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Background of the Study

This chapter includes the statemetn of the objectives, significance and scope of

the study.

Automated attendance monitoring and security access and control in every

institution is indeed essential. With this, the institutions can keep track on their students

and teachers’ absences and tardiness. This could also benefit the institution in saving

money and paper works, time and effort while at the same time molding students

producing more quality and discipline graduates as well as in monitoring and increasing

teachers’ productivity and performance.

Good attendance record could mean productive performance. However, tardiness

and absenteeism preclude teachers especially students in having complete attendance

resulting into low student grades and unfavorable post performances review. It is

important to keep into note that attendance and its significance should be taught to

students. Attendance is part of a students’ cumulative record. It is essential that good

school attendance habits be established for later years when students seek employment.

Traditionally, the monitoring of attendances is highly relied on the human’s effort

and attention like the school dean assigned checker and the teachers. However, cases like

the loss of checkers copy, human errors, erasures, inaccuracy, considerations and

transparency could vary to the credibility of the record holder and that could also add up

to the administrative stress.


There are several institutions all over the world had already adopted and used

attendance monitoring system and classroom security automation to compellingly

improve discipline and provide security. There are in fact several ways on doing

attendance monitoring nowadays. This can be done either writing it in log books, using

Bundy clocks or punch cards, also using computerized systems such as smart cards,

biometrics, barcodes and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags. According to

Hamid, H. (2010), RFID has been used to access control in many different areas, from

asset tracking to limiting access to restricted areas. Although the use of RFID systems in

educational institutions is not new, it is intended to show how the use of it came to solve

daily problems in other educational institutions. RFID is an automatic identification

method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or

transponders, thus the RFID is a wireless identification that normally comprises RFID

Reader and RFID Tag. Hence, RFID is another suitable way or remedy that can be used

in developing attendance monitoring system and security access and maintenance in

solving institutional problems.

Tiong Sing, G.C. (2012) described Automatic Access Control System using

Student Identification Card Based on RFID Technology, the system has multiple

functions and objectives. The first function is to provide security to help and support their

university police to keep track of every entry activity in every student’s hostel rooms,

offices, facilities and classrooms that prevents any theft activity and easily identify

students or user who are registered on their system. The system contributed and replaced

their conventional door locking mechanism with simple key interlock automated door

security system controlled by RFID. The second function is it automatically record


students’ attendance during class schedule while the teacher could maintain and print out

the students’ attendance record. The system server was able to maintain and monitor both

functions and brought a positive and drastic measure result in obtaining their objectives.

In the Philippines, an institution had also adapted the use of RFID technology in

attendance monitoring with Web- Portal and SMS. The system captures student RFID

upon entrance allowing the parents to monitor their children’s presence inside the campus

everyday. The system also provides a parent-portal web-based system tool to monitor the

rank and grade of their child or children on a specific subject using a web-based system.

Thus, the system could notify the parents if their child needs an immediate action or

follow up together with the school teacher and the guidance counselor, Baltazar, Et. Al.


The Attendance Monitoring System using RFID of the Notre Dame of Tacurong

College is a centralized system that monitors and records employee’s daily time record.

The system automates the recording of the time-in and time-out of every employee using

RFID. This method helped save time, paper, effort and the DTR in-charge from hassle in

generating and merging salary reports and the total of late and absences of all employees.

In the College Department of Notre Dame of Tacurong College, an institution

located at the Central Mindanao, is also having similar problems concerning attendance

monitoring, But another particular problem of the school is their administrative overhead

of every college classroom security. As an institution that has modern set-up, fully air-

conditioned classrooms, problems unconsciously arise during every unsupervised student

entry that are using its classrooms, and unit’s which leads into improper electricity

consumption and wastage. This is because there was no present additional security

measures installed that could prevent unsupervised entry or worst from a possible theft of

any class room units. The classroom only has normal door knob and door lock keys

which are left open during class hours that is why students can freely spend their free

time inside open classrooms charging up their gadgets or refreshing themselves from the

city’s unfavorable hot climate.

The College of Arts and Sciences and Education (CAS-ED) assigned working

students to check the attendance of every teachers evey period. This repetetive task of the

working students is a hassle and tiresome for them to regularly perform the room-to-room

routine. The dean entrusted the checker to keep the attendance record, and then later

summarized to check the performance of every teachers in terms of attendance. However,

the process is time consuming for the office to prepare. Sometimes it led to inconsistency.

The teachers are using the conventional way of recording student attendance in

paper or logbook manually while doing the traditional process of roll-calling names

which is basically time consuming and is indeed troublesome for the teachers. This

affects both teachers and students as time is spent on roll-calling, checking and verifying

students’ names that is supposedly intended for lesson. The student attendance record of

the teacher is kept. After every semester, the teacher summarizes and prepares a report

that will be submitted to the dean. It is a slow and stressful process that could sometimes

trigger human errors and could possibly result’s into inaccuracy and misplacement of

record which leads to inconsistency.

Along with this, the proponents conducted a study on Automated Classroom

Magnetic Door Lock with Attendance Monitoring System using Radio Frequency

Identification. The study could lower the stated problems based on this research

hypothesis by implementing the research in using a fail-safe type of electromagnetic door

lock controlled by microcontroller and radio frequency identification technology.


 General Objective

This study aimed’s to develop an Automated Classroom Magnetic Door Lock

with Attendance Monitoring System using Radio Frequency Identification for Notre

Dame of Tacurong College.

 Specific Objectives

Specifically, the study aims to:

1. Design an algorithm to facilitate the attendance automation and classroom

security entry access.

2. Design and implement a database structure for data storage which will hold all

the data and information.

3. Design a miniature prototype model to simulate the attendance monitoring

system and classroom magnetic door lock security feature.


Significance of the Study

The result of this study on Automated Classroom Magnetic Door Lock with

Attendance Monitoring System using Radio Frequency Identification is beneficial to the

following stakeholders.

To the Notre Dame of Tacurong College, The research could benefit the

institution in maintenaining classrooms in providing security which will limit student

entry as well as usage of every college classroom facilities which could impose

observation in the consumption of energy during class days operation, hence, decreasing

the school’s electricity bill.

To the College Dean’s Office, the office may no longer require working students

to manually deal the room-to-room attendance checking and consolidation of records just

to create necessary reports needed by the school for evaluation. Hence, the system may

help save time, loads of paper works, man power and energy. In using the attendance

monitoring system, the dean could easily track and monitor the performance and the

attendance records of every teacher using the Reports Form in the system. Through this

Reports Form, the system allows the Dean to view and print records.

To the School Physical Plant and Logistics Office, the electromagnetic door lock

security feature may aid the janitorial personnel to improve the condition of classroom

maintenance. This may also help school security personnel which are under the

maintenance office in carrying out their duty from manually checking the college Smith

Building’s classrooms that have valuable units.


To the College Teachers, They won’t need any log-books to do the manual

attendance recording. They can easily keep track, monitor and record students’ tardiness

and absences allowing them to monitor their students’ performances. The system can

automatically count, summarize and print the attendance percentage of every student at

the end of every semester providing them with ease during the production of reports

instead of creating it manually. Furthermore, it could help the teachers to refrain from

manual writing and calling student’s name individually that consumes valuable time

during a class session.

To the College Students, the students could easily tap their RFID’s during class

schedules while the system automatically captures their RFID’s and count it as part of

their tardiness and absences’ record. These data are directly counted inside the system

that is stored inside the database. Through the system’s attendance monitoring and

classroom security feature it may assist in molding and in embedding discipline

especially to the students of Bachelor of Computer Science of the College Department to

avoid rule deviation, tardiness, cutting of classes and other unethical misconduct patterns

which students commonly do before or every after class sessions. Hence, it helps the

students to adopt and practice punctuality, professionalism and adhere to proper school

ethics and conduct.

To the Parents and Student Guardians, they could be easily informed about their

childrens' school performance through the reports taken from the system given by the

school teacher or the school administrator. The report contains the student’s attendance

records in which the school could use it as a basis for a student referral to the guidance

office to undergo a counseling in preventing any further cause and effect detrimental to

career and reputation of both student and parents or guardians inside and outside the


To the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Program, this research may also

contribute to the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Program in providing them

new ideas and insights in more advanced and effective algorithm formulation in the field

of software development.

To the Future Researchers, this may be considered as their basis for their future

studies, explorations developments in the fields of security and attendance monitor ing

system and for new or other purpose and possibilities using the RFID technology. The

results and findings of this study may give them some necessary information which they

need for their study related to the proposed.

Scope of the Study

This chapter presents the scope and the capabilities of the proposed research


The study focused mainly in the development of Automated Classroom Magnetic

Door Lock with Attendance Monitoring System using Radio Frequency Identification

Technology. The study was implemented in every College classroom of Smith Building

of Notre Dame of Tacurong College, City of Tacurong. The system was made to record

teachers’ and students’ attendances, classroom entry and exit logs, calculation of

tardiness and absences.


The system had the capability to retain current and previous records which could

be used for future educational reference, entry log history or for security references. Only

the system administrator was authorized to create and update subjects and schedules and

assign teachers and students to it. Also, the system administrator had the authority to

create system users, enroll student and teachers’ basic details that was then linked to their

every RFID’s.

The College Dean had limited access to the system. The dean can only view

teachers’ and students’ attendance records and their statuses. The teachers were limited

only to viewing students’ attendance records, students’ status. Both the Dean and

Teachers can access the system using their assigned passwords. They were also allowed

to print reports based on summary of the records of their main variables.

Furthermore, in order to achieve the researcher’s objectives, the proponents will

created two (2) miniature classroom doors which will served as the prototype model for

the simulation of the system and its operation in order to showcase and attest its features

and capabilities. The proponents could achieve the following goals by combining

hardware and software. The system will used Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community

Edition and its MSsql Local Database as its application software. Its hardware

components included Gizduino v.5 for RFID Reader and RFID Card Communication,

Arduino Uno to control Electromagnetic lock devices providing security and restriction

on every classroom doors, 4x4 Keypad buttons for security override and 16x2 LCD for

entry and attendance log status display. All hardware, aside from electromagnetic lock

were placed into a 14 inches single wood board to hold every device. The wood board

was covered by a glass frame according to its size securing all the wirings and devices.

The proposed system did not have a backup battery to operate and assist the system

operation during power interruptions.

Definition of Terms

To firmly understand the study, the following terms are contextually and

operationally defined:

Administrator refers to the person who is in-charge of the system and

maintenance and the person responsible for the encoding of the teacher and student

details to the local database server.

Attendance Monitoring refers to the recording of time in and out of teachers and

students using the system.

Algorithm refers to the set of rules used in the system which specifies in solving

and handling virtual and hardware task and operation.

Database refers to the software installed in the centralized computer server that

holds and stores all the user information for attendance monitoring and door access and


Centralized Computer Server refers to the computer which contains the

application software and the local database. This also serves as the main brain of the

attendance monitoring that receives data, transmits, and commands to the hardware


Electromagnetic Lock refers to the door security device installed on every

classroom door that operates using electric current passing through electromagnet which

creates a locking action securing a door.

