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College of Arts, Sciences, Education and Engineering

The UPHS is a premiere University that provides unique and innovative educational processes, contents, end-
results for the pursuit of excellence in academics, technology, and research through community partnership and industry
The University takes the lead role as catalyst for human resource development, and continue to inculcate values as
way of strengthening the moral fiber of the Filipino individuals proud of their race and prepared for exemplary global
participation in the realm of arts, sciences, humanities, and business.

It sees the Filipino people enjoying quality and abundant life, living in peace and building a nation that the next
generation shall be nourishing, cherishing and valuing.


The UPHS is dedicated to the development of the Filipino as a Leader. It aims to graduate dynamic students who
are physically, intellectually, socially, spiritually committed to the achievement of the best quality of life.

As a system of services in health and education, the UPHS is dedicated to the formation of Christian services and
research oriented professional and leaders in quality education and health care.

It shall produce Perpetualites who outstandingly value the virtues of reaching out and helping others as vital
ingredients to nation building.

The BS PSYCHOLOGY program shall produce graduates who can/are:
a b c d e f
1. rooted in the field of research, psychometrics, human resources and
counseling. / / /
2. equipped with globally relevant and holistic professional know-how and
moral integrity. / / / /
3. epitome of well balanced ideals and proper mental set in the service of
humanity and of God. / / / /
4. adroit in discerning, analyzing and interpreting behaviors and actuations. / / / / /
5. instill learned and experienced values and skills in mentoring, training,
counseling and reaching out to clients and the community. / / / / /
6. demonstrate proficiency in organization communication for effective
human relations / / / / /
7. recognize the importance of continuing educational opportunities for the
improvement of their profession and service to humanity / / / / /

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Course Title Date effective Date revised
General 1st semester Page 1of 7
Rev. Fr. Anacleto A. Rev. Fr. Anacleto A.
Psychology AY 2012-2013 May 2012
Calibo, Ph.D. Calibo, Ph.D.
College of Arts, Sciences, Education, & Engineering
San Gabriel, GMA, Cavite

BS Psychology

1. Course Code : GENPSYC

2. Course Title: : General Psychology

3. Prerequisite(s) :None

4. Credit :3

5. Course Description : A broad of the conceptual and empirical foundations in its

main field. The discussion of the theories, concepts and empirical findings focuses
on human behavior, how and why we think, feel and behave the way we do, how we
act and interact with others and how we become a unique individual that we are.

6. Program Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a. Use the scientific method as a primary basis for engaging in
critical thinking; / / / / / / /
b. Review empirical studies of psychology, analyze and
synthesize their research findings and draw appropriate
inferences; / / / / / / /
c. Design, run and analyze research studies and write reports
using APA style; / / / / /
d. Articulate controversial and ethical issues in psychology; / / / /
e. Identify plausible psychosocial and biological principles that
influence behavior and cognition, given a particular context or
situation; / / / /
f. Use appropriately the technical language of the science of
psychology in oral and written communication; / / / / / /

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General 1st semester Page 2of 7
Rev. Fr. Anacleto A. Rev. Fr. Anacleto A.
Psychology AY 2012-2013 May 2012
Calibo, Ph.D. Calibo, Ph.D.
g. Articulate the environmental changes resulting from hereditary
and environmental factors; / / / / / / /
h. Compare and contrast theoretical perspective within
psychology; / / / / / /
i. Describe the impact of society and culture on human diversity; / / / / / / /
j. Examine and evaluate career and educational opportunities
available with an undergraduate psychology degree; and / / / / /
k. Interact effectively and work productively with others. / / / / /

7. Course Objectives and Relationship to Program Outcomes


The student should be able to: a b c d e f g h i j k
1. Identify the human development. / / / / / /
2.Identify the perspective and the school of
thoughts of psychology. / / / / / /
3. Define and identify the meaning and
nature of emotion and to distinguish its
different theories and classifications. / /
4. Distinguish the practical applications of
perception. / /
5. Determine the meaning and differences
between consciousness and its altered
states. / / / / / / /

8. Course Coverage

I. Orientation
II. Nature of Psychology
1. Definition of Goals
2. Branches Open Discussion
Week 1-2 3. Brief Historical Lecture
4. Theoretical Perspective
5. Methods used

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Course Title Date effective Date revised
General 1st semester Page 3of 7
Rev. Fr. Anacleto A. Rev. Fr. Anacleto A.
Psychology AY 2012-2013 May 2012
Calibo, Ph.D. Calibo, Ph.D.
III. Development of Personhood
1. Definition of Development,
Week 3 Lecture Quiz
Maturity and Learning
Group Interaction
2. Stages of Human
3. Theoretical Perspectives
of Human Development
Week 4 3.1 Cognitive Film-Viewing Graded
3.2 Psychosexual Discussion Recitation
3.3 Psychosocial
3.4 Moral
IV. Personality
1. Nature, Definition and
Theories of Personality
2. Filipino Personality
V. Motivation and Emotion Quiz
Week 5 Free Discussion
1. Motivation Graded
1.1Definition and Nature Recitation
1.2Theories of Motivation
2. Emotion
2.1 Definition and Nature
2.2 Theories of Emotion
Week 7 VI. Sensation
Discussion Quiz
VII. Perception
Week 8 1. Perspective of Perception
Interaction Quiz
2. Kinds and Formation of
VIII. Neurological Processes the
Psychological Development
of Personhood
Week 9 Free Discussion
1. Central Nervous System Quiz
on Puzzle Game
the root of Human Brain
2. Peripheral Nervous
3. Neurons: Basic Unit of the
Endocrine System Quiz
Week 10 Lecture
IX. Consciousness and its Movie Analysis
Altered States

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Course Title Date effective Date revised
General 1st semester Page 4of 7
Rev. Fr. Anacleto A. Rev. Fr. Anacleto A.
Psychology AY 2012-2013 May 2012
Calibo, Ph.D. Calibo, Ph.D.
1. Nature and Kinds of
Film Showing on
2. Nature and Kinds of
Altered States of Quiz
Week 11 Consciousness Movie Analysis
Perception and
3. Drug Addiction Prevention
Week 12

X. Learning and Conditioning

1. Classical Conditioning, Lecture Quiz
Week 13
2. Operant Conditioning or Experiment on Graded
Instrumental Conditioning Ionic Memory Recitation
3. Cognitive Learning
XI. Memory and Forgetting Lecture
Week 14 1. Perspective of Memory Mini Experiments
2. Short term and Long Term and
Memory Demonstration
3. Perspective of Forgetting
XII. Stress, Health and Coping Lecture
Week 15- Quiz
1. How Stress Affects the Demonstration
16 Movie Analysis
Body Film Viewing
2. Stressors
1. Mediators of Stress Lecture
Week 17 Graded
2. Coping Mechanisms and Personal
Strategies Evaluation
Week 18

9. Learning Outcomes and Relationship to Course Objectives/Program Outcomes

Learning Outcomes Course

Program Outcomes
At the end of this course, the student should at Objectives
least be able to: 1 2 3 4 a b c d e f g h i j k
1. Identify the human development. / / / / / / /
2. Identify the perspective and the
school of thoughts of psychology. / / / / / / /
3. Define and identify the meaning and
nature of emotion and to distinguish its
different theories and classifications. / / / / / / /

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Course Title Date effective Date revised
General 1st semester Page 5of 7
Rev. Fr. Anacleto A. Rev. Fr. Anacleto A.
Psychology AY 2012-2013 May 2012
Calibo, Ph.D. Calibo, Ph.D.
4. Distinguish the practical applications
of perception. / / / / / / /
5. Determine the meaning and
differences between consciousness and
its altered states. / / / / / / /

10. Contribution to Course Meeting the Professional Component

General Education Component : 50%
Bachelor of Science in Education topics : 50%

11. Textbook:

11.1 Kahayon, Leticia, H., 2010. General Psychology, 6th Edition. Mandaluyong City:
National Bookstore
11.2 Arenas, Aggie, 2010. General Psychology, Rex Bookstore. 586 Nicanor Reyes
St. Manila Philippines.
11.3 Gines, Adelaida C., et al., 2010. General Psychology. Revised Edition. Rex
Bookstore. 856 Nicanor Reyes St. Manila Philippines.
11.4 Bautista, Edgar L., Aquino, Miriam Grace B., and Magnaye, Cipriano Jr. R.,
2010.Modules in General Psychology. Great Books (Trading)

12. Course Evaluation:

A. Class Standing - 70%

Recitation - 30%
Quizzes - 30%
Seatwork/Exercises - 30%
Attendance/ Character - 10%

B. Major Exam - 30%

Total 100%
FINAL GRADE = (Prelim + Midterm + Final) / 3

13. References:

13.1 College Library References

13.2 Electronic References:

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Course Title Date effective Date revised
General 1st semester Page 6of 7
Rev. Fr. Anacleto A. Rev. Fr. Anacleto A.
Psychology AY 2012-2013 May 2012
Calibo, Ph.D. Calibo, Ph.D.
14. Course Materials Made Available

14.1 Power Point slides

14.2 Overhead Projector
14.3 Diagram/Illustration
14.4 DVD Player

15. Committee Members:

Dr. Palcuto, MLE

Prof Concepcion. ED
Prof Gabriel, R

Prepared by: Checked by:

Course Title Date effective Date revised
General 1st semester Page 7of 7
Rev. Fr. Anacleto A. Rev. Fr. Anacleto A.
Psychology AY 2012-2013 May 2012
Calibo, Ph.D. Calibo, Ph.D.

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