Problem Root Cause Solution Impact: Garbage in The Streets

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Problem Root Cause Solution Impact

Garbage in the Improper waste The government or It can improve our

streets disposal and the municipal needs to community and lessen
collection of garbage. monitor every phase or minimize the
for the collections of garbage.
Most of the people If can be, the Mayor They will not go to
Lack of Job here they go to manila should action for it travel far and they
Opportunities or other place that far and create some job salary will be more
here just to find and for the people here. saved and at least they
go for a work. are safe here in our
Drug Addiction Family problem, Open conversation Better community,
influence by others with the family. lessen the drug addict
and community, and
lack of attention.
Teenage Pregnancy No temperance, Always talk to their The number of early
guidance of parents parents and open pregnancy youth
and some of them are always. Have becomes lower.
broken family. temperance.
Riots At night there are As a solution we’ve The Barangay Tanod
some teenagers who reported it to the has a curfew hours
walk in our street Barangay and we'll and roaring when its
drunk and high then leave it to them. Now 10 in the evening to
will asked a fight to the result has done. check if the minors is
our neighborhood and safe. Kasiglahan
that's how it started. Village Phase 1E is
Sometimes, it now safe and no more
becomes a riot where troubles and I must
you can find a bottles say we can sleep safe
and rocks throwing at and sound now.
each other.

There are many problems right now in our community. Some of these problems can be easily
solved or can be impossible to solve depending on how bad it is. Many people think these
problems should be solved by the governments since they are in charge. But we can also solve
these problems if we get together. Not all the problems, but some that can be solved. We
interviewed five persons and ask them what problem they observed in our community. They
observed that the problem in our community today is throwing garbage in the street, lack of a job,
drug addict, early pregnancy, and a riot.

As we look around the streets of Phase 1E what we are most likely to see are the piles of trash
on every corner of the street. People have gotten used to disposing of their trash the “easy way”,
which is throwing them wherever they want to throw them. In solution to the community's
environmental problem is to motivate people and to promote the importance of going green.
Second problem, scarcity of job opportunities and, in some cases, lack of job openings remains
to be the biggest issue that confronts in our community. The solution for lack of job
opportunities, of course, to create new job for them and to improve their skills constantly.

Third, drug addiction has always been common in our community but we can prevent it by
decide to make a change and find support for addiction recovery. Fourth, teen pregnancy is one
of the problems in our community for several reasons. For example, there are health risks for the
baby and children born to teenage mothers are more likely to suffer health, social, and emotional
problems. I think that if there were a closer bond in family communication, the rate of teenage
pregnancy would be reduced. If teenagers knew that they could go to their parents and talk about
sex without getting the "third degree," they would probably be more aware of their options.
Lastly, riots in our community especially at night that makes our neighbors started to take a
move because it was a big disturbant to them. In all, government needs assessment to identify the
strengths and resources available in the community to meet the needs of children, youth, and

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