Magnetize / De-magnetized refers to the state of the electromagnetic door lock

either the device is supplied of power or not.

Notre Dame of Tacurong College refers to the institution where the proposed

system is to be applied.

Passive RFID Card refers to one of the main components that carries the user’s

information with authentic serial codes that is linked to the information of every end user

of the system being detected using an RFID reader.

Pin Code refers to the four (4) set of characters used in keypad inputto manually

open the classroom door.

RFID tag refers to the microchip an inside the RFID card that holds authentic

serial codes.

RFID Reader refers to the device that detects and reads information from the

RFID tag.

System User refers to the teacher, dean and working student who use the proposed

system for viewing and printing records.




This chapter presents the relevant literature and studies related to the proposed

system from different authors and books that may help in the development of the

proposed study.

According to Chow, H. et, al. (2012), RFID is a perfect solution which had

a problem in security and monitoring the attendance. In recent years, there has

been considerable interest in employing radio frequency identification (RFID)

technology to support supply chain management for various industries and in

institution, according to Chi-Kong Chan, The RFID technology system provides a

cost-effective solution to some pragmatic requirements and technical challenges.

A study in radio frequency identification based attendance system has also been

developed in Bharti Vidhyapeeth College, Pune,India. The system is intended to

automate the recording of student attendances by simply tapping the given student RFID

to the reader during class entry. Also, their other objective is to eliminate human errors

made by teachers during and to prevent students from their tardiness and absenteeism, et,

al. Tapasvee, M. (2014).

Another type of automatic attendance system using fingerprint verification

technique was proposed by Chitresh, S. and Amit K. (2010). The fingerprint technique

verification was achieved using extraction of abnormal point on the ridge of user’s

fingerprint or minutiae technique. The verification confirms the authenticity of an


authorized user by performing one to one comparison of a captured fingerprint template

against the stored templates in the database. The proposed automatic attendance system

signals either true or false based on logical result of previous one to one verification of

person’s authenticity.

Moreover, RFID based Attendance Management System has been developed by

Shashank Shukla, Shailee Shah, Pooja Save from the Department of Information

Technology, Thakur College of Engineering & Technology in Mumbai University, India.

Their attendance monitoring system can automatically capture student's attendance by

flashing their student card at the RFID reader, thus solving the problems in unnecessary

consumption of class time by the students to find and sign their name on the attendance

sheet, mistakenly or purposely sign another student's name and misplacement of

attendance sheet.This is the main motive of their system and in addition having an online

system accessible anywhere and anytime can greatly help the lecturers to keep track of

their students' attendance. Looking at a bigger picture, deploying the system throughout

the academic faculty will benefit the academic management as students' attendance to

classes was is one of the key factors in improving the quality of teaching and monitoring

their students' performance. Besides, this system provided valuable online facilities for

easy record maintenance offered not only to lecturers but also to related academic

management staffs especially for the purpose of students' progress monitoring.

Furthermore, another study relating to security access has been made by Nor

Amiyana Binti, M.A. (2011) from Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka which is entitled

Attendance and Access Control System Using RFID System designed specially for

Companies that lack in controlling employees and outsiders entry flow. People

(employees or outsiders) can go in and out of the company’s premises with minimal

supervision. Manual log booking and attendance system for employees and visitors has

the absolute potential of wasting valuable time since the outsiders apecially employees

needs to line up and wait their turn to tally up hand-written punch clock cards manually

while entering the company gate. The proposed system resolves the stated problems by

the use of RFID. Important records such as picture and time of entry or exit are added and

managed. The attendance system monitors and implements an access control based on the

presence of employees and visitors. The system also recorded and calculated working

hours of employees in order to pay their wages and evaluate the jobs accurately.



In this chapter discuss the technicality of the research study by which it describes

the type of the project to be developed, parts and its functionality.

The primary purpose of an RFID system in this application area is to detect the

presence and absence of the teacher and student data to be transmitted through wiring

connection, called tag, which is read by an RFID reader and processed according to the

programmed instructions on the personal computer (PC). The proposed system provides

solution to lecture attendance problem through coordinated hardware and software design

handshaking data communications between RFID tag and RFID reader serially interfaced

to the digital computer system.

Figure 1. Network and System Architecture.


Figure 1 represents the network and system architecture which comprises the

hardware and software connection of the system as a whole. In order for the system to be

fully functional, the first operation starts in registering student and teachers’ details which

is handled by the system administrator. The system administrator gathers the teachers and

students details and the serial code of their given RFID’s which will be registered in the

Teachers and Students Form for their accounts. Assuming that the subject and schedules

are already created, the admin will assign teachers and students to the schedules to the

system using MsSql Local Database system and Visual Studio 2015 application software

inside the centralized computer server.

In order for anyone to have an access to every classroom, the teachers will use

their assigned RFID’s containing their information tapping it to RFID reader. RFID

reader will convert the analog signal into digital and pass the converted data to the

GizDuino v.5 microcontroller sending it to the computer server. The system application

inside the centralized computer server will verify the received data and compares it to the

stored data inside the data base management system for user validation or filtration.

Successful log-in and log-out will be counted and stored in the database for the

attendance recording. Whether the result of a transaction either successful or not, the

programming application software with the help of the centralized computer server will

send back a signal to the GizDuino and decide whether to command or not the

electromagnetic lock to change its status and projecting message to the 16x2 LCD

successful or not. School security or maintenance personnel classroom entry will be

possible using the 4x4 universal keypad. The passcode that is being typed by any

personnel will be processed and compared inside the Arduino Uno microcontroller and its

pre-defined logic. Right combination of entered pic code in the Arduino Uno will will

trigger the Gizduino microcontroller to operate the relay switch that controls and cut the

power supply of the electromagnetic lock. Teachers and students attendance records

summary can be produced using the printer which is connected to the computer server.

In order to use the attendance monitoring system, Hardware and software

components of the system are required to be fully functional:

Figure 2. Passive RFID Tag (125 KHzMango).

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) contains and electronic tag or transponder

microcontroller which can hold RFID serial data, RFID uses radio waves signal to

transfer data. Tags can be read at once as long as they are passed within close enough

proximity to an RFID reader. RFID contains serial codes and which is then processed and

compared in the system using a host computer to identify the user’s information. There

are many variety of RFID that is being used in the industry but the most common types of

RFID are Passive and Active RFID. Passive RFID do not use any battery to operate

instead it leeches power from the RFID reader to become active and detectable. The

passive RFID operates in a low frequency, it works on 125 kHz and it has approximately

from within 4 inches up to a half meter reading range and mostly used for short reading

range applications. Kamran Ahsan, (2010). In this research, Passive RFID is used in the

operation of attendance monitoring and in classroom security access with and through

RFID Reader device.

Figure 3. GizDuino 5.0 RFID Reader.

RFID reader works as a central place for the RFID system. It reads tags data

through the RFID antennas at a certain frequency. Basically, the reader is an electronic

apparatus which produce and accept a radio signalsm. The antennas contains an attached

reader, the reader translates the tags’ radio signals through antenna which acts as a

Transceiver depending on the tags capacity. The reader consist a build-in anti-collision

schemes and a single reader can operate on multiple frequencies. As a result, these

readers are expected to collect or write data onto tag and pass it to computer systems

using USB cables to serial ports through a Gizduino or Arduino microcontroller.


Figure 4. GizDuino Version 5 w/ATmega328P.

In order for the centralized computer system to capture RFID card, the system

will use Gizduino to control the classroom entry and access. This device sends a signal to

the electromagnetic lock to control and change the magnetic lock’s status.

Gizduino is another version product of E-Gizmo Company similar to Arduino or

Arduino Uno. It is an open-source and programmable microcontroller development

board. You can use the Gizduino to read sensors and control things like motors and

lights. This allows you to upload programs to this board which can then interact with

things in the real world. With this, you can make devices which respond and react to the

world at large. Basically, if there is something that is in any way controlled by electricity,

the Gizduino can interface with it in some manner and even if it is not controlled by

electricity, you can probably still use things which are (like motors and electromagnets),

to interface with it.


Figure 5. 4x4 Universal Keypad

Universal keypad buttons is an input device that has a set of buttons arranged in a

block or "pad", these buttons are labelled with digits (numerals), symbols and

alphabetical letters. Keypad is used in the system for manual override of classroom

security for the security and maintenance personnel use. The entered pin code will be

processed to the Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller.

Figure 6. Arduino Uno Microcontroller R3.


Arduino Uno is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on

flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino can sense the environment by

receiving input from a variety of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling

lights, motors, and other actuators. The microcontroller on the board is programmed

using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring). In the system, this is used

to receive data from the 4x4 universal keypad which processes and compares it to the

pre-defined programmed logic codes and transmits a signal from its digital PIN 0 to

Gizduino microcontroller Pin 11. Result of the activity will be projected to the 16x2

Liquid Crystal Display.

Figure 7. 16x2 Liquid Crystal Display 1602A.

Liquid it is a controller circuit integrated device display terminal that could be

connected to GizDuino. It could display digital output message response relay in order to

provide an interaction between the system and the user. LCD responds and displays the

characters or codes entered by school personnel that enable them to interact with the

computer server when accessing a. The LCD displays a message of teacher’s entry status

as well as a message in recording student’s attendance process if it’s granted or not.


Figure 8. Centralized Computer Server (PC).

In order for the system to become operational, a centralized computer server

(CCS) is needed. The computer server will serve as the front-end of the system that

provides an interface between the RFID hardware and application based system, which is

the “main brain” of the system. It is used to network multiple RFID interrogators and

GizDuino and Arduino Uno microcontrolles to centrally process input and output

information using USB wires and Serial Ports. The data that flows to computer enters

through computer serial ports. Serial ports are detected in the computer as ComPort or

Communication Ports. Personal Computer (PC) consist a running attendance monitoring

application software using Visual Studio 2015.

Figure 9. Visual 2015.

23 (Visual Studio.NET) is an object-oriented programming language from

Microsoft. It is the .NET version of the Visual Basic (VB) programming language. Like

all .NET languages, VB.NET uses the Common Language Runtime (CLR) for program

execution. Visual Studio is used to program the attendance monitoring system that allows

the admin and user to create, read, update and delete teacher, student, subjects and

schedule details as well as in creating user and setting the user limitation and system

access to the application. Furthermore, it is also used for DTR function feature. Visual

Studio only allows and limits registered teachers, working students and dean as a user

only in previewing and printing records and reports. The information that are created and

projected or viewed in the attendance monitoring system are stored and retrieved inside

its Local Database called MsSql Local Database 2015 which is part of the package of

Visual Studio application installer.

Figure 10. MsSql Local Database 2015.

Database Technology is used for large scale of data. In this study, the researchers

will be dealing with data. A database is needed to store and organize information in an

easy and convenient way.


