School. The researchers also chose this
topic due to the increasing difficulty students usually experience with these


According to Becton Loveless, from, the key to becoming

an effective student is learning how to study smarter, not harder. This becomes truer as
you advance in your education. An hour or two of studying a day is usually sufficient
to make it through high school with satisfactory grades, but when college arrives, there
aren't enough hours in the day to get all your studying in if you don't know how to
study smarter. The vast majority of successful students achieve their success by
developing and applying effective study habits.

The researchers have understood that giving or allotting more time in studying
isn’t effective enough if the student will not listen attentively during the discussions.
Whenever the student focuses, listens and understands what the teacher is discussing,
the student will be able to remember specific terms and keywords to be able to identify
the topic or subject.

According to Nina Maddalon- Perino, as soon as you can after class, review
the class notes or the related chapter text. When you do this type of review, you may
have the satisfying experience of ideas relating, making sense, and fitting together for
you. At times, you may also experience a very interesting phenomenon. Sometimes it
feels like light bulbs are going on in your brain when these connections are made,
since you had paid attention during class discussions. The other side is that this
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


requires self-discipline and requires planned effort. This may also be done in reverse
and this may also be easier.

Immediately prior to a class, read the chapter text material that will be covered
in the lecture that day. You will be one of the few students who will understand the
lecture, be able to answer questions, ask questions and thus participate. And you will
feel "real" knowledgeable. This has an instant positive feedback effect and will also
enable you to retain more information. It is like reviewing and familiarizing yourself
with the next topic that will be discussed. Whenever you have advanced studying or
reading you will be able to connect easily and pick up information well since you have
a short background of it.

According to Bagongon and Edpalina (2009) research study,

Marcus Credé and Nathan R. Kuncel (2008) their research at University of Albany
said that study habit, skill, attitude inventories and constructs were found to rival
standardized tests and previous grades as predictors of academic performance,
yielding substantial incremental validity in predicting academic performance. The
meta-analysis examined the construct validity and predictive validity of 10 study skill
constructs for college students. They found that study skill inventories and constructs
are largely independent of both high school grades and scores on standardized
admissions tests but moderately related to various personality constructs; these results
were inconsistent with previous theories. Study motivation and study skills exhibit the
strongest relationships with both grade point average and grades in individual classes.
They also said that academic-specific anxiety was found to be an important negative
predictor of performance.

Enhancing the prioritization and association of study time and instructing

understudies to anticipate, form and answer their own inquiries when considering may
propel students’ performance regardless of their fitness, particularly on course-
particular examinations. (Dr. Courtney West, 2011)
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Educating is seen as an intelligent process in which understudy learning and

substance meet up through viable educator help. This intelligent instructing expects
educators to know how understudies regularly think and express their seeing with the
goal that instructors can viably encourage their learning by weaving together
extraordinary thoughts. Educators along these lines utilize this learning to give
encounters to understudies that energize building associations among ideas and
thoughts. (Lynn C. Hart, 2011)

According to Dr. Sanjay Kumar D in his study entitled Study

Habits Of Undergraduate Students, “a person with poor study habits will not be able
to learn properly.” It is generally believed that a student learns effective study habits
in school” which means that students learn their basic study habits and how to improve
it through studying at school. Even though, students may have a poor study habits, the
institution will help them to gain more knowledge and enhance their way of studying.

“Effective study consists of much more than merely memorization of fact. It

calls for knowing where and how to obtain facts and the ability to make intelligent use
of time. For this purpose student must be able to organize, classify and arrange facts
accordance with the subject being studied, it includes, students’ habit of
concentration, notes taking, time budgeting and various study methods.” Effective
studies will not only base on what students have memorized from the book, it is also
on how they could answer question even though the question is different form the
book. You will know if the way of studying is effective if the students understand the
lessons and can classify it even it is reversed questions.

Based on the findings in Jan Carlo Roxas, et. al.’s study (2009) about time
management and study habits, their conclusions were that “Nursing students who often
manifest time management are systematic and priority oriented.” Another thing they
pointed out was that students who practice time management are “very organized and
see to it that they have control of time over various day-to-day activities.” Lastly, they
Lyceum of the Philippines
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suggest that “when a student highly manifests time management, there is a tendency
for highly observing commendable study habits.”

Based on Daniel Selvig, et. al.’s research report (2014), students that had a
background about the subject (Histology) did well. It is also stated that “Other positive
indicators were in-person participation in teacher-guided learning experiences,
specifically lecture and laboratory sessions,” which helped the students learn better. It
is said that “students who relied on watching histology lectures by video rather than
going to lectures in-person performed significantly worse”, implying that normal
interactions between teacher and students are more effective than video lessons.

The journal of Talley and Scherer (2013) suggests that “the use of the flipped
classroom format along with learning techniques, self-explanation and practice testing
increased the final course grade over previous semesters.” It explains that these
techniques increased studying time for the course material or subjects that led to
higher grades.

According to Harvard University, academic performance is required to all

students to maintain a satisfactory academic record and meet the obligations of the
courses in which they are enrolled. Failure to do so will be dealt with as the Faculty
and its designated Boards shall determine. In all cases, midyear grades in full year
courses will be considered along with all other grades in the calculations for minimum
requirements and satisfactory records.

According to Sarwar et al. (2010), there is a significant relationship between

student attitudes academic performances. Another research found discrepancy between
the study attitudes of high and low-achieving students. High-achieving students had a
more positive attitude toward study in that they detected and reacted positively to the
favorable aspects of the situation they found themselves in, while the low-achievers
appeared to lack of high-level motivation. The more successful group was also found
to be more realistic and discriminating in their assessment of those situations which
Lyceum of the Philippines
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were highly relevant to scholastic achievement, such as discipline and work priorities,
and they were better organized in both their work and leisure activities.

