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7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Note-Taking Guide

Habit Summarize Significant details Examples Person who

important traits of exemplifies (from
the habit presentations)
Take initiative; plan *Think before you act. “I choose to….” Katie Couric
Be ahead; be guided by *Take responsibility for (news anchor)
Proactive purposeful actions. actions. “There’s got to be a
*Focus on things that can way.”
be controlled.
“I can do that!”
Have a specific *Purposeful “If you don’t choose a Nelson Mandela
Begin with purpose in mind that *Visualize success. career; a career will
the end in will guide your *Create a plan based on choose you.”
mind actions. your goal.

Take time to *Urgent vs. important Deadlines are urgent; Drew Brees
Put first prioritize tasks based *Analyze tasks. eating healthy is (quarterback)
things first on intentional *Consider personal important.
thought of its impact.
Seek situations that *Non-competitive “I won’t be your Abraham Lincoln
Think win- allow everyone to be *Mutual satisfaction doormat, but I won’t
win successful; don’t *Sharing success step on you, either.”
focus on success at
the cost of someone
else’s failure.
Listening is key to *Listen to others. “So, what you are Mahatma Ghandi
Seek first understanding; once *Body language matters. saying is….”
to you understand, *Create opportunities to
understand, then your own work together. “I understand that you
then to be points can be heard. think….”
Work with others to *Teamwork “Alone we can do so Chris Paul
create a better *Being open minded little, together we can (basketball
Synergize solution; recognize *Creating solutions do so much.” ~Helen player)
and appreciating Keller
Take time to focus *Body Exercise; eat healthy; Dr. Oz
Sharpen on yourself; renew *Mind take time for yourself; (health advocate)
the saw your energy and *Soul focus on what you
your strength. enjoy and what makes
you happy.

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