Database is a part of the centralized computer server or personal computer (PC)

that handles the storage, retrieval, and updating of data in a computer system. The

Database system contains an SQL server in which all the data will be stored. All the

information loaded to the GUI will come from the system’s Database server. This will

basically hold the entire user’s (Students and Teachers) data, class schedules, time and

other necessary information needed for attendance automation and in accessing

classroom magnetic locks. Pronounced either "Microsoft S-Q-L" or "MS Sequel," It is an

open source relational database management system. It is based on the structure query

language (SQL), which is used for adding, removing, and modifying information in the

database. Successful or failure classroom attendance and door access will vary or depend

based on the registered data inside specially for controlling door access in changing

electromagnetic lock state or statues.

Figure 11. Ebelco 300/600 – LED Electro Magnetic Lock (Fail-Safe).

To establish and maintain classroom security and restriction, a device called

Electro Magnetic Door lock will be the suitable component for the problem. The

Magnetic Door lock device is a simple locking device that consists of a magnetic lock

and armature plate with no moving parts and it purely works due to the magnetic field.

Therefore the magnetic lock is truly fail-safe (Power to lock). Magnetic lock or mag lock

uses an electrical current to produce a magnetic force. When a current is passed through

the coil, the magnet lock becomes magnetized. The door will be securely bonded when

the electromagnet is energized holding against the armature plate. Access control systems

are operated by peripheral device (ie.Numeric Keypads, RFID Tag and RFID Reader) to

identify the user whether access is permitted or not. Controlling multiple electromagnetic

lock in this study, it requires a printed circuit board in which transistors, resistors,

Gizduino and Arduino Uno microcontroller are all being connected to a customized

Printed Circuit Board. Using PCB, the computer server manipulate or control the flow of

electric current which supplies the electromagnetic lock’s power through


Figure 12. Customized Printed Circuit Board (PCB).

PCB is an electronic circuit consisting of thin strips of a conducting material such

as copper, which have been etched from a layer fixed to a flat insulating sheet called a

printed circuit board, and to which integrated circuits and other components are attached.

the board base for physically supporting and wiring the surface-mounted and socketed

components in most electronics. This customized printed circuit board holds the

microcontroller pins and other electronic devices such as 12 Volts replay, Transistor

2n2222, Resistor 4.7kohm and the Cannon M-838S power supply.

Figure 13. Self-Lock Channel 12 volts Relay.

Relay is an electromagnetic device which is used to isolate two circuits

electrically and connect them magnetically. They are very useful devices and allow one

circuit to switch another one while they are completely separate. They are often used to

interface an electronic circuit (working at a low voltage) to an electrical circuit which

works at very high voltage. For example, a relay can make a 5V DC battery circuit to

switch a 230V AC mains circuit. Thus a small sensor circuit can drive, say, a fan or an

electric bulb.

A relay switch can be divided into two parts: input and output. The input section

has a coil which generates magnetic field when a small voltage from an electronic circuit

is applied to it. This voltage is called the operating voltage. Commonly used relays are

available in different configuration of operating voltages like 6V, 9V, 12V, 24V etc. The

output section consists of contactors which connect or disconnect mechanically. In a


basic relay there are three contactors: normally open (NO), normally closed (NC) and

common (COM). At no input state, the COM is connected to NC. When the operating

voltage is applied the relay coil gets energized and the COM changes contact to NO. In

this study, relay is trigger by the Gizduino and Arduino Uno microcontroller. Both

microcontroller runs on 5-9 Volts, thus, the power of both microcontrollers are not

enough to trigger the 12 Volts electromagnetic lock. With the help of the transistor and a

resistor, power can be controlled and increase which is enough voltage for the relay.

Through transistor and a resistor, the 5-9 volts power from the microcontrollers will be

converted. Thus, allowing it to either change the connection status of the 12 volts relay in

controlling the flow of the current supply powering the electromagnetic lock. To further

define, The 2N2222 transistor is a common NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) used

for general purpose low-power amplifying or switching applications. It is designed for

low to medium current, low power, medium voltage, and can operate at moderately high

speeds. It was originally made in the TO-18 metal can as shown in the picture. A 4.7kΩ

resistor has yellow, purple, and red stripes in that order. The last stripe represents the

tolerance. Gold means ±5%.

Figure 14. Potentiometer 10kOhm.


Figure 14 is the measuring instrument called a potentiometer is essentially a

voltage divider used for measuring electric potential (voltage); the component is an

implementation of the same principle, hence its name. Potentiometers are commonly used

to control electrical devices such as volume controls on audio equipment. This is used as

a peripheral device or the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), it controls the intensity by

adjusting the potentiometer which affects the voltage flow or supply.

Figure 15. Gizduino v.5 and Arduino Uno microcontroller programming


In order to control software and hardware devices, microcontroller must be

prgrammed using Arduino 1.0.1 and Adruino 1.6.7. it is needed for Gizduino v.5 and

Arduino Uno in order to establish, communicate with other devices and to the computer.

Arduino 1.0.1 and Adruino 1.6.7. are version types of programming languages that

contains libraries, syntax and includes presets of codes for deferent devices such as for

displaying and controlling.


Figure 16. Printer.

A printer is a piece of hardware that is connected to the computer server. It

accepts text and graphic output from centralized computer server (computer) and prints

the information to paper. Using this device, it will allow the system administrator, teacher

especially the College Dean to print attendance records on paper. To do its work, a

printer must be connected to a computer.




This chapter highlights the techniques and tools used in the proposed study. It

includes the Operational Diagram, Context and Physical Data Flow Diagram, Entity

Relationship Diagram, the Developmental Approach, Schedule and Timeline of activities,

and the Budgetary Outlay and Cost Management.

Operational Diagram:

Figure 17. Operational Diagram of Automated Classroom Magnetic Door Lock

with Attendance Monitoring System using Radio Frequency Identification.

Figure 17 shows how the Automated Classroom Magnetic Door Lock with

Attendance Monitoring System using Radio Frequency Identification works. The system

operation starts during the Users Tapping of their RFID’s assuming that the teachers’ and

students’ information of the current school year has been registered in the Centralized

Computer Server in its Database by the system administrator.

In order to access and use a classroom, the Teacher must be the first user to tap-in

using his or her assigned RFID to the RFID Reader device. The system will compare,

validate and record the teacher’s RFID and log-in information to the Database

Management System. The result of the teacher’s access transaction will then trigger the

Centralized Computer Server to send a signal to operate the Gizduino microcontroller

activating the Electromagnetic Door Lock’s status to its de-magnetized mode.

Changing the electromagnetic lock status, the system then activates the attendance

recording feature for the teachers and students in a particular class schedule. The students

can now tap their RFID’s to the RFID reader for recording students’ log-in. both teacher

and student entry access and attendance recording are prompted by the 16x2 Liquid

Crystal Display whether for or failed successful transaction. When leaving the classroom

after the class session, the students are obliged to re-tap their RFID’s for their log-out

information. To close a classroom and to magnetize the magnetic lock, the teachers must

also re-tap their RFID’s. This action will record teachers and students log-in and log-out

while the system calculates and summarizes both users’ attendance records to the

system’s database and count as one record entry for the day.

Instances such as emergency or classroom maintenance and security, school

personnel without having or any issued RFID with them can access the classrooms using

the universal keypad by typing the personnel or classroom access code. When De-

magnetizing the lock status, the system allocates five (5) seconds to return to its

magnetized status. The teacher and students can open the door from the inside using the

push button exit device. Monitoring System Using Radio Frequency Identification is

divided into three (3) sub parts that explains more about the system.

Figure 18. Accessing Classroom and Attendance Monitoring using Radio

Frequency Identification.

Figure 18 shows that using the teacher RFID tag serves as the key to trigger the

system to de-magnetize the electromagnetic lock which opens the classroom door and

activates the system’s attendance monitoring.

To start the process, the teacher will first tap his/her RFID card to the RFID

reader. Using his or her RFID card, this allows the teacher to communicate with the

centralized computer server and its system application through RFID reader and

Gizduino microcontroller. The RFID reader will capture the analog signal from the

teacher’s RFID and sends the information to the Gizduino microcontroller converting it

into digital data in a way for a computer could understand. Relaying this digital data to

the centralized computer server allows the system to analyze and compare if the detected

RFID card information is from a teacher or not, this is made possible using the records

inside its Local Database system. This process allows the system logic to decide and

trigger whether to suspend the power supply de-magnetizing the electromagnetic lock.

After the teacher logs-in, the student can now tap their RFID card for their

individual log-in attendances. After the class session has ended, all students must be the

first to tap out before their teacher in order for the system to record it as a student log-out.

This process is followed by the teacher tapping out his or her RFID card telling the

system that the class session has already ended. This will stop the attendance monitoring

and recording system on a particular subject schedule and signals the system to trigger

the gizduino microcontroller to magnetize the electromagnetic lock closing the door.

Finally, the system will count and summarize the attendance records of both teachers and

students whether it’s a tardy late or an absent.

Instances like students tapping their RFID card first will only limit them from

opening the classroom door. Also, for the students who failed to log-out before their

teacher will be counted as absent. Students and teachers who failed to log-in before the

allocated time of a class schedule will be counted as late.

Figure 19. Using Push Button inside the Classroom.


In this figure, the push button will be used inside the classroom. Either students or

the teacher can use the push button for their personal necessities, emergencies and/or

evacuation. The push button is connected to the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) through PIN

4 triggering the 12 volts (V) Relay Direct Current (DC) cutting the power supply to

unlock the Electromagnetic Lock State.

Figure 20. Overriding the System Using 4x4 Universal Keypad.

In the figure shown above, the security or maintenance personnel can access

every classroom using the given passcode to override the classroom door lock security

system for classroom maintenance purposes. Using keypad, the security personnel can

also access the classroom for monitoring, security or emergency situation purposes.

The Electromagnetic lock status is lock and powered by default as well as the

16x2 LCD message displaying “Welcome, Pin Code:”. If the personnel would like to

access any classroom, the personnel will type his or her passcode using the universal

keypad located outside the classroom. Upon typing his or her four (4) digit passcode

enter by pressing “hashtag” (#), the Arduino Uno microcontroller will then compare the

entered passcode to the data programmed inside Arduino Uno. If the passcode is correct,

the Arduino Uno microcontroller will display “Pin Code Correct!, Door is Open.” and at

the same time it will throw a data through its PIN 0 to the PIN 12 of Gizduino

microcontroller disabling the power supply of the Electromagnetic Lock through PIN 13.

After disabling the magnetic locks power supply, there will be 5 seconds delay in order

for the Arduino Uno microcontroller to reactivate the 12 volts (V) Relay resupplying the

12 volts(V) power supply to re-magnetizing the electromagnetic lock. Else, if the given

password by the personnel is incorrect, the Arduino Uno microcontroller will send a

digital data to the 16x2 LCD displaying a message “Wrong Pin Code, Please try again”

and the Electromagnetic Lock won’t be unlocked.


System Analysis

Figure 21. Context Data Flow Diagram (Level 0)


Figure 22. Data Flow Diagram (Level 1)


Figure 23. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).