Whereas the researchers have concluded that having a positive insight can
affect your academic performance it can either go high or low. Once a student has
focus and has an interest within the subject it can have a greater effect on the students’
academic performance.

Nuthana and Yenagi (2009) found significant correlation between study habits
and academic achievement. It further revealed that reading and note-taking habits,
habits of concentration, and preparation for examination had significant correlation
with academic achievement. The authors pointed out those students who are better in
reading and note taking, are well prepared for board examination and have
concentration may have better academic achievement.

The researchers have researched that these habits are one of the effective ways
in improving your academic performance. If you are able to practice these habits you
are able to improve your ability to have a retentive memory.

“Having good quality and enough time in sleeping can boost your performance
in school. Thus, giving extra effort in studying subject can boost your performance in
school but also it destroys your body.” (Giri PA, 2013)

Students' inspiration assumes a part in the sort of study methodologies used

and also their exertion in continuing on with the thoroughness of therapeutic school.
The high-performing students were more naturally propelled than the low-performing
students which are corresponded to their execution in school performances.
(Dattathreya, P. & Shillingford S., 2017).

Instructors' convictions about mathematics powerfully affect the act of

educating. It has been recommended that educators with negative convictions about
arithmetic impact a scholarly vulnerability reaction from understudies, while the
Lyceum of the Philippines
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understudies of educators with positive convictions about arithmetic appreciate

effective numerical encounters that outcome in them considering it to be a talk
beneficial of study. Therefore, what goes ahead in the arithmetic classroom might be
specifically identified with the convictions instructors hold about science. Thus, it has
been contended that instructor convictions assume a noteworthy part in their
understudies' accomplishment and in their development of convictions and states of
mind towards mathematics. (MK Akinsola, 2008)

“Findings revealed that students perceived study habits as a great factor in

attaining excellent academic performance;” Having a good study habits can attain
excellence in academic performance. If the students have the urge to pursue their goals
they can attain excellence in their field.

“In fact, one study found that at least 7% of the differences in the test score
gains for students could be traced to their teachers.” Teachers have a lot of
contribution on how the students can accomplish their goals and achievements. With
the help of the teachers and how they teach the students they can put an impact to the
students and achieve their goals in life.

From Baran and Kihç’s journal (2015), “introverts have higher grade point
averages (GPAs) than those students who are more extroverted”, suggesting that
students who have more alone time are usually more productive than students who
usually socialize.

Based on the study done by Cole and Espinoza (2008), “college experience
variables like studying with other students and attending diversity functions were
negatively correlated with performance”. This suggests that a student will have more
concentration if they were to study alone. Students are able to tolerate distractions
when alone than when with their peers.
Lyceum of the Philippines
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In Pedro Fenollar, et. al.’s research (2007), it is stated that “achievement goals
and self-efficacy had no direct effects on performance.” It is also stated that the one
with the strongest indirect impact on performance is self-efficacy. Another thing is
that it is also stated that “academic performance tends to diminish in increasing class
size.” It is most likely due to the distractions a huge class size can bring to each other.

The intervening variable is mainly procrastination and stress. Procrastination,

as known, is delaying work until cramming is evident. According to Steel (2007),
“procrastination is a prevalent and pernicious form of self-regulatory failure that is not
entirely understood”, meaning that this kind of delaying will eventually lead to failure
that is not predicted by the student itself.

As for the stress and how it is the intervening variable, it mainly affects the
student’s social-emotional status and school functioning. Although students are
finding ways to cope up with stress, it cannot be avoided especially since there are
various activities a student has to deal with every single day.

To summarize, the independent variable, study habits, can affect the academic
performance depending on what king of studying a student commences. One of the
key points is that a student must study smarter, not harder. It means that instead of
studying the same things over and over while consuming a lot of time, the student
must find other ways to study easier and consume less time. The last thing pointed out
is that a student with background knowledge of the subject, studies beforehand and has
good study habits can help in their learning and did better.

As for the dependent variable, the academic performance of students, it is

pointed out that there are several things affecting the performance. The first thing is
that students who are highly motivated and confident perform better since they think
that they can perform better. The second thing is that students who often take down
notes and listen attentively do better in school. Lastly, the number of students inside
Lyceum of the Philippines
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the class is said to affect their learning as well, with increasing class size diminishing
the learning of students, and also introverts performing better than extroverts.

This part of the study is where the procedure of the gathering and analysis of
data for the study will be discussed.
The study is about “The Correlation of the Study Habits and the Academic
Performance of Students”, specifically the academic performance to the subjects
Biology and Physics. It is a quantitative research in which the descriptive design was
used, in which the respondents are only measured once. The descriptive design is used
due to it being the most efficient and appropriate way the researchers can gather the
needed data. The relationship of the dependent and independent variables will
determine the effectiveness of frequent and different ways of studying Grade 12
STEM students apply to the academic performance in the subjects of Biology and
The respondents are the Grade 12 STEM students of the Lyceum of the
Philippines University – Laguna. The study used a one-way data gathering procedure.
A validated, self-made questionnaire was used to gather the needed data from the
respondents, which are Grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
(STEM) students that are studying General Biology and General Physics. The
questionnaire was checked, rechecked and validated by the Research Adviser.
The researchers have sent a survey-type questionnaire one-by-one to each one
of the five sections of the Grade 12 STEM students that are currently studying the
subjects General Biology and General Physics in person until the targeted amount of
respondents has been reached.
Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used by the researchers
to distinguish statistical association for the relationship of the study habits and
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


methods to the academic performance of students. The method for correlational

analysis is widely used to measure the degree of relationship between linear variables.


