Basak's Portfolio'19

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Introduction sheet | porto 2038 My jouneysotrin arbiters ben very tarsi wth ew pss and deans i thst en yas hve ben wero marove mse my ones seas etgningsy renter redeting SDentin Seteng npg ne mass ‘Sttcatthoatee tan wot ofe aiadeare olen mre sndg neu oport, Tosbeen aerenangendhesSayshebed me nbc who inmy staring years of colege, have partipate in vrous Arcitecual & Deen compet ‘on ut of wich NASA’ aed URBAN DESIG, as really been 2 Inning expenence or me, {ihenngt sec denne, extensive design discussion proces, managing work with Siler ‘en roupt peopl, sharing ens end mang the wor happe, ws really a hallenge for me 1 om someone who conser growin, who tls tne room ond workout hogs may be ‘sbi slowat ties, yng ut diferent option: but conextre wih te bet possible mo oping tho my kits my deletion and my deseo eam moe wil be grat esst inthe ‘pojeionel word ana makesignicanteonerbaton nal my fture cadena ea oe, (pteetspiee) CONTENTS ere eae) enn) Drees Pu Cees ns Pas eee Peete

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