Developmental Approach

This section discusses the steps or procedures that the researchers made in making

the study, Automated Classroom Magnetic Door Lock with Attendance Monitoring

System using Radio Frequency Identification.


The attainment of the objectives was the main concern of this study and the

following processes were made in order to produce a successful project. The researchers

used the Waterfall Approach where different phases of the process and sequences were

determined, followed and stated in order to complete the research project:

1. The researchers determined the problems of the study, formulated the objectives,

identified the scope of the proposed study and formulated a solution to the problems


2. The researchers planned to create an Automated Classroom Magnetic Door Lock

with Attendance Monitoring System using Radio Frequency Identification.

3. The researchers determined the different devices needed and checked its availabilit y

to materialize the proposed project.

4. The researchers determined Middleware and Programming Languages to be used

was identified and chosen for the study with the supervision of the thesis adviser.

5. After identifying the hardware and software needed for the development, the

researchers started developing the system to determine the functionality and

compatibility of the devices.

6. The researchers compiled, simulated and tested the program together with the

devices after the system development was done.

7. Changes were made for better improvement after testing the compatibility of the

devices and the software, the researchers found out the problems that occurred

during the test then later debugged the system.

8. The researchers checked the system’s stability to know if the objectives were


9. Since the testing was proved successful, the presentation of project documentation

and the entire system was presented.

Table 1. Hardware and Software Requirements

Particular Specification


Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, or Ultimate

Desktop Computer Core i5 Processor, 4 GB RAM, 500 GB or higher, 512 MB
(Computer Server) Video Memory or higher.
Operating Voltage: 7.5 to 9V DC
e-Gizmo RFID Card On-board IC: MCU ATmega168
Reader Address Bit Amount: 7 bits
Maximum Cards Registered: 100 (from internal memory
Radio Frequency: 125KHz
RFID Card Type: 64bit
PCB Dimensions: 46mm x 64mm
Power Input External: 8V-12V USB:5V

gizDuino Version 5 Microcontroller : ATmega 328/328P

w/ATmega328P Debubger Port: ICSP
I/O port: 20 I/Os (14 Digital I/O & 6 Analog In
DC Power Output: 3.3V
On-board Crystal: 16MHz
PCB Dimensions: 2.7 x 2.1 inch

ATmega328 microcontroller
Arduino Uno R3 Input voltage: 7-12V
14 Digital I/O Pins (6 PWM outputs)
6 Analog Inputs,
32k Flash Memory, 16Mhz Clock Speed.
Display Mode: STN, BLUB
16x2 LCD 1602A Display Format: 16 Character x 2 Line,
Viewing Direction: 6 O’Clock,
Input Data: 4-Bits or 8-Bits interface available,
Display Font: 5 x 8 Dots,
Power Supply: Single Power Supply (5V±10%),
Driving Scheme: 1/16Duty,1/5Bias,
Backlight: Side
(Ebelco) Voltage Input : 12 VDC / 24 VDC,
Electro Magnetic Lock Current Draw: 12V / 320mA; 24V / 160mA (±5%)
Holding Force: Up to 300 lbs (136 kg)
Hall Effect Contact: SPDT rated 2A at 24 VDC
Anti-Rust Surface Treatment : Blue Zinc Plating
Operating Temperature: 0~55° C ( 32~131° F)
Operating Humidity: 0~95% ( non-condensing)
Weight (Magnet): 0.7 kg (±1%)
Dimensions :
Magnet: (L)210x(W)35x(T)21 mm
Armature: (L)130x(W)33x(T)11 mm

Voltage Input : 12 VDC / 24 VDC
Current Draw: 12V / 500mA; 24V / 250mA (±5%)
Holding Force: Up to 600 lbs (272 kg)
Hall Effect Contact: SPDT rated 2A at 24 VDC
Anti-Rust Surface Treatment: Blue Zinc Plating

Operating Temperature: 0~55° C ( 32~131° F)

Operating Humidity: 0~95% ( non-condensing)
Weight (Magnet): 1.1 kg (±1%)
Magnet: (L)250x(W)42x(T)25 mm
Armature: (L)180x(W)38x(T)11 mm
Ultra-thin design, Adhesive backing, BASIC Stamp 2 and
4x4 Matrix Universal Propeller P8X32A microcontrollers
Keypad Maximum Rating: 24 VDC, 30 mA
Interface: 8-pin access to 4x4 matrix Operating
Temperature: 32 to 122 °F (0 to 50°C)
Dimensions: Keypad, 2.7 x 3.0 in (6.9 x 7.6 cm)
Cable: 0.78 x 3.5 in (2.0 x 8.8 cm)
Rated voltage: 12VDC
12v Relay Rated current: 33.3 mA
Coil resistance: 360 Ω
Power consumption: Approx. 400 mW
Type: Surface mount chip
Potentiometer Tolerance: ±25%
Operating voltage: 20VDC or AC RMS, max.
Resolution: essentially infinite
Power rating: .1W @ 70°C max.
Weight: 0.11gm
Values: 10K

Collector Emitter Voltage: 30

Transistor 2n2222 Collector Base Voltage: 60
Emitter Base Voltage: 5
Collector Current Continuous: 800
Operating & Storage Junction Temperature Range: -65 to

Radio Frequency Type: Passive
Identification (RFID) RF Frequency: 125KHz

Card Range: 4 inches

Chip: Unique
Memory: 64bit read only memory
Size: 85.6mm x 53.98mm,
Material: PVC

Visual Studio Community Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or
2015 Windows 8
1.6 GHz or faster processor
1 GB of RAM (1.5 GB if running on a virtual machine)
4 GB of available hard disk space
5400 RPM hard disk drive
DirectX 9-capable video card that runs at 1024 x 768 or
higher display resolution

MsSQL Local Database MsSQL Server 2015 requires Super-VGA (800x600) or

Server 2015 higher resolution monitor
Minimum of 6 GB of available hard-disk space, x86
Processor: 1.0 GHz, x64 Processor: 1.4 GHz,
Recommended: 2.0 GHz or faster
x64 Processor: AMD Opteron, AMD Athlon 64, Intel
Xeon with Intel EM64T support, Intel Pentium IV with
EM64T support
x86 Processor: Pentium III-compatible processor
or faster

Arduino Software 512 MB of RAM

Integrated Development OS Platform: x86/x64 bit Operating System, Windows
Environment (IDE) Operating System, Mac OS X, Linux.
*ARDUINO 1.0.1

Schedule and Timeline

This section shows the calendar of activities done to accomplish the study, Automated Classroom Magnetic Door Lock

with Attendance Monitoring System using Radio Frequency Identification. It shows all events scheduled for particular weeks

of the month, for S.Y. 2015-2016.

Table 2. Schedule and Timeline


Budgetary Outlay

Budget and proper cost management including the available resources and the

cost of the device and software tools needed for the system must be considered. The

Table below shows the budgetary outlay which includes the list of all items and the total

cost needed to accomplish the project.

Table 3. List of Hardware and Software Tools and Equipment



Desktop Computer 1 17,000.00 17,000.00

RFID Reader 2 690.00 1, 380.00

Gizduino v.5.0 2 662.00 1, 324.00

Arduino Uno R3 2 750.00 1, 500.00

16x2 LCD 1602A 2 250.00 500.00

Power Supply: Cannon M-838S 2 200.00 400.00

600-LED Fail Safe Electro-Magnetic

1 2, 390.00 2, 390.00

300-LED Fail Safe Electro-Magnetic

1 1, 990.00 1, 990.00

40-Pin 2.54mm (Male-Female Socket

2 50.00 100.00

4x4 Universal Matrix Array Keypad 2 150.00 300.00

12v Relay 2 75.00 150.00

10K Potentiometer 2 30.00 60.00

Printed Circuit Board 1 50.00 50.00

Connecting Wires/Solid Wires 2 80.00 160.00

Transistor 2n2222 2 50.00 100.00

Resistor 4.7kOhm 2 1.00 2.00

Gigabyte Multi-USB Port 1 150.00 150.00

Push Button 2 25.00 50.00

Glass Cover and Frame 1 180.00 180.00

2-Swing Doors (Prototype Model) 1 620.00 620.00


Microsoft Visual Studio 2015

1 0.00 0.00
Community Edition (Free)

MsSql 2015 Local Database (Free) 1 0.00 0.00

Arduino 1.0.1 (Free) 1 0.00 0.00

Arduino Uno (Free) 1 0.00 0.00

PL-2303 CheckChipVersion Tool

1 0.00 0.00
Program v1.0.0.6

TOTAL: 28,406.00



Figure 24. Automated Classroom Magnetic Door Lock with Attendance Monitoring

System using Radio Frequency Identification frequency.

Figure 24 is the whole structure and conceptual model of the entire system.

Administrator, Student, Teacher, and Personnel are the main users of the system. Thus,

the Admin will facilitate or control the system inside the desktop computer, the student

and teacher will tap their RFID tag in order for them to register their personal information

and login or logout between classes. The RFID Reader that connects to Gizduino will

serve as bridge between RFID tags and desktop computer. The data that comes from

RFID tags and student and teacher personal information will be saved into database that

was pre-installed in the desktop computer using the visual studio. The personnel will

enter his/her four (4) digit passcode in universal keypad, the Arduino Uno will evaluate

the passcode entered to its own secret passcode. If the passcode is correct, the Arduino

Uno will send a data to the LCD that will display a message, the Arduino Uno will send a

signal to Gizduino that controls the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) to trigger the

electromagnetic lock to open. Else if the passcode entered in Arduino Uno is wrong, the

Arduino Uno will not send a signal Gizduino, the electromagnetic locked will remain

lock until the correct passcode will be entered.

Specific Objective 1. Design an algorithm to facilitate the attendance automation

and classroom security entry access.

Figure 25. Algorithm flowchart for teacher attendance monitoring and classroom security

access and entry.


Figure 25. shows the process flow for teachers in using the system. The User

(teacher) would tap his or her RFID card to the RFID Reader then the data will pass

through Gizduino to the Computer. This is the first security level of the system in

controlling the door lock status. After the data has entered the system, the application will

compare and check the RFID tag data to the MsSql 2015 Local Database and verifies if

the user’s RFID card is a teacher’s RFID or not, otherwise, the system will deny access

and prompts the user as unregistered displaying the second message as door status as

locked maintaining it as closed. If the tapped RFID of the user is identified as teacher’s

RFID, the system will activate its second level of security function. The system will

checked if the detected teacher’s RFID has a class schedule on a specific time. If there

was, the system will automatically record it as attendance and treats it as teachers log-in

inside the Local Database Server displaying a message while at the same time changing

de-magnetizing electromagnetic lock opening the door allowing the teacher and student

to enter the classroom.

During this state, the system’s attendance monitoring for student is activated

allowing students to tap their RFID’s for their log-in. Before or during the end of the

class session, the students are required to tap again their RFID’s for student attendance

log-out. The second time the teacher taps his or her RFID, this activates the

electromagnetic lock into magnetize state securing the door and displaying a message.