This is the part of the study where the results of the gathered data from the
respondents, which is shown figuratively, and its analysis and interpretation will be

Taking down

9% Advance
Listening to

Figure 4.1 Study Styles STEM Students Use

Figure 4.1 states that 48% of the respondents say that they take down notes as
their study style, 25% agreed that they listen to the teachers’ discussions. On the other
hand, 18% stated that they read the topics more, while the remaining 9% said
advanced studying for future lessons is effective for them. Almost half of the
respondents take down notes more in order to review the lessons and recall past
discussions, while, the lowest amount of students uses advanced studying due to
teachers tackling future lessons.
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page



15% Weekly

43% Monthly
Twice a week
8% 13% Thrice a week
No schedule at all

Figure 4.2 Study Schedule Followed

Figure 4.2 states that 43% of the respondents do not follow a schedule in
studying, 16% stated that they follow a weekly schedule, 15% said that a daily
schedule is followed, 13% studies twice a week, 8% studies thrice a week, while 5%
studies only monthly. Based on the results, most students are shown to not follow a
study schedule due to the fact that unexpected projects might be suddenly assigned to
them that would interfere the schedule.

5% 6% 10% Library
Public places

Figure 4.3 Places STEM Students Usually Study At

Figure 4.3 shows that 58% of the respondents usually study in their bedrooms,
21% chose their study place to be the classroom, 10% spend their time studying in the
library, 6% study in public places, while the remaining 5% study outdoors. A bedroom
can be a comfort zone and a quiet zone to help students have the privacy and silence
needed to concentrate in studying.
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


18% Examinations
Written works
19% Oral recitation
15% Not at all

Figure 4.4 Academic Activities STEM Students Usually Study For

Figure 4.4 shows that 48% of the respondents study for the examinations, 19%
said they study only at oral recitations, 18% say they don’t study at all, and the
remaining 15% say they only study for written works. Most students prioritize the
exams due to the huge effect it has to the grades of the students, on the other hand,
some students tend to focus more on the other aspects of the grading system, such as
quizzes and recitations to name a few.

8% A day before
22% 2 days before
3-5 days before
18% 1 week before

Figure 4.5 Amount of Time Allotted by STEM Students to Study For Examinations

Figure 4.5 states that more than half, 52% of the population allot only a day
before the examinations to study for it, 22% study at around 3-5 days before the
exams, 18% said that they study 2 days before the exam, while the remaining 8% says
they allot a week before the examinations for studying. Most students tend to
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remember the topics if they study a day before the exams, while some allot study times
for more than a day for studying for the exams.


74% Tutor

Figure 4.6 People STEM Students Study With

Figure 4.6 shows that 74% of the respondents said that they prefer studying by
themselves, 16% said that they usually study with their friends, and the remaining
10% study with a tutor. Most of the students prefer studying by themselves, while
some of them prefer studying with friends for sharing ideas and acquiring more

30 mins to 1 hour
49% 2 hours
3 hours

Figure 4.7 Number of Hours STEM Students allot in studying Biology and Physics

Figure 4.7 shows that almost half or 49% of the respondents usually study
Biology and Physics 30 minutes up to 1 hour, 40% stated that they study the
specialized subjects 2 hours a day, while 11% take 3 hours just to study Biology and
Lyceum of the Philippines
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Physics. Most of the STEM students take only an hour or below, while some study
Biology and Physics for 2 to 3 hours, prioritizing their major subjects.

25% Easy

Figure 4.8 Perception on the Subjects Biology and Physics

Figure 4.8 shows that more than half or 62% of the respondents say that
Biology and Physics are at an average difficulty, 25% perceived it as difficult and the
remaining 13% stated that Biology and Physics are easy subjects. Most of the STEM
students can tolerate the specialized subjects, although some either thought it was
difficult or easy for them to handle.

20% Morning
59% 21%

Figure 4.9 Time of the Day STEM students Usually Study At

Figure 4.9 states that 59% of the respondents study and prepare for their
lessons at night, 21% prefer to study in the afternoon, while 20% prefer studying in the
morning. More than half of the students prefer to study at night because it is when the
Lyceum of the Philippines
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students can most likely think more, while the remaining who chose afternoon and
morning preferred to have a fresher memory about the lessons.

14% 2%
95 Above
30% 90-94
79 Below

Figure 4.11 STEM Students’ Grades in Biology and Physics in the 1st Quarter

Figure 4.11 shows of the range of grades the respondents received in the 1st
Quarter for Biology and Physics. 52% got the range of 85-89, 30% got the grades
within the range of 90-94, 14% got around 84-80, and both 95 above and 79 below got
2%. It shows that majority of the students passed Biology and Physics in the 1st

For Figure 4.1, Nuthana and Yenagi (2009)’s statement, “students who are
better in reading and note-taking are well-prepared for board examination…may have
better academic achievement,” referring to the study styles that most effective. Like in
this statement, the results show that note taking is the top choice of study style.
According to West (2011), “enhancing the prioritization and association of study
time…when considering many propel students’ performance…particularly on course-
particular examinations,” meaning that a schedule can be very useful in helping with
studies, in opposition to the results for Figure 4.2, which shows that the majority does
not follow a study schedule at all. And also for Figure 4.4, which refers to the
academic activities usually studied for, students prioritize the examinations due to it
alone taking up a decent amount of the total grade. Fenollar, (2007)’s statement,
“academic performance tends to diminish due to the distractions a huge class size can
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


bring to each other,” means that the more distraction from outer sources, the lower the
academic performance, meaning that it is better to study in a quiet space with no
people or distractions around, for example, the bedroom, which is the top choice of a
study area for Figure 4.3. Based on Loveless (2017), “an hour or two of studying a day
is usually sufficient to make it through high school with satisfactory grades, much like
the top result shown in Figure 4.5, which shows that students study a day before the
exams. Using those one to two hours of studying a day before the exams might help
retain information. Similarly, Figure 4.7 shows that STEM students mostly use only an
hour or two for studying Biology and Physics.

