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Concursul regional de limba engleza “VALUE YOUR ENGLISH”


Clasa a VII-a
Etapa regionala –21 martie 2015


I. Read the article about a career in film and then answer the questions. Are the sentences ‘Right’ or
‘Wrong’? If there is not enough information to answer ‘Right’ or ‘Wrong’, choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (20 points)


Lana Carter has not worked in film for many years but she has already helped make several movies and worked
with a few famous film stars.

Lana’s job is to work the lights and the camera during filming. Sometimes, she also helps decide where movies are
made. She has worked on all kinds of full length movies and a variety of advertisements and music videos. She
thinks making music videos is the easiest because they don’t have to look or feel real. She says that working on
movies is more difficult because lighting mistakes can make the whole thing look wrong.

Lana decided she would like to work in film when she was 16. Her friends and family laughed at the idea, but she
found out about courses and did a university course in Film and Video. She says, ‘You shouldn’t worry about
making mistakes at university. Try new ideas and don’t just do the same as everyone else.’ She thinks that people
who want a career like hers should choose a course that lets them do as much filming as possible. ‘Courses that just
ask students to do a lot of writing are not useful to anybody.’

1. Lana Carter has had a long career in film. RIGHT / WRONG / DOESN’T SAY
2. Lana has met some famous actors. RIGHT / WRONG / DOESN’T SAY
3. Lana works as an actress. RIGHT / WRONG / DOESN’T SAY
4. Lana likes planning where to make films most of all. RIGHT / WRONG / DOESN’T SAY
5. Lana worked only on full length movies. RIGHT / WRONG / DOESN’T SAY
6. Lana believes that music videos are harder to make than movies. RIGHT / WRONG / DOESN’T SAY
7. Lana’s family wanted her to have a career in film. RIGHT / WRONG / DOESN’T SAY
8. Lana was one of the best students on her course at university. RIGHT / WRONG / DOESN’T SAY
9. Lana thinks it is fine for film students to make mistakes. RIGHT / WRONG / DOESN’T SAY
10. Lana thinks that writing is more important on courses than making films. RIGHT / WRONG / DOESN’T SAY

II. Cross out the unnecessary word: (10 points)

1. This is Alison whose son he is studying at Cambridge University.
2. Have they been taken the dog out?
3. The play has started an hour ago.
4. He was walking home when he has found a gold watch in the street.
5. I’ll cook dinner when I will get back home.
6. The phone had rang while John was having a shower.
7. Jane has been working at Madison Hospital since 2005 ago.
8. He has left for the station yet.
9. It was such an awful film so that we left.
10. Diana loves to listening to music.
III. Complete each of the following sentences using the word in bold so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence. You must use between two and five words including the word given: (20 points)

1. We weren’t advised to book in advance. ADVISE

They ……... book in advance.
2. We were bored by the film. FOUND
We ............. boring.
3. They made her tell the truth. WAS
She .......…the truth.
4. Could you open the door? MIND
Would ...........the door?
5. Let’s eat out tonight! GOING
How ... …..tonight?
6. I have never met John’s sister before. FIRST
It ... ………….. I have ever met John’s sister.
7. I’m afraid there’s no milk left. RUN
I’m afraid we .................... milk.
8. It’s a week since I last saw him. SEEN
I …………….. a week.
9. It wasn’t necessary for us to get a visa to visit Spain. NEED
We.................... a visa to visit Spain.
10. That’s the smallest car I’ve ever seen. SMALL
I have ......……. car.

IV. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold. (10 points)
1. What you did was silly and ............ LOGIC
2. You don’t need to wear a suit; it’s a(n) .............. party. FORMAL
3. I am looking for a ...... car for my family. RELY
4. They sell this house at a very ..... price. REASON
5. Who was the .... in your band? DRUM
6. London attracts many ........... all year round. TOUR
7. Every year the company gets an .................. to check their files. ACCOUNT
8. Mat has .............. reading without glasses. DIFFICULT
9. All toys should be checked for .... . SAFE
10. As a firefighter, I have never felt ..... . BORE

V. V. Write a story entitled “A trip to remember?”. Write 120-150 words. (30 points)

P1: set the scene (when-where-what-why-how)

P2-P4: development (describe facts leading up to the main event itself in detail; use time words such as: at first,
before, until, whereas, eventually, ever, once in a while, at times, in the end)
P5: end of the story (you have to refer to moods, inner states of feelings, human relationships, ideas, comments)

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Timp de lucru: 2 ore
Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.

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