This also treats the teacher’s second tap as log-out and records it to the database.

Figure 26. Algorithm flowchart for student attendance monitoring.

Figure 26 shows the process flow for student attendance monitoring and

recording. After the teacher tapped in and activated the attendance recording system for

the students, the students would tap their individual RFID’s to the RFID reader in order

for the system to compare it to the local database. If the students’ RFID tag data matches

the record inside the local database, it will then verify if the student is enrolled on the

class schedule in order to treat it as log-in in the system and displays Log-in success

message, otherwise it prompts the student an access denied message which is a failure in

recording attendance log-in.

In order for the system to consider a counted student attendance, the system must

consider a pair or a complete set of student log-in and log-out logical condition. This

logical condition programmed inside the system will determine if a student will be

counted as absent or not. Students who failed in tapping their RFID for log-out will be

considered by the system as absent. This is to prevent student cutting classes.

Figure 27. Algorithm flowchart for security and maintenance personnel classroom


Figure 27 shows the process flow in accessing classroom security by overriding it

using set of programmed codes. Security and maintenance personnel of the school will

type the access codes which is a combination of four numbers and pressing “#” special

character. By pressing “#” special character, the entered pin code will be processed and

validated by the microcontroller. Correct pin code sets the electromagnetic status to de-

magnetized mode and releases its lock while displaying a “Welcome, Door is Open”

message projected to the 16x2 liquid crystal display (LCD) allowing any school

personnel to enter the room. Otherwise, the door will remain closed and the

electromagnetic lock stays on its magnetized state maintaining its lock mode.

Specific Objective 2. Design and implement a database structure for data storage

which will hold all the data and information.

Figure 28. Database Structure of Automated Classroom Magnetic Door Lock with

Attendance Monitoring System using Radio Frequency Identification.


Figure 28 illustrates that the system administrator is the only person who is

authorized to register student and teacher RFID and basic information details to the

system in MsSql 2015 Local Database inside Visual Studio 2015. To do this, the

administrator will log-in as a user that has full access on the Main Form of the system

using the Authentication Form. The admin will use the Teacher and Student Registration

Forms to add their individual information to the system. The administrator will also

register their every RFID’s using a separate RFID Reader. These students and teachers

RFID’s are linked to their individual registered accounts in order for the teachers and

students to use and connect the attendance monitoring system.

Specific Objective 3. Design a miniature prototype model to simulate the

attendance monitoring system and classroom magnetic door lock security feature.

Figure 29. Miniature prototype simulation model.


Fig. 29. shows how the actual simulation of accessing the door using the RFID

and recording of attendance, Push Button and Universal Keypad. The teacher’s RFID will

be used to manipulate the electromagnetic state to open and close the classroom door and

also for teachers’ attendance time in and out. Students will use their RFID cards to

register their attendances. Students’ attendance monitoring activity is made during or in

between class hours. By doing this, the system will use RFID reader to capture RFID tag

information. RFID attendance monitoring process is handled by the Gizduino

microcontroller and forwarded to the computer server. Recording attendances and

opening classroom is handled by the Visual Studio 2015. Data comparison and record

storing are processed using MsSql Local Database.

Security and maintenance personnel can access the classroom without using

RFID. It is done using keypad, 16x2 LCD and Arduino Uno. Personnel will only type a

set of pin codes using the keypad. After the entering of pin code, the 16x2 LCD will

display a message for either successful or unsuccessful activity. To control the magnetic

lock state using keypad, the command will vary on the logic programmed inside the

Arduino Uno microcontroller.





After developing the research project, the results showed the Automated

Classroom Magnetic Door Lock with Attendance Monitoring System Using Radio

Frequency Identification system satisfied the entire objectives. When it was tested, it

showed that through the attendance monitoring, the accuracy, reliability, convenience and

security satisfied the needs of the teachers and students. It only proved that proposed

study was a manageable system that is capable of recording attendance accurately and

securely in lesser time. It was consistent in terms of providing correct information and

updating of student’s and teacher’s attendance; it can be easily accessed by the school

dean. The system was specifically developed for attendance monitoring, security access

and maintenance which used a technology that is being used nowadays. The research

implied that the system was designed as user-friendly and easy to access.

Therefore, the researchers say that Automated Classroom Magnetic Door Lock

with Attendance Monitoring System using RFID system is ideal for attendance



After thorough study, the researchers strongly recommended the following:

1. The system should have a centralized monitoring system control capable to

network all Automated Classroom Magnetic Door Lock with Attendance

Monitoring System.

2. The system should not be limited to Microsoft Operating System (O.S.) and

Visual platforms but should also in other platforms (i.e. Linux, Mac

O.S., iOS, Java programming software).

3. The system should also provide access to students in viewing their attendance

in the web browser or in a mobile application using the Internet.

4. The system should use two database platforms to back up all files.

5. The system should have a power backup device called Uninterruptible Power

Supply or (UPS) in case of power failure.



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User’s Manual

How to Log-in using User authentication?

For a user can access and use the system and its features, the user must either supply the

fields in the Authentication form by entering the User Name and Password and click

the Authenticate Button or by tapping their RFID tag, the same process goes to the

system administrator.

.For successful login, you will be directed to the main form.


Main Form

The system has three (3) levels of security access, first is the administrator level, which

all Forms are accessible, second is the School Dean level, which allows him or her to

access all Forms but limited to Settings Form. Lastly, the Teacher access level, which

only allow any teacher to manipulate students, subject and schedule Forms and its details.

How to add User/s? (Administrator Level)

The administrator can manage users using the Manage Users Account in the settings

menu. FormUserList Form will pop-up, it is where the list of user accounts are displayed

and the administrator can add edit and delete Users(Teachers and School Dean).

By clicking the Add Button or by double clicking a user record on the list, a

FormUserDetail will appear. To delete a user account, right click on the user and click

delete to remove user account including its data fields.


This form allows you to add or edit user details and menu form access. supply the

necessary fields and click the Save Button. Save button automatically updates the user


How to add Teacher/s? (Administrator Level)

In the Main Form, click the Teacher Menu tab and choose View Teachers. This will

open the teacher’s registration form.


Tap in the Teacher’s RFID Tag to the RFID Reader to register its RFID data. In this

form, it also displays the list of teachers that are already registered in the system.

Clicking on the Refresh Button updates the list.

The RFID Tag data of the teacher is displayed in the Teacher RFID. Fill in the First,

Middle and the Last name textbox fields and click Save Button. To remove the name

details, click the Clear Button.


How to add Student/s? (Aministrator Level)

In the main form just click the Student menu tab and then choose View Student, the

FormStudentRegistration will show up.

After choosing the View Student menu, tap the Student’s RFID tag to register it to the

system using RFID Reader. This also displays the list of the registered students. Click

refresh to activate updates on the student list. To edit the Student details, double click on

the target student on the list to call the FormStudentDetail.


Supply the necessary information in the Student Detail Fields and click Save. Clear the

text fields using the Clear Button. The list of students can be seen and managed on the

schedule menu.

How to add Subject?

In the main form just click the Subject menu tab and then choose View

Subjects. The FormSubjectResgistration will show up.


The registered subjects are displayed in this form. To create another subject, click Add

Button. To delete a subject in the list, just simply right click on the selected and choose

delete. Double clicking on a subject in the list brings up the FormSubjectCreate, this

will allow you to edit the subject details or its data fields and save it using Save Button

to update it.

Fill in the subject code and subject description textboxes. Click the Save Button to

save the data. Clear Button to clear out the text fields.

How to add Schedule?

Go to main form just click the Schedule and then you will see the View Schedule on the

menu, and then select it.

FormSchedule displays the list of class schedules in the system. To add another subject,

click on the Add Button to open up the ScheduleDetails Form. Refresh Button to

update the list in case nothing appears in the list or the newly created subject.

NOTE: The schedule contains subject I.D., teachers full name, day and time.

To create a new schedule, select any registered Subject, Teacher and Day from the

respective individual dropdown combobox lists. Also, you have to define the time and

click Save Button.

To delete and edit in the FormSchedule form, just simply right click and choose Delete

to remove a schedule and Edit to re-open the ScheduleDetails form make do updates.

Click Manage students to open FormShowStudents.

NOTE: You can’t delete any of the schedule in the list from FormSchedule if they have

still student in the subject.


How to manage Students inside a Schedule?

By choosing the Manage Students in the FormShedule, the FormShowStudent will

appear. Select students that you want to enroll or include in a schedule.

To delete a student enrolled in a schedule, right click and choose delete. The Edit option

edits the number of students enrolled in a subject.


How to use the Daily Time Record or DTR? (Administrator Level)

To use the Daily Time Record (DTR) form, click the DTR Menu and choose Open DTR.

This will show the FormDTR form

During the class, the administrator enables the DTR system for in order to record the

teachers’ and students’ attendances. To open the door and to activate the electro-magnetic

lock, first, the teacher must first tap its RFID tag to the RFID Reader, this will signal the

system that the class has been started and the teacher’s attendance is automatically

recorded. Next, the students must tap their RFID tags to register their time in and time

out. Lastly, on a range of a pre-defined time in a class, the teacher must tap their RFID

tag again to signal the system that the class is finished. This process ends the recording of

any attendances and activates the electro-magnetic device to close the door.

How to manage and print Reports?

Choose Reports in the Menu and select either Teacher, Student and Schedule Master

Liss or Teachers nad Student Absences. This will open Report Forms based on what you

have selected.

FormTeacherPrint displays the Teachers Master List registered in the system. You

can either Print or Save the list as a text file the Teacher’s Master List.

In this FormStudentList, all the registered students are displayed and can be Print or

Save by clicking the Print and Save icons.


To view reports of student enrolled per subject, just go to Reports and choose

Schedules Master List. Here, you can use the Filter Button to either filter and view it

per subjects or per students that has similar subjects.


To View the total absences of teacher/s per subject, go to Reports tab menu

and choose Teachers Absences. Use the Filter Button to view the list per

Name, Sched. I.D., per day or per Total of absences.


To View the total absences of student/s per subject, go to Reports tab menu

and choose Students Absences. Use the Filter Button to view the list per Name

or per Total of absences.


Letter of Invitation for Thesis Adviser
City of Tacurong
July 6, 2015
College Instructor
Notre Dame of Tacurong College

Dear Sir:

Part of the BS in Computer Science curriculum is to accomplish at least one (1) Thesis
Study with software implementation for one whole year. The said study will help the
students show their potentials in research writing and creating innovative software
program that will contribute much to the development of BSCS department and its

Currently, the group is conducting a research study on Automated Classroom Magnetic

Door Lock with Attendance Monitoring System using Radio Frequency

In this regard, may we ask you to be our Adviser/Consultant for the above mentioned
study. We believe that your expertise can be a great help throughout the group’s research

Thank you very much for your favorable merit to this request.