According to Cole and Espinoza (2008), “college experience variables like

studying with other students and attending diversity functions were negatively
correlated with performance,” meaning that studying with others might be of little to
no help for most students. Figure 4.6 shows that majority of the students prefer
studying alone than with others. Sawar, et. al. (2010) stated that “High-achieving
students had a more positive attitude toward study in that they detected and reacted
positively to the favorable aspects of the situation they found themselves in, while the
low-achievers appeared to lack of high-level motivation,” meaning that most students
who have a good perception about the subjects can have a better academic
performance. The mindset for studying affects the performance of students. Figure 4.8
shows that most of the students’ mindset and perception for both Biology and Physics
is that these are both average subjects, not too difficult, yet not too easy. Based on Giri
(2013), “having good quality and enough time in sleeping can boost your performance
in school,” which means it is possibly better to study in the daytime, rather than late at
night, opposed to what the results of Figure 4.9 show, students tend to study more at
night rather than the morning or afternoon, possibly due to the lack of distraction at
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page



The research was conducted to know if there is a correlation between study

habits and academic performances of grade 12 students in STEM focusing on their
specialized subject which are Biology and Physics. These also include the relationship,
benefits, habits, and the perception of students in the subjects.


Based on the summary of the findings, the researchers conclude that there is a
significant relationship between the study habits and academic performance of
students. The respondents are the Grade 12 STEM students of Lyceum of the
Philippines University- Laguna, wherein the academic performance of students is
shown by their grades reflected from their study habit. Since most of the students take
down notes as their habit in studying they managed to have an average grade which
ranges from 85-89 as their first quarterly grade in Biology and Physics, which is
considered as a passing grade in their subjects also the students usual perception about
the specialized subject Biology and Physics are at an average difficulty subject. Using
the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient method on the numerical
variables, there is a negligible positive correlation, meaning the more you set a
schedule in studying, allot time in examinations, and study in more hours can get
higher grades in Biology and Physics, although the correlation is quite weak.


For the respondents, each student has their own way of studying or acquiring
knowledge. It is recommended that students, specifically Grade 12 STEM students, the
respondents, should study or learn lessons in a way where they can easily and
comfortably understand and remember each and every lesson tackled. It is also
recommended that students try out the study styles used in the results to see if there is
improvement in learning. For example, trying out to be more attentive and well-
Lyceum of the Philippines
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prepared at school, recalling discussions more often through notes, manage time for
school and personal activities for balance, and allotting of time for examinations.

For the future researchers, a connection to the respondents will make the study
easier. Data from this research can be used as long as proper citation will be used.
Simple questions and directions should be used for gathering of data to avoid
confusion. It is also recommended to gather as much data and related literature when
pursuing this topic.

For the institution, it is recommended that the study styles that appeared in the
results be applied for the students. It could be useful so that students may have an
easier time studying and managing their personal schedules. It is recommended that
the institution guide the students in studying, especially the major subjects.
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page



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Vyas, S., & Choudhary, G. (2016). Study Habits of Sr. Sec. School Adolescent
Students In Relation To Their Socio-Economic Status.

Descargar, A. E., & Cardona, R. S. (2016). REVISITING THE STUDY HABITS

Researchers World).

Woolfolk, A. (2013). Educational Psychology (12th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.

Roxas, J. A., et. al. (2009). Correlational Study About Time Management and Study
Habits of 3rd Year Level Nursing Students of Lyceum - St. Cabrini College of
Allied Medicine, Inc.
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


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University - Laguna Page



To the respondents,

Good Day! We the grade 12 students of 4. When do you practice your study habits? During
Karratha in LPU-Laguna is conducting a research Examinations Oral Recitation
entitled “The Correlation of Study Habits and Written Works Not at all
Academic Performance to Students” as a final (Quiz, SW, etc.)
requirement in Practical Research II. We ask for you
cooperation by answering honestly and seriously. We 5. How much time do you allot in studying or
assure you that the gathered will be treated with
reviewing for your examinations/quiz?
outmost confidentiality and will only be used for
a day before 3-5 days before
research purposes only. Thank you!
2 days before 1 week before
Respectfully yours,
6. With whom do you study with?
The Researchers Just self-study with a tutor
With friends

Name (optional): 7. How many hours do you allot in studying Biology

_______________________________ and Physics?
30mins. – 1hour 3hours
Directions: Please read each item carefully and (√ ) 2 hours
check the box that best suit your answer.
8. What is your perception about the subjects of
1. What are your study styles? Biology and Physics?
Taking down notes Advance studying Easy Difficult
Reading Listening to Average
teachers’ discussion
9. What time of the day do you usually study?
2. What kind of schedule in studying do you follow? Morning Night
Daily Twice a week Afternoon
Weekly Thrice a week
Monthly No schedule at all 10. What are your grades in:
Biology: ____________________
3. Where do you usually study? Physics: ____________________
Library Outdoors
Classroom Public Places (e.g café)
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page



