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1. Consider the following phenomenon : “James is a type of student who likes to have physical
movements to learn English”.
What learning activity is suitable for such a student?
A. Memorizing a transactional text.
B. Observing a modeled drama.
C. Listening to a recording.
D. Simulating situational episodes.

2. Consider the following students’ achievement: “The students’ sample writing compositions on
news item are assessed”.
What form of authentic assessment will a teacher employ to measure the competence?
A. Project
B. Practicum
C. Product
D. Portfolio

3. Consider the following data: “Based on the result of analysis for K.D 3, the availability of facilities
scores 90, the materials complexity scores 70, and the intake is 60”.
What is the minimum passing grade for the English subject?
A. 73
B. 80
C. 75
D. 83

4. If a student always mispronounces the expression ‘excuse me’, a teacher should say … .
A. “Your pronunciation is bad but it needs improving”
B. “I think you need to practice again and again”
C. “If you practice more, you will pronounce it correctly”
D. “Well, have you practiced enough at home?”

5. What main principles should be considered in developing the English Curriculum 2013?
A. Relevance of standards of competences to school vision and mission.
B. Integratednes of the macro and micro strategies.
C. Inclusion of learners’ communication strategies in assessment.
D. Relevance of the core competences and basic competences to the level of education.

6. How will a teacher know learners’ initial English? INITIAL=PEMULA

A. By administering tests and non-tests.
B. Through an official document.
C. Through a faculty conference.
D. By distributing a questionnaire.

7. What question does a teacher ask the students at the end of lesson if the class atmosphere is at
low anxiety during the instructional process? ANXIETY=KECEMASAN,KEGELISAHAN
A. What can you refer to?
B. What do you think of today’s lesson?
C. What materials don’t you understand?
D. What can you conclude?

8. What elements are to be included in formulating an instructional objective?

A. Target audience, entry behavior, content, and condition.
B. Audience, target behavior, facilities and content.
C. Audience, target behavior, condition and degree.
D. Communicative purpose, text structure, linguistic features and content.

9. A learner produces phrases and sentences with lots of grammatical errors.

What is her/his level of proficiency?
A. Advanced
B. Intermediate
C. Beginner
D. Post intermediate

10. If students prefer to make use of sight during the instructional process of learning English, the
recommended instructional aid to employ is … .
A. Diorama=PICTURE
B. Ipod
C. Potcast
D. Headset

11. Jane likes to learn English by manipulating objects.

What kind of learner is she?
B. Analytic
D. Visual

12. Consider the following data: “ Based on the result of analysis for K.D 3, the availability of
facilities scores 80, the materials complexity scores 70, and the intake is 60”.
What is the minimum passing grade for the English subject?
A. 74
B. 70
C. 80
D. 82

13. After the question is constructed, planning procedural steps to collect information/data to
answer the question or to solve the problem is set up.
What does the notion refer to? NOTION :GAGASAN,IDE
A. Situational Instruction
B. Cooperative Learning
C. Collaborative Learning
D. Discovery Learning Model
14. Consider the following description of a student’s attitude in a school report: “Salsabila is
considered polite, fairly concerned with others, and self-confident. Honesty, responsibility, and
discipline are relatively improved”.
What grade will the student have?
A. Poor
B. Good
C. Fair
D. Excellent

15. The main objective of assessment is to identify students’ progress in learning.

What does the statement above imply?
A. Assessment of students’ learning must be comprehensive and conclusive
B. Expressing ideas communicatively on various topics on their language accuracy
C. Utilizing correct grammar, vocab and pronunciation on different language functions
D. Carrying out a number of language functions with different topics

16. In designing English instructional planning a teacher should consider some pedagogical
What are they?
A. Teachers’ background knowledge, relevance of vision and mission, school facilities, and
scoring rubric.
B. Inclusion of learning objectives, relevance of learning objectives and competences,
utility of instructional media, and time allotment.
C. Students’ individual differences, relevance of basic competences, indicators, materials
and assessment, student active learning and utility of technology-based media.
D. School name and identity, correlation of core competences and learning objectives,
hidden curriculum subject-matters, and remedy.
17. Contents of curriculum as reflected in the learning outcomes are transformed into …..
A. Cooperative and collaborative learning
B. Core competence and basic competence
C. Core competence and spiritual aspect
D. Basic competences of knowledge and skills
18. The main objective of assessment is to identify students’ progress in learning.
What does the statement above imply?
A. Assessment of students’ learning must be comprehensive and conclusive
B. Expressing ideas communicatively on various topics on their language accuracy
C. Utilizing correct grammar, vocab and pronunciation on different language functions
D. Carrying out a number of language functions with different topics

19. Pay attention to the following problem: “Based on a teacher’s observation, 80% of the students
have achieved the minimum criteria of success for reading comprehension less than the
determined score 75. The suitable title for an action research title is ……
A. The impact of board game on the students’ reading comprehension skill
B. Enhancing the students’ reading comprehension skill through interactive reading
C. The description of inefficient students’ reading comprehension skills
D. Mapping out the students’ reading comprehension skill through discussion
20. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate title for a classroom action research for English
A. Word-chain games to improve vocabulary size of 7 graders of MTs Nawangan.
B. Enhancing motivation to learn English of students of SMP 3 Ngadiluhur through ICT-
based Games.
C. Using PQRST to promote reading comprehension of eight graders of SMPN Tanjung.
D. Effectiveness of think-pair-share in improving speaking skill on ‘Kite Making’ of grade
VII students of MTs Ili Galuh.
21. Consider the following statement:
1) To help a school principal to improve the quality of the school facilities.
2) To provide opportunities for students to reflect their learning and plan further action
3) To help a teacher to measure students’ achievement in terms of core and basic
4) To let students think about appropriate learning strategies to improve their competence
5) To give comprehensive information of students’ achievement to parents

Which statements characterize ‘assessment as learning’?

A. (2) and (5)

B. (3) and (5)
C. (1) and (3)
D. (2) and (4)
22. In designing English instructional planning, a teacher should consider some pedagogical
principles. What are they?
A. Teacher’s background knowledge, relevance of vision and mission, school facilities, and
scoring rubric.
B. Inclusion of learning objectives, relevance or learning objectives and competences,
utility of instructional media and time allotment.
C. Students’ individual differences, relevance of basic competences, indicators, material
assessment, student active learning, and utility of technology-based media.
D. School name identity, correlation of core competencesand learning objectives, hidden
curriculum, subject-matter, and remedy.

23. Consider the following learning objective: “At the end of the English lesson students are able to
make photo book with sub titles about school life and end semester camping.
What learning activities should a teacher conduct to achieve the objective?
A. Formulating a question, planning procedural steps to collect information, analyzing the
information, gathered in a systematic way, and pursuing further problems.
B. Determining a topic: planning procedural steps to collect information, analyzing the
information gathered in a systematic way, and pursuing further problems.
C. Determining a project topic, designing the procedure to conduct the project, together
with the students arrange a schedule monitoring progress, asking them to write a report
and then present the product in class.
D. Formulating a question, planning procedural steps to collect information, analyzing the
information gathered in a systematic way and making inferences.

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