Truly yours,


Researcher Researcher
Researcher Researcher

Noted by:
Thesis Coordinator Program Head, BSCS/BSCPE

Approved by:
Thesis Adviser


Letter of Invitation for Thesis Reader

City of Tacurong
July 6, 2015
College Faculty
Notre Dame of Tacurong College

Dear Ma’am:

Part of the BS in Computer Science curriculum is to accomplish at least one (1) Thesis
Study with software implementation for one whole year. The said study will help the
students show their potentials in research writing and creating innovative software
program that will contribute much to the development of BSCS department and its

Currently, the group is conducting a research study on Automated Classroom Magnetic

Door Lock with Attendance Monitoring System using Radio Frequency

In this regard, may we ask you to be our Grammarian for the above mentioned study. We
believe that your expertise can be a great help throughout the group’s research work.

Thank you very much for your favorable merit to this request.

Truly yours,


Researcher Researcher
Researcher Researcher

Noted by:
Thesis Coordinator Program Head, BSCS/BSCPE

Approved by:
Thesis Grammarian


Application Letter for Preliminary Defense


City of Tacurong
First Semester, S.Y. 2015-2016

July 10, 2015

BSCS Thesis Instructress
Notre Dame of Tacurong College

Dear Ma’am:

The group has already accomplished the three (3) Chapters of the research study and its
50-75% program output. Hence, to know the reliability and accuracy of our paper and
software program, please allow us to present them on October 15, 2015 at exactly 9:00-
12:00 in the AVR.

Our research study is Automated Classroom Magnetic Door Lock with Attendance
Monitoring System using Radio Frequency Identification. We hope that with your
approval we will be able to show the contents of our Thesis study.

Thank you very much.

Truly yours,


Researcher Researcher


Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


BSCS Thesis Instructress


Application Letter for Chapters Defense


City of Tacurong
Second Semester, S.Y. 2015-2016
April 8, 2015
Dear Sir/Ma’am:

The group has already accomplished the five (5) Chapters of the research study,
Software, and Hardware of the system. Hence, to know the reliability and accuracy of our
paper, please allow us to present them on Monday, April 11, 2016 at exactly 9:00 a.m in
the morning.

Thank you very much.

Truly yours,


Researcher Researcher


Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


BSCS Thesis Instructress

Noted By:


Thesis Adviser


Application Letter for Final Defense


City of Tacurong
Second Semester, S.Y. 2015-2016
April 14, 2015
BSCS Thesis Instructress
Notre Dame of Tacurong College

Dear Ma’am:

The group is happy to inform you that we had already accomplished one greatest
achievement in Academic life – our Thesis study which is entitled Automated Classroom
Magnetic Door Lock with Attendance Monitoring System using Radio Frequency

In connection with this, we would like to apply for a Final Defense this coming April 21,
2016, at exactly 5:00 p.m., at AVR.

With your approval, we will be able to show the results and contributions of the said
study to the community it covers.

Thank you very much.

Truly yours,


Researcher Researcher


Researcher Researcher

Approved by:


BSCS Thesis Instructress

Proponents’ Profile


2nd Block Purok 9, Tacurong City
Sultan Kudarat

Date of Birth : February 23, 1989
Age : 27
Place of Birth : 2nd Block Purok 9, Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat
Nationality : Filipino
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Person to be contacted in case of emergency: Mrs. Pilgriminda S. Bernardo
Address : 2nd Block Purok 9, Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat
Contact Number : +63-906-719-5925


Elementary : Tacurong Pilot Elementary School

High School : St. John Learning Center
College : Notre Dame of Tacurong College


Philippine Society of Information Technology Students (PSITS), Member - 2014-2016

JEM - 2013-2016
Rotaract Club of Koronadal Community-Based, Member, Secretary, Past President, Past
Assistant District Rotaract Representative. - 2010-2016


Brgy. Katiku, Pres. Quirino,
Sultan Kudarat

Date of Birth : June 05, 1993
Age : 22
Place of Birth : Isulan, Sultan Kudarat
Nationality : Filipino
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Person to be contacted in case of emergency: Mrs. Winefreda D. Garcia
Address : Brgy. Katiku, Pres. Quirino, Sultan Kudarat
Contact Number: +63-910-354-8868


Elementary : Katiku Central Elementary School

High School : Notre Dame of Katiku, INC.
College : Notre Dame of Dadiangas University Notre Dame of Tacurong


Philippine Society of Information Technology Students (PSITS), President -2012-2016

KARATE-DO -2013-2016


60 Bonifacio Street, Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat

Date of Birth : March 25, 1993
Age : 22
Place of Birth : 60 Bonifacio Street, Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat
Nationality : Filipino
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Person to be contacted in case of emergency: Mrs. Jocelyn J. Pagmanoja
Address : 60 Bonifacio Street, Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat
Contact Number: +63-936-367-6840


Elementary : Tacurong Pilot Elementary School

High School : Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU)
College : Notre Dame of Tacurong College


ACES - 2012-2014
Philippine Society of Information Technology Students (PSITS),
Member - 2014-2016
Peer Counselor - 2013-2016

Aurora Extension, Digos City

Date of Birth : September 30, 1988
Age : 27
Place of Birth : Aurora Extension, Digos City
Nationality : Filipino
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Single
Person to be contacted in case of emergency: Dr. Marlene G. Ferolino
Address : 2nd Block New Rosario, Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat
Contact Number: +200-3141


Elementary : San Miguel Elementary School

High School : Aloran Trade High School
College : Notre Dame of Tacurong College


Philippine Society of Information Technology Students (PSITS), Member - 2012-2016

KARATE – DO - 2012-2013
Peer Counselor, Member - 2013-2016


Source Code


Imports Encryption.AESMethod

Public Class FormAuthentication

Property Message As String
Private Sub btnlogin_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles
If Auth(tbusername.Text, tbpassword.Text) Then

With Form1
.UserCode = tbusername.Text

End With
ElseIf tbusername.Text = "admin" And tbpassword.Text = "admin"
End If
End Sub
Function Auth(ByVal u As String, ByVal p As String) As Boolean
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim guser = (From x In jb.Users
Where x.UserCode = u
Select x)

If guser.Count > 0 Then

If guser.First.UserPassword = Encrypt(tbpassword.Text, "s3cr3t")
Return True
Message = "Incorrect PAssword"
Return False
End If
Message = "User does not exists!"
Return False
End If
End Using
End Function
Sub ClearData()
End Sub
End Sub

Private Sub PictureBox1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

End Sub
End Class

Public Class Form1
Property UserCode As String
Private Sub ViewTeachersToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As
EventArgs) Handles ViewTeachersToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub

Private Sub ViewStudentToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As

EventArgs) Handles ViewStudentToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub

Private Sub ViewSubjectsToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As

EventArgs) Handles ViewSubjectsToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub

Private Sub ViewSchedulesToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As

EventArgs) Handles ViewSchedulesToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub

Private Sub OpenDTRToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles OpenDTRToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub

Private Sub LogoutToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles LogoutToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Using jb As New JBContext
Dim g_user = (From u In jb.Users
Where u.UserCode = UserCode
Select u).First

With g_user
SettingsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = .HasSettings
StudentToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = .HasStudent
TeacherToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = .HasTeacher
SubjectToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = .HasSubject
DTRToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = .HasDTR
ReportsToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = .HasReports

ScheduleToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = .HasSchedule
End With

End Using
End Sub

Private Sub TeacherMasterListToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As

EventArgs) Handles TeacherMasterListToolStripMenuItem.Click

End Sub

Private Sub StudentMasterListToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As

EventArgs) Handles StudentMasterListToolStripMenuItem.Click

End Sub

Private Sub SchedulesToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles SchedulesToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub

Private Sub TeachersAbsencesToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As

EventArgs) Handles TeachersAbsencesToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
End Class


Public Class Formexec

Property port As String
Private Sub Formexec_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs)
Handles Me.FormClosing
End Sub

Private Sub Formexec_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

SerialPort1.PortName = port
End Sub
End Class


Imports System.IO.Ports

Public Class FormDTR

Delegate Sub settextcallback(ByVal [text] As String)
Property Status As Boolean
Property AttendanceId As Integer
Property ScheduleId As Integer
Property port As String

Sub RefreshData(ByVal attid As Integer)

Using jb As New JBContext

Dim getstuds = (From ad In jb.AttendanceDetail Join s In jb.Students
ad.ADtlStd.StdId Equals s.StdId
Where ad.ADtlAtt.AttId = attid
Select ad.ADtlId, s.StdFName, s.StdLName, ad.ADtlDate,
ad.ADtlTimeIn, ad.ADtlTimeOut).ToList
With dgv
.DataSource = Nothing
.DataSource = getstuds
End With

End Using
End Sub

Private Sub tbrfid_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles


If tbrfid.Text.Length = 104 Then

If isTeacher(tbrfid.Text) Then
'GetSchedule(tbrfid.Text, Now)

If sprfid1.PortName = "COM5" Then

GetSchedule(tbrfid.Text, Now)

End If

Using jb As New JBContext
Dim gatt = (From a In jb.Attendance
Where a.AttSchedule.ScdId = ScheduleId And
a.AttStat = True Select a
If gatt.Count > 0 Then
LogAttendance(tbrfid.Text, gatt.First.AttId)
MsgBox("No onging class.")
End If

End Using

End If

End If
End Sub

Function CheckIfSched(ByVal attid As String, ByVal rfid As String) As Boolean

Using jb As New JBContext
Dim getatt = (From a In jb.Attendance Join s In jb.ScheduleDetails
On a.AttSchedule.ScdId Equals s.DtlScd.ScdId
Where a.AttId = attid And s.DtlStdId.StdRFID = rfid
Select a)

If getatt.Count > 0 Then

Return True
Return False
End If

End Using

End Function

Sub LogAttendance(ByVal rfid As String, ByVal attid As Integer)

If CheckIfSched(attid, rfid) Then
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim att = (From a In jb.Attendance
Where a.AttId = attid
Select a).First

Dim stud = (From s In jb.Students

Where s.StdRFID = rfid
Select s).First

Dim c_stud = (From d In jb.AttendanceDetail

Where d.ADtlAtt.AttId = attid And d.ADtlStd.StdRFID
= rfid
Select d)

If c_stud.Count > 0 Then

With c_stud.First
.ADtlTimeOut = Now.TimeOfDay
End With
With jb
End With


Dim dtl As New AttendanceDetail With {

.ADtlAtt = att,
.ADtlDate = Today,
.ADtlTimeIn = Now.TimeOfDay,

.ADtlStd = stud}

With jb
End With
End If
End Using
MsgBox("Not enrolled in this subject")
End If

End Sub
Private Sub ReceivedText(ByVal [text] As String)
If tbrfid.InvokeRequired Then
Dim x As New settextcallback(AddressOf ReceivedText)
Me.BeginInvoke(x, New Object() {(text)})
tbrfid.Text &= [text]
End If
End Sub

Private Sub sprfid_DataReceived(sender As Object, e As

SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles sprfid1.DataReceived
port = "COM5"
End Sub