x y xy x2 y2
8 8 0 0 78 80.5 85 87 624 644 0 0 64 64 0 0 6084 6480.25 7225 7569
0 8 30 30 88.5 88 89.5 88.5 0 704 2685 2655 0 64 900 900 7832.25 7744 8010.25 7832.25
0 8 0 30 83 97.5 81 85 0 780 0 2550 0 64 0 900 6889 9506.25 6561 7225
0 8 30 30 83 88 90.5 96 0 704 2715 2880 0 64 900 900 6889 7744 8190.25 9216
0 30 0 12 83.5 88 89.5 91 0 2640 0 1092 0 900 0 144 6972.25 7744 8010.25 8281
4 8 12 0 86.5 91 88.5 89.5 346 728 1062 0 16 64 144 0 7482.25 8281 7832.25 8010.25
12 30 0 4 90 90 91.5 89.5 1080 2700 0 358 144 900 0 16 8100 8100 8372.25 8010.25
4 8 0 1 86.5 90 88 80.5 346 720 0 80.5 16 64 0 1 7482.25 8100 7744 6480.25
8 30 4 0 86.5 84 91.5 83 692 2520 366 0 64 900 16 0 7482.25 7056 8372.25 6889
1 8 0 0 88.5 82.5 85 88.5 88.5 660 0 0 1 64 0 0 7832.25 6806.25 7225 7832.25
0 8 0 0 87 88 80 86 0 704 0 0 0 64 0 0 7569 7744 6400 7396
0 4 4 30 88 87 91.5 88.5 0 348 366 2655 0 16 16 900 7744 7569 8372.25 7832.25
30 4 4 4 89 89 82 89.5 2670 356 328 358 900 16 16 16 7921 7921 6724 8010.25
0 4 30 0 87 89.5 88 92.5 0 358 2640 0 0 16 900 0 7569 8010.25 7744 8556.25
0 30 4 8 87 90 91.5 90 0 2700 366 720 0 900 16 64 7569 8100 8372.25 8100
0 8 1 0 87.5 86.5 85 83 0 692 85 0 0 64 1 0 7656.25 7482.25 7225 6889
0 12 1 4 96 89 91.5 81 0 1068 91.5 324 0 144 1 16 9216 7921 8372.25 6561
4 12 1 4 88.5 88 82 88.5 354 1056 82 354 16 144 1 16 7832.25 7744 6724 7832.25
4 30 12 4 81.5 90 88 88.5 326 2700 1056 354 16 900 144 16 6642.25 8100 7744 7832.25
0 8 0 4 91 88 86 88.5 0 704 0 354 0 64 0 16 8281 7744 7396 7832.25
0 4 1 0 91 87 88.5 83 0 348 88.5 0 0 16 1 0 8281 7569 7832.25 6889
30 4 8 1 91 89 88.5 84.5 2730 356 708 84.5 900 16 64 1 8281 7921 7832.25 7140.25
0 12 0 0 86.5 87.5 90 89 0 1050 0 0 0 144 0 0 7482.25 7656.25 8100 7921
0 0 0 8 86 85.5 88.5 90 0 0 0 720 0 0 0 64 7396 7310.25 7832.25 8100
1 0 0 8 91.5 83.5 88.5 90 91.5 0 0 720 1 0 0 64 8372.25 6972.25 7832.25 8100
0 30 0 0 85.5 75 85 89 0 2250 0 0 0 900 0 0 7310.25 5625 7225 7921
8 0 1 0 88 89 88.5 87 704 0 88.5 0 64 0 1 0 7744 7921 7832.25 7569
0 0 0 0 85 86.5 91 84.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7225 7482.25 8281 7140.25
0 4 0 0 87 89.5 89 89.5 0 358 0 0 0 16 0 0 7569 8010.25 7921 8010.25
0 0 8 12 93 90.5 95 88.5 0 0 760 1062 0 0 64 144 8649 8190.25 9025 7832.25
0 0 0 0 87 85 90 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7569 7225 8100 7056
0 0 0 8 85 86 90 88 0 0 0 704 0 0 0 64 7225 7396 8100 7744
8 4 0 0 86.5 88 91.5 85.5 692 352 0 0 64 16 0 0 7482.25 7744 8372.25 7310.25
30 0 0 12 90 83 88.5 90 2700 0 0 1080 900 0 0 144 8100 6889 7832.25 8100
30 30 4 12 88 91.5 95.5 90.5 2640 2745 382 1086 900 900 16 144 7744 8372.25 9120.25 8190.25
1 0 0 4 88.5 86.5 88.5 86 88.5 0 0 344 1 0 0 16 7832.25 7482.25 7832.25 7396
8 0 30 0 87.5 89 90 86.5 700 0 2700 0 64 0 900 0 7656.25 7921 8100 7482.25
30 4 12 4 88.5 81 90 89 2655 324 1080 356 900 16 144 16 7832.25 6561 8100 7921
30 0 30 8 89 84 92 88 2670 0 2760 704 900 0 900 64 7921 7056 8464 7744
4 0 0 0 87 89.5 86 90.5 348 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 7569 8010.25 7396 8190.25
8 4 0 0 89.5 89.5 83 87 716 358 0 0 64 16 0 0 8010.25 8010.25 6889 7569
30 0 30 0 87 85.5 89 88 2610 0 2670 0 900 0 900 0 7569 7310.25 7921 7744
8 0 30 30 91 87 89.5 88 728 0 2685 2640 64 0 900 900 8281 7569 8010.25 7744
4 0 30 0 90 90.5 90 92 360 0 2700 0 16 0 900 0 8100 8190.25 8100 8464
12 8 6 12 89 90.5 91.5 90 1068 724 549 1080 144 64 36 144 7921 8190.25 8372.25 8100
30 0 4 0 89 84.5 92 87 2670 0 368 0 900 0 16 0 7921 7140.25 8464 7569
4 0 0 4 86 85.5 90 85 344 0 0 340 16 0 0 16 7396 7310.25 8100 7225
30 12 0 12 83.5 91.5 83.5 86.5 2505 1098 0 1038 900 144 0 144 6972.25 8372.25 6972.25 7482.25
4 0 8 0 86 83.5 85.5 91.5 344 0 684 0 16 0 64 0 7396 6972.25 7310.25 8372.25
8 4 0 30 79 83 86 82.5 632 332 0 2475 64 16 0 900 6241 6889 7396 6806.25
Σx = 1444 Σy = 17535 Σxy = 127537 Σx2 = 31462 Σy2 = 1539560
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


