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Date: October 3 – 7, 2016

The learner recognizes his/her PECs and prepares an activity plan that aligns with the
PECs of a practitioner/entrepreneur’s in the computer hardware servicing business.

The learners:
1. Assess one’s PECs: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, traits
2. Assess practitioner’s PECs: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, traits
3. Compare one’s PECs with that of a practitioner/entrepreneur’s
4. Align one’s PECs with those of a practitioner/entrepreneur’s

1. Assessment of Personal Competencies and Skills (PECs)
vis-à-vis a practicing entrepreneur/ employee in locality
1.1 Characteristics
1.2 Attributes
1.3 Lifestyle
1.4 Skills
1.5 Traits
2. Analysis of PECs in relation to a practitioner’s
3. Align, strengthen and develop ones PECs based on the results

The learner demonstrates understanding of one’s PECs in in computer hardware servicing.

- Copy of Pre-test and Post Test
- Hand – outs on Characteristics, Attributes, Lifestyle, Skills, Traits

Reference: Computer Hardware Servicing (LM and TG) for Grade 9

 Conduct Pre-Test to the Learners.
A. Motivation:
 Ask learners to name people in the nearby community/municipality/city/province who are
successful in establishing their own computer related business.
 Why are they successful?
 Do you wish to be like them?

B. Presentation of the Lesson (5 minutes)

1. Say: Our lesson for today will teach you how to be like them.
2. Explain to learners the importance of assessing their PECs.
3. Guide learners in assessing their PECs on the following:
 Character/Attribute/Trait
 Lifestyle
 Skills
4. Assist learners in analyzing and interpreting the results of the assessment of their PECs.
5. Ask essential questions to draw out the initial understandings of learners about how
practitioners/entrepreneurs succeed in their chosen career. The teacher may distribute meta
cards for learners to write their answers. These may be posted on the wall and revisited during
the Firming-up.

C. Discussion of the Lesson (2 hours)

 Ask the learners to work individually or in groups in collecting information about how
practitioners/ entrepreneurs succeed in their chosen careers. Some suggested activities:
interview with successful practitioners/entrepreneurs,
inviting successful practitioners/entrepreneurs as resource person in class,
video documentaries of successful practitioners/entrepreneurs, web searching, etc…

 Let the learners perform activity 1: practitioner’s assessments by referring from page 8 of this
module. Guide learners to select the appropriate characteristics and traits to accomplish the
activity. Let learners present their work, encourage student to student interactions, and then
process their understanding.

 Have learners analyze (in the form of a chart, Venn Diagram or Comparison Alley, etc.) the
similarities and differences among successful entrepreneurs in the following aspects:
characteristics, traits, attributes, lifestyles, skills.

D. Generalization of the Lesson

Ask the question to the learners
1. Why is it important to understand your PECS in Computer Hardware Servicing?
2. Conduct the Post-Test

 Have learners prepare an Activity plan that aligns their PECs with the PECs of successful

 Assess learners’ plan of action based on the set criteria. (Note: The teacher may develop
an assessment tool to determine learner’s level of performance).

1. List down the different products/services available in the market.
2. Identify the players/ competitors in your place.

Prepared by:


ICT Teacher

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