Private Sub sprfid_DataReceived2(sender As Object, e As

SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles sprfid2.DataReceived
port = "COM6"
End Sub

Sub CreateAttendance(ByVal stat As Boolean, ByVal d As Date, ByVal id As

Using jb As New JBContext
Dim sched = (From s In jb.Schedule
Where s.ScdId = id
Select s).First

dgv.DataSource = Nothing
Dim att As New Attendance With {
.AttDate = Today,
.AttStat = stat,
.AttSchedule = sched,
.AttTimeOpen = Now.TimeOfDay}

With jb
tbstat.Text = "Ongoing"
Status = True

End With

''Insert Arduino Code to open door here

End Using
End Sub

Sub UpdateAttendance(ByVal stat As Boolean, ByVal d As Date, ByVal id As

Integer, ByVal attid As Integer)

'If sprfid1.PortName = "COM5" Then

Using jb As New JBContext

Dim sched = (From s In jb.Schedule
Where s.ScdId = id
Select s).First

Dim att = (From a In jb.Attendance

Where a.AttId = attid
Select a).First

With att
.AttStat = stat
.AttTimeClose = Now.TimeOfDay
End With
tbstat.Text = "Finished"
Status = False
With jb

End With

'Insert arduino code to close door here

'Formexec.port = port
'If sprfid1.PortName = "COM5" Then
' sprfid1.Write("C")
'End If

End Using
Call closesprfid1()
End Sub

Function CheckAttendance(ByVal scdid As Integer) As Boolean

Using jb As New JBContext
Dim getsched = (From s In jb.Attendance
Where s.AttSchedule.ScdId = scdid And s.AttStat = True
Select s)
If getsched.Count > 0 Then
UpdateAttendance(False, Now, scdid, getsched.First.AttId)

CreateAttendance(True, Now, scdid)
End If
End Using
Return True
End Function

Sub GetSchedule(ByVal rfid As String, ByVal dte As Date)

Dim tme As TimeSpan = dte.TimeOfDay
Dim d As String = dte.DayOfWeek
Dim s As String

If d = 1 Or d = 3 Or d = 5 Then
s = "MWF"
s = "TTH"
End If

Using jb As New JBContext

Dim getsched = (From x In jb.Schedule Join t In jb.Teachers On
t.ThrId Equals x.ScdThr.ThrId
Join b In jb.Subjects On b.SubId Equals
Where x.ScdDay = s And x.ScdThr.ThrRFID = rfid And
x.ScdFrmTime <= tme And x.ScdToTime >= tme
Select t.ThrFName, t.ThrLName, x.ScdDay,
x.ScdFrmTime, x.ScdToTime, b.SubDesc, x.ScdId, x.ScdFrmTimestr, x.ScdToTimestr)

If getsched.Count > 0 Then

With getsched.First
tbteacher.Text = .ThrFName & " " & .ThrLName
tbdesc.Text = .SubDesc
tbsched.Text = .ScdDay & "" & .ScdFrmTime.ToString & " - "
& .ScdToTime.ToString
ScheduleId = .ScdId
End With
'MsgBox("No schedule for today or Teacher has not opened the
class yet.")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try


End Using

End Sub

Private Sub FormDTR_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load




With sprfid1
.PortName = "COM5"
.BaudRate = "9600"
.Parity = IO.Ports.Parity.None
.StopBits = IO.Ports.StopBits.One
.DataBits = 8

End With
If Not sprfid1.IsOpen Then
End If

With sprfid2
.PortName = "COM6"
.BaudRate = "9600"
.Parity = IO.Ports.Parity.None
.StopBits = IO.Ports.StopBits.One
.DataBits = 8

End With
''''''' sprfid2.Open()
If Not sprfid2.IsOpen Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub

Function isTeacher(ByVal rfid As String) As Boolean

Using jb As New JBContext
Dim getteacher = (From t In jb.Teachers
Where t.ThrRFID = rfid
Select t)

If getteacher.Count > 0 Then

Return True
Return False
End If
End Using
End Function
Private Sub FormDTR_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs)
Handles Me.FormClosing
End Sub

Sub closesprfid1()
If sprfid1.PortName = "COM5" Then
End If
End Sub
End Class

Public Class FormSchedDetail

Private Sub FormSchedDetail_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim getsubj = (From s In jb.Subjects
Select s).ToList

Dim getteacher = (From t In jb.Teachers

Select New With {.Id = t.ThrId, .FullName =
t.ThrFName & " " & t.ThrLName}).ToList

With cmbsubj
.DataSource = Nothing
.DataSource = getsubj
.ValueMember = "SubId"
.DisplayMember = "SubDesc"
End With

With cmbteacher
.DataSource = Nothing
.DataSource = getteacher
.ValueMember = "Id"
.DisplayMember = "FullName"
End With
End Using
End Sub
Function ToAMPM(ByVal t As TimeSpan) As String
Dim tp As New TimeSpan(12, 00, 00)
If tp > t Then
Return t.ToString.Substring(0, 5) & " AM"
Return t.Subtract(tp).ToString.Substring(0, 5) & " PM"
End If

End Function
Private Sub btnSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim subid As Integer = cmbsubj.SelectedValue
Dim thrid As Integer = cmbteacher.SelectedValue

Dim subj = (From s In jb.Subjects

Where s.SubId = subid
Select s).First

Dim teacher = (From t In jb.Teachers

Where t.ThrId = thrid
Select t).First

Dim sched As New Schedule With {

.ScdDay = cmbday.Text,
.ScdFrmTime = dtpfrom.Value.TimeOfDay,
.ScdToTime = dtpto.Value.TimeOfDay,
.ScdFrmTimestr = ToAMPM(dtpfrom.Value.TimeOfDay),
.ScdToTimestr = ToAMPM(dtpto.Value.TimeOfDay),
.ScdSub = subj,
.ScdThr = teacher}

With jb
If .SaveChanges Then
End If
End With
End Using
End Sub
End Class


Public Class FormSchedStudents

Property SchedId As Integer

Private Sub FormSchedStudents_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

End Sub

Sub RefreshData()
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim getdet = (From d In jb.ScheduleDetails
Where d.DtlScd.ScdId = SchedId
Select d.DtlId, d.DtlScd.ScdId, d.DtlStdId.StdFName,

With dgv
.DataSource = Nothing
.DataSource = getdet
End With
End Using
End Sub

Private Sub btnadd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

With FormShowStudent

.SchedId = SchedId
End With
End Sub

Private Sub DeleteToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles DeleteToolStripMenuItem.Click
If dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
Dim id As Integer = dgv.SelectedRows(0).Cells(0).Value

Using jb As New JBContext
Dim RemoveStud = (From s In jb.ScheduleDetails
Where s.DtlId = id
Select s).First
With jb
If .SaveChanges Then
End If
End With
End Using
'Catch ex As Exception
' MsgBox(ex.InnerException.Message)
'End Try
End If
End Sub

End Class


Public Class FormShowStudent

Property SchedId As Integer
Private Sub FormShowStudent_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim getstud = (From s In jb.Students
Select s).ToList

With dgv
.DataSource = Nothing
.DataSource = getstud
End With
End Using
End Sub

Private Sub btnSelect_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

If dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim schd = (From s In jb.Schedule
Where s.ScdId = SchedId
Select s).First

For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgv.SelectedRows

Dim studid As Integer = row.Cells(0).Value
Dim stud = (From s In jb.Students
Where s.StdId = studid
Select s).First

Dim schedstd As New ScheduleDetail With {

.DtlScd = schd,
.DtlStdId = stud

With jb
End With
End Using
End If
End Sub
End Class


Public Class FormStudentDetail

Property RFID As String
Property Stat As Boolean

Private Sub FormStudentDetail_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

Stat = Check()
End Sub

Private Sub btnSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

If Stat = False Then
Using JB As New JBContext
Dim srecord As New Student With {
.StdFName = tbfname.Text,
.StdLName = tblname.Text,
.StdMName = tbmname.Text,
.StdContact = tbcontact.Text,
.Address = tbaddress.Text

With JB
If .SaveChanges Then

End If
End With
End Using
Using JB As New JBContext
Dim getstudent = (From s In JB.Students
Where s.StdRFID = RFID
Select s).First

With getstudent
.StdFName = tbfname.Text
.StdLName = tblname.Text
.StdMName = tbmname.Text
.StdContact = tbcontact.Text
.Address = tbaddress.Text
End With
With JB
End With

End Using
End If

End Sub

Sub Clear()
End Sub

Private Sub btnclear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

End Sub

Function Check() As Boolean

Using JB As New JBContext
Dim getstudent = (From s In JB.Students
Where s.StdRFID = RFID
Select s)
If getstudent.ToList.Count > 0 Then
MsgBox("There is an existing record. Press OK to edit.")
With getstudent.First
tbrfid.Text = .StdRFID
tbfname.Text = .StdFName
tblname.Text = .StdLName

tbmname.Text = .StdMName
tbaddress.Text = .Address
tbcontact.Text = .StdContact
End With
Return True
tbrfid.Text = RFID
Return False
End If
End Using
End Function
End Class


Imports System.IO.Ports

Public Class FormStudentRegistration

Delegate Sub settextcallback(ByVal [text] As String)
Private Sub StudentIn_OutSerialPort_DataReceived(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles
End Sub

Private Sub ReceivedText(ByVal [text] As String)

If tbrfid.InvokeRequired Then
Dim x As New settextcallback(AddressOf ReceivedText)
Me.BeginInvoke(x, New Object() {(text)})
tbrfid.Text &= [text]
End If
End Sub

Private Sub tbrfid_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

If tbrfid.Text.Length = 104 Then
With FormStudentDetail
.RFID = tbrfid.Text.Trim
End With
End If
End Sub

Private Sub FormStudentRegistration_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles MyBase.Load

With sprfid

.PortName = "COM5"
.BaudRate = "9600"
.Parity = IO.Ports.Parity.None
.StopBits = IO.Ports.StopBits.One
.DataBits = 8

End With

If Not sprfid.IsOpen Then

End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Sub RefreshData()
Using JB As New JBContext
Dim getrecords = (From s In JB.Students
Select s).ToList

With dgv
.DataSource = Nothing
.DataSource = getrecords
End With

End Using
End Sub

Private Sub btnRefresh_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

End Sub

Private Sub DeleteToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles DeleteToolStripMenuItem.Click
If dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
Dim sid As Integer = dgv.SelectedRows(0).Cells(0).Value
Using JB As New JBContext
Dim getstudent = (From s In JB.Students
Where s.StdId = sid).First

With JB
If .SaveChanges Then
End If
End With

End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End If
End Sub

Private Sub FormStudentRegistration_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As

FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
End Sub

Private Sub EditToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles EditToolStripMenuItem.Click
If dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
With FormStudentDetail
.RFID = dgv.SelectedRows(0).Cells(1).Value

End With
End If
End Sub
End Class


Public Class FormSubjectCreate

Property SubjID As Integer
Property Stat As Boolean
Private Sub btnsave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles
If Stat = True Then

Using jb As New JBContext

Dim subj As New Subject With {
.SubCode = tbcode.Text,
.SubDesc = tbdesc.Text}

With jb
If .SaveChanges Then
End If
End With
End Using
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim subj = (From s In jb.Subjects
Where s.SubId = SubjID
Select s).First
With subj
.SubCode = tbcode.Text

.SubDesc = tbdesc.Text
End With

With jb
If .SaveChanges Then
End If
End With
End Using
End If

End Sub

Sub clear()
End Sub

Private Sub FormSubjectCreate_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

If Stat = False Then
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim subj = (From s In jb.Subjects
Where s.SubId = SubjID
Select s).First
With subj
tbcode.Text = .SubCode
tbdesc.Text = .SubDesc
End With
End Using
End If

End Sub

Private Sub btnclear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles


End Sub

End Class


Public Class FormSubjectRegistration


Private Sub btnAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles


With FormSubjectCreate
.Stat = True
End With

End Sub

Sub RefreshData()
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim getrecord = (From subj In jb.Subjects
Select subj).ToList

With dgv
.DataSource = Nothing
.DataSource = getrecord
End With
End Using
End Sub

Private Sub FormSubjectRegistration_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles Me.Load
End Sub

Private Sub btnRefresh_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

End Sub

Private Sub EditToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles EditToolStripMenuItem.Click
If dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
With FormSubjectCreate
.SubjID = dgv.SelectedRows(0).Cells(0).Value
.Stat = False
End With
End If
End Sub

Private Sub DeleteToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles DeleteToolStripMenuItem.Click
If dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
Dim id As Integer = dgv.SelectedRows(0).Cells(0).Value

Using jb As New JBContext
Dim subj = (From s In jb.Subjects
Where s.SubId = id
Select s).First

With jb
If .SaveChanges Then
End If
End With
End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
End Class


Public Class FormTeacherDetail

Property RFID As String

Property Stat As Boolean
Private Sub FormTeacherDetail_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles
Stat = Check()
End Sub

Function Check() As Boolean

Using JB As New JBContext
Dim getTeacher = (From s In JB.Teachers
Where s.ThrRFID = RFID
Select s)
If getTeacher.ToList.Count > 0 Then
MsgBox("There is an existing record. Press OK to edit.")
With getTeacher.First
tbrfid.Text = .ThrRFID
tbfname.Text = .ThrFName
tblname.Text = .ThrLName
tbmname.Text = .ThrMName

End With
Return True
tbrfid.Text = RFID
Return False
End If
End Using
End Function

Sub Clear()


End Sub

Private Sub btnclear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles


End Sub

Private Sub btnSave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

If Stat = False Then
Using JB As New JBContext
Dim srecord As New Teacher With {
.ThrFName = tbfname.Text,
.ThrLName = tblname.Text,
.ThrMName = tbmname.Text

With JB
If .SaveChanges Then
End If
End With
End Using
Using JB As New JBContext
Dim getTeacher = (From s In JB.Teachers
Where s.ThrRFID = RFID
Select s).First

With getTeacher
.ThrFName = tbfname.Text
.ThrLName = tblname.Text
.ThrMName = tbmname.Text

End With
With JB
End With

End Using
End If
End Sub
End Class

Imports Encryption.AESMethod

Public Class FormUserDetail

Property Stat As Boolean
Property UID As Integer
Private Sub btnsave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles
If Stat = True Then
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim nuser As New User With {
.UserCode = tbusername.Text,
.UserPassword = Encrypt(tbpassword.Text, "s3cr3t"),
.HasDTR = cbdtr.Checked,
.HasReports = cbreports.Checked,
.HasSchedule = cbreports.Checked,
.HasSettings = cbsettings.Checked,
.HasStudent = cbstudents.Checked,
.HasSubject = cbsubjects.Checked,
.HasTeacher = cbteachers.Checked,
.UserFullName = tbfullname.Text}

With jb
If .SaveChanges Then
End If
End With
End Using
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim guser = (From u In jb.Users
Where u.UserId = UID
Select u).First

With guser
.UserFullName = tbfullname.Text
.UserPassword = Encrypt(tbpassword.Text, "s3cr3t")
.UserFullName = tbfullname.Text
.HasReports = cbreports.Checked
.HasSchedule = cbreports.Checked
.HasSettings = cbsettings.Checked
.HasStudent = cbstudents.Checked
.HasSubject = cbsubjects.Checked
.HasTeacher = cbteachers.Checked
.HasDTR = cbdtr.Checked
End With

With jb
If .SaveChanges() Then
End If

End With
End Using
End If

End Sub

Sub ClearData()
End Sub

Private Sub FormUserDetail_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

If Stat = False Then
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim guser = (From u In jb.Users
Where u.UserId = UID
Select u).First

With guser
tbfullname.Text = .UserFullName
tbpassword.Text = Decrypt(.UserPassword, "s3cr3t")
tbusername.Text = .UserCode
cbreports.Checked = .HasReports
cbschedules.Checked = .HasSchedule
cbsettings.Checked = .HasSettings
cbstudents.Checked = .HasStudent
cbsubjects.Checked = .HasSubject
cbteachers.Checked = .HasTeacher
cbdtr.Checked = .HasDTR
End With
End Using
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CheckBox7_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

End Sub
End Class


Public Class FormUserList

Private Sub FormUserList_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles
End Sub

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

FormUserDetail.Stat = True
End Sub

Sub RefreshData()
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim listUser = (From u In jb.Users
Select u.UserId, u.UserCode, u.HasSettings, u.HasDTR,
u.HasReports, u.HasSchedule, u.HasStudent, u.HasSubject, u.HasTeacher).ToList

With dgv
.DataSource = Nothing
.DataSource = listUser
End With
End Using
End Sub

Private Sub DeleteToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles DeleteToolStripMenuItem.Click
If dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
Dim id As Integer = dgv.SelectedRows(0).Cells(0).Value

Using jb As New JBContext

Dim guser = (From u In jb.Users
Where u.UserId = id
Select u).First

With jb
If .SaveChanges Then
End If
End With
End Using
End If
End Sub

Private Sub EditToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles EditToolStripMenuItem.Click
If dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
With FormUserDetail
.Stat = False
.UID = dgv.SelectedRows(0).Cells(0).Value
End With
End If

End Sub
End Class


Public Class FormSchedule


Private Sub btnadd_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

With FormSchedDetail
End With
End Sub

Sub RefreshData()
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim getrecords = (From schd In jb.Schedule
Select New With {
.ScdId = schd.ScdId,
.SubCode = schd.ScdSub.SubCode,
.ThrFullName = schd.ScdThr.ThrFName & " " &
.ScdDay = schd.ScdDay,
.ScdFrmTime = schd.ScdFrmTimestr,
.ScdToTime = schd.ScdToTimestr}).ToList

With dgv
.DataSource = Nothing
.DataSource = getrecords
End With
End Using
End Sub

Private Sub FormSchedule_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

End Sub

Private Sub DeleteToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles DeleteToolStripMenuItem.Click
If dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
Dim sid As Integer = dgv.SelectedRows(0).Cells(0).Value
Using jb As New JBContext
Dim schd = (From s In jb.Schedule
Where s.ScdId = sid
Select s).First
With jb
If .SaveChanges() Then
End If
End With

End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End If
End Sub

Private Sub btnrefresh_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

End Sub

Private Sub ManageStudentsToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As

EventArgs) Handles ManageStudentsToolStripMenuItem.Click
If dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
With FormSchedStudents
.SchedId = dgv.SelectedRows(0).Cells(0).Value
End With
End If

End Sub
End Class


Imports System.IO.Ports

Public Class FormTeacherRegistration

Delegate Sub settextcallback(ByVal [text] As String)

Private Sub StudentIn_OutSerialPort_DataReceived(ByVal sender As
System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs) Handles
End Sub

Private Sub ReceivedText(ByVal [text] As String)

If tbrfid.InvokeRequired Then
Dim x As New settextcallback(AddressOf ReceivedText)
Me.Invoke(x, New Object() {(text)})
tbrfid.Text &= [text]
End If
End Sub

Private Sub tbrfid_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

If tbrfid.Text.Length = 104 Then
With FormTeacherDetail
.RFID = tbrfid.Text.Trim
End With
End If
End Sub

Sub RefreshData()
Using JB As New JBContext
Dim getrecords = (From s In JB.Teachers
Select s).ToList

With dgv
.DataSource = Nothing
.DataSource = getrecords
End With

End Using
End Sub

Private Sub FormTeacherRegistration_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles MyBase.Load

With sprfid
.PortName = "COM5"
.BaudRate = "9600"
.Parity = IO.Ports.Parity.None
.StopBits = IO.Ports.StopBits.One
.DataBits = 8

End With

If Not sprfid.IsOpen Then

End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub btnRefresh_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

End Sub

Private Sub DeleteToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles DeleteToolStripMenuItem.Click
If dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
Dim sid As Integer = dgv.SelectedRows(0).Cells(0).Value
Using JB As New JBContext
Dim getstudent = (From s In JB.Teachers
Where s.ThrId = sid).First

With JB
If .SaveChanges Then

End If
End With

End Using
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End If
End Sub

Private Sub EditToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

Handles EditToolStripMenuItem.Click
If dgv.SelectedRows.Count > 0 Then
With FormTeacherDetail
.RFID = dgv.SelectedRows(0).Cells(1).Value

End With
End If
End Sub
End Class

Button and Door Lock Code (Arduino Sourcecode)

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial RFIDReader (2,3); //(RX,TX);

const int MagneticLock = 13; //conneted to the relay

int setByte;
const int SW1 = 12; //variable for switch pin EMERGENCY BUTTON
int switchState; //variable for switch state - PRESSED OR NOT
const int fromPINCode = 11; //data reciver from arduino UNO (LCD
and Keypad)
int isOpen;
int dataReceived;

void setup() {


pinMode(MagneticLock, OUTPUT);

pinMode(SW1, INPUT);
pinMode(fromPINCode, INPUT);

digitalWrite(MagneticLock, HIGH);

void loop()

switchState = digitalRead(SW1);
isOpen = digitalRead(fromPINCode);

if (RFIDReader.available() > 0)
dataReceived =;
//Serial.print("S202"); //change everytime you upload and
assign COM number

if (Serial.available() > 0)
setByte =;

if (setByte == 'O') {
digitalWrite(MagneticLock, LOW);
// Serial.println("DOOR OPEN.");

if (setByte == 'C') {
digitalWrite(MagneticLock, HIGH);

// Serial.println("DOOR CLOSED.");

if (switchState == LOW)
digitalWrite(MagneticLock, LOW);
// Serial.println("DOOR OPEN.");
digitalWrite(MagneticLock, HIGH);
// Serial.println("DOOR CLOSED.");

if (isOpen == LOW)
digitalWrite(MagneticLock, LOW);
// Serial.println("DOOR OPEN.");
digitalWrite(MagneticLock, HIGH);
// Serial.println("DOOR CLOSED.");

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