Numerator Denominator
25320540 2085136 307476225
25507400 6292400 307912000
186860 4207264 435775
Negligible Positive Correlation

Table 1.1 Correlation between the Study Schedule of the students (x) to the Grades in
Biology and Physics (y)

√((𝛴𝑦)2 −(𝛴𝑦 2 )((𝛴𝑥)2 −𝛴𝑥 2 )

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

Where: x = dependent variable

y = independent variable
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


x y xy x2 y2
2 4 2 1 78 80.5 85 87 156 322 170 87 4 16 4 1 6084 6480.25 7225 7569
1 4 1 4 88.5 88 89.5 88.5 88.5 352 89.5 354 1 16 1 16 7832.25 7744 8010.25 7832.25
1 4 2 2 83 97.5 81 85 83 390 162 170 1 16 4 4 6889 9506.25 6561 7225
2 2 4 7 83 88 90.5 96 166 176 362 672 4 4 16 49 6889 7744 8190.25 9216
1 1 1 4 83.5 88 89.5 91 83.5 88 89.5 364 1 1 1 16 6972.25 7744 8010.25 8281
2 1 2 1 86.5 91 88.5 89.5 173 91 177 89.5 4 1 4 1 7482.25 8281 7832.25 8010.25
4 1 1 1 90 90 91.5 89.5 360 90 91.5 89.5 16 1 1 1 8100 8100 8372.25 8010.25
2 4 1 1 86.5 90 88 80.5 173 360 88 80.5 4 16 1 1 7482.25 8100 7744 6480.25
4 1 1 1 86.5 84 91.5 83 346 84 91.5 83 16 1 1 1 7482.25 7056 8372.25 6889
1 1 1 1 88.5 82.5 85 88.5 88.5 82.5 85 88.5 1 1 1 1 7832.25 6806.25 7225 7832.25
2 1 1 1 87 88 80 86 174 88 80 86 4 1 1 1 7569 7744 6400 7396
1 4 1 1 88 87 91.5 88.5 88 348 91.5 88.5 1 16 1 1 7744 7569 8372.25 7832.25
7 1 4 1 89 89 82 89.5 623 89 328 89.5 49 1 16 1 7921 7921 6724 8010.25
1 2 1 1 87 89.5 88 92.5 87 179 88 92.5 1 4 1 1 7569 8010.25 7744 8556.25
1 2 7 1 87 90 91.5 90 87 180 640.5 90 1 4 49 1 7569 8100 8372.25 8100
1 1 7 1 87.5 86.5 85 83 87.5 86.5 595 83 1 1 49 1 7656.25 7482.25 7225 6889
1 2 7 1 96 89 91.5 81 96 178 640.5 81 1 4 49 1 9216 7921 8372.25 6561
7 4 4 2 88.5 88 82 88.5 619.5 352 328 177 49 16 16 4 7832.25 7744 6724 7832.25
1 1 2 2 81.5 90 88 88.5 81.5 90 176 177 1 1 4 4 6642.25 8100 7744 7832.25
2 7 1 2 91 88 86 88.5 182 616 86 177 4 49 1 4 8281 7744 7396 7832.25
2 4 1 4 91 87 88.5 83 182 348 88.5 332 4 16 1 16 8281 7569 7832.25 6889
4 1 4 1 91 89 88.5 84.5 364 89 354 84.5 16 1 16 1 8281 7921 7832.25 7140.25
1 4 1 4 86.5 87.5 90 89 86.5 350 90 356 1 16 1 16 7482.25 7656.25 8100 7921
2 1 1 1 86 85.5 88.5 90 172 85.5 88.5 90 4 1 1 1 7396 7310.25 7832.25 8100
2 2 1 1 91.5 83.5 88.5 90 183 167 88.5 90 4 4 1 1 8372.25 6972.25 7832.25 8100
1 2 1 4 85.5 75 85 89 85.5 150 85 356 1 4 1 16 7310.25 5625 7225 7921
7 1 1 4 88 89 88.5 87 616 89 88.5 348 49 1 1 16 7744 7921 7832.25 7569
1 2 1 1 85 86.5 91 84.5 85 173 91 84.5 1 4 1 1 7225 7482.25 8281 7140.25
1 7 7 2 87 89.5 89 89.5 87 626.5 623 179 1 49 49 4 7569 8010.25 7921 8010.25
1 1 2 1 93 90.5 95 88.5 93 90.5 190 88.5 1 1 4 1 8649 8190.25 9025 7832.25
1 1 4 1 87 85 90 84 87 85 360 84 1 1 16 1 7569 7225 8100 7056
1 1 1 1 85 86 90 88 85 86 90 88 1 1 1 1 7225 7396 8100 7744
1 4 4 1 86.5 88 91.5 85.5 86.5 352 366 85.5 1 16 16 1 7482.25 7744 8372.25 7310.25
1 1 1 7 90 83 88.5 90 90 83 88.5 630 1 1 1 49 8100 6889 7832.25 8100
2 4 7 1 88 91.5 95.5 90.5 176 366 668.5 90.5 4 16 49 1 7744 8372.25 9120.25 8190.25
4 1 1 2 88.5 86.5 88.5 86 354 86.5 88.5 172 16 1 1 4 7832.25 7482.25 7832.25 7396
2 1 1 1 87.5 89 90 86.5 175 89 90 86.5 4 1 1 1 7656.25 7921 8100 7482.25
4 1 2 2 88.5 81 90 89 354 81 180 178 16 1 4 4 7832.25 6561 8100 7921
2 1 1 1 89 84 92 88 178 84 92 88 4 1 1 1 7921 7056 8464 7744
4 1 2 4 87 89.5 86 90.5 348 89.5 172 362 16 1 4 16 7569 8010.25 7396 8190.25
4 2 1 4 89.5 89.5 83 87 358 179 83 348 16 4 1 16 8010.25 8010.25 6889 7569
7 7 4 1 87 85.5 89 88 609 598.5 356 88 49 49 16 1 7569 7310.25 7921 7744
4 1 4 4 91 87 89.5 88 364 87 358 352 16 1 16 16 8281 7569 8010.25 7744
2 1 2 7 90 90.5 90 92 180 90.5 180 644 4 1 4 49 8100 8190.25 8100 8464
4 1 1 4 89 90.5 91.5 90 356 90.5 91.5 360 16 1 1 16 7921 8190.25 8372.25 8100
1 1 4 1 89 84.5 92 87 89 84.5 368 87 1 1 16 1 7921 7140.25 8464 7569
1 1 1 1 86 85.5 90 85 86 85.5 90 85 1 1 1 1 7396 7310.25 8100 7225
1 4 1 4 83.5 91.5 83.5 86.5 83.5 366 83.5 346 1 16 1 16 6972.25 8372.25 6972.25 7482.25
4 1 2 1 86 83.5 85.5 91.5 344 83.5 171 91.5 16 1 4 1 7396 6972.25 7310.25 8372.25
4 4 1 4 79 83 86 82.5 316 332 86 330 16 16 1 16 6241 6889 7396 6806.25
Σx = 459 Σy = 17535 Σxy = 40458.5 Σx2 = 1691 Σy2 = 1539560
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


Numerator Denominator
8048565 210681 307476225
8091700 338200 307912000
43135 127519 435775
Negligible Positive Correlation

Table 1.2 Correlation between the Amount of Time Allotted for the Examinations (x)
to the Grades in Biology and Physics (y)

√((𝛴𝑦)2 −(𝛴𝑦 2 )((𝛴𝑥)2 −𝛴𝑥 2 )

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

Where: x = dependent variable

y = independent variable
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


x y xy x2 y2
1 3 2 1 78 80.5 85 87 78 241.5 170 87 1 9 4 1 6084 6480.25 7225 7569
1 2 2 2 88.5 88 89.5 88.5 88.5 176 179 177 1 4 4 4 7832.25 7744 8010.25 7832.25
1 2 2 2 83 97.5 81 85 83 195 162 170 1 4 4 4 6889 9506.25 6561 7225
2 1 3 3 83 88 90.5 96 166 88 271.5 288 4 1 9 9 6889 7744 8190.25 9216
2 2 1 3 83.5 88 89.5 91 167 176 89.5 273 4 4 1 9 6972.25 7744 8010.25 8281
2 2 2 2 86.5 91 88.5 89.5 173 182 177 179 4 4 4 4 7482.25 8281 7832.25 8010.25
2 1 1 2 90 90 91.5 89.5 180 90 91.5 179 4 1 1 4 8100 8100 8372.25 8010.25
1 1 1 2 86.5 90 88 80.5 86.5 90 88 161 1 1 1 4 7482.25 8100 7744 6480.25
3 2 1 1 86.5 84 91.5 83 259.5 168 91.5 83 9 4 1 1 7482.25 7056 8372.25 6889
2 2 3 2 88.5 82.5 85 88.5 177 165 255 177 4 4 9 4 7832.25 6806.25 7225 7832.25
1 1 2 1 87 88 80 86 87 88 160 86 1 1 4 1 7569 7744 6400 7396
1 2 2 1 88 87 91.5 88.5 88 174 183 88.5 1 4 4 1 7744 7569 8372.25 7832.25
2 2 2 2 89 89 82 89.5 178 178 164 179 4 4 4 4 7921 7921 6724 8010.25
2 1 2 1 87 89.5 88 92.5 174 89.5 176 92.5 4 1 4 1 7569 8010.25 7744 8556.25
1 2 1 1 87 90 91.5 90 87 180 91.5 90 1 4 1 1 7569 8100 8372.25 8100
1 3 1 1 87.5 86.5 85 83 87.5 259.5 85 83 1 9 1 1 7656.25 7482.25 7225 6889
1 3 1 2 96 89 91.5 81 96 267 91.5 162 1 9 1 4 9216 7921 8372.25 6561
2 3 1 1 88.5 88 82 88.5 177 264 82 88.5 4 9 1 1 7832.25 7744 6724 7832.25
2 1 1 1 81.5 90 88 88.5 163 90 88 88.5 4 1 1 1 6642.25 8100 7744 7832.25
2 1 1 1 91 88 86 88.5 182 88 86 88.5 4 1 1 1 8281 7744 7396 7832.25
2 2 1 2 91 87 88.5 83 182 174 88.5 166 4 4 1 4 8281 7569 7832.25 6889
2 1 2 1 91 89 88.5 84.5 182 89 177 84.5 4 1 4 1 8281 7921 7832.25 7140.25
1 3 2 2 86.5 87.5 90 89 86.5 262.5 180 178 1 9 4 4 7482.25 7656.25 8100 7921
1 1 3 2 86 85.5 88.5 90 86 85.5 265.5 180 1 1 9 4 7396 7310.25 7832.25 8100
1 1 3 1 91.5 83.5 88.5 90 91.5 83.5 265.5 90 1 1 9 1 8372.25 6972.25 7832.25 8100
1 2 1 1 85.5 75 85 89 85.5 150 85 89 1 4 1 1 7310.25 5625 7225 7921
2 3 1 2 88 89 88.5 87 176 267 88.5 174 4 9 1 4 7744 7921 7832.25 7569
1 1 1 1 85 86.5 91 84.5 85 86.5 91 84.5 1 1 1 1 7225 7482.25 8281 7140.25
2 2 1 2 87 89.5 89 89.5 174 179 89 179 4 4 1 4 7569 8010.25 7921 8010.25
2 1 2 1 93 90.5 95 88.5 186 90.5 190 88.5 4 1 4 1 8649 8190.25 9025 7832.25
2 1 2 1 87 85 90 84 174 85 180 84 4 1 4 1 7569 7225 8100 7056
1 1 2 3 85 86 90 88 85 86 180 264 1 1 4 9 7225 7396 8100 7744
2 2 1 1 86.5 88 91.5 85.5 173 176 91.5 85.5 4 4 1 1 7482.25 7744 8372.25 7310.25
2 1 1 2 90 83 88.5 90 180 83 88.5 180 4 1 1 4 8100 6889 7832.25 8100
2 1 2 2 88 91.5 95.5 90.5 176 91.5 191 181 4 1 4 4 7744 8372.25 9120.25 8190.25
1 1 1 1 88.5 86.5 88.5 86 88.5 86.5 88.5 86 1 1 1 1 7832.25 7482.25 7832.25 7396
2 1 2 1 87.5 89 90 86.5 175 89 180 86.5 4 1 4 1 7656.25 7921 8100 7482.25
2 1 2 2 88.5 81 90 89 177 81 180 178 4 1 4 4 7832.25 6561 8100 7921
1 1 3 1 89 84 92 88 89 84 276 88 1 1 9 1 7921 7056 8464 7744
1 1 2 2 87 89.5 86 90.5 87 89.5 172 181 1 1 4 4 7569 8010.25 7396 8190.25
3 1 1 1 89.5 89.5 83 87 268.5 89.5 83 87 9 1 1 1 8010.25 8010.25 6889 7569
2 3 2 1 87 85.5 89 88 174 256.5 178 88 4 9 4 1 7569 7310.25 7921 7744
2 3 3 1 91 87 89.5 88 182 261 268.5 88 4 9 9 1 8281 7569 8010.25 7744
2 1 3 1 90 90.5 90 92 180 90.5 270 92 4 1 9 1 8100 8190.25 8100 8464
1 1 2 2 89 90.5 91.5 90 89 90.5 183 180 1 1 4 4 7921 8190.25 8372.25 8100
1 2 3 1 89 84.5 92 87 89 169 276 87 1 4 9 1 7921 7140.25 8464 7569
1 1 1 1 86 85.5 90 85 86 85.5 90 85 1 1 1 1 7396 7310.25 8100 7225
1 3 1 2 83.5 91.5 83.5 86.5 83.5 274.5 83.5 173 1 9 1 4 6972.25 8372.25 6972.25 7482.25
2 2 1 1 86 83.5 85.5 91.5 172 167 85.5 91.5 4 4 1 1 7396 6972.25 7310.25 8372.25
1 1 1 2 79 83 86 82.5 79 83 86 165 1 1 1 4 6241 6889 7396 6806.25
Σx = 323 Σy = 17535 Σxy = 28373 Σx2 = 613 Σy2 = 1539560
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


Numerator Denominator
5663805 104329 307476225
5674600 122600 307912000
10795 18271 435775
Negligible Positive Correlation

Table 1.3 Correlation between the Number of Study Hours (x) to the Grades in
Biology and Physics (y)

√((𝛴𝑦)2 −(𝛴𝑦 2 )((𝛴𝑥)2 −𝛴𝑥 2 )

Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient

Where: x = dependent variable

y = independent variable

Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


Name: Lois Anne B. Coronado

Address: Blk. 11, Lot 21, LBEH, Brgy. Barandal, Calamba City, Laguna

Birthday: November 4, 1999

Father: Luisito B. Coronado

Mother: Gloria B. Coronado

Educational Background:

Kindergarten: University of Perpetual Help System – DALTA Calamba (2004)

Elementary: University of Perpetual Help System – DALTA Calamba (2006)

Junior High School: University of Perpetual Help System – DALTA Calamba


Mary Belle Montessori School (2015)

Senior High School: Lyceum of the Philippines University – Laguna (2016)

Name: Reuven John O. Cosico

Address: 222 San Benito, Alaminos, Laguna

Birthday: July 14, 1999

Father: Bartolome A. Cosico

Mother: Vivien O. Cosico

Educational Background:
Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


Kindergarten: Kintner Christian Academy (2004)

Elementary: Kintner Christian Academy (2006)

Junior High School: Kintner Christian Academy (2012)

Senior High School: Lyceum of the Philippines University – Laguna (2016)

Name: Adrianne Jahsiel S. Diomampo

Address: Blk. 5, Lot 5, Phase 2, Ashton Fields, Brgy. Milagrosa, Calamba City,

Birthday: March 31, 2000

Father: Menandro T. Diomampo

Mother: Aurea S. Diomampo

Educational Background:

Kindergarten: Francis Possenti Educational Foundation (2004)

Preparatory: Immaculate Heart of Mary School (2005)

Elementary: Canossa Academy (2006)

Calamba Institute (2007)

St. Simon Montessori School (2010)

Junior High School: Calamba Institute (2012)

Lyceum of the Philippines University – Laguna (2013)

Senior High School: Lyceum of the Philippines University – Laguna (2016)

Lyceum of the Philippines
University - Laguna Page


Name: Dana Yvonne S. Perez

Address: 480 San Vicente, Sto. Tomas, Batangas

Birthday: October 21, 2000

Father: Danilo M. Perez

Mother: Karen S. Perez

Educational Background:

Kindergarten: Mother Barbara Micarelli School (2004)

Elementary: Mother Barbara Micarelli School (2006)

Junior High School: St. Thomas Academy (2012)

Senior High School: Lyceum of the Philippines University – Laguna (2016)

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