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Task M2: Teacher Professional Development.

Name: Anggreiny Lunga Mude

Participant No: 19241315710006

1. Teacher competency formulation.

-Pedagogic competence
Pedagogic competencies include teacher understanding of students, design and
implementation of learning, evaluation of learning outcomes, and development of students to
actualize their various potentials.

- Personality Competence
Personality competency is a personal ability that reflects a stable, stable, mature, wise and
authoritative personality, becomes an example for students, and has a noble character.

- Professional Competence
Professional competence is the master of learning material widely and deeply, which includes
mastery of curriculum material in school subjects and scientific substance that overshadow
the material, as well as mastery of the structure and scientific methodology.

-Social Competence
Social competence is the ability of teachers to communicate and interact effectively with
students, fellow educators, education staff, parents / guardians of students, and the
surrounding community

2. Facing this 21st century what learning skills should teachers and students have?
The ability that must be possessed by the teacher is able to adapt, understand the discipline of
knowledge from various contexts, sensitive to the development of the needs of students and
society, teachers must be willing to race to follow demands.
Learning skills that must be possessed by a teacher are:
. -Skills as a facilitator, motivator, and inspirator in learning
- Skills of transforming into the digital age by increasing reading interest.
-Writing skills and expressing ideas
-Creative and innovative in developing learning methods and learning problem solving
-Skills of cultural transformation Learning skills that must be possessed by students are:
-Learning and innovation skills:
a. critical thinking and problem solving in collaborative and innovative communication
and creativity.
b. Digital literacy skills: new media literacy and ICT literacy. C
c. . Life and career skills: having the flexibility of flexible initiatives and adaptive
initiatives, and social self-skills in intercultural interactions, productive and
accountable leadership skills, and being responsible.
3. Continuing Teacher's Professional Development

Address: Jln. Kettok street _ Tanarara

West Sumba Regency
Province - NTT

Teacher Name :Anggreiny

Lunga Mude, S.Pd

Teacher profession The strategies Teacher profesion

Dimension of development development

1 2 3 4 a b 6

Continuing Learning

The teacher formulates the learning
objectives in the learning design with the 
1. syllabus curriculum by paying attention to
the characteristics of the students

2 The teacher consept the teaching material

logically and concep tual.
The teachers effective